HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-27, Page 6Paris 1 ryes sad Insert reader. ti THE SIGNAL': GODERICH, ONT', THURSDAY, SEPT. 27. 111914 TO MV DAUGHTER. Q l s ate, 4asghter, a) dearest. With your wades earl beautiful carts, Awl your laughter. the brightest and cleared'. 0 gra weft and gayest of girls. ate your hands that ars softer thea ram AW your Up. that an lighter than tlewen. Anal tliat innocent brow thatdteolosss A w...1on. more luw►ly than .err.. With yew. looks that ssrwaoer, or .ratter 1a r tt.•.avu,l tto r, ural gleam,. Aad those feet %h..... l ...,act u. oi. patter I hear aud remember to dream.; With your Hunner of motherly duty, _ W'h«n .,w play with )uur dole evil ere grime With your wonder, of gv-erh. and the beautj In )our .nils uuprnou. c) faro, a ben 1 Twat you w eilyrrh ringing Stour ..,Louie from rhaml,1 or flair. %lieu you run to me, k(.atng Sad clinging. en r dtant, w nail) fair: 1 tend like as ogre above 5.u. 1 hut) guy tare is, ) Mir .'ui.: 1 fold you. 1. temp )ou. I lot yo.. 0 halo. d,ud•rn btu -..•a. ••t ►,r1e. --Archibald Letupmat.. in Youth', t'onnlaniuo. A NARROW ESCAPE. sad suite of the Imperial (mown Prince gathered a the centre of the fore- ground. orsground. The saluting guns thtutdered, and the sir throbbed to the measured cheering of the whiten, as the stalwart old monarch of the Teutons galloped across the sward. greeted his son. and then rods slowly along the sorrted num. An the princes of the Herten empire followed the pair—q great Inas. of gorgtouwees. The fufantry- marched past to the musk of the massed bonds. the cavalry charged with flashing of sabre awl thunder of hoofs end three the hoods of colnrnn: etruck through the •ltd" ^' •�- u em de Boulogne i» Out , did Mow that 1 wee dono be a danpe,uw reel neetunUM leasee(. from which rose fierce yeas of 'Preteens'," ••1 o. bon''' etc. Thr nearest radicals clutched and buffeted we, while those in the .•nowt ting were stnkiug at iuv bare bead with their .tieke I wale no resistance. but simply tile.) to burr through and get free. The people were so compacted abort me that they had no space to maul me badly. Bat the throng grew denser. 1 was being crushed. and wy heal was ewiuming because of the blows trout the ♦ticks. I made • wrench o.; nue side anal p ,t my beck atonal a dtrectiou of the Porte Beattie the gate of entry. Traveling swiftly and by a more direct rugate. 1 t.ttchwl the Arch of Triumph in advance of the heads of the marching columns. Staying to witness the review hal thrown me much too late to bee a historic feat. It was that of a yuuucc Bavarian. who, with six troopers had heated the first entering detachment He leaped hie borne over the ehaihs surrounding the arch. and rude under the structure c.utttewurat- ing M, Many French victorue' Hours ago the qua)rterwasters had gnietly twine in with their escort*. end by this time. lied finished the task of chalkitis on the doors of the quarter to be occu- pied the sI*ittc detail of men which each home was to aeeonto• date Ahettll down the Champs Elysees were long litres ot ca- valry horses standiug at their picket linea ptill ambito'. while the troopers. sword on thigh. lounged about or sat oh the doorsteps. taking in Perils accord ing to their relate. unemotional wont. The windows of the houses in the ('hatupi Elyeet•* were fairly occupied. though sk'anely any respectably dressed Frenchti)en were abroad. and no ladies. But on the broad sidewalks swartued tattent.innl. in gamine in wild profusion —y enng-safrole of extraordinary part t..tuine, faculty. yelling like demons, and emittin: froth time to time a con carted shrill whistle that killed or .1is- corle.] the mesio of the Teuton bands Already the versatile rogues hail learned to mimic tate harsh words of comwaud• and the mem-what clumsy gesturer of the soldier). The impudent varlets hal, thus early ganged the temper of the hussars who kept the ground. whom they mocked without ceasing. in appar ent asieurancr of impunity- As 1 eanut• ere.* down the maul avenue of the ('harupr. Elg'xeet• in advance of the tier - man infantry. I met the Cruern Prince of Shinny the• commander -in chief of the Army of the Meese. riding at a walk toward the Arch of Triumph. During the last three , months of the siege of Paris I had for the most part lived in the Prings he•d.luerter+, ani' hal exp•rietiee,) kindlue+M•s at his hazels. 1 hal ls*•u anxious to &`.)Lain p ertlti,esicli te telegraph c.pioa.ly in. the evening from the army oftire in alit forest of Montmorency. and as he pulled up with a cher-ty greeting 1 took the opp.'rtun its to ask the favor. A short colloquy .on the •nbje ct ensued between hint and hi+ chief ..f staff. with the reeenit which 1 had holed Then the prince and his staff ruff. on. I .trolling downward to wend the Place :1e la Conn:nide. Snl- lenli• there was a clatter of galloping hoofs ou the asphalt. and Count Vitz- humt. an aide de camp of the prince, reetted up hie Wirer on the sidewalk - front of we, bringing from his highness the courteous uie•ssage that my 0111 seat at the healquart.rs table was still being kept f..•r we Right from the arch l had ole ervwl three or four persons fol lowing Inc pretty ,closely. They. were respectably dreaded. per- fectly quiet. and might have leen either to neat lint conspicnona citizens. or pre- fe.rional spies." They hung about dur- ing uning my brief interview with the prince anal were close rep tdi me when Vitzhnm momentarily 1,1 ..ked the eidew-alk. 1J..wtt the (*Lampe I:lc-sees they kept dogging my herd., and at length. neer the Rued Point. nue of their number. which had considerably increasol, came up to sur H. civilly enough trade the requeet that I should accompany them to a police office in the Faubourg St. Honore. for the purpose of giving an ac count of myself : since, although in civilian attire. 1 had been marked as 1.e tog in euapicious familiarity with -the enemy- " The request etruck me as op portnne. because I had been apprehend- ing dd.nie difficulty in getting out of the quarter in a ieruan ocenpatidn• *ince all the egreases were barred by French troops under arms. As my pasip of and journalistic authentication were quite in order. 1 did not anticipate any bother at the hands of the police. Telling the French person what i was, and showing hien my passport. I replied that I should 1* glad to Accompany- 1 ' • but that I cool! not do so until I hal seen the (fees titan infantry now marching down the ('hampe Etymon. in the full occupation of the Place de la Concorde. and the y:.e • len of the Tnillerie. He how.•el and jo't:e.i hie truants. who. leaving • coupe. in rl me observation `4, tnrmlf. +troll•dl a little way apart to where a group of very.inister looking Frenehtnen st.t.i ah.nit A Merman officer in ('ntn,ssu•r reniform. who Wag Bitting quietly in the saddle ander the ehadew of the crape covered statue of Struibnrg 1 knew the mean. and they knew him. ton Their hirid upward glances at the max sive forst on the great war horse were changed with baleen' meaning Itis march. with a little receptive ge*tnre M his gannfleterl hand. bent over M. q.ldo• I+.w And requested "ttfonsienr" to oblige hien with a light for his cigar. The torn writhed as he compell..i him- *e•If to warily 1 felt *ere that in his hoar? he wished that the Inciter were a dagger, end that he hal the comma* to use it i're•e•nth- 1 informed my friend* that 1 was at their service, and they ow cowled me toward the Rn.Mimic .1'Ang- lai. acme. the neck of which extended a line of French a)Idiere with a *oohing mob I.ehmd it Illy nowt and the (veneer he 1 A brief parley a gap was male and i behind the line end in the very heart of the freers! mob My es oort either abafido ed me or war bras "eel hr.v 1 Mater knew shirk. As I sit by the fine in my quiet roots and recall the epi.o.les of a stifling life. 1 seem to realize that for year, together it was Itttie eL-e titan uur cuutinuuur series of narrow escapes Teen. in not a little bewilderweut. I ask myself which woo the narrowest et the hundred met one narrow eeeapes the details of which rirr up before me as I ponder. Was it my rescue from the broken and battered timber ship. front Quebec. water logged iu grid winter un the Lank. „f Newfonndlauelon that bleak monis.; when the woru and gaunt rem- nant of u• had almielte)e•l hops, and when the gallant Yankee. Moses Taylor. ranged up alongside and took us cog in her lifeboat to warmth. comfort and safety Was it on that eft.•rnon before Sa•rbrack. when icy cuttpatrtvt Batty dashed out into the open in front of the Prussian picket. and opened tire single-handed: on a whole French bri gade- As he weo in the natural course of things.- promptly Ah .t down. my *Scottish comrade awl 1 ran out and brought hue in ithrouyh the gust of chaasepot bullets. Was it ou that lurid afternoon of the straggle to the death between the Pane 4 immune and Mac- Iltabote'e Venaillt•t troops. when 1 was stuck np against a wall to be shot by a Communist thing p.irt y. and fire minutes later melerweet the, same expwrieace at the hands of a Vcreaillist detoehttte»t which hail not t•. flight tie ferocious gentlemen of the Belleville quarter': WM it OD the hillock in front of.Zaitch sr in the Serviau campaign. when for ten minuted lien. D•.cktonroff and my self were the targets for battery of les Man Papilla's Kropp gum. and ween the atmosphere about gab *felnell a chaos .4 whirliug shell fragment's Was 11 ID the Afghan pass, where, as 1 knelt beside a wounded moldier, ',nosing my thutttb on the orifice of his bullet :round that be *honldi not Speed to death. he and 1 were for 6uwe wigtttei the mark fur the fire of the Afridi picket -front the top 01 the overhanging ruck` Was it, again. ou my long. lonely night ride over the Zululand veldt from the lwttletiel•1 of Ulundi, through a country rife with hos tile natures. when I followers a track or whiott an officer and his 'escort were butchered the carne night': ._Put amlelt. Miocene* the carnal risks of battle The eeeapee in action ars• naturally- fro gnent owl narrow. l.ut one to cooter: ,ter of but It very small promotion 1 them. I have had a eau kill. i immediately be hind me. and the bullet that slew him tuned have pawed between my left an.» and my side. That might be calked a narrow escape, but 1 did not know of it until after it happened. Then the axiom that "a mita is as good as a wile' came into force. Atter the attack ort Le il.mirg,'t by the Prussian (Innards. 1 counted fourteen bullet hole: in tis greatcoat of Major von. Alts uck. of the toren Elizabeth regiment . but that gal lent and burly *Oilier. who had shown the way over the barricade, was not in the leant imprewu•d by those evidenced ret the narrowness of his rurpri*iiig immun itv from ,cath., because his escapee was over and past before he knew how close it bad been. in that he differed front the weak nerved Scottish former, who. going home drunk one dark night. rode scrim a crazy footbridge overhanging a pres•ipitont cataract. Returning next day to Wok at the place, he was soacarwl by the il•tnger he had escaped that he diadem tiw spot' i'erhape I way best fulfil the tenor of our ...littera requisi- tion. by narrating an experience, tbronghont which 1 quite realized my imminent danger. and in which. toward its. close. 1 had resigned hope of e*eap ing with life. After the capitulation of Parte. Bismarck instated that part of Paris should be temporarily occupied b; elevation trope. The entry was fixed for the first of Merril, and the force of oocapation was to consist of :10 •110 wen. drawn from the Sixth and Ninth Prus- sian and Eleventh Bavarian corps. When about to enter the French capital, those troops were teviewesl by the v.n arable German emperor From their siege quarters on the Seine A left bank the regiments of the chosen contingent. since early morning hal been streaming on to theLongchawps racecourse. on the edge of the il+ou ole Both -erne They were men with the memories of the hand grapple in the sepals of Worth. of the ravine of (ir*velotte. of tine moody plateau over againxt Sedan They were wen with recollections of the fathom pew. moil and the appalling tuortality of the siege of Meta They hal met Doc rote fierce tattle oft yonder slope of Fort Chant pigmy. and Abney * 15x4 de spsinng sortie from the shoulder of Fort Yaletien Yet they were sten Mirk, hearty and healthy now as it fresh from their home gnarterw From the top of the mill of b.nngchetnen near the i'As rade. I looked .town on the groinal forts atom of the long. giitt.rtsg line fa ing Swart the Seine, with M. Cloud and Mount Yatsrise M the farther dista►r••e 1 beheld the glint of the bayonets, the demist; btttttmer., the shimmer of ser light her, *Id btD,t mid br'sastplatie, the emit MOsn gam itis gnat eta/ street door. Now, for w6 t at wa. worth. my enemies were in my front. In a rough way 1 could box a bit. and I believe 1 spoiled sundry of the nearest faces. 1 know I cut my own knuckles t" the bone. But the thick sticks kept hammering ou any head. bottles began t° tly and at last either a stick or a bot sir felled we t•. the ground. Then guy legs were clutched with dh••utdand yells .f triumph. and 1 found my self being dragged along the getter on my back by genial enthnslast +. who loudly pro claimed their intention of dragging me to an adjacent fountain and drowning me in its basin. t other cheerful pa- triots now snrr,•unletl we. making vig- orous kicks at my body and heal. thee whole soiled person Jumped on ilitY chest. I honestly believed the it was now all ..ver with 'me, and when I felt my mune leaving me 1 had no other thought than that this an. the advance of death When 1 reeoverea conseeeis mess I was lying ou a woolen guard bed. all Ll. oil and utu.l and in rage. sur- rounded by a number of soldiers. 1 was iu a French military post. Its gm - risen heal rescued me at thepoint of the bayonet. ansa I was now their prisoner. They gave uta some brandy. and washed off me s .ate of the,bl.ol anal tuna. As I revived my tiret thought wan to search for my note look. in which I hal wtit- teu out in fall a description of the Long, champs review. To my horror it was gone. along with-rtite coat tail in the awakes of which n had been. While I was internally bewailing myself. a citi- zen in a tine glow ••f triumph rushed ego the p..+t. "Here is evidence that the villain ie a spy' Here are his notes -the lir. he has bean writing about our unhappy Paris' 1 could have em- braced the man. fr-owsy as he was. His face wawa ?Only when in the eialnetet of my heart I otiere•d him a 3 franc piece. The implacable partite accepted it. By and by, under the eacort of bayonets, tor the mob was still dangerous. I was taken. my rags covered by asddiers greatcoat, to the . bureau .1 a sitting magistrate two streets off. My corn paniols in duress wert! a man who bad stolen an ink 1•.,ttle. anti a woman who had been caught speaking to a (termite soldier. t hail no difficulty with his worship. Fortunately my passport and credentials were in a picket ,which- had not been reit from me by the mob. He released me. and with an inimi- table shrug 'and gesture of .elogneut pa triotism begged ref line to excnee "the "Only the Scars Remain," Says$Rx'RT lltusox, of the Janes Kwul, li'OOden !luchiewry 1'o., l'hil.xl(lphia, Pat., w'.a1 crate flee .e. follow.:: •• Amine the ensu; tr.t::noni- ay wloich 1 see i■ regent to /no. tete motto ips .rrfutml1S t tirs, Cleanses' tfi • Wood, etc., nor..•in n,.:aome IL tbaa .toy own cG: '. u'7 yc,irt a.o, at gas a'1 of le ;ream ! 1 ^ t On my leg , w'sica bm:..• . bream+ nista aero:. Ottr Ls .3t;' i . - 111 tan co:bl;.',) it was : 1 the. • a: dieted. - . - but, . Urged lblt� tc try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 ton:: ticr o b,ttl.••, the lows h.-ul..:.:.nal t I to • of he, n troubled tenon. Only the se --re remelts. and the mercury of U:n past, to remiui me of the teed Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done, roe. 1 now ve•it two hnndro Al and sa, • r pounds. and :un in the L i• of, h, • • I (care been on the ros.l for 1'.« , •+t twelve years. hare noticed Aver', apo- saperilla ail...need in all torte et abs United Stater, and n:waya take pleats. ate In tell 'u; what gond it diel#er/Ma Ayer's Sarsaalr!!!:' Prepared ayUr.J.C. Ayr... ,i.•.•;.hens. CiirellOtileriawillcurdyou mo gab good. i. sad l..,u. t would 1.. •.d old Mother Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry es • rebobla remedy that mu &lw•la be depended on to ours cholera. thongs cramps. diarrlua, dysentery. and all Itatssasss d the boosts. It is • pure Extract containing all tee virtu of Wild Straw- berry, one of the safest aril surest cures for .11 .umtter oomplaista, cuiubtned with other tuneless yet prompt curative Valle. well kuowu to iuedtwl memos. The loaves PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. Paderewski, the chrywothemum hatred prince of the plan°, will return to America early to ltecember with a new Polish fan- tasia of his own. Punch's famous artist, George 1)u Maur - ler, whose story of " Trilby" has made him still more tempus, has almost lost the sight ot one eye, and uta only draw with the aid ot the roost powerful gtaiace. 11.e new Lord Chet Justice Russell, who has lust taken his seat, snakes swilling fig• ure on the beech. Clad io a'Irw wMtewi¢ and • brisht gray gown, he is a personifies - tion of dignity. He has takes with him to the beech his famous enud•box. Mrs. Katharine Hoban, of Htihboro', who is lust now to bad with . broken leg. sae boon in Wicklow, Ireland, on ('heist mea morning 112 years ago, before the Treat) of Paris had leen signed or Wath isogon elected President of the United State a. 1- Queen Votori•'s welkin, stick a an in - of Wild Strawberry wire known by the !Mime to be au .acell.st remedy fax diarrhoea. dysentery and loo•euese of the bowels: but medical •cienoe has plowed before the public ea Ur Fowler's'Ext. of Wild little inconvenience.. Ihad experienced, serrating one historically- It is made of on arcoent of the • unnatural ex- oak, cut from the farrow tree of Roscobel, citeuient cif the Pari* populace had tae that sheltered her ancestor, Charles 11., ken a good deal of the skin off me, but •Iter Lea battle 01 Woretater. As • handle it beta quaint dills Isdiar. idol, which Her fortunately had broken no bete.. The Mainly received from the spod of wren'• good magistrate t...,k me to his dressing si v- room. sod lent me a coat lit which to Professor Brutes dhglhetn, the ern known walk to my hotel. to the afternoon 1 painter, of e;erin$ey, died m Munich a few drove to the Crown Prince of Saxony's day's ago. He made • specialty of religious headquarter'. and later the same even- snbecta in his works. For his painting ing started to London with my budget "The Rhnd Women" he received the grand gold medal of the Berlin exhibition. )tis. Choke Sakurai, the brilliant Japan - re. who visited Chicago last Autumn as • delegate from •la n to the W. C. T. U., is of newt=Archtbai.ir Forbes. War Cor- respondent, ter Youth's Companion. Strawberry a complete mud effectual cure for all the dtatrdeutg and often dangerous compluute su aximinuu w tibia change- able climate. 11 has stool the test for 40 years, and hundreds of liver hair been raved by its prompt use. No other namely always The trial of Walker for the Wililar.s visiting Mrs. 1. N. Stereos, of Portland, carder will not come off at the approach- Me. Mrs. Sakurai is the founder of the ing Assizes, . first school in Tokyo for the Christian ed. - Details are to hand of the recent revolt ratio ofeDatii 1 oote hor than as bee. is Hayti The dissftecauu i• curl to b• discovered ir nI',shop Balslet, of Rabe, Dee - Thee spreading. The wr,nten of Leziu,ttou. Ky., are nein' ; mark, the wtho,r of "Luther's Little Cate - every weens to defeat Cel. lirrck.r.lridge ' chum.' A curious critic has calculated at the Peelle. that one single verse of the Lord'. Prayer, ••lave us this e!ay our daily bread," scoots - Mr. Jew 11. Symonds of the Loudon panned by the explanatory remark, "Pray Advertiser died Thursday evening offour that only ac which yea ed." ham bass typhoid fever. I worth 111,Ca to the Riehop. The ti•rike of the Scotch :inners is over, and '!roust teen have voted to raentne work 1 the lilted Whisky Arch. at the old wages. I Black wood's Magasiae : In thee soli - Two men were killed and a score iujur ' tildes of the Hudson Bey country there is ad by • cyclone at Charleston, Mo., on Wednesday night. Burglars stole some f2') or $34) worth of goods tram Key's hardware store .0 Weston on Thursday night A fire in L Taylor's livery at ltranttord Thursday destroyed 12 Horses and consid- erable other property. Two tbonsand buildings have been de.tr4yed by fin at Shun King, • Chinese city, aid over • hundred ley.. last. It... Prof. Jonse has been anpeintea m fill the Provostship of Trinity College until • snredsor is appointed to lh. Body. Fresh rases of fraud upon young Fng- It.hmen apprentisd to farmers are alleged to bare occurred in Western Outerio. If the proposed fast Atlantic steamship Zine wateriaoxes Southampton will prob- ably become the Kngilah terminal port. Nr end Nes J. I'. Fetters were killed at E len, t ehio, by a Wabash train on Thurs- day night• an hour atter their wedding. Ur. George Whitebread, principal of the West Ward school in Kerrie, died sod deny from apoplexy on Wednesday ni,lbt 1!,e ism•ton Board of Health will pro r:.l.• free eseeihatton each year for all tool children who apply for it here- *fter Ex -Premier Mercier ham so fn recover- ed from his anions illness that it le ex ed he will be able to be out in a fe days. Nee (ferry. an el ler,) remoient of Brant- ford, has been nose evenly. Augnet 5, alt#• no trace whatever nodi since been fonnd sl her Three brothers named Beeson have been arretei at Pembroke charged with implica- tion to a series of recent burglaries in that locality The .team herge Enterprise, none.' by Mr Irwin, of Port li•hs,naie, is ashore at Notts Point, thunder bay. She is Mies with whew the ('nsu..,ciat Anise** lnenrarwe Company, of New York. has been r.portd to Ilse Attorn.y (:enteral as beats in • bed .tau dnsaeial:y Joseph L Haycock, M. P. P for 1 Sly bee leen .nsaimonel ee of the Patinas party, is to ..Nd seat soaddli .1 the le te/Mara Cures summer complaint* so promptly. quiets the pew w) rare -Wally aid allays irrita- tion so attmtIsfully ar this unrivaled preacnptton of 1)r. Feeler. If you aro got,g to travel this Summer be sure and take a bottle a'itli you. It overcomes safely cud quickly the du tressiug summer rou,plaint so u(tett caused by r'oan's+ of ear attd water. and is alar • specific ag iust sea -sickness. and all bowie Complaints. Price Sac. Beware of imitations; led subetituky roll by unserupelotesdifil for the sale of greater prudes: - SOME NEW CHINA —AT— Frau & Porici's hi Ste. Carlsbad, Limoges, Royal Bonn, &c. Another shipment of Fancy Baskets. Special attention given to School Books and School Supplies. Any Book not in stock procured without delay. PRa6.13ER & PORTER, 11) si epsia mina from wrong •sties of the stomach, liver and bowels. Burdock Blood Ritter. cures dysp epst& and all dummies aris- ing from it 99 pale is 100. nae denten is the shape of a bird who, a1 - though • thief, i• for men •o.ipa.y's sake welcome around the camp. One or a pair of them will appear from goodness knows where aliest /as moo as the camp fire is li,hteel. This is • small rrsy herd of the magpie order, sari is named the Whisky .lack. Lake a magpie he will steal sod eat' any mortal thing. 1 at is tar more daring in his robberies than any mann, 1 ever tmet. with. The Whisky lark has many notes as M hops about the tress round the ramp, some harsh sad .fey m.lodioes, sad i fancy he could many be taught to talk It used to be were good foe to tie a pad of tat banes rind at each end of a sense asd see the tra- er.odnna sommotiot a brace of W hisby .lacks would kick up when each had swallowed the dalaty morsel at either end. Few cholas marbles. cholera infantile,, cramp, co1e, di•rrlen, deserter/. •aa semmer complaint lir. Fowler'■ Extract of W iId Stara. berry is a prompt, safe sod sura cure that has been a popular favorite for sow 40 years. 7,401...3COD.s SYSTEu RRNOVATOR •Vn d Tana T1UTID natlUDIDA. Specific and Antidote for Metropolitan Fashion Shea. free to Customers. Toe Agents for the Amenca& Frit 1'reserviag Powder and Lo.luma. Leese nanasse s Well Telephone t'.. .derieb. Oat. impure, weak sod impoverished blood, dye prtnie..ieepleeineee. palpitation of the heart, Herr complaint, neuralgia, loss of memory, brouchutta, consumption, gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary disesass, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg- ularities and general debility. LABORATORY, i;OOERIQU, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOU, Proprietor sod Manufacturer. met -rows sorrels RalsovArms era be had tram ell druggists In .w., es well motion sal Ih• drussisu between owe. /Ned sad haturib. Brussels, Durham and T �t 1v. 'NW f! IIP dir ••v V CIGAR.. r Ivis ReaJlr,.• equal to Imported.. . Te by Advice and irk5i5t oar getCn this e 10 Vat SpcoKc r C! (P Patronise True YOU .cannot to better than mer• our BLACKBERRY COMPOUND for Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, and all Summer Complaints. HIRE'S ROOT SEER, LIME JUICE, -- SEA SALT for Sea -Bathing at Home. \V 11 l' kS from 10 eta. to 1,1) cis. WE HAVE THE BEST FACE POWDERS, LOTIONS, PERFUMERY. W. 0. a00DE, CHEMIST. AIs hada Or Els raper& STOVES 1 STOVES 1 - - Competition. CaII and see the fine assortment and low Prices we have in both Tan CANADIAN Painsio RAILWAY , _*ArW has trees eMabtteked to Wel w ,sYUe • ores -eyes eervlee with fair and gee muses esmpstittan. it ie taawed M b.stass prtaclplss sed is the lateisst et w marew- It deserves the sapper% of every panes who believe A oompsWiea. lar quick despatch nee tats cmanear. wee. oossssttag with all Item and sables waste/ Iles.. Canada and lafeps. Meet through wiree to W sante is llertkwe•t.Brttst ON.>•bi$ sad Poe110 coast Olde—eoade hide Wim -m. »f Leen Mlaasaer. rewires$ GU fi C O N STI PATI O N, G'BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA'a ICK HEADAGi4E, ECU LATE THE LIVER. ONE PILL *kin EATING INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. PUCE crs.T.pow 17„0,,1„7, DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU 11111. Caott Sin If you do not want to buy we in- vite you to come in and Look at our Goods. variates f>! a dile tip e••an yrreT. R by be Pse !t- me bar, w laR le m/Itune • OS S.. A. MTH b•*, 0.. Tweed& HARPR & LEE. Sign of the Big Kettle. �O YOV WANT' ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE P R. W. McKENZIE can supply you with • goal article at a low price STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to give me a call. It. W. McKENZIE The Crabb Block, Gederich. Personal ! Spring is at hand, and after Hoessekdsdng you will want a - TEA OR DINNER SET We have the Largest and Cheapest Assortment in Town. Before buying call agarl get price*. 50 - TOILET SETS - 50 New designs to .elect from Inspection invited. Ops. a. litegialf. UNDERTAKERS. J_ 73110P1E-T—E'Y' alb BON HATO added te their prosent baaine= one at B. J. 1 ..h's Latest ERYM of a:y Mama also rhe lined line of funeral furnishings in ihs 'panty. and are sew prepared to conduct funerals at prices r•epilonabl ober This department will be strictly attended to by kis soft in the eoploy of the late D. Gonion for the past WM years, has • harm= ofj the !canine, end 1 y peen It sttentberma be. to share yew el pablie patronage. Remember the ptaes--West t.. as your way to Ms PI° gfllies. Gave U1 a call J. BROPHEY & SON "The ign&r is only $1 a Get it' ifllt►Yil A COTT :!'T T0, T� FRI VO* A T><uL 4