HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-4, Page 54 T1M SIGNAL : QODUICH. TD(TRiDILTt AJNbe TOUR 10IFRT 18 1111 TURJFID u you receive no basalt from Dr. Pierer'. Favorite Prescription. This fair and business -like offer is held out to all wows who anter from the disposes and dmmagemente peculiar to their sea. To weakly woman- hood no prise could be more secure, an the benefit mere lasting, than that to be derived from the purchase of a bottle of rite famous " i'reeartpp rims." Its oneness in ourinF an the functional derangements, painful dis- order., and thresh, weaknesses of women, warrants its makers in yt�ar� maiming it. What this me id cine has done for thousands of delicate women, it will do for you. At the two critical periods in woman's life, the change from girlhood to woman- hood, and later, the "change of life," it's an invaluable tonic and a soothing nervine, which can produce only good results. It cures nervous pebetration, insomnia, or inabilityto sleep, and many nervous those n des to derangement of the functions. • An inedfaeioet to ,Ons.sption is what a NW case of Catarrh means Don't take the risk ! The makers of Doctor Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree to can your Catarrh, or they'll pay you $60u is clash. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -OCT. 4. Pisa Dr. William's Ptak Pfllt-O. T. Falfe d t Co Tatlorisg-F. J. Prtdham Rime--R.R Ra1Mwe 5 Cermet Sysasm- W. A.iessd' !lira 8 Everything Ready -R. R Smith 8 Our FJI Shoat -H. a Pinoek.... a D.,sol,tiea of Psrtnur sip -Fraser L Porter 4 Pari Baku* Powder -Chea D. W Y - hams b Special labiumt to Ladi.-i. T. Adam - sole sps-s.... 6 Ladies' Foe Cep.. -C. R. Shea it Oe8 Cow for Sal.- Wm. Byers 6 /ram Dramatis Company --Grand Opus Homes . 8 Undertaking --Geo. Barry 6 Servant Wasted -Mi. Streams b The Right Pte. to Bey -Ansehmeg t Co 4 Revolution is Dry -wads Priers -.1. A kud. 6 e b MARRIED. 16 Dwain -swore -at the raddesztt the briidee''ss lather. Cemak by lberne as w mid Ko f K Amaleev.� ifli DIEM •ANDER1ON -la Sanford.. Friday. Sleet. m, FrankW Madams. a.ed 18 MSS. i.O O-Ia Colborne. en Rigs,. Sept. SM. iliab•tb Jew fw.g. yid 4 7e1011, • menthe sad tr days. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. lhwm the IAoMrte40la lrotobo.k. It tee's, • Mb M' a• Ter Needs, t reds Te tem lel a Meer. Assam" Is Takla' Riess► sae tone .,,i Pens 4.' -!sneers. There hall yytbdg sew la the Moto artist hthe that resu. osselled I SlAsesrlle"' Mono arWby. Cab at hie stuns serum of MeatrusI- sta.d elevate. beat be The ransem M spse sad ase lase of ensu be hese. It y. want sae ea.dom,s'e wear's, uOparsL be sere sad sleet of P�priha tJlerfy establish - sleet DONT Tui- have year eyes tested R WONT" sem yest i_am- iia ties is herr We masks • of ••d W. T. wive• M="jes•weese. rows TAILORING- Chew e1 s• w•nttsd ovsee.tlya tilash Weta kbias immine OW and me the goads sod ask Ys will safely bay. B. MaeOarame. Sr* IAL Stares To Yorsu Man. --Rev. M 7 4 yam( SadaNadas amt. DON'T Foam I.s.sisss to Detroit, New41414 kh , Ray (Ate, Ma w. O Vary her rakes Tither. dos os at Harty Aersr lre'.0. T. ft K Oct 22nd 'gam. Ail tiakMs geed ,til Sur 4Ian Smoot. brierwrrex.-8eparaie 63601 I.spactsr Derma. was la tows ated•y last. vatting the =art this taws. He te ha T �e.l. Is he .tin tats to the a t•waships of Hoy. Hrae Ne allett, Wawaceab •d TeaC. R (bevsi nos A! CLrnon.- The um Radeaver liaanathen to be W •t lams Miis week will sem tease thal 'Thursday) tLederses, Re. M� Res. 'H. irvins hms dweil s•M5 from 1ks severs* simnel. •rto be preont as the use- s•►fi.a. r et aha members of Me L• H and H L ef C. E. In tetra M hely Waal as Hefter* A G•on i erne& --puns w head New 1114 Iv want 4 make she boat .f them. t wear dire as tor/ MOWN whoa yes alt se seh•rwh. - bore ewe. musk be maneal Wiles that always, as a fen beet? rend a a •sem. set rime. Warta 41 sea skew jFarbyeDye yew ebsbbes as • •*•M sat be leek eke sew. Leen It.•'d•" as Mies Teem? Mlrs-ry Pa- �tmaMdy wile wails r ,phi • Mamba *Sire" sigiffilnik PIP d+MMWnil rread Vim"we mew ear wife hems nig." tee" refers be ow: N.sr-b•sbitl i whim N is"we are a NAN late with war work,' it imbed. Abo whale elle* lees. ems to she dots mil she towel ; • "ewe are hang • bis.,' Ike what. flew. is .ossa I "we re- mind ever 700,000 immigrants hot end it whew, -mss. Lew Pram she ehuls Com me. -The Fraser Dtm..M. Ce. are est an their e.s..4 Gambia tear. tad warn( • greater saes.n thea ever. They will mea • week's msag.m.at at the Greed Opera If... Me.day memo_, Ont 8th. This etmpsy is est Wows Mee, ha ea their pews itvisit gives full te ir tastes. sod Airy eartaisly deserve the best of p•t^••8e, as theft predestines are se- amed M • highly 'nisei* wser, without • seam feature, vulgar sponge K seggew,t ve astim. Pepsine prima ; reser.e este on . le at usual !Mon R T. or T. Genial To Cu.x,tos. -The Royal Teaplare of Gedereh Mee received • t tantalise from Me Chaim oruscil of Rays' Te.pl•rs 4 pay Mon • vied is the n ear futon to help them Motitnt. the Royal deans, sad it was decided to se dews ea Thursday evening, Os. 18th. The God. - rich lode' is to provide the program sad a committee are staking every effort to get up • arra-else, premrase er.ritstsg of addresses, quartettes, solos, n• a srecitation It is hoped that there wilsods, be • large saes - oat at the ametiag next Monday ensile. M►Ract'I.a'. FacArir -O. Fridayoversg 1•.t, as Wen. M•I►sa•!d, etherwIto Biwa as " Humpy Bin," was m his way he.. sheet 9 o'clock, he had the .idertuse to lees his way sod walked ever the dock taw the barber. He was snake to swim bet feetaa•t.ly m•saged to grasp • log lying in the water, bet the log kept tanning on him every time be grabbed it said be was nearly ..Mmt.d. Almost in ditpair he eo....d I. yell mid brought I. his smis1sso• the elbow" of the Sir Petrel, who. with theaid of life preservers and ropes, •amagod to resew, him. THa G. A. C. -A meeting of the (od.rii Athletic Club was paid at the maidens of R. W. lappa, on Monday evmisg. The interest M the slab W evidently sot abat- ed dating Its short di•oe.ti..as.e all the old oo.bers being . band and • number of sew members posing. As .ly • limited somber of memhero is. he bloodied M the q.ts•�.iam at a time, • limit bad to he TI•oed and is already m.arly 'Hod. The slab islands to get down to work im- mediately to prepare far another exhibition at early dote. Thu club will meet is the gymnasium ant Mesday evasg at 8 r. e GODt11.11 BNT,Ii CL.ts-A legal wheel - man's tesociatiw, 4 be known as the Ood.ricb B opals Club, was orrsd'lsd Mos day eveaisg M the office of F. J. T. Neftel with • etemhertei of sixteen Matter mem- ber.. TM following 'foe's -holders were elected : President, U. McGilliwddy ; pelotas'; A. A. Sausder.: secretary, F. W. Stokes ; tremors', A. F. 1. Naked ; sap - min, J. W. Liagiord ; lim4s•nt, C Chis- holm ; bugler, W. Hillier. This esters of the club will he royal bi.e sad old gold. A oommrtee was appointed to draft roles sad mutant no for the use of the club, and the .eetisg adjourned until Monday, 044.1.5. Temp ANS rAL I;asst, -The Annual gin's is connection with the Collegiate Institute will be held in the Agricultural Park es Friday of this week at 2 r. u. sharp, admission to games fres. ('a--.'em-t exist..i will be held the same evesMR M the Assembly Hall at A o'd.ok at which the prime will be distributed. Tickets for dmiseies to •zmeiw .0 he had on aper pli..efes to any of the t«tlets. .The C. L. C. C. 10.11. hoodlum bicycle ran will be run at the Collegiate gamin Friday afternoon M Agticul.'al park. Mesa bete wishing to .tee willAimee hard their names to the secretary, C` A. Rumber. A Reunion; Howes -Ala S.sdayevasg a bores, with buggy •t4ehed, belonging to sae of our livery stable.. was feared w.sd.r- lag down Ea t -w , at ea tiny gait-eM baggy miss the occupants. Oa invsd- ig•ti., it was foasd that • certain young utas had engaged the horse for the evmmg for the purpose of showing • ooaromaws aroma se. Proos.dt.g to Vsg ladys.t.riaa, .bunt, he went inside I. await the appear- anee of the yeas, lady after service. The horse evidently did sot believe is Sunday driving, as M the meantime it took Preech leave sad fee a lime made itself stars.. Imagine the surprise of the young man es Midis( so bores in sight. The drive was pestp.ed till noms future ooeaaon. A W tt.o 9rga -Oa Tuesday .faro'ss last week as a ,leer bedewing to W m. An- drews wee . the the road from Dualep it awed a have bemuse framied. It broke away from them who were loading It and mos cleared the strsot of all the people. Several of than had very marrow ••.pea Two boy speed • gam sad ran late the garden and jam as the gate was shut the at., crashed through it With .at diffi- culty the beast wee l..Iy esserent and tied to • tree . Waterlsret Alter remeimiag Nee till a quarter te ,owes, Mr. Andrews arrived with his sari sad setae Naps► He pat • reps ea the steer sad tied the aid to the M.d axle and stautd the hers. The steer, when K 1tit the strain en the reps, need. • no ler the matt. sad rotting W beer in the wheel. Owed the sort ever. The bey who was drlvisg the eart had a bad he Mt plmekiy hal ea to the limes. Ater semi tremble i the � steer was relied • rmed sart put et M got bold ef mei d reps eiwe- meeded be getting It home. Cewvmrvvor nr Versarwaauuss.-The veterinary suttee.. d Western Ontario, boll • eimanatine at flerstisrd lest There - deg pod Friday lee the purpose .f v -sider- ,tffay sod moans Myelin/ the standard i the O■t•ri. Veeere•ry Oefs1e. The Sent .•.ion, m the emaleg d the Flit, wee Wady ady te Ms s ef • er..is.ee as weiuhses and the pendia" et ways. whisk worm Mowed by a Iu.gthy and animated dbmsien b whisk may in- teresting pisco were b1�lt 4 T e asm- mtNaee es nesf.le....wiAsd •1 the fellow t� �'1hews, Tara: (err, Kktes ; semi alker, i edeshero. The sewed esmiss was donned 4 the emsid.r- atlas of the rssel-Ysee drafted by the .s.- miMee. rehab w eesendd sitditiy, mid .eeneed ole MIMw :-(1) Thee it is the same of this eanv.at se the the Oman* Vomitory (bilk., Medd he efYated with the U.iverdsy, .ad that premerre be pOIneSng t es bow as OM RasmmYve of mM bmsle''f a- a haith WA end g pointed vies : bynet •Yeti W dam oil mseyamd el bee t (g) That the term Cr ruwsm =- used gN- ussd a thew modem .f Ike menthe sash ; le) r ' preatiNener dry ..-r--.swheel mese eireelse with od o al W t Me alts lisle`s be ruled to a 3rd don Marifatg . aNOa•4; That we loom a eammeiti awsimW, b M Weirs ss has Woman Okada Veterbary Medical As- seeinties, at the mare reetaitlag ear weep esmtswiager�a, o ad that we Sotto all gaalilled to lee had surgeons to jets sal) the tweetia ism ally i the prettiest to Mr" the pewee of sang • woman as any time The aseseities waw Mord with the fol- lowing .dies : Freideat, Dr. Barrer, t=stst Yiso-Presid at, Dr. Walker, 8seratary, Dr. Corr. Kirkham ; Theis.,.,, Dr. Melower, 8tratterd. The Stat regular meeting be be held I. Ltetowel somsta.e is the hear fats•. A som.ittes was 'insisted to wait on the agrioultanl ani Arte Aeeoouttos at their neer r•etiag. Dr. Gibb read a 1esgtby peps os the Vetsrlsariaa, hie relation to tie prolamioa, Me public sad himself," 'nook was an obis eapwitioo of the defies of the veteris•ry sat,.... FATAL. Rcaas-ler Aa"iossy.-Friday •learns., shortly before 3 o'clock, Franklin Sanderson, aged 19, eldest sea of Samuel baedemn, lot 13, coo. 3, West Wawanosb, near 1)uegaaaos, came to • sudden death is • runaway accident at the toot of Sand's hill, is the vile.. of St111apd. The young it.. had bee. w,xkijR dedeg the month od September for Jobe Seals. drawing stone to the dock, and Mti1Ig M.plet•d hie •e• g•gemest had room* kiss, preparatory to oakiage a go to the Michigan lumber Cab der the W %stet. Friday asrdiag ha Imegbt is • load of sheet eave woad, .lad having filled sem* eseinde jl.e is hews alerted for Saltford, illido8812 he ml et tats Sands' homestead nod sot. rMme.Gi-Jehn before leaving for the Stamm. Going down the Maitland bridge hill the pia came out of one of the devises. the deabirtrse with the result that the hones ran away in spite of the most deermised efforts of the young man to restrain them. They e.tinued their way at full gallop •ernes the bridge and into SJUord, and were finally raided by Lbs driver tato the coal beep in front of Mc. Swan's works where they were brought to • stand. Young Sanderson at once went to the blaekemith's and had the nese. e ery repairs made, after which he drove up the hill to Sands', where he put is We horses, had dinner, end crane - sated boatmen with John Sands. Short- ly before 3 o'clock Es Ionia bitched up his team and after bidding the Sande family goodbye, started . hie homeward drive. Ile desoe.disg the sill the pia cams out of she other ,leen ea the double -tree, again .meg like hors, to break away, and tipsy continued their be•dleag career, this time in deduce of all restraint from the driver. Near the foot of the hill the Ode of the road is skirted by several trees and arsis,t them the bonen daybed the vehicle, but without dotes serious injury until the let tree was reached. The vehicle, which was a tigh- seatd sprig,. waren of Paris make, was throws viol•atly against this tree and the horses got away, but were eventually stop- ped by Eli Svmosde,with the aid of a plank which he wrenched from the sidewalk. No one Mir young Sandaracs strike the tree, but it is surmiesd that an overh•ngiag limb struck him es the head as the horse dashed the wagon against the tree, sod felled him. %Vhos aseutanee arrived he was witting op and breathing, but be never uttered • word sad expired shortly after. Word was at moo telegrophed to the smirk's family in Wawanoeb, and the body was conveyed to A. Simile' residues, whore after medical examisati.,it was prepared for the journey boor, whence the Naomi, which was Lamely att•oded, took plain . Sunday. Hemmed wee • young mon of good habits sod excellent morals, and bad bees an active t mosranc worker M oosneetioo with the Des,aa.oa council of R. T. of T. COMING AND GOING. Geo. Stives, of Guelph, was in tow .% on Saturday. W. A. Markle, of Drumbo, visited Thos. Burrows last week. Mise Maggie Matheson, of Detroit, is vis- iting friends is tows. Mrs. J. F. Sharman is 'Sitter her parents in Woodstock this week. George Allan, of the Bank of Commerce, Walkerton, is visiting his parents in town. S A. McLean, of Wiapb•m, was in town last week, visiting old friends and acquaint - (311/101. Stewart, of I.uckww, bite returned to tows and will resume studies at the Col. lariats. Ws. Marlton left . Friday last for Port Elgin to build • sew crane ter the dredge Ar.otdi. Mr. Ceombss, of the Clinton eoltegi•te institute staff, was is Goderiob on hie wheel Saturday last. Brussels Peet : Mies Agie McKellar, of Gderieh, was visiting Mrs. McPherson and others, of Blwevale, last week. Robs. Stopesa. of Calms, Bruce Co.. paid • visit to his brothers James and Albert, who are atteedi'g the Collegiate in tows. R. S. Chilton, $5., e1 the Dep•rim.t of Stale, Washington. Is speeding hie holiday at the Amsriesa oo.salote, she home of his panels Dr. W. F. Clark, V.S., was in Stratford . Friday, Sept. lAth, ming se judge . light hones ad speed '.meals at the North Perth fall exhibition. Mrs. W. D. Aisemier wad iildrm who W boon vette her pans.~ Mr. and Mee. J. H. W Mama have named to their home M Mantua %mien, ON.. Teske eettl. : a Wednesday of Met weak. • very plemant went took peas as the resides*, et J. Coawford, Landon Read. This was the mater a of their daogeter, Mary, 4 Honey C. Nesmith, of Tueher- mtth. The .simony was performed by Rev. S. Whew. assisted by Res. J. S. Henderson. of Haseaa Mel.wmth : Ow of the milk Malan, Mr. Weaver, bad • rather capes., at aosi- doe the etkor.sring. From ewe cause or other the Mew os.e exalted. ram awe inure sadthe wane spinier Beate IS hundred weight ei .ilk beide. .•gesg bthe sena Mr. Weaver ewe with mine slight fujerlse. Notelet liabwilla.j Sept sal..�e.�yemwlethe Mael d tobe WI We e • vetmtsary .suM be Waited is was del. n As vsiig•- tam me wile and imbedded la the ease's bowie were feud weer& of 100 trape worms, state of tk.. 16 le 18 hies leag. The beast ked bin w.kfgg pi te desk Friday analog .lad skewed se syn/teres d riches,. The cies le mid te be ens of awe bdlgenline. Ye Sem Mitatsfee. Home. the ..et meed .f all wards, to yes It iseld be the mess Mrsotive pimp ea web. and be ssotmpMi this nigh the less• pamilde eNlq,esnd year lees ear - tans ani Wm wets lee and maaerfm et Perim?, Dye Wene% where they eke he .Isased owl dyed ell erases, kern the mem ddi.l, rtes. i mmbele dwell and and .d. R Mier t Oa Item Dyers sad Mara !Mese* &gam M M. Yates* Sem , KNOWLEDGE yt LEDGE Deluge sessfori sail improvement and brads to personal enjoyment when rightly sed. Vee many, who lire bet- ter than at hen and enjoy life more„ with lees expenditure, by more promptly adapting the wield•e best predawn to the needs of ysical being, will Stoat the Talus to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embroiled In the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its exo.11eoes is due to Its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the tate, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling sold,, headaches and fever, and permanently curing eonotipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profe.ion, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it u perfectly free Iron every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for eels by all drug- gists in '5c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whom name is printed on every package, also the same, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Oedema% Prim. �.gt.�Yoonarors, Oct. fold, tax mils. suet. •t om 0 M So i~ Wit: • rel• pert cwt.... ale IMP 1am on •cress s tea.. 12 N toil lush IS ii bush, .r.,..,. s i to 0 66 Ps., 2 noisy. iwe rowed, Shish ........ 0 M to 040 cosmos • 4 4.40 Hay. tee 35 te 00 II busk. sew 0 .0 to 0 Si Setter, s 16 to 0 17 iQ•6!�repacked, ked, V dt• erll to 0 II 0 It Wr •1••••••••••3 12 ttoo 4 le 0Nte030 lOte1O 8heep Skins 804010 Live BOOB • M to f f Dreamed Hags • M le 330 THE PREACHER'S TRIAL. AN INTERESTING CHAT WITH THE REV. W. J. CHAPIN. 1N THE STRAIN Or rrIJ'IT LABOR HE HAD OVSRD1u W N Hte HEALTH A000C!4T- I41Ow HE MET THE CRIm. AND RETNINSD TO atm DUTIES WITS RENis ED HEALTH. From the Springfield. 111. Journal. In the pretty village of Chatham, Ill. the,s lives • Baptist divine whom ,sow white hair is the one outward sign that he has encroached opon the days beyond the al lotted three score years and ten. His clear eye, keen mental faculties and maguib cent pbysiyae al1 bear wheelie to • life well ,pest This pioneer in God's eternal vas yard is Rev. J. W. Chapin, whose seventy years aro crowned with noble deeds in the Christian ministry. To a Journal representittiye who asked him rmethisg of his comer pa the minis- try, Mr. Chapin talked in an interesting strain, and said that, M spite of the indib- tio*, to the contrary, hie life had not bees all sunshine and good health. " A. my pressor appearance testifies, I was fortunate is the peesessi.n of • very vxgeroue 000stituti.. But as it is too .f - res the ones, I overst.ain•d my phy�•a1 resources, andwhen it was too 1st;I learn d that I had overdraws my health amount. The arias same about 18 year. ago. At the time I was preaching the gasp•! from the pulpit, and I beans suddenly so it that I was oonopelled to stop before my senses was Galahad. It was • bad case of pesetas - ties, and for a time myfrienad family were greatly ez,tds ewer my condition. Complete net was imperative, and Mn. Chapin aid I planned and took • lesg trip. My health was sufficiently restored to m- eas.:. work, but I was sot the mem .an. I felt absolutely worthless, physically and mentally. I bad so loss mated of my mar ales that my fingers would involuntarily re- lease their grip upon • pas. and my hand would turn over with absolutely so edition . my part. About two yet" ego, to in- tensify mottos, I was mixed with a severe attack of M grippe. I resowersd only psrti- all frois and had heroes. retsina of that ie m ibathe feeling which auuonps.l.a sad follows that strange malady. i looked is vats for something to being relief sad last Bi read an oosomes at Dr. Williams' Fish ila for Pale People. Semstking seemed t, tell me that they would de me geed sod i oemm.oed using them. They Rave as additional strength roe the start and tailed up my soon from • sedition of al- most absolute provenance se that I was able trent■ to resume my date as • minis- ter. The alathew it is dueWilliams' simplywee niarnil- Mn. Cbapb wee praised the esm- vereshas and said i " i de see think Mr. Clapis maid ever have rermmd atter be hod $h• WWI of la it mot hem Mr Pleb Plitt Aid his se moi geed that I Midsd a try their enemy I �withe me ma I ban teas physicist. D . lwltt, WWI rhenweie sense taking the Ptak PUN I have bees .lreager end the pi. in -, tight arm and Mud In tom nate. We keep the pith is m. the heail the Nm. ed de de me • 'rem deal of eset-le ihe waymy oloill.agtimla/ emwi S. i. nim +g op la all mese like Ne ahem PIA Pah el - ler a speedy ani weals ems. They est dila.h epee the limed mod .ereea SeM by .a ancon. er Mid by rill, ..esp.ia. . roomer ell Mi .,may a bon. er M b hr 6 bei'., by the Dr. W1■hm ' .. e ebeass . illy. H. T. lows& ash a lbeine ad ...- em. whom ail as gest' as nth • IA Revolution in Prices of DRY GOODS. I There never was so much alas . and cutting of Prices as there is today in the Dry e , t Trade. Never so many fake Picture and Furniture Schemes to mislead unthinking people. We adopt no such methods to gain Trade. and believe the public have sufficient common sense not to be gulled by such humbugs. Our Fall Stock is now Complete. Special cut Prices in every Department. We mention a few Lines only this week. Tweed Dress Goods from bc. up. All Wool Zeta - mane Sergei and Henriettas from 25c. per yard to $1.00. See our great Line of Bun Beg Tweeds for Dresses at 25c. per yd. Ladies' H geian Vesta from 20c. up. Men's Heavy Underwear, Tweeds, &c., in great variety and at exceedingly low prices. Inspection and comparison Invited. JAMES A. REID, Godsends, Got. 3rd, 1884. Jordan's Bleak. Philip Horton, who has been on vacation in t tows, left on Tuesday for loaded' College. Mies Hays, who ie at lbs Model school, visited her hoses at Teeth last week. - Travelling GYMAi. Mined Mall sad Uprose.... ........... ... Mail and ixpee. YRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ISOM USD To 000asrca, Anita, ssranT. toils... 1,66 p.m. 7.40 p.m. It. p.m. 0,16 aa. 106 p. m. 3ifpm, servant 1Wa13t1343. A THOROUGH SERVANT WANT ZS. 4 Ml. Mre'hanummenat., MIX. si- nude. MISB ANNA L SHAW. TRACKER OF .f Made and Thaery-easseignsd. O.. deer test of Capt. Peenese. went -et, $1.3 For T - nose FOR SALE. -GOOD COW 1N V half this mssSL ..Chloe at Wm, Breus, at Sharman% ghee store, 85 It HORSE AND PH.F.'TON FOR SALE. -Will be ''old together or e.parsuir, fores-Vauntsaddress Mrs. Y. A. Fit lASR K. BrI IPlOpertif fbr Mho or for RUM HOUSE TO_RENT.-CORNER BRUCE and \ f.toria-s ,. containing S rooms, soft water, good cellar and all other coov.- diva, Apply to Hre.AONK8 I'OLLOCK at cottage. It FARM FOR SALE OR RENT.-PRO- herty known as Hinck• farm. 00 •cr ., being lot 10. con. 1, (lode:deb Ty.. abeat JI miles from town of Goderich. frame cottage and hardwood bush. Appty to Mrs Ana* Masks as the premises. •Lit HOUSES FOR SALE -LOT AND TWO homes, corner of Victoria and Bruceies. Laep two-story house : all modern .,...- teems. Cottage with Core attached, also stable. Foe particulars apply to MRS. AON18 POLLOCK. at cottage, ire It VALUABLE FA RES AND T(1 WN PROPERTY POR SALE OR RHNT,- W.Inthe Otst cosoeedes. Ooderich town - county of Huron. ! smiles from Ooderleh, Irldiwatsof 140 acre, more or less. Barn Ws ew, goosdprorchard of choice fruit- Eraaingfana.wicaa be bought on easy terms, Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auctioneer. Lot 1 1s the broken front, west of the lake reed In the Weuerstdlvision, Township ofOi- berase, county of Huron. 3 mils from t7odurlek oemplWet 118 aorta Large bask warn, gest hsas be.. 11 story high, nearly sew sat geed orchard of choice fruit, can be bought . easy terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Atsotioa- er. Bieck A and B. lake range, la the township of CNborna oesslotag or 4/ scree mole or leas. There are on t lase • frame hoes. Name bars and stabling About 7 arms loungotehard choice fruit. About it acres of bush. This fang is considered • arstclaa grazing farm. The farm can be divided to suit purchasers and bought/on easy tarots. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Hoose and lot in the town of Cllntc.,-tot 11, Maryet, opposite the old woofies mill, cam - prising frame Deese 11 story high, 9 men foundation with sod osiY, all MnttemM� state of repair. Apply se JOHN KNO]G Jou. AtseUmsser. FOR BALE, -N. j LOT 31,!ND 00N - mew. OW a 6s farrm Aloe town lot ITS ee rich, Apply to PHILIP HOLT. ILt! FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT semsonlas •�a>�st-.h Seer .. Slg { r m sale. ..q. A� I. F. R u o'er, Orewee P. O. u -ti 2Pubile Notlees. NOTICE. - ALL PARTIES WHO have she settled their so - omen with me are seals requested te ds se without duly. They can be pard Is .y aha.,. to my eeeosmor is N,11mees. W m ehersma Jr. who will gore reeips. Our msec. DOWXk110, Gedmlb, Am. fR 111111 in is MOTICL-ALL PERSONS FOUND LI Mumble. t'� , s my Made b se •hilag. will �' •a•MaSl• SlaWsR or other- wise mrwrak.g t. res, Medi Mob w aie mem Wei, la the tewaMlp w Coib.e.., sad the !sows as the �Reserve, la the t ww• pt of tblhores tor S. CAMP'1ae, 4G. X. BA iR N R, Sol Cheap. UMBER DOR SALE. -ABOUT 30, IA ON headset feting. Chert and law >ae. last, bd ft* *NI Aiwamesaly K tach !umber. Apply te P. PilviN Mira Oen W.lbttee i Gels els Stryod Animals. ESTRAY Rwuia-CAME ON THE N suse.kber. suer ahem the le. er ilease. • r.dwsod oldie halter. pTyhe Wla id 1!.'0.1�V NTOte, let k sea CAME ESTRAY. -CAMS ON THE g01.881b.r.ea eireertheit et if ar".8.: ev/s,r le Met, eansweedoto pro W 0y as SlAJOIIEpeuree L MaAIRTrw. Betels. 1VaE ROYAL HOTEL NOW OPEN i renovated the Ma ROMA?bsv J staff 111=111 II Is �y 4etNe Me lea 0919, OPENING OF THE NEW PHOTO PARLOR SEI FEMUR 10th. I wish to •nneends to the jet and Uentleoirnedericp had vij cinity that I will open on above &is in the old stand formerly occupied by Gem. Steen' t and have fitted the stu- dio with all modern improvements and appliances for turning out first-class work, and shall be pleased to receive your esteemeel patronage, assuring you i shall do my utmost to furnish my customers with the Iste.t in that line. Parlors open Saturday nights from ; 30 to 9.30 P. it. T I1. BROPHY. Sale of Lands for Tampa -4t Tows OF GODEKICH. THICASCHER'O SALE OF LAND FOR 1* x H8, Piwviscc or O'riamro. 1 By virtue of a I hand of the Mayor of !the Town warrant nderich and the peal of the said coporatlon. having date. 31st day of July. INC tc me directed 1 commanding me to levy upon the land, is the following list of arrears of taxes due 'heron. that unless the said !axe., together with all eonsaad elasoo neby papiudbliic sahaclopnroc ,oead tomse ucllh thereetas way no sufficient for the pa; rant of the rime and cons thereon. at the TOWN HALL, In the TOWN OF GODiCHI('lI on Friday. the It day of November. ROI. at the hour of two o'clock. The Pbtiow,,,/ foto are PafcafM : r _ ,Case 'i. or 1 � 'reel. , �0 Ise Na. E -'pt. 1 P If !fpr W. pt K. pt. 10M C, pt. 1 161 1 40 43 7.17 silt 17 1114 f•e3.K St 65 Olo2w 2603 14 1 303.0 9 00 I0 IIt 2112 77 2f SO 14 S x7 ORe a e""• i*'!OM • N w7a44173. 11 •Op 47133 43 3. 184 47 4.6 12 Ne' 1:113 16 m 3042 a aft $4 15 432 0 fl 13 14 S t 2 i 0 •1 14f 11X2 lilt30 IS 12Ni 177 10 0M!~�,,( M j 3 a Wetp1 '• S Ii 61 H a0nti A utekl se 3I Reed', Survey N • • 14 St " 14 N •• • 14 m " 14 47•rNi N 7* • 14 S.,1 71 „ 14 1035!el 4$ 13th 24 4 !r! • OO 0 Melhamod •.8. 14 4 *1 NiI 4 la 1-• 3 M 1 Oil 011 38 II " 1i0, 7XiI!MIN11 1 1. 1411. fI 74 4 i -till 4 U� •I $ 71 111!• •7/ Park It Mar- s 8 s Cedar strhIessss-� S 411 O es Part lives Riehl Survey! � 17 751 N all 11 I 7 1'1 8• or ow, I. MORTON, July 4� ISL Tenn ffs7o aeer, flpeefal >Ifetdeds. VIEW CHOPPING MILL -THE SUB- 1.1vernierbasing put Is • sew pat of Frisian Rehr mW *tense is prepared to ole all Wads Of grata with dlepateh. Mill will be tensing onm.day. Thoreday and aha get n es�sM leas. week. no in your grain n shea �10p.� :Enos seal soul •rredllYlo.� M• lx0 s T�7 GODHRIOR FOUNDRY A -ND k I�MA�ORD411 WORK*. and ; 'ssMthee pattMu�i- me Ys wire sad ted cog= Watfts+ PS.. 7 d 4 Mews. Amnion mealdbsp,da twfp Oleo, Is is the hest. WatOerd rs Iradrea Watford hay wee. Al- es stl.sr Plow psiate reduced M suede � men lade craw. 'de 4 esietm to J. B. RUNCIMAN. CIHINOL18! SHIItOLElt1 hal NGLIM! AK) DM yen beer them drew, i havejest 1anheeW • apt at Mw pekoe. They nest he sold. -alms Ns.�4ttper.ssewire. t with s. its. 4 Marna. test re cult refer amedd UM yes heap, pins w lr � watmesN Portiere work t �iaw.ddlean • lbw Neils et esghseve.Y.Ieat obout K S. elmweshavesr sued W. rub • Mb&dentemis b�dweak �'� Mila iia hes end hewn* reh tMhim Mame Ma Mama" sajtji"."1 Mb - moors moms. PURE WILLIAM'S BAKING POW DER is now 'classed with the beet baking pow- ders in the market. Warranted absolute- ly pure, fresh and re- liable. Only 30c per pound. A trial sample given to ladies upon request. %'HAS. D. WILLIAMS, Phut. B., Cold Medalist. Rohe- McLean a Block, late with Geo Rhyme. PERFUMES. -A full line of the:best odors from th% leading Perfumers of France, Germany, England, and America, at .J. E. D.t, 18, l'HM. 1!, Medical Hall. SHIPS THAT PAs IN 'i'Ht' NIGHT are the ship, of 1. • nrportunitt. the furni- ture bargain. >. u u me. A cargo of furniture of every kind and quality we have placed os sale at sorb agoras as will make It • real letter sale to the people of Horse. Tbr-e facia Fact I, We carry the largest and beet as sorted stock of furniture and uaholstering goads la the county. Pact 11. Our stock is larger than we wish to carry. Fact III. To reduce it wear. offering MOct- ally low pries. These are the facts. If you want the (Faun. cell and see tie. it eat pay you. LL" C( SMITH'S r KRNITURF ►,'TORR. or ilia 'swami F. SIM EFT H'S PLANING MILL - ASD - SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 1 take this opportuaity to Inform the pubis., that I am. still in the business notwitbstandlsg all rumors to the contrary, and am prepared to do every class of wort In my Ilse from making • window frame to erecting • tnorl huddle` with massed reef. .masers furnished sea oompetlties invited. The frtralehlng of bntldiag material, ,w h as lath. •►!ages and limner a *venially. F. SMRRTH. sedans► July 4th 1801. E4 asan MULSION OF ('OD LIVER OiL IN PSint. For Cees d cella lee. per anion it Salem Will tinny Ran. tie• per host tie. Wilms*" Ir. TWIN ea a bet, Use Our Owe ri liitis--�.wder•• Sr air • Cough Pewter, fir levee%.. sseellsat rem. tody: 1141e per peema Ales'. Liniment eisssiese la Dolt Sweetly, Nakam, tee. • WSW. Ow stook of Bulk Pastae are Teen nee Y esmphee. TelepbeneJ. a, teen', Pereeneelsa Dreg Mir Tosolksr Wasasa. WANTR A�LpE� TTRACfiER D- ONE bawlli8 W sp•rmm Mee • Ihfrt