HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-4, Page 8NEWS OF THE DISTRICT.
rrOKIS our nOnsireoWoode ata•
There is lellennetran Mere flet elttatist bo
Mai Anywhere Bass -Mw of the
r'e.w..••yei. n.sarsed
he The ass..l-
Mu%sAT, sept 94
Jr Lawson and so. have fretut.aed from
We are terry to state that Master dos.
Keats had hie leg broken by bsisg throws
frees • stow boat.
Mame Rumor put. tt that use of oar Toasg
,.aflames es the pares road is about to
leave the ranks of the bachelors.
A large number of ear residents took in the
llodertch Fan last nook sad say it was the
best show that has bees there for many
- LANES. --
Tumour, Oct 2.
1. Hutchison spent last Sunday at Leag-
Mies M..ry Farrah. of Laneside, paid •
flying vests te fronds down here last week.
Kenneth 'debts., who has spent the last
four years in the Northwest, returned home
an Saturday last, with the inteauon. we
les o, of remaining here He reports hard
Nese when he came from.
Stephen Howard, an a.ed resident of this
ts.ality, passed away os Thursday, after an
illness of two months. His daughter, Cath-
ie*, whom he had sot sew for the pest
twenty years, arrived here ea Tharsday,hut
was • few hours too late to see her father
alive The tamales were interred in the R.
C. cemetery at Kingsbrwlte on Saturday.
Deceased was upwards of 73 yearn of age.
Tcs:+DA r, Oct. god.
HA cit yarn. e. -The scholars at No. ')
got • respite from study by the Goderich
lair on Wednesday, also on Thursday and
Friday as the teachers cosveotion mat in
Dederick. This is four holidays mace the
term opened in August.
PAs'ri, AWAY. -Mrs. Whitley. who ter
many years was • resident here till within •
year ago, died in Hallett towusehip, at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. Sturdy, and
was buried in the Clinton cemetery, on
Monday of last week. Robt. tjuaid attend.
ed the funeral from here.
Gust Fol: A TINE Our popular young
townsman, Id. .1 Tob:n, left Monday of last
week for Sudbury in Algoma fir • stay of
some mouths. His genial frankness of
manner won for him • large circle of friends
who wish bun • pleasant sojourn during his
absence from their mire.
dere se that prow The Neer steed Id
roes is layer el the
Ornrl H.elssi tt " plef.d
Jeerer el
with Martin. )'easel aid had regard Ica
the went and tea the vinery in geed
style. Miters west te bat fret sad made
36 ruts. Jackass wee ekes bowled by 0.
Wallace is a few balk. Hrmaebald teak the
bat and by eater' battiest meds 48 rats.
Mitchell baited again end held t►_Wl
da s r
trek, raking ever 90 rem. la 1re.saala s
sewed mete{e two triskeis fell bet .n. sad
as it was toe dark to play sat.yy lespr the
gam.w" sS Sy " (i law." if
we it aright, the Srmcdsld C.C.
were awe/diem victors by 12 rasa We matt
the boys as seek geed play*"
and make pahlic their geed Moscsleat by
the Mitchell C. C. Criake( is aeserdiagty
making a mart as owe of the nest seieatiAc
Trm.Da►, Oct. 2
Mrs. Mcllwain, Weigher, is visiting at
Mrs. A. Holmes.
Mrs. hi. Bailey has been very ill but is
recovering again.
There was no service in the Presbyterian
church last Sunday,
Miss I_ Johnston, t:oderich was visiting
her mother last week.
Mrs. Andrew Holmes has been very ill
but is recovering nicely.
Miss Coed, of Trowbridge, is visiting at
the residence of Jae. Leech.
Miss hate Patters.., of C:lee Mo• . is, h
visiting Mrs. Walter Patterson.
Master Charlie and Miss Gortie Rom, of
Wingham, sundayed at Hugh Koss'.
Mrs Thos. Hyslop who has been visiting
at her father's, Sam C. Black, for some time
returned to her hone in Kansas last week.
The anniversary service and annual
harvest home at F.ben.zer will be held on
Monday Oct. 7th, and on the following Mon
day evening tea will be served after which
an excellent program will be rendered.
Trt,.iAy, Oct. 2.
CHANGE or Ttma.-The t E. S. meets
sew at 7 i•. w., as Sunday evening and the
weekly prayer meat- -ig on Wednesday even -
lag at 7.30 i•. u.
Ttstrotts.-Miss Katherine MacDougall
aad brother Peter, from near Porter's Hill
enjoyed • pleasant visit of several days,
the gueta of Mr. and Mrs. H. Chisholm.
PsesovAi.. -Chas. straubel, formerly one
of Oolerieb's business me., but pew of the
Queen City, was the guest of H. Zellnor for
several days last week. Both had a pleas-
ant mavens oyer the ',aderlaed Mr.
Strsabel intends going on a visit to New
York shortly.
Show day in (.oderioh gave our residents
• gesersl holiday, nearly everyone taking
it is. The scholars of No. 5 had their holi•
day on Wednesday, and on Thursday and
Friday the teachers' convention added two
mere. Several of our farmers metered the
lists in showing their stock aad succeeded
is taking some prices.
.part. played.
xorics.- Tbw local Is Du.galeaa
ter Tula tweet. is at the este of J. Q. Ward
J.P., eeareya.cer. he., who will no. vs or
dere ter sstaMptless, advertietee w JN
work, std iy aulorlaed to give receipts for
.crisis Data ter the same.
TUESDAY, Oct. 2.
Colder. -A grand oesssrt will be held
in the Agricultural Hall on Friday evening,
Oct. 12th.
Nominee', wren ir+ FusmtreevEES.-
Sinop oar last, September, • with all its
,vests and degrees of autumnal weather,
has retired with its predecessors of 1894.
AT Co. . ION or TaArHtnv. - In coose-
.gueues of our teachers being in aitosdwoe
at the convention of teachers, Goderich, our
school was closed on Thursday and Friday
of list week.
Rrrt-nrr;o Hoist -During last week
Richard Treleaven and wile, who have been
a• an extended visit to their sea, Rev. K.
Treleaven, Aylmer, came home after baring
an enjoyable time.
Towns, --Wei. Manta. son of .lohn
Martin, formerly of this village and sow of
Chicago, is here on a visit to relatives and
former associates. He is sugared as coo -
doctor of electric street oars in Chicago and
seamn to be dotsg well.
(:.wive Berme. We are pleased to
les -n that Robert Moore, a voting man who
is in the employ of John Kilpatrick, near
Crewe, Ashfield, who was on last Saturday
nosing taken suddenly ill with violent
cramps, is gradually recovering.
l) oa`rvo FALI. FA -Ere our
next, Dungannon annual Fall exbibitios,
which will be held on Thursday and Friday
of next week, will have commenced. Weath-
er permitting, we presume it will exceed
say previous exhibition held here, (albeit
they were very suoceusfull in pent of prizes
to be distributed, exhibits is every depart-
ment, also in attractive feature, in emus'
trianism, he , and s large gathering of
farmers, their wives, sots and daughters and
other spectators, and a big time generally is
anticipated. See hand bills for particulars.
ANUTitka PioNu[it tai' t. --The retries
of the late John Savage, who departed this
life at his son-in-law's residence, Lucksow,
on Wednesday the 26th, were on Friday in.
tarred in Dungannon cemetery. He was
aged 80 years. Rev. NI. Mills conducted
the obloquies. The deceased was greatly
esteemed in the community.being one of
the first settlers of West Wawaucah. He
was widely knows and respected. The
bereaved relatives have the sympathy of the
community to the beret, ement of one so be-
loved by his family and neighbors. There
was a large attendance of sorrowing re
latives sad acquaintances at the funeral.
One by one the pioneers who have born the
heat aad burden of the work and hardships
incident in making lb • country, are grad-
ually departing hence, never more to re-
W:,rrosu. -Alex. Stable of Seaforth, with
his wife and child, have been on • visit to
Mrs. Stobie's father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. Win. McMath, of this village. Mr.
Stobie came on Saturday lest and left on
Monday for home. Mrs. S. and child who
have been on a visit te leer parents for some
time pelt, will remain for • few days visit-
ing triends and former acquaintance. by the
way. 11.0 would congratulate Mr, aad Mrs.
Stobie on the appearance of their child, who
is a ties healthy boy of about eight smooths
old, and weighs about twenty four pounds.
He is the picture of good health. May ne
be loo, spared to them. The grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. McMath as well as the
parents, have great res 'on to be proud of
their grandson and son .. Ralph Dasher,
of Ridgeway, (which place is potable far the
Fenian raid, away back in the sixties) is
visiting his brother, They. Dube., Ashfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Hine:, at one time
citizens of Dungannon, and now of Tees -
water, are vesting their daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Sproule. We wish the venerable
sonple • happy time.
FATAI. Aru-inuNT.-It 1. with deep and
panful *mottos ant we have to chronicle
the sudden death of ose of our respectable
young men, viz., Franklin Sanderson, eld
set son of Samuel E. Sanderson, of West
Wawanosh. On Friday of last week the
deceased took • lead of wood to Goderich ;
after Amnia, sold and unloaded it he west
to A. Sands' residence, near Maitlandville,
and took dinner, and as his way home from
theses he met with an accident near the
villain, about Hlake's brewery, which re-
sulted in his sudden death. His testate*
were isterred is Desertion cemetery oe
Sabbath afternioa beteg escorted from his
father's residence to the cemetery by a very
large oweseree et sorrowing relatives,
friends std sympathizing neighbors.
Amos{ those present were Revs. T. C. Nes-
dereos, of Servos, and J. W. Sanderson, of
Dobkiagtos, and also a member of brethren
of A O. U. W. and R. T. of T. of Goderich.
Rev. D. Rogers eosdseted the obloquies and
as the deceased was a member of Dusgaiinn
lodge of R T. of 'I., the brethren of the
lodge committed his resaatis to their Gaal
rest:eg pier with the rites of the order
He was aged 19 years. The bereaved ones
have the eerier sympathy of the commits
ity in their sad and radian bereavement
T e sudden departure of the dee.wd is the
prat.., and vigor of youth forcibly reminds
es of the spleens mount me, "Be ye ready,•.
etc.. and that "Is the midst of Lite we are
is Death.' The trsgie evert oast a glees
over this seines of esustry.
Tuokersmith John White has leaned
the 50 acre farm helssging to Mrs. Cod -
more, parer an annual reseal of $lbs.
T'okersmith • W. A Cooper, formerly
of the Mill Read. Tseksrsmtth, is sew em
played with Barkan It Ludgate. of Boise -
vain, Mi nhol& He is engineer and has
full charge of their threshing outfit sad gets
$100 per month.
McKillop Deacon McCallum has rent
ed his farm on the 1.'h soseeseme of Me
Killep to Mr Dalton. from near Wood
stock, for fie. years, at as enamel rental of
$300, and Mr. McCallum resales the ewe of
part of the how aad three sees of land
*adorn F. A. (Inkling, eldest sea el
the principal of ever Collegiate l.stitete, bas
bees appeisted master of the Primrose's
ladies FurCapTI
TUESDAY, Oct. 2.
W r W ascamp is seriously ill.
Mrs. Jas. Stewart oestianse eariesely ill.
lance F. Nether, is visit's( (needs o.
the 5tb.
Alex. Netball, spent Sunday under the
parental roof.
Arthur Fothergill visited Westfield Sun
day. tla.eses, Artie
As a remelt of the recent shower the pas
tares bate basses" green osee more.
Hugh UastpbeLl aad Joe. Beckett Ostend
to go to the lumber woods this Fall.
The Juniors of Blyth pia • roma of toot
ball with the Juniors of N ent&Id Monday
A somber of our teachers attended the
oonvesties at l:oderich on Thursday and
The people of Westfield church intend
h-141sg their hornet festival se the even-
ting of Monday, (lot 8.
Btilgrave's popular merchant, Wen. Kr.-
kime, has returned to Atwood. Mr. Head -
erne. of Bluevale, comes in his stead.
A couple of boys, while out room hsstr.g,
helped themselves to some of Mark Mae-
ss's water swims rseemtl!! Mr. H. should
borrow the cense ism the j oyer of West -
Traria, Oct. 2.
C- Wallas* ie at present visiting in the
Nevis left this mersisg for Elia-
has, North Dakota.
Mrs. sod Mir Oar left this morning for
their hems is Owee arid.
ii. Tber.da7 lest the Brecefdd erieket
stub vetted Mitesall and played the cricket
Ile you went asjI g s fin • Arm
side erre me Al grandee weeps. them city
..Cats and easel.o wads tad prices.
0. HR 31111111 k 00,,
Molest', Block. Cor. Beware sad Mwtrealet.
You or save $3 to $ es year Fall emit
withoutstrany saeridse .1 style er It at Area -
The Popular Book Siorc
pecial x
for the
Scholars of all the Schoolst
Town and Country.
The large sale of
has induced us to buy more. They are very
cheap. Call and examine them.
The loonier ass& men. Gedeeirk.
Oerrect Styles and Largest Selection of
Frasr's Dramatic Co'',
will be at the
Grand Opera
For Elegance of Style and Finish, this Seasons Surpass
all Previous
Full Skirts and Sleeves, Close Fitting Waists. Perfect
Plain, Braided, Beaver and Otter Trimmed,
Stylish, Heavy Lined Throughout Coats
at $5 Cash. Best values in Goderich.
A visit to ou7 Mantle Department will please and profit
in the
"Little Duchess"
and following (Mays :
Fanchon, the Cricket,
Rose Garland,
Pearl of Savoy,
Streets of N.Y.
A Continuous Performance I
Specialties Between Acts.
The Old Reliable
NOW is the time to purchase your
HARD COAL The best and only
market at $6.50 with 10 per cent. of
for cash, making it $5.85.
All Coal Weighed at the Mar-
Highest price for produce
Ladies' Belt Buckles,
Souvenir Spoons,
Birthday Plugs, etc.
a full line of
Jewell y, Watches,
Clocks, Diamonds,
Our Motto --Good Boots at low prices.
REPbIRIli'O WALRRAN'T L)- net sac
is now °Despis s in all lines and for styles, quality and prise, we think it
The Bu.iseen Collage Sham Is the asst to be despised. Not every Institution dabbed
Buse. College is wonky or roar support. Yon will in all likelihood take • Buatsee Course
but once, therefore why not select a de.iool that ties ea:wd • reputation for practical connate
t-.oua work. 'a.
in Goderich, and we ask you to be the Judge. Come in and see our
goods and if you don't by we won't get clad, but when yon see the
value we are showing, if you are need you'll not go by us.
Lsdi$1.P0ei.Dllagola Button, l'hiladelp la toes, regular $1.50 goods,
Women's Oil Pebble, Laced or Button, solid, all leather goods, re-
gular $1.40, now $1.15.
Girls' School Boots, $1.
Women Warm House Slippers in a large variety. A nice felt
tipper only 50c.
liens Canadian and French Kip and Calf boots made by first-class
workman. Mens' Felt Boots at factory prices. Men's plough boots at
$1, surpriserts
Boys' School boots at $1, worth $1.25.
Full linos 11 Ladies' and Gents', Boys' and Girls' overshoes and
rubbers, prices an low as the lowest.
■lalat.0 sears, Ala ra.RPTLT ATTflaga T•
stands head and *Moulden above the averse Canadian School. Graduates everywhere ssc
oesful. Catalogue free. Address carefully.
Everything -
- - Ready.
We are back again to the work we like most of all, and in good
time for the introduction of
1NTew C-ood.e
WM Lim 1
Order left at gAi>!i 11111,8shoe Ire maw bub wall wasp iq aiafte'iere this Stock offers
promptly wooded to.
-IN --
New Styles,
--AN D -
New Qualities_
x i[ x ]i x ><
Public school for 1895, at • eatery of 1600.
He is ea uadergrsluate of Toronto rower.
any, and holds the rank of first class tate►•
er, having spent he years in the Seaforth
institute and completed the full course of
study. Mr. Ctarksoe is at present in Tor-
onto attended the Normal school.
Brussels • Joe. N. Knetehd has purchas-
ed • residence in Mealorth, we ssderstaad,
and the family will remove there as giving
up a las farm to the purchaser,
.1. Ma`l w, T . Ka.Srbsl t•mily are among
the old reddest, of *reek
mtbarfe. arhrime bad Kidney .Mese• nil
this time and Ssds't anew It - M the
Pound ems aad hew S. Was Cured,
fosn.To, ( beta I -- Sixteen years ago kid-
ney direr attacked (Partes .%hryver, •
bricklayer is this city, but he did set !sew
it. It rowed 'teen in the feat .f pales is
the small of the hack. They did set .-mast
to much at first but kept gawisg wet s.
Within the pest three yearn, Mr. Aeieryver
has shines every week had to quit week ter
ore or two days as aoeount of their asvari$y,
i►oeror ascribed them to the liver mei
ether erass aad pressrtbd, but their reds -
eine did es real. test Sprier. • city pity
meir diagnosed the ere se wee of diabetes,
sad wasted te'reserihr but Mr. Ssberre
said, "No, d We diaries. I'll re Dddti
Kkdaar Pillar whisk 1 Mew will ewe nevi
They dId acre Nm, tar, and toryIle:
ta wer Hawes week .ticfres her k IIs tti i INS
with oaf ata b Def tai.
to the most shrewd and cautious buyers, for almost all has been bought
at less than regular wholesale Prices, and will be sold in aecordanee
with the facts and conditions. Trade conditions never favored us ss
touch in securing for the people a
Supenor Class of Dry (loads Bargain&
Remember we are not working so much for the success of to -day
an the solidity of years to come, and Customers will see
As Good Value as They Expect,
and in numberless cases
A Lot Better than They Look for.
We expect to beq busy, but you will find the store service fully up
to the av tage and the Bargains away beyond.
oe W. Airpp1Ws, It B. _ .
Fi1"1.e =Dress C3-004:1.0 --
Latest Styles and Novelties in DRESS TRIMMINGS.
Latest Styles in French and German MAKES.
i ...
-4rr -The beet qualities in Fur CAPES, MUFFS and BOAS,
and at unapproachable prices.
The best goods for the least money.
Has just returned from the cities having made her Fall
purchase in the latest lines of Millinery, Laces, Ribbons,
&c., and purposes making a second trip.
There will be no so-called Fall opening, but the show-
rooms will be open at all times to the ladies of Goderich
and vicinity. 81-2m
The Misses Yates have opened a large assortment of FELT HATS
black and white. Also thet latest in fancy FEATHERS and trim-
We do not intend having a formal opening this season. Tha
Ladies of Goderich and vicinity are invited to come and see our goods.
Mrs. RB
retur'nedi c
ing many of
pounce that sne
'th begs to announce that Mies Donagh has reesntlT
.ty markets, where she has been successful in sew -
newest and best notions in Millinery, and bap $o &s-
will hold her Fall Millinery Opening on
SA T URDA Y, SEPT. 2 2nd,
and continuing during the following week. The Ladies of Godelrieh
are invited to call and inspect her stock.
Gimpy Hoer.
Fall amid. W5..m.tes
let masa 8
News from Us* Dm=
remit, al law Cq.-rreml
rrarttesl Petltldas-Thi
tae swear -The Wer
tar SiuwaL aMD.q..dwse,
1/(,l.lTil4 at the Copse
sad sntawostleg. A few ■
pertant matters divide the or
bus of the Henn .t Asneb
sad "outs," or (;ommemeiat a
int there s little or nos.
,imtete.nt that works ap C•i
ally to sever heat berd.riag o
,n.awl ,Io trot. agitating t
ai present hes w a asap
Act, insisting apo. all tat
ibsu sheep ta prev.mt the s
.wase annex their fieek.; Qs
. IertaLure .mesa,. to be ap
(ant.,nes giving ow.eisklp I
esti, w aisd regulating tk. mai
lit 1. ; ours ; and the advie&
eructing certain railways ft
ulasd. Ot cleans, as all the
air sh"uid know, if they road
reports in the British press d
few months, Mr. Rhodes is iJ
the colony -the mainspring
whole machinery of British Bi
sed the man who bas her ne
mitred name soy w is the
through his oseserties
Yatsbel* war. Mr. stead or
Napolaes ; The London Tine
es equal me • statesman, and
Geadoa prise.ellot. twith
d 1dr lako.s►a.o,wbo.uit trail
Wawa with all people who we
mlirectly eses..tad with I
we. &Noce,' (Lai t
to this high pacifies ma the pe
rear 'natal, es the feet that 1
talks imperial federative, that
pal director of the South Atria
le'y, hacked by the Cape Goo
In firmed* Gevssammmt if he
it, wee seree slel is bring
rosegtous said Geer*
sad wipe out the eaderttasate
treads. nigger of Ilatabet
Ikea m.raif.est make reit
for N•poloesp
ten tamers. tract or eoaatry
terse et Harr iaibsta.i
haters is Mr. Rhodes' chorea
pwmpua 4.111111111.Yin sterni
mei pries to a pawed He ha
ba.lty or er.vbitg .r ' attar
pees{ fore, to beer
to the local ..ryes, er the or
of Sunk Africa invariably she'
is. act of isnsowtty ,'carie{
arse ham in hie polities! baa
Se s the sem of an P.agli.h she
its wee ed.eaaed at ass .f the
mem where be obtaiamd his
use to Meath Africa as a yo
In health. H. mad. hieway
huly diamwd bald., share,
!eels' residaamm, he was le*trs
oitirhlly am•Ipmtaiag lbs
damoad companies sad fermis
true Through bsmissii ethr
rave became one of the prim
holden and he, with Barry
Joe by the ream of Rases) w
both Amor droned miss.
hr{sly ant.r,Ned u the Gert..
d SouthAfrin•, • .
company which now hold. by
momoy of all Marro M
t lexpleriag and resois ei
Nose can say dei' whelk
time eters aad shares relit
ported statetieet that Mr.
SW le as
of a °the
rrichnion estis
ere ha
Rhodes himself oases. threw
she I fan •y,however,if his,
r' etre eo.vertibl. to solid s
porde, sr lfttyy
whir MmfHo.,
wMMvd,like the be
tire liendred re, In.'s caw
lye. 1• p serewe medium Mr. RYed.e
dteit. with s. ma'yuk. mart, about 46 l
Not eery Garda= I. his dram
grey tweed amt sad a ,as
h le tb trriacip•1 ism' sd him
A 'MOD gong
a ey by twe F.aglleh strew.' w
`tet RP to take ,barge of /M
may• the sepdtel of Mesh.
tdeit ft.em hundred mike
Tees. They arrived M a sat
W way, aad, as le euetrrry
iswl umig ad them a bat te tai
4tlly them that Mr. Rhdes t
tbst Attire leu.,
i. yd_te a The hid.
etxkw siva. i■ the midst ai
tbmy woo ea near tw
5 s calor and mattes, s
ing for as Isaervisw. 7
O•t fur els. masses
sited they caths jest lbws r
' ahwl, het se asst r thea
I .ss. iS meat them. fl tiA
1 1Ig tdtes sebe lbs W
r + th. areae+, .ad
,► bar, three eel e
QT.we We abmN M
cable ars old serymmt, ski
ler1 tamale'ys resod
M qe e iii IVs rows lhrts Y
trMall te hamaM a stella r
'a .nasi
,t w t ar l' hs i .gs l
Wile to be
81 ri
bwm"mr. tie mr
11esi( yfl smsi i