HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-27, Page 3THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT. 27. Inc +� 3 D.SI>vwi• - - c 1110HOL .1 jgD.&-DENTAL Sam Wining. M l rad NNoel emmialirteslit. 614 Ma UR. L RICHARDSON, L D. 11., eureme Ma.fet. am .Nallsed alt ,4.il' 4 - slat aNola. ion glvep to the et glee mar Opera Hosea Leek. e p M. O d.rtolo011ee-U1 1MOQlOILL DR. HUNTS& PHYSICIAalpN. SUR Oracer-Mcirealm Mem- lrfght Oda tressLJena&aaebsye Hood. talo UMEML d/ TAMPION A JOHNSTON, BARRIB- V tem, $SUdesrs, Notaries. 4- . it ...clench. Jord•a's Drug Store. L C & M- takes -Over rION. Q. C.. M. 0. JOHNSTON. omen to loan. 1OFTUS L DANCEY, BAR1U TEK, Ad lotsi(ar. CenY•7 too.. es. Mousy lower Mantra's Meek, tlp- s ice• at rear. puaite Colborne Hotel. Bodonih. Ott. -tf Ll N LE W 18, BARRISTER. PROD- Ontario Marltisie OmensatIIILI he. Leon. u ps.s 4o ar RO. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT . OB. &c. Odes. cat. Square lied W04 der1sh. telegraph pit. street. ever cam rat /wedsOsto lead at lowest rats of lame - 1.1. Wt. - d 'ARROW a PROUDYOOT, BAR- lj Alter.eyyer, aWioltor0. ao.. Bade news, Ica. J. T. °arrow. Q.L. W. Preedieet. LAMER 3N, HOLT HOLMES, trod: Barristers M. 0,Solicitors t ter �• Yea a; 1'..rHa butler Holree. G. WARD. CONVEYANCER, t). tar takint ac...ed emandeeloser .d re- ball. sadavite es.vin,r r coneleasees of at depositions declara- .Mrmailoas, or season tions w IN coneeralne any action. suit or pro - seedier[ ie the Huth Court of Justus& the Court*/ Apt ter Omenn. In Co•aty or ear Dingle* CArt. All tntsaotUS.e a carefulltyy ltsideasi PAX sed elle abd. and Ont. flali-it MODERN PROVERBS LOMY Mel 10/11!•0!16 OUR IrY- IS COATED - YOU ,- ' • - NEEDTHEM EOIUAr'O IIYER SIZINCE!- They are not a cure all, but are Its he. medicine Loess for ailio.enew, Headache, Coo.upetwn, minim, I ndig,s..a., limi.le, Sallaen.as and all die 1r iwn,..e blond .1 ish li.w. d r SEAGER. CONVEYANCING AND %../. *nauseas res. oppenite;MaR16Y Heel Bede.ich. `fONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE Ire. -at be Nous dmoounted. C. per mot. Aloe lce oppoelu Martin's lietel.Bed•- nib. X1ONEl TO WAN. - *2.000.00 1.71 Private rands to nod - 16 se- at pet crest. i..14. ti.a117. Lon ell E. DANCKY, Hertoe's Nook. 0P50010 Colborne Dont- U0404ck. tail LI J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND C • laae MI t at mmee Mout,* at M r' 1 . . North.t w and Bed - H. t 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 'e' CAMERON Hots & HOLMES. Bede - nob. 11115 LowTO LEND.-♦ A R 0 Ii Pelves ruisa artta�vest.eet eseseetot a• Imre* lassMe A e ' �1 BAErOw i PROWD OT R� RADOLIPYK, GENERAL IN - Satanflossy ad LM. Asea. Raab rgs.. ler 1. ow at the west o . Woos. at the lowest tau .>< Sterna b ser war to nil the o0rower. sad door tris Spoors West etret� Bed► me off rt Ina' thlU1uIO. - 1ODE1tIOH ![>OOHANIOS' INIITI- NJ LIBRARY AND READINN- CoWM, ear. of Etat stress ad Square top Open from 1 e from r to 11 r.M. M P.a., mad ABOUT 9000 VOL'$ IN LIBRARY. Leading Doily, Weekly and Iilwareted Papers, Mognriwea, etc., on Ale. MEN /ERSHIP TICKET. ONLY •1.M, enauog free use of Library mad Notatatl'- Room Applle0tlons /.t by sumbenate received Librarian. le repo H. SMiTH. ORO. STITEN. Seutges.n. Oeder(ch Marsh lab Yrs. AU.t1011011WIIIII. THOMAS UUNDRY. AUCTIONEER ad Ioesrsaos Agsst. Ooderbh. Oat. Asset Leedom sad Lanesablr. Tire Ins. Co.. acid Ogre Diann Mutual las Co. Sales at- tended to 1* ear pan of the comity. 15-17 JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUO- ugo.ar Lend vah..or. B.dari.k. and Out. Having bed M o..dde ebls ezperleme the to te anotioasertag trade. he le • polities Neeharee ech estintanlos .n eon sar totemese h him. Ord,se he trusted u at ar.tti.'s hM a sant by mall to Se3orich P. to. l mgettally attended KNOX Cesare A olliener. meati Daatal *aaounoOSOnt. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAID .T rsta MN de ETHEL-OHLODIDE AT IHARDSON DL S. RI�rS DIMS ralaseitaa, OMNI NOISE SUMP VEST-ITIMET IMD)11 L ONT. E1. de ..e unlimited sstlohetlen. after a tossIl tl to tbt tietI& tl stew 0.1000,00 4 that /mires, I have the Le exolt;te v. right to use 1u eaderieh, statins diselerery which le werreaM neves to pale denser e teen of terefh ear sln.ye 1)f k M marl? ewe, mad very Imp, M the este sd slam ext mons Bam-crassORID I . • Mm1 stat .ever same U W d lh bamboos Palest a the es water. ad the beesstet etc. se earth to reader the es Pathan)ston tee.e.-eonellive pd•. e. ms It M Nsvet�0a dtl t�ettlo�4 y .r.ei.. Ns Ra�eo hoteetb of astern SU Natal seperatiuuties s well sad mur IMn•••e 'ry MfeseM..,•,01M eatiesW - INS tf DR. S. RIOHAON. RDS The Comae wee M..ml. . Iridt*tt•p•rlis Journal : Midnight. Th (: The Comatose esesdbeim.r,..s Pork lag - tarn. was li.te.i.g tweedy. The east wee blkies is kis sleep. Tree, whilee. bad •rek..ged her mil - lows for his title she had waived all thought& 11 hue p*.saunat with • wanes's sauna eerie - toy she wishe.l to know for the sake ed kmewl„a_ 14e•thw lessly . hearkened. Frew die lady e chiselled lips sf h.riebserm ie apogee este the weeds : Dollar potter,two for Ov. Nies HowHow'm'' TAIL& p.p1.,er .tfor Ove.' !ems, Pies Syne ores meow airway1111^0%,1111^0%,PPM* beaOrme k a the Mew THE FARM Hones&• fie, Met Why e, $.1i Wave the Meet Otwe at All lhrewtr is How mush of our success in farrier( due to the long auteriug labors of our patient farm horse* Heat», sirs importer* prow- .ry importee that we handle end caro tar thew lin the wrest u,auuer,b,.th fora buwaue 0101•111.1110111I,ted r rt, ., tram • wrernary one *a well, as we w tab to extrud their ported of usefulness as long as possible, anal thereby get as much work unt int them an earl be obtained With gond fwd, re- gularly sui.pli.rl, borer. will Nand .toady work thn,u,th the entero day and yet keep in good condition, pr"vidiug they are out worried by • eselw, u.thoughtless driver. In the first piece the farm horse* should have comforteble sowmudiots stables that are ouul, airy and well -ventilated, Close, narruw Kalb are all abomiu•tiou. Every horse go hand working should at least be .f- lowed a rod wide boa stall 10 which he can stretch out his legs, and rest in mon- fort. Of reuse comfortable bedding should be .applied. Not so heavy a bed- ding is needed 1200 ea m winter, but • thin layer of sawdust, dry loam. or straw is 12..0.1.4 to Ia-resas it an annual to 11. easy, as well as to keep him clean. To keep air of stabled sweet and wholesome, sprinkle ' int little Mimi land plaster oeppu1uuelly. The ha . working horse bsi have lib- eral rata..uo 1 lata r -w best fitted for h..r..-., but they ere a mewhat expensive, and fur show work -nig trrw teams, corn and bran may profitably be compouudsd with the oats, Au excellent ration coin state of one -thiel •* :i. of cracked cora, bran and oat. ( if this combination, the lana Horse may receive twelve quart. per ut day, or tor quarts muralno ° un and night It b • mistake to vett a an ail day, arts Owe tura tis wt way hes- try to pasture by the roadside, to gel his living. Thus the p...r beast. must work both night and day By all mere feel the grain retool first, with a little good hay o: tut grass, then if • cool pasture is available, the animal may b e turned fere to rest in the open air. Regular, tboruu_h groumiug, ai.d well- oiled- properly -fitting bemires .re fur- ther items upon which the good condition of the farm team depends. (,rooming 1. the egatv•leut of A certain guautity ofsa grant. and is it out regnabl. that • horse .. u whoskin krps pars, •tnl the pores unclogged, ahold be m..10 healthy said vigorous and capable of performipr more work than one that received no attention in this direction? Then there is no gsesti ri but what • s harnethat is pliant end supple from re•ar solar applications of oil, is fad to last longer and hear inse heavily upon the horses than one that is hard and stiff turotyeh neglect. A well-oiled harness st meat. lechaAn:, fewer galls and .ores 1n conclnsiou, it may be repeated, teat ar our fm hones deserve all the kindness and tare last can be given them.- M. S nor Perkins, in Ohio Farm shinsIt shins limit. This gate hits my idem of one that will shot itself and open each way better than ezv-I MVTRt0 0 1 AT any I ever saw. A shows the irons for the upper hinge, B shows the lower hinge, which has double pinions. while C shows dr the catch Weo Into the post with the spring. Te open and shut itself the gate most be hong about four niches out of plumb, baying the lower binge, B. project out from the port that much farther than the upper one. 1t shuts then just like • wagon rolling down hill. The lower hinge, 8, must be eight inches from slot to slot. J. J. Wagner. In Orange Judd Farmer. A lNettet'. ravea..Igaslee.. Heinrish. • Gorman scientist who has OO given IMderahle study to the methods of applying communal fertilizers remedy tested the eomparatdve value of mixing fertiliser with the coil and simply applying It to the surface. He experimented with te amm sulphaof oniamood, ground meat. mood bone, pulverised leather. dried blood and he a. ground horn. Tcrop grown err oats and with two .ze•pttons (snlph.te of am- monia and pulverised leather) the plants d',eloped more vigorously where the for tillsen had been mixed with the moil. F -aa oept in the ease of sulphate of amammla awl ground born the yield of both straw wadhe .r n and grain waoti.sably larger when t /ertlliswemixed with the soil tine sto when spread on the memo. iso. - re pastogathe yield wee fully othird greeter. It apiaries es then that a rale the results favor the mixing of the fertilizers with the Boil. This condition of affairs appsre.tly lead. to pruduo. 01,1forst distribution. She O0/aen for the Table. There M no sale for wetness In the city markets, yt if the consumers In MUM were aware of the luxury of eating gainer then would be a demand greater than meld 0. supplied. it flesh le what may be termed a "gamy- sever. end it 1. well fund silk meat, especially on the breast and thighs in feet, a bird that M sin aides and *kWh seem it• wings and the legs without rent from early In the morning until late, meet necessarily be covered with muscle on the breast and thighs. High prime are paid for prairie boa and .xher game birds •h0 ars In no teamster 0.pnrloe to the guises, and *biel. do mat arrive im market In as frogs ooedltton es would the goon if it was ea ordeals eseght So far as the tee star le .am meal, 0. man et lead tee them ria his ewe taint tad .teed le allow ate sit; pestle le have theadher Owls. -Mk- tor .mel OYsmR THE OLDEST SROTHERS. Silber ferrry P0riare*. Wh.m. yes Wit ar+s....11 Mesh*. A 1(aediag, P., despatch eay i Lying at Cern, Berk. Oirety, .re tires hark. ere brother& They are Chi Mee. Winter Winter, aged W years; Beajltak. Winter Wilbur, aged 92 years, .•d Abraham Winter Winter, aged 86 )sera There are • trio of hal, and hearty old mien. All are shoemakers by trade. Their father wee • shoemaker, and hie seem gees ail learned the mane trade. They have always heed at Cesare, but ter years the three survivors base Dot mended or made shoes and boos. The father was amidst. in the Revolution - ray win, .ad the three veteran immigrant many tales he told Mem of the privations be suffered dotting that Artie struggle. Their mother's exudes name was 11' aster, anal the sees all took her mom for • muddle n ame. The wives of the three breathers died years ago. Christian us the oldest iaan au Berke rainy, and It is believed that their .ggregau ages, 271 years, exceeds that of any three ►,01140 s ID P0.seylyania Marriage ser Meng tinea. This is • true story, ted one that will apply to Nary miner young men besides this particular uric. It is • great pity that this is true, but so it M. A prosperous business mea who employs quite a number of clerks, said recently that be had been led to the conclusion that the young mac she saved and layered his earnasrs was an enoeptioo to the rule, He w•a surprised to find this to be true. The taco came out when he began reducing his working force as business fell off. The 8nt to be .dropped were those who heti no family depeodiug upon them. Them it was that they would confess they hadn't eared • dollar, ted had no means whatever upoo which to live. This same man also •beerved that the married men nearly all bad saved some. thing, notwltlst•nding their salaries were Do larger, and in some cases lees, than those drawn by stogie men. By quirz1Dg these young bachelors be found that riotous living was the pnncipal cause of their poverty. Some of them gambled u• the quiet, and others lust nat- urally !et ,t go right and left as long as there was any to go. From this be concluded that marriage le • very rood Ming for • young man provided he marries • erosible, practical sort of • woman. Hereafter he proposes to give married men the preference because, in so doing, he will be helping those who are walling to help themselves .w Bargees T..1. are Made. Every little while the police arrest • man with • kit of burglars' tools in his perva- sion, and one naturally worden where they all come from. it is easy to buy a gun M any description, and the most reputable citizen would not be ashamed to be ern purchaslog the must wicked -looking knife ever made : but who would know where to get • dug shot, or • Jimmie, or • device for drilling • safe, or any of the many tools used by the prof ssionel burgle in the pur• suit of his calling ` There probably are places is many large tinea where thew tools are made 'and .old to the users, but such places ars scarce. (fur as • whale the polio, had such • factory, and then things go bard for the proprieters. It may seem • hole strange to learn that snout of the tools used w burglaries are made by mechanise *no are looked upon as respectable man in the oom.uarty. %S h.o a burglar wants ry particular tool made be gone to • nosebanic whore do the job, mad pay, him psrb•ps five times what .it is ameally worth for waking the tool mad keeping still about it. To Loewe nes. In reply to • reporter'. question : "Whet would be your advise to a young nun just starting out in I.1e t" Col. Ingersoll rays : " I would say to him : ' Be term to your Wal. Cultivate your heart and brum. Follow the light of Tour reason. d*et rill the bappinese out of life you possibly Ian. Ib not care for power, but strive to be use- ful. First of all, support yourself so that you may not be • burden to others. If you are successful, if you gnu • surplus, use it for the gain of others. Own yourself and hire and die • hoe exam. Make your home • ►eaves, love your wife mad govern your children by lindens. Be good natured. ebeertul, forgiving and 4goerous. Find out the oonditioas of happiness, and thea be wise eero.gh to live in accordance with them. Cultivate intellectual hospitality. express your honest thoughts, love your friends and be just to your goem1M.' ' Two et ■ and. He win the eon •f • worthy Maochester citizen, and had just returned from college. His father was • brogan*, matter -of -far mss, who had o* liking tor anything pro- . oun..d, and he noticed with marrow tbal hie son had returned with the latent thing is sonars. and various *.signs• of • duke- dom The old 7.atl.stim surveyed him eritieelly whets he appoar.d in hie ofio.,and thea blurted ems, "Yea man you Ieok like as ,dot." Just !at that moment, mod Infero the yearn man had time to make • fitting reply • friend walked is. "Why, beat, Billy. have you returned! " he asked. ",,Dear me, bow mock you re- m. our mNfather." " So he has beim telltale -m•," replied And from ghat ;da� this the old gentleman has had no fault to had with his e on. • Sera N ■ The bwiness mem suspected that me of hie clerks was doing more tainting the. wee good for him, tied he sent an old em - payee to isertig.1.. H. ewe. his re. port very �`yt T-,1 Wes .etdw empkyr, • what did • "That he bob some." "A groat deal r' only • little... "How do yes knew!" "Well,' asked hat about a muse of poker he est is the.igbt betas., and be said,' Yea, i was there and I wee 186. " "I should say that banned he was very keep ie it," exelalmod the horrified empley- •r. "Quite the .osWsry dimwitted the Mw - Mester. "if b hod Leen as it very leen be *ever would haw, said. .1 wee 106,' but 'i win Mb.' That's the eel; geemiss sig. el • veteran et the bait..& Peas 0me.rel. The make s0armty wee Weise the 8ni.h- beg te.eheg M bar tiler "1 have and • Seethe of go.me s," eh* '1bprefeeimal besot; bum her earns' lag Wes over the gas perk "1 mm set 'embed," .he ...w ..I. "after Tee did the v.mithtsg lady set ee The bless es the mins' leer Mooed A pima swMine • mile of wire. A flask el liaktdag, it le said. Neale 14,. 000 hems power. Dr. Lew • Pleasa06 Worm Syrup ramseyee warms .1 •Y Weds (rem Millirem or adults Reerait far the Chimess army may not be salmissalmisam ▪ ad salmis they u leap a dire► as lest mike. Every year the Krog Ire Italy 1.0025es • present of 10,000 picked cigars from the tam parer .f Austria. .smoke Derby Pies M.oktog 'Tobacco, b, 10 and Z) poet plugs. Take ou other. " Cake " maks tt Sinn., the hied star, sow in tae amend - mit, N compelled to he 100,000,000,000 pules diet.nt from the sun. A small beaus -power sect? which m said to mato :orty-two elgarettes • minute is the trio 02400 of •'rms.:hmaa. A bullet frost tree of the new rifles is me nu the Igals . many will pretnuiesinches et solid ash at • os'am of three grrten of • mise. The lea! of • cocoanut tree is nearly thirty feet lung. A uncle lest of the parasol os guar of Ceylon ►Hurds shelter tor *thorn or twenty persons. l.teuteoaot Remise, of the French navy, h0.ins rusted a rumor which dimes •era) with • steersman, as the Dump•.. .teen the vessel itself. There s • great danger from lead pour - tag on bottles which have been cleaned by shot. Cleats .and forms an excellent and safe substitute. Smok• Derby Plug Smoking Tobacco, 5, 10 and 20 oast plugs. Mad, only by It Ritchie & Co. the only urgent/ad " Caton " plug tobacco factory an 1'rade. tf The tensile etr.ugth of wrought iron rods varies as the .quare of the diameter. A one itch rod will support 7,000 pounds arid a two-inch rod 28,000 pounds. bore people laugh to .how their pretty tenth. The use int Ivory White Tooth Pow- der makes people laugh more than ever. lt's so nice. ('rice 25c. Sold by druggist The .old is .0 intense In northern Sabena that the earth never thaws to • greater depth than 111 feet. Bodies buried at • g reeter depth tendo perpetually troi en The 4,0101an Emperor, in spite of his lame and useless arm, is an excellent horssmi.. His attendant have to help pini ins the saddle, but once there he can master any horse. 1,r. Fowler'. Extract of Wild Strawberry cures daarrb"-•, dysentery, cramps, colic, cholera morbus, cholera infaotum, and •11 looseness of the bowels. Never travel with- out Its price 3o.. 2w Nearly ev.ry Jpaper has • "prison editor." Fw infriction of the publication lawn somebody must go to jail, end so the proem ed,ter's chief duty a to expiate the oewspipet 1 offence by languish - any m a cell from researches on different method.. 1 preparing food, • physician has proved Chet both beef aid Mb Ida more digestible as the raw .tate than cooked, that beef is generally better digested than fish, and that fish is more digestible smoked, than in any other form. Ayer'. Sarsaparilla as not a secret pre- paration. Any physician may have the formula on application. Th. secret td its success as • medicine hes in it sxtr•er• disary power to cleanale the blood of im- purities sod cure the mast deep seated ars of blood -disease Cool mining -at least in the North of England, is • much less unhealthy occupa- tion than might be eupposuid. Coal-min.re, according to the former president of the British Medical Aseoeiation, have an .ver - age of three years longer life than the ag gregate of Koghshme., eight years lodger than the Cornish miners, none years longer Gar the South Wales miners, and enly one year lees than that of the meo of the health Mat distrota of the kingdom. Science says that beauty is not .kin deep. She or tell you that half the charm of • pretty face •t least the expression is • matter .f Bole muscles and a complex laby- rinth of nerves. That the curves of the lips, the riance of the eye.. the droop of her, are • :natter of the prevalent use of certain .mall muscles as obedience to • pre- valent aspect of the mind. More -..r, that the use of these organs of expression has tome down $weetral hoes, and that the m-uld of the features themselves r • ques- tion of heredity. A egotist died In • rural town in England • few days ago, atter spending over fifty years in pulling the molars of hi. fellow- atitres He had toed. it • hobby to keep all the teeth whi.h he had drawn in the course of his proteesional career, and took great pride is the collection. Wb.o his will was opened ,t was found that he had ordered the collection of teeth to be placed with him in ha coffin for burial. His heirs fulfilled his commacd, and almost 30,000 teeth were put into the coffin with the dead dentist. A statistician bas been studying the effect of comfort on longevity. Hie tables .hew that the richest people have as average life of 62 years, the middling of 46, .mel the poor of enly 414. A well-to-do non is as liable to infectious diseases as • pauper, while diphtheria, croup. whooping sough, and starlet fever are mare pnvellelt amoe( the rioh. Consumption and pr.u.neeis chiefly ol•is:the peer, who .re oempare• Wooly fres frees brats fewer. Cellar dwellers are far more subject to disem.s them those who live obese groomed, creels is diphtheria sod scarlet fever; .or de them diseases sewn greatly dvmsed by over. erowdieg in te0•0tgo4, Tei -drinking is rapidly browsing • vies •.ee.g British working woman, shad It bas remestly Ines gown by lbw Winifred Ellis that the .Meesble ooadiefen of Me workers ia the Slate quarries at Merioneth i. very lamely dee to the inordinate 000.umptl le et tea by the Ines, as well as the same., of the dketri.t The teapot is in u•. all day long, anal appease at every meal, and el - though flim Ellie has herself held cookery .0...s in this miming district, she found it istposeible to wets the pear from imoeneot tea -drinking or to pomade them to um • utritbus feeds. There amts he .o doubt Him the indiyeetioa sad mama from wht.h werkgirle god servants so frequently suffer i. largely dee to i.erdiu.te 1 sou *mp- tion. in most workrooms .ad kitebees the teapot M in oensts.t rgaisitioe, .rd ite ef- forts, if I.m orrehl.g than those of the hear -ems, are hardly nese din epos the health. Mee Mttus Core Menrs.e.. St. Peel Meter PRIM: Stex'tt FAWw, 8.11., Aug. 913 -W. L Ju..., • tartest liv- ing • few tones Teem tows, bas lost nese- geed his hearses M • meet remarkable tes.• e ar. Five years • . be balsam ver; deaf, and dace thea, though be bee tried various ki.d. of treatment, MeMating 0.o bio rs prsettamlly ea. The other y be wee working with • swarm of been, .rid many .l them, tl ttt.t seder the net Thigh armee/ hie Saes, dew hist Mvarely se the OWL T►. molt Ise gds essnisss loft him, and row be format .sly herr with Me obi power, M ►M heathy is mesh seam ears. tees /er- t eerb . e 11We always fry ours it) Cottolef)Q." Our Meat, Fish, Oysters,$tA- toga Chips, 4gs,'boughnutst Vegetables, etc. Like most other people, Oil Qin foAnerly used lard for all such purposes. Men it dis- agreed with any of the family (which it often did) we said it was "too rich." We ffn V tried otr. and not oe_eof us has of "richness" since. found that, unlike lard,tottolene had an We attack further had no unpleasant odor when cooking, and lastly Moths v Trite and conservative _s �- e cookiwg authority came out and gave it a big recommendation which clinched the matter. So that's why we always fry AkP . ours in Cottoiene. 15o1d to I and 5 10. patls,br ,,, • . s11 all groomFarad* Made cul by . THE N. E. AIRMAN" COMPANY, W.$linttoe and Ann atrsety i1ONTRLAL MODERN PROVERBS 1e the race of life gas slow. A aigo of hard tunes "Tri rent. - 1 Inly hard work can take things guy. There is nothing as busy es an idle tongue. Much hard work is wasted Its looking fur easy jobs. A plethora of prodigals insures a big crop of husks. The astute politician does no peck green plums. Never judge of the fere from the dinner belt'., tongue. The worst false faces are not found at the mate 1 uerade. The plumes on • hearse do not always Im- ply angel's wings. Before you repeat • slander, remember that It has ne antidote. Titled husbands do not insure satisfactory foreign relation. Toe wrungs of the many were never cot - nicer by trampling on the rights of the few. If you can distinctly any rapidly repeat British breeches the gold cure has bees a .00001.. When org.nved labor disregards individ- ual rights ,t becomes but a trust turned Ino • mob ,,- !)eta S,10.- -1 nave used yellow nil !tr two or three years, and i think It has no earl for croup. MRs. J. S. (411. .., 2w Hestvine, Out. OUR IrY- IS COATED - YOU ,- ' • - NEEDTHEM EOIUAr'O IIYER SIZINCE!- They are not a cure all, but are Its he. medicine Loess for ailio.enew, Headache, Coo.upetwn, minim, I ndig,s..a., limi.le, Sallaen.as and all die 1r iwn,..e blond .1 ish li.w. ...sena .on • 25 CENTS ABOX. Adm T..* anuideS for *hens. PLANING 112LL. ESTAILISNEDOIKO. Bnchauaus & flhyilaz 111•1501•01 V1=1110 BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers In blade at an LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's material et every deecrlptio• school Furniture a 3vecialtj. folialNO AasyNaa Alma ter ATE NTS p�Tti T p�y� yesOpOi�r e� wrf�s�. seem V�IrusM t• Oft ....N•saWeppMADwmo motmer ourben la�ier saa•tE $ciestifc�American "'Rmmerican set.N 'INroo.i • PATENTS! CMUT$. TUSK MIS AN COP1rNNTI M Oil V lfk..4 b .t amp l V • td TL lZr M lu the V.S. Fitment Of - w, sa0-�1es1. p1,t•m 0 M seas Sr.,. emote tree: W 11YO are a. MODEL OR DRI wimp. • d. fineglpfh�eWesrT»p1f�I�rt11/1en/Sr.erg It•)t �sOgL�47� �. i Fitemt Otlrw •�"eg .��mMr- •l do , amen. le•elmal •Bines Myam re. MMs ns Oast watts M olvtee A s1s1r owe.It,�w isre.tn. D o Sveapillg RBDIICU0IIS in Ma Folloviiig Cods : A Goal 35 -inch Cotton, 10 yards for 40 Cents A Heavy Sheeting, :36 inched wide, 10 yards for 60 Cents. An Extra Heavy Sheeting, 36 inches wide, 10 yards for 73 Cents. l'hinelle Curtains, 114 for 110.50, 110.00 for 18.00, and $6.00 for 16.00. Ladies' ('apes. 15.00 for S3 90, 1:4.75 for 32.90, 12.90 for 32.00, and 12 25 for Sl 50. A lot of Colored Dress Goods about half price, from 8 cents up. Good Colors. 11 short ends of Carpet less than wholesale price. Fast Color C)lalllen at 5 cents. Art Musllns at 5 cents. 500 YARDS OF 121-2 CENT FAST PRINTS FOR 10e• Ladies' Real English Balbriggan Fest, ts5c., for 57c. :3 pairs Fast Black Potton Hose for 23 cents. Ladies New Fall Mantles in stock already, direct from the makers. New York styles. Nu Man/Ie; in the Trade tit like them. Also new Fall Dress Cools. COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. Tie Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. Headquarters for BOOTS AND SHOES. Having received a large stock of Boot, and Shoes for hall wear direct from the leading manufacturers, we are prepared to give the people of Goderieh and surrounding country first-class goods- lower than the lowest._ Remember we will give you good solid leather goods at the price that is usually charged for shoddy, and being practical shoe makers, know a solid shoe when we see it • We have a large and raric4l .tock to choose from anti `feel= confident that we can please you ill quality, tit and price. - Call and see us. No trouble to showgoo11s. The old reliable stand - W. SHARMAN, Jr., Successor to E. I ew!tl!(o. N. B. Custom work and repairin;; pronttly attends., tin. NEW I.i2NES 1N - =R=Ss Goo=s Now arriving and to arrive, and although I (lc) not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present slay, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods 1 handle are New, Seasonable and up to date. Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality considered. I nerd not enumerate the different lines in Stock and to arrive in slue course, but the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better, as I buy only from the best Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cash basis. One of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goals Trade. In.gereess Easily 0.11ette1. t Per Cont. Mtereant tee Casa - 9064 A. MUNRO, Draper and Haberdasher. Choloe Family Groceries The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R. W. RUNCIIALLN'S, agaapteu street. Oeleelefa. SPECIAL NOTICE (bur Stock of BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE Far T•11 trade ie now complete. Lanes' Genuine Steel Rarn Door Hangers and Track , T Strap and Screw Hinges in all Sizes. jEITE L NAILS. orb Ruy • Poor Na11 ?b0. s0 ens net Mess meds from SOFT RANI(' trial'. at . very ss..11.11,.... 1. Pv1ss w• 0....h... to alt Mee& WI ARE HHADQUARTRRB FOR Portland Cement, Hydraulic Cement, Calcined Plaster. Roofing Pitch, Building Paper & General Hardware. DAVISON & CO., seernm5Y r R. r. weeaelreas. Subscribe for "The ~-S a year