HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-11, Page 7SPEC/ AL INTEREST TO
- -LADIES? - -
Our Fall importations of Ladies'
Jackets end Fur Capes are now in
Stock and open for your inspection.
We might enumerate some of the
different Styles here, but, instead
of doing so, we urge you to visit
our Cloak Department and see the
magnificent range of high grade
Garments at such Moderate
■a UR Ras Spume 'Mild otMr4g tatemwa
reptared tar Itweim u
Pktl deiphin Tinton : I. a tailor *seamsa
boas os f4weie.a-ea, below C;arputter,
weak. died James Chapin, • somas with
history. Ile was hors is 1816. sad followed
the sea all his life. le 1832 be was a beard
the ship Meriou, of Salam, Matt., hefted
to Rio Ja..ie°. Oa Sept. 21. whoa off Be,
.oda, they taw • topsail oeioas.r amiss
up very fast. Capt Ileums did h* beet
but was overhauled and • *het grid ov
the ship. le • few minutes the Mexiaa
was boarded by • fearful game of amnion's
and mulattoes, sad they were • prize to t
pirate solemner 1 •seas, Thee cams
some of frightful enmity. The Drew was
slashed with knives, sad Cnptmt• Emma
had • bead hew. off. This all beat Chips
was driven below, the hatcher faseeaed aid
the ship fired.
The pirates left the ship, taking Chepie
with them, as they wanted moms ome walk
Kaslrh. The new of the Meehan broke
doom the cabin bulkhead, got is desk.
and pmt out the fire and Roe hack to Wm.
t'hapia was fairly well treated, bet maw
many acts of savage hrawity. Ho was with
the pontes over we yeah. ties day in 1834
they saw • vsmd midst ranted topsails, ad
thinking her disabled, west for her at
coos. Whoa within hailing distance her
porta opseed mid a shower of grape swaps
the pirate's dock sed down ease the fore -
.act. !Ste had rum mallet the Raleigh
wof-war Curbw,
le two mantes the Keglah sailors dashed
ever the bow mad cat down 41 oft e
sad the rest were drives tato the key- A
pries crew was put on board sad headed for
the I• ,iced States. (ht aseesat .1 the Mal•
iaa the aritisb headed the culprits over to
ow t.overamesL
The bowas horn
s was treatedla like the root Tie weeaod
pirates were aegleoed and dying : lay fir
weeks before the smell made the
crow take their bodies eat el the hold
and throw that overboard Whim they get
to vias only lb were alive. They were
tried at Roston, and em Jeal 11, 1ab5, five
were hinged there. Chyis preyed his is -
masa by Capt. Butson, sad was released.
C,homely tma+gSensateb, Sensate de Sots, the Mr. 1
its •antun, soaped. la 1831. while w- 1
tee of the Spousal skip Lees, he rescued 72
porsess from the bursieg ship Misery., of
Selma, sed treated them with the greatest'
Lades, and as this acooent be was
Pard ilseed by pa Jackson, who was thea
hen the big sus bunt o. the Ceited
• Votes steamer Pri.estes during an mar- 1
nes os the Noma in 1843, kitbag theme -
mere of state and seem' others, Chapit I
was No. 7 on the time sad had his cheek eat
lway, maim/ a horrible diedgarems.t fee
bis He was • martyr to rheematiam, and
was cared for by the widow of se old ship-
- Pleads. Matey to the "M stelae- Assert -
ran' .y Alexander hea.sef,
There a so hoarding- house element in the
lass horse life of taaailia.s ; nor does the apart
• meat hoose arrs.ge neat lourasb. In the
whole ibminioe then is prohably but oae of
the latter, and it is only lodileratly patron -
iced, and is rapidly being traadered into a
- pate of iaf.rn.
It r cea*s nsey for • atwitter of bachelors
in MmMM aid aee.py a hoens -empl&JI g
K a Iflikaillif silks, than beta It is
teem of emlim Mat this a mien easily ac
eemp111htM Vi aeatry when hoose nate
be are at • law Oen : nevertheless, through
• the trailed tlilalse, es far as pOstbis, young
he 5---. ace gloating this est•bltshing tit
It meet net he supposed that boardtog
homes do not snot in Canada, et that they
leek patronage. There are always numbers
of people who have so choice but to accept
TM Canadian woman oedemasd& how to
make home attractive to both hulloed and
felony. It is as mach arum the mother as
from the father that the sone sod daughters
bars that love of ooeatry which is ana of
their distiagaiabtiag traits. ('.nadiaa wanes
are ecosomia.l, thrifty, arid are taught
early to become Rood housekeeper., sturd-
ier personally to all details of the house-
hold it would be difficult to find mon
thoroughly domesticated women than those
is Canada. Few have entered prolamin.;
life, having bees brought up to coesid.r that
the very guslilcatioae which would bring
guesses are hest employed in truism* their
ehildree. A large properties, however, of
these who have embrteed pretensions have
ditinguisbed themselves.
I. appearance Canadians have bees
described as lithe, and to their fetidness for
athletics and sports et all kinds can be at- i
tributed their robust appesrasos. Tennis,
golf sad rowing is the summer, and mos -
shoeing, skating and tobogganing is the
wester, make the t aeadan girl a splendid
oompanioo for her brother. She is lively,
reseroue and whole -touted. All teedency
towards asserting themselves is repremed .n
young people rather uaaeoeesrily. Young
Americans, a the other hand, are *scour -
aged to cultivate and express opinions on
all subjoees ; them stimmlaun am hitia.
A married woman is Canada no rnatter
whet her cireumstanoe• regards the •t-
uition that her home and cbiidrsn re-
quire as her fist duty. Sbe does act Goo
template roine out lute the world to help
her husband to build up a fortune, except
he so far as thrift sad eot.oaty can mitt ;
*w does he desire it. The Amorists
mother, on the other bud, ships off her
bar shill to s relative to be brought up,
I. order that she may be tree to tight for
money. too. The Ownadies mother con -
sides bee own love sad influence to be of
greater value to her child than messy.
Diverse is Cabal& is rewarded as • much
more esrisd mater time it is among
Am.riass, or even the I:aglieh- It is so
rare as to be oonwdered a lasting disgrace,
sad sayers who has bad the experience is
in mast ems quite deelaesa In the satin
Dominion then were were four divorces in
1891, sad five is 1992 --lea than ono per
ssillioe. Tai is semethiag of which Cans-
dM.e etc justly pre.d. It is doublld it
say other canny an show statistics se
low is this matter. It W bees called the
werld, sad with je.Miew
The diet et Comedian is plain, wheiweme
end meeriiiiag. Thiry are, es • rule. eh -
comms., not eel, in what they drink, but
I. what they eat. Over-idelge.ee in the
latter often mate" as appetite for the
fa/usr, sod she gimme t diet of Ameriam.r
ter min. pis and he* aeea is e.d.dW1y
the souse of may .l their direstiv. dis-
orders. Resla.raats are neutrally, eom-
pnWvely little patronised is this awantry
of hors••, exempt for °omeaisw s **meioses
tea It is to be deplored that the lodging
helve aatsm et (Treat Britain don sot pre -
edit an this eautiswt. It is saver the
"home" thise say other meshed, ad W
the advantage of beiaa both cheaper sad
A very moderate asweet is sprat is dram
yet bath mak sad woman always lark wall
Numbers of tab women make their owe
dreams sad be..sle ; se that the exp.di-
tare fee ;arsenal adereamet is ant a ea
Moe. army as Amritsar girl I. ••deby
antii.s.g her ewe kale er minas t
iTaftiri{..s Ilegllei is spoken is (Meda,
tkeagh Shore is, it ie chimed by fssiuk
a eNgbt aeosst, villa i t to hear,
ed r.nmkles demi, W spot.. !y
goons pspla It may he to the mid
r-��� of Casediesse me of
ea yeahle quality w fen ridt-
Mho grRieod he the velem oatl noill h people.
w degrri the Maaeledigal de.doomo and w.
N ile pAltoosol a ba the D mDa.iiee a um um gs
The reamillima ei aer!•os.
Harper, Weekly : Is Wibeiagi..,
bil•ww, whisk hasr s000rdi.K to the lass
'ataaiad saws, a popelatla. of 70,000,
Intl' an area of 6112 aquae serer, with
smewhat over 371 miles of completed
Mmms, all the garbage is m
oe.aad. The
Health imparters.% of W IImi.Rte. has set-
tled its owe mater of d
Here thee mat, it leaks as if the entire quote
4es a bear to its 'Autism.
The w•matery itself is 43 $s, long, with
is lands width ef 94 feet, stud Stas& 9 teat
II as lined with mined ile-kriek,a.d
senesea'' essti s,with a AM. la The t `
'stooge, ha
has biters usable. is eoppliMM she erssa-
!*81 lees sins wwedh a hare. .4
apt The ar'sl.ato'y a samher d port-
w mob ide, whisk ee. M speed,
ttadid&Marior meditates are Shoe rendered
Ali the mashkmay in use Ms s mah.agape,
rem works a pomp end terns a bitelir,
ya warm" draught Ia amesendy nee seed $et1a,�f
Coal W i' Streamed thresh • leak. This
u anti wti stems sad
@enchained air.ai the mem him from
aha il With rLg are..
The 4M it has ls.d.pd is from
.r 0ddegrwes
, The ire t only
tee m
Mt M she heels= if
Ptilles, sad atm. semedseing its sis-
al*. Mee eart denativ.
fustian). raidoemIre=sir los i mod
fhe a�ya m. 'readtftilit as a" Boasems team .
ys, wee • ilia piM.rl.ad oak
r`am• et beam
friablthere e that i sit .d:
dd leo y+tiett• ' le
1.114 *reflex ` • •...e.e ...t.frfkg per.
'p•rM. mad Moro wee me appresiable
"envy let el . g wfteh
—▪ "Rhly nee
Ahem if warm me variable
iiiiies the sem Ina Dr. i a stun
the WA ,.
g .,he7-T.. . 1v
fit.-abt heehead ems lank.
r 't she akin r We-
eks, agt thadlsht I
rsell 27111114tfmg
is those to say irregularity of aha
•lessor t Liner, oe Bowls may
prevent serious
l'onsequone es.
headache. nes.
sea, bilious-
ness. and ver-
t!go indicate
certain fune-
tional derange -
talents, the best
rsaedy for
Which is •yer's Pills. Purely Yes&
table, sugar-coated, easy CO take and
quick to assimilate, this is the ideal
family medicine—tho most popular,
. ale, and Instal aperient in phar-
macy. Mrs. M. A. JJnoc:wsl,L,
Danis, Tenn., says:
'Ayers Cathartic Pins cured meat stet
headache sad my bombesd of ocuraigL. We
think therein
No Better Medicine,
and have Induced massy to use It.
Thirty -eve years ago this Spring, I was
tun doers by head work and a streesesioe of
eolds, which made me so feeble Moak was
an eaart for ne to walk. I moaned the
dotal tot kept dating lower uattl I bag
gine up all hope of eves being better.
tonmalittM be in a tatam g;inpy,
reeilltltiq s s seat. the ineggider
weak ,,rl.
a f
a tow graea reoaaa
mended me to try Asee'r Ma. 1 bad vela
faith is these or any eller methalne, but
concluded, at last, to take his abbe sad try
a box. Beton I bad used the att. I was
very much better, and two tales cured me.
I am now M years old; but I believe that
U It had not been for Ayer's Plus, I aboutd
have been Le my grave long ago. I buy 6
boxes every year, which make tuts boles up
to this time, and 1 would no mon be with-
out them than without bread."_II. H.
Ingraham, Rockland, Me.
Prepared by In. J. C. Ayer !de., Lowell. Mass
Every Dose Effective
irertalliy Is arwereat Par.att•.
The reports of the British Registrars -
General show that the annual death rate so
the *:sited Kingdom is about one in forty-
five of the entire population. The larger,
but not the largest towae, lead in the rate
of mortality, and the rural main -land die-
tricta occupy as intermediate place between
thea sod the iaaalar district*, the extremes
varying by sheet fifty per cwt. As be-
tween time three great cheeses into which the
pooalMi, ma be divided --the laboring,
the trading teed the profeesmooal classes, and
the gentry and titled—the chances Bre very
nearly equal, although a slight adrainage
appears to be shown in favor of the first
clone. The trades moat unfavorable to long
life are, as a rule, those which trod to ex-
pose the operative to an atmosphere loaded
with dust, or compel him to deet is one way
or another with poisons lin grind's', as
practiced on needles and forks at Sheffield,
is the worst ; working in coal mine is the
mixt in deadliness. I elders and eilveren of
rias, are exposed to vapors of mercury ;
workers is brae ere liable to diseases pre -
dead by exposure of oxide of lead ; all who
who work io paints are subject to great
risk. ; soldiers and sailors have their lives
shortened by the expaenre they hairs to un-
dergo, or by diseases brought on by their
habits of tiring. Laken, teflon, milliners
are liable to consumption ; oompoeitors pa
c'.ltarly so• Pressmen fare better than coma
pointers, probably Moaner. their work is
store active. la the country, farming ap-
pears to be the most healthy of occupations,
while that of the innkeeper is the most
fatal. Butchers die comparatively early, es
also do brewers, dreymen and these who
have much to do with establishments for
sating sad drinking. The over exertion of
those who follow athletic pureeing appears
to conduce gone as much to short life as
dean the sedesary strain of the student. It
seems to make but little differemoe in the
"expect/ties of life" of in -door workers
whether their labor is hard or not ; but those
who are employed ou . of -doors have •chance
of living mix years longer, if their work
keeps them busy and set;.,, than if it u a
men matter of routine and standing around;
and a comparison of the tables leads us to
the 000elusion that the life if the out -door
worker with little exercise is worse than
that of the sedentary iii -door worker,
whether with little or with great exercise.
The mot canoe* fast breught eat is that
the ecovsmg:a, dream. mid Mamoru of
snore inCredo., are reakc..d maw the
healthiest elf the pepelatioa.
seg mes.t gletNae...-
In the Chereiill family the wigs worn by
the greet Duke of Meribeee.gh ars heir -
lees.., and i. • distinguished SeNoi family
W rope treed M hong me if the miens of
the rem at Preens, in Iesasbire. atter
W Steers rising if 1743 is etrietly pre-
one of the Napier family directed that
the arm hma.e seetaleed in kis body, sad
whisk he W remind at rarities tsttie.j
should be extracted after kisdeatL sad
kept by his bare for ever. The relative, of
se original shareholder a the Bass ladle
Campsny still, as directed by deed, keep •
bee -coop to which their eneater eland for
nearly two days whee he was wrecked in an
Ras India....
Rich mei who have derived the foosda-
tien of their wealth from one ..all aiream-
stea.n, sites leave .e heirlooms the tangible
artielm dealiag with ash
ci m
I. ee
the sae. the s_oss
ihetry ask -
ant who willed a .mall pies* of waste."
whisk had formed part .t • material he had
termed to vast mount ; ad the Auoirallea
rase, whe Wt. abeg with hell s milli*n
starting. a a Istat the lees he Is ed
• • reef trlrlth t him fe ts...
A risk mak meted , i. Toth -
shire, left a pat if to he kept
hr hie belie tee ever. Re slipped dews' a
obi' seer Sembere.4tt, sad the eeat taught
is a reek sed held his tihesa, Asa warm.
nn pyima member at�Lem-Ts tleft • edp
ef eerie. piked cep .iter • dad is a eamN-
tea dm —Lemke Aaawaa
a teem say
Alady e.medMs..T.C.M.A
betas is Ler.. Ona, who a.sd . t
of Meinieayte mel end Lew
hue. ter...dad s wawa es the
tine i1 eempMdy eared her of in.
limine �� - kidney mil roar
le aleallPis
liebelIdhe Ile Ila. g.w►.s- Daly a a yeah
acs `s IOW er * game
New York Tribe., . The pkyetgae et
the Amorists, we... eat eoe sty le impose -
tap. Ste a boo masg tall, robes* and beaa-
tifal, with treed akoeldere of leanly serve,
and • web* wham resod, firs, lithe w.nIettr
owes soehiag to art the waist is healthily
small k..saee the mueselg• are string tad is
Porto ~Wag order. Outdoor d ermise,
self, mug ewtmmiag, have a good
deal tie do with this ; bat mon than is.
moron, p.rhps, has also e modem
lazarwue home, thmodemThe bath room attached
to every chamber is only use item i• the
beg list of oeetforta what now temper the
the nerve tearing effseb of this chaegisig
climate. Sanitary appliances of every hied
ooevssie.oe. which redo.* the miser
worries of lila to tatiaitenmal proporejs.s,
ars considered in every architect', plata ;
sad sissy el there are things which meld
sot be osamaad.d by mosey • few yens
bemuse they had not bass devised.
The tresbHvisne domestic eenice of this
ooestry does not spscsally antic* the
wealthy woman of society, for she gener-
ally has • trained housekeeper. In oases
where such a tunotiooary doss sot rule the
mistress of the house is one who hes a
talent for government end who knows how
to reduce to order some of the moot unruly
and pampered being* in the world of work.
Such • woman enjoys the executive part of
domestic life teed held, it in proper sabor-
dinetioe to the duties and pleasures of
Aaotber this` which ocndo, to health
is the growino habit of spending a larger
pe* d the year in the country. For this
to thank engluhme• ; it le die of
deer excellent results of Aaglomania,
A My surra • gents er rn.edtee.
no pasta for bird's -nesting has led to •
unstable sad remarkable tragedy at Ar-
genteuil, France. A lad named year% Foe-
gnet, a ferster's eon, noticed • black -bird•,
pest in • tree in • neighbor's garde.. (;et -
tin* into the g.rdes through a hedge, he
Mingled the tree, when the proprietor of the
place ohalia ged him. It was night and the
young fellow, being afraid to reveal himself,
kept perfectly ztill,whereupon the challeng-
er tired two shot, from a revolver in rapid
.uooe,sion. The Ind tell mortally wounded,
and sou carried to • hospital The father,
oa main/ his dying son there, was almost
mad with grief. Rushing home, he said to
hi, nate : " Ren to the hospital, if you
treat to see the youngster alive." The
wretched woman did as she was bidden,end
the son expired in her arms. On returning
home, another terrible shock awaited her.
Her husband had hanged himself. She
rushed toward the river with the intention
of drowning herself, but some neighbor+ ran e.
after her aid restrained bar. It u feared Naturally polite ad possessed of • laudable
that her reseal a soma ambition to learn, Mr. Haycock sought and
A n.s� �asspt.ree secured a position as clerk in • Kingston
store, afterwards going to Nap•nee- Then
The oegit pep= have hes giving as the Mr. Haycock returned to term life and put
joke of she Aukas girl wM was visiting into operation soave ideas that materially
F-stove, and [trio eoelda't speak Freech, increased the income from the farm his
but could say " yes " in five different father owned. The big farm tau locoed
into a m►rket garden, and Haycock .i San
lau4taR y told m Yorkshire of a rather did a large banner in the growth and sale
MMM ed the *..deo et she raw... et Na-
deau/ fs les ',n istaaae &
Toaster Telegraph : Joseph L Hayessk
IL PP., of Freesias- who has esoewted tee
leadership el she Parser of Industry in the
Ontario are, a in ties Prime of life.
The euoosea of the new party hes
placed ham al the head of ,evesteea mem-
M who, while in • large minority in •
hew of 94 lasubon, claim to be able to
force the favorable oo.uderstioa of quee-
times which they advocate and believe to be
in the mimeses of the rural classes and the
...sentry at large.
Mr. Haycock to of .light build, with iron
grey hair and till beard. He us 44 years of
ye sad was born ou a farm oar the village
of 8witnervtile, is the anentyy� of Leaaol,
Swataerville u proud of Mr. Haycock, sad
it gives him as ovation every time he takes
the stage from N•patce to eel his birth-
place. its two hundred uh•bttants sad
the proprietor of the cheese factory have
decided that all the male shildren of Swit
ramale shall be named "Joseph I ." Hey
Hay, the first boom of Sir Julia 1laoduoald,
is in the mime county, but Swlrtcervdle u
not jealous now of day Hay. tither noted
Canadians have tarried in Trautman sad
Lennox counties, but Sent/smile will re.
only in the career of one. Mr. Har -
cock a the third eon of Frederick Haycock,
who lived in Canada for thirteen years be
fore he had a see Jeeeph. The new leader
of the Patrons attended school at Switsr-
ville and in the winter m rsths he practiced
the art of steamiest with chunks of hard
now, directed at the fellows who went
home is the opposite direction. t the day
Joe Haycock attempted to argue with the
sohoolmeater. Joseph's mother &vomit/Ma.
se with him when he went tome. Shim up
a kind hearted woman who had come to,
Canada ifrom Ireland. His father ..id it
served him right and that he would have to
take a spell at Bitting down ■t•ndmg up.
Shortly afterward Mr. Haycock went to
Newburgh high School, in the adjoining
county of Addington, and studied under H.
M. I►aroch, Ij.C., ex-M.PP.
Mr. Haycocks father was • farmer.
g age hie son a geed High Scheel eduomti
At Newburg Blaster Haycock •beet
education and learned to argue with ad
j.otives and facts. After his school de
were past Joe Haycock entered a store
the village of Selby. For three years
served behind the counter, cultivated
young moustache mud learned not to blush
when the village damsel called him M
l •tarqui i• • villagea few mills sort
west of �Sin'.tcn. Iwas here that ll!
N aycooks Welly moved in 1872 H
father purchased • farm and Joseph
called home to wrestle with stumps
help with the chores. Rut sto*ekeepin
bad made life on the farm neem tam
IF she does, see that
the wash is made Easy and
Clean by getting her
which does away with the
terrors of wash -day.
Experience will convince her that
it PAYS to use this soap.
line you seen those now Resigns in Heating and Cooking Stoves at
Those four-holr.l Fear; coal ranges were the best at Toronto Eahibitioe.
The Worid'a Fair is also a bteety. Thr•F&vorlte Parlor etitel h eater,
with or without oven, is Guaranteed the most Powerful as well ns the C'leka-
set coal glove yet produced. We have also aonething entirely ttew in a.
double beater, wood parlor stove. See our *toe% he -fore buying.
He -
The Prectieal T1s sed ase, sea.,
pretty • )°ureal. A of marketable produce. 'ince 1882 Mr.
factory girl had received a proposal of mar- Haycock managed the market garden him -
risco. The young woman could sot write calf He is kno era as a poultry fancier, and
or read snything, and one day she brought f is said to have won $1,000 in pries last
• letter to me to read for her." says the nal- year. Combining study and intelligence he
rater. " It ooatained se offer of marriage. bias made fanning pay neat dividends.
I happened to know that the writer we. a The new leader has a powerful voice.
deserving young anises. so I said to her, which he has put to profitable use as an
Now, you -must consider the matter vary auctioneer. He has had experience as a
n.'io.dv, and if you like to come to me municipal legislator, bei t elected
whoa you hare made up your mind, I will ° who° a ec
write a reply for you.' A da er two after- reeve of Kiegston stow•. ip by ►cclatn•-
ward I met thegirlvigorous woe
again, and asked her if er toward, the advgcement of eduatiee of
One of E. B. EDDY'S Indurated Fibre -
ware Tubs and Pails will last the life o;
5 hoopbound wooden ones.
Besides, they are:much more conven-
ient and save a world of annoyance. Ask
your grocer for
f ;SitWorks
y Lion.He has always been• vl k HtTGH DUNLOP °ODOR
she wanted pe to answer the letter for her. ant Boiler
' Ob, that a all right,' said the girl, looking the fsrmon. la his early lite he sou a KBTA ttrist1611 •til l
supporter of Fs Oliver Slowat, but he has
radiant sod pleased. rye settled it. I ,
seowered it myealt.' ' Why, how did you been •Prominent worker amongst the Yat -
do it I asked. And then abs told me that roes docs the first lodge was established in has just returned from the cities where ho
Fratemic county. He carried Fronlesao hu been selecting Saereasorto t all kit Mar4J
she could make • caper ' I,' and that she against •Conservative nominee, J S. t;•l.
stack on the paper • of wool •iter it, Manufacturers of all kintie of Ration
I , �eO• lagher. The patrons are highly satisfied
for."11.-wool Surely one of the
toe -
quaintest aao.ptssoe• of an oflerof inertia?* with Mr. isHsinceycock as a leader. They him
ever peened. lieve in his ser, thinkerrity, and pwork.,e him �01+ =�Z
able as a speaker, sad worker. L
miry :Marine, Upright & Tul,uler
Ler t'bt,r•ge Lack S. Ma laurels,
Landon Telegraph louden will shortly
have the adventa'e of soother meat .sty
—the time from Norway which a thct-
ing arrgemeste for supplying the
metropolis with as much mutton alive sad
dead, as it an spare for exportation.
Systematic experiments were nude recently
under the supervision of the Stavanger
Agricultural society, and the results wan
so satisfactory that in the approaching cold
..asci it i, to be repeated o° • larger scale.
Itappear, that 80 sheep, each weighing
about 100 pound., were tattooed tor a week
or so until they turned the Bale at from 115
to 123 pounds. They were thee %hipped to
Londa, where they realized an average
pries, atter deducting commi cies of 304.
5d., and as the total outlay had been Daly
26e. 9d. per head, there was a set profit of
3a. fed. ea each animal. Forty were also
sons ova, with the skins, hoofs .tad in-
teriors intact, but on these there was a.
& verses lee of 10., per heed. partly ex-
plained by the skins being damaged threagh
bad pa.kiag. Nevertheless the Stavanger
satiety have come to the coselusioa that
the beai..m premises to be remunerative,
alai theilk people hairs thus ea ad-
atiaa.! /.sratlae.1 ta. ai,quate supply of Dyspepsia came dirziseae, headaehe,eoe-
mmttea. stipatios, variable eppetite,rising and sour-
ouring of food, palpitation of the heart,datree
Nerway and all threat tp MM
6twsRroe the loins alter sating. Burdock Blood Bitters is
sea 'u.ai, ohan elMs, guaranteed to cure dyspepsia a faithfully
im ...d socerdi g to direosie.a
The tartli h empire.
1)r. (:efeken in the Forum : The British
empire is a political creation unparalleled in
the world's history, not only by its extent
and papulation, in both which r.epesu it is
slightly surpassed by China, but because
with an area of more than 10,090,000 situate
miles and with 352.000,000 inhabitant*, it o
scattered over the whole globe. it em -
brooms all zones from the icy wilderness of
Nudism bay to the tropical jungles of India
and the mahogany forests of Honduras ;
then is scarcely • product which • British
province does not bring forth in exoelle.t
quality; and not lees various are the degrees
of civilization of its inhabitants, from the
Kathy* in the Caps to the highly cultivated
citizens of Toronto or Sydney. We find
with t hristiss' of all professions, 200,000,-
000 Hindoes, about 70,000,000 Mohamme-
dans, sad 8,000,000 Buddhists; and the
Bible is printed In 130 languages and
dialects represented in the Empire, yet, not-
withntandiag such promiscuous elemeute,
the goverment, with rare exceptions,
maintains order, and no signs of dissol.tio.
is visible.
He has now on hand a Large Line
of the Choicest Goods in the
Market and is prepared to
turn out work in the Best
Style possible, and at Prices to
suit the times.
has come and gone, but
remain the same as ever at the
Furniture Emporiutd of GEO.
BARRY. Hamilton -at.
in all branches, attended to at
all hours with neatness and
Embalming Fluid always on
Picture framing a speciality.
Salt Pane, Smoke Stxc ke:, She. t Iron
Works, etc., etc.
Also dealers in l't,nght and Horitnntel
Payee /coin nes, a hi.uwi le cut -lel Karmen a
penalty. A:1 *ism o,1 pi e nal sine-ettteg
e setantif ten banal. F:ulma're furnished on
short netice. Repairing prAmptly attended to.
Md. I, f'. 0. ties w• Ooderich. Oat.
Works -uv.cNte 0, T. It. Manes. Ooderica.
epesW atse.tieee gives to
Headquarters for all grades of
Cal weighed as either market or mr Sales.
Oat my Prtoes before going else w\ere,
MUMS rale.
Teeepbe.. re.eee.a.a.
JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop.
OMs -y.
Goderich, Ont.
I enclose $ . Kindly forward regularly THE SIGNAL
to the following address for months.
Three Months •
Six Months
Twelve Months -
- - Mc,
[Semple ORA., Fess,]
Name, ..
P. 0.,
County, .... .....................
Data, , 189
P. S. Remit by money order, if possible, or by registered letter. .