HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-18, Page 44 T1it SIGNAL: QODERIOI, • T., TWURADAT. OCT. 1$. 1884. Ike Avid, M reetaeus >1VIRY THURSDAY MORNING tea ti, lair. M osmostho w� e.taast, !Mems or esssersystes so meeith, Is allesater.112 1141. gnat"' e ys_es• .._. 1 le ear l sls � the prise Per hose . hoot so T.ee Lobe& Terex IMhet M • miadlee seeps M the dm* ww�� tall ip. Sae ibos tt le set �i s chinas of address* testt.t beth the and the sew address sheetd be glees. AdveesNsy .a.m sad outer easiest adveRyom.au. leo for int &..nt4... sad>t mete per mise ileir s i1. [roil male. /a..tsiea ![ss.ernd k1 Da.faew cods et six Ones sad sailer.* per Adverttestaenb of Lest, ?mod. Btroyei. IllVerset, ettuat'Ne Wasted and ,, ChaneWad, amamexam/liess ssanszeil, Si per emsa[k. Hems* se Bale a -.rt ra-n. o« Bale, sal 15 mess/ I its... ti dor first mouth, ate. per sob ,ascot woath. Freer &Ions. la properties. AM special m.iica, the object of whioa 1. to It"m.es the pecuniary head* of say met- erTrYWNtiwed ar• be be mouldered ad "barwed accordtey. M aL Leeat acts mss liasonpsreil .ltype one out pr word. a.sotices taw than ISo. ld Local setteesI. otwary r, if.g type les. Sete per wont. No torne in foss la toss for o►arch., other rsltgtom ant *moveless (aetltutimis t rate. tromaser.hal rooesw Ad vrwtelwa/e. A Itmltee Dumber of dosp1spMt Moieties Arab will he asserted at the MMa,wt ra_gee : Per Inch. owe homeruns. W tj .. tom la ... _.-............ t as f throe " sit seesaw s eses onerit No ed>so year los rho. two (nob • s II. length will be maculated on above baste. S PsrAwtt. die,oust allowed for ash paysaenta en three mnooths'coatreat ; U per oast es e11 ' .wdlswastbe. s will 15 p resat. em a yearn. Timmi setreed. e Aimee "elle 111esser. essivess. x,ttsribr Moe tall i• ve at , pooelart either Dans •tee., be quetnt pe ra a es early a doter Possible. Aaociatien were held to the caadideture o Coslrottf devise ways and mesas for bringing out the vote in his favor. A. a re- sult, salt, en election day the two old par- ties In Goderieh and other towns in the county were straight in the light, bet the knowledge of that ties omnis too late te be of any um in ua leseiv- ing the liberals who bad been gulled into Um belief that Ceexotir was run- ning as a Patron, without strings or ether entangling alliances with the Tory party. After the election •of (A11lt:ow and during the 'waist the conduct of affairs was taken up by the local Con servatives, and the Patrons were not heard of in connection with the mat ter at all. A nosing party of local Tories was seat to Clinton and through the townships to initiate pro oeedings against the suceeseful candi- date. With assistance from Tomato the deposit was placed. The ern) of LAIDLaw, K ♦Frahm A Btrexeti., which had been engaged by the Tory Asaei- ation of the Pronto, to conduct the bulk of the cases protested by the Conservatives, was engaged to prose cute the West H uron election, and nothing was heard of, or asked rote the Patrons until apetitioner was required. Then it was thought that a Patron petitioner would give a face to the scheme, and one was found in the person of Jessen BMA., a former Lib - ml, who during the contest hall act- ed asIli eau.mal agent for CoseottY. It is not known that Batt was ware "f the fact that he was brew sod by the local Tory utacititie ull their chestnuts out of the fire, bet .ed he was and he became the peti- otter in the case, at the instigation of to ringsters who had the preliminary rangeweats in hand. of late, the ecxtesity for keeping dark in regard the ('onserrative complexion of the rotest in West Huron appears to have sappearerl, and the mask is boldly rown oft' by The Empire, the leading ory organ, which in the following ar le on petition probabilities, doss rot item to place the West Huron pro - t when it really belongs, and puts defeated candidate once more in the Conservative column : 'olitioiaas throughout the constileecies *Morally tattoo. rrpectt.g 'he pea 1 *odor* ' osgise ate look osoaaion to paint oat and to the evil* that *Needed the dewawer'd dowse they had Imes perusing. He told them that there was no hope fur them sesspt in reforsatioi, and that their oosti*sarse is their path of d► grsdatioa would inevitably bring them to the gutter, to disease, to misery ami to death. He also stated that the names of several young mea and others who had Leen instrumental in dragging the girls down, were known to the authorities, and that in the coos of the yoenger girl, all of thus Tempos - slide for tier degradation were amen able to the law and liable to tie sent to prison under the Chariton Act. He hoped the sentemae would have a selutory effect epos the unfortusale girls, and that when it had expired some safeguards would be thrown around thew so that they would be enabled to lead a better life. The sone was indeed a pathetic one, and affected both of the girls, as well as severs) of the spectators. It Ryeaed manneeripte easiest be reform , i'•.rtwteondenw mum be written on one tilde p el Neer only. U r'wbiIs*.r's 5Nke. ti J. C. Le Tomei. of (ioderich. hoe been ap pointed Local Travelling Aleut for the Loon- tl ships of ioderteh. Colborne. Asbm.ld sad W • wararA, ar hocat pestmae.,, over the district are also ti empowered to receive subset -Wham to Tits Om VAL. AP communl*itloas must be addressed to D atcOlLI.ICCUDT. nor.oba„ 0x11 e. �Oodeii ielaa, Oet ' di th te, Taal u FOR EVERYBODY. NS Times are hard. Money s scarce. Wheat, thegreat staple ' aple of Canadian agriculture, has touched the lowest point for years. This fact, of course, greatly affects the price of nearly all other lines of merchandise. The scarch of the Dollar increases isms its value, and never in Canadian dry goads history has it had the purchasing capacity it has to day. We never felt so enthusiastic over the big values we have to offer you ----but talk doesn't count much _ figures are more convincing. incing. We know of no such eloquent pleader as a s dill low Ozv prtL �• �7ere are q anything in our line we keep almost everything requisite to furnish women or re - girls or men, a few quotations from deferent departments. Our store is full of such bargains. If you re- uire ant ____ boys ----don't go by us if you want the best that is to be had for the least money : C. is to be hoped that some of the (`!Iris Last week we secured 10 pieces of Fine Fouls serge ,fit tion organirat.oms of this town will Dtv+ss� undertake the reclaiming of sue?) as thew unfortunates. 0.e of these girls has worse than no home, and has not had any advantages in the way of home training. Both are intelligent looking, and under judicious treatment might be persuaded from their present evil course. Some of the good people who are so anxious to convert the broad universe could not engage ti -a better work than in endeavonng to reclaim these girls and others like them who live, not in China, Japan or to the isles of the seas, but in Goderich. •00NR/Cn. TN VR s i DAT. OCT. THIS IS FOR YOU IF you are one of this- who tic hes tea re eii'.ad the as accoust hers week or cores a few weeks proceeding, and have not yet paid up, you! I ate requested to de so at once. /ere The object of sendiog out %connote is to ins have them paid, sad &Rhee h the indtvidu oa peutiomseaie t the suocerhl esadi- tee at the late Outario ,toe ease, of shish h a plentiful crop was sows, sod the toe very naturally is sakeJ,How many lb. «sods will germinate and cone to nos` The Emptn has Merl endeavoneg ad out a« far as poesibie what the pro sot position is, with the Leeds th.t it is a.- eerWad that a soother of the petitions on both aide, are not likely to he pressed. The 4w re1uirss petitions to he Sled witbir, twenty -oma days frost the date of the reture, sad as a comeeuauos the party men in the uca.titaeocies ar- forced to go and put in their petitions and look for their evi- desm 't herwards. This accounts for so mend motions beim dropped atter some election, sad the presset:ceee u mot likely to to he as exception to the rule. There are eons, however, which are pretty pertain t.. come into court, the fol. lorries beieg the list of those that are likely to he pressed: Mouek- Ageism Hon- R. Harewrt, Re form, who had 72 majority over Crawford, Patron. al dollar or two appears a small sum to dun our for, the aggregate rum up into the thou- of sus. fru Due notice ham been Karen to all delis. d pewits on our book., and mete will be incur- red if the amounts are eat settled at osis. D. Mdltl.u. s nuv. Gederieh, Sept- ls, tePt. TH E Clinton l lost-oflice embroslioAtas been '. nettled, and the plum has dropped into the lap of HoBEBT POR - TSB, of Elm vale, &inter CO., former- ly a representative in parliament for ' West Huron. It ,rears that the in- tense rivalry between the local evpil- ants made it impossible for the powers at Ottawa to settle the difficulty to so the satisfaction of each and every one, con and so, to keep the peace, it was de- W tided to call in an outsider. Powrgi had M.P. to his name for one parlia- mentary term, and now he will have P.M. attached for life uth Huron --Against McLean, Reform, had 22 majority over Weismitlr, Coo - stave. est Harps - Against Germ w, Re- form, who had 76 over Connolly, Coa.erva- tive W.Ilasd Aauast Gamma, Reform, who had 99 over llc(. heart , Conservative Xrth thterio-Amnia, f'happte,Reform, who had 75 majority over 4 dendianing (os• sweat' ve. Kiegatoo .Against SmytM,('oresrvative, who had one majority over Hon. J. Harty, Reform. west Alvaro-Anima9aesgs,Comer.e- live, with 7 majority over n..e, Re- form. Haldimaod Agarast Mee., Patron, who bed 15 maierny over Hatter, Reform. South Porta Against YeN.il, Purse, who had 23 majority over Rallsmtyne, ke- tone Aside from these, it is net known that the evidence warrasta say of the other be- ing pressed. 'WILL our esteemed contemporary, The Empire, tell es what is the exact Conservative majority in the Legis- lature now that MIISJIITH baa desert ed. We hear a great deal about Mowse's minority and real columns in the gnat Conservative howisary about the abject condition to wbieh the once great Liberal party is re- duced , and we are told every now and again of the dejection which is stereo typed all over the wan countenances of the Minid-rs . and a lot of ether things too numerous to mention. Bet will the esteemed Empire catch its breath long enough to tell us what the mischief has come over the rem- nant et Conservatism that now adorns the Opposition members in the Legis- lature ( - THROWING OPP THE MASK• WREN amuses was opposed at the Jose election, the contention was pot forward that his epponestt wren roe lag wholly and solely as a Patron ca* and, on that account, the farm- ers were asked to consolidate and vote against the Liberia! remises. All idea of being allied with Use Obhservie Meer was disclaimed by the Patron easdidat , J atm Coweot.Lv, and many aid -thio Reformers, who, if they had imagined there was as attempt at Joubiledereling, would have eupporeed Gamow, were hoodwinked at. voting egaia.t him es that oeosioa. A day or two boder" the ebctioe, the semi wee Mimeos of its Mora, and ate meellisaof VMS taws Osseervo► A SAD PICTURE. THERE was a sail scene at the polite magistrate's court Monday morning last, when two girls were cited before the bench charged with vagrancy. The elder was not eighteen and the younger is, we are informed, ostler sixteen. Por some months these two girls have been leading a loose life, and we are informed, were at varices times harbored at the Ides on Britannia road which Tee Sreas,, exposures were the means of lire/skim( sp. Saturday p - Saturday last a woman in Montreal was fwi,d guilty of harboring a girl ender sixteen for immoral purposes, and the jades sentenced her to tisk teen mouths is jail. A similar meals of treeteneat week± have been in all probability emoted set to any Mimed - or in the same class where it is alleged Moses girls were harbored had the police magistrate been appoi*tmd ; bat at that time, as is well knows, the tows was mea wide open, to far iia Ise enMres..sat of the law was ee.sgggwt Is a sAri the tee a_MAaMg gists te bat sthethe is jail, ea !gage SNAP SHOTS. Every tis- poor old Mayor Kes- \,DT, of Toronto, 211422241111,42 to do may - thaw be proves oenclusiv.ly that the people of that city made a terrible mistake where they side -snaked "Sou' Yt.armrt,.. Kin. suer is a business mos without a bract plea. The bicyclists who west to i)angen- sea Fair are unanimously .f opiaios that Owe was sarerde ehia et • -Fall" show is eaeeestme thsrewish The editor of this journal of civilization "nese" how it is him- od!. B, the way things are going and the indomitable will -power that bisect= is showiest against the oomplieatioo of diseases with which he is assailed, it is quit* possible that M may, as the Irishman said, " live to ate tie kin that scratches over his grave." The new police magistrate is doing good work straiekt.niag up some of the kinks is the haw of imtmarality that here- tofore were allowed to hang loose. A meg- istrete who would attend to magisterial duties was sadly seeded in this tows. The latent case of suicide comes from St. Vino.nt de Peal peaiteotaary, Que- bee, where s life-oo.vict, samed Jen'I IO moos, took his own life by swallowing a sutfeaot quantity of tobacco juice to kill him. Every masa to his taeta. The result of the unpleasantness between Japan and Chisa has satisfactorily shown that pluck tad oiaet.wth century methods me quietly dispose of numerical stretteth and aatignated style* of warfare Up to tate the Toronto detectives haven't exhibited Lay partieuler aptitude is unravelling the mystery 000neeted with the murder of young Wssrw.an. The To. route Sleuths are sot very tautly. One thing is sure, and that is that W n.rasa Lay aims is not driving any ice -cart throueb (:asede at preeset. Everywhere he bas gees he ha. hew received with the greatest enthusiasm. The weakness of the breakwater, it is claimed by sspprtrs of the (iovrsmeet, will pave a source of strength to the min- isterial oeadidate in the gamier t'ominiet elestisa. As police magistrate SRat;gR point ed out Monday last, we have mai is this eommsslty who should be in the peniten- tiary ender she provwem of the Charlie* Act. ('.,RnrTr and Firmititi,i , have bees smelled to Gibs with Sete immediate- ly atter July 1, 1695. it ia to be hosed they will sow give their nimble jaws a rest. Don't promise your vote for the mayraity to the Set fellow that ask. for it. There may be a deist *iodides) is the field between new and N. Years. if prices for produce continue to drop ss they live bees dohg, the N. P. farms will have crow ler Tbsekeglvien ia.teed of turkey. The gudggeoss oho were caught on the jaetry-fakir's strew Tuesday sight are w .uhlbltlsg ter Irase-wase to say afer% estant. What hes blooms of the esteemed .1. Caerem-Re itxs. 13o dear% oppose ho be mesad said sheet she.. days. No tree ever swore harden agailast Asterism Meklsrylem thea did the semyht (a-sdisa W[hleyits. The Oevereseent of this dependency, irlletMs r MOW the day M thriller• leg r die a • pwNla Tell -hp's jemelerbhe give wether Goods waich is actually whole- saled in Toronto to -day for Ilk., we bought them ss that we can give then[ to you for.. 11 Also 10 dozen Women', Heavy Cashmere Hoes, everywhere sold at 25c., we can sell for.. 20 Also- 10 dot. Heavy, Ribbed, All -wool Hoes, regular 35c. Goods, we can afford to mark at. 25 Also- 15 dot. Fine, Ribbed, Wool floes, spliced knees and heels, solid regularly for 3i ke., we offer for• 21 Also --10 dor. Ladies' Merino - Weida the atxsal wholesale price was $7.20 per doz., 60c each we can sell for 21 Alio-4 doses Ladies' Fancy LseAisr Belts!, sold regularly at frlN 23c. to 40e. each, you etas A Xis ddmiaar in Fine Relish Mansell, beat Cloth, sold elsewhere at 50e. and 6(k., our price... Akins --Black Wool Mormon for Skirts, worth 20c., for 12i Also ---Girls' Fixe Velvet Tams easily worth 75e., for Also20Youths' Suits, extra fine, worth from $7.50 to $10, we offer them at i 50 We sell regularly a Man's good Heavy Overcoat with Storm Collar, (good value at $5) for. S 98 We have the largest line of New Craters and Overcoats in Oeder'icb. Don't go by us if you need one c. i0 40 i0 $ C. Men's All -wool Tweed Pants, worth $2, for.... I aS Men's All -wool Tweed Pants, Lined, sold elsewhere at $3, our price.. 2 10 Men'. Fine All -wool, French Ww+te Pacts, sold regularly for $4 and $4.50, our price3 00 Mets', Doable -Breasted Sack Serge Shirts, regular value $7 oar price 5 00 A complete line of Men's and Boys' Suite at a saving of from $1 to $5 a suit. The largest stock of NSWCloth fag in town. We e-oukl call special attention to our stock of Men's Gloves and Mitts, bought directly from the manufacturers, and which are without doubt the heist value ever shown in God- erieh. Also to oar line of Underwear, Top Shirts, White Shirts, Bracer, Ties, fklate, Caps and everything reg :red in Furnishings at oonepeav- Ing prima. 36 inch All -wool Sheeting, good vales at 40c., our price... .. 2'4 36 inch Uaion Ingrain Carpets, usually sold for 45c., price .... .'1 I:ood Grain Bags, fell size, worth $2.50, our price .... ... : in) Heavy Buggy Rugs, worth $2.25, for ... 1 Do notf orget our Mantle and Fur Department. We give an entire store to these goods and show the largest variety ever shown in this section, all bought directly from the manufacturers in London, Paris and Berlin. .'Mantles from $2 to $io. Fur Capes in all different varieties, every garment warranted to give satisfaction. Fur Capes, Muffs, Storm Collars, &c., at the lowest possible Cash Store prices. No Credit. One price to all. If you Fashion Sheets free. pay Cask come to us and get the full benefit. We allow the highest current prices for Butter and Eggs, and give you Goods at exactly the same prices as if you paid Cash. illeseratiw that a (eel and his mtareey are .rosily parted. The preliminary canter has been had is the revision of the lists, sod now for the final. The military school at Kingston is not a seems, Nen for timing purposes. The fool enumerator was in town Tuesday ev.aieg sad took the mesas. The Dominion elections are coining as surely so Christmas. is. COMING AND GOING. George ellen esteemed to Walkerton last week. Mem I. t:rierses retursed from S gisaw week. Mies Florence McIntosh is visiting to Detroit Mrs. Dr. Holmes u visiting in Windsor this week. Mies Mary D. Rain, of tows, is venture is Looks*. Miss Maggie Lynn has returned free a visit to St. Louis, Mo. Jae. Mott. South- t..,rseuraed on Thurs- day from a trip to Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Walken Vivian left on Meeday for their Mese h Kalemasoo Mich. Rev. Mr. Madill, of serala, presidee t of the P.P. A., was in tows ea bossienls Set week. Frank Pretty left os Masdy for the !'ante coast, where he will speed the Winter. Jobe Shelton. el Stratford, was in tows daring the week, visiting his sister Mies Y. Skeltea Mr. and Mrs. G. Grewal, of Detroit, who spot the lest two weeks is bows, re. tamed hemp Saturday. Was. P. Wts tiby ratureed W.'daesday last from the old ateetry, when he had hes epsdiy a eoeple of menth's *delays vioiitiaa relatives mod friends. Yrs Jes. Uritis who he. keen meagre, - lag mediae, treat neer is tows fse isms time past, rvtursed M het hems le Aekbdd ea Moseley. Mie PJire 1'ateru., of Loa/knew, is vfolt me as the reuldense of Jobe llrlt- ��-.s, gest of her eveleNertha ato Saes Ches. Hawkins, of W' sdser, was is tows re Friday lion. Mr. Hawkins was Isroerfy poetmasloy at ghsap.rdw, but I. we a �W mind s,. mai is �IjMr inti br tetra of D. R Mosaise, 1e...y the Galeria Orsss Os., sad! nine • to est Lisa esbeak-keeper he itigeg ~ hk o a(jrd. swam ef mks Mg anwifll4 �` ` user thus teeth f�ae Qlpad sMrrsl� With she seflirfaalre !sops of Erse ed health &ad weds& fdleww the e. el of inesnal of trskaewe to the few who has, Das s�1 ed leveed Nem the old-. mdisror prd the sharp ss"ssisete somst oes odhed hot ewer ass speed by tk• tttaid isOm.ed. ul y' ties' NreVle, of shphan, Ma ler hto amused RI thee Niko me al s �mtert Yrs We tdes �'w I lle LANES. Wto.e...uaT, Oet. 10. Charles Row ear sung. Wsckemitk is _ hevmg a sew stable .costed is his premier D. Little haste* contract. HT ex at -Dee of oar promisees bache- lors. Franca scoot, has left the maks of bachelordon and joined the ranks d hr. - dicta by taking unto bun a wife is the pr. - `� • son of Miss Farrier The ceremony took place at the reeideoce of tee bride's mesh- . er, Mrs..1. Fernx Rev. R. 9. G. Aedr- X.WISIVWSS tikivsieowittettot EVERYTHING TO WEAR - - For one week longer. - - all Paper .Dore! St. Hitless, tied the boot P Scott, brother of one groom, acted as bast pea, while Mom SydneyFerrieb, of f ang- aide, supported tb. brie. The night was newt in tripping the light, teamster toe, along with other amusements. The bride was the recipieet of meaty valuable sad beautiful presente. The happy couple left l.uckaow os the early trots en mho 4th, en their bon.ymooe trip. We esteed to them our hearty wish that their versos oe the matrimonial [tea may be use of sotaiegled felicity. S. A. NO (ES. Liens Hroughtos will shortly ace well. Oeasrsl Rooth is hawi*g groat sasses is his travels through ("Anode. We welcome the War Cry is its sew dram which is both amigos sad ped. Ensign Meets, toe of Uedsrhh's get a- llows, will had the sheens s .ext &today. All are wawa*. Cape. Grose M.thoisis, who has lately held oommend .f she load corp, is te fare - ll es Se. aMas ada , Oat, 21pt. - kNe V [red leas heed owed Presbyterian extoa.- ties i7 get segeeistsd with the people of 1)edteh.h. Riau* her *esteemed she ha, had stare real sop of war to seeds, cod the dghi is coy ways, hoe by w metas hetes ear/. set to Their Class. Te the sitter of Tis therat_ Ata, -As a eesseetitee n the foroere' tem as the Dsysanoe fair,I might my that Wore wen at Moat three hones that leek past whisk wore not is the eases at all,beiag set *weed by leone,s or drives by emigre ee *wears' cares. I have hew iefuemed that ton horse Waged to aeerew, a ssesed was a sorrel, a dews- sae pries wiener, sad the third was him a livery ssahea This is .eta geed way M oi,mrsre fanners to oamtiete tad hoses my Awhile pmind. Assure Dvwcaw. fleshy. Oat. 13, las. Remy Wywari. s young tamer sea Vrsatet /rood tee mesh emiies se ht new the ous a bier& isssse ad is yams berrm sed the wheel ' p • sea �� pass d ping te the essay how. Be leek t . bot artpfsrees let Mr. Hay- ti trawls op le sew seie peed se be • "she Issd of the hes mid hems 4 the brays." "hike" bad see ham Antereed se the t Ism r the Latham �.wisg ooYw�sponrd. hes the W The y l4Ib us. sod tin Sea Lesksw whth r. emir readies reiro ea q R. R. My ahe has baa purities saw►i ss le the s egmaset All Aceta tine the above re meet be paid on or before Nov. id. See what we have to offer you : odd lots of Paper at your own Price. line lot of paper at lc. and 2c. per roll. A large shipment of new Wall Pa per, straight from the Factory, just arrived --bought to veil for Te., Sc. and 10c. --sale price, 5c. per roll. To see them is to buy them. Sale Pries per roll. 12e.asd 124e. Paper, 7e. sad 7}s. 1So. ,lee -sad 20s. Paper, 10e. 25.•,JOa. " 36e. Gilt Paper,l2ic.,lbc" 20.. 400-'b0 " 60s ilea,26e." 30c. (All* less theta mat/ Baskets of all Kinds. --Work Has keta, Waste Paper Baskets, Lunch Baskets, Knitting Baskets, Baby Baskets, Upholstered and Celluloid fleakett. At Cost Price this week and next. Balance of Bibles at and under Cost: Church of England Prayer Books and Myrna Books, 10c., 20c., 23c., 3:e and 50c. Presentation Editions at Cost. Roman Catholic Prayer Books, 10e., 12e. and 17 c., worth double the mosey. Presentation Editions at Cost. Presbyterian Hymn Books anti Bibles combined. Ledge print Presbyterian Hymn Books, worth $1.25, for 688. Pedal Books, 5c. each. Trtatemeat,t, 3 for lib. Methodist Hymn Rooks and Bibles combined. Large print Methodist Hymn Books at sweeping reductions. Full Morocco -bound Methodist Hymn Book P Cost -just the thi for Xmas yrs' a and peados Editions, at No Gnarls charged Pre,.. This week nett at stale noyo. The old Firm of ERASER & PORTER have by mutual consent agreed to dissolve partnership and will sell their entire Stock at and under wholesale prices, amounting to O-V'E R $11,000.00 ef of mho f leldeben Lebo - Meal, the Isom* end wesied ne ef Nds Mei is Omega. Mr. Moi Is aa assiaw of a T. lte5i e,, a heal* le me ms this Op. linea ►'.-t 11594, or they will be handed la for cefleeties, heat aero •• eeA ens s. 19334.111111, P011111330, aookMMM's and etationera•