HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-25, Page 3Deas.
DRim.•=ss• WCi.tH♦w ale vR. DuK.
onlemes ea Ira
DR ev1 Tstiot N. V ,-
�x ltylkt .alY afoottidy
dtttleb itos
ollossinr Mar. "VI
/ aelt.tterw.00lartsh�es ►V. &ooi1�. �
yM, "�e.1(001. 4ertnh.9.5. •M
111. LKWUl. � .. i odK•1`: r.R Thio, °f M
. OR. &c. Wise, or. Ileum Gad West
.gist, Bederiek. raver telegraph .tare Pro
i th ►wade to lead at lowest rates el 110101`-
U !WARM Attain* lieUenent, etc.. (node
Ica. J. T. Gamow. U.C.. W. Prsadlbot.
Hsr?were. Ssueltats a wao.7, tto,
o,d rtobaiese.m
O•erem, 01.0. ; P. tett ;
Death Rd
. ata. and •••edeeta..r far male. sad r.
r tM•,a of 111U. •f8d•rtte
loas at eelssss deviser.
mess to or say •ettea..Wa r pg►
rcdiaO L the H Conn er Juries. the
Count( Apeee1 m. fee teese la ear Osumi
r Ocala' yeort, All irra,aettese
sad presajltraa•seeej.
t.ul it '
LAWNS Rasa tn/uursRM.
. issataatosenew eppsils:111srth.YHotd
et ti ppeerr e,at. Ileum dematiated, a
shall ZS. elle* eipp eke Martla'a Measi. YM►
J11 Private reads to lead at be ser emit an-
1,111 Z. UANCICY, Matteis
areeeke ONberre Betel Ocithrlek. 51(41
• a,ate.me tasateao. sane• - at lowest
rt e--
OlOar. Nerth.m. amid Dene, Bed -
ant. it -
slob. Uale
ammo tee le
atieev die ra eMimeo s.�M.npi . ANM
Ali.ssserreassee. H sed MOODY
u. '
kt•eryns. at Usti shawlest mat eia
Petit beernle
It tOp w. W w ors M.
alliegleagllinat taIRalBS$..
Moll, eels. et sere street sad Siloam lne
Odea tress 1 eel r.er_. sad hem f b to r.K.
lwsols y Daily, Weakly end IlisutrsSsd
Perot. d/epasiwea, dc-
Y , rw fe.
Meuse tree w tUMBe
wry •ad ed
l bewMallestiese
o ra e membership reedeed M
Sed rW Horeb Mb UMy
.OgU11IDRT, Sp.
MinNMI ot UMN .71,ict MItta •Obi,
*Mal to Ia stir part of the sleety. 50.17
U uooer sad viwg hadIsaeahle mgr sa
sou. Raving maws is
r'titviwie with teedn. ~estleaRa•� e• mp
wawa* estrum* to YYYllss�ss... ttraste left •t
Ratite's Hotel. r meet by sail to W
�P. a swrdsd taMOa
ZCy U=
Dental Announeenten%.
.t TO vis eF
eiler*& PARLOUS.
fl0ai11;1IDt, OBT.
h•serM.wae ee11 faN fma shwa
etwZre thea mat
.stn Yid
Issue, to whoa I have the eaty ad
Pright to w la Sdwseh. the Woesbmovwy width le ~mated serer
seats the West We tiering th..xvasitloa
N hat er Soaps of oar urn Is suss
w meet
way little pato to the en
WI 1101..-08MowLOiiZD�
h easenMsateentlo that sever s• the
Mow the Wettest. Ie harmless se wow.
eel the bow
Ss mame,aw ti
k resseiwa wet oap� t• reader
ass• as It Is At
F"ww•ty aeevetass a fw aS•ess.
t lmtwetetpoeas Bole wadeal South • spoedew;
Yy Ia4wotr gene eniektld Itufly dnaG
A Utsela.tahe looms.
As Met weigh tem boss the talk et the
lees for some week. M t o oars of Reiward
Whits, whose iaiurf g. from mit rhesus
ileasmai were well known. Mr. White s
'memwit a is fellows :
P. twsl.c years provisos to the led few
*ado i bay. aeon • enders of the worst
hsei Salt Rheum. I tried twelve dtf-
donorsbues y patent nada-
tilos hot received se bssdt. but gttdeafv
warns worm Loot by the
iry M. R- B. Ypsemeeler, berm 1
Mremved a dsetdd ahem;st for lbs
*tw, and aoafy took ees
m bottles is me
e em a Ess. Wsrveu
2- 14wt o..te JO .
** 's of lits • -"vlisosear, sal Thea . sd
t e-
to be SetUed by Sart cyan
lr Maine and Alaska
Tb. thatessea/ That Thi. Meat N to Casa -
Territory 4'a. rr.os.s.re - its
LeeMlee stet inellwitely 111144.1111
The Mata, sad Now
I'.aawhk Liam
wr'imiros, Oct. IS. -There Akadl.
p• . betaitii the 1'nitad esaeibatWest
Brittain over two boundary hum. M.d a., a
work preparatewl- to the settlement of thin
controversy raro0a engineering 01.41 sur-
veying parties have leen in the field for a
year or [none, making wnrys in the sup-
posed vicinity of the boundary Iiura.
Their labors have bey completed and
their reports submittal, but they decline
to discuss the result of their work until it
is trade public.
It is known, however, that three surreys
have resulted lis a mauler satisfactory to
the Putted Stales. The statement pub
lishest that Mount St Rliaa, which has
always been held to be on t•titet States
sill. had barn 1105101 Ili he In British terri-
tory, is .tatedlto bi at levet preoral a rr and
nisi', without authority of any wee in pose -
session of the facts. The computations
hate not ben ,rade, asd until this i, dupe
the s1trvep will not aake soy statemo rat
on the subject The oSkrrs say that until
ter present .rrarat'. work has been com-
pleted no authentic details can be present-
ed upon which to base any ralculatiou.
The result of the work will enable the
surrey to crake the iut.•esectiuns .'f the
boundary lits• bet wren Alaska and Itritish
Columbia. with all the principal inlets and
river% and determine the location of the
principal mountains [nun the Portland
canal to 141st uterlduun.
The lither Is.nudary in controversy is the
water Ilne between Maine and New Brune
wick forthel by the Su Croix river. This
river (sounds the rastertl-n.4set limit of
the I' toted Mater. Kant port. Maine, bring
on Ito lank., near when, it . dere the sea.
The boundary which is an imaginary line.
follows the course of ter stream. meander -
lug in and out among the Glsnls that are
fo i is-ar the a h of the St. Croix ant
in the Atlantic neer the- Main land. .lust
where the line is. III .s-rtatn parts- his. fora
lung time leen an open question and the
fixed drterninetion of the line and ite
narking by fixed buoys in the object of
thew surreys Tarte will be some change
In the bouedarv, but not of special impor-
tance One pian known es Pope'. Fully
which is claimed by New Brunswick baa
lawn heated west of the hounder). and M-
eade the .tate limits of Malts. it isastnall
island- a lucre rock howerrr. and from
either a r.omut.nial or strategic stand-
point. osiers
Atter the., several surveying parties
have compiled the result, of their obser-
vatitmstbewhole work will be arranged
by the n'hbde States survey and torted
ower to the iso commissioner, use each
co the part of each government. If they
can wirer they will determine the proper
line. hated upon the survey, down the St.
Croix and between Alaska and British
Colombia. This done they will report to
their respect Ivy govern nents and the
boundaries will be for ever fixed by de-
finite bounds, marked by itdewtructable
land mark. The commissioners cannot
possibly cemeplete their task short of
another gar's work
Farmers Near M•atreal Taken Is by a
rreead.d Moak.
Mei\TP/AL. Oct is. -The farmers and
rrsidentn of the district to the north of
Montreal would be girt to bear of the
whereabouts of a certain indivutual who a
few day ago drrsswl in the garb of the
Brother. of St Joseph's (H -der. reached
their diet rico and after visiting the leading
reside -ma, including many priests, a num-
ber of people were victimized.
It appears that be wan the bearer of
many credentials, among these a letter
signed I,y Archbishop Faber, another by
Bishop Krnard, and three or four others
signed by distinguished people including
l.leut alovrrnor Chapleau. Some time
ago be gave out a very large contract for
what he claimed to be a branch of "Ills
Order which he wanted to erect at
"K Welke " Plans were drawn for the
new building and work commenced. As
the than at first exhibited a large sum of
mousy the farmers thought they hal a
Sial "hoot" in store and they commented
to (rust the man.
Upwards of t31,0esu worth of materials
was forwarded by various firms to the no -
called "monk" and the building was well
tinder way, when a few days ago the so -
-called Brother said he was not ant horiaed
to pay out any money for God's work until
inch a time as his "Superior"' had ap-
proved of the same. A few days after-
wards It skipped out with considerable
money and no word has sine• been heard
of him.
Onewe ed A4.dSsd t.eaa•
BT..taxi N. B., Oil, it.-Tbe jury in
the tense et Ass Crawford. charged with
the murder of John Branton. at Vairville,
returned a verdict of not guilty on the
ground of insanity. The primmer has been
committed to jail and will pmtnbly he sent
to the insane asylum to remain there until
released by order of the Lieutenant -Gover-
nor The verdict haw mused strong feeling
Isere. es Crawford was ween to commit the
deed and it is thought he is not insane.
The U. a. sad IL ateetrr. Rehear.
HAolt.Tox. Out. 12. -The formal opening
of the Hamilton. Grimsby and Iteameiville
electric railway will take place on Wed-
nesday A trial trip over the reel was
mail, on Saturday with every satldsction
and in every particular the road was
found to b, fire► clam The shareholders,
municipal represent atlWPM and others will
be invited to take part in the opening cere-
Aeaa,asatully *hoe Seed.
Moire apn*T, C. 8.. Oct ti. --A sad
shooting accident occurred here out Hater -
day evening. A young lel nemed Willie
Itsyaolda while coming shawl' • .abler In
the home fell against a gum that the oee an -
a wall, discharging
eti le Bete said kNWtghim instantly.
Cohens, M.ie aahl seaweed a jury, and
'mkt as hew set. The sandhi wasaocidental
The shoaled S'. sv$A Ar.eeed•
ammo, not., Oct. u -A item stllsweri
the deerrlption of the crievise who rms'a4wd
boo Whitby 1.U_ sense- dope ego after
Jtwaekttig the turnkey uweaseirow was
arevote d in the Norfolk Owlet hen by a
constable from Port Dewily, who b.0de'
the man one to the step/ d piles of tate
e ws
U.S. STAMP ROttetntei
•rctemems slaMs.4 is aka Matting taae-
aw. Ueeerastaa, am•Nerat Iapliaat.d.
WANHJUTJI, Out. it. -The stamp rob-
bery at the bureau of engraving and print-
ing turas out to be much larger than at
first suspected. Instead of one package
corotalatieg semis two cent stamps, It Is
now believed that over lsi,(rsineed passably
7rf(I.Ulei stamp► of various eletionithatithie
are nitsulag fhaetmiadere In all p arta of
the ioutary. It Is thought. have received
fewer stamps than they ordered and tailed
to notice the deficiency When their quar-
terly reports are made up these shortages.
stay bee found.
The stealing has horn going on for
thirty days arid arms G, Lace bran Or
roenit of a plot. N'ttllam It. Smith, t.
wetly of Plainfield. N..1 , and (:-urge it
L.niestreet, who were employed ui the
•noop.lepnrtnteut of the bureau of ,r
grieving snel printing, are under are t
and detectives are looking for Win A
Beech who war until recently employed in
a hotel billiard noon in this city mid „
luau whore name is believed to he Kin -
Rah sten left Washington on Wedme•-
day for the purpose of selling stamp..
Smith has mode a pr,pusittou to the ali-
t horitie, to t urn state's evidence and make
a full confession if they would sign a
paper Kitaranteeing hint pruttrtIon. Ile
said he would implicate government em
ployrs much higher than himself. He a -s,
t.d.l that such protection could not Is -
granted. The authorities are at a lies
what to make of Smith's offer ahs be hail
told many conSltiug storks since his
firs of the Wiesen/1es Temm Dying is
♦saeesver Veer a AMP. tread.
VAT.'r'VEn, B.C.. (Ht. -It -Frederick
Tun.4-r. a tnrinber of one of the kali' g
families of New hl.-$tmineiter, is dying
from a knife wound inflicted on him by
Gracie Irwin, with whom hr had horn liv
WK. He WAS a fast bicyclist and a crack
rifle shot and went to Wimbledon with
the ennatIiat teats.
Turner told the woman that they must
separate. lie is in an nnceniciona Ce,n-
ditiun and the doctors have no hopes of
his recovery. His mother b. dying from
the shock The woman wan arrested. It
is sent her real name is Bowman and that
Stec was born in London, lent.
New WS:sTYjNsTEir, ILC'., (let. 13. -Fred
Turner, the yo'eng real estate and Maur
an.,. agent. who wean stabled by his mis-
tress. Grace Bowman. is pronounced by
his physicians Ii, be of danger. The
woman has been remanded for week.
some.. AeeMest 1a Ale.
AVM, (hit., Oct. l3. -An accident which
may prove serious happened here to Mr.
i.folin Guthrie and her daughter Steasir.
They drove to Baker K Me('oll's store.
where Mrs. Guthrie alighted front the
buggy and Miss Guthrie turned to proceed
up the street. when the horse took fright.
turtling suddenly, throwing her under the
Muggy. which overturned. She was car-
ried into Mr McGeorge's drug store and
afterwards to Mr. John Wyllie's house,
where she still lien unconscious.
Maid at•eape Trees Whitby JeiL
WutTPy, Oct. 13. -Last evening when
locking up the prisoners for the night it
the county jail here turnkey Alex. Bruce
was nearly killed by Gro. Arnold,aprison•
er from ()thaws recently committed to
jail for 3 months for theft by Judge Dart
nell. While Bruce's buck was turned Ar -
hold snatched a ring of heavy keys from
Bruce seal attacked him futgonsly. heating
him into insensibility. Arnold then
leisurely dreamed and made his es.•s:e.
His aeras -- 1M Its.eatiower-
Kokowo. lad., Oct. 13. -Louts Marquis,
a wool, by farmer. :1 yews old and for
seven years paralysed and unable to move
hand or fag, used his five-year old grand-
am as his executioner yesterday. The obi
man inducted the boy to hid to his lips a
solution of carbolic arid kept in the moo
as a deodorizer. Marquis drank it all, and
sank back in his chair deed almost before
the boy could remove the saucer from hi.
owterh C. IC. Catevemtlea
Rt,asrt,,t. (lct. 11 --Yesterday the sixth
annual convention of the Ontario Owl.
than Endeavor Union opened in the First
t'ongregstional ('bunch. The first sealsoi
was opened by Her. A. M. Phillips, Mont.
real, who presided at night. Add, -,..e of
welcome were delivered by Mayor Herald
and others in Sydenham .treat church.
M5.te a at Chatham.
CHATHAM, Ont., Oct. 12 -The body of
Joseph 1.altd, a carpenter living oq con-
cession 4. M. C. R., Ifarwka, was found
hanging by the neck from the ceiling of
his house. Deceased was a bachelor and
lived alone. It is supposed be had become
despondent sad committed suicide.
A Well Loewe Lake Caprate Dead.
ToltoaTo, Oct l& -Captain Thomas Har-
bottle, steamboat inspector or the Customs
Department, expired suddenly In his office
yesterday. Captain Harbottle was one of
the heat known lake captains prior to so-
cepting the pont of steamboat laapector.
nem time Carries the T., U, a is. 1y -Lw.
HAMILTON, Out. 12. -Voting took place
here yesterday as • by-law to grant 112215,-
tWto Minus to the Tomato. Hamikom and
Buffalo Hallway. The by-law was canted
by 2151 majority. The figures are: Foe the
bylaw, 2,710; against, 2,ne1.
Csaads'. Tee ale Sheep la tt.glaad.
inetwnr, Out. It. -The first shipment of
Canadian prairie sheep from the North-
west Territories, numbering some IMO,
hes been arid at Deptford. The price
realised war tour shillings per atone
satelde et • rowtreal Mnueaatr..
MotTR&AL, Oct 1t -W. H. F.imenborst,
preekfent of the St. iawrence Sugar Rs
finery Company. Montreal, committed
suicide ivy shooting himself with • 'swot
err at his residence here yesterday. W I.
Klmenhorst was one of the richest men to
Th. Daesh N sa Aerewaet.
New Wtattantatxm. B.C., Oct 12 -The
coroner's jury Investigating the death at
Charles Marble. allies Hay, the areo taut.
who Mot his life here by falllsg Into the
Frame river with his balloon, rendered a
verdict that death was e•mmd by drowning
and that no owe was to Meme.
A eseer.r's ()meat Deawmell.
pray Mooney, N.K. Oct. 11.-1tofet
tt' Illls a.r 'vel engineer of the steamer
Wyko, was Toned drowned ye.Mr ley. if.
probably '.II ort•v the ee s y'. p1M
going on board doe eight bane.
A I lewim ra out Ne • ingot.
RELORA0E, Oil IS. -- Two ADmakm
ethos have taken the Sell to addle a Ma-
bpate sad have soave piste mar rawly for
sethss. The (lovemer of Ete e'r. le try -
mg to asgstfa e is emiseles.
roe• • tatttsb• q� Mum, New if
Was osiL
Deerm vis Pleas ; "Lora. MU 11ta
••r.aldag." tett slot dremsaw as be .lowld,
esormo d the hoedown whish hold alb Owes
of raw beet tightly ever hie Wk -eye and get
W right hose ep where he avoid slow both
hasde wear/ It. "yes may have •
whiskey awe. a hal ea your walk, • hat out
el ngle. a pair el hew lets, or a mark of
Ciao en year brow, hat a.rhiag pees you
away like • blaek eye. Lu the Seat pima,
k is someshiag you ain't .Growl Ia the
N it, every W beau se *melee as to bow
you get it, sad all your talk only makes hos
sable the .at., Are you see' to that feet!"
The interviewer palled out his poeket-
*leas and looked to ass If list eyes were all
right, sad answered that be tumbled.
"You see," sum sued tM adltoted, '•1
hays to take • osmole amount of sierras
with th Globe every night before r.tirisg.
Ilusitoe recossmedad it fur my lue*e,es
know, sed I wry club' in my truak. Es•
panda the luaus, braces up the spiral
ooluma, and etteegthew iha arms sad
shoulders. You follow me, I presume "'
He was assured that he was followed, and
alter wia,ng • sympathetic tear fross his
right eye sad hearing a heartfelt sigh, he
said :
Last night, while I was practuosag as
tail with the dubs. I sesidestally hit the
heel poet with one of them and it flew up
and struck me in the eye. The clerk of this
hotel knew that I was in my room, and
that it was my habit ,o practice, and yet
whoa I Gams duo w ask him for a nit of
raw heel ho cooled and shook his head and
asked how long I lay uneonsciou. sad
whether I had the fellow arrested. I had
to go out and haat up a butcher shop, and
as the buuher out use off • piece of round
he eny,nred whether it was an uppercut or
a straight blow, nod where I landed when I
countered. I met live or six of the boys
whoa I came beak to the hotel, end despite
ell I could say each and every one would
have it that 1 bad been slugged. (-an you
realize the p•islul position • man with •
black eye to placed in -
Cho interviewer said hs could and after
the band•re had been tight.sed a little the
drummer remarked
"My time ia limited end I can't stop
work for • black eye. 1 generally put in
three days to Detroit, bet to -morrow 1
leave far Grand Rapid.. I have got as
much sarim as the average mu, but I can t
stead the pressure. Here is my note -book,
sail her are • few .f the iateresting in-
quiries and ok.urvatiow called out during
the d
"•Riayt you with his right, did he"
"How did you feel when it blinded "
"Splitting wood, and • stick flew up, of
sours. '•'
V. hat made you call him a liar before
you got your hands up•"
"You'll get over it in • couple of weeks,
and next time you'll know enough to taro
tbe beck of your head.'
"Run •gia • latpprt in the dark' I
see' Have dose the some thing myself'"
"It was sloop' • wonder to me why •
man who can't fight should to around saw
itag folk'."
'Right in the eye, eh' Lor', bat if that
Set had landed on your nese you mould
never have even soented • skunk via .
"Train oma off the rails and you were
caught between two cars, sl course ' Well,
you have got • good it..., and ought to get
at least $3,000 out of it."
of es -been there myself' No excuses
or ezpls.atioe. needed ' Probably had you
cornered up, with oo show to dodge or rue,
hat why dida't you offer kim • dollar not to
do it'
"These," sighed the drummer as be reach-
ed for his cote book. "are but samples
selected at random from a tremendous fall
and winter stock. I lied to give up about
4 o'eloek and come in and lay down. Did-
n't dare chew up in the dining room, axed
the waiter who brought up my meal want-
ed to know whether i was Bob Fitzsimmons
er Jack Dempsey. Yes, I'll be going in the
morning. I know • lot of fellows at Grand
Rapids, oat they ars not the-"
At that moment hong came an acquaint-
ance on his way to the billiard mein of the
hotel, and at sight of the bandaged eye he
halted, threw up his hands and exclaimed ;
"Holy emieke' but if you can't debt or
• lpff or run, why don't you pat on roller
skates sad fall down before you are kit `"
A rets. Teeth Rai.
There wee a young man in a tramcar in
Liverpool the other 'lay who had good
reason to be very angry indeed. The car was
crowded when a corpulent German, s000tn-
paaied by an equably corpulent wife, elbow-
ed his way Muds. The women was not at
all pretty or attractive sad most of the male
p•es.sgsre did not arc• resort to say of the
familiar tricks of the experienced traveller
whoa he sosvMlently warts te overlook the
fact that • lady is holdiag is to the top
rail while he enjoys • osmfaefable seat.
Nat • well dressed young moa arose and
ta•ding the wets•'• arm to attract bur at -
treaties said: Here it a seat for yea madam.
Ths women started towards the vee•st seat
whoa heir obese ooapa•isa. wish •a sigh of
satiafaetiow, settled down is the seat heist,
she scold reach it.
lbs yoga, map was suririssd, has his
wrens• sows rave way to anger. At Arlt
be thought the painguerm
0e•a had and.
dei tie. het he wog seen owvined thus
the assign woe i•teottaa•L Tsppfag him
pre ly
is the .beuldr, be said quiet-
ly I beg year pardon. bot I gave my seat up
to tido body and set to yea
Oh,yob, def is all right, Was freadt,s•id
the fellow, she was aims wife.
At a efitutag a Weed.
A Birmingham tw whose wife was going
to Anterior, asked him to telegraph Ides a
word er two, letting bpm know of her safe
arrival is LiverpooL Ia a tow hears he re-
ceived the following message :
Nun Gooses,-Arrivedhire sash
ahem miaow ate Mi. The train wee Ma
at six, bet we were delayed Meta ssdmmtea
while oa ream, Had • perfectly lovely
trip Dent worry shut me ; rm getting
aleag all rigith Aad take are of y
Be so enssiml Ant taking odd this deep
weather. Remember that you ors to keep
en year Seen until the lbsk of Juno Be
sore to have the home epee sad sired s•
eften as pomibls Remember whet i add
you about year seeks rad shirts. Writs
ovary day, Tin sure 191 have • lovely time.
Be geed of yea to let re ea.. You mese
setae err shoe me is ♦eeggomctsa.. for ever
sad ever wad ever yossm. IGmie."
As how pear 1451. was pained to re -
'Wee the feiewiag reply to her word at
awe :-
" Den't sMs earthing hew New York,
Paola resale oma if yea 4a. -(Somme
Latbr Wombat. • .baked shirt. t red
los uI jgmk.t, sod • sated bat formed the
deme .d an seekers
Whin • wise W enough ten he pissed his
spites Mrs hit q se idiots that he
tommil as mem
♦ sew arrival is •Mail wee set open by
hie Wed fellow
:robbed el s.y•
y 6 a -
Pcoplc Who
Know and get the best. Cottokne,
. the new vegetable shortening, has
won a wide and wonderful popu-
larity. At its introduction it was
submitted to expert chemists, proms -
sent physicians and famous cooks.
All of tkse pronounced
a natural, healthful and acceptable
food -product, better than lard for
every cooking purpose.
The success of Cottolene is now
a matter of history. Will you share
in the better food and better health
for which it stands, by trigitim
your home?
Cottolene is sold in 5 and 5
pound pails by all grocers.
blade only by
This N. K. Falrbank
Weillogion and haus eta.
Blab areitely Pie elm Windy
Detreet Free Press : The Duke of Chu-
ms*, was calling on the fair Lady Webish
with serious intent. He had been taking
several dyers at her, but had not tome
down to bummer.
blushing furiously.
werelly fell over a mimeo -tate or ottoman or
"Amalgam, that sewer should have bees left
in the middle of the floor.
" What are you giving me guff like that
for !" she iaquired tremulously.
"Guff, nothing," he eaclamed ; that's •
straight tip "
Tian't wind paddies; !" she murmured
" Course not. What do you teke me for,
anyhow !" and his voice soanded likes strain
of forgotten music.
" Ito you really mean lousiness !" she
asked a• she shrank back into the shadow.
" For a wiener and no mistake."
" And we'll consolidate!"
"That's the size of it, Birdie. --
"Oh, Duke !" she cried, flingina herself
into his arms, " I never thought I'd have •
anon like this. I wasn't os your racket •
little bet, aad thought you were only giving
me a base drum solo for • summer cam-
Wits -
And the duke imprinted upon her rosy
They aro not run all, hat ore the bee asialfrine
tames' for Iiiii0,1110x., Headache, Constipation. IDye
seats nein P.n. intrecre hhincl ars Pi Gear.
Ash Tear almartat Wee Theon
Buchallalls & Rhyllas
Dooloes la all Made of
Arid ballisee material el every easerietien
School furniture a SDecialtl•
Krz Err s
eficitedific American
to at MOLiftiLd
Send MODEL 011 1:154W7.14W 04-
et...M=6Mo or. Oemeit." lialAitart Pulma
lias just returned from the cities having made her Fall
purchase in the latest lines of Millinery, Laces, Ribbons,
&c., and purposes making a second trip.
There will be no so called Fall opening, but the show-
rooms will be open at all times to the ladies of Godbrich
and vicinity. 81-2m
The Mimes Yates have opened a large assortment of FELT HATS
black and white. Also the latest in fancy FEATHERS awl trim-
We do not intend having a formal opening this season. The
Lathes of Goderich and vicinity are invited to come and see our goods.
Headquarters for
Having received a large stock of Basis end See; fee woe
direct from the leading manufacturers, we are piqued to OM the
mple of Goderich and surrounding country Int -class iv/oda-lower
than the lowest.
Remember we will give you good solid leather goods at the price that
is usually charged for shoddy, and being practical shoe makers, know a
solid shoe.when we mee
We have a large anti varied stock to choose from and feel confident
that we can please you iu quality, fit and price.
Call and see us. No trouble to showgoods.
The olaeliable stand -
Successor to K Masora.
N. B. Custom work and repairing pronitly attended to.
Now arriving and to arthe, and although I do not indulge in the
Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis-
cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New,
Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all the
time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in
Stock and to arrive in due course, but the public may rest assured that
no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the best
Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cas basis. One of my Specialties
just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a
Price never so low 'in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade.
earmeettea wadi, itelletted. Pee. cent. reseeent Ow Casa.
Draper and Haberdasher.
The Best in the Market and the Most
Reaonable Prices at
Our Stook of
Per Tall trade le sow eamplete.
Lanes' Genuine Steel Barn Door Hangers and Track , T Strap and
Screw Hinges in all Sizea.
1E3'1'3:LILL, NAILS.
1.3 Dity atram Mall4rhasze (Inn fr alto's mole from 11101re RAMC ST111. at • veer
Portland Cement, Hydraulic Cement, Calcined Plaster,
Roofing Pitch, Building Paper General Hardware.
Iftb U. P. WIlliev
Ihbooribe for "The Signal" ---$1 a year