The Signal, 1894-10-25, Page 6T I SIGNAL': GODZRICH, ONT'. THURSDAP !OCT. !s. lift. EDITOR BUCHANAN'S DEATH Meewaed is Dialer ower Waite taeterer 1.g Prem elleekt.w rear. HAMILTOn, Oct. it- While returuing groat the Rockam tett ou Wednesday sight .1 l: Buchman, city editor of the ilatallt.e Times, awl a well known and popular vitiate, was drowned in the Hum da. canal. He left Ri.cktoa with Mr Gi dluer. editor of the Timm, taking a roast that runs along the canal in am.take fur the main thoroughfare. They soon dlarovered their mistake and in turning the rig ones& to reuse* their carp., the twiggy slipped off the nes! into the water, throwing hot Ii turn ,cut Mr. Garliuer awaen ashore but to the ,iarkne'.. could and no trace ,.f hi.. coumpeouon He at once went for assistance. and in a few lotion. the hely of the drowned man was rentor a 'el i (:rent sort .,w is felt hereat the rad event, Mr Buchanan tiring connected with news- paper work in this city for many years anti having many friend.. lie was for needy on the Spectator ataff. m- --'s Eliot reit. HAM1Lrir, Get. it At the maim. court before Jti.lge Falc,om►wtlge the 'Owl suit of Heaton vac Brierley was concluded yes- terday This cater of it aeries of suits brought by Mrs. Elizabeth Beaten. of Flmr•ingtou, agalu-t several twerapmpr. for publishing sn artit le taken from the New York World in Auyntat. Pact. regard- ing 'egartiIng the my'.teriMui. disappearance of a wealthy gentleman Wined Cicero Harri- men Cane. who we- list overboard from the old Dominion Lime steamer Guyana dcdte on a voyage from mouth ('arolioa to New York. Mr Brierley defended himself cwt made an eloquent defence. The judge charged strongly is favor of defendant. After luring out % eun.idrrwhle time the jury returned verdict of SI and crista fur plaigtiff_. le is un,lerahsal the verdict was a c,tupromiug one, seven of the jurors being strongly in favor of a verdict for defence. Terrill.. Bale er leewfe.adlaad, ST .}oiH.a, Nfld.. Oct 11.- St. Pierre. the Vrench colony on the south coast of Ifewfoundland, was visited by a terrible gab' which caused the hew of at least to live, and u npredecenteal damage to ship- ping ping.\ More than Si Testi. anchored in the loured error :driven ashore and been were dear royeil. Their crews ly by the memo chance. A than leen French' fishing Tea - veil at St Pierre within a tag Iwen compelled gilled to make nee of damage nuataitied he Sundry before last. oily on the hieiiktL . All outs losses. are believed t Mont meowed Beet of rut aria had a few days, ha port in conacgi to the gale on which raged furl, Tearwla reported skips are missing an foundered with :Wylie Alma Veneta tiallty. CYRRXWALL. tint.. Oct. t. -The trial of Merles Grego for the murder of Petrick ('uwgr,ve on the night 'of Tteptenihwr Was coot -bided I.tst night. w n the jury brought in a '.relict of "not guilty." and the pr.plr of Cornwall were not tanner to bear the horrible death sentence pro uouned on the pri..mer. The room wa, literally pecked to the tit so. anal which the jury flied out it deathly %ulenee prevailed When the verdict ..f "nod guilty" was rendered• the pri..mer was le■•tnred ani finally diachen/oil. lie thanked the judge and going over to hi. lawyer. Mr. Mac- Lennan. Amok his hand warmly and the court adjourned. TRAGEDY IN PARKDALL ■ ystertewe ea.wties of trrook We etween-- The lagaees. ToNO'To, Oct. a.--Aten/ed* annealed by circumstance+ of an uu timed character was emoted on n ight at the modems, on Jamiosim avenue, Parkilale, of our of the moat prumtlteot t•itiarne of the West I' ud, Mr B. West wood, whereby his atm Fronk. aged 1W re .-rived probably fatal injuries. About II o'clock on Saturday night while Mrs West wood and Frank were sit- ting In the parlor their saute a sudden ring at the door tell. awl tnuar.iwtely of terwarela Mr.. Westwood was startled by geeing the face of a man peering through the window Frank at once ren and went to answer the summon.. He hail no aootwr opened the door than a pistol .Mit rang out cwt the night air, startling the already frightened mother and noising the entire household. Mrs. Went wood run to the door, Mit for a moment could not see her son or anion el...- for the smoke front the powder. When it cleared away .he saw the form of her eon lying prom in the floor with hi. life -blood noising from a wound in his side. All kiwis of rumors are In circulation, hut mystery though the tragedy is to the family and the aorl.l. the would -Ie mur- derer is known to his victim, who per- tivacioudy refuses to divulge his name. A salting Incident or jealousy is said to lie at the iattont .d his reticence Thno%Tu, Oct. It. -Frank West wood died at six o'clock tt'rdie.biy morning. Around his iwslnide were gathered his Tither, mother dal two bndbere. All night lung au anxious watch was kept in the silent chamber. for the physiclanahad intimated that in their opinion the n.for- Hinate lad would nut live through the night. Hb. youth and vitality held out for boons/against approaching death. Tuitovr•. Oct. ia. - -Thr curtain was rung up on another act in Parkdale'. tragic drama last evening when the inquest Into the cause of the death of Frank B. West- wool1 was opened at No it police station. The witIMs+.re Were mtunrrou., and among therm were several turutbers of the Westw/mei family and a uwuber id pro- minent reminent Parkdeliatis. Dr. Griffin wan- first sworn He had nothing of uliportant-.• to tell. except that Frank Weetwisel hal called upon him Alstoit AA:, :;atlirbtt' ••vetlug ani secured a prescription for a slight kidney tn.nble. After the shooting the victim had told him that he did not know who shod him. He knew deceased intimately int had not the slightest knowledge of anything which might account for the shooting in any way. Mr tt'estwiad, father of the murirrd boy, had practically nothing new to tell. his endetirr being in ole94 aptioet the same an already pultIkti al. Polis• t.ergt Hirt of No. ff. and other officer• ,race rt.i'lru.,-. which. however. %bowed nothing 'mire uinIstrt:oit than the fact that the polite protection was tot:clly inadequate. there lacing only two police- men ...nth of (urea street and west of St turban &Vella, Mr.. Hite. of I: Starr avenue. repeated A IMItltll billIMMIPIr O&M WNW 1111 be wasted. lea gaahas tegsiber the en be .t broad that meemistar and s11& thecal ter peddler. sakes, 111110.11. Eike serapes all the &Nigh hem the sides of sod bitterm et the pan h wawa bread bad bake m salted, se that net tie smaJlsst pr - nob Y warted. tins deo net serve the ee.p with fat fieatiar ever the taeesalps oee.- tspbelt tea rem/vim Pieces el ..eked .tat ere edteem He aro, skims the fat her MuY ire hash. or.aleeetea, eta. The vewe�' w net oft ta writ sad sped, bat are wok ed while they are fresh sad crisps The tie careful hoseekesper' has limed mit eeoret of making app•ttang dainties wit of lett-ever& Those dobbin are sever placed eposthe table a pop' spotless rd style, iath- Tb. be arras/tatforks, p tem, mai glassware alas tativee, Ioxks, pia m- osses the "Magic touch" that easaot tail to make the plainest table bright mad attract- ive. la this boushotd dishcloths w kept ss cissa that rats are not aoxsotd by the der. Neatly made holders are used in the kitchen and they are always tousd where tbsy can be found when seeded. The oatN- ful housekeeper forgets to remove soap from the water she hes been umng, sad when smell pieces accumulate she adds water and "boots them down," oathus h s keeps on band a supply soap is excellent for cleaning sinks, hitches floors, etc. Scrubb.ug brushes are net al- lowed to become mouldy and lose their bristles, but are carefully washed in cisme water and hung up in the sun to dry. stave is kept clean and the tire regulated -se that there is so possibility of the store be- teg burnt out or cracked by needless ire. The best knives and spoons are never used le the kitchen and the steast.,l�sin which food te cooked are alwaysscreape,1 .secch meal red ed sad thoughly waskd The carefulan p aced where they belong. housekeeper is tidy and methodical. un- happmess and discontent are unknewa in her hobsehold, her husband and children are healthy and happy. die confideatly anticipates a serene old age of comfort and plenty, cad doss with 'seething to fear end little to regret. teeeelt ef reolieg Web a eiaa. HuAftrroc, Out . Oct. 11. -Herb Joyce. a boy about 1$ employed in the Banner Mote. shut his brother Will. a lad a year or 'two younger, wttb a shot gun. The whole charge struck the boy /alumni in the face at not more than twenty foot range. and the only wonder is that he wits not in - at not ly kill.+& He was taken to Tor oto hospital. It appears the youths were alone when Will playfully told hi.. brother to point the gun at I and sae if it was loaded. which was thaw. and H,rttert found to hi. sorrow it wit. loaded and he is now alna.e.t wild with grief at his rash act. Railway A.eide.l 1. Quaker. ({['Eerie . ( tet 11.-A railway accident ` pr eel on the Q.. Ii. and C. railway ye,. _Imlay It wa. called by a niniale of cows running eons s the construction train. Six men were thrown off the platform and the train was derailed. This occurred lte- t ween (i rand Ili vieteanal l'apeT,ourmente. George lh•st.iru ant Iotis ',tawny(' were killed instantly. Your men were seriona- Iy injured. One of them named inns ert had his left leg cut off and his left arm "Mow ,. .red. He will die. The others -+urlw and I.eeiveo� more or leu i)cwtuy ..-,. one or two are In • critical condition. ley -- Trade is the D.mlales. MoltTltIAL. Oct. 13. -Trade le fry sc tire throughout thin Dominion. though a slackening in &maid is noted front itch tember activity. Groceries are in better demand here and the export apple trade is very large here and at Halifax. Profitable reform, are hoped for. Mild weather in the Maritime Prov i nee* checks the demand fir heavy goods Bank clearings at Ham- ilton. Toronto. Montreal and Halifax ag- gregate 11140, 1Al,(PPt, a decrease of a.(at per cent. from last week, butt an income. of 5 per cent. over last year There were 37 failures report.eri from the Dominion of Canada thin week, compared with 10 last week, :Q a year ago. and es two years ago. In-uh.tanr, the .tory she hail prw'iou-ly given to the pre.. . a queer feet which she stated was that the first shoo Syn very ut/p li the l..ndrr of the two Mn I of Jamieson avenue, repeated the 0 .ry she had lireviou.ly told of a coming twin who ha•l preceded her down at .fret alaent II o'clock on the night o h, .h,..tinn He wore a fawn overcoat anti a derby hat. wag of medium height. hal tierk hittr :and airflow complexion and y .haven facer She raw this man grounds of Lakeside Hall -sof as primitive. Her young win of shot a few minutes Later, . She was positive it was t wood who entered the .ill.aa enter th t lis. •he hear., a pi but .he diad n u .t Frank -t gate. The evidence of Nies Cant' wag In acme r -.pas hs contradict. • of her mi*her'ss, toot .till the Crown attic: some importance to the latter's story shortly before midnig adjourned until Monday "The Hulag at ttagites." K r s o. car iv, Oct. 13. -At the investigation held at the Royal Military College into the alleged hating of Cadet Plummer, his father moved two aepaente charges against wee Rennet, said to he the leader of theme guilty of practices. which at the first sits ting were no far proven that the) were ae- ,ep teal by the authoritie�es as a full just - Station for young Pllmnmmer's ►tuteeo without leave. He is now at home oa (rave, pending the completion of his fors I wwtrho.l the train. Hr is a middle (Recharge, echarge, for which his father hili 1 tend violI aged awn of good build rind Tows a long applied. - - I (deck beard reaching t.. hi. waist Noone Probably es Aeritdeat. knows where he sleeps anal the people in CHARt.OTTETuws. 1' E. I., Oct. 11 - the neighls.rlesrt are even more perplexed Robert tonne. aged ::i, a farmer on St. to know what he lives upon, for he never Prem'. red, went duck *hording yeater- asks wnynae• for food. flay and a few hour. after his hotly was foetid on shore at Font River. near Falcon- j Newr Midge Over pm Trent. wood asylum. shot Ihn,ngh the heart, the Tuveroe. (Mt., (let 19. -The new steel gun lying by hi. aide Nothing farther la bridge known a. (.onbwt's bridge. moons known regarding the acr•iclent lVeased the river Trent. about a tulle north of the was married only a few months ago town limits., ham lien inspected ley Warden Farley anti the county bridge committee ■estreat Pollee lasemetgwuewa and accepted from Mr Robert Weddell, Illooeweitt, Oct itt.-The city council the contractor It is a magnificent termc- reaterelay intended the power. of the prise Imre and was finished fifteen days ahead nvestigation en as to enable it to hold an •,f the tines Called for The bridge I. a •nreatigaalclo Into the gement working* of .,,,,lit to the Cenaty of Hastings and to the .he forme, Some interesting develop- noble river It spews. wents are expected when the committee )sr.measta be beer evidence. Twelve Tears fee Itrekaga Mao at/lel, PRFAQry i'it.t. Me . (1i -t 1I The Bfe. m • ea -r St__a w Ir* hotly of Wm Tran. cf St George, pit•►►Alas, Wet. I8. -Michael Montague, N It , wits fonn.i ..n the track six mike who we° frwwMely a rratdent of KIngatam. .math of hen• His h...1 was completely ).t , was blown front the top of o ear of severed front the 1..ly and ' pe*etated • cotter yena.eday. falling on his head Iha horrible night How the accident .ecmre d anti was frastnrsrl and ha died la a few M not known, trap particulars qday be w Mite slintefamily at peewit lives in womb, nut M the invalid today. Ma My. the inquest was vetting. l.irseeu Peso A ea. oyiti ot'ot Pt..g'E. Ont.. Oct, 13. -The Faetero Press Asaiu ieticn met here and although not very largely attended the meeting was a very pleasant and profitable one. There were two .each ns, morning and afternoon, the sitting* bring held in the ball over the Central ('aDattlan ornex• It was decided to reduce the limits of the ataocbation to that formerlyrovenal by the Ottawa Valley Prem. Asnociatie'u and to adopt the old name. The officer. elected were: President. W. .1. A. Macdonald. RAM'S HORILETS. The more yen love yourself the less you will be loved by others. The one who has suffered has • key that ,an unlock many hearts. It is much better to love Nome People than to agree with them. Bthousneee and liver complaint, headache etc., are cured by Burdock folie. Im 'it ben the devil can't get to church him - 'elf be always seeds • hypocrite. Put a pig in the parlor and it would im- mediately begin to look for mud. trod never asks anybody to bear more thss one load of trouble at • time, The man ache is cheated as that mach better oil than the man who cheats. The only safe foundation upon which to Mold for eternity to faith is tied. The hardest thing the devil ever tried to do was to starve • good man to death. Christ's rest is beat enjoyed by those who are trying to gave rest to eomebody else. The Ruble teaches that the way we teach the poor u the teat of our loyalty to Christ. Many a man has become • lever of the bible by hearing some uhdel talk against it. liagyard's Pectoral Balsam cures coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles- Im ( o believe one s self more cunning than others is • mistake. The fox is more cun- ning than an tees . but there are more fox skies in • furrier's store than am skins. We know whereof we •hires when we state that Ayer's Palls, taken promptly, at the int symptoms of colds and fevers, at' rest further progress of these disorders, and speedily restore the etomwch, layer and bowels to their normal and re/dor action. "Wbcn I was a Coy," Writes Peiattuaetr•r J. C. Wonlaox, Forest Hill. W. Va.. "I hail a bron- chial trouble of such a Is'--i'teut and stubborn character, Out tie d,ie for pronounced it lin'"iraiele wild Ordinary moilklnea, and awlvietd me to try Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral I slid so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years. I have used this preparation with gtwd effect Whenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of uun:la-r+ of people litho keep it in the I s, :ail Cie time. S ot cions dt'rillg it safe to be with - omit IL" .. __.. _.. " 1 have been mien Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for )vera, with the most satisfactory tomato, and can e1. •erfully re.oninwnd it as being epe- cial:y adapted to all pn'm.,t..try corn. 1•:.tiut11. I l iv'. for nc rev ). ars, mads r .1 lino nary and other me. i..: tars a special s! rdy, and t Love core t. • t' a conclusion Rat Alert Caere' Prrt,.r,; .occupies a yc.•it..mn'pM,taln. it . Medi- 'r.ee. of Co clams ."-t" a.1 Davenport, 1),,:•.-r, N. J. Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral Pr. p,rei by Dr. J. c.Ayer 1. NI vs. Prompt to act, Suretei cure (nada'. Beet Family Paper Tota Hailton Slectiler in. MIONT PAOId aa'' SIXTEEN ro PAGES Twice a Teen .. WEEKLY Week', papers ate neo sas ter s e times thed is tree vs wig. the spirit nor •d• awn, hive ttter. sedthe th mow ,..alas site of the yoi n'ar Gently parer ..trig paver. retro tell Is‘ aaecaret y VI Whe �ttatYday yr osiers tante edit ion will contain t he ne�wslt_ ov utrcnl re of regular weekly payer ers will .ad this quile as advantage.tt mi the moat teatures are Talmage market Iller,s, •ed vial ,roamrnhs ou waited a to sad we owl.- s *pro.: Statute of a long lair al meet of an intereettng serial story by Wadies authors. $1.00 ;o 1st Jung, 1896. To Wee sutra-ober* we etre t:.e balance of I1a1.and until i•tTRY January *taaaforOiieDollar. ITLiberal romwia.lOe w Agentts stet rlol& Apns es wasted to en usrrorr nor tet me and far William address ea it W 6UI(NP.KIhT16lo . THE RETIRED BURGLAR. Seared away by Mesh for neap Seem the Seem Across the Mall. "After • good deal of trouble," said the retired burvlar, "I had worked my way in- to the cellar of a house up the river,aad had got up into the dining room. There wasn't much of anything there; in fact it was • disappointment -stuff all plated except • few spoons -and I went on up I struck in to • room on thereat floor that had • table in the middle of it and some chairs arouLd it: looked as though ;somebody'& been hav- ing • little game of draw 'flier. was a bed over is the left-hand corner with no body is it: and straight arrow on the other side of the nom, with the table between me sad it, was • bureau. "I turned es my light long esongi. to Douce all these things, and I thought i hal 'em photographed on my mini: but aches I wee going past the table on the way over to the bureau. I shaved it a little too close and kicked one of the chain: not mach, just a little hit of a kick, ;in feet, but the next minute i heard somebody in the room ever oath* other side of the hall door, right op poeits the door of the room i was in, hel!er- ta 'Fire' murder' mar -der' Jim' Jac.' John' thieves' Mailers! rebbers' mar -der'. and then he began to swear. I thought 1'd heard people swear: I swear myself, some- times, but I knew when I heard this man that I'd never heard anybody swear be- fore. "I knew he must have been • tough old chap 'not afraid of any Mies, taking his time about getting aronad, sitting up in bed now and hollerin' bloody murder and yell- ing for the help, and getting ready to come and eat me up when he got ready. It would- n't have surprised ma • bit to see him push • getting run through his door and open on me with it; but 1 didn't wait. "I went past the house the next day,and whoa I was going past the front yard i heard the same old man yellin' 'Fire' mur- der" and the whole business Prem end to and. The old villain was hangin' up in • big cage on the ver .da, • parrot, yea wider -- stead. I would have liked very much to wring its seek." Lee as Take Time. Let us take time for • good-bye km. We shall go to the day's work with • sweeter spirit for it. Let us take tune for the eyeoiog prayer. Our sleep will be more restful if we have claimed the guardianship of (:ode Let us tale time to speak sweet foolish words to those we love. By and by, when they can so logger hear us, our toolisi• Desi will seem more wise than the beet wisdom. Let us take time to read our Bible. Its treasures will last woo n we shall have msa- Arnprlor, Chani5le: 1st Vice-Presiclent, d W pare for the war of political parties, W. H. Allen, l'arletoa Place Herald ; Sed- 1 mo tee rise and fall of stocks, or the petty rotary -Treasurer. James Mastee&. •townie l3asi4te , lrxecutla'e ! ;,mmittee, G. F. Me- lilla'''.7.‘...eati Heeled. Smith's Falls; tv W. Cliff, Carleton l'lace Central Cana- lian ; W. H. Bone, Pembroke Standard W. K. Smallfleld. Renfrew Mercury : W T. Walker. Perth ('ourier. The following were elected honorary members: J (' .Jamieson, Belleville ; .1. Pollard. Napanee, T. Shannon. Kingston : T Southworth, Brockville: H. lane. Winchester. The date fixed for the &ext sleeting is the second Friday In .lune, light, at Carleton Place. The Wild Maas Aylmer. OTTAWA, Oct 1•S. --Aylmer has a wild man, who, if he floe% not. reside within the limits of the t.Arnt, livee In witch close proximity ea to make the residents' uneasy. No one know% who or what he is. He is only known as a wild man and everybody le frightened of hint Hies headquarters are on the farm of the late John Newman, alsout a mile and a half above the town. Ever) nu.rning for about two weeks past sac the Pontiac anti Pacific ,function rail way train has tweeted through the farm on Its way cityw-ard the wild man has made an appearan.e in a field at the side of the railway track, stark naked. Ile Me not threatened to do harm, but merely mood happentags of the day. Let us take time to be pleasant. Ths small courtesies which we we often Mit be- mire they are small, :will trams day look larger to us than the wealth which we hays coveted, or the fame Our which we have struggled. Let us Wks time to get acquainted with our families. The wealth you are accumulat- ing, burdened father, may be • doubtful Mewing to • sea who is a stranger to you. Your beautifully kept house, busy mother, can never be a home to the daughter whom you do not take time to caress. Let us take tune to get acquainted with Christ. The hour is oaniai swiftly for as all, when oto touch of His hand in the darkness will mean more than all that is written in the day -book and ledger, or in the records of our little *octal world. Since we all most take time to die, why should we not take time to live to live is the large sense of a life begun here for eter- nity. Woolly Free Press –Alto - FARM and HO.11E FOR 1595 .'- . $1 .00 Rets r•a..M IIMS $100 ENLARGED AND ISI ROVED. A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. For Sale by HARPER ,1 Lb, Crabb'$ Blocs, tioderich E lia TIMSES WILL 1110•T•1% i Rar. Det TALMAeiI rri.on delivered the ivaday prerlobatr. W art orates W A.uaat.ua- *ORO t'LTtrn•L MsTTtmt - Iuuatr+T . Lamm' Pau.-illsMr%•ed. SYLLabID eli CiTOr Yt:atc each week. A rigout TaLL sad 011ier intergaielt MAW ratter. At'BSUI 11iE NOW - Price, tine Dollar • rear is ales.n fir fa►e WI:EIIL1 Veer Maas sed TAR. AIM Mme .0 ell .4 pales. ttauau.. of hitt tree Agents wowed to every unrepresented trim to to solicit wbacnpt.on& Big comntiesion. FREE PRESS PRINTING CO. u nmet. - eCTABle. seat eeeteesy M is ear Mese. (;g.TLaats,- Last July I took conger lien of the (Mage and was ia bed for four weeks. I ass very weak sad could not meek above • whisper. Dr. Laweoo. of Hamlets, attended me sad wt a bottle of Milburn's Emulsion. It ace. restored my voice and health. WAs It eatiaada,Man. Tie tree.. hmause. The t-ioeroy's aps tel grievsnos was opium. This wee the cane of Chin•. It was debasing her beat people into • solidi - time worse than slavery. It had bees forced upon them so that out of its revenues Eng- land might govern lades odd at an incred- ible profit, sod yielding India as annual is- oem. of several million rupees Chita paid more for opium than site remised for silk. I Hooke to him ones about the increaes of the crop in China --fields red with the ETU- - aad suggested that it would be well to strike the evil at home. His totea- tios, he answered, was to encourage the growth of the home poppy until the Indian supply was driven out Thee • decree from the threes would desepium in Chios M and tore every poppy ever to rice or wheat. From ('sa1Nt of is Hug (lasso. by John Refa•1l Tema Oetteber Re- view of Reviews Made Ewe ON. 111 S.M. Palatka Advertiser : si.ee a fall grown scat wee V ea the ly ten lase ta shoe of Star lake. •t who* a large anteater, fun . was teen by several persons y smut'. from tea reeds, sad with lei stroke al its po.derees Tawe bite the gen is half. Be diem roe for a few inmate and wee thee ems to rim awe sad take the ether half of Ike mains* that hod bees kill w tea share. Gti Re CONSTIPATION. G'BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA,'• SICK HEADACHE, IREG ULATE THE LIV ONE PILL AFTER EATING i.I3URES 0000 O1GE3TIONuo., PRICE?S rTS TntpOD S Mt °t`wtntoj BEATEMALI STOVE -PIPE VARNISH Least Odor, Brightest L ire, Qui oldest ID rying, or all Stovepipe Varnishes CLIMAX FURNITURE l'OLlSH makes old Vomiters look like new, ENGLISH HEALING OIL, Use Our Ton c, CONDIT ON POWDER, HORSES AND CATTLE. It repays stony times its cost. Price 'Lx , 5for fit J0. We C. GOODE. - - Chemist. �YSTB�!LR@60VAT�R AND °Tannin TEPTSD axwtDINe. for all cute sod sores os man or beast QUICKEST HEALER KNOWN. Pries se. YOU WANT THE BEST Specific and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye peplos, sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, Imo of memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary diseases, St. Titus' dance, female irreg- ularities and general debility. LABORATORY. tODERIIN, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor mad pea.ef.otsrer. McLsoo's Swim RaxovAT-ow can be had from alln tan aa well alarms Ss the ugguebetwemOwes amend and aaoris arowl• Durham tied Trt tT. Alway 5Mo{(e T,'E m, i ); ,--.1.4 . Ay:4 J t*F4r. SO _21il :. �WM4 G0OP C' GAR,_' It is Really,.. rqua1 to any Imported .-,-. Ta ,Toy Adviceand2 INIi3t oik Qtf elltfl tis • 10 Cost 5tkol(e f r 500T) XCeelatc'eP, Patronise True Buy the " Gurney " line of Stoves and Ranges Oxford Rival,- " Bright Idea,' " Graduate," " Radiant Souvenir," " Countess of Oxford," and others, from $10 up to $40. WE HAVE a number of second -band Coal and Wood Stoves f[OfromZ to Ills. P.S.—There are ten " Gurney " Stoves sold in Goderich to one of any other make. For sale only by HARPER & LEE The leading Stove Dealers, Plumbers, Tinsmiths and Heating Erlgibeers of Goderich. E7 -Stove Fitting and Repairing promptly attended to. COAL OIL 4 Imperial •al's for 40c. Competition. Pu. Canopus( Pmerso RAn.waT Oq1 p•g�yaa~easer.{�e5Mthi with fang to ad me ftp I▪ t Mia en Noises pr adpise and to the _it 11s page 1111 ills[ every pear press whip O- gig `�s��an its tees& tames eTsrwd rsaaMig (teMr. caecal. a Opra�.st ttlsigh wires M ell y if�weM.BritW OeI mhlas.d Gest OQSe..-- South lids wrest.L Sou: BARCUPVL • tt beam Idasestar. aederlab DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU -Yoe WANT ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE P R. W. McKENZIE can supply you with a good article at a low price. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't, fail to give me a call. It. W. McKENZIE The Crabb Block, Goderich. MEa egwaat1ai�.Nit�ayeehtt Healer xalsat �a c•�ssreskmed.�ee wldl,. essi bald ter el dealers aseettes,ee by se tweeter d ides. we. parties. ee M \ewe extra D O t.. A. SMiTH a CO.. Toronto. Personal ! Spring is at hand, and atter Hoaaseldmbhg you will want a - TEA OR DINNER SET - We have the Largest acid Cheapest Assortment in Town. ti Before buying call and get prima 50 -TOILET SETS - 50 New designs to select from. Inspection invited. CHAS. A. N . UNDERTAKERS. J_ Mt OPTIErlir at BON Have eddied te their pf.seat bane= one of B. J. Naah'e Latest Of City Hearses, also the i eel Wee of funeral furniehingg Mt 0011* and are sew prepared to coadact funeral at prices reasonable bdaf This department will be strictly a:tooled to by hie eon William, who is the misplay et the late D. Darden ter the past tea years, knowledge el the l.asiae, and ty you pt late/Aim Isere to .hare partei public patlel age.inber the plat.—Westat, ea roar way to the pea' ries Gtvosl e Os a flail J. BROPHEY & SON • 8 --- »iso$` It. : MIXT TO_TOUlt 1011 A TELA