HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-18, Page 61
4•411 D.U.I us Dishes That Aim ?articulare)
4 a•aa..we►1•.
LEAVES The fresh autuain crop of apples is 1M
0014 THE NEW DRESS -entering the market. anti receipts for the
use of this wholesome and uJaeap trait are
asvtag tM "I" alcove yleveM eery much in under. Tb. ways of prwp•r-
Y Umtata ing them for the table are as the stare is
{tee .d the
ti•aasw A Skirt Wit • and each mi. of them ls goal and
Oraeelel Draper, The stew or the "umber*
and few of them expensive or
Trtrmiags end the Materials Gaol.. troublesome.
When the leaves have begun to turn ane Arn-s sour
doesn't like to go about in one's essentially Regina the dinner very ple•sanUy, and 1•
summer gowati no matter how huffy and simple and ,as to make. To two cups of
pretty they are nor how becoming, nor in stewed apples add two cups of cold water.
what good taste they have been couceiyed Set owe[ the Sr. until the apple is diewly
and executed. When cool breams have ed and very soft. Mu two teaspoonsfuts
begun t.. blow, and chilly nights and of corn marsh in a little cold water. and
mornings are abroad, the woman who ap- add to this two teaspoonfuls of sugar. •
predates the fitness of things begins to salt spoonful of ground einnanion and •
bestir herself about the arrangement of her pitch of salt. stir into smooth pasts and
autumn wardrobe. Indeed, it she ie a add to the evolve. stirring all the while.
clever and far-sighted woman, she will Let it butt for five minutes and strain it in
hate that arrangement well under way to a hot tureen. Just before serving it
before these chilly hours have come, be- sprinkle • i, ,ltul of dot buttered swots
cause certain sal experiences have taught foto the tureen.
her how busy • dreesmaker is in "the seam A nice dish for breakfast or lune:teen ie
son," and how absolutely impossible it is mad. ' y oringCUti takes M larger
to secure the services of one at a moment's, pP aboutt e
month'p. notice. Woman's apples, so that they make ring1 •
be overcrowded — some
or even at •
work mar
Welt Mt Ree Te cep es TyMeM �'
SL Thomas Journal Tb. *tarsal b•s Remain;'
m.d..rrs.ipm•i1• erne "Ir►. Demme Neil
Dose' to give it. madam a semen sad of tis Jllw
gitx R % I I t nMsf,
tiersty hints ea maUtore a hytttseo edict SRO Nnitlt Wauha
palace health. Much to frseisdy derma I Machinery Co,
the past few works have oases of typhsed )i til: i elph o,
lever uncured a end about tbe cut, sad
r L. v. ht► c'rtt-
dtsring past years pfeOYelt the .sets Web/
el affairs has existed each summit as. tar a.•.i .i-+ follows:
batik es manor, minima " 1. be Jocose. •• Amon: the
seat door ' glees ear rectors some mteroat-
many testitwomL
tag facts m thin oone too ale stitch I ea"
Typhoid fever is one of that cllaas ct le alled in regard to coo-
rymsati� w alecuuus dasotsot
aoterv.ad by an indammauoc of the shade. fain meslirisea
haute tis WWII( pan et the Latest lass, easem. p e r f o r ming
paused with severs stuma.h and intostsssl D ..,.;, s, cleansing
disturber°. It r uses contagious is the .u. blood, sing
usual scow a tits term, and is madam or W.,
ituu 1, a me
never cont eyed from on. person
to theskis.bar
by the breath or euusatwa" with their
remiss sick with it dtacharp
stools some .pain° hying substages which,
after it escapes from Ube body, sad under
suitable crcuuietasoss tameness sad beaimes
more viruNm.. l'artichb of this living or-
gani,ed suh•tases, having gamed same la.
to the •t stem, cause rue dream to
fectior, drams or foulesaspo thea' ars so
propogation, .spec y
woes situated as to livor their feted and poem
tearing gases tato the Untertot tit the Impure.
"Only the Scars
quarter of an such thick. let es`' a gfut w toe grewt mawntl' tit oasestM saw
few minutes in ice water. Then dip them I tit the outtradt Is traces to uoatamtsatiea
in sugar and fry quickly in holt butt -r. of the water •uppiv by p•ruolauus and
They make a delislittal relish- One of the acahgge fr..w c ossa and etsspoote
ver. u.ce•t vi the many puddings mads of 1 on Si I w.derstsid mow why it crops
apples is the
*pets TarttbcA,
core and pars viz anpiea tally tips Set
these in a pudding tIalt flit the hollow of
out as unexpectedly, and that also in pieces
when one would least look for it. florets
little or nu ounsecuol wok ovtte'crowelmg
or poneatte, but tit snacks alike
the maabuanu o v
nese, than m>1
own Caps•
i'.uty years
ago, at the ago
Data Sus.—I W
ssirs headache be
lbs past three years`
and was not fifes
from it a single day.
Ire lass. 't I used doctors' mime-
time and all others
I oosld think of, but it did We no goods
owlsMy owls said I must
because it is the boot medicine WONmad•, and 1 took three bottles of it, with
the nosh that it has completely cured
s s. I think
headachesand as a iblood
both for headaches
purifier, is the
E WORLD,a 13 sears, NEST IN THE
come If Sod am glad to recommend it to all my
friends Msto
Mine Yuma H. Dorno.
o s w y leg,. i Olen Dorman. Ont.
which' broke and
bee ams roo-
ming sores.
Onr family phy-
a:, t.in ,•0111 do
rue no good, and it wee feared that the
bones would be affected. At last, my
Mother Urged Me
to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three
poverty ur battles, the sores healed, and I hare not
f tib town and eouatry teen troubled sine,'. Outy the scan
such apple with powdered sugar and stick 1 the rich and the poor, with smgufae on remain. Mid the memory of the
Iwm Sprinkle' partiality. ty. The poison gatassess to the pa,L to remind use of the good
Ayers Sarsaparilla has done tare,
1 now weigh two hundr..t and twenty
pounds, an.l am In the twist of health.
I hare been on the road for the Test
twelve years. have noticed Ayer's Sar-
saparilla advertised in all parts of the
United States, and always take pleas-
ure in tolling what good it did fur tete
into the pulp three c
around the fruit six tablespoonfuls of ( system tor the mouth, it passes down asd
large pearl tapi •c 1, s.lae.te • little lemon I finally �ges a the mucous
mucus¢ morp a owls
ne of
juice on each apple slid pour two cups of I the int tram , at on...
-e wet
cold water tutu the disk. If this is cooked t roe what I have already stated you will
very slowly Oh au hour and • half the bpi• ,raderetaud that teed and drink, especially
pea will form a delicate jelly al: about the too Latter, Sr. the greet vehicles of this
people say it ie—but the fact remains that
the demand for dressmaking exceeds the
supply Woolen who dress ever so little—
buying. perhaps, two suits a year—are
often put to their witi end to get their
dresses properly molest the time when they
are most needed. Very busy woman aro
usually so pressed for time that it iii dif-
ficult matter to pian their gowns ahead.
and arrange for their construction: but a
series of continued sad experiences will
soon eonvinoe them twat they must m.ke
time for this important duty if they will
create for themselves any of the convent'
sues and enjoywent that comes from the
wearing of appropriate dress.
Any woman who wants to make a good
appearance will never wear a gown the
emend season without a bit of freshening.
but if this is properly done it is usually ail
that is necessary among those -in the plain-.
eir walks of life. An appropriate fall wrap
—it may be a last year's garment with a
few clever alterations --is added early to
the fall costume, which is never complete.
or. in feet, safe. without it. as the temper-
ature soon begins to vary so much that on
going tont one should IR least carry a jacket
with her for contingencies. The glove*
and boots should be thicker than those
need for utitlanmmer wear. The divided
skirt and Union suit should be of some
what warmer material, in fact, every ef-
fort should be made to prepare the appear-
ance and the person for the expected
change in the barometer.
The material known as orepon has been
by far the most popular of any of the fab•
rice affected this summer, and bids fair to
continue so in its atcentuated forms for
the fall and winter Th.% stuff has a pecu-
liarly artistic quality, which endears it to
all lovers os the beautiful. Its original
manufacturer must Lave made a fortune
out of it by this time, for it is affected in
its different qualities by all classes of peo-
ple. it is now made in a silk and -wool
mixture, • plain wool, • mohair, and a cot-
ton. Some of it is almost transparent, and
other qualities are Utica and heavy.
Oise of the chief novelties of the season
Is ob•eryed in the sleeve used in the cos-
tume shown in the illustration. This natty
adjunct to an elegant fall gown is • happy
diversion from the hackneyed mutton -leg.
and shows a styli- entirely new and grace
(sl. The over -part of the sleeve is open
from elbow to shoclder, showing a wide
flats at the top like an epaulette A pull
ing of silk begins at the elbow and fills in
the sleeve with its soft, ample folds to the
shoulder. From elbow to wrist the sleeve
is erss fitting, and garnished with three
buttons. N;,,,, - so attractive or original
apples. and served inkew•rm+not holt wiwithh
deem will be found very good
dish perfectly wholesome fur children and
Arno Tt•RSOV tall •
-Are nice to serve at in luncheon party.
*t.uugh being made to serve one to each
nest. Make a very rich "short- pastry.
poison roto the system. sad it the fwd as
drink be tree Irvin poison, tete chases• of
os•tractag the disease are so small as to be
bardlt worth mentioning. Now, all thea
heat potions are destrot ed by exposure to
• suthoismtly high temperature. 'they can -
set lite long at '212 - far. that u at the
temperature of boiling water. Asoordingly
boiling all the water to be used for drink mg
C thea sturisg it as any
n a eo,eru
roil It out and cut into sgnarea about flys I i••spis• t�r which has hero previously
inches wade. Set In t}.e middle of each thoroughly cleansed, and drinking only
a large pared and cored •pp:e; drop into
eater se prepared would be one groat
each apple a piece of butter about as big pater toward. prevention. Then. it the
the end of one's thumb CI up the hole w.ie u suspected it should he trought to a
Y e
With sugar and put mu re yunud the out- boil term ateiy on receiving, anti stored
side of the fruit. luto'the sugar stick two away in the the cellar or payn ry. ls manner. where there u
itches of cinnamon and press three cloves s * in thel pooeai r pa of foul gases con -
into the flesh of the apple. Lay a slice of ioattn[ it, should be thotoueh.y cooked
lemon on the top ,-f all this, then take np lust before bene placed upon tee table.
the four corners otthe pastry, pinch them these preauuoss, tot,tl er with proper
into • knot over t e apple and let them mailary eoaduion•of the homes would tend
bake in a'good quick oven s, that the pastry very materially to lessen the prevalence of
may be well browned, but they must have this disease."
time to be well done. This way of doing
The work of hot.
apples is ver rich and good. They may
Dust has s eery farce share is nearly all
be eaten either with or without crepe. the phenomena of the earth's atmosphere.
ArPtd axone It as what makes the clear sky appear blue;
is one of the t of the cold dishes for and when we look up cute the sky we see
luncheon. Dissolve half • box of gelatine the dust in the atmosphere ',Humiliated by
in a cup of cold water. Pass three heap- i the sun. There u nothing else before us
ing cups of wad apples through a sieve' that can permit the light to reach the eye,
sweeten and Savor with lemon -juice and Light goes invisible, straight through au
cinnamon • mix with the jelly. Whip gases, whatever their chemise] composition.
a pint of sweet. rich Bream and star li:htly i'1 he dust catches it, and reflects it in every
into the fruit. Heap this into a glass disk direction, and so causes the whole atmos -
and set it into the refrigerator until ready pheer to appear clear, in the same way that
it makes the sunieam visible in the datk-
•erve• - lined room. W about dust there would be
A Dishy Meedees. no blue iiimament. The sky would be as
The 'aero ponying illn•tratione are de- dark or darker than we see it in duke finest
explanation is needed, as the illustrations d of hat by the cola starer" system,
speak quits plainly for themselves. The but there ars many necessary articles, like
little pansies and daisies are conventional milk sad butter which require aetoal ice
In design, but it will add greatly to their refrigerators, and besides a great deal of
artistic effect if they are not all "tela.,' ice is used in the immediate cars of the sick.
but are made to vary in some slight detsilti Each ward usually has •harp canvas bas.
The pansy faces may tonal toward each into which • large block of acs is pet aid
crushed. It is then distributed throughout
other further un tri the border, thus niece- the ward for use when needed. In nam a
ing the -*einem- of any abe,lutsly eon susetroke the head us put in ice bandages,
vsntional pattern. it takes but a little ' and in sureial cases ice bandages ars ides
taste and skill to maks this variation, and used os ether parts of the bogy) to brie;
the effeet gained will more than repay one's down the temperature of the hided
work. in the case of the daisies, a petal necessary. Fever patients use, perhaps
or two twisted, here and there, relieves the wore ice than any others. ice water isow
elven them freely to drisk, and in typpd
ytiffhets greatly. The intertwining stems fever the patient a gives iced baths A
form a beautiful inside finish to the border. ' lar amnont of los is also used in the care
Toe fancy stitch.ng on the outride edge , n p
may vary almost indefinitely, the Illtatra- b
tions suggesting two styles. Of retiree, it
ons has not the "gift" of making one's
prtdl obey one's fancie.. the little varia-
tions in the border can be omitted, and it
signed fur rders to be worked npoe moonless nights. The glowing
would stand ummedawiy upon
of thio
dui io., tray eiothe, tidies, or any of their �bdark background. anti the sane sharp cou-
trast would prevail upon the illuminated
surface of the earth- -blinding light, where
the suns rays tall, and deep black shadows
where they do not. Only the light of the
moon and the stars, which would remain
visible in the daytime, would be able to
temper the whole contrast is a slight de.
gree. The illumination of the earth's ser-
I lace would be like that we sue with the
telescope on the lunar landscapes : for the
!moon has no atmospheric envelope that
holds dotting dust. it e then awn to dust
the even moderately tempered daylight,
adapted now to our eyes ; and it is that
which contributes much to the beauty of
our landscape scenery.
ire is els.Ntaes.
New fork Eremite Telegram Few pro•
pN hays a'h > ties of the amount of ice re -
vet ed in some of the large hospitals. espec-
A TIMTic" »iuit.y 11 apis. WIT in warm weather. In a single hospital
the lee in a year is estimated not by the
near relatives, in outline stitch with wash toe, tbet by hundreds of tons. It is uvea •
silk of any desirable &hole. Very little tie coal It hes keen re
has been devise.•. for a Sling time. the
gown itself is of cornflower blue cheviot,
combined with blue silk showing cardinal
agnres. The waist is • stylish Eton jseket
worn over • full, soft veal of the silk, and
finished with a silk stock belt ani collar of
the same style. The skirt is • double one,
with a round, grac.fnl drapery which
reaches the foot of the gown in front, and
is short and full in the back An effective
embroidery in cardinal and bine on el..th
forms the stylish revere of the jaceet. The
band trimming that edges slsev.% and
drapery I. of the same material.—Jeneess
Miller Monthly.
A )rwr•ery wall f•aas$.
A very pretty bit of decoration for the
nursery is a wall panel of blue lt.en, ni tilt•
eighteen inches wide, and • yard and •
halt long.
Take a Mother tines book, illnatrated In
enters, ant Mut the pictures and poste them
ori the linen panel, making as regular and
artistic an arrangement as passible The
platers should be sot in egnarea.
when transferred to the linen. eltonld be
bordered with gilt petnt, es If fretool. An
irregular border of the some is painted all
arosad th..dge of the Keen panel. wideh
listened with beertsbeeded treks to a
glyd names red stet the required
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
?revered by Lr. J.l.'. Ayer h: 0., Lowell, Meta
Cures others, will cu re you
• ratter of Stes•my.
hetroit Free Press—The lady from the
tanarack swamps was raying in some
parlor furniture, and the clerk in the store
was offense hit ,alnable advice.
"No,- she said, in rebuttal, "I don't
want no chairs."
"No chairs, madam'" he exclaimed. •'I
never heard of • parlor without chairs'
"Well, you conic to my house. some time
and you will see one," she retorted.
"Vibet will you have instead'
•'sones, tutir•K man, .ties ; these little
two seat ones, hod taytaytaye and thing.
like that."
Tee clerks equanimity was recto mg a
powerful jostle.
••W hat m the mischief do wen want to do
that for he raked in a helpless sort of
••1 ou ain't • married man, ate you'' she
snapped. "You never raised • family of
giros, dad you'"
••'dell, you don't know anything about
it. I've raised the : three's married and
the other two's got beaus ; I've always had
chain, and every time when the courtm'
was ever with them girls and they got mar-
ried, I had to get new ones : three sets of
parlor chairs in three winter. is tom' it
most too strong : they get broke down
somehow and nos I'm god put • stop
edn't tobo
it by havint soles, you
trym' to change my mind. I know what I
want, and it you has en 't got polies say so.
aad I'll go where they do have them.'
chs argument was csayincing, and the
clerk •itted the thrifty lady out with half
• doyen warranted to tarry two with safety
and economy.
f tbe bodies ad the pstteets who die at the
ran be mad. simp:y a repetition through•
out of one little daisy blow.m or pansy
f see Th% design is sketched or Omitted
upron the linen with colored crayon or b
soft pencil.
These Worth mewing.
About a tablespoonful of coal oil put in
b. a Inett of cold water makes • mks pre
partition for washing windows. Wips dry
hist with • damp cloth, then rob dry witn
a .pry cloth, end the glass will polish like s
piece of China
A rag made of noose basking. such as
that in whish phosphate is sold, has • vary
pretty effect Cnt the marking in shoed
four tort, e'rit's. ravel it down to four
threads rw thee' slips on steely to •
firm font.datton. The effect is very mesh
like • gear fur rag
bombing M better to kw" sings frees
veers lbw) mad dn+t. !hint sp Intl* the
Mash.. well with water, thea silt lbs dose
over thorn. if lb.* is ..one while the pats
am* in bind they will hAdo ieldt "MI
fresh in mole of tie* dos►
flees. bettsrfies kayo as rmny as 20,000
distinct eyes.
The weight of an ant quer is
30,000 workers.
Many tweets bear sad breathe
min. apparatus.
Potato. rot is caused by • minute parasite,
• species of living, breathing creature se
small that a °slimy of 2,000 can live in •
.pace smolder than • pin's hestt.
Catch the little tweet milled the "vise
letter" at M* momest of its birth, pat it
where it has poshest,* of contact with others
of its .paries, sad it will sues give birth to
others of its kisd.
Norway Pico Syrup stresetbsee the MOW
and eases all throat troubles, esltda. Ddb.
sea Ink
.��� CURE -�-
/ COL 1C
e 35
adapted for wood bursting
near 51551 P55. Pers Dec Deme
Roamer. white heat
sad axe mere durable
RADIATOR or Modena Cs.Mews
ties and Great flosettlg lower
WOO Oinsdnist110 g"Mber
LOW Ire Treanke _ radiator
Red SS
•ss�ostllswil Fire PietIlt.
•stn tarts TEMTED niriant s.
Specific and Antidote for
Impure, weak and Impoverished Mood, dye
pepsta, sleeple.snoss. palpitation of the
heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, loss of
memorb, bronchitis, consumption, gall
stones, jaundice, kidney end urinary
diseases, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg-
ularities and veneral debility.
J. M. M c L E O D,
Proprietor and Manufacturer.
McLaon'w seeress RawnTATOS yrs he bad
from sU drueirleie le tows cowellm
dr/wrist.ail the drurist. between U
le•forth. Rroasela. Derham and Taranto.
_----- IRI, Ivy
For Sale by HARPER A LBB, Crabb's Block, Coderich
If Tee ms- 55 he Laved.
isn't find fault.
!tool contradict people even if you are
sure you are right.
Don't be inquisitive about the again of
even your most istimaee friends.
Don't underrate anything because you
don't possess it.
host beliese that everybody else in the
world is happier than you.
Isn't conclude that yen have Dever had
any opportunities in life.
loot believe all the evil you hear.
hoot repeat gossip, even it it does inter-
est • craw,l.
Don't go untidy on the plea that every-
body knows you.
Don't be rude to your inferiors in social
1 tont over or under dress
Don't express • positive opinion unless
you perfectly understand what you are talk -
ing about.
Dost get in the habit of valgsrining life
by making light of the sentiment of it.
i►oa t icor at everybody's religious be-
Don't try to be anythine ohts but a gentle-
woman and that swim • wean who has
os eklerat son for the whole world and whose
lite is governed by the Oolde nM ,Ila
sato others as you would be does by."—Re-
equal to
with the
Least Odor,
of all Stove•gipe Vushhsa
Use Our Tome.
Quickest Drying,
limbos old Furniture look like new,
It repays many titres Its oast. Pries 9be.,
S for Sl 00.
�.0. GOODE,
for all cuts and sures os man for beset.
Price 25e.
ga Chemist.
Call and see the fine assortment
and low Prices we have in both
Tisa C•NC•NAPeAt
Ir Panora, lttattwar Co.'s
TwaettaM hbeen established to oe the
public a Eeetasrvise with (alt sd
dad par
masse a riMili ties
It is masaeod ea hashes lerlaceple• and V
the Werner of Se pauses.
it deserves the • tegers of every versos was
feg with
believes eat* deepest- use kis
to mamas IlMse.daadUte,-
Direst themeith .SW IS all pdcid t
p . tUeea mhoCaagsmWilmot.
a. •AMI•u►Pu.
ttf tt Local Manager. Oodertoh
Ayer's Hair Vigor, which has outlived
tied superseded hominids of similar peepara.
tines, r undoubtedly the moot feel insole
ea well as economical hair -dr min
marks'. By its use the poorest head dbod,
sees beanies luxuriant mid beautiful
"Walking lest" is the tame of as iseect
whish makes its hylas to Ates by sushi.,
itself re'setnhle the leaf of • tree R'Ms the
uususpectiag Ay alights within reach, it is
caught sad crushed in a twinkling.
Air ,tons Lubbock says that "dories the
laesy years he hei had sets wader observa-
tion, be has never as any oesssise s.es say.
Wag like a quarrel between' ase two eats
helergisv to the mate oemetesity."
It Remy,.•
Equal to ay Im orC tom•
Ta My Adviceand2
Ii�IsC Oi\ gcthng this •
10 Ctntr 5i1etalce fair c,
e4- DVS PEPS I A,'
PRICE 25 cTs.T•r p00o's T„gg 111.
Hea1a and CoeIin Stoe.
If you do not want to buy we in-
vite you to come in and Look at our
Sign of the Big Kettle_
Dtmatee�s. _ . Ileort=s.s•�s. !�•y
smptietIsers_tiy wee, en p se try
wee,im c
DR L. A. SMITH • CO.. Todttstie.
can supply you with a good article at a low price.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, &c.
Don't fail to give me a call.
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
Personal i
Spring is at hand, and after Housecleaning yea
will want
have the Largest and Cheapest Assortment in Town. `•
Before buying call and get prices.
New designs to select from Inspection invited.
J_ 3BROP1-1E3 ' des SON'
Have added to their present bushman one el B. J. Nei's Latest B't Ii
of Qty Hearses, also 'be finest line of funeral fureiskinp in the epunt7,
and are new prepared to oosaluct funerals at prises rs sot$ble
This department will be strictly attended to by his ma Wilitt>•. wltei its
in the employ of the late D. Gordon for the pest ten years, hes a
knowledge of the basin•, and by prcmpt attention hspsm to share part
• patronage. R�the e place--Weet't., sa year way
be ease. Oils us a mil
'Theis sal $1 a >a : Q ito
tV� ltitp/T TO.,T�1110.