HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-18, Page 1wry
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� eat ae N ase
gfee w. ewd
104 j)vi
is perfect,
Ig in these
it in town
11 astonish
ove Goals
, we think it
and see our
you see the
12.50 goods,
air goods, re -
A nice felt
by first-class
ugh boots at
vertlhoes and
and BOAS,
OlaagoW Hoes&•
VOL. XLVI. 2497
W hatl.I0401, On at th.Capltal
tN w� Owrimiliaiwawn of Panacea a tae
teen ef.e. amiss r eine a aware need
_glow PromeaM..rtsas tae rear
w names N. Cana...
Ills •Wiwi llerruspsdwtm.
;WAWA, Oet. 13.- W ►da tits oboe
tet Bigb far Canada was ergot -
.d it wee jwslAad ea the grata that y the
appoisttsoat .f • reprensamerre to look •f -
ter the taN.wn of the uo0d.tes a (:rear
Worm • large amtivat u mosey -.sold be
saved Too .min a hriapper the office Leto
n once prwvided time mama W ether
do ice the High Csmmisb..r would "tarry
ow such mob hsirwsteone as h., frees tune
to time, reesiese frees the (iwteraermCoaa-
d reap otisg the essemereial, Aa.scal and
geoer.l *ammo sf Canada in the Cooed
i'eedom and einwbara" !0 reads the
statute The sea et maketaiaing tits et
or last :year was $48,016 Lecluding the
'wary of 810,000 paid the High Csotmo-
sour, who resides is faaiis.abl• yw•rters,
for which the people of Canada mud 840,-
Kut why is it whoa No 1;over..ent find
u sem/wary to borrow more mosey 1• peri-
odical complaint with theta) 1I. mart geed
the Muatcr of Rasam to i E.igl•ad to m-
rotse' the lora` Has the Huth Cota aster
air no status is the K.aI..h mossy market,
Out hs "Meld be relieved of thm duty,
which properly bab.y to him. or is it
that Mteuter Foster haa coma to the os-
eusica that it will he the Ils.t'opportm-
ity Mi will hays to ataks • trip to Los
doe at the 'armee of the ratepayers of
t ie • terry picture be will have to ley
before the F.arirh capit•lieta of oar lima
cal madams. The last official (:.roue
pies our `rota debt on the 30th Septet -
ker. et $310,190,727 mama $299,812,562
aro ! he same date last year. He wall .bo
hate to show that while titers has bees•
erre shrtakag. Le rowsm there has been
so Increase Le expediters. Rut why
rost1 sot Sir Chalet 'Tupper expiate •l1
t1s swsw ase thea sove the oo0.try the
est of Fester'. trio to Loudon`
1. there any hope d our eosdIties tmprov-
ise umber the precede dmuatr5uon et env
be redwood preportammely, my twisty or every me theusaad •eiol•r• obtained setae
thirty per ewe, would ('..do mot be is • 8300,000 per mesa is added to the trade
haus pesetas le m.muf.ot.r. ,Le compote of the es..try. An first clam sCMole are
lies wish Sim saidsworld e►she now lowed u very m.ay 'moues, of the pro -
Y os
opuses theme eosins. where • tmesheaie mace, these expenditures woeld be .pried
can by 70 or 30 per est. cheaper Naw he , over the whole oomstry.
meld sow live Le 0 ', Ustatom. The The .dv.auyte of esoper.tis la ether
l:o.er.mest expels • strew desire to ex-
tend our fors.s trade, to mean sew mar-
kets toe our ,n.aulastures. Ourtae.ly oar
aktht to eeenpthen roar -
ken upon
ken#epoad• eu in upon oar atwhty Ids praises
end ms.eha.re cheaply which out ealy
be the case It the oust of hems is reduced
to the very lowest figure u the mech•ale
sod the •tree••. We have had sixteen yeses
d preemies sad bow much farther .re we
.head then w►w we started . We own
over two fold what we did when we aton-
ed ! Oar taxes for Federal purposes .leas
be.e bas ottcrsaed 64 per cent„ while we
hate net bold the nature' useresM tet oar
ppslslis.. ♦oaoedieg to the G stent
statistNe•a sixteen years Mould have • Id-
s 1,141,498 to our popwl•iw•,th•t is births
over deaths, exclusive of immigration. la
place of that the populates Locle t:Re
immiers, ion and natural increase only shows
as lacrosse of 942,569 as esetapaed wish
1878 Bat wb•t about the 3(10,000 'mine
reacts tat hover.ttseet brought tato the
ooustry and reported as setW settlers, he -
twine 1880 a•d 1890, et • oust of nearly
fear iullton &Alas ' Why, is place of our
p-ipstetios lei•g 4,021,476 es mumatd by
the Government statistician on the 300i el
.lupe, 1894, it wuuW have bees 6,070,422
bad we held our mound Moraine and it.imi-
g reets we pard fur to settle the. mantes.
Two or teres years .go the ;ow Lfisting a4)
these tmeigraats dipping tbreoge their
heads, sod oreselag over int. the limited
Stags, ab.M(o..d the ides of keeptmg say
further record of the pumber arri.tsg lathe
country oe the plea that "however sures'
retrieve of immigration may hs they ars
only misleading as Aug as equally sone
"Ware" of esugrsttuv cannot be obtained."
This is • pretty lame acme and it .mei
at vee the isms otiosity to expos the real
Mega of the Government is suppressing
thee" important returns We Meow that
. 11 ahs so ea11d immigrants scop beams
es:grants, but that should be 0o excuse for
oome..hng from the ouuntry the •e1. 1
we not that is expended OD immigration
sad the number of esiignvte that are 1•d -
ed in Caped. fur that gooey.
Thee" facts I base given as ineideatsl to
matters are already wap hsowa Nr.sghout
the province. A waited effort to make
known the dvaatages •ad rs.ou .ss of the
province, would. ler • comparatively seed
same •eoomplfah mete beset than many
time the amount spent is iadlwidu0 effort.
Aa Amocuttws would be able to obtain
baser railway terms and ether oea•smiose
whiob would aid in bn.g'sg visitors.
At prawn • musicipnlity masa spend
money Is maksg known to outsiders the
adesmteges and attractions of ata locality,
while la many swam • few dollars *basemen
would be of the greatest advantage in bring-
ing motors, m0.ufactiersre end others to
the neighborhood. An ar.ocutim might 0e
able CO obtao0 power to muaicip.Iitim to
do seater a.g is tasking known its des -
tams sad thus beeeit the community at
\'tailors cannot cum. to this promisee
without c5rrvtug away (evocable reports and
A Grimy iwtaooes visitors aagp01re such
knowledge as leads to the iatrodaction of
eapU..1 is the opening up of mime, and
sting iaduetnee to which capita could be
pwftably employed.
The above aro some few remarks which
teed to show the •d,Nt•ttes A mans
knawn the •dvast•ges mad reeo.rose of the
proving. W Min we look 5t the immense
amount of money that is spent in Switzer-
land by mei tors and realize that.ometh's& like
135.000,000 per annum is expended tniWy
he the mane clam, 5nat that the latter one -
try .0 reoognores the beoedu derived from
wantons and tourists that at even prohibit.
the export/Uoo of ancient pictures sod
statuary, we ass gee that it te in the iater-
este of all Unmated to our 0o00trt to make
an effort to develop • buaia..s which gives
each great results for all !.canna, of the
powwows se the tourist liminess does.
I would be obliged if you would let me
know what adwaaagee wad attrOctiOOs
your tows or mei hbortood has for visitors;
marl it there are already hotels mod boarding
houses catering to this elites of the trade in
or mer your tows, o•o you let me have •
let of mama Would the town or some of
the inhabits/1A thereof be prepared to take
part a ailing an •ma0ei.1400 as above men-
the results of the l;evern..t.t's protective, timed is promoting the nnureate not osly
high Neil. policy. Has at protected et has of your owe district but of the provisos .t
it rtes the return that wee expsetod el to large' A larre expemditore of mosey can -
Our int mad our taxes have Semmes/ : trot be made by Motors throughout the pro
Our population has .n hid its lateral In- via* without be..61*ine all portion. thee -
creme. We were to bear the hem of the of. 1f your teas pe. -is 5 Board of
sells • ire have naiad the humbug of the Trade would ase that beard be prepared to
athurt' par »tenser d.dLeiag waib ear liwerume.t. The 'sentry has for the do somethme Le sasktng known the Pro -
debt goes etsdii7 os tegeeseittg- v we we expnm•at •d pretty dearly too. We vines of O.Nrio end its dvaatages to Ma-
o esus open nee •5d fall under it. Ws tee. and ethers.
,. uitslele dettowoiea d see beds et tax. of the party Deet into piss •.d w' may a' lac y
sem mold be devised Ns me weenie we • sees exploit to see store ' this belated the tale •d we would be glad of my farther
tow µTimm •tad holed Ism year .sided bate if *mime is meted out W• have had suggestion", that you could make. etas
tee. to Nor twee 7 Newey the a petition .essdats, boodle sad oorrupys, oar be thee taken to make use of the best
that have forever tilsekmad the hatesy A methods for earning out the objecte aimed
acme tax. 7'N rata was 7 peeve par ave eehtn. W pest • record! •tad all soder .t Yours truly,
J •w. It. Rose.
r imoy 3' . s 511 taco., ever par
mama. Ceder the new law m the United
Sats the teoume tax a to be 2 per oust-
ea ail mesa. $,� per 0tlO0,
so moms leader that beteg foxed. A per -
sea with .e imeme 01$6,000 will oily he
sited oe 11.000, .r the asi0wdt e( Aeon's to
soar of 84,000. The um is to rearm the
nch m5si pehee sod why Mould he not
lsar thu properties of unstew which mew ' F; have pleasure in publishing the ' the Sp stator for the publi0•tim of 5
Why amid it est .m..sed m (emm4. i following co0moDiestis whish we" rarest- t 4t polies oomrt proesedtmga u w6iob
dead was thc 4efendant. ♦.d Ma Ingo
rich u.sa aim the admenty, yes with his ly received by the Mayer, aid wheal deals sad j� gave Head • !gessn which will
mate es hew iww.wod the vestry sad es with s yetis is which Coderich a vary hew' • tendeno, so rostrata other penises
to •wen to fa r les► tithes ts. W s. mt re Move ween Mmrure deposed. sad sappertere Several suggestions in the of proesd.
rseortd for r aeag m..... AW saw i the above onsets 1*... �resd hems
the National Policy, the policy Net war to
place (!sada mama the foremost countries
of the world ; that iv tea tears was to
mike as • populates of 10,000.000 instead
of 5,000,000. We have gamed notorwty,
but not oma to be mood.
A 6000 IDEA.
Another f�uo....ful Fall Show
The •a..e.d and Wawaaw ....eh bawl-
e.lt.rat Mehr breve •meeker .M
Da -Lash. T.r0at .d a eery
P1.e Ial1 Ctalbra0.
THE annual Fall show under the aus-
pices of the Ashfield Wwauoeh Yra.o6
Agncaltural 800ioty was held oe the ex -
oaten gremlin of the lhiyieg Perk Lessei-
•yes, 1), on Thursday sad Friday
of last week. Friday wee the Ag day of
the skew sod the.mesde of visitors _looked
to the pretty 'written' ?t11•ge from t;odertch,
Lacknow, ted the surrounding townships to
take i the his at the I.tr.
menial those present were a dozes or
miss bigdints from l;oderich, composed of
m.mb.matthe C.('.C.C. s.d the G.B.C.,
of the musty Uwe. They lied • very floe
sample of reset road ruling A the wind .ad
rata Munn w the way home.
The folbwieg are the atlases .ad di-
rectors of the Agricultural ..forty tau the
present year . President. Joha McLean ;
oleo-prssideat, Thos. endorses sseratary,
Wee McArthur ; treasurer, J. M. Robert.
Directors --Thos. K liurato, Itobt. !:lens,
John Webster, S. F� Sendereue, Wm.
(amerou, Henry Morris, Hugh Goma, Ren
Holtby, Joseph A. .Mallougb. Too much
credit cannot 1)e riven to the *.wagers for
the seams whtoa attended the show, and
the uudef•ttga le seOgeury,aod able treasur-
er were nu anal ooalributtng factors to the
Dungannon Show is prrticulterly fortun-
ate ID mating run during the hoWng of the
fair, but no sooner r the exhibition over
than the Iden clouds send Bows the moist-
ure tet great shape. This has been particu-
larly the case durum the past two years,
sod oe Friday lass put a damper upon many
of toe vtatte on Me return trip. The
middle of 1h:tabor u rather Ate to take
ala mos. of lime weather on, and it might set
be a bed idea for the management to ea.
haver to bit • date • tittle earner hereafter.
The story .f the feu in detail a given Le
do follows'
ism a*O* .Ow IT r4 O.*.40L\'ae.
Hamitic. SpoeNtor : The libel law of
(Atari a es ter to newspapers. Bat it
was not *afar emo0gh to allow "Mr." Tom
Head, of Cop•towo, to collect "dominos"
awed •deb leRtsiains e" ►r will .my dao- sine► interested The wmm•atastiee etc- from rektsg attack epos the pc
tui. Tb 111." beck till. tet 1. 1.111. nes name itself add mode no o00i0ent further of mfe11A9e• prefer•ors, witbost list chw
has been pretty mai robbed intomother'. bagasse, but trial; this manner
to state that Tim Sn:w•1. is heartily an °1. prov°o•tttsoo. it a nafort.m11u tbet111t the
feMrst end workiu Asses Caa.d• until they fever of the project, .ad would be Plow" se �e t1 ..d epos 4 siw.p11psr propre►
lave •untamed to the belief that it a time tome • .sbordi..ts branch of the Aeneas- ter fes Emmy to 1.111 woosd.d tsliag0,
the hurdee" of tozeues wen more fairly tis est•blf.hd Le (.od.tteh soder p.edy of making the tt.wop11p.r
,II -
dominated. Totw»Te, Oct Sth, 1894. mem the defendant in 5 sit for 1ibd. Tb
t 10. of the chi's( tome d the Liberal party eau area Sett, --A proposal has boon made to defending of • suit for libel arlamb tame,
u *r, s0an this end .td it a the feet tkm/ form • Provincial Amoouttsu I.1. the par- ••0070ao• sad mosey end sten when the
I" 't 4Sdeap tet against them. Twenty pose .f meet•g wows the advismoses of bi•skoriLtu plaintiff 1 bests, the news-
w llto. of ddfari woo wow takes ostatom the Previewer of !!steno as • resort far visit- Pew is • ampleof hundreds of deniers or
cket annually poannlly 5Yre gh the tle.esfe
ao me ed seeirisis, w out of pooltet. For those tw.oe. t6.
Suss. Twisty, thirty and forty p. met. The "rimy et 5ttreeetomn in the Provisos Sp.atsbr has, in sou oe with other newt-
on lidded to the psrehoses you make bot frees ,be basks of the St Lavergne', •leng pagers, honestly printed retraction., wad
task' beer meal Kris d Soros,at Niagara has sten pawl small .um. of nso..y to seal -
pay your bill without m0 Wigs
tie Oso. 00 • Whew tlsa dadeetake the of
of h• PLODS to the B• Mekek•. Heli• wsga
7s sir. r t. F.U., the Gegepen 7. is mien whish mitt remit is the triumph of
tf the s 171is s eetee•at te •*medium karts. 5d Nippi.sing di treats, op the Otto- tb. Thew rei. tile.• ad po7-
If the memahaet eras midi 'boding* medium w• • 4 en l20 North $bora of Lake Hepar menu -p0r �.. sly boom mei caked
for col1ect'0g the lnbmse ys 70 to the her by Port Arthur, Fort William to teat
I:ower0Oiodt w, the hull of willincw dudes. Portage, swot be esrwged by •a7 Prow- tat matter ere of very little iseperse.es,
M tali fiat she
wad me y.estl0d of priOsipl• was •t eke.
1.4 ys elmrp ism w Stets oe the Comtism's 'tet impecunious pumas bare ear been s-
truck you were perehealeg was use dollar, The wheats', &min. hawed hosting t• thre.ssu s ba oma meets -
.5d at ' b• tame M eemdmse tb prir add •teem sunotiese, making pie'ss of u- waryed•P
chis. ►•hemi a.rre s U far riper. temeot to seams waiters w ase weezo.11- POPK., u war to put mtwr7 m their
amts es the Umvee.meee'. ebbe. of the par- ed, pookes, sad it 1• ddf•rt.date that they ire
Sees menet' yee were Asad kiss. len fb. ,,•.tares te else preyimo• at isms, always .tile to thi1 penes, k..w. as 1aw-
w. Id rive 0 1et11• arae. to wbae iraee opemiag *D • 4 cxtcodia4 thio bdsi- 7010 to •td than
poor mosey was gtam�' tsv hr sash: blll yyssw mgrs 51+'1+.1. Fx .:•0720, wlthm •year l3ec2 v0gdieM 0 teat the ems. of
Mid would b • eemi.�ee that teskises vaitons oar vie Hod w. tb Spamt tis *jinn have • lo.-
er>r( air se (rata 6.000 to 1Q000 .1 �y to Meek the newspaper libel wit,
411. ▪ Drs sewed .eeemul se w.e1 •fats• i0* eye goat*, over an &mimobtained,
a sewn wise thunk that 511
d1. eft "IT earslega The moue' owls womb' 100 days, esu be readily obtained, while u mil nosh then People
air 75.000 visite.+ they Mow. *.is
do to ea $26116e191•115°
46 or 060 fr. •
appy u ahs 114111.1
d /steeee Nr+sgA 4v- • few iesn . 25000 i. to thrs.tcm s Ubsi wit for
e tas tat tot yew wstttY b �yee weme Ne11 sub nil he het ♦low 0•ti05u 01 esilws Mw•P•M1
of *bet ►m were
m.se7. / ewtribdW{ arm, Motel bills, !fist rent. cab biro me 110,000. that it b bestir da to wee. bb
_ threat edam they sire prsprd to tate
WWI* aims the mintier wow aiaima add souvenirs iy
It n. the ails et the cabal /.eb Sheik" s( Whit b ai li°ft d•7. 0•km1 ler 10 t>"� t bays 7 wi-
ld. "lean. It is o.5 of As Arse steps t- 000 enders per 7 • te/•1 npemdilwnr . .
awe ehwtwte free leach. Thee is w dories the Mat or ter' "d le.b.lf mil- _
Liberal loader wee tens yea Nat his whole lie. deUare ; for 70.000 Miters this els Termite iNews
e tHos.
meta. C. ) that
-- • - - weal' be x1,000.000. The taint of
►r seat is the CSleiset for
.erw.yle trade is the of seceptiag the poet ?meed
menthe while oriisary by r. Meredith's retirement TM Mid•
dull. 1 of 00.07 br.dght lase of Militia might hap himself
That trybis Ismaseew easkingthe denial. Nobel
the esa.tr1 frees yirtere r d .,e import, the tgesble of
he was euo2 5 fed as to
sees se the egrferiteral and=rotor- really though
eels Thee • like amount ad tend* threw sip 117.000 • y w Ottawa
la De-
is order
is readily apperout , A wholesale Wade ell se ono the Opposition
the greater _.._.>_.:
Made ; sow littered in 1894, Ily. Edwards, 17iretier; mut lady's underwear, Solna
Poked (Aim. la Ai. des. W. W. Fisher I Nutt, Mts. Campbell ; dors on son or
toe& all prizes. stashiag, Urs. Homilies, Mrs. Mcleouzim
gine. - -11relune, R Miaow", R week, Selina Nott, .Mos Systiegton; Now* Nota• frOm WatahingtOn
McLean; bottom, dark, Whitely & Ses, etehiag ea say material, lime or searsiellre•
J. C. Lyon: leighors„ white, J. C. Lyles. J. Campbell, 'her Nots; waxwork. Mies
C. Lycra; latione browo, R. MoLeaa, R. /Immure., Hrs. Ovitepholl: knitted quilt,
McLean; ply mouth rook, J. C. Lyoa. Jaa. &ohm leott; °rumba quilt, M iss Symington;
Harem; black spewed, Jae. Harrison, 5 yds rag carpet, Berber Boa., Thee
Whitely A Son ; tiorkings, Jas. liarrom; Woods ; rag mat, liana Noll, Kerber Bros. ;
homburgs, Jas. Harmon, Weitely & Sae • maim yarn, hire Hamitic's, Mrs. Mc
beanbags. gold sod saleer,J. C. Lyme Crashes ; bottom Am, Mies Symington',
1.7 Lye.; game. J C. Lem, Jos. Harrison ; Campbell, Maim' Nott ; drawtog roan
Mousse. It. *DUNA, R. Misteme; barnyard ameen, Miss Symiegtee table scarf. Settee
fowl, J. 1!. Lytle. J. C. Love ; geese, Jos. Nott, Miss Symington ; table edoth, mobroi-
Harrisoa Whitely & Sea : ducks, Joseph dered, Selina Nom, Mrs. Campbell ; set
Kilpatriek, Jas. Harbors; turkeys, A. table mats, Mita Symiagtou, Selina
Deasy; Reines fowl, Jas. Harrier:A, Jas. tea oozy, Mrs. Campbell, Mies Symiertoe ;
lierrieen. nacos, work, Miss Symingtoo, Michael
Gatos - 2 buokiels fall wheat, white, 8. itiathour ; outliae embroidery, Selina Note.
Fan, I. Salkekl : 2 bushel. fall wheat, MM. Campbell ; draw work, Miss Symine
red, Verse. I. Sakeld : 2 Wilhelm Spring Loa, Mrs. Campbell painting on silk a
'rhea", fife, 0. Brabour, Thos. Wools ; satin, oil Amateuri, Mime Symington, Mies
our ; 2 bushels, °tiler variety, S. Furs., I. Mule Symiaton : tasty udy, MUM ey none
Salkold ; 2 bushels six rowed barley, M. ton, Mrs. Campbell crotchet Lea, num,
Brethour, 0 Rrethour ; 2 boatels two row- Mies Symingters, Mrs. Campbell : chenille
ed barley, M. Rrahour, John SWAIM ; 2 embroidery oa felt or plush, Mum Speen -
bushels oats, bleck, M. Brethour. 0. Brea- toe, Selina Neu matte drape, Slue Syne
our ; 2 bushels osta, white, M. Bretbour 'ascot'. Selina hat fancy tidy, drawn
S Fora ; 2 boatels peso small, 8. Furze. work. Mies Systiogton, Mrs. Campbell beet
M. 'honour 2 bushels peas, Large, ti. aod greatest deflection of ladies' work. use -
Furze: Piaui Smeltzer ; 1 bushels timothy ful aad ornernentel, him Symington, Selina
seed, M. Rooliour, .1. Salkold ; husked Nott, Miss A. Iloyd.
du soot, J. Salkold, Jas. Alton; beet, and Fres Airra• Amateur -oil Painting*. -
loosest variety of grain in the straw grown Marine view, Mrs. Cenipbell laadoespe
by exhibitor, :Anil Fere", M. Rreilsour. itaaadiaa subject', Moe A. Floyd, Miro
Deny --5 lbs. table butter, Mrs.. T. An- Lane : fruit. Mime Ione ; original painting,
derma, Robt. Smyth; 20 lbs. packed butter. soy subject, Mum Lane ; portrait, Mies
R Smyth, Mrs. T. Hamden; einem, not Lase.
less than 50 lbs, tottery made, W. A. Wil- Water Colors -Amateur. lonilecape,
me, Armow cheers tottery ; cheese, not liess Mies lane. Miss Royd erigleal, any sub
Am 12 les, home made, W. A. Wilson, W. jaA, Mies Lawrence ; sepia, Miss Lane ;
A. Wilson: loaf baker's bread, Seaill.Roach: pool drewing, Mus lane : pen end Ink
leaf home made bread, Thos. gallows, Geo. sketch, Mies Woods, MOW Lane ; crayon
jer of bogey, Geo.Harris, Paul Reid; maple
syrup, Miss Nett, Joe. Kilmortck; maple
syrup, Geo. Harris, Brethour.
Special -tub packed butter, net less than
30 lbs, Mrs. T. Hamilton; table bettor. an
• Orl DTA DUD* MOD Roars --Peek early ron
ele• ptient potatoes, S. It Sandman, F.
Robisson: peek my other variety, S.
Souderton, M. Brothels ; 4 beads eabbage,
Anderson IUDs., W. F.. Durum; 6 biood
gold wurtzels, W. H. McCranhen, Thos.
Woods; trends tetraips,F. Robin•on„ K. Mc -
W. H. laCracken ; 6 white Bastian carom,
W. H. lioCreeken,Geo.Harris; 6 early horn
garrote, Goo. Barris, Mrs. T. Hamilton ;
pe• ck tomatoes. Jas. Canna ; 6 ears eon,
John Sakeld pumpkin, Gee. Harris, 8. E.
Saaderson ; Winter masa ter table, F.
oluash for table, Thos. Woods, Jae. Alton
Herne ; 4 heads cauliflower, Joe. Curers& ;
4 mums, W. If McCratikes, Mts. T. Ham-
ilton callectioa garden vegetables, W. H.
MeCraeken. Jae. Cantos ; special, beet 5
mated varieties potatoes, peck, Wm. Bailie,
W. H. MoCracken.
Farm locow ma. Winter Apples. --
Spies. Wui. Cassaroo. Geo. Harem ; bald -
wilts, S. Funs, Ed. Dania ; 'nog of Tomp-
kins county, Thee. Wooda, K McAlister :
Anton yuppie, Geo. Nott, Jas. Conroe :
Canada red, Geo. Herrin, J wi.Alton ; russet.
J as. Altos, W. E. Derain ; Rhode Island
g reening, John Mahe, Geo. Note ; hen 4
n amed waken*, 4 of each. Jas. Altos, J.
A. Mallough.
Fall Apples -20 ounce pippin, J. A. Mal -
lough, Goo. Nett ; beet 4 assood wittiest's, 4
of each, Gm. Note.
Peam-3 named varieties, 4 of each, Geo.
Harris, land. Fares.
Variees-3 aimed varieties plems, plate
sem, J. M. McCracken : collection grapes,
mob, Geo Harris :plate peaches, Miss
yeeingtoo. F. Robinson ; plate ersb apples,
planta, Mrs. T. Anderson. las Carlton ;
collection garden Sowers, sit, Mrs. T. Am-
Maxer•croase -10 yds. all wool cloth.
Nott ; 10 yds. all wool flannel, Sain,
Altos, Jas. Allem ; 10 yds. onion fiennel,
Allen, Mrs. T. Reminds ; pair hone ideek•
as, home made, Belies Nott ; best sollootioe
a bone, T. W. Little ; beet made poor of
pasta, Jen. Whyara
Implements. -Angle boggy, wieh top,
It Bees on, us limmegtos; domed nes, Salina
Hams- heavy draftee Breed mare
with feall by bee side, Thos. Todd, Wei.
Wellwood ; 2 year old filly, dm. Forster,
Wm. Wellwood 2 year oid gelding, Wm.
Cameros ; 1 yaw old fitly, Hugh ChiMolm,
Edw. Durum 1 year old stallion, Wm.
Wellwood ; foal of 1894, Wm. Wollwood.
Thai Todd ; team in harness, John Berber,
Jae. Foster.
Agriculturse-broodeutare, with foal by
bar side, Hugh Chisholm, C. W. Taylor, C.
W. Taylor; 2 year old filly,thigh Chisholm,
Barber Btos ; 2 year old gelding, Berber
Brea., Percy Stewart ; I wear old gollhoe.
Barber Bros ; foal of 1894, Hugh reasholni,
C. W. Taylor; tetun in harness, Wootitevess,
T. Joyous
Cameral Purpose Brood mare with foal
by her side, Jet Kilpatrick. Swill Boma,
Jas. Curves ; two year old filly, Paul Reed
asoloron ; year old filly, Snit
Bassett. Wm. Comoros foal of 1894, C. W.
Taylor, Sase Bassett ; team in hareem,
weight aot to mooed 1.260 lbs. mole Woods
fres. D. MeNevin.
Road and Carriago-lffrood mare with
foal by Air Nide, Jobs Bailie, Hugh Gloria ;
2 year old Ally, Paul &waltzer, H. Medd
twe year old mildiae, Wm. hisliough. Semi
Cook : horse slaws in herniae, single, Dr.
Whitely. Smith McLean ; pair matched
horses, W. F. Clark, C. A. Hewett foal of
years or over, style and area moselered,
lawmen Doyle, W. A. Colborne.
Brisson tit inn Rtee-Forater s trot or
peek Medd. Alex Ben% R- J. HoolJohd
miss to all, Om. Roe, J. M. Porde". R
McLean meddle horse, mare or geldiag,
sad style ooteldered, Robs. Sturdy,
Tele" Salkeld ; Running, open 10 al, Sam
McLean, 1. flathead.
the sap there me hi report
ase.ey would pie .past deoemg the sem.ner i• alien b resign
seid he
ion Wen es the sotimeden
10"10T a their party. They de MIL
Moms, that fres trade is their ultimate
tbst their policy weeld be to sitimetely
inns that tad.
Th. Tadao yen thet
omoval of pretense, memos the do
* *etas eff all ear momfastaring Woo -
knell th" "ha Shirty. forte ma seventy
sw int duties they, loopsee to ritto••••
Wien sed
series and keep harelip sinapsii-
n_woi- If snob were the ewe, if Mit
.7".16gos maims, how le it thee soder
zonetaat MAE they raise 6474 mem
sae from imeneene alma they did la WO
ti..t_ala twig, this doulliabeartillell
7: list • tweditad onselea be sod
'who semen the enesdhl• 110v1wm
Miaowing OW of the immeiair
•S preteete the Den hem haying •
lholownal menial el the maple re-
= listen thsai by liesyng them sup -
tins uglier ear Mak peellonive
iwwwee 1st Irbil lin mat the ease-
46,siss them I no by Ye remesta
ameires duties lin ONO II Meg geoid
oa tart..
Min sum wean
of the swam wet el the imanery
defies mid geode bought is foreige seentrien
while the greater astoost the to say
brought be by touring is meet for labor em-
ployed, Si drives/. in prods/hag supplies
ream ia the sontry. eta, etc.. and an
soh Is the biker et the newer basheded.
bet the labor of oenvertiag the raw
monein late lewd sad eves tie work of
'awry*/ it te the osamosow is paid fur. la
ether words AB AO is paid fee feed gememed
ia the eismosory, taw raw soforisJ of when.
it sepereed. wend neap has thee ma
dollar inn the ermines
The oduestional simonise el the pro-
visos of Ontario am ansseethil. mad we al-
=bbsia6e:a may wheel Millikeie from the
repablia Sash boarding
mien sahebs strode on se average ea
WA NOB kir Mask Woke sod nher •
poodfiegme *orbs Me yew, ea WM ter
Leedom Advertiser : The Tomato
Empire learnedly awns that tit* reams
Shy Mr. Meredith billed to met Sir Oliver
Mows' me bemuse be wee sot rowdy
womb is his expedients He was tee
gentlessesly altogether to mit the
ear sentempoirary. By Ow way, the latest
to nabs no leadership se Mr.
Minster of Militia.
110 DOOM AI ?Ws Ws an There.
ing raised or with calf 1804, Jas. Tan,
Wm. Cameros ; 2 year old beefed% Jas.
Jos. Iti beife; °elf of 1894, Jos.
mod bells, 2 yeses or meg, R. & Ander-
son, he. Kinetrish ; balls miser 2 years,
Jae. Tabb ; herd a three feemiss and lime
man Jet Rilmoriek
Grids Cattio-Mileh oow having railed
or with self in 1894, R.. Medd ;
2 year old heifer, Warn. Camsrea, R. Medd ;
neer self of 11194.9. & E. Andersen ; heifer
sell of 11304. Wm. Mallesgb, Wm. Mel -
16410 ; 2 year nil boiler. mimed ealf in 11104,
leader, H. Oirela ; 2 year old steer. Wm
Cameros. Wei. Cameros ; 1 year old neer,
Soar -Lets Wooled -Aged rem, . W.
Fisher ; ebearing rani, R. Angst, R Me -
Alba" ; pair aged ewes, rasing lambs la
111104. Agelrews, R- ; pair
ellmaring ewes, R. fileAllffeter, Wm. An-
drews ; pair ewe lambs. R. MsAllister ; mak
Lab, R. Finless, R. MeAlheter.
Been Dews -Aged sm. Ose. Harris ;
shearing rein, Otinn Brae pair aged Owl,
raising iambs is 1804, Diem Urea , James
Lam ; pair shearlint ewes. Oleos Brea ,Jeo.
IA•to : pair ewe lambs Jot Inas ; rem
iamb, Glens Bees., Jos Ilans.
Shropshire Desna -lbearliso ram. I.
Serest! Wawa Drop ; pak ewes, rain -
EWeis 189l, I. IfolkoK, Moos Dem ;
s, Glom Draik, ; rasa lamb,
Clime Brea, I. &Ikea
Orford Deems -81morling rani. pair aged
awn reigns bribe ia 1M14, pair nearing
own, pair me rem lamb. les. Table
took all prise&
Yee Neese seem them we an by net potties
your dynes sod elesaing dem by as. Clem
law mid dir are dose well, if ism at
Parker's works, Tweets, es these:ire
knows ta the base of work mad
ems" esweeme, imitate sod lanbers.
Loam year order with Mame Vaasa. tallin-
• •eeilesee Min Mond Orlin • Return nig*
•• 1111deat Iriarremeo- Lea 41011 *ernes
reposes nese spread ne.
Prom en Regular Ogrramiondeal.
muster A dearer of being flooded with
money that will rase about ou • par e lot
that issued in the day s of "o-11.1 tat" Auk -
ese, well reinembeted by many people now
' It certainty is, if • decusoa jai
reatlereci by Solicitor Reeve, she highest
law official of the tri.asui v depot-
mmo, be good law. I hat deems. says
Am any comity. authorized by its state
constitution to tome Mau, niay iseu• toady
of any denonaeatiou It pleases, and that
those bouds will not be subject to federal
taxation. The plain Foglia% ot Ate de-
cision is that any county may, if ir• mate
constitution does 'tot prebuilt, mile bards
to deuominetions of 111, or even fractions of
a Oollor, sad by making the interest nominal,
the bonds would lescome circulating sotto,
just the same as if they were actually issued
aa mirth, thus ersotioally making the federal
fused to repeal, imposing a tax of ten per
cent os suite bank currency. • dead letter.
1 tie argument that betide toned in this
met• "battens of the country, as they would
furnish the people with • local circulating
medium the lack of whish is DOW felt, is
drawing, Mien Lane ; specimen peeneanship souring. but not sound. Such mosey re
by boy or !girl under 15 years, Miss Hamar „whom. ow motto!. twee put U
i'mfe••"'nel "hi PAiAtiAll- in which it wee issued, but would in • short
subject, Mn Campbell ; portrait, Mrs um, tied ite way eeet tweetry. and
CYO OWL the days et discount alweys paid by the
Prni•••Www.i -water mlar• f• th'• c'IL" poor man would be renewal. money.
Mr& C. ComPkoll took ell Prii•• him' or what purports to money, should ever be
Woods took • secoad in original miaow
subject. issued in this country that worth • dollar
Tii u gnus. at its place of issue, but is discussed more
and more the further it gets from home.
Horses, heavy draught, agricultural and One •sperience of that 'sort shook' he quite
general purposes John Hooey, W roomier, enough Let us hien no dollars that ere
oot dollars in Califernis as well am in Mame
Hones, mini sad carnage and speeches and in all the intervening Slates. Mosey
in the ring, John Knox, Hy. 'Ay, Wm. that ism to be thecounted to be spent may
be • good thing for t be brok. re and money
toe. for the people at Argo.
Sheep tad Pip The Pust Office department people wiy
there wets po polities in the official neulica•
MmIorri:1 Jas. Reyes. non to all pommasteis at free delivery of -
Dairy - D. C. litraohan. floes, that hereafier all substitute letter car -
Grain, vegetables aid mote- Wm. Bur• nen must be nominated from the eligible
rows. ; ••asucies i minim fel.. must 14
- J. A. Morton. filled, when practicable, by the promotion
Maautactores soil implements- Join of the senior substage& : remeral end eew
Purvis. employ meats of shirks aud earner* must be
'Adios' department -Mm. D. D. Carder, reported to the Yost Assistant Postmaster
Wets, Mies Murdock, Lsolomper. (losers' a soon se made, aad that no tor
Fine Arta. Mrs. R. Lenhart. rier 4 to be removed eicept for cause, and
- upon writte. charges filed with the P. 0.
LOCAL BRIEFS. D., and full opportunity given hint for do-
Niece. All the ram it has LDIUI,C42 much
('. A. Nairn is having his store reiloored.
clams on Nov. 15th.
The deer amen opens on Saturday and
The Italian harpers are paying th011 DO- notes. The theory has always been that
meal visit to the town. the appointmeats were made at the Prot
Coal ham advanced 25e. per ton since leat Office Department, the postmaster merely
making resomnieedations, but es those re-
work, nuking it $6.10 per too now.
LOP, ise /OS, 144. Marti*. Co uiti ue•er le k 411 ti !Ai to the t;cunty
Adams t Sea Perim ; farm Mita. 1.. A
Zewess, Hy. Edwards ; road cart, Adams
Son IS Mary's.
Dareamantr. -Tatting. Selina
lam, Relies How Mies Symingtoo ;
embroidery ia muslin, Solna Note, Mrs. C.
Campbell ; embroidery io settee. Mies
Symington ; fancy braiding, Mim Syming-
ton, Salim Nett ; toilet set Mies Arnie..
toa, Salim Nott: fanoy patch work, Mies
liminess, Mrs. C. Campbell, patched
lent in 11,001. Belies Neet Mrs. T. Hawn -
ten ; patched quilt A masa, Mios Syming-
ton, Salim Nett ; embroidery iu worsted er
silk, Mies /Symington ; Ingo shirt, band
made inseniebed), Mrs. SW. McKenzie, bk.
T. Hamilton ; embroidery an bolting Sloth,
slippers, Selina Now Mrs. C. Campbell :
fancy hafting in wool, Miss Symington,
Mts. C. Campbell ; foam limiting in one=
Mrs. W. Wakeman, Seine Not'. : °reshot
talk sirne, Mei. C. itkimpleal, Mrs
: taw knitted underwear Mrs.
; table oesitro pates, Mime
Nen ; pair woollen atitte,.haad mai* Mins
sneak Mrs. /famines, Intim Non ;
pair wools. seeks. hood made, Mrs. Me -
Xenia. Mrs. IdeCimakes; sofa eashion,lilies
Piot - llsrbehlee. - Agged bear, Jena Symington Mien A. Boyd; pillow shams,
Clerk sow hewing reined Op la 1894, Fly. Reims Non. Min llyentsgrea: rim* Mtn
g amins, R. IL flasditturin-; bear Wend in Mies Rymbeirest, lira O. Casnibeil;
• wieterds, W. W. Film.
-hied bear, R. Pi . crewel weak, Relies Non Mrs. Om=
haw llama Wirt, Wm Hamilton,
Wesiehter, Walker -
John Walters, Joe.
the Albion Hotel. made the appointments himself. The post-
master will cease to be • power A poloicie
(;"' Tb*""ill wiWPIY 'cm with 047 if the Dew rules be rigidly visioned.
eleke of piano you maw require- Call ea
Secretary (ailed. woo bie Ira wrestle
hien sod get rock bottom prime with the near plasters, a it Ives eenerally
Mr. Coombs, of the sear of Om Clinton supposed he would, the mart barns de -
Collegiate lastitate, took cheeses of the alined to issue the modems asked for by
Ribie °Ism In cwww°•iiris with h• lir•wth•"- the planters, on the ground that it had no
Methodist church Sabbath whoa, in the authority to interfere with Secretery Chr•
&beam. of the pastor Sunday last. lisle in it,testerfornienee of hie constitution -
Inv. .1 Ede comiuctod servine is MIT int duties, sod that Cosarem was
Holmseville auaday last. His pulyit ia th• proper party to be applied to by the
Northot. Methodist °hank era orieumed in planters-. The beet sugar men have • mush
the morning Ildr. Coombe, of the staff of better case, in their ilium tor bounty oa
the Chinon • to Institute, who de- eager made before the tariff law took elect,
livered an steeliest &mourn, sod in the but so far as known they bey. takes no
miming by Rey. F.. A. Fear, of Hohosevilla Mops towards getting tbeir claim into court.
Tbousaede a Melton at Us World'e Fair It may surprise many people A be told
weedered why A wee that Ayer's was the that the populists are raining esedidst a is
ably Sarsaparilla se inkibitioa there. The 309 magreeeional districta, yet mush sa the
roman is fouad A Rule 15, whieb preveneed heat. Chairman Taubeneek, of the populist
the setnistion ot patent medicines, tompairn oommittes, takes • very rosy
nostrums. sad esperiniental oompounds. view a the situation. He said " Our
Ater's vas the only blood purifier which greatest rain will be ia the %Vast and South.
mewored all the noignagibia of • etrietly will sleet' repremetativee from States
in whisk wit haye sower succeeded before,
esiestific preparation.
th▪ ree ays. Ito amities upon the system is have hitherto bees resiablioke. th• sorsalions
it, remoses as will wow out either is the first or seeme
• th,„ mew toe dress immediately plass, sad is WIWI of thao States tho dem.-
disappears. The first does greatly benefits. walk part, will be ih the Millitroa of a wiry
75 meta. Sold by James Wilma, drupelet. btkitte•kak Ultra
React Mane itaieved in a0 Minutes. Meals( of postege stamps from the
speedily afoot. • ours. It is • time t• say bow many have boss
lAtthir Mika - bre. es Albs*, Nett: ones mean mirk. SOW
rem", pairiwies.soeftesesof ease'. That will not be known mill
all the postamesters who liave mode regent-
Swwitherith i" 4‘41. 864131 Woks for otas loco tbe first of Jely
symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One does hare boon harda from aro th.ir nu
oesviaosa. Sold by Jenne Wilms
elteckete Three moo are already Smell -
Rail" 411" 17a.: erbe an now in jail, sad the tined an out-
iw•••'d a Ira.- 'ram' •"--- abbr. It menu that there meet be mem
ere in reosemendiag the remedy, as it seta h,
with imeteriose prosiptosem in the removal ponmesteirs' requisition, as the riesling
from 1.'"w" "14.'11' *1111."." um does by seeding them • smaller number
Mood soavin, mints curbs, curls meet. nate they ordered ; also, from the fact Gat
1"o" tana.r• no theft wee disoovered through the Aimee
narkliarn. nom .7 11a. .• mem offering the steenps for sale at a le4 die -
'Relief in Rix Hoers.--Distreeniag kidsay moms, mid „4. threena ow mum, oy Amite
sad Madder &maw relieved le olz hours ie see et, ow Renee oeiromoim asty
by the Great Smith Ameriess [Mary Oars priesiu.
Tbie mew remedy is • great surprise sad de-
light es asomat el in mearelieg pressmen WOW Os 11144 a sealiale Menem.
is enemies pain ia the bladder, Miners, Seed 96 " Sualint " Soap wrappers
Melt sad every yam ot the tigioagy poragos bearini_the WOOED t" Why Dees • Women
is seele tie female It rebore. reemilleis el Look OM Reeser Than • Mao " Levee
enter awl pan im pawing sewn ism- Rms.. Ltd., 43 fleott-et Toresto, sod yes
atedietely If yea mot Inn Mtn this will rewire by pest a pretty paters, free
So your remedy. OW bo 3.10 Diva, frees adverfeelmg, sad veal worth frainteg.
dratiffee This is se easy way to iliemeams year beam.
Tu. soap t• the beet is the warns sad it
whisk hod boss ' here, were
Clistoolo Cho tt=oOd awl* 111 la= Ira ably ant la weebbigs to seed ia the
eirappon, yea loam the earls epee.
of 111-46. or at the ali• at 11.2114 eash. Dot
IL Holm ; bow itt000l 110 UM. Hy. 111- Clogeolls onomas work. Mao Nom Mei awe. to pay omposst•