HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-4, Page 44
S* . iuSiawNT.
&se se Pu—.-11te*w
Torsos .ts.aaestMssea I
se .month, la adv .$
tee in
bsle •d. the trim Is
pe ar
&eea at Tees t{aMt.
Totes label le • .laadlag receipt of the dere
wkleb you are pald up. nes that It le set
te tall Into arrear.
• enrage of edam= Is Espies& both
the old ad the new address shield be give.
adveetWag Rases
��ge� sad other mesa! adv.rts.mo•ts. lee.
per ileo for trot laprtiso, anis seats per Rae
■sr soak subssgwt lasssties. Mesear d by
a asswwl male
seeders cards et six Ines and ••Qsr. to per
Advertisements of Lest, rowed. Strayed
1f Vaout Want.d sed
Moe ase C..l. TI 'sol .aoVs I
IYtisa... es S tl par
den an Bale sad op tile. .K to
sm.esd t luso, $1 for lkrs used Iib. per sab-
SIlloat to stb larger adv`•. fa proportier,
Any +eel•1 ambo, the otitect of waleh is to
Ramses the pecuniary hearth of any tedl-
vidaal or o*mp -y. to be ooaeidered an ad
v'erttiallamaat sad chained rl
nllethme smtanonpareil type oasst per
ism than ee M
1 IsY aMism is ordinary reeding tyre two
oriweed. No notice for Isco Wa SIM
MManses and other religiose and
tastitutons half rats,
Cemmerrtat teatesel adverseeese.ts.
• limited member of displayed advertise
mesa will be tasseled at the 'knowing rates :
Per lash, Dae I.ssrtoa. $0 N
four laesrtioss _ .. ... 1 .
" three ineatb•.-..... r
" six months
.• one year
�t e
No advertisement loss then two lah.e is
ivagth will be calculated es above heels. 6
per test. discount allowed ter cash payments
e n three months' contract ; N per neat. oo els
.sortie'. and II per cent. on a yeses. Them
eesdltlesa will be strictly entered.
Abest **Tb. stts.al" nru.eay.
Subscriber who fail to reneive T.■ Swhq AL
rrealarty. either by gorier or bymall. will
ovate,a favor by acquainting us othe fact at
as early • date as poses ble.
IWeotet, manuscript. cannot be reterned.
Correepondence must be written on one side
of paper only.
P.blebes's Bothe,
J. C. Le Tomei. of Oodericb. has been ap
Local Travelling Agent for the town-
Od.rloh, Colborne, Ashfield and Wa-
pmtmseeme ever the district are also
ts receive eabesiptloas to TUB
All communication mum be addressed Is
rsl.phIoae Call S. �Osd.ressatleb. Ort
QODtitICH. THUMID•Y. O( -r. t I.
IF you are one of those who received
an account last week or during • few weeks
prsossding, and have not yet paid up, you
are requested to de so at once.
The object of sending out accounts is to
hers them paid, and althou h the tndividu•
al dollar or two appears • small sum te dun
for, the aggregate ruse up into the thou -
Due notice has been given to all delin-
qusuts on our books, and smite will be incur-
red if the amounts are not settled at ono&
-• D. ►I.vat.t.i. t-nDY.
Goderich, Sept. 18, 1694.
( )15 R esteemed contemporary, The
Star, sets up • claim that the purchase of
the rtightwatebrran's clock was a useless ex-
penditure, and this, too, after at had suc-
ceeded in expanse thedoiags of • derelict cou-
n table. Our esteemed contemporary is not
aware that is all erporatious or factories
where watchmen ars required. the alarm is
deemed • ascomarr adjunct
T I I E work on the harbor has been com
Meted we are informed, at • oast of some
837,000 lam than .lona RrTLita wasted to
get the job for. The contractors have .ot
lost moony on their contract, so that It will
be sees that our local Hapset Joax wanted
a nioe pinny for a rainy day when be
thought be had • pull with the powers that
he. From which we would infer that the
gent wean who aims to be perpetual mayor
of pederieband • discreditable mayor he
M --would like to grab everything in sight
and have an optima at all that reaches
beyond the horizon.
THE mayor of Seaforth didn't do the
sot when Mrs. Townes arrived is
that lawn We Sr. informed ' he gave the
we forty-eight hours a leave the tows,
sad she left. Tee our mayor was helpless
le de eaythiag I. the past Ivo years—the
poor. old incapable ' It will be I. ardor
mew for the b.si.oas meet, the eollegals i.-
submts Washer and other good people to
sip a poetise effriae Goderieh as an asy-
lum M the ..fortunes* woman who bas
been imaged I. leave Seaferth. It weeld be
jest as rs.sesbM a step to tak. as ponies.
lues fie the rsiastatsm..t of a dammed sod
dMgmed assemble.
ANDso bewoald have us believe that
Li -has quit b.a.mi g. slamming, gambling,
sad denli.( ia meal and weeerstiaiss, ho. Amid
has sew betakes bluebell be literature in
the cols..s of our easasied .o.temporary
ewer the seg stere ef " Dess•vy." Y.nly.
there ie a resat °brage hero, geed people !
Bet we Gad that this le only • ease ef hie -
tory rep.eing itself, for the adoptloe at the
sigsaesre Dess..,'' by this latter-day rep-
ep.re tatves immorality remlade as that
beg. Mag ate a oma. mama' Rant..., es..
mired the idea of " Stsati.g the Seery of
Reams to worship the Devil M It," And
Men. es*. " Deemer I"
THERE ts a plain duty confronting
*very sae and weansa in this town at
the present tinea
)ser years Oederieh has had as an -
menage wputdisa so to ea Lea en-
bweemat d the iaw was eesesewed,
fires, herons the head et the eerpers.
MIs had plassill blinutit by rube clad
action, against reform, and second, be-
came the town oomtahM panned
after the mayor sad also remained in-
True, when Tna unset. exposed the
doings at the den on Britannia Road,
the mayor took a case against the
keeper of the place and fined her as
the law directed, but he could not do
otherwise, as the woman pleaded guil-
ty. Had she sndertekmi to fight the
ease, we have no reason to believe that
a different judgment world be given
than had been rendered on previous
liquor selling cages that bad conte be
fore the sante dispenser of justice.
Now, that a polio* magistrate has
been appointed, it is the duty of the
ratepayers to strengthen the hands of
the council so that analleles t constable
shall be appoit.tad. An intelligent
man, with a clear head end clean
heart, is rewired to ill the position,
and such an one should receive the ap
Goderich should be as free front vice
as Clinton, Seaforth and other neigh-
boring towns, and now that there is a
chance .1 raising the moral statue,
every decent man end woman should as-
sist in bringing the desired condition
Let the pulpits and the congrega-
tions of this town speak out on this
question, and open shame will be com-
pelled to hide its diminished head.
BY a recent enactment the bapsren
auation of Canadian Judy ; has been
provided for.
During their incumbency of office
trey are the recipients of fat salaries,
and when old eke or party expediency
r -quires that any of them should
be shel veil, shelved they are tad the
country pays the shot.
Recently Sir THOMAs GALT was
superannuated sad received a retiring
allowance el $4,000 a year, and, as
men with Kano 4414 are proverbially
long-lived, the Patrons of industry
will have the spectacle of seeing the
price of a good farm paid earth year to
Sir Thomas so long as he lives, and in
conformity with the superannuation
scheme tarried through by Sir Joii
THOMPSON at the last session of parlia-
The -Asan) system of superannu-
ation id all wrong. The men who
nold office are usually well-paid for
their services, and the present system
of assurance annuities are easily with-
in the reach of every man with r. regu-
lar salary who has the forehands+nese
to take advantage of the opportunity.
Then, why should the Federal civil
service employee be dry-docked at the
public espense, when the meoltanic,
the farmer and the other 'Workers are
not similarly provided for by the
State t
The superannuation system ins fraud
upon the public, and from stein to stern
there is no good in it. The improvid-
ent public official should be treated
the same as the improvident person
in any other sphere of life. There
should be no creation of vested
rights for the few, at the ex-
pense of the many, and the Petrone
and Liberals should jein in making ef
fort to wipe out the ex 'sting scheme,
free) the highest to the lowest benefi-
The Re•forth Sus, which oopied the
article upon Mrs. Themes that appeared is
Tea ntotmat. last week, says :
This woman sod her •moeiates aro at pres-
ort residents of north Maim street, and sow
that the Sea hes let a Seed of light into the
minds of the tows authorities we anticipate
their stay is Seafrth will be very short.
We prdist that Mayor Wilms will make
short work of their dee of infamy.
Riess the above was la type we liars that
the women was gives forty-eight bears to
have Seaforth, sad took advantage of the
notice to quit.
Leedom Advrt er : Mrs. Thomas, •
motorises ohmmeter in liedsrish, bee loft
tows owing to an exposure by Ti. SiPAt_
Hon. J. C. PATTaapw will return
to this meaty about the latter sad of the
meth to "aced fames.' fir the amain
oampaige. if the weather is heavy he is re-
ins to ewers "Deeeay" bput es the high-
water boas fee the meessea-y pip►My-
Nobody ever says, " it's Jim's way."
Oh, set they late my. " Pear fellow, he's •
Yesd'm ream) r, and has be Is whatever
Earls Mlle has." He .sold bis bettor
heel.— than •liwle(b himself to be mod as
•k..t la the tail of Bert.ee's kits
If Senator H I Lc be sleeted governor
e f New Tech Stab this Fill there will be
. este from the steer whew the Dsmee ee
meat M eaayeaeisu to select their meat
peemYmat ed saadIiea DAvte
SILL ie nythieg ate • Nate Md fewer.
If the tetra cesseil make • geed
wisetien fav tem ami eeM, „Pollee Nagle
ten Samosa wfli en see that the two is
mint • reed deal d,p.r run 1h.
•sue• of the esuagl Ysiby ernes
The town coneil on Willey wetting
shesid nes again make Ohs en eke d • f'
pe aeles • wean dna sauna e..seabla
These eugkt be bat Mase gas geed mak Is
the sees Moe hie nein.
It is really too bad that Sir (Nivea
will ret eall at the dere of The Lynn
sed pies his testament ie the beads of
tae measglsg dimmer. Days., like Kam-
m, would he Pitlia'.
We leave east of us heard of the
man who was • 'Haar.' but then is •
wares oleos of men than the "Mors," sad
they aro the "signers" of every patties
that comes •long.
Lanais' has been winning leards in
the West, sad if lead •pais is the fore -
roamer of • majority i twee is that see -
ties, Liberalism will mosat high at the
next eMutie..
Every young man should see to it
that his same is on the voters' list before
Oct 15. The p•rliamest•ry election will
depend spas the way the work in des.
It is stated that Mr. GLanuroxs's
eyesight has been eomplssly restored. It
will he I. ender for the O. O. M. to ease
mere set his eye on the Premiership.
The Jape, contrary to general ex-
piate/Aims, are parrying es • meet aggres-
sive sad enooemlul wmp•igs ageism the
Masse. Queue -Moue, im't it I
The likelihood of Rooster Poiret,
of Simms., biag choses postmaster ef Ma -
too, is hennaing to Mom up. He M looked
upon a • sapable oatnder.
With a score of applications there
ought to be Need we dent magi to ill the
place of aightw nen
The mayor of Seafortli can give
pointers to Old Dem.cy in regulating tbe
morals of a lows.
The town bursar isn't in it this year
—not eves pa the coed parobass.
They now call him in derision, "Old
Jos. Dursxcr."
What's the price of coal, Jouw
Tows comma meets Friday evening.
Collegiate Issutak. Literary meets Fri-
day meg.
Ronk Post : Broad hos takes a
tumble to 3 cents per Met in RrusssM.
The Fraser Dr•matiu Co. emend the
Muss es the wooed appe•raaw la Owed
,Dia's misa�teesi of the m-
ew Miss J as the (band
Opera House, Friday Oct 26th.
Geo. Thomson will simply you with any
make of piano you may require Cell on
him and get rook bottom pries
Seaforth Etpattor : Charles Seager has
been appointed police magistrate for Ledo -
rich. If Goderich needs such an official, •
better man for the position could not easily
be got.
Rheumatism Cured in • i)ay. —South
American Rheumatic Cure, for rheumatism
and neuralgia, radically mares in one to
three days. opus Its action sthe system is
reoarkaba and m It removes at
once the cause •sd the dismal immediately
disappoint. The feat dose greatly benefits.
75 mala Sold by James Wilma, druggist.
Heart Dire•.. Relieved is 30 Waimea —
ai ma—
Dr. Apse's Cure for the Heart rives per-
fect relief in all ares of Organic or Sympa-
thetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and
speedily nets • ours. It is a Perim
remedy for Palpit•tioe,Shortnessof Breath,
Smothering Spells, Pau in Lett Side and all
symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose
eoaviaoe.. Sold by James Wilson
• Boom to Honemss.—aloe bottle of
N aglteh Sp•yim Liniment oompletely re-
moved • curb from say horse I take pleat"
are in recommending the remedy, se it acs
with mystrious erosions in the removal
from horses of hard,eoft or calla eed lumps,
blood sa•vit, splints, curbs, curbs, 'weeny,
stifles and sprains. O Roob, termer,
Markham, Out. Sold by Jas. Wiktor.
Relief in Si: Hoare. —Digressing kidney
and bladder diseases relieved in six hours
by the Great South Americas Ktdsey Cure
This new remedy ie • great surprise and
delight or account of ite exceeding prompt-
esrs in relieving pais is the bladder, kid -
soya, back aied every part of the urinary
presage, in male or female. It relieves re-
tortion of water sad pain in passing it al-
most immediately. if you want quick te-
lid sad ours thin Is your rsmdy. Sold by
James Wiles, dregrist.
Thrives ea earl fed sad *o.shi.e, with
plenty el ass in the open air. Her form
glows with health sad bfsn bloom,with
t. beauty. If her nisei seeds the Mesas
ug acmes ef • Motive remedy, she ems the
gentle ad plsasaat liquid Iax•Yve, Syrup
of Figs.
The sew Lams Cheek, Mibaell, was re-
assflyopen&w 1w. Dr.Ifeub►y. of
effiefraAn AsanMa tom is regeetstkg with the
C. P. 11. .fsile with • view to establish •
ere•resry u Ar.prisr.
Setae is. broke into the skating rink at
Gait and stele • nor trophy belonging to
the Creme Ceeliug Club.
A. old bur sad ewe subs were captured
ser Laaedow.e stades roeenty. They
were drives est of the Mee Meataiss by
bosh fes.
Eves with present nal aeesmmed•tio•
it sews meek Lass to carry freight the full
Wageh of the St. iawress., eves up stneam,
ora awn it.
Ener.: Chea Duties, of iegeesell
wee is ethis weak Ties mistime sad
termer biend . S. bee ase plstd his
cnueeo b
bgIMS Indus*" w
Toren, modeler en a seer is several
well ksews apnel l.seuatiess. Se la.
tends geisi te the Detrek Medlsai GBags
Um Pak be puns the madly of madiskaa
We wan his memos.
Seney : Mr. Jeb. Row hes noted the
.id h.matsad w. e' the Lease. heed,
Insley, moth of tans le Awls
Warn whm r beau emehisek ea w he.
ism a min of pen 'I he ra ni M NIS •
per. Ms sets et the asset end beat farms
s the Leaks Red std Mw asst M tkr-
ima- ip spws`"t en seed a ere a ora
mai. esmsrlag Is (Suess b adds
Dtmat,daetiea d nigh Crates
Against the ldtelgalug Dynasty.
1Mieeeley is Predate. Meemelties ere the
Troops,- Jyeeee Nagar ter aa
•dveaee as rests-• Naval
Raper* Some tip ems
Visalia, Sept. Ilk —The Politeohs oor-
respondeuce says the following lufonsa-
ton has reached St. Petersburg from China
and attracts the serous attwtion of the
goverumeot :
"The intense easitement in all the pru-
vieaes of China and the dtwtist•oti"u of
the highest officials in the empire have
reached points whish Indicate a probable
movement against the reigning dynasty.
The spirit animating the regular army to
satisfactory, but the discipline has been
much relaxed. Tim irregular troops upon
which the government must now rely are
committing gnat and frequent *tosser
everywhere, The war chest u as empty
as the state eaehegnsr, and the govern
mens has the greatest difficulty in purchas-
ing the barest necessities for the troop, in
the fields."
Loauus. Sept. 18.—The Times publishes
this morutng an article by • naval expjheert,
in which the writer compares and owl•tes
the Times' advises from Chen- Foo and the
Central News despatch from Tokio. The
writer concludes that it may be safely
affirmed that modern weapons have not
materially modified the conditions et naval
'.Japan's next move," he says, 'Ys now
• question of the greatest importance
China's deet is virtually paralyzed and the
Japanese are free to transport a force in
any direction. Then are two principal
cons... fur them to pursue—tint to sank.
direct for Pekin and second to occupy
Formosa Either (bourse is more probable
than a march to Moskden. It seems cer-
tain that 25, 000 Japanese could take'ekin,
when Japan could obtain, eo far as China
is concerned, any terms she is likely to
demand. On the other hand the time
available is very short owing to the ap-
proach of winter, and the venture though
not impractteable would be very risky. A
fore. of 20,000 would suffice to occupy
Formosa and a descent flouts that island
is certainly among the immediate puesi-
bilities. Japan maks territorial expansion
and Formosa offrr+ obvious advantage.."
A despatch :o the Daily News from
Yokohama says there Is • general public
desire in Japan to prosecute the war
against China lex defiance of all obstacles
end a general desire that the government
make • desperate attack upon Pekin.
Japanese parliament will at once vote war
credits rogardler, of party opinion&
Reinfora,meuta are continually depart-
ing from Yokohama, Tokio and other
planes in Japan but their destination is not
A report comes from Shanghai that the
Japanese have succeeded in entering the
Chimes dm,vitiee of Manchuria and that
they are advancing upon the capital.
Two Lives Last In a fig Slaw Is
Na•atete. fat'.
Nassau°. B.1'., Sept. 29.—Firs broke
out on the east side of Commercial street
and before it was gut under control a num-
ber of buildings, hotels and stores were
completely destroyed. Two lives were
lost and three persons badly injured. The
An started in the Royal Hotel at the cor-
ner of Wharf and Commercial streets.
Thence it burned in a northerly direction
along Wharf street destroying the frame
fire hall and a eirpenter'e workshop. Bun-
ning south the fire licked up the barber
shop adjoining the hotel, spread to • cigar
store and thence caught the Nanaimo
Hotel and restaurant, Morgan's tailor shop
and C. K Stephen's dry -goods store.
Across the street, on the west aide, Wil-
liami frame block caught fire, but the
Armee were extinguished before much
damage was dune. The Ceetral hotel.
Maaouic buildingand Hirst Bros.' store
were also ignitebut were eared
Pat. Maybes, bootblack, and Fritz, the
German bar -tender, occupants of the
Royal hotel, perished. Two men and a
little girl, also occupants of the Royal,
were badly injured in making their escape,
Every marl, woman and child In the
city turned out to help in the work of sal-
vage That the newer part of the town is
not completely wiped out Is due to the
strenuous efforts of the volunteer brigade,
and the fact that then was no wind.
Tho Pesaeyl,asla pod Won Rat eras
from Their Nxplertag Trip.
HAuvan, Sept 2&—Professors Hite and
Bucknell, Parkins and Coates, comprising
the University of Pennsylvania expedition
to Northern Labrador, arrived hen rester.
day from St. Johns, Newfoundland. atter
two moths' snecemful exploration. Beek -
mil ham recovered from his illness. Pro
tenor Hite and his three companions left
for New York by the Rad Cross line steamer
Portia in the afternoon Prof. Hits says
Labrador has a uniform climate In the
Interior are deep rivets, large valleys and
great forests. There are indications of
mineral deposits. particularly of iron,
everywhere. Timber lands, mi.ral lakes
and water courses, is Ms m1ad, sonent to
rich p tentIalities.
Demand fee mtasteeal's Osealeata
Mosr.aat, Sept IS —There M • mom -
malt going on just now to revive the win
ter ear.ivnle in Montreal. An informal
mooting of • few of those Interested was
held, mbd it was deeidd to call • formal
sad public meeting to eoasult about the
best way to make a thoroughly attreetive
event for the wintr. The hotel men sa
that j lease from the Unit
States is of quarks as to why Hostess'
hleft el having these straHostess'
?sometime Kilned at esatfhwd,
Oeponw, Oat, Sept !f.—A ad wiel-
d/set occurred at Ssltford yesterday.
Simnel Saudeleo., of Dsagssno., e.-
= I. teaming `bas for the Goderin
bill the ,ye, was etenieg wwha w the long
the mama became Mose la eemebwa ~�
the twee. mend to rot away,
She sed him= e drowout and Ming him rime=
a meal Lam.
Yeamoo*a, N 8 . Sipatl —Tbmss
Om was an sus .f the peeves and trtnf
ae rA • bared el NOM • trust •
lined semi best end SI • M Tsetse
Me u tlsremete .en ws f, dead, ile mage
Mia et a. 1 ores a wane sell a�seet skDlrtlrine u
The Impese..t svemes to a M ween
roe Nese Iteeders.
More serious forest Are ars reported In
A Senile storm Is ragtag along the meth
AMaoMn net
The Own war has Bawd a greet sear -
My el diver in Japan
Prof. Wellman, .f the Arctic expedition,
has arrived at New Turk.
It is said that Thursday, November *
will be proclaimed Tbaakaglving day.
The striking clothing workers of Bootee
expect to art a so -operative factory.
Tore e♦ • slight earthquake shook at
Chic..uusd. Qua., on Wduesday morning.
The breach between the Premier aad Mr.
Hall in the Quebec Cabinet is biomes.
Senator Hill has been sgaio Dominated
by the Democrats for Governor of New
The T.. H. & !t promoters have de-
posited $50,000 in Hamilton as • gnar-
The schooner W. Howe was wreaked os
Lake Michigan, and the crew of six
The Soutch coal owners have resolved to
evict from their hooses all miners who do
sot return to work.
Natural gas has been discovered on the
farm of Mr. Matthew Collins, near East-
man's Spring's. Ota.
A revolution is imminent in Hayti, as
President Hippolytee tyranny is driving
the people to desperation.
A waterspout in the mountains of Du-
rango, Mexico, carried away a wood chop-
pers' camp of 10 famillet.
A new Cabinet has been formed for Vic-
toria, Australia, by Mr. George Turner,
late leader of the Opposition.
The grape crop, in Eisex county this
year is enormous, and the fruit can be had
for half a cent a pound in Windsor.
Richard Nickels, aged 55, an old resi-
dent of St. Mary's, Out , attempted to
drown hintedf Friday, but was pretreated.
owing to a business dispute helossit the
owners and the manager, The Menelles (N.
B.) Times has temporarily eu ps—iffe.
The Patrons of West York
nominated 1.r. J. D., Evans of
to contest the riding at the next Dominloa
Earl, the three-year old child of Mr. and
Mrs Sutherland of Gore Bay, was drown
ad in a rain barrel by his mother in a fit
of insanity.
Prof. O. F. Lewis, of Syracuse N.Y.,
hos a flying machine, which be claims can
be successfully worked. It will be tried at
Saratoga shortly.
Mr. Samuel Carsley. the well• known
M.intreal merchant, had • narrow escape
recently from falling into a crevasse while
touring in the Alps,
Cunning smugglers on the other side
have been caught ,mudgling the goods
into the country in empty mail sacks that
were being returned.
it is reported thvt an anarchist attempt
to assassinate President Iglesias. of Costa
Rica, has been foiled, and the leading con-
spirators arrested.
Mr. It A. Massey and the editor of Tho
Niagara Falls De la Cataract are having a
little controversy over • late article pub-
lished in The Cataract.
Dr. J. H. Betts of Marysville, Wolfe
Island, was fond dead near his house on
Sunday night. Death is supposed to have
been the resn:t of • fall.
The case of Mac W herrell has at last been
been disposed of by the Cabinet, and the
remit is that the death sentence has born
commuted to imprisonment for life.
Mrs. Mary J. Platt, • teacher in the
Indian snhool on the Pichango reservation,
in California, has been clubbed to death
by Indian.. and her body cremated.
Limit Kirkpatrick, Capt Wise and Capt
Skinner, graduates of the R M.C., King-
ston. have bran appointed teachers on the
staff College near Sandhurst, England.
Joseph Hartley, • Winnipeg laborer,
three months ago came into possession of
a fortune of $30,000. He died in the hos-
pital Tuesday, from excessive drinking.
A convention of the Liberals of North
Ontario will be held at Beaverton on Wed-
nesday. October 21. for the purpose of
nominating a candidate for the Home of
Mr. W. A. Shepard. ex president of the
Typothetae, and manager of The Mall job
printing department, died Friday night in
Toronto of heart failure. He was sixty-
five years of age
The New York Central moue
shows a decrees of three and
millions in freight earnings, m
with last year, bat the paaaanger earnings
increased $108,700.
Lieut Green, 5th United States infan-
try, reports that Col. Elliott has fouled and
buried the body of George Colgate, who
was left in the mountains of Montana by
the Carlin party last fall.
During the reese at the fair grounds at
Worthington, Minn., the grand stand eel.
lapsed, burying about 500 people In the
wreck. None were killed outright, but
about 80 were more or Mes Injured.
An of tial of the Chinese Ingenue at
Washington says that the battle of Fein
river was a draw sad both `tides suffered
squally. He admits that the Pine -Taos
land fight was a defeat for the Chinese.
Mrs. A. H, Curtiss, a woman of eultare
and beauty, M being seed for ejectment
from apartments rented oe Stpte street,
Chin igo, because it has been learned by
the leee..s that she had negro blood in her
Mrs. William C. D.aesash, of Sault Ste,
Marie, Out. ben bees staying at Mastoid,
and on Tuesday last left the how in which
she was living to go to the dostor'a Sinos
that time she has not been seen or
A of
verd/et of manslaughter was returned
agpinat the man Lase and his wife, keep-
ers of the Toronto baby tarts, at the la.
quest held last night on the child whisk
was taken from the pities meetly la a
dying oondltloa
The •.aerie•. Agriculturist's report of
the apple crop shows • heavy yield In New
Laglaad, • light one In New Tern and
Penns Ionia and a abort crop la ()bio. it
says thm he Ontario three will be shout
half se avenge rop.
At E.6ic, Rev. Fredertek Mho,
epallwow Deal/ohms, I.., get ea •
ma eat o • f
bask re. a e�f y saloonkeeper, W
for 1
wee *sussed. Mr. Skies messed a
of Isle es while he wised
David «esus., d AL1I.leghesy City, dial
ervees.e. lware enemy
is Ids hoes. bent-*e� Id set he
Marl Wsfasdsy web the fbvdtese
boois SO
hang Mai a* flm emaaud as eM
pfese, ea el bin Meths �vMeh
eseleinad grit aid eelieeles stile Pk'
The Right Place
to Buy
is where you can do so with the
most advantage to yourself. Don't
let sentiment stand in the way (as
too mazy people do) but when you
can save anything do so. Don t be
deceived by the cry of "trash" and
"shoddy" by merchants who make
a fuss over you and then charge
you an "all wool" price for a shoddy
The Advance of
makes warmer Underwear neces-
sary. In Women's, Men's and
Children's we have the RIGHT
Goods at RIGHT prices. We
want you to see them, feel them
and examine them for yourself.
This is the more convincing way.
We think we've got the best value
in the County and we want your
A Good, Warm, Full Size Ladies' Vest for 25c.
Children's Pure Australian Wool Vesta from 13e. upward.
Men's Shirts and Drawers, Good Heavy Weight, 25c.
N.B—Don't forget our Dress Goods Department. It contains the
newest ideas direct from the Manufacturers at Prices only possible in
a Cash Store.
The old Finn of
have by mutual consent agreed to dissolve partnership and will sell
their entire Stock at wholesale prices, amounting to
OVER $11,000.00
Ever, dollar's worth must be sold before
....JANUARY 1st, 1895 ... .
Special Lines will be Advertised and Sold each week until the en-
tire Stock is sold.
Monday Oct 8th,
when the following Lines will be offered for sale:
Bibles, 35c. Sale price, 21e.
50c. " " $0c.
The " " 45c.
$1.00. . « 88c.
1.25. . " 8Sc.
1.50. " " 95c.
1.75. " 41.05.
" 200. • 1.15.
" 2.50. -Id 1.85.
3.50. " e 2.05.
Family Bibles, $8.50. Sale Price, $5.00.
- COST. -
+ + + + + + +
41111 Accounts due the above lira aunt be paid on Or
1\T077-1st,1G 4,
or they will be handed in for IrriallaElt Is
Booksellers and Stationers.
wt Mak ..e It.