HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-10-4, Page 3Dent•vF. New YeO64,.4`0 • eY.tb.w r' firlaid .'oY.. of teeth. Ofehdy Ds, E. aIOHARDSON, L. D.... aiet Ie Ysseairnae yMsitlNrFth4.. My1 rE! test►write 1w -Ir D_ 9. BUNTER. PBTSIOIAN, SUR in Ittsa`i smite frwa ftdNrY i sshesea /est tLy 1481,8.1. `IA III PION s JOHP$TON, BARRIB- li tan, a alt Niels. N aaria for.. U Diose Q. Jetts*s=HN g..°4= MelON. C.. H. O. JOHN N. envy so ee IOFTUS IL MEOW, BARRISTER, 1.1 ashetter• Oen ftC.. eta- Mawr sBlock, op - sir O bless at ora. pias Out. L lI, Ito Oases of O - PRO M.rt s st. et 1Jt tet truer I+s aeteNH R0. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - . OIL for. oaee, esr. egesee asd west resp O.rdawirer yl er telegel aoe. Pri- se ► se lend at lowest rates .f Inter- est. /I ARROW t PROUDFOO T, BAR. Vf T. 0est/eltere. fro., sods ice. J, •rni t.. W. Prondteet. / AI49RaN, BOLT HOLAIES, V g•rrlrl e. 1.- -a Is Obasery, no. r0. Oamorea. Q.C.: P. Holt ; Da• ns G. lam OONVEYANOER, J m d.rm.l eieser far traits sad re- asi decries- Mird trail •fi•vis • tkolatr t et« In Apia! N any arra. J altor pre the Mists Dor k All n s•r addrire- asly est ween that.d. ease UP.Qt Loans mile ussi ane.. ((t aSEAQER, CONVEYA1fCING AND • Iasrseea ries. oppceitelllartn.'s Hotel Oederlsk. 11 i ONE! TO LEND ON MORTGAGE ill at Kent- sNote@ di's.ae's& C. MUSS* sacs opposite Martis', Heel.sedm rica. MONEY TO LOAN. - *Z,e00.00 Private ns& to lead at Mper assta - a nosey. LOPTUB I. DANGLY, Herto•'s bleak. opOoNis Colborne Met.l. Order ale. 1111141 L1 J. T. NATTEL, FIRE. LITE AND i . sadder Ine.ancs sweet; at lowest ✓ ates. Oaee- O.r. N.rth+t sad (lessee, IMA- sriob. _ ---- _ rt- t60p0p 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 'P CAM SON Hot.r a HOLMES Ode► MONEY TO LEND. -A :. A R Q Ii west et Private Feeds for levsetstent at Iowans Wee w ilisholesellaresegss, Aesb NAMiOW fi PROUDPOOT [ RADOLIFFE, GENERAL Il'E- 14. ssissenRest Beate sad New toseAe Is a Ode tritabise Mese, se Lead .. abase Wee. at the heron rate of Iaterso gulag, to say way te wait M d trews Squats. We Oaw- Illtreasre. Lek *e16.I01mr Ila allay. I oDIIMWR HA.NIo6' LNl .:. .Yir.wt SWIM AND d iA - bio Maim Opsa lr.ws 1 to 6 r.tE. rad tram Y Is 2114111. ABOUT 3000 TOL'% iN LIBRARY. LeanerUsilaygasWsewsrmid id IDiselrated PopsieML aHL t*HIP TiCEET. ONLY .Oil •M, Ruatlag Ree re of Library sad Re•dins- Applierti*as Oce nmsb.r.w re.elved by lJ beerla•, la ream If SMITH.Presides.. ORO. Ssau isry. liodwteh Marek lith 1 . AUSt1011411111,11111t. THOMAS OUNDRY, AUCTIONEER rad Isere... swat. Owdertek. Ott. Attest last end tams•ehieo Film tea Cs.. Gad One Dletelet Mtttaal len Os. tiles at- tended tended to is say tart el the .sant,. toy JOHN KNOX, GENERAL •Us. Starter rad bard Yahoos. Gsderisk. Oat Revues bad ensAaeraW esyssteaes Is air •see le l • m11** se isles enturwwM hi ad m. Arden leftta Mania 's Betel oorre eelMat mal te W r didsM LNOX+ Dorset, t Asalene r. estended I inti Deatai AII11011l1o11111s11t. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN FTHEL- CIILOKIDE AT DR. B. RICHARDSON'S ettrTaa PARIAMMIL O KRA Mitt NJCIP TEST-STAEET tOmsstoi, ONT. It sans M eIId estidaette.. safter • __rW mea mummer t m.b. N e.., t submit that have Yoe sod Iseovrywkb wsever testlane pair darlag the esmnM eth - etesf of ars bled le seedy everye eese vary NSW Pate (a ohm mM MIT H1o2.-0TaLC) 313 • •lse•I that never aho••aethe amiss mrd the 1hMWmd kwwa skih vas rsndg► the metal nen. sttive se pals. P.ttea/s serve res It Psultivey serve's. tel Mai Mees. APreservatles e[ the stern tel ••e.•le1y U Metal wet sad •kint=R= duras tly pa i...' INprepbt arSmlsr th at DR R arfokfnaOU. HINTS TO ADVERTISERS. hlru,ateegs of parpo.e is what toll hold m •a advertise. Bene snare dismal eedoreo vary %t'rWohaaged fres sae ssetary to riot\- *• *or frees we alms to weber If the N I- r es easeWusyd that it will appeal to the sets•/ seeds esti se^su1Mes of busesa- kr. it. agent ls ens I. .diastase sales. 1.7Se spasm In Asap sedlwms hawses I!. Leap r a geed deal lihe bayhg Soddy *Si• bs beans they its ohms A roma Isle r has " end sf the year than be has rysiaMle appearsand has !Pea sere sinoy Mrs Ins wadi if he bed "111114 • heeler goals el wsl em mai Soap giin, hednshe gy'''m weed 1 aegtbi 1i Its THE SIGNAL GODERICH. ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. 4. 11194. 3 NEW' TOPICS UP A WEEK. Tuba I goe.aa, krenta ,a a Pew weeds Wee army wearer. Daises bat 80,000,000 bashers of wheat. The health of the Czar Is again reported to lee whist. The lioatreal pollee Iaveetlptiuu ores ed ou Friday. It r expected that water will be let into the new Sou canal next ?sedgy. The Hushes Lgbleture will be called together foe hostas. October 10. Mr. D'A1tou M.Carthy spurts at • Patron punts at Cresaor. on Thursday. 71.e corner stone of • new Perlis. school was laid in Haatltuu on Thursday. Iona Aberde.a and suite will reach Winnipeg neat Wednesday rrenin.. Jobe Rhodes, a tramp seam hiked by a U. T. R tram at Collin it Bay ou Friday. Dr. McDonald, M. P.. hse been amanita aced by the Liberals of Fest Huron. It Is .aid $3,000,000 worth of treasure was esptaral by the Jape at Ping • Yang. The elections in Victoria. Australia, breve resulted in the defeat of the Uoveruusut. A new bridge over the Maitland rive: at Wrox ter was opened for traffic ou Thur.• day. A new peak 12,001 feet high has bseu dt.covered in Alaska in tits east of Mt. St. Ella. The late Lieut. -(tel. Moffatt was buried in Loudon on Friday with full Masonic honors. Burglars broke into the n stanreut at the U. T. R. depot at Kingston on Friday mornln¢, Lord and Lady Brasesy aro on their way to their 50,000 -acre colony iu the Cana- dian Northwest. The British ship Senegal has been lust with all hands, 27 in number, its the Pa- cific uossn. Lily Sullivan. • Winnipeg wows.., has 'lb/appeared and is believed to have cum - matted suicide. The sovereign grand lodge of the lnde• pendent Order of uddfelluw. have decided to admit women. The Lexington hotel in Chicago, valued at $1,000,000. has mos* been sold $se taxes for $6,410.73. A convention of the Liberals of West Ontario will be held at Stouffville on Thursday. Sept 27 Negotiations are in progress between Germany, England std Russia relative to the Chinese Japsuese war. Lord Ave. Earl Dnffenn'■ eldest son, is saki to be engaged to Vias Grace Wilson, • wealthy New York girl. A verdict of wilful murder has been re turned against Trunkey, to. slayer of Con stable Liudsay of Comber. Lord Bressey. the eminent British naval engineer, believes that China will be whip- ped in the present war. James Valiance. • Hamilton contractor, had a had fall Friday from • building he is putting up la that city. AU tbe Gambling hooses of Chicago are alleged to bare been effectively closed by an order of Mayor Hopkins. With the Emperor of Chinese a patron • lied Cross Su.•tety has lama organized at Tokio by the lades of the court. W. C. Caysrldil, • general merchant, of North By, was drowned while crossing Lake Tallow on Wednesday night. The town of Leroy, Men . we partially destroyed by • Dyclone Friday evening. Three people were killed at McIntyre. The Liberals of East Huroq have unan- imonaly nominated Dr. Macdonald, M. P , to oo°test the next Dominion electioe. The Hamilton & Guelph Radial Road Company have temporarily withdrawn their request for • bonus from the city. The Ik.minion Government will appoint a commission to r'ptrt on the question of better harboring facilities for Montreal The Supreme Coaneil of the 33d degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. will meet in Buffalo an 1803. An alliance for election purposes is spoken of in Manitoba between the Pa- trons of Industry and the Prohibition- tsts. Wallace Temple, the 3S -year-old MO of • O. T. R engineer, was stabbed in Lou- don Friday morning and seriously in- jured. Twenty young men were more or lose injured at Akron. Ohio, on Wednesday night by the falling of a large wooden platform. Rufus Page. • general merchant of Bed- ford. N. S.. was killed on the Intercolonial Railway while walking on the track on Thursday. Yellow fever has been discovered on board the British bonito Cambria. which arrived at Ualveetun, N C., from Havana on Tuesday. The Patrons of East Bruce wet in con- vention et Walkerton on Thursday, but deferred 'sleeting • Dominion owdidets until a Wer date. Mr. Joseph Crepes°, Mayor of Sts. Anne dee Plaines. Que.• died on Wednesday from injuries reeelyd in a lamp explosion • few days ago. Mr. John L Turnbull, inspector of Do- minion Government Wildly" kr as maritime Provinces. died ea mal, as Halifax, aged 76 years. A despeteh from Lincoln, O.T., says a pose of farmers lynched Perry Conk. a horse thief. He had half a dose:, horses is his pu.seslun whoa eemgb. The (;•radian wined Hill, who died at T°ebrldge Wells, Sage, the other day, to saki to have be.. Hon. P.C. Hill, who wee ones Premier of Neva Scotts. Dania Ilnllane, aged 17, the son of Wil- lies Mulles, of SametrJya. was brfawtle killed Wednesday at* by slashing ho d .1 • Iles wire in • reMwnraat. A party of brigand• speared • Greek Judge and prosiest da Dal • few day* e go, but were altdrwsnls Irts•kd and ex- terminated Both canals were killed In the fight The Canadian glestrieal Aaoeiation con- cluded Its eonve ados In 1•entreap Thurs- day atter eleetlag L J. Dunstan of Toron- to to Preiawt and shooing Ottawa se the seat plata of m.sting. A Refers eon volition will be bald at Fade•. on Thursday, 0st. 11, for the pom- pom lanpo m of nominating • candidate to repre- sent the Centre Riding of Wellington In the Dominion Parliament Mr. R. O. 8. Pales, the young &ig- lihla.w who had hien lying tar Bose time at tie General Hospital with • broken seek, wee Thursday taken to Montreal, be be transferred theme* to Eag1M& Mr. Jaime Meflelleq, M. P. for North Wellington Mr. Was. Muleek. M.P. for North York. mrd Dr. Macdaawld, H. P. for East Heron. will address •palate mestlo` at 8helberne on Friday *vowing. Sept 18. Ceauideeable aa@ittmsnt as hese caused Is the ltd arillery taste, semp*ud d hi the ase flees s.9 the }ztdllcrl asps lea the Otsilsllr. SIN ieiaiglwkria at t. r. l le, by Me set Of Madam iWl $rfttre ler IesAie 5 DOW MANVILLE'S GE NTENNIAL. ameleeeeary et the MtWiseat ed West smelter weteMaaea wise a•t•ajr. Ii.,wvt•evilla, Out. Set. Mil. -The trot day of tie watWatal .rt.i, atba la sae sale with the first mitl.sout of West Durl, .s m r lb* Burks. Trolls and Oss- nante an 1794 was a 411.4 led snores-.. The 01.1 er.tl.re is .w hying have mitered with great ase: ui u the spirit of the movement and ties interest ie heightened by the en Latinism of old r.ia.-s, the history of many of which was avew•iated with the domestic hi. and character of the first settlers. This country was settled chiefly by emi- grants from Devon and Cornwall. in Eng- land, t e Iligl,landa of Scotland and the north of Ireland. Awou. lite very old residents taking part in tuts event, some of oboes were the or.gtoal i.e.:op.erats of the forest farms, are the fuhowat.g: Meer.. James Hetlellai. twilit Fisher, George Hallow, P. ii., James and Samuel hLeal, ' Winton n Moliill, W. I'ethisk, Junto hall Stephens. Coloeel F. Cubitt, Abram Young, W. Law, Mark Pratt, Chs.. Honey, Devi V•ecawp, H. W. Burk, ex -IL P.. Richard Wiudsit, S. Washington, Jacob Neada Samuel V•n- etuue, John Frank, Calvin Tyler, IL (1. Power. Jesse Trull. W. Bowman, Cyrus Munson, John Allan, John Chaplin, W. Foley, S. Snowden, Hector Broth and many others. The presence of Hon. Edward Blake, who represeu'd West Durham so many years. gives au added interest to the pro trading. Mrs. Blake accomtauies him. After the fortual opening of the exhibi- hott, the celebration teeing held in comae tion with the West Durham Agricultural Society's fall fair. the citizens and mottoes repaired to the new music hall, where • ant class musical prugruume was reuder- ed by sow, of the descendants of the old families and very superior local talent it proved A ane speech on the early settlers was made ry Mr. Jas. McFeeten, the first mayor of Bowmanville,•udou the history of Bow- mauntle and vicinity by Mr J. B. Fsir- bairn, sou of the first postmaster and pre- sent occupant of that office. This address was rich to local incidents and well .prink led with mirthful pastimes of old settler.. Hun. E Blake responded to loud rolls with a very happy ten minute. speech on his recollections of pi.ueer life. Colonel l'ubitt, likewise by request, trade • brief speech. The programme will be continued to day, when the Lieut Governor, Hon John Dryden, Dr. John H.wkiu and other prowl tient men wall take an active part. AN OFFICER'S' TERRIBLE FALL A !Miele at a Noble lieu** Meets With a had Aeeideat at Halttaa. HaLae •2. N. S.. Sept. 20.-A horrible accident has occurred hers. Major Beresford, ,of the Royal Engineers, who only came to thin station • few months ago, was the victim. He was on the roof modem of the Halifax Hotel, where he boarded with his wife and child. The street as five stories below, and Beres ford either jumped off or fell. He shot down head first and struck on the stone curbing, smashing in his heed and break his neck. Death wee instantaneous. He wee .toot 50 years of age. The verdict of the coroner's jury on the body was accidental death. The inquest developed the fact that the Major has been in poor health for some time, suffering from nervous prostration. His head was frightfully coursed with collision with stuns payment, hie broths coming out through the nose. Deceased will be given a miiit•ry funeral to morrow. Major Berestord comes from a fain, u family: jlarqus of Waterford was Iii. twcl. and Lord Beresford it hoe cowl: . HIS LIFE .VH RLEO OUT. A Workmate la a Nudes Me/leery Killed Is a Terrible Mauer. Mo'Ttwr., Sept. 20.-A horrible acct dent took gime at the St. Lawrence sugar refinery. Henri Delreau was in the act of wiping off the shafting in one of the rooms of the refinery, when in come masuer the begging lie was using fur the purpose caught his wrist, throwing him forward. In front of Delman stood • centrifugal dryer about two and • half test in dia- meter. This is run at • terrific rata of speed which is necessary for the drying process. I)ebsau was thrown head fore most into the dryer and in an instant the life was whirled out of his body. A brother workman, Eustashs Quellette by name, was standing beside the dryer at the tiros. In the whirl which sent Debean into eternity hie fest came in contact with Quellette's hip, knocking him down and severely injuring him. D)ebesu was con- veyed to his home and an inquest held. Qneilett• was ouuveyd to Notre Dame hospital Debate had a wits but no child- ren. A Series. Stablidas Array. LONDON. Ont. Sept. 11.-A di.turbraee was created at the U. T. B. depot on CIar- epee street, during which Wallas. Temple was stabbed uuee in the left Uremia and once iu the leg. He was taken to the hos- pital in the ambulance. Theyouogg fellow is resting easily at the city boepital. Still he is not out of danger. He has about an was chance of recovery. The police claim to know little about the affair, and no arrests ham been made in oonnection with ft Temple le a son of Peter Tempi., U. T. li engineer. -- A Buildetee Siad V.H. HAMILTON. Sept .. -James V•Ilan .. builder of 18 Piston street, wide working on • rafter on the Willialuetu's grain warohou•e at the fent of Bey street, fell 115 fon to the door Ia•loe. Hie herd was fearfully gashed awl he probably sustain d internal Injuries of • serious nature. He has been nneos•sbw• alam he fell. Mr. Valance is 00 years of age. Two ties AMIN at Sedbary. Orrawa, Sept 18. -Mr. James Mc- Arthur, manager of the Canada Copper Company mines at Sodbury, writes that on Saturday lost an aceideot neenrre.l whereby two sea were killed. The sad resident was °ceado ned by the falling of the roof of • shaft Inspector Sleight will make the necessary investigation on behalf of the Government. Collided With a Derailed Oce; BC./•t°, Sept. 11 -A derailed ear wee struck by a freight engine oe the West Shote railroad 7 miles seat of hew yetis day. The ear wee shattered end tie ae- gis esti sieve in. Head brakensaa Shen - se who wee In the eab was so badly in Jared that be did within • few .instss. Fireman Luddites wee badly Wowed. Ol•rgod Wier a News Oamw Wmtsna, Oat. Sept. St -Charles S impeon wee meted Is. Detroit by Deem - liven Searle and Wolff sod brought to Wisdoms. Yesterday he was tallest is Chatham is .sews M the 'harp of wim- Maly anraNleg a I4-yaw-eld maned gill etc Saes glass rhea • year ago. TO M HANDED 0EP. 1♦ Jesapat Tvese y. the ms.d see ea ossa Wield* Ltadaay. tteresaeeiL N tattst,et Sept. /M. -Joseph Truskey. who was found guilty of the murder of Constable Lindsay of Tilbury Centre us May i lase, was woteueed on Saturday to be banged in Sandwich Jail os Deesmber 14. In pronouncing sentence Mr. Jambs Hoberesoa told the pilaster that be said hold out no hope of executive el.meney, slid that he had better lose tor time to pre- paring e►paring himself for the tate that awaits blur 1 hte is the Ant meteor,. in which Mr Justice Robertson has sentenced • prisoner to death and he followed the Nordin* of other judges of late in not donning the 1 lack cal.. Whet. I ruskey was .earehed before be lug cuuveyed to the cells then were found ou hie persists over two plugs of tobacco and a sharp steel tustrnmeut The discovery staggered the jailer and his assistants The prisoner had evidently been tampered with iu the afternoon, and these articles conveyed to bias. As True key nearly killed himself when arrested, and as be has wreni times since been beard to express his determination to defeat jwtiue, the steel ,instrument could have been given him for no other purpose than that of self-destruction. Truakey's victim was Ktlliaut Lindsey, • constable of the county. Uu account of t he brutal killing of a horse the prisoner was obliged to pay a fine of $60. It was Constable Lindsay who laid the charge. Up to the time of Use murder, the prisoner entertained a feeing of spits against Lindsay. The prisoner time and time again made threats against the life of the constable. Truster came out of a hotel at Cumber un the •veniug of May i, and fired three shots at Lindsay, who was about 20 feet away. Trn.ky then fled from the scene of the crime to his home, tout wiles awe>. The next day whet the constable* went to arrest ham, be made for the wools, and when sur- rounded he fired a shot at his own txeast with the saute revolver which killed Lind- say. Nearly a Tatar Accident. Tow'cr.,, Sept. 24 -What was nearly a horrible accideut occurred on Saturday when • motor and trailer jumped the track on the Gerrard street bridge and nearly went over. The motor, No. 370, iu charge of Motormait Davis, with trailer 172 attacuel, was going east at a fast rate down grade. When tuey got *boot 30 fest on the bridge they jumped the track mid struck the slight iron tailing at the side. Only the weight of the trailer kept the motor car from ,cutt.g clean, over. As it wee it hung ten feet over the side. There were only three passeug.rs in the motor car, and they, with Motorman Dara and D. Duncan, another street rail- way man, who was betide bis, se -aped unhurt. The distance from the level of the bridge to the ground below is 40 test. Mr. Newsome Acquitted. B.►vet.u, N.Y.. Sept. 24. -Thi grand Jury on Saturday failed to find • true bill against Marclay Newsome. the Toronto typewriter agent, whore case was present- ed for having brought his stenographer, Lillie Flannigan, hen under contract Inspector d. Barri le very much annoyed over toe oat/MN on the este. Nr. mereter Dying. Mowr•gat., Sept 24. -Hon. H. Messier, ex -premier of ($Stabber,, is in' a dying coo - dittos. He was so low yeslsrday that the family thought the end had come but hs improved slightly towards eyelids . Tended Takes a fleteaMy. Westminster Gazette : A report up on insanity in Ireland, which was recently nosed, enumerates •moss the ceases et mental failure, the msutntiow dietary of the poorer population, tending to produce anaimma and eoo.t.tuitonal weak- lier which favor the development of scent.• loos and necrotic disease, ted the immoder- ate use of certain nervous stimulants, par- ticularly tea and tobacco. " Whsle the moderate or of properly prepared tee," the report add., "is regard- ed as innocuous or even beneficial, is its action on the nervess system, its ill effects when decocted er overlent/1m1, en person who make it their staple article of dietary, ate dwelt on by almost all the resident med- ical superintendents in their several reprrta. Undoubtedly, the method of preparation adopted and the excessive use of this article of diet. now so general among our poorer pepulauen, toad to the pr due - tion of dyspepsia, which is its ten sada to . tet of stents( depr.Mdoa highly (Avondale to the production of serious forme of neur- otic disturbance. The excessive use of to- bacco, also especially among the young, whether by smoking er ',hewing, in the opinion of certain of our medical superin- tendents, act., though perhaps is • minor degree, injuriously on the nerve centres. I. missy para of Ireland it has leen found that bread and ter have bees substi- tuted for porridge and milk, and for pota• tor. also ; that the tee used is generally of an taf.risr quality, and the method of pre pennies ls to put • quantity in the tee pot early in the morning and to allow it to stew daring the day, water being added as required." Me Was Noe a eiraae. Tb. fair plaintiff's coeaeel in the breech o f premise ism thought that he would maks life • harden to the unfortunate young man who was the unwilling defead e at. "Doves wee to say," be asked, after • lot of esbarr•saiy gseatioaa, "that after you had baa almost for an saline sleuth you did not him the plaintiff, to whose yes were engaged to be married, when you fret saw her eyour retureY' ' I de," responded the dele.daat, Aral " Will you make that euteams to the tun r " Certulely. if necessary " " Do yea this! they would believe you •' " Ow of them would I know." " •Ib, indeed ! why should he s'Isms hwee proses wham Ifirst saw her. He was at the gate when i rode up, sad she a s& bar head out of the emend w ary window, sad I asked her " Hew d'ye de r sad said I'd be bask to sapper is. half as Ibsen. raw streak" Led everybody a the sort mailed ex- empt the bolster. A Keene lady A lady eased lire T. C.M. HmDs ir linvklesg le Soma, Ont. who used ew(y Iwo el Mwbry'* Slimy and Liver Cure, bag lwwsrd.d a shtsaeat to the .fest that it enmplstely eared her of is g•aestory rhiry Mand liver us tremble'. Bha iliisaMes Si &sane yielding se middy to We seedy iewY eneesage eirar ssils.a S. glee It as basset tete( WM kr Tia cellar. Ode $1 a yemr. Cottaieme. isn't in it. It. sJ just be. cause ere is no lard in it -that TTOLENE' file neve shorttnin3 i• •o worts erfub pox. ular with housekeepers. CTTOLINE is putts, DELICATE, HEALTH- fuL,S1TIsrYINCr- none of the unpleasant odor hecessarity Connected with lard Sold Inland a pound palls by all grocers. Mads only by The N. K. r blank Compal wetlt.gt.aaM te••e FIGS AND THISTLES. Hope can die while love lives. All lost sinnerwill go to the same plan • The law kill., but Christ is the resurrec- tion. Christ was (:ods idea sf what every man should be. Faith never takes • step without first looking up. I:od pubs a good man where he seeds him the most The love of silver is still making many • mean betray Si. Lord. Doe't forget that your soul may be lost if you lose your temper. Norway Pisa Syrup strengthens the lustre and cures all throat troubles, eourtis, colds, etc. 1 m As long an tin:traction of • tithe is kept out of the storehouse the windows of heaven cahoot open. Hagyard's Pectoral Il•lasm cures coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. 1re Kill the lion of temptation, and the next time you pea that way you will find Its mouth full of hooey. Signe of warms are vari•ble appetite, itching at the sous, etc. Dr. Low's Werra Syrup is the hest worm expeller. lm Dyspepsia arises from wrest action of the stomach, liver and bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters sores dyspepsia and all diseases Kris. tag from it, 99 tines in 100. r THEY" - ARE PLEASANT TO TAKE Y E T POWERFUL TO CURE unaar'111VEN LOLUICIS. 25 °OITA A BOX. They do net na..eate or rack are: weaken the syrem Slatplhaad other purg.t..et out they tone up the Ser and snwscb, and Rive Ibemssaciem rreegth t,, do their w eh naturally and well. They core (.... st mien. I tyspe. i., Indigestion, Heade. he, seas, PurplesSa:leaness anti all dilemma uissq front Impure blood, w slut,;i.h bver. Ask leer rtr.ap.e Ise Ttee1. PLANING MILL. ESTAlLl$ MSUIIit. Buchanan. & llhyllas MANlrraortrr as SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers I. all klads et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's' malarial et Ovary descrlptice School Furniture a $pecialt'. Isnallewes• API. air PATENTS OAMSATIL Te, ewer fpsr.ws bV s r tyw of ` hs $cientifit Amtrirzn PATENTS! CAeEAT1. TaaUE SIS *S 111111111111111 Ubua N •rd aB buslasse Ila the V. e, Passe USes attinded tscy ue rA1aMDIR4 rs lyse Our is sve.Mte the U. IL Palest W- ase, rad wi w ebtale Faeroe to IOW elms has these -semmiette from WA 11Illrfk OwlAfrl»1L 0$ OII/ WINS. we ad- Wes d.vise ea to we11 qrisiulbrd*r_ pv . e 1 ta,s ~M sse atsb w este DSL. WIi ogim.asfut 14;$ 1auir• a • ping Rodlldlio1L the FoUoio Geeds: A Good 35 -inch Cotton, 10 yards for 40 Cents. A Heavy Sheeting, 36 inches wide, 10 yards for 60 Cents. An Extra Heavy Sheeting, 36 inches wide, 10 yards for 75 Cels. Chinelle Curtains, $14 for $10.50, $10.00 for $8.00, and $8.00 for $6.00. ladies' ('apes. $5.00 for $3.90, $3.75 for $2.90, $2.90 for $2.00, and $2.25 for $1 50. A lot of Colored Dress Goods about half price, from 8 cents up. Good Colors. 11 short ends of Carpet less than wholesale price. Fast Color Challies at 5 cents. Art Muslins at 5 cents. 500 YARDS OF 121-2 CENT FAST PRINTS FOR 10c. Ladies' Real English Balbriggan Vest, I'iSe., for 57e. 3 pairs Fant Black Cotton Hose for 25 cents. Ladies New Fall Mantles in stock already, direct from the makers. New York styles. No Mantles in the Trade tit like them. Also new Fall Dress (roods. COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. Headquarters for BOOTS AND SHOES. Having received a large stock of Boots and Shoes for Fall wear direct from the leading manufacturers, we are prepared to give the people of Goderich and surrounding country first-class goods -lower than the lowest. Remember we will give you good solid leather goods at the price that is usually charged for shoddy, and being practical shoe makers, know a solid shoe when we nee it. We have a large and varied stock to choose tram and feel confident that, we ems Own Toe in quality, fit and price. Call and res us. No trouble to showgood.. The old reliable stand -- W. SHARMAN, Jr., Successor to E. D0%,11,16. N. B. Custom work and repairing promtly attended to. NEW 2.42NES -IN-- ==ss 0-00=8 Now arriving and to arrite, and although I do not `indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality considered. I need not enumerate the different lines in Stock and to arrive in due course, but the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the best Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cas basis. One of Inc Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian N avy Serge, hard finish, at a Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade. leasseettes Wadly Mlielted. S Per Cert. eeseeeal rev feel. A. MUNRO, 1064 Draper and Haberdasher. Choioe Family Groceries The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R.W. RQNCma TS, ataaM.e Mswst. Seder's& SPECIAL NOTICE Our Stock of BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE For Fall trade Is sow eosplete. Lanes' Genuine Steel Barn Door Hangers and Track , T Strap and Screw Hinges in all Sizes. err EEL, NA-I_Ls. W Bay a Peer Nag wbu you eo eel them a.4. from /Orr RAMC STIR!. et a very resp says... In Pales, we bare thea ds all Mna WE ARE HRADQUART ES FOR Portland Cement, Hydraulic Cement, Calcined Plaster, Roofing Pitch, Building Paper & General Hardware. DAVISON & CO., Meller TO rL P. mined Subscribe for "The Signal" --$i & year