HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-11, Page 5I ALL OVER THE GLOBE -Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are known. Pills of American manufac- ture easily lead. Wby ? because they're smaller ; the vegetable ex- tradite are concentrated. There are many liver pills, yet there must be a reason why Dr. Pierce's Pellets give the bat satidactiee. Probably be - mar they're sugar-coated, small as grains of mustard seed, therefore easily swallowed. Most of all -they act in a normal wiH, and are effec- tive in result. Then, too, after they're taken theycan't be felt' ---so different from told - fashioned pills, with their griping and violence. For indigestion, pain in stomac1 costiveness and habitual constipation, as well as rick and bilious headaches, these " Pellets " bring such a lasting cloy, that theycan be guarantred Your money returned, if they do not give satisfaction. To every sufferer from Catarrh, no matter how bad the case or of how long standing, the proprietors of I)r. Sage's Catarrh Remedy my this : "If we can't cure it, perfectly and permanently, we'll pay you 11500 in cash." Sold by all druggists. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -OCT. i1. Pees Dr. William'. Ptak Pills --G. T. Fulford t Co 2 Thirties- F. J. Pridbam 5 -Photee -R. R. Sallow@.... . 5 Tendon W Bated - Win. w ... . La. . 5 Bundles Spectator -Spectator Prather ('0..... 8 Nounsg from Ituaise- Jok. Relph.. 5 Fun sad Mead's -Colborne Bros.8 Loado. Fres es Prom-FrPram Priatug Co.... 8 Bofors the Llama, -Fraser t Porter . 4 Wall Paper at Cell -D. B. Catbird' 8 A Vt sot S.ppfid-(yes Pyo, S Store Pip Varaik-W, C. Geode 6 Beams= Legal- W. C. Goods. 5 If,Wsery - -Mrs. B. R. Snsitb.. .. . p}, The Fip.at tires.ris--Rtsrdo Bras 8 Busmen Loral -W. T. W.W 5 Paso Taming- e. Reampergsr 5 THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reportolt+s Notelo0OH- ii Tee' re a Mae I. Te C.as.. t rode to teas is I • Merl Ammer To Takla' genes, as' Was M✓II Pres le:- Same. I've Haatemell Stove -pipe varsW. Least ed c hi -tenant lustre milcw drying of all Ms.s-pip. vs,alshes. W. C. geode. The cold. chilly days et November will sen is along sad If ren dealt get Ike hew �modem., Nthstiblle. where will you he whom the r. l e i1. through. ugh, Ti avofreebie go to Neaps.' Blether. \ow, bolero the lsevee have talion le • toad hes t. take ere.Bent ,safes wawa There Is sae ma Is this semis. wt. dose that work sad does it well, sad all sires eh at R. R. Wows' stedfe. use, Mentrenl-t, •d Square will be attended to. FINE TAILOR IWO-Chaim Mrt.g sad pmmem worsted eta eeeww saltine. ever.s•tit Wok sad Misr hew hantalas In .i r sod rs goods aek CoYoewill merely bay. i. MaciCermea. OUR SPkCTACLI1 TRADR hen Increased. herfaid saume we &opimiadWinP Meow- wet bear Is hegthhss.snosseear `"Pegs wee Ieligosnttio rem �ten.i" M.e K opUeto. sad Jeweller.Rev, at•sD TO Naw ya•LAC _,Cies. Wells and his nos, Jobs. who have kaon Tete( ins God•rieb send vicinity for the pus three stench., left ea the altsreeoo th1e Teenday fee their I..e is the Aw- piea A large sumber et old handy woes It II,,�sauc es to nthem elf,ad wish them obeseed en their beg jemmy. tr. 9mv a Ile • W ask. -Aa on erideame Yat the stoves h•adlsd by J. H. Wiesdl It G'' GO the. sew step mad it. stere, Hsmil- ns abuse, are tioot with pablr favor, Is mold so lens thee toe IN Nem lest week. Be..4kas sarry• sod areek- hit nook of the best Meese made be I 41 sts hof everything elm in his lime. Rita is quality, wvwsea ksisnd ip Tile Rir,', D•too Immo' Reroute rt ern tau -Am tahe stortaie•st midair tasepsis ei 11. Uayktsn will be kdd ins w sisal opera Hoene en Friday mewing. O.t. &IL Geo. Its,, the edebeated vw_sieto d Tenet. , ha. 5.em °WOW for the essmion. led a treat is M Mars tor lovers 0f mmsie lame( our bent legal talent has been s•sar- *itse be' *emus minernebeimatiPTtis Ti, Platte Ti.T■ Taxa -TM troth is ylblasd oomemer wkll Nal awte." This ben stn been sir male sad we have Moodes stony theme& that today we W hoots is I'a"el trade. Parker's Dyne works wird gh the WWI sed they kr sed wide mss., rut the very lime .1, work is hews loses beden• etglts if ds •~i ot tow �sr► GAM* at Ml.... Tb eW145 t,„ ' Remy of Maw? TW review is posheps lee nest 14-▪ ..10 any thet ants'. ow Wyse satyr abseil every Ilakare • INN* sad pent a rim mer etas cm", *mem againipla mode% "rat Ts. InetreslIte Ned lealodaim one -'7,19' serfs► uN.. . n.... OsoMae& 111.60 per Wire .as TatNee "Busier Abet last WhUe Merea dying ho we t�b guest el the lJsMs Creak Ma►, sad waived a rtes is Mammas. twelve Who sp the river, whets glamor had bean ordered Mr twelve severe. After a rest, the pity .reds bask and did the idly. Allsak wa viettiag kis fried, Freak Adams. as old Teremb b. wi up the treat ins Net efy of railwhoie - reads aid live bssissm sass, P,.ru.- Tb. lint Ouse Department las Moved a satins stating that pstsas. . en have hitherto .sly bees authorised to rotors direst to the seders it undelivered all., a mortals time, the ohm of letters Loewe as "memos" bitten, that as, thus Money • plated requiem for their direct re - tern is ave of as delivery. Is future, letters whisk, without beteg 'request' let- ters, bear le center the coer of the envelop. the misted sddrssa of the wader, may al. se bs stead of returned direst to the sanders, isWag - mead to the dead -letter sl - sea. N. period bale` monlessd is taws .sass, peetasstsrs will sot return mark let- ters oath making up the dead but. re- tire. •• Ti.. P.alTa,s.-Many slangs. sad improvements mark the Urs of 'that hub toilet w"sary. yolopt pia. Front the heavy pis of early days, mads of iron were, badly pouted, with its clumsy, ill -shapes head, ad dep.odier for its streoetk solely se iia weight, until the iatroductioe of the Puritan its, the cisme might be called as evohtios, so steady ad gradual was it, but the Puritan beteg so immeasurably superior to any pia previously aasufactund,tormd the Ant sotioesNo gap, having, se to distanced all competitors- Beteg maof n. the hardest brant win tempered to give it gorseenmess with strength, pointed in oii,wbie► g p• heretofore pos. semsd only by .Wei at.sdles, tis Pontaa ha wise its way wherever offered for salt la the United States, when it is best known, it osetrole the pea trad.,aad though just introduced into (aseda within the past six montbe,ite success has hese pheootte ai. and no retailer who studies his easterners' interests now thinks his stook complete without Puritan Pias AT T.sOeue tont to W roc.-AU'aos0000ed in our last inns, the Framer lhwtic Co. bars the hoards for the weak. Oa Woodsy evening they rave the favorite play ,. Rose Oarlaad." Os Tuesday, " Fasehon, the (locket," and on Wedaeeday, "The little Dash_" The attendance se far has bona rsshertsoatl and it is hoped that those enjoy - lag a really pod play will tura out in much larger embers the remaining aunts of the week. The oompaay is • Ant class oa sad giro. • show well worth the mosey. The play is close from act 1 to the dude, and no objectionable feature a sees. As usual, Mollie Jeffries wine litany pleasant ewo- Miums sad in • greet measure c•rrieseffthe honors of the .renimg. The company ha• give. as slegnat fire trumpet to be promot- ed to the moo popular fireman in town. Thi. ererde r.day) "Pearl of Savoy'. will he played ; "Jams" on Friday sad "Streets of New York" os iaturtay. The price d admtotie. hes been reduced to 25e. for rewrved sew, 10 cents under gallery sad 20c. is gallery. *mi. Halts --Seatortb San : The two infamous w',mes from Goder eh "the have taken up their abode on North Main street, are still employed is the demwbl calling of corrupting the youth of oar town and maty older doppes who fancy themselves devilish cute. The mayor and council hes given the police authorities lull isstruetioo to deal with these women and bring thaw to justice, yet the polios authorities rsmsin inactive. It u hard to move • county eon - stable, yet we have • tows coestabi. direst. ly under the control of the oouiitcil sad what is he doing' Nothing, so far as es Imo,. The Sea has no axe to grind sad Mr. Head. ley suits us se a police officer lust so long as he does his duty, otherwise, hie usefuloele is gone entirely. Nick the tows ooeaoil and all lam -abiding citizens at his back Mr. Headley should surely be able to rid the town of this polloLom of coral. It Mr. Hadley does not do his whets duty, and that promptly, he must step down sad out ad give space to some parsec who will. This is pieta talk, and when we put our Med to the plow we sever look hack. The Y. M. C. A. might do monse practical work in pushing this matter to oemplotson. There are times for psalm -singing mid else for pesetas! work. This is the time for work. dimes the sleeve was in type we tsderstaod Mn. Thomas has rammed to (,-•,,t.-rkoh If she has reformed she an stay, but ft not, she should be kept msviag. -Rd. SmxAL 1 LOCAL BRIEFS. The Epworth League of North -et Meth- odist church will meat at 7 o'clock iutead of 7:30. (bo. Thomson will supply You with say snake of piano yon may tura Call es him sad get reek *Moosr sea C. 0. Nowise lad some Gee pant ea ex- kibitisa at his stare last week. They were of the Flemish beauty variety, sad were were bsaetien too, and weighed 181 on. each. The Rev, Joseph Fddg• will give • lecture is the Nerth-at Methodist fhuteh, to - tilled. "A Night With 11efittprika Grims- by Park," cm Monday, Oct. IAr. Admu- miele. 10•. All are iayllsd. Rev. Dr. Frasier, *.I)., late miniosary from Ferment. will address the mMtleg of the bible sesisty is North -8th Mesh•dist .larch es Friday •renis. at 8 IWeek. The ellereh dsir will provide mania ti•sdeeky Journal : A yousgsise,wham best girl rides • blyelo, cent kir • mote is whish he said. "I send by mol •Jur of 1tl•ons-u. Wear them for my sake. TM young lady was vary sem, be she sailed *Nine ea opiates the box she bud • pair et reins Rheumatism Cared is a flay. - Ss.th A r seises Rheun ati. Gare, As1 rhonnsalim end .s.aigi , radically ford is me te three d•... Its entitle epossyncs is rtta•rkakts and myN.rn.sa renames at Ives the Mane •r( the dies, disappears. The fret dor beads . 78 onto Seld by James delegist. Hems Dimon Relieved r Mtssubm - Dr. Ageswr s Awe ler tib. rims pr- ies wood to all eases of (ka1M er Sysp•- Steele Heart Memo ie d0 .Metes, •.d weedily .Mels • .are It be a remedy fee ntioa,Sha,tasmef tlmstb,s•g Poi le Lot Side sed s�nsp�•ns• et • Missed Has* One dose mint- •a Said by James Wilma Raid le Me Heene.-DIMesseleg kidney mad bladder Alimer relieves la six Mem by w Great Soo* Arseiote jfiey Owe. This res remedy Is apes! esiptb sed M p fd tb s bi.14 stsa. 1 ba▪ sh mil wen part el webs eelrmey pada de Mver or tate& n regi.._ esemeiee el MOM sad pi le pmts. M almost ! TH2 _SIGNAL : GODS/UCH, ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. 11. i$I& moillately. If yea Mty. uail Mist this r dy _ Sold limas by Jobe Davis. • Mem to Heresmes.-one tem* es Ugh* Ap•vis Liniment eempietely re mewed • tooth Ivens my Yvm I elms - are in teeestssding the remedy, . 11 eats with mystmines le the renewal tress Memo al or sallemod bbd sum *. og oposles.ane Nobs. sow. MattkMitesae, One. SW by iia WB.... COMING AND GOING. K. Reid is visiting is hetroit. �, .. Baster is takiee a trip ea the Ca. Alex. Craigis Mit as Thursday for De- troit C. Get. Avenues[ is is Termite this WW1. G. F. Blair, of Brussels, was is town Tuesday. Mrs. Jamieson Reid is visiting relatives is Detroit Mts. ilrokham, of Ruff.lo, is tiering her brother, C. G. Newton. Wm. kvass returned yesterday to home in British Columbia. Miss Edith Lrlwoad left on Teasley to lad Sl HIWa's Collage Toronto. Chas. Garrew left yseterda morning .o retes hie studies at Toronto lmorningsiverry Wm. Sharkey, s000mpssled by mother, left on Thursday for Chicago Milwaukee. Miss Marko Shepherd Idtaterda maniac for Tomato, where she will art St. Hilda's College. A•lunar ter Heintzmen Ce, will he is sort week. Les orders at Fraser t Porter's Mr. and Mrs. Conwell, of Detroit, visiting in town the pasts of her mother Mrs. Matheson, WellWigtonst. Mrs. K F. Moore sad family, who bees speeding the Summer months in town loft on Saturday for their hams in Chiang Dr. W. F (lark, V.S., was in Luckso en Thursday last, Oct 4th, acting as judg en light horses at the Fall Agricultural e kibitioo. Mrs. McKay, who for several years carried os a dressmaking estab isbmen haa resaoved to Clinton, where she e: to reside. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Avery sad family left for Listowel, Tuesday aftersson. Mr Avery who was the Weal agent of the Sing or sewing sssobie in the town for the past two years and • half, has hopromoted u the parities et lomat asset of the List.,district by the Sieger Co. MARINE NOTES.ick asteresting teems red Se At *ad Near The lake hest. his at - to his d s y •red a re are had o. w • I. t, pecta se Cruiser Petrel left on Saturday for South- hampton. The fskermea are repairing and stowing their ossa The sobr. T•dmw is undergoing extensive repairs sod is being repainted by her cap - Su. Carat ved on Friday, bound or, aad loaded 1,000 Sale. of flour sad 500 osalt 8ir'g. W. B. flails, arrived yesterday with wisest for the hie mill, from Fart W iliiam. Str. Monarch called here Wednesday bound up, sod loaded 26 tow of hay and 100 bbis. flour. John Stewart has charge of the engine of the Sen Kin, in the absence of engineer Matthews. Schr. Sephie arrived on Thursday with 520 to.. of coal for Wm. Lee and the water works. Str. Cambria shipped several hails hers to III the plains of some of the crew who left at tVisdsor. The yacht Sunbeam I. being thoroughly repaired and painted. She has bees re- christened theJoc. Lana flocks of wild duck are daily men on the lake and the boys are thinkingotbar - rowing the cannon on the bank to go shoot- ing, Sob,. KWh/rebound from the North shore to (Tatham with a load of lumber laid in here for several days on account of rough weather. She left on Sunday for the river. Now that the weather is too merely to haul stow, John Runoiwma has started is • sew business, viz , trapping, sad reports great seems. He has caught a dozen musk- rat. sad • mink. (In Saturday as Colin Campbell was psdd lint armed the book pert of the harbor, his vessel' a poorly-000strusted raft --wont to pisses and the young sailor was preen i toted into the water. A young man who was sear by west to the rescue and coon bad the youngster ashore. Complaint, are being made about the waves between the piers canoed by the share of the .named peen. The Sophie came in on Teurvlav with • strong south wind sod all wont well until she got abreast of the Ndrti pier when the beck waves Is., that pier swept her ds.ka The swell fa the harbor with a a.lbw.w wind is vary largo CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORES- meW.ttama reamed as ow Sea t. The third mom' emvontlon of Christian 'Eadtavr esdlles ler NM messy of Bursa was held In Mates test week. About fifty delegates from over the eos.ty attended and ooaaiderable work wee s000etplibwd. The following resolutions were mad.: (1) Your resslutlm oemmitts would re- comw.d that awry possible paise be takes to tomb the yemme people, sad especially the members of ear jtnlor societies, that their Christian Isle should sot only be de- voted to the worship of God, but to aetoal service, by dries good to our fellow men in every pamihle way. (2) We she re.enssased that local seer. earls, be urged to furfiek to the General Se elery es sore as pemOds, stesiet es ro- latissiagg to their tespee and we ask the mil bees el whM ' to pledge tis -worse Is do ail to their power to ass wt thou are turshhei. (II We with be express regret at the a► eeae, d hew Mr. Csbbfdrk sad ear sysapathy la the ABM= _ __ through whim\ be _hese L=emmas soled hi pan. sssGdsns Is w am- o ureuse** .ou eusethak be ,toupee d dlrp.naaynas M Pvev.a.. gen ler the book (1) We n.semsed I. all Chalmette len- desv vers the rrsMgw d stamiles are. M the prinelplss es.bdsd law pledge. the sod tis elostsse to the prieelples etIseordeseinieselossi leersbfp i M melanism, sap ' lly us the ns'esiM.ty weenies searse; us the polo. elpim of sad eltisailpy radsas'ab es4ilnyt m- eet young people 1hek loans.« sad hosehhe. all IegWtfen toward _int Moen eabknib a ervease. end the mgp..tas d the Spier NMI* 1l) We est -wend Mri the ouOd Mals d Ib wend= be tsadmed tks eilithotgesoldiot. the FMc O. N. OdM.. disk Ir W paw der elms I are se the see - KNOWLEDGE Driep eotdort and Improves:ma and lends Ma personal enloymeuk when rightly used. The many, who lin bet- ter than other+s and enjoy life more, with lees expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced In the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its snoellisme is due to Its presenting in the form ulna acceptable and pleas - sot to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the syst.tn, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given aatidact ion to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- ne}-s, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Riga is for sale by all drug- giste in 75c. bottles, but it is 'manu- factured bythe California Fig Syrup Co. only, wose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not aoceut any substitute if offered. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Reilateh Frites. Gonaatca. Oct. Ot h. 111111, �iwhest standard 053 to 009 030 Se000 family. per mine... 1 90 to 0 ee Morn 1111 ... a N tsaO a neshp tea I, 00 tale M 1tem Peas. V bash, . • 525 •• O 25 to OM 020 Barter two rowed. • beth ....... 0 bel to oaf .•. • ell tos.S Y�a•Jy� Berl, ten 12 a 7 • hushButear,. sew 016 to 0 11f e 16 to o 17 law troth r die Nevado* s0 nto 0 It Mow. ...... a it to 0 N Weede3teto4N Hier 0 18 to 020 Atka • too to 200 DUies.@d 450toe110 100 b 450 5 00 to 550 rotary, Mr. Cooper, for his efficiency and in- defatigable labor; also to the local unions and to the friend. in Clinton for their warm and generous hospitality extended to the delegates. A number from (,oderich took part in the proceedings. Mies S. A. Actaeon, of Goderieh, gave a paper on the subject " Camas and remedies of dull meetings,' and an .roellent paper it we.., being full of practical hints, which, if adopted an the League. and Societies will surely prevent there being any dull mest- inga v. J. A. Anderson, of I;ederich, dealt with the "object "Systematic Beneficesos." He thought it was • very good time for him to address the oonventioo just after Dr. t;ifford'a eloquent address on Mission Work. He cited the aim of the Israelites being ordered to give • certain portion of their in - canton the Leyites,andexplained why awes necessary to rive systewatically and to Sive liberally.n We are sothat all those pre. seat wil stake more definite plane for the systematic giving of the tithe. to (.od after heansg such an excellent address. Rev. Jos. Edge, who was elected pan - dant for years 1894 5, took for his subject, "The Holy Spirit in Knd.avor Work." He thought the time was not yet come when God wanted all the churches to he united, but be said that the aim. •end objects should all be one and that our forces should be united to pull down the strongholds of cis, and with united energies we should ac- oomplish more by working harmoniously to ;ether. ever remembering that t,od never tnt.nd.d that there should be any waste of moony such as then is is sane of our mis- sice Golds We need the Holy Spirit to give us united fire. Next years sonvatios will be held at Blyth. Goderiek also extended as invite - tics, bet leek *sir ddens pet ddb . Prowlers Waimea Musk !NN gbe,et. To the editor of -!Is Mwat_ Sir,- We have had • quiet time in our motion for yews and hoped to have it contimw, but on Sunday morins last about 1 o'clock, four men, who o•me up roins a pkw- toe. were pwling around this way milia, offers to Gad the whereabouts el a vetoes who wag supposed us be located here. The woman has not located bets, sad the,, are nem but em we wast, to keep it so.xresea idents ntresi ight- walkkag as are there/ere warned off, er they will get into tremble if they are Need prowling armed at unseasonable hours ow !Cu. Sewn.',. Jobe (lo lam t.w.ship t 0o Saturday la peyslar neve of the tow. - ship, lam with a bad seeidemt. Wing is to feed kis horns, he was carrying a sheaf of eats, whisk frightened este of them while he was is tis stall, sad it kicked him es the thigh, illiott'eg a wowed that is exesdhg ly painful sod has mise. eendned him N ►Ie. room. Wiseman' t Saateel R. 'koala of tows, has mit boss wbese mooed for the peat six months a manothinr remarkable. Five mit thou are whites litho,as snd see is a moa, Bret D,rbg lbe time mentMad this bay- ed setenty-Gee de.m sod two, or 902, ewe, sad the me.grel bee bombed two breed el daiskmas Mr. Sn•b would like to beer et *yens Nob am beat this tweed. Retiring Aram nuallnemse IRK1'IRIIff FROM BtTRINR9S,--JOHN gsRd.Ag.L,.P� dUss desire sap.. s. te room hem nem. end WWW sp..s et hY some meet =on levo. title at • stomas. In weer to Wel Sleek gussktrJOUR 1a1um ane a AMDed. A wAIl? SUPPiIED.-OUT Tele fair aped �d fr rouse eM J A Revolution in Prices - of DRY GOODS. There never was so muchShing and cutting of Prices as there is today in the Dry Goods Trade. Never so many fake Picture and Furniture Schemes to mislead unthinking people. We adopt no such methods to gain Trade. and believe the public have sufficient common sense not to be gulled by such humbugs. Our Fall Stock is now Complete. Special cut Prices in every Department. We mention a few Lines only this week• Tweed Dress Goods from 5c. up. All Wool Esta - mane Serges and Henriettas from 25c. per yard to $1.00. See our great Line of Bun Beg Tweeds for Dresses at 25c. per yd. Ladies' Hygeian Vests from 20c. up. Men's Heavy Underwear, Tweeds, &c., in great variety and at exceedingly low prices. Inspection and comparison Invited. Goderiok, Oat. 3rd, 1894. JAMES A. REIIDy Beak. let Thomas ►as pus out 567,950 ill band- �y� Iii. year. She C. P. R. delivers 175 carloads of wheat daily at the Fort William .lava. tors. TO ADVIERTI$ZRFL Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mos. day noon. usual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Mixed i41.5l •,m Mail and Ktpr.es.... 1.36 m. Mixed... 7.411 p.m. Mall and gr prem tone,, OM p,m. Travelling Odds. eRAI.D TRUNK RAILWAY. IDIOM • en To ucnr llC.. MAI le,, weer. Mail :g and rans............. 436 as Moat sad 3 M R., Mitred Merle. ANNA L SHAW• T� � et Meat sae Thsery iisnot,R OF deer gest of Gat Pereme. Ww1141, $54a Tenders Wasted, TENDERS WANTED. - TFNDF.Rs will he received by the under.iwaed up to 3 o'clock. P w . Monday. 25th leer. for ISO cord. of treeen bard weod, to oe deli rered at the earl in (ioderleh in quaetities of not lea. than 2S eorde per month. fr m date of (on. tract. The weed meat he at Isaac ball maple. four feet beg, split snd piled. Parties may taller for 2i cords and upwards. Security will be reuulred for the completion of the con- tract. The lowest or any lender not nacos eerily accepted. W. LANK, tinted Oet. 10, list 86 21 ('c. Clerk. Props 'RF► lir Rale or for Mont FARM FOR SALE OR RENT.-PRO- perty knows as Him,ka farm, a scree, being lot 10, con. I. Ooderlcb Tp.. about 1N miles from town of Ooderich. frame cottage sad i,srdweed bush, Apply to We. Anse Macke os the promises 84 -It VALUABLE FARMS AND TOWN Let 9 In the PROPERTY 000oe shoo OodLE Oer li town- ship, county of Huron. r miles from Ooderich, consisting of 140 acres more or less, Barn Mx 50, nearly new, good orchard of choice fruit, well watered with spring creek. an excellent easing farm, can be boeoht on easy terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX, Auctioneer. Lei I in the broken frost, went of the fake read in the Western division. Township of Cel- borea, openly of Huron, 3 miles trout (,oderiek seesp'Wsg 119 aores. Largs beak barn, geed Name be.. 1 story high, nearly sew sad sed msherd of choice fruit, can be bought ow tem tense. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Aucues- eer. Bleck A and B. Lake nage, is the township olt cossetinThere are on g of 1p8r9emacres more sr hoose, frame barn and good . �a ofataltr o1g1 About 7 porta yoatsgorahard choice /raft. Abent 4t acne of hoeb, This farm is considered s ared Jeas grazing farm. The farm can be divided to suit parchment and bought'on easy tonne. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Hesse and lot in rhe town of G7intow.-Lot 41, Maryet. opposite tee old woolen mill, onn- analog frame bees.. 15 story high, 9 room., stone foundation with good odtar, all to peed state of repair. Apply to JOHN ENO X. Auctioneer. FOR SALL-N. f LOT 31,11ND 00N- rsa This s: a bang.. lank Ale Am Newsom*. 1tatw7$,, Gede- rioh. Moil to PHILIP HOLT. 4Lti, FOR BALI AT • BARGAIN. -THAT ' ogee modsth to me• se EINteL,saru► VI i. saslw ns1s, Toric .sale Ap I. 8.',u % Brunsele P. 0. meatri Pubile Plotless. NOTICE. - ALL PARTIES WHO have not settled their so- esuts with as are seals rsseetted to do .o without my delay. Iyer la Thymee-eabsess. vent RmDnabsence to who will give receives egg Ooderieb, Aug. 11, 155 nowNfeo. OTICR-ALL PPgR*UlRS FOUND ►stoma treasismesig es osmptiesmoils ate' was win ya�e p romessed • asttiiur sr ether Ose dos bears W fart shit w law. CYf7MMrw. bra, la the towaehy sus tis prep.rty known as the Rearm b tis townships of immerse Malirgai sad cro, X. BAZCHLRR, Prspvdoeer. For Sale Cheap- Lvlt»esR poet SA LE AROUT 30,- h jeiateg, skirt and leas, tat,p, A>mK a Abe. aatlty of lash ns.weatemss R >fglews. Strayed Auteuil* ESTRAY RRiFRR-CAME ON THE et mebeer4bpr ea or sheet the tis efilliker. • red tied white heifer. The ember requested to prove pregartoirw sltflfu7'Olf. limit ass. ILt away.0 iber.s. Nit CA MR iiITRAY. -CA MU ON TH R sheerebels premfes Let A esnessas. . Tb. eve el.absitsrt11 he lentt a.Aria q►e• ▪ 1[ a""rsiVL.A� Holds. • e ROYAL. Ram Now °vim ML ROpswT _ - v OPENING OF TILE NEW PHOTO PARLOR SEPTEMBER 10th. I wish to announce to the and Gentlemen d 0oderleh sad vi- cinity that I will open on above trate in the old stand formerly occupied by Gere. Stews, t and have fitted the stu- dio with all modern improvements and appliances for turning out first-class work, an,l shall he pleased to receive your esteemed patronage, assuring you i ithall do toy utmost to furnish my customers with the latest in that line. Parlors open Saturday nights from 7:30 to 9:31) P.Y. T. If. BROPHY. - _ Sale or Lando for Taxis TOWN OF GODY.RICH, TR1ABURER'$ SALK OF LAN!) FOR TAX Ke. PDIo • .tcgorO.rTmoo, 1 By virtue of • Tows .-n Oonarttrn. ( warrant under the i hand of the Mayor of the Town of (iodsrteb and the seal of the said coporatloo, harylg date 31st day of July, hell, tc me directed commanding me to levy upon the lands to the following list of arrears of taxes due theron. that unites the said taxes, together with all costa. are sooner paid. I shall proceed to .ell the mid l..w_ tlttrtuo((yy -- ..y publi.- action. or asmuch of the elvesend'es cost the eon. at the for the seTt WN HALL, In the TOWN OF OI►DERR'H, on Friday. the lady of November, 1891. at the hour of twe o'clock, The PWleoehtp Lehi err pbtenhd: a ('omms re on or Las :net, Ins Ru•nitly Rea. 1 K. pt. WIp " 2 l 18N lis 1>M Sr.12 pt. K. pt. 1000 C, pt. Ittp; Int 13x9 31 19 64 r 4s 75 sa SS Hutches'. s 8. Reedy Bsyvey 1437I340j4714 3640325 3ef 3s 10 141 30 2 M 9 fr 101933x772130 14 1 N 7382 O. 969 1i 2 0, etc 1 2 al 8 MI I1N 61 tdilto 3198347 i15 131 fa 3 17 3e. 43 31 19 13 7 90 I:, OS 1, IS 132 le 1-, m 691 31 23 624 16 01 1: 5m 6 50 6 50 s 50 -6 18 A 2 0 :a 3 64 260 S 13 00 3 tog 11 46.2 as 3NS4 14 3N'36p 4 3111/9an 659 14 45jN bat 4 3•is 649 4 '4 /s3N61,Iss 0113p i1 MV 91 4012 05 33 !S 5ol;1a 841 7 SSIId1.41 i III 753M�IIN 4 IIiA Nj s 74 4 Nit A a 71 j tis I ( f A{ hos 3111‘ luso. July 31t Spoelal xalettst, NEW CHOPPING MILL. -THE 5178. scriber herds, pet le s sew NM of Preach Bahr mill stoma is prepared to do all Wads 0f mote chopping frith dispatch. MIH will be running o. T.e.stay, Thoreau sod Raturdsy every wean, Max In your grain and get It chapped acid Mems same day. tips ane city ton per Fl hear. retelass betel and tab ss. aoosnsaditles ease by. 5710. S. i'LATT. Coal end Weed Yard GODERiCH FOUNDRY AND MACRINZ WORE& To the yobbo: - Bey Rumbas. flea 9 and 4 plows. Rued w Med rollers sad reef els. 7 gad I paws, Amoeba. mould Watford twin peek. It M the bale, Wbeardg, s,..-. the Madera W, tlwd hay rakes Al- i+ether 1ptive(nnttistaksaMY anted= dsdvisewOps anttedu.sd is order. Oast to W is MFIy J. K. RUNCptAx, SRINGLRgt 9HINOLBA' SHINGLES, A7 Did yen hear them Septr I havemet -ty Jl.M Pel, es They refit be (s s.'uk ed a p at low I lave • w made aosapmber let -- or strokea renal et Redw te ost is IL I Gmkf Ism thee p1..1. asset... weisetett. hoer I sal natemer normative work. west It 11 Se Sty Snow setg weoar e amen Nit. ter topost saL n ., weal . 41.5 sdi et ed- Ysj p"� mimeo i tam =oil oneee• �elelis hu Well penweed. emi p' nit"Ea IN* RAt t1<mS1 WILLIAM'S [�l'RE BAKING .p„ DKR is now classed with the beet baking pow- ders in the market. Warranted absolute- ly pure, fresh and re- liable. Only 30c per pound A trial sample given to ladies upon request. CHAS. I►. I LLIA FIs, l'hm. R., (,old \Iedelt t, Robe ShcLws a Blook, Late with Geo. Rhynes PERFUMES. A full line of the -best odors from the leading Perfumers of France, Gerntany, England, and America, at J. E. DAVIS, PHM. R Medical -Hall. 13111PS THAT PASS iN THE 11ORT are the .Lip. of 4 s opponnntt,en the htrnl- tore hargaiae you m ice. A cargo of furniture of every kind aa,t quality we have placed ea sale at awl' 'Mures as will make it a nil letter sale to the people of Huron. The a facts Fact I, We carry the largedt and best as sorted .tock of furniture and unholaert.g goods In the county. Fact IL Our stock is larger than we wi.h to carry. Fact ill, To redo a it Bean offering speci- ally hew 1.4oee, These are the facts. If you want the tlgnree c.0 and ties au It wit, pay you, SMITH'S FURNITURE STORE. OR ruts eQtlAag. F. SMEETH'S ANiN(; MiLL -artt- SASH, il(hOR AND BLIND FACTORY, i take this opport'laity to Inform the public that 1 am still la the Matinee@ not wit Reseeding all tumors to the contrary. and am prepared to do every elan of work is my line Prem making • window hame to erecting • 1Mory budding with reanesrd roof, matlmstes furnished sad competition in. tied. The famishing of Malaise material, .ttrh ea lath, shingle.. sad Inmoer • esmient. F. SMERTEL Ooderieb, Jolt It% 1f1/, 1;111111.:410N OF COD LIVER OIL. Ili 1�J Hulk. Ter Coe*, sus Celia. Ni. per Plat. Brown's Raiment Wild tures mark, Ne' per bone. W lame% Iran Pills. Ni, • h.., Use Our Ow. idtt.k �'s Sc I9. a °mon Powder! h, iba1$�e,eess, esa:..rash As i intense iiia i.t b balk. Our mem et �Insm, ate. • crock etripiiNloes e awl Teem asap to J, w t t e e w •. Peresetpuen Deng is.,.. Taleehe.e 11 ?sooner Washed. Mhal dawat AL TEACHER WANTVp) 011K i es • Atem ..toles. E 1