The Signal, 1894-10-25, Page 4TP SIGNAL : GOD ICR, OTT, THURSDAY, OCT. IL 11W. 4 the ignxl, m re _. n SITJUIT THURSDAY MORNING • I ..ealLSAC...T. Oso. et -. M ilertk+reM. litedertat Y esmmssiostiess muss w •ddr.ss,' l D MoGILUCUDDY, soh-* taw O. Yes Seders hA`bet HODRRICH. THURSDAY. O^T. lb til Liberal party to the knowledge of the low that weeld be emstaised by them shook* he withdraw even temporarily. Then is to day no man in Parlia- ment who has a better grasp of the political sit ation,or who has a keener insight into the softly work done by the party in power during the past six teen years than Sir RICHARD. In ad dition to that he has been the target of the Conservative press and venal politicia.e bemuse of his strict honesty and unswerving devotion to the fur- therance of economic and political principles which would take from them the pickings mei stealing. upon whicn they have fattened in past years. By his unflinching course in this regard he has made himself perhaps the must hated Reformer in public life, but that should not be a reason why he should not be supported strongly by the Lib orals. Their railing cry in his favor should be in this instance " We love him most for the curious he has made..' This is no tune for getting out of line. The Liberals are on the sv ret triumph, and anion.ot Itis. . should share in that triumph, non* is more deserving of praise from Liberals and a place in their front ranks when the next political battle is fought and won, than Rtcuiaii J011 ,1 CARv- wRIGHT. THE death of JArms ANTHONY Fuouos removes a prominent figure from the ranks of the Englisb-spak- ing men of letters. As a historian he was picturesque and brilliant, but a man of strong antipathies and pveje- dices. This was particularly noticeable in his writings os the Irish question, which were moat vitriolic and splen- etic on every occasion. But aside from this weakness, he was a painstak- ing delver after historical facts, and his demise will prove a distinct loss to the literary world. Tint gpeot.cl. of Hoa. MACK VIZI, Bossu. and J. 8. around Cat.sda trying to impress upon numbers of various Boards of Trade Um possibilities of working up • trade with Australia, when both of the gentlemen are opposed to taking down the barriers to trade between Canaria and the United States, is enough to make a saint swear. Both of the gentleman in lineation are practical politicians and in the language of Wall -street " they are out for the stuff" LARVK, particularly, is looking for a fat office as Australian commis- sioner, and he is using a wide and windy mouth to pave the way to the Lanita skerrying job. OFFICERS a the C einese Legation in Washington say they have definite assurances from their Government that ample protection will be giver to American utinsionaries during the Chinese J •pauess war. This assurance also applies to Canadian missionaries, and will be a relief to the many friends in this section of Hoy. hosALD elciILLItaAY and others who have gone to the Eastern mission field.. The Chinese officials admit, however, the possibility of outbrerika against foreigners in the Flowery Kingdom, but they are also certain that is such cases the power of the empire to sup press sucn outbreaks will be made manifest. SNAP SHOTS. The Fall is obssnable everywhere weeps la the pure a seal IHERE The municipal candidate is sock- ets up his .eves -y aim smile Nese days. The lot of the Canadian farmer, wa- der the Waage isaasse el the N. P., is ass • lumpy ear The Patrons is West Huron are sighting their pas Oe the esteemed a... dine War Ltd. Toronto the Good appears to have everytbnsg • real bad oty mad wish for - eves to the boodle desmons... A MISNOMER. TORONTO the Good is evidently go ing to the bad. The latest phase of its badness is an exposure by Rea. J E. Star, the agent of the Children's Aid Society, who is preparing a re- port on the baby ani question that promises sepsational revelations. He has found fourteen unlicensed baby farms, and says he will prom that their victims within the last year number several hundred. Mr. Stir charges that the existing state of af- fairs is due to the regulations govern- ing the Infants Home, which require any young woman who becomes an inmate to remain six months after the birth of her child and care for it along with another chill. This drives the woman to the illegal baby farms. The neat evil of the latter system is that many baby farm beepers accept lump suns for the care of infants. Therefore they find it to their profit to get rid of the child as quickly as possible. Toronto the Good is evidently a city where no whistling will be permitted on the Sabbath day but worse doings are permitted within the corporation bounds. it should haul down its sign of "Toronto the Good." LONDON the Leas is in a state of excitement 'of late. The resignation sf Mr. MRRuare as member in the Legislature for that city, has ap parently knocked the heart out of the Conservatives of the clschan, sad the rallying cry of Hon. Joni CARLING, "a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether," is no longer a factor. On the other hand, the Liberals are in great fettle. Tiny have lost no time in putting their former candidate, Mr. Honxs, in the field, and are confident of winning in a fight to a finish so soon as the con - constituency is opened. This is a novel condition of things in London which at one time was looked upon as an impregnab:e Tory stronghold. Even Judge Enuorr will not be able to make it a sate constituency next election. It is said that Lau aeales trip to the wild -ad wooly West has pet meat s his bases as wed as votes to his credit. The Montreal customs house ap- pointoest end the opening of Cardwell have bees • loag Una as the dry -deck. It is beginning to look as if the wholaesls poutiesiag after the Proving! elections was a ogee of big cry aid bails wool- The ool The Hon. J. C. PArritmolt is ex- pected is West Hares, to do • political obs,. at "fames weeding," wings the moat di1l er two. . For a man who is not debited with deficits is the budget retersa, the Hos. Geo. F.. Fomrsa is doing quite a bat of bor- rowisg ea Canada's er dot THAT man }Lawry, of Kingston, who occupies the position of Commis- sioner of Public Works for Ontario, will cause our esteemed contemporary, The Empire, to be overtaken with a "conniption fit," if he doesn't immedi- ately resign his portfolio. But there was • time when The Empire didn't feel that way. It was when a certain gentleman named .1. C. PATT*hsON was made a Cabinet minister without having a seat at all, and when it was nommen/ to wait until a constituency became vacant to relieve him of his anomalous position. The Empire is nothing of any account when it isn't inconsistent, and is never miters! ex,t sept when it talks foolishly. The New Era claims that oil hat not bees throws os the poloist' troubled waters of Clinton by the entailment of Resin? PoRTIa u postmaster. The poker players will have to hold their .venin soderu.ts is the wear after this. The town constable has been instruct - ad to lay for them with his oLeial club. The Opposition in the Legislature have changed their tactics. In Mummy" • case they made • martyr of their leader, sad now they have made • leader of their MAsrzs. ARE BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY. Times are hard Money is scarce. Wheat, the great staple of Canadian agriculture, has touched the lowest point for years. This fact, of course, greatly afec s the value, priceaidof never nearlya all other lines ofmerchandise. The scarcity of the Dollar increases Canadian dry goods history has it had the purchasing capacity it has to day. We never felt so enthusiastic over the big values we have to offer you ----but talk doesn't count much ; figures are more convincing. We know of no such eloquent pleader as a special low price. Here are a few quotations from different departments. Our store is full of such bargains. If you re- quire anything in our line ----we keep almost everything requisite to furnish women or men, girls or boys ----don't go by us if you want the best that is to be had for the least money : ` i $ C. Also -4 dome Ladies' Fancy Leather Belts, sold Ir 1Rdy at from 23c. to 40.. ZN cut have for 10 Also—New designs in Pim 11 } French Flannels, best Cloth, sold elsewhere at .'i0c. and 60c, our price 40 20 Also- Black Wool Moreen for Skirts, worth 20c., for I2} Also—Girls' Fine Velvet Tama, wily worth 75c., for ,_5 Also 20 Youth.' Suits, extra 6 ne, worth from $7.50 to $ 10, we offer them at .... 550 We sell regularly a Man's good Heavy Overcoat with Storm 28 Collar, (good value at $5) for. 3 9rs We have the largest line of New Ulsters and Overcoats in Goderich. Don't go by us if you need one Last week we secured 10 pieces of Fine Foule Serge Dress _goods waich is actually whole ailed in Toronto to.lay for 16c., we bought then[ so that we can give them to you for.. Also - 10 dozen Women's Heavy Cashmere Hose, everywhere sold at 2%c., we can sell for . . Also -10 dos. Heavy, Ribbed, All -wool Hose, regular 35e. Goods, we can afford to mark et. Also—l.i doz. Fine, Ribbed. Wool Hoes, spliced knees and heels, sold regularly for 37 }c., weofeerfor - Also -10 doz. Ladies' Merino Vests- the actual whalsfile price was $7.20 per doe, 60c. each --we can sell for."::.'7:. The corner loafers wilt have to keep off the 'Square se Sunday afternoons here- after. Causcillor SA/.LOwi' motion In- structing the constable tet make them "Move en," will abate the nuia•see. A Hamilton newspaper was recent- ly sued foe libel, one of the filatures of cm - plaint bane that in a report of • pekoe eourt cam the defendant had bee. referred to u "Tom" Head. The newspaper wen the end, end "Tom" u no longer tr,uhled with Big Head. • A few years hack sonic of the good people of t listen were not satisfied because Ru•tRT I'.,RTea, 111. P. did not make his home in that town, and now some of them are dissatisfied because Rtnun . Poaru F.M. has east in his lot with them. Clinton people are queer folk. FOR FUNERAL REFORM. .,T last action has been taken in Goilerich by' the pastors and under- takers in favor of reform in the con- duct of funerals, and the public will appreciate the movement. Heretofore it has been the custom to pay little or au attention to the hour advertised, and, as a result, much inconvenience was experienced by those, in the habit of Attending obsequies. This was par ticularly the case in *old weather, when the limited house -room preclud oil shelter to a large attendance, and many subsequent funerals have result el from dilatoriness on the part of those who had the couaduct of .the e. b0 25 Do notforget our Mantle and Fur Department. We give an entire store to these goods and show the largest variety ever shown in this section, all bought directly from the mranufacturers in London, Paris and Berlin. Mantles from $2 to $40. Fur Capes in all different varieties, every garment warranted to give satisfaction. Fur Capes, Mufs, Storm Collars, "°c., at the lowest possible Cash Store prices. No Credit. One price to all. If you pay Cash come to us and get the full benefit. $ I $ Men's All -wool Tweed Pants, worth $2, for 135 Men's c. All -wool Twesd--FMW - --- Lined, mold elsewhere at our price... Men's Fine, All -wool, Pm Worsted Pants, sold regulnbr for $4 and $4.50, our price... $00 Men's Double -Breasted Sark Serge Suits, regular value $7, our price ", 0l) A complete line of Men's and Boys' Suits at a saving of from $1 to $.5 a suit. The largest stock of NEW Cloth- ing in town. We would call special attention to our stock of Men's Gloves and Mitts, bought directly from the manufacturers, and which are without doubt the beet value ever shown in God - oriels. Also to our line of -Underwear, Top Shirts, White Shirts, Braces, Ties, Hats, Qaps and everything required in Furnishings at money -say - jug prioea 36 inch AU -wool Sheeting, good vales at 40c., oar rice.. . 36 inch Union ingrain Carpets, nasally sold for 45s., our Good Grain Bags, tell sixs,worth $2.50, our price 2 (hi Heavy Buggy Rugs, forth $2.25, for 1 Don't miss seeing our special line of Flannelette, new de- signs, fast colors, worth 10c., hi Best Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing, worth 25c., for I THE VOICE OF THE PRESS - ONTARIO ratite QR Ol.ta'x1l M.atre•1 Star 1)atane for • province without debt, u treading the path of mai- omy with commendable persistence. iang ago it decided that one ebamber mold de all the legislating required for the well- being of the people Iia sessional •llowaace is $600 : emirs is $800. Aad now itis think - is, of letting the Lieutenant-t.oveTner rest his own lodgings out of his salary of $10,000. They may Wk • proper appreciation of the dignity of Ooversment up in Ontario, but they also lack the ornament of • pro- vincial debt. t.o AL BUILDERS /11••11 'e SHOW. ceremony. There is no reason why funerals should not be conducted decently and in order, in a manner similar to that in which other functions are held, and the action taken by the pastor and undertakers of Goderich is certainly in the right direction. The opinion ex- pressed against the holding of Sunday funerals—except when absolutely un- avoidable - is to he commended, and it is to be hoped that every legitimate effort will be put forward to make it workable. The following resolution of the clergy and the endorsement of the undertakers speaks for itself HIS PLACE IS AT THE FRONT. 4OM F, of our Tory .ontemporaries are in a state of jubilee at present over the fact that S. 11. JANRlt, of Toronto, has been working for a nomi- nation for the -,Commons against Sir RICHARD CaerwaroxT. in Mouth Ox ford. We are not in r. position to state how much troth there is in the rumor, but of one thing we are certain and that is, that amongst the think - miss of the Reform party --and tis large majority are thinking mon— Sir RICRARD CARTwRIGHT stands in him mane He is too able, too heart and too indefatigable • inemher lie. Maay otoow f thewho sigasI sd e pati- bad bus prism" with sleeking. ragaier- ag•laat •ppef.ameef aalha nonuse M d mrlsssw la Gamma end iswNwNhe sway turned down, and the fa1W a eeend sleefrd a.aeeesv. Amesta d Twine sad ser, yeah ma wrest is edlietast to erases the ove.rl's, ass Alert is alis iduleess end kNeelusu dslar fish Our Boot and Shoe Department offers values to be had in no other store. We sell Shoes as we buy them— at the closest possible Cash figures. Fashion Sheets free. We allow the highest current prices for Butter and Eggs, and give you Goods at exactly the same prices as if you paid Cash. Chatham Kanner Stratford builders are surprised to find that the tender of J. Ask - with, of Ottawa, for the repair of the Stratford post-otfioe is $2,000 lower than the test local tender. I hey don't believe the work cam he des, for the price awned. It is the Chatham postoftioe case ore. again Mr. Askwith's tender was some $3,000 lower than Mr. ('raddoek's, yet when the building was completed it was found that the ( ►tuwa contractor had revived early $10,000 mon than Mr. Craddock offer- ed to do the work for. The extras did the rest in the Chatham caw, as they undoubt- edly will in the Stratford job. The local coatractors have w show at Ottawa. Whereas mob time is lost, sad unne- cessary exposure sufsrsd by many on fusers) eoe.•be.s by reason of n.ediews de- lays : For the baser anderstasding sad eosveaiesce of the public --r solved that we, the ssdersigaed ofergymeo of time town of (lederioh, when sailed ups. to officiate at fasseels, de what we ma b have the pee eseeis leave tet madams, ef doo.sesd •t this how iadesated on the patted eotiow. Ws also wish to plea, epos record oar ear. sent diapptevl, most is sass. of absolute ..se mity, el Sunday feseriM, as • needless isterfer'esoe with the week of the Lord's Day. JAL A. ANis.aow, Masa Tcawarii, II scrim faunas. Joao Zees. Rosser Una. We, the satsni'od eadsrtakers i the same tow. Imam I. tet share re- seluW., and in se for as it easmi rsa our- selves will aid is ferrying it est A. S. Ceiawm.t„ Om. Sassy, loss Sacrum Si Sar. `MAIM teckShfowe.Vvitt FVERYTHING TO WEAR particular department is the public eervies. sacs move his family Mrs, Lad Mr. Fair For some time pine M kis fasber's death, may ramie in tet ofhoe until one et Mr Will U. Fair bad premiss! and personal nes- Porter's sons has acquired sufficient know - trot of the allies, end we venture to say iedgs of the oils work to undertake it, there is not • person but will bear teen- though ibis is sot yet certain. molly to his sever- manes courtesy and 9smforth Expositor - Mr. Porter was a efficiency. ('lutes post office has been knows "is the serener as one of the meet street w oo the stump : M fought may reliable Rad methodical, the public tautest bard battles and made many perao.al merl- being remarkably well looked after, while has for bis party, sad it is ally fitting sad errors or irr.gulsritise were as entirely us- proper that he should not be f•rrgotten. He known uuantity. The credit for all this be- seeds the mon . he has earned it., and longs to the Fair family —the father sad moo especially, Miss Fair also contributing her quets thereto. We do not wish to say that others nay not do as well, but the fact that all the affairs of the Clinton effiee have bees so carefully managed and kept so absolnte- ly clear of irregularities. is ens that has lin- premed itself sort forcibly indeed epos the public served at this omoe. Immediately after Mr. Fair's demise, several aopliatbe.s were made fee the vacancy. Omitting those which we under. stood were afterwards withdrawn—the ap- plicaate were Messrs. Todd, W. Jasksam, D. C•stelos, John Iteaoom, and, we presume. Robert Porter, h' lmvle. Recognizing the fast that appointments are made as • reward for political services, it was admitted by . ill Fair's friends that, .etwitMtanding hie spacial 5iness for the position of post. master, sad lona association with the office. he would have tittle prospect of receiving it, se Isis supposed political leaai.p were opposed to the party is power, mad his friends did what they considered the next beat thing, and threw is their iagusaes sad support in favor of Mr. Jackass. So swear was the fealag is this direction that pal - bees wen forwarded to Ottawa, asking for his appeistuisat. They wore mimed b every perms is Stanley aid Tseksmmith reosivint their mail at Clinton post office both ('ssesvativ sad Liberal: • large .ember of the reside.a of Climbs mad Goiterieh township, without renpaat to veli. tics, did likewise, Nus showing that s al- most.esimoas desire existed in his laver, sad to the credit sad liberality ef • grist wary promissst Ce.aarvntives he it said, they openly and warmly s.dend it. As tinge passed &long the several spell. mass for the position sed whatever ish- epm.i.g eidrm sew they could oscura in their owe faver. mem audissee. and all bad • certain amesst ef support : As New Hamburg the body a "il.'' the Government found that the Mager the Prank., • medicine palls. reported to have place rwstained reset, the greater would seddusly disappeared last Satar'day, wee he the difoslty of karmamimiag the ser feued is the river. M RAT " TER (IO]AL " RAs. soh R. The Templar : T e power a the press has again been exemplified is the semen of the campaign conducted by Tux Ooow' u Sn.saL in behalf of rood manta is that tows. Our sesbmporary, in etsesea.ured teras, exposed the evil rampmat is that Northern tows, and demaadr that steps be takes to am it. Rsalt : -a police magistrate he. beam appointed .• • sagacious house of ill -false has bas demi and the keeper of it eoispelled to have tome : sad tet oo.soil hes resolved to appoint s el- ement polisaeias to sowed to law enforce- ment. All baser to TEx SIOtAL- TIT uaaCEAsT' To MAMA Most Forest Confederate : Why do merchants eweoarep the credit system You sewer that yen do sot know. Yes, you do. If the system wen net wesrsgsd by marches*, it would sot be is esises.so to -day. Did you ever stop b disk that the msswsatile semmoity ef the essntry is the only body of nam wet to a mms, tet credit system! Let's see, you 41St bey postage essmpe, postal sofas, messy erases, etc.. am areas. Gob the theses, and you pay mak. Asia easiness desisad cash es delivery Mils pentane. Why should set the sw,c domed s.d roman oak' !timely MM hi ewsoursgs tet audit system. • OUNTON POST OFFICE. Mete, pesos, as -• P., Appetssed ieet Clinton New Ira : is the month Si April last Thus Tai died. As • peas sway ef ear m aims knew, be W ler yeses held the position r paslmsatr. the deities .f whish •ren sus hien la t e' is 'work had bee. his time the T wo+ld rejod a snob puss Si lbs esti.s Si the Oer.er.m.s r bah trained Mem we believe e is capable of fillet it eth eieat- 1 W. congratulate Mr Porter on the feet that good look has at length overtaken him, and we hops M will he vouchsafed lost life to enjoy the pssitaon of trust aid emsilmsat to whisk he ha been appointed, mad whisk. is • party ssee, he fen well earned. In fact easy who hays done sad aacrileid much lees, bays been mach better served. So that no penman, either Grit or Tory, will begrudge Mr. Porter this aek.owledgwt of hie past services. Wing ham Advance Tbe poet master- ship of Clinton has been vacant for some time past and there has bas. mamerous ap- "Haitians sad strong expectations es the part of some of the prominent politleismi for the plum All those applying, but ens have bees disappointed, and that one par- ses ss se. is Robert Porter, ex-M.P. far West Huron. Mr. Porter has bees living on his farm at F.Imvale eines his retirement frem political lite His agslremeets are parti- osl•rly listing to his new panties, mad his many mead. will be to leers that he has been appointedto the office. Mr. Porter returns to his old riding with the kindest tailings from prey warm friends is Simon county : sad the appointment is te- prdod as • friendly sad sppeesiative emsta tie pert of Hca. J. C. Patte s's, the pre- set popular member for West Hen.. CANADIAN CURRENCY. At • —sting of the Cesamrvntive , ombi Ds et this Ontario t ppeaitisa bold Toes lay, O. T. Harter. M. was .eisebd Rader et the party. At peiseaild, Mans., Timothy U. 8u1 - live., ex-Lssd Ms. or of Dublin, wade the . of him tour beta. s o. - Collilletssilin lliParluers ip. Wall Paper! porter wham se appointment was mads. t Tb. Baptbt marshes at St. Tim, was tbectht thea tIr apesi.tmest of Mr. Tuesday agreed to meet awls next year at Porter se se outsider wwfd hail the "1'1, Mestreal Isms mod fermis mimlmrs wen sad to the --"moment s.d serprhe d near- tet tope,. of the day. Iv everybody. this gardenias Y epos The mimes is the Westwood ism was the mess., le company urn Htt i> mattnsed Tuesday su g. het the eel- s Monday night, ice paeessiou demes sddv.d developed within' sew. A office on s New further d Nt was -"ds. New aha Nw Bra »,t the et4tbat A was erre ted end takes N Le- hi' to Mr. ..... pw.s.dly. sr b tramp ►M reseivisg " GerwesMms eco" : we be. tewef s sssetaha o/ bis, mese-mod ice Iiove I. the pringiele et the party is power the Leith D.erdst, but all bat sae et W recordist ite bleeds. sial Vr. Per., hos witsosmeo and be woe sot the mac doubtless .send • ped deal -ore then he W. R. Meredith was Tuesday owers is is getting. At the mons tine we will be befogs ex -Asst Janis* (salt, Rtr Olives freak mem* to say WA we would ham Mewst end several .somber et the (Muria peolwrdb have ten" the poglWn p b d as a OsbinChief Jimmies of Osh ur lesal --a We believe Mr. Porter will de M M See a Mail tr tMdtwo. the Hons hie very bed b serve the pebdle, end ■aged intermit et the eart-, hat Nf the (1.....mms mast seder the ddoolem this they have misled the rivalry, aid made m einlaleetery iiwill be grievomily assk appointment. srMmws dew .me Is say way rearm es Mr. Perim. bet perhaps simply taws that -pestes e/h/uksO perhaps -ane Oass.rvssi.w set. bbee male se Ms Wed l board • Y prialesist W usMEla.d that IM. Puha wet ars band 26 " flealicht " Soap wrappers eha es i1g awt ( Why Dem a Weirs lAmounts"'.` Lek Old Resew Thom • Mss "1 t. LeverBrea. Ltd.. 41 bos6646. lbooste. and see AlAmountsdue the above Firm const he paid on or before Nov. Isf. ,of i 594, er the, will be handed in for collection. A large shipment of new Wall Pa per, straight from the Factory, just arrived bought to sell for 7c., 8c. and 10c. --sale price, 5c. per roll. To see them is to buy them. Sale Prow Per 'ea 12o.and 121.. Paper, 7e. and Ino. len ,180.11011 20e. Paper, lac. 25e. ,30a. " 35eOiltPapsr,l20.,15"-" 20s. 408..501. " (Was. " 20s.,25c." 30c. (AU at ism tbs. Dam.) Balance of BIBLES and BASKETS at and under COST. Church of England Prayer Hooks and Hymn Books, lac., 20c., 2k., 35c. and Mk. Presentation Editions at Cost Roman Catholic Pr.yer Hooks, lac.. 12c. and 17c., worth double the money. Presentation Editions at Cost. Presbyterian Hymn Hooks seri Bibles combined. large print Presbyterian Hymn Hooks, worth $1.25, for Enc. Psalm Books, Sc. each. Testament", 3 for 10c. Methodist Hymn kinks and Bibles combined. Large print Methodist Hymn Books at sweepingreductions. Full Morocco -hound Methodist Hymn Books, resentation Editions at Cost—jest the thing for Xmas proem This week and next. No Goods charged at Sale Pecos. The old Firm of ERASER & PORTER have by mutual eaneent agreed to dissolve partnership and will sell their entire Stock at and under wholesale prices, amounting to OVER $11.,000.00 will resides hy pada pretty !lawn from advertibig. ed well worth framing. The it as sup trey le deoseato your Mane The gasp 1t Its but is the market sal we only east le moil s le mad Is the wppal V yes Mom the .sat GPMvatic Tog Damn eme•sey. lly PRAS$R IC POUTER„ Booksellers and Stationers. loose t.*wle6. s tem.