HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-11, Page 44
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Ha D. fimeBaate.HT.
See of P.wtea CledesiniN t,
Sort\ streak
veers of swaasspetse s
as Mtb. I. admen, • U
rem months. ...'1•
~nidi% Y asas& the grime Pie hear
will be se
Leo` M Tear Label.
Tour label is amending receipt of the dale
se which you are paid up. gee that it I. sot
allowed to tall late sense.
When • dismay of address is desired. iota
tbs sad sad the sew address sbeeld be gives.
Advertits. Hallos
sad other noel sdv..11srmeatt. lie.
per ClNae for lest iseselles. d l ess's par Use
Ile sack s.b.euttMeasured eat l sertios. Mead a
• mese oddest
Ma Rare sod ender. N per
Advertte•meste of Lost. Pound. ','rayed.
=aCs Taoist. Situations Wowed sad
gttrlaeee (`hashes Wanted, set saoee.iisg t
Mom sespsrell_ 51 per swath.
Houses ee care and Parma on Hale, sot M
emas.d b lines. $1 for ere mouth. Seo. par sub -
ss 5 l sao.tL Larger adds. is ptepoetioe.
Any special setke. ass object of which 1. to
Promote the pecuniary bene•` of any ,adl-
vtdusl er company, to be considered as ad
vertlesmwt and charred •ccordinely.
Legal settees In nonpareil type one cent per
weed, .aetines lees ethan
modem is ordinary reading typo two
a�ttes per word. No notice for tees ea bps
iimtiosa then
for churches and other religious sad
benevolent Institutions half rate.
Cesmeeetaa Centred Advertisements.
A limited number of displayed advertise
meets will be inserted at the Reflects. reins -
Per lack, one Isssrties. M $
ihrreesmoont s. 11M
els months ........ 3 m
one Jears s.
No advertisement lees thin two inches in
Werth will be calculated on above baste. s
per cent. discount allowed for cash payments
e s three months'000tract ; le per Dent. on six
mostke'. and 15 per rent. en • year's. These
ees'Nfgse will be strictly eatoreed.
Jltges "The e`gres`s H_lawsp.
Mubecriber who fall to receive ToploM
rerulerly, either by carrier or er
confer • favor by acquainting us at
se early • date a. possible.
Refected msnuecrlpts cannot be returned.
Correspondence must be written on one side
of paper only.
r.NYber's Settee.
J. C. Le Touael, of Onderich, has bee. N
pointed Local Travelling Agent for the tows.
ship of Goderich. Colborne, Ashfield end Wa-
Local pommesten over the district are •leo
e mpowered to receive subscriptions to To::
All communications must be addressed to
I) Mc(flp.LBasi
Tan t,
itAepawe C•1130 . Ooderlea. Ont.
I F you are one of those who received
an account last week or during s few weeks
preceeding, end have not yet paid up, you
ere requested to de so at once.
The object of sending out accounts is to
have them paid. sad fathom h the individu-
al dollar or two appears a small sum to duo
for, the aggregate rums up into the thou-
DSO notice has been given to all delis -
wears on our books, and wets will be incur-
red if the amounts are not settled at Geos
D. bb -(.:mu. t"DDtr.
Goderich, Sept 10. 1894.
"i>'seeoty to a we`re W uatcat*Oet, bet
there would be none in the case el
the editor of The Star or Mayor BtrT-
DR. MACDoNALDi renomination in
West Huron is another indication that
the electors of that constituency know
when they haves good representative.
The doctor has woe his way to a front
place on the opposition benches, anti,
in the event of a change of Govern-
ment, would be assuredly looked upon
as a cabinet possibility, He is one of
the best posted politicians in the
House, and, during his two terms in
Parliament, has made progress greater
than that of any member of our ac-
quaintance. We hope to see a larger
majority than ever rolled up for the
plucky and talented repreesetative of
East Huron at the nut election.
THE Honorable TitoisAs Worst
DALT says the Dominion elections will
not be held for eighteen mont, s to
ouwe. Mister Dees a either being
fooled himself or M trying to fool the
people Tus SIeIAL will put up a
prediction against Mister DALr's, and
that is that the Dominion election will
be held before next Winter's snow
FOR years pest the question of erect-
ing a Summer hotel in (l'aiench has
hems in the minds of many of the rest -
(lents, anti, during the season just
closed, the necessity for such an in-
rtitution in Goderich was made mani-
fest by the large number of visitors
odic came hither.
The establishing of a regular eer-
vie s by steamer between Detroit anti
upper lake port. gave, an impetus to
the Summer visiting to our town,
which is so admirabl .,situated on the
the route for either 4 or down trips,
and, as a result, many of the visitors
availed themselves of the opportunity
to spend a few weeks in what is con -
standard, the I )ppositioa leader wee
well aware that such could sot be.
The lbossrvstive policy, %dee l and
Local, is opposed to the Patron plat
form and no one knew better than
Muiorru that it would be as difficult
to mate oil and water so to fuse the
principles of the Patree and Tory plat-
forms Ho could see nothing before
but :he cold shades of Opposition and,
making • virtue of necessity, he step-
ped down and out.
Mr. MEREDITH rearm from polite
foal life with the reputation of a plucky
politician if not en astute statesman.
He made many tactical blenders, but,
is several cases, he was the victim of
environment. This was particularly
noticeable in his bitter controversy
with Archbishop ULRART in 1890, and
its recurrence is June of the present
year. Ms discovered, whet. toe late.,
that limiting to fanatteism was • flame
which, once kindled, was bound to
blase, and he saw that he had started
a lire which, if not stopped, must in-
evitable consume the hopes in On-
tario of Sir Joint Teouesow sad his
l:overnulent. So long as MsaiDtm
remained in politics he could not con-
sistenUy recede from the position he
had espoused of lab years; he had
either to retire or cause this political
annihilation of his Ottawa Chief. And
he retired.:
Meaning -We retirement a' the pres-
ent juncture was • political necessity.
As long as he remained in politics
there would be a disaffection against
the Conservatives by a section of the
community that had been driven into
,`pen opposition to that party by the
extreme attitude which he had assum-
ed on certain political lines. This re
volt and the growing influence of the
Patrons meant the complete over-
throw of the THOMPsos support in On-
tario. A voluntary, if not a forced,
retirement was absolutely necessary to
save the party, and MEREDITH, after
an arduous anti hopeless struggle for
over twenty years, with no Canaan is
sight, was probably not averse to the
It will be a difficult task to fill his
place, for, with all his failings, he was
possessed of that magnetism and geni-
ality of temperament, which made
every follower a personal friend. He
was of robust physique, strong in de-
bate, and of keen political acumen,and
there isno Conservative in Ontario who
will be able or willing to mak- the
sacrifices which he made for his party.
Many men have been spoken of as
likely to succeed him, but, when the
caucus meets, they will be unable to
find amongst the nominees one who so
admirably possesses the qualities of
leadership. In their investigation the
Conservative will discover that there
Drri, and now that he has gone from
their ranks they will never find his
like again.
ceded to be one of the prettiest and
healthiest Summer resorts in Canada.
During the Summer the agitation
reached the public meeting stage, and
a committee ter appointed to enquire
as to available sites and to make ap-
plication to the town council for in
ducetnenta, in the way of concessions,
in the shape of free water and light,
etc. Later on, at a public meeting, it
was decided to solicit subscriptions for
the scheme. During the past week,
a canvass was made and the results
. r't now before us is the form of a
,rook setting orth the contributions
up to date.
The return is not satisfactory so far
ai the prosecution of the scheme is
concerned, for, after the committee,
consisting of Messrs. R. S. WILLIAMS,
.IAS. MITCHELL, Joe. Kum and A.
SMITH, had made a fairly thorough can -
taw: only lie ten -dollar shares were
taken up, making a total sub-
scription of $1,480. A large number
of business men declined to assist the
enterprise in any way, and some of
the loudest exponents of the scheme
a month or two since, are absent from
the promoters' list.
Under these circumstances the out-
look seems dark, but the committee,
the members of which have given so
much of their time to the inception of
the project, intend to make another
effort before they close their work.
Should they then be unsuccessful, it
will be useless to again broach the
question of a Summer hotel in Gode-
rich, for institutions of that kind can-
not be erected by wishes or sus-
tained by mere worth. What is want-
ed is capital, and, if the business
men of the town are unable or unwill
ing to subscribe, they must bow to
the inevitable and cease harping on
the unattainable.
M ILITARISM in Canada has been
all torn up the back of late. First
the Canadian War Lord, the Hon.
JULIUS CAMAS PATrsR+ar, got inter-
ested in a sword alleged to have been
the property of the first British War
Lord in Canada --a gentleman by the
name of Wouss and now the blood -
encrusted blade turns out to he bogus,
a mockery, a delusion and • snare.
Next the skeleton of a military gentle-
man of • past age was unearthed in
Toronto, supposed to be that of a
Capt. MCNists, who figured in the
greet "war" of 181 2. The skeleton
was sent to Halifax for intannent,antl
now it is claimed that the radavre is
not that of the distinguished captain.
THE Star, last week, declared thr.t
Mayor Buns. pas not the author of
the letter signed " Decency," which
appeared in its columns the preced-
ing week. Tt may be that this state
went is true, but Tea Stuwat. wants
better authority for it than the reeve
say so of • convicted criminal libeller,
whom the verdict of twelve good mss
sad trite declared to be a liar said the
truth was sot in him. AS sMlrt is
beteg made to foist the authorship ep-
ee sir well -knew. tewosmaa, Pastes.
Misaw. Evee that would wit Tan
Isamu better thee •ttribsI the
HHbbsship to The area stn er Sri-
t.sz These would be isms eeneiel se -
q h Mt. NNW Agaiag ki self
e,t•wd at tee Jai T rams were ..an1sL
J IC TN the medals gena by
1)r. to Wm. Weise, tar She
��wt Istwatya at the primary them,sag alas te Was Eal1 Abysms be 1M high-
est teed at the edrmasa J&m Melees.
whim obtained the hhhs, pmee.we at the
Jagger leaving was pr....sd Usk a prim
gives by the a llsgfsSe bmshgta A Ike
ester if Jobs aaliers, Ohs hes ataeher et
the wheel was Pewter to the mbar ny
Jude. Doyle I 4 epashr et asispsmas•
were eine be Mr. Stress sad seomst
emeses_, Jordan. Wakens sod Osibsr•a
The presestatisss we intentness*
with mem firm }msisal este tions•
and •ltegethe • mrd esjeyMe weld g
saes vest. It .s the iawties Is have •
esMeassimel a•sonly, and it is to he
Aged they will all he ss sues sels1 as the
ewe as Friday weans.
THERE is one man in Ontario who
takes no stock in the parrot -like sry
of the loyal Oppositition, " Mower
must go," and the name of that man
For twenty-two long years he faced
the veteran Premier, and, for the most
of that time, was the leader of the Op-
position to the Liberal Government.
During theme years he made the best
fight that any man could snake, and
earned for himself a same and reputa-
tion in the front ranks of the great
politicians of the Province, bat he fail-
ed to create any impression against
the aged Premier, who had been
schooled in Canadian politics with
BRowt(, Doitow, BALDWIN, and LA
Year after year MEREnITH fought
the fight with the firs of youth in his
eye and enthusiasm in his heart, and
as the years rolled by and the eye
grew die and the silver threads among
the gold appeared :to largely prepon-
derate, he prepared for his last politi-
cal fight. Last June he tact hie
Waterloo, and, when he discovered
that but a corporal's guard of
followers remained with him, and that
some of his ablest lieutenaets had gone
down be rise an more, he made up his
mind to give up the losing battle and
fweske a lost
His acceptance of the priorities of
Chief Judie of the Court of Oomameu
Plea. for Ontario, although it appear-
ed to Gimme an suddenly as a belt trim
the hien, had beats expected for some
limn. PotwitleaRarnag tee Medina
and reiteration of The Empire that
the Mamas weal, Ask to 7eHHH i*'s
P.E. W. Movic ,oyf The Berlin News
—the world -renowned Mr. MOTIFS—has
ped his fifty-eight mile -stew, sad, bar
ring the rheumatice, is good for fifty-eight
more. The brethren' of the quill, gentle
and simple, will ban u wisbiag the Imtoor-
tal Piece mane happy returns of the day.
have anything like the child -like faith of
The Empire in the upsettiav of Ontario's
*Livia, or he would never have takes to
the &elf.
are credibly informed that JOHN
lit 'Than a sstively convertive for the
mayoralty for 1896. Jogs evidently likes
office with or without perquisites.
The taxes are up this year because
derma the previous four yuan • squander -
e ine bursar was is ooetrol of the .pewdtsg
power of the soused.
it didn't take the Seaford' authori
tial keg to moss Mrs. Tiniest' to pall up
stakes and rwtara M (iedsriek.
There seems to be quits a smashing
of China over he the East of late.
Patties� Durenlet, C. Du ; led.R. 11.
Ronnie( High Jump—lot, R. Raker : Bad,
P. Tom and S. (:vee, tied •$ 4 M. 11 is.
100 yds Dash, Insist -1st. J. Kann :2nd,
F. Sheppard. Tins, 13 tea
100 yds Dash. Ae sier—let, H. Hera ; 2nd,
B. Onset. Thee, 11 4b ma
220 yds lwsh, Juaier—lab F. Sheppard
2md, J. Mania. Mate, 31 1 b •es.
220 yds Desk. Sashes— let, H. Nevis : 2nd,
S. Bsekett. Time, 96 1.5 sec
Rttanist Hop-otop-•ad-jump, Jonier-1st,
F. Sheppard ; 2.d, H. Williams
Diet..oe, 32 le 3s ha.
Bantam H -jump, Osier -1st.
R D. Mosetts•d ; Rad, H. Nevi.
38 ft. 101 is
Romaine Lose Jam Junior --1st. H. Wil-
Ibma ; Rad, F. Okemp•.d 13 ft. 8 is.
Ruaai.r L.enj J amp, Seamy let, R D.
Moorbend; 2.d, H. Nevis. Winans.
jump, 18 ft. 6 is.
880 Tris Rase --late S. Beckett ; 2nd, ■.
Nevi.. Time, 2 rain. 28 1 5 sec.
Fines* Race—let, Bre is W •ono. and 1.
Waddell, 2.d, H. Williams and F.
Es•pupils Raw — 100 yards, 1st, W.
Elliott ; 2nd, Geo. Allam. TIM., 11
1-5 sec.
Hurdle Ran, 1l20 yds) 1st H. Neve; 2nd
R. I). Moorhead.
Relay Roos, Model vs. l:. C. I.--1et Model;
Zed, G. C. 1.
Bicycle Raw (10 mile)—let, C. Chisholm ;
2md, IL Molver. Time 33 mm. 7 sea
Lc7TLL " Heron Ti"s.
The smiler of the fair sex made up for
lobe themes of Sole rays
Quite • ember of the bantams sem of
ser tows were interested spectators.
The senor ohampiosehio was wen by
Harry Nevis., the crack baseball man.
Sid M•ioemsoo's cell, showed up is crest
forte, sweeping everytbisr before them.
Fred Sheppard woe the junior chmpion-
ship. Fred also is a hustling 'Wort
Judges Liekeo., Helsel A Co. rave general
mtidectien with their up-to-date bulletin
Chas. I)urnin made • very efficient sad
affable games manager. Charlie is •
The relay race is an exciting event. The
(i.0 1. boyo will have to shake their pedal
extremities sett time.
The hurdle race was • hurdle breaker, if
sot • record breaker. Nevins legged it
srso sly, first to the taps
We hope that nothing worm than water—
or perhaps milk may moist that elegant
silver cup of yours, Harry.
i (Nd Sol must be harheriog an eeriest
grades •gamest the school. His shining
7utogootny was nowhere tl be sou.' ea
R. E. Hooper made s reliable said oblig-
lag timekeeper. Althoegh mint nearly is
lime with "Vanity's" showing, the C.C.I.
games are coming up all t). K.
('has S' cart, the champion short distance
sprinter of the township of West Wawa -
nosh, gave an exhibition of his woodertul
rooming powers during the afternoon.
The silver cup promoted by Mettors.
Hooper sad Loges for the moist seamptna-
ship was • beast; and the visaing of it
was well worth • little uutfa exertion.
A urressfsl Hay's Open- Meet Anneal
The third sed rates is ooss.etiow
with the Collegiate institute were held I.
the Agricultural Park en Friday Let, se
sannaased. The weather, as aimed, was
agree the 1111110111111•1 the affair, and showed
the antmity of heldi.g the ream mesh
earlier is the soros. It raised at latervale,
kat the sports wee. serried en although Ohs
Creek was Is per ss.ditime Al Sent it
lashed es if the esmpIII - weak' be the
o nly pie* presen% bat `fuse the Ames bad
game on he Esme rimy Sbe sperarre Maps
me appear, the lair see, termteig a
large majority. The sees this year SPIE.
e ssdsssed mash bete than is the two P's.
yam; the gamin-mmitte evident,
Int tepr�IrtRs1`�fl w fest is years'aS or
esoriiiH E�eets very
sed Ws b O . Agswa1 Olen are
u se reimposed s an annual swat.
L the evmisa the esmmon-- t agar
aims were ked. Aa Mm et the Warred
msdiastad toward the ashasl may be W
tem tits be That alts" sight edeas& the so.
amid, MH wee esmplmbel/ Mai, with
Mends. lbs
The s Ohm ' Is.
awn then sy i pws, she the +..�m..
William Walter rissWherreU WIU
Net 111E ea the Hallows.
The Ceademeed Was Seeseves Ike Howe
t. ■rsespeea 1,51 and sspreus
ails RatWaesse. M bits Geed
r.rtsae by Demtm-
stanttsse of Joy.
TvmsDAT, Oct. 11,
Autumn hal early set in I. this visaity,
jadoing from the looks of saran.
Weddings are Us order of the day.
Hurry up, girls, the Nile is getting ahead of
The Christian Endeavor Society of Car-
low inured ►ek'iap • evert clad social
Tuesday, Oct. 16. The Rev. theism/en, of
Heosall, will deliver aa sddrese.
The following is the rtsgdiag et the
pupils of S. M. No. 1, Colborne, for the
month of September : Pifth oLs--Oraee
Linfield, Stella Bark well, Jassy Hoong••s ;
fourth ohms—Tilly Gallagher, JUMPS Mobs -
tyre. i Berkwull ; third oke—Alfred
Linteld, Eliza Bean, Edith Walters ; sec -
sad Blase . Lizzie Rimst, Jame Graeae,
Blanch Mallows ; part seasd—Alice H. -
Milks, Bella McNevi., Gorge Bean.
°rtawa. Sept. 1" —The cam of Mss
Wear -yell hal at last been disposed of by
the Cabinet sod the result is that the death
seniesos hal been commuted to one of im-
prisobuisut for lira The dictate" was
arrived at lam la the afternoon.
T. 1'. Rublunette, counsel for the pri-
sottee, telegraphed the sheriff and also
MacR herrell re to the deeiatua.
Mr. Robinette left last night for To-
ronto. highly pleased with the result of
his day's work it\ the city.
Reenrrol. Sept. M. --Sheriff Brody re-
ceived • telegram frost the Department of
Janice, notifying him that Me•Wherreil's
esute.es has been commuted to life le-
He as one. celled epos the Bev. Hr.
Clark, who had been visiting the prisoner
lately, to acconizro him to the jail to
segueing Mas W her with the decision of
the !holster of Justice. They all filed
into the corridor where the prisoner sat.
The deputy sheriff said:
"Well, Mac, we have brought you the
The prisoner's face became of an ashen
hoe. Not • word was sunken as Mr Dug -
pan quietly handed him the message.
When he bad grasped the meaning he
jumped lour feet, sett waving the telegram
blank above his bead, cried "Hurrah!
hurrah'" They all congratulated him on
his narrow escape, and, shaking hands,
they all quietly withdrew.
Mac\Vherreli had boasted all along that
he would rather hang than go to prison.
His actions, however prove his insincerity
in that particular.
Th.. scaffold, which was only completed
in the atteruoen, will once more be taken
down snd stored away for future use. The
sr,eriff and deputy, and in fact the whole
community, ars considerably relieved that
the matter has taken the turn and that
Peel will not suffer the disgrace of an ex
ecu ti, -LL
Wan•sepay, Oet. 10.
Adam Ores a.d Joha A. Hawkins leave
this week for the See.
Mims Carrell. Dederick, susdayd hese,
the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. J. Dekses.
.1. O'Conner, of New Tork, who was here
on • visit to his mother, who is ill, left en
Thursday last fee Detroit
Mee Ethel 1)eleage left her Goderieh se
Monday. She will spend the Wialer the
gent of her aunt, Mine CurrelL
(:evert\ e.t Kagisser Bdw•lt, of Toronto,
is in the Tillage at pmt He is Mere on
basiemen oceaected with the harbor.
S. L. Greeds, of New York. who has
been visiti g at the arrows of Mrs.
o'Ceuer, leaves this week tee Torero.
Sam spent • portion of be boyhood days in
Port dp ort end reared a "eased milk fetU-
the" tress yesng and eL, en his aupmranea
Haler • Om Friday, alt, as Joseph
Webster, of the Usk Coa. of 11.IhtA, woo
en his way to Mora with a lead of weed,
he met liths see asalduaa whoa • short
disease aerth et l.sadoth rs. It Is sot ex-
eiesay kerma hew it isee reed, kat it im
thearkt he was Attila. en the hest of the
Mad sod that it fell forward esnying bin
with it His wrier jaw I. broken is seewul
pumas and the .aper jaw is she r seen .t
aeries Ms irk bases. sad shore L • eat is
the bask if W head alert live wham icy
He getsed walked areas the rend after
the e- ' '—t Re wee tabes to the Dejareas
ear and assonMd M and then taken is
his bora Rs h...ms senamsekns about
Ube lima loshes
p• ms sed kala asmmerd s. Tory
slightslightes r hopbe rmer.er,
limes is mid be base mads
ilk 1• WHm wit monies M AMsr-
It le Orly lauderstely Costaetoe, sad the
tteporte Were Exaggerated.
Falx, Sept. 29 —The report etrculats1
r-oaoerniug the outbreak of diphtberia here
was exaggerated. This is to ue regretted.
as the reports hair, been hurtful to the
Susi,..« interests in the village. The
truth is that the epidemic is • mild one in.
canna' es it is moderately contagious,
au.' the proportion of deaths to the num
ler of genuine cases very low. The tm-
pra.ntun that the germs of diphtheria are
liable to attach themselves to people cow -
Inc to town on ordinary business us foolish
In the extreme.
The drew is now confined to • few
hoose, and inmates of these house. do
not even go beyond their own gates, so
that people eomi, g to cannot possibly
come It\ Con Wet with infected persona
In cities and towns where they are seldom
altogether tree from the there they do
n ut got so alarmed, hut in Erin where we
rarely have anything of a contagious char
atter. the people seem to be unduly afraid
of tL In fact the placard houses are not
so dangerous es the p,alteboards would In-
sinuate, and thew number of these tacked
up are apt to magnify the real stat* of af-
falre in the eyes of outsiders who are not
acquainted with the true condition of
The panic. which at first did exist, has
now entirely subsided, and there is no oc
cement to fear a further spread of the die
A. Aged Labeser tasdlr Hart -A Tomas
Nan Sugared.
NIAGARA, Out., Sept. 29. —Jost at the
ekes of the fair her.. yesterday, an sect•
dent occurred which somewhat marred
what had otherwise been a very successful
ezhibltion. During the trials of speed
John Hannah, • laborer who lives near
Homer. at the conclusion of • running
race, stepped on the race track 4, get •
better view of the finish and was snuck by
owe of the horses and bad hie leg broker
In two places and otherwise injured. Dr.
Temple. who was ou the grounds, ex-
amined bis wounds and ordered his re-
moval to the hospital where be was sub-
argeently taken- Chief Pollee Reid took
op oolleotion for the unfortunate man
from the visitors and secured about IMO
for Hsunab• who is about sixty yearn old
and said to be in poor circumstances.
A second seddent oc. erred at the fair
in which • farm laborer whose name wield
not be learned was seriously injured. The
young man. while returning from the
rases, was run over. his ars broken and
he zeoeived other injuries. to what eztent
is as yet unknown.
The Right Place
to Buy
is where you can do so with the
most advantage to yourself. Don't
let sentiment stand in the way (as
too many people do) but when you
can save anything do so. Don't be
deceived by the cry of "trash" and
"shoddy" by merchants who make
a fuss over you and then charge
you an "all wool" price for a shoddy
myssrtomo Dleeppeswmsee ims.r..ie.a.
Mammas, Oat., Sept. 28. 2 .. BMWsC. Las
anesh, of Sa.it ate. Maris Oat,
daughter of Mr. Christopher Clarke, of
Enphraeia, has hese on a visit hers and
not being well was staying with friends la
town) to be neer the doctor who was
trusting her. Oa Tuesday she left bee
Mood's hose for the doctors proteins(
to torte straight batik, rte a horse and bogy
was is waiting to take her to her father s
in Enphr-is. Strange to my, she has
never been seen or heard of spam that
time, ahbosgh search Imo been mads fur
mule armed Parties wire dragging the
riveresterday. in fear that she may nave
The Advance of
makes warmer Underwear neces-
sary. In Women's, Men's and
Children's we have the RIGHT
Goods at RIGHT prices. We
want you to see them, feel them
and examine them for yourself
This is the more convincing way.
We think we've got the best value
in the County and we want your
Dent\ from a ample (asa.,
Hewn:roe, Sept U. —Celists Jane
Fletcher, aged It only daughter of M.
David A. Floteher. of flataeet, died of
bleed poilsonitg on Tsesday. Tse days
ego Miss Tleaeber scrsteh.d from her lip a
large pimple which had made its appear.
ante thereon.. Erysipeks and bleed poises -
fog alt is, which resulted In dente a few
days titer. Deseasd lady was bight
respected and hSerres death from sash
ea apparently IseSguiaea.t arra* has
owed mash sorrow in the •elghtierbood
when oho ,eSdsd.
Hese Now Ob. Hs -s MtsYe .
(Jame% Sept 91l—Same adesbbwess
her rived la trait et the esti.` .te-
ems Int algae mad seed mew lwast Sb.
stile A ergs weird plhered Is Issas of
tele hall, mesemmYd si► ♦ ewple
orf poleeasea sees Apeeseil sbe weed mad
speared media
A Good, Warm, Full Size Ladies' Vest for 25c.
Children's Pure Australian Wool Vests from 13c. upwards.
Men's Shirts and Drawers, Good Heavy Weight, 25c.
N.B.—Don't forget our Drest Goods Department. It contains the
newest ideas direct from the Manufacturers at Prices only possible in
a Cash Store.
iid:O1:'THLY 1,1"bB13ION BTtRTB FRMH1.I
Before the Change
is made!
The old Firm of
have by mutual consent agreed to ilhaolve partnership and will sell
their entire Stock at and under wholesale prices, amounting to
OVER $11,000.00
Every dollar's worth must be sold before
.... JANUARY let, 1895... .
Special Lines will be Advertised and Sold each week until the en-
tire Stock is sold.
Balance of this week :
at and under cost.
Next week :
Wall Paper !
Wait to see what we have to
offer you
Sale Pries
lv r'ea
1.5.3., Mc. and 20e. Paper. 10e -
10e ,190. " 17,0 7a. sad 8e.
96e., lOe. " 35s. (lilt Paper, 124o and lbs.
We. " 60s. " 900,1111e." 30°-
Odd lots of Paper at your own
Odd Rolls at lc. sad Sc. per Roll
No Goods Charged at Sale Prices
All Accounts due the above Firm
must be paid on or before
of they will be Winded in for collection.
OW= & POR ,
•ti •
rseltl Ors�sssse ey,
• M A.
Booksellers and Stationers'