HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-11, Page 8NEWS OF THE DISTRICT• Frogs mar ownQargeMpgadental- Th,. es td.r_..b...re This Canwee be Wesal Aayw s,. =se -newest w Seas, tes....ty .'ra'r'e sur The MispeaL AUBURN. Il , net. (1. The butternut crop is rapidly disappear- isf. Miss Tura Brown was in Goderich last week. John Robet tow, from t:oderieh, soadeyed at beam. Henry Toadies, from Goderich, was here ea Sunday A slumber from here intend to tee Lias - pianos show. Mmes ('lark and Wileoo rich last week. Joe t\ ashington suited Goderich last week, A number of young men toted going to the lumber woods this Mail. ;tome of our residents took in (the Was - geld festival Monday evensong and report it • suocs.. were in (;od• ife % k.. sad ""`'' t`e'es$'', y visiting umlaut's at Persist =the the peat we*. 'Memel hems ea I, mach please& and keawt•d by her visit. Pear eaayu.sm roe ten M mt~mod d iers iia his assibiberbeed are Weft ts Fall -iewieg sad robingMarinw'sRher his parents is 0 scop• w tab, owing to the dry in Nemoer. is light. However, Wee are semm fermiers who say that they lean • fair mop of potatoes. Other roots, sash as tar - Nps, eve., are greatly improved is mase- gaesss of the resat sheaves . Celeto UT.-" When did you std that ►sandsml beeaet •ad sessemen whet they lady to asolber. W other day met res the street. "it looks lovely. indeed it does." 'Don't you neon' Nell, I just mit it at the fasbWMbl. milli°rhebep,Mre. Wil.os'a "1 seem I'll have wee like it, so that I can ge to1)usgeasea stow on Friday." said the eayuirer. I have heard that • great manyof the feu sex. dressed is the latest styles are to be at the show.' SMIfH' SHILL. Sew aver , Oct t,. Alex. Vose, jr., baa plead oas of tyor- eell's furnaces in his hose lately, and is now awaiting a cold snap to try hew it works. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. KINTAIL. Me' pet. Oat. 1. Mies Meir Webb is visiting at M. \\'bit - by. this week. 1). McMlurchy dug his potatoes last week. He reports the crop very poor Our s mese dress maker u doing a good besiness A • notice she has • new sign. Our young blacksmith goes to ltruceevery little while Wonder what's the natter. We understand our school teacher attend- ed the convention at Goderich last week. Our village TWO • scene of excitement last Seturday night. Where is Inspector l'aa- Murdock McGregor, who has been laid up f Rte time w with • sore sickle, is slowly re THE SIGNAL': GODSRICH, ONT . THURSDAY. OCT. 11. 1$k.. CALL x x SEE OUR lIEE RANGE Fur Capes uongast•a Tr. Oct. let, 1894. Council met to -day. Members all present esoept the reeve, lie having been severely kicked l.y his horse was unable to •t`t Minutes of last meeting read and parted. Moved by .1u Connolly, emende•�� C. W. Williams, that the deputy treasurer be empowered to borrow the sum of $1,000 for township purposes, and that • by-law be 000firming the same. The recent floods was the cause of having to borrow this sum. Moved by .las. Johnston wended by C W. Williams, that the fol- lowing accounts be paid, v..Rist egry search 50t s Henry Porter. beep of in- digents, $50 ; Mrs McCrae, indigent, $15 t council for looking after indigents, $5.50, Adjourned to meet on first moods). to November. Nixes Sen not', Clerk o 1ST %' wA`IOT,i. of K eeVerap Council met according to adjournment on Mrs. M. Whitty and her daughter Kate Saturday, Sept. 22nd. The members were are room to sped a few lays with (rie.dsia •Il pretest. After reading mint- of Seaforth. previous meeting the treasurer's report for It McKay, we are pleased to see, is on the Angest was received. It showed receipts, withpath again, after suffering ohne time $766 01 and expenditure, $374.84, leaving wile •tete shoulder. $391.17 to Sept_ account. Moved by Mr. Me. H. McKay his returned from her ('iheon' emended by Mr. [Strain, that the dock omit y Henry Dodd that this munici• pality is willing to do its share towards putting is culvert opposite lot 17, con. 1 Carried. A commani atiOn from councilw1 e Proudfoot was rd. [ that if they attempted to sarry out the con- tract let, opposite lot 25, con. 2 amid 3, an injunction would be applied for by Mr Washington to prevent the work being carried out, he claiming that the work would unlawfully dam water on his pro petty. The reeves were appointed to see the interested parties with a view of having the matter settled without litigation. Messrs. Stuart, Todd sad the Clerk were appointed to receive end accept if satisfac tory, the collector's bond. Tine following checks were Maned : Thea Glen, gravel- ling, c ■. 10. $45.10: Jobe Kilpatrick, con- tract tea 8 and 9, $30 : Dr. (ate, vaccine points. $7.50; Geo. Armstrong, gravel and 'Dialling gap, $10 46: John McLean 152 yards gravel, $10.64 ; Thor. Anderson, c.:n- tract. $61 : Jas. Hoey, contracts, $14 31 : Jacob ]filler, oostract, $27.40; W. H. Wilson. -lumber, v.89: Jacob Miller, co.• tract, $95 85 : Karnali Cameron, repairing road, con. 1, 2 and 3, 10.00: Jolts Kilpat- rick. gravelling cos. 6, $30: John ('lark, extra work a abed. $6: Rob Hein, gravel. $3 30. Council adjourned to meet on Saturday afternoon, October r K .K K. Clerk. AUCTION SALES. All parties getting their sale hills printed u this selee will have a tree notion inserted in this list up to the tiste of sale M .'ii.ST.Oct. 15th.- -Auctios tale of farm stook and implements, on lot 1, Coe. 5. at 7..i' *beech, Colborne, at 1 o'clock. ('has. A. Walters, prop , J. Knox. auct. Weal! aad emanates mods and prices. visit to t:uelph and Toronto. She says site had a good time. Moso.tt, Oct.'. Miss Alike Morris is visiting friends in (ledetieh at present. Mrs. H. Montgomery, of Detroit, is vesit• trig at her father s, 'rhos. Boyd's. Miss Arthur, of Auburn, was the gust ot Mie Ida Hetherington on Sunday. Potato digging is the order of the day lied the crop is very light to general. -Rey. Mr. Mos, our pastor, and Rev. Mr. Viae', the evaagelist. are holding revival meetings this week, is this plac-e. William Jackman, and Thos. Allan, of this place, have started an evaporator in Myth. We wish the young men seemed. Otte of those happy events took place at the borne ot Thomas Elliott by the marriage of his daughter Annie to David Melllwain, of Ashfield. The nuptial knot was tied by Rey. Mr. Hendereoo, of the Presbyterian church, Auburn, after which about forty guests sat down to a sumptuous repast. The bride received a number of very useful pres- ents. We wish the young couple a happy journey threorh the matrimonial sea of life. C. B. SAIB & CO., Mcl..aa's Block. Ow. Beware and Meatrealet. . W. ACHESON & SON .. Correct Styles and Largest Selection of NEW MANTLES AND 7ACKE TS IN GODERICH. For Elegance of Style and Finish, this Seasons Surpass all Previous Full Skirts and Sleeves, Close Fitting Waists. Perfect Models. Plain, Braided, Beaver and Otter Trimmed, Stylish. Heavy Lined Throughout Coats at $5 Each. Best values in Goderich. A. visit to on 7 Mantle Dapartmant will please and profit - GREAT - CABH SALE LEEBUHN. T,-a.o.tr, Oct. 2. Archie Horton is sojourning in the cold. water township. Henry and Edith Horton were at Clinton last week attending the C. F: convention of Huron. The l urrel thrashing maehite from Port Albert was thrashing here last week. Har- rows & Rtchardson's steamers are also on W move Mase. Mi s PAs. Mackay, of Goderich, filled the duties of orgsaist last Sunday in the absence of Miss Edith Horton, who is visiting Clin- ton and other points. Mies Charlotte l'arhey has gone w a vis- it.( some rnetba to tee her aunt, Mrs. Quigley, of Philadelphia A large circle of friesds here wish her a pleasant visit. Ceracw Deers. -C. E. meeting W edns- Yy altssised of on Sunday. Kam. M. �will address the .ociet The essaageng committee intend holding a meeting to arrange • bee to prepare the abode and fends for the Winter. Many here learned with regret of the death of Mrs. Robt. Heggarth to Goderich last Friday. For some years she was a resident here. We eadestand that while nursing her husband, who had the fever, she taught it also. She was buried in Colborne ceme- tery ea Sunday, several from hers attend - Mer the tumoral. Ili FAN oft Or I +lett,-By the amine minutia of the W. HaresTeachers' l'oe vestige we see that they r. in fever of meeting to eeeeil with their confreres ot F Hares inthe Spring of alert for the :oven ear. Weald it het be prefeFriday issued of Thursday most to 'hate Frtdey iattead y her a thaahsglrleg day, as we think that the termer day interferes with the programa of .wady, sad abeskm timelier* in having s tesasinet visit to relatives, friends and sw.ettemea ALL PAPER For the balance of toss mouth only i will offer my large Stook of WALL PAPER At COSI. This is • genuine Sale in order to make room for other Lines of Goods. Secure - these - Bargains W gn' snDaT, Oct. 17th. Auction sale of property and household furniture on the premie of Mrs. Arises l'ollock, corner Vie - torte and Rruce-stn. ell o'clock v.*. Thee. :undry, auctioneer. before they co, at Tlic Papular tool‘ Stogy D. B CALBICK, The Square. hederleb. The Old Reliable COAL Our new ovimeats Sr.r ready for inspec- tion. If you're going to invest, and cas ap- proeiate good value, examine them. Arm- strong's. UIJNGANNON. Kane[. Tb. local agency la ter Tem'twat le at the ease etreirji J.r., ogeveyeaesr, tee., whe Mahe sr den ton eheerlptleas. advertising end Job were. and is authorised to give roosting ter m assats paid tar theorises Townie, Oct. 10. Loser. Any parses fading two finger risp will please leave them at B. J. Craw feed's goser•l store where the owner sae ret Mem. Coy vAtee 'a.T. Mrs H'.n. Morrow ,whe hes been meetly a the sick list, we are pissed te he able to state, is becoming Mval.seeat Wismar". -Mrs ('hrfeties lohestos, of ltievbridge, is visiting bee uncle said aunt, Mr. and Mrs. faleave., ot this village. where she is enjoying herself. Leu.■ Arr*RI,A}rs AT SHOW. Dams R.,eerpats it that a large member of people from (iederiett. bucksaw, Rly th, Auburn end ether points. are to attend is Deegan M Kihibaunu. Plugs T.mu+r.:e or a •ii teat., -Friday kat P. R. I.. Tom, who had been visiting eWds .ertb ot hire during the past week, erre tier correspondent • rail. We were pisomsd te me him look so well and vigor es. Reeeswue Hera Mrs. C. Rehire, Jeelly Free Press -AND- yon W. 11CIIESOIT & SON. Highest price for product'. ALWAYS 0 HAND. UP TO DATE. Ladies' Belt Buckles, Souvenir Spoons, Birthday rings, etc. Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, AT JEW El.IIY EMPORIUM. Alpo a full line of NOW is the time to purchase your HARD COAL The best and only SCRANTON HARD COAL in this market at $6.50 with 10 per cent. off for cash, making it $5.85. FARM and HOME $1.00 11.Tu "MSS vela $100 (PURGED AAO IEFROVED. A HIGH -CUSS FAMILY PAPER. MANTLES, FURS, FUR CAPES. Our MANTLES are direct from the Makers, The Fit is perfect, and we guarantee the Making in every particular. No ripping in these Goods, and oar Prices are at rock bottom. Our FUR CAPES are acknowledged by all to be the best in town for the Money. We are going to clear out ear FURS at Prices that will astonish every one. LADIES' FUR COATS 1 almost at Manufacturer's Prima We feel .satisfied you car. save money by buying the above Goods front us. C. tA. II MBER 8z SON. iRJi+PeZRINC' WJRRA TJE 1) eel •(►_ COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. Our Motto -Good Boots at low pekes. OF ALL 81-1AM8 The Business College Shen I. the mo -t to be despised. Not every Institution dubbed Bus:ncs College is worthy of your support. You welt in all likelihood take a Business yours' but once. there' ore wty set select a tic soca that has earned a reputstloa for practical pont to tons work. The All Coal Weighed at the Mar- ket. Sates %INeas WILL Rev. Up. Taut/gee eemteaw denvered the Sandal prevteeny. WARM/Mee W Appgat.w AuRi. t•LTV RaI. M ATTgo - illustrated. 1. Antos' Pass--Illuatntd. seamen) easier or Meer mob week. A tris 'alma, sad ether let eetlhe reading ettele Iiee't hey leer sew Fall jmebot . Wheat Nisi Asuman/lee Mesh. - SUBSCRIBE _ NOW - - WM. LEE Orden left at $eapia R LIZ'S store promptly attended to. Price. Hee Dollar • year in dvaere he the wUMUtt Mitt rOme and rats alta U. n all Ie page•. Seise. • et ISM free. Agents wanted Is every earepreeented ills trot to 'elicit ebeeriptfo.S Big eoemi-loe. FREE PRESS PRINTING CO r wow! - 'lusts. We SUBSCRIBE • FOR FORlBT CIT\ BU8INYAS AND SHORTHAND COLUMN.. Of LONDON. ONT.. stands Deed and shoulders above the aveeare Canadian School. Graduate everywhere sec - cerfut. Catalogue ,Yes. Address arterially._. WESTERVELT, Principal Canada's Best Family Paper Tea • Wilorem EIGHT PAGES Irilr SIXTEEN --- - sea PAGES Trace a Week e'" WEEKLY Weekly papers are too slew for Din age sad be keep up with the spirit of the 'lams the maaa.•seot have Increased the .1s of thle p•enier family paper and are sow issue. Mit floss MOM wiwvtidtetl axe aa1waeaT. ✓ tutees pages weekly. The Bat$ Wind stale the three dogc • regular weekly papaws. oar subscribers me lad this ovate as advantage. Among the limey features are Telmsle'sser ns.. wets'''. department, *olds sa sgriealture, market re - WNW. editorial eemm.ats es lttdinlf events. and we maks .special feMure of a lesttal meet of an isterestittg soehl .very by lesdiag ant hen. $1.00 le 10 Jew, 1896 To new eubseribers we give the Weikel of ins, and until tet Jss Isi for One Doer. TRIT I I em Liberal sto agents agrees Wended Is all ■.tesseetee district& see term* and particulars address SPOCTATOR PRINTING CO. Is -at f[.mllten. Csaada. R. B. S. Everything - THEFiNEST CROCERIES... �A2rALA 'T'Mi4 GOOD JAPANS (No. 1 DIRECT), UR FALL STOCK is now complete in all lines and for styles, quality and price, we think it HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED in Goderich, and we ask you to be the Judge. Come in and see our goods and if you don't by we won't get mad, but when you see the value we are showing, if you are needing you'll not go by us. Ladies' Dongola Button, Philadelphia toes, regular $2.50 goods, now $1.90. Women's Oil Pebble, Laced or Button, solid, all leather goods, re- gular $1.40, now $1.25. Girls' School Boots, $1. Women.' Warm House Slippers in a large variety. A nice felt slipper only 50c. Mena Canadian and French Kip and Calf boots made by first-class workman. Mens' Felt Boots at factory prices. Men's plough boots at $1. surprisery. Boys' School boots at $1, worth $1.25. Full line, of Ladies' and Gents', Boys' and Girls' overshoes and rubbers, prices as low as the lowest. oar AMISS MIATLT Ale rfaellrTLT LTTSleew TO - - Ready. We arc back again to the work we like most of all, and in time for the introduction of New C -codas CHINA, CIIOCIEYam GL1kSSARE STURDY BROS, TIM - -- i N -- New Styled, - --AN D- - good H. B. POLLOCK. JAS. ROKINZON cess STORE - - New Qualities_ No matter how well you may buy elsewhere this Stock offers RARE OPPORTUNITIES Pirie gess C -ood.s -- Latest Styles and Novelties in DRESS TRIMMINGS. M a's'ides- - Latest Styles in French and German to the most shrewd and cautious buyers, for almost all has been bought at less than regular wholesale Prices, and will be sold in accordance with the facts and conditions. Trade conditions never favored us so much in securing for the people a Supenor class of Dry floods Baran 2.60.1B -- The best qualities in Fur CAPES, MUFFS and BOAS, and st unapproachable p'ile's. NEWEST SHADES IN KID CLOVES Remember we are not working so much for the success of to -day as the solidity of years to come, and Customers will see As Good Value as They Expect, and ion numberless Cases A Lot Better than They Look for. We expect to be very busy. but you will find the store service fully up to the average and the Bargains away beyond. 0. W. AIDREWS, MUM( gr• R. B. • The best goods for the least money. JAMES ROBINSON, CASH STORE, JORDAN'S BLOCK. LATEST STYLES - - -l- FALL AND WINTER .MILLINERY. 83-3. MRS. R. B. SMITH. Glatfgaw Row. GZd. W tem . MILLINERY . • EMORIUM,WEST STREET. MSS H. M.PITCHER. F TUTS IS FOl +PAY UP AT VOL. TLV I. 240i THE DOINGS AT 011 W halls Going on at tbel tee e� sr *COM Isere er M. mss to sass a Min --Sew irMaetMb eleMds e er 'tease ho dessadn. Dns %trust O■rre■ttsedeaea. l j'rrAw'A, Oct. 13. - When t High Cesiandsiseir for Canada ed .t was juetifled .a thegreead t spaastiseat of It repremss,auve I ter the iasereme of the U.ratiata■ Swam • lana ■-teal of mosey meed The etatete hr4tgisr the Meteor* provided that eaxfesi duties the High ('ommisiw•r we out each snob is etrnetius■ as he, to time, reeesve from the Coven d respecting the otmeorsial, 8. genera interests of Canada to t Kingdom sad el.,wbere." �o statute. Tia omit of .oai.Weu it, last 7year sues $28,845 taw e atery of $10,000 paid the Hinl Mutter, whe resides an fadiosabi for which the pimple of Canada Ci4. gut why is it when the l:oven it necessary to borrow more mea ' diel complaint with Ihesnl they the Minister of Flosses to &Emig!' rotate the leen' Has the High C. er no stats is the Kaglish mese that h• 'boatel be renewed of which properly belongs to his that Monster Feller has come rtuso.s that it will be the (last ity he will have to make • tell doe at the exposes of the rau &pada' n o a sorry picture he will before the Barlah capitaliw o', cull eesdili■a The last edict pin our gree debt on the 30 her. at $310,190,727 •raises fid as the same date last year. H bate to show that while there large shrub age la revenge then ea memo* in expediters. rs'i sot Sir Charlie 'Topper this away ape the see the a est of Femur's trip to London' I. there say bops of our eooditt is nailer the present edematous stairs' Oar revenue is dec1iasel OW thea steadily os ieeroari.g. to avert baekrepter ether sten resort .4 to for raring means. a,utuMe dietrib.taos of the bur alsoe nesid be deemed the as u t.rst Britain sad Irelad last $6:.[40.000 to their mesa* ter min tax. The rata was 7 pest •r nearly 3": to all isooma oc sngm. Bader tM sew law in Matas the incases tax is to M as ail taemme eifsedieg $4,000 •• mosses seder that being tart tea with en Memo of $6,000 (•ted a $1,000, or the .-cast tare, of $4.000. Theaim io t tach, matt'. peebet sad why mho hear this proportion of tezatien he tempts It hes'n'e'eded I Why should it set w'e'ed is (,O net, sten a Is the tsiserity, v .with he h sR•e.. . the emus cured such as hi. wl tate The geed busk tea ea mother's h.rdeeit. bat truly t his bee pretty well rubbed ia en end werhier .laaeem et Casa! have aw•heaed tare babel 1J the hurler of taxmen' wire danhetsd. line of the chief aims of the I • to secure the. sad sad it is t h, arrayed eefital apo( the minims of dollars are won take peekets aenWly thrash I Iwo,. Twe.ty, thirty sad h w addedto W p.rebaes p yen Icy your MU without ssbu d that mesmy yet aro pay treasury for lbs Geversnest If the a•rebast wee made timid ler collecting the tribes* yen i•evsrnment in the way of es sad hetold yon that by eh sited. you wigs pia -g sus sed u u he samemet, tiM omeaseeel eau'as thehOO..e she' chis. mosey yon tow. bsedk woad stye a mos. mss eM Icor money woe tem ser ped would he a that ••p-dtureteed .._.0 tat- din Of year esrebeg . Tbe mus ply Sat sfvdaito t •t►+stfhetorem onysg mNteeworddsofaall (gads.teee he *wards 8llimemory. WSlthlesde anew wwae.1 thetelslbumre g1 ll yesile.adtnheema.bolshi•esmed y s 4i, ewld b sheat i• a weld lee 'erred Islestet M ilis 'hetet,, that Prem trod. i■ t ial. that their pati., we ld h •vitt' that ed. Te Terien lei ^•+nv) ot protesesen ■ ettsettw d all mar us■aa j itis, sed t het lb. tbiefty bgt tge1..s tad dae■tries leM iM ar wt if osele ore tM ewS their mento', bels is Ihae s' wbitea tail they n '.vasa. frim -.tam. (lbs. ti toter a 17 i 's,s [ 1Ss, lbs t•mNis tui , ibis d.eM..ir bee, hiss a tw.1s 4 tt■imMs •villi it servile the -tent ' %Wag mlllio.siras eat of �• n preuw tbo (sett. be W Imp)a t vwdiss y list "hd exit seemeeeir ten Mlh re teakkth mei h mike tesla that e oar M 5�••a.a bat wthe bee* h'.i•p tbm t I1, b 'r+• data.., the ■mw t