HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-27, Page 2The Best Medicine. J. 0. WItsON, Contractor and (Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texan, thus speaks of Ayer's Pills: "flyer's Tills arc the best m.vliciae I ever tried; and, in my judgment, DO better general remedy could he devised. I have used th. m 1e my family and ron•mmeudel them to my friends and tinplo; ea for more tli.•ut twenty year*. To my certain knowledge. ge. many cases of the following complaints have been to.uipletcly and Permanently Cured T- the not of Aysre Pills alone: Third day chills. dumb ague, heinous fever. aitk beduche, rhe tism, tins. dys- pepsia, yep.epsia, constipation, and hand colds. 1 k:.uw that a moderate use of Ayers I'11I . continued for a few days or weeks, as the nature of thee plaint required. wrtol.t be found en ntwlute cure for the disorders f have named above." " I have been selling medicine for tears, and 1 . an safely say that A .eI's Pills gi•. a !otter eatlofaction t!::in oily other fill I ever sold." -J. J. Perry. SpattacIvania C. H., Va. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Ur. J. C. Ayer R.'..,fowell, Matta Every Dose EffectIv• FOR NBFURY IN RODS PECULIARMAARINE DISASTER. A Vessel aeseoer trout • Reef eels to AA haws taster Wilk all aaada. San Fraonsoo. Sept 18. -On* of the most peculiar stories of the loss of • vessel that has been received in this city for many months is brought in advice, per the steam- er Oes•aio from Siagapore, via Hong Kong. Tb. Namyom, • 1,152 -war steamer, is said to have gem down, with all hands on board, iu the Canmata strait,. while on a passage from Sours Baya to Sinespore. On the eveniug of Aug. 7 the British steamer Ingrabao noticed signals of distress in the directtoo of Serutu island, and here down upon them. The lovrab•n lay In near the witted during the night, and at daybreak the next morning dm -veered the Namyoog with her head on a coral reef. The Iogra- ban then approached closer to the reef and exceeded in getting sixteen of the wreck's erew off her. Then an attempt was made to tow the \unye.g into deep water. Sev• era: uselees attempt' were made, but finally she commeased to elide backward, and al- most betere aoyooe thought her floating she dipped from the ledge, striking the Iogra- b•n near the port quarter, smashing in s number of planks of the latter. The Nam. oog did not appear to be badly damaged by ooetact with the reef, so after retrensferring lief crew from the I•grabaa the/ vessels sep- arated, each prooseding oo its respective voyage. The Iegrabao had the Namyoog in sight up to sit o (dock to the evuing of the 8th, and signalled her twioe. Suddenly ('apt. Piper, of the former vessel, saw two danger rockets' discharged from hiscompan- io. hip. He came about and steamed his vessel sixteen miles in the direction of the lights, but oould find ao traces of the Nam - yearn. H. searched until seven o'clock, and ggaily gave up the hunt and resumed his course for Singapore, where, on arrival, be learned that she had bees given up for lost. She undoubtedly sprang some of her weak- ened plates after leaving the Ingrab•n. sad mak with all ber crow Capt. Walter Nichol oommetled the Namyosg 'waisted by Chief Mate A. ti. Sellers. Mate T I. )offs, thief Engineer John F Stirrer, Second Engineer K Ne- smith. and Third Engineer .1. W. Pains. There were sight white men hod fifty Malays before the asset sod employed on the ship, in addities to officers. The Mamyos, was an iron screw steamer et the old style. She was built in 11175. .ad had beau in the India trade ever sins whet use. Then was $71,000 worth of ta- s.r.nke oo the vessel. one third of which is held by American oompanies. lllrertors of the Heed Roads LINK& .tion Meet a1 Toronto. WORK FOR THE COMING WINTER 6doreikso In teed Reform Win N. tar- ried es at NeetLge .f Warmers' lastltute• Tho 1tep.rtme.t of Agriculture Tahoe as In- terest la Ike Werk. THS SIGNAL : GODERIOH. ANT., THURSDAY. SEPT. 27. 1894. SEVENTEEN YEARS AT KINGSTON. Lafleur CenoMM asd fiesillesood for 9114 leg Teens masssr4- L'Orwlaar, Out, Sipa 111. -The jury lest ereDtug brought 1• • verdict of man eleorghtee atter one boars deliberatlea alpine' Joseph I. dhow for the murder of out Flatlets Bernard at t'lareuce Creek till S.turday evtn:yg. !larch 10 tett. The two neon and nue Roue wen drink its to 11•siuet'• hood betweru 10 and 11 "clock, when gwrnleuuee, tri. -1 w pick a quarrel with Beruard. haaiuet, tee bookkeeper, mtertered and Lamar left the Iv tel. going to his uwn house. • short distaste. awe>. Shortly atter rue other two uwn left elm awl met L.adeur nut ter from toe hotel when Dhow. who was between the prisoner end I4.•r hard, received • arab iu the head and Bonierd was stabbed iu the heart The prteoner mads a abort aJ1r es, atter which bis lool•uip gave the sei.mum of sevestesu years i0 tinplate pastime Toaosru, Sept. 14.-A meeting of the directors of the Ontario Bund Roads As- soetauon was held here lest eveuiug, Mr. A. Psttullu, of Woodstock, Preeideut of the Association. presiding. There watt • good attendmice. Mr. K. M. McKay, of St. Thomas, the secretary, reported favor- ably on 1110 progress of the Association during the summer mouths Th- object of the meeting chiefly related to the work of the comlu4 wooer. The Assoei•tion was formed too late to reach the animal meetings of most of the agri cultural bodies of the province, but the friends of good roads have not peas idle. Though the public mind wee engrusswl in the provincial elections during the way part of the year, cutaiderable intermit has been manifested in the work of the A. *Deletion. Through the D.partment of Agriculture about 20,000 copies of the proceedings of the annual meeting have been distributed, while much information on the subject of good roads has beeu disseminated in other ways it was resolved to carry on a campaign of education during the coming fall and winter at the meetings of farmer: insti- tutes and other like bodies. Another provincial couveutiva of the liood Roads AaeociatioU will be held at Toronto to February nut, to which every municipal agricultural bodyin the province will be iuvited to send elegates The members of the board of directors say that the queition of road reform is taking • deeper hold on the Catmint! oom- wuntty than ever before. Fartnen are becoming more aul inure inipreesel with the necessity of having better roads. The problem to be worked out by'toad reformers is by what system can good roads be beast secured. That is the ques- tion the association has set themselves aloin to solve. LITTLE MINES OF THE Flagg!• d. Salverkyr li sII_ 11••• MMmsapatis Teams : 0ae .t the mss remarhakM .t the many umessostitahle M. Mdmts was developed in e.aat•d•e with the iodine of the body et a man a Mw rei .ertb of the dismal ewsap north of High• toy. The 'aide of a w woo toad when had bees exposed to ash as MMES. hese that three silver dollars in his pellet had hoes melted together so that bat see woe reoogsvable. Near the body lay .alaw cartridge lording tools sad a flank one. taming p.erly • psese of powder that was not exploded. LEFT IN A SAD PLIGHT. A r.terb.reagh school Teacher geode for NM WamUy arid Thee Disappears. PLAINVI&LD, J. J., Sept 13 -1'he der& appearance of Frank F.h.i, • school teacher til Peterborough. Ont.. has been reported to the PLstuteld polio*. His vette and three eve dl cbillreu and his mother- iu law, Mrs Jobwon, arrtvd here from Can .da on Thurd.y night expecting to meet Fisher They said he left 00114e three weeks ago for New York and wrote home from Plainfield telling hu tamely Le hal found work and tustrucuug than to 0Om0 uu and learn hu street address from • letter in the postof ice. No such letter await* the woman and no trace of Fisher can be Lound. The faintly u destitute and is being cared for by charitable 1 eopl' Twelve Horses Bernd to Death. BaasTviou, Sept 11 -Yesterday morn- ing fire destroyed I.. Taylor's livery stable, Da:boseie street. Twelve' horses were t.urued to death. A quantity of harness and some buggies were lost. Two stebl.- men sleeping in the building were rescued with muoh dltticulty. The fire spread to the aljuuiiug building. occupied by I'erley ct tire. •rl as • carriage repository and war• Its use, The roof of this building was also destroyed. t i. N. Mann, (painter, occupied a poriton of the building destroy- ed. He lost some cutters end buggies which he was painuitg. Purley h Securd'a km on building and block about ¢1,000. Building insured for $1,500 in Waterloo Mutual. Stock not insured. Taylor's Iola not known; insured for $1,400. A Mbailtete, Sb. Do you thinks that money takes the plow of a wife' He (100141 g over Immo bills) -No, hat i know that a -wife takes the oleos of the money. Wloree Forest ?treats telellgsa, BILItantga. !itch.. Sept 14. -The Ougdec Powder Cou.pany mill is in immi- nent danger of destruction from forest fire, which the department has been fight- ing in the face of a strong wind. Trout Creek. !lith., is again threatened with d•stroctiun. The wires are down and several railroad bridges have been burned. several building* at Iron Belt, \Cis., on the Wisconsin Central, have been burned by forest fires At Wakefield a !ulnar died from the heat Fear hundred mil- lion fret of pine have been burned in tiogebic and Ontonagon counties Cheep .aeuek. H. brought • whole lot of stuff home, whisk he had picked up at an auction sale. " Gamboge me," exclaimed his wife. "• what didou get all this fere" •' For anthiag." be replied premptly,-and that explained it fully. 0a.er Timm rlreseneseeoes The tramp got away from the deg, but the deg got halt of hie wearies apparel se M ole•r.d the feu. Why did. t you ren when you seen him pasta" inquired has wooer, whoa they had melted • safe pass Rao . R.thine, he asked indigns-tly "Voider them elreumet&ncen wbae • men aeons is wl.ga." Temevea.ese. He read her thoughts (lee leek i.ol her deep, lustrous eyes was esAM l4 Imes spokes bet at him gesture .l deprecates"' ber voice died spats her h "Quite," he said, ••polebrslly, 'ler ma." As by omens impales they tented .ed repelled the t1arla..w.r whish w.. ragas arses 90 depress Mtn. had. Tee," he ends4. liteely. our t t' ID ata (MIAMI'S.. St. Paul Dispatch . Mr. sad Mrs. Joseph Armhury' r drove into w hat case woo Hinckley yesterday afternoue. Everybody thought Joe sad his vette were dead. About three weeks age their home wail Panted to the ground, but Joe plsokibv re• built, only to haws Saturday's blast of flame undo his hard work. Wheel the ere dee *ended he and his wife fought it at every point until, finding that they could not du aaythn g further, the set about to save what goo is they could. Some household effects were loaded upon an os waive, in eluding some Musa chicken's do • box. Then wee more poultry, and Joe west back after 11, getting out several chtcksos. These be deposited u • place of apparent safety and west back after more, but those at the house had been burned, and whoa he re. traced hie sups those he had left were Oleo broiled. His wife, however, had saved her beloved oleander. For years he had treas- ured that plant, nourishing it when It tad hard work to pull through and whoa the house began to go the ole.ider, now to (till bloom, and on Saturdav • thing of boa y, ass her first thought. Foregtlul of every tl mg else, he rescued that oleander and bon it away in triumph. A Nig Ked rotate steel. WllDe.pK, Sept tai. -Tut largest real estate deal yet consummated i0 Windsor was concluded yesterday, and as a result nearly- 8300000 worth tit real estate passel from the control of ("moduli capital tutu the timid* ut a New Yolk .ynticate. For some time a syndicate of eastern men have town negotiating fur certain property in Detroit, and the deal falling through, the attention of the speculators was turned to Wiudwr. Another deal of a similar nature is beteg consummated arcd within a few days more $1,000,000 worth of Windsor property will have been e,11 to these same eastern men, who promise to divulge their names at that tune nut not before. The property include: in the deal it the best resideutial property mt the city and none of it is more than one mile from the ferry lauding. The principal owners of the property rued ate the t'amer,i. the Cnrt'y and 1)00 all rotes. A Tatsel the Niagara falls Ont. Ntauaaa P1.o s, (Mt, Sept. 14. -That the construction of the Canadian Power Tunnel for the Niagara Fall* Power Com, piny will won be beguu is shown by the increased activity un this side. When ground Is to be actually broken is a nutter that is keeping everyone guessing for the present, but all agree that the time is not far distant The residents of this town ass watching each uew change with great interest and satisfaction. iMawras lose wisdom. Hosii,spsr-1 wish to gas seem bo►•,. 11.ar Petdesrd 1 knew. 1 i■ •piper that reale. he Wed ►sewn. " seem les d h.A5..she the other kid, ae1m. We most as hast se men Rave gee•I .beyr M • I I II" pea. Cd W him do the . data A Tomas Net, 1[ldnspp•d• PITNAM, Conn.. Sept. It -Clarence, the 10 -year-old son of Ferdin•ud 1%.rd. of Grant A Ward fame, living with his uncle. Fred D. tireer, at Thompson. was kidnapped in a public street `Card bee tried several times to obtain peaceful pos- seosion of the child. The Ward buy comes into po.seesion of a trust fund of $10,000 when he comes of age, whish was left him by his mother. TAUGHT SY EXPERIENCE. • Y1� l sear M into mesa. Nab bene pewee t!e hetes aeeskes it is better to db w kdM le sold tooter.loses that he hodmilk i. them ahemid trot be rit, 1. Its. water. Seriesk 1'tlls, ...l1, sale sad eater t♦ Went the hear sad ears eoasupabos. If par teal fist is low throw at • heed - fel of salt wad it will brighter& it eery much. A spoofs, of stewed tomatoes per in the vy of either roasted or fned meats is sa veo,eet. l awake without salting. Salt draws the julues is osukieg, sad 11 le desirable to keep these is if passible. To amen oil *lotto use milk asd water sad wipe with • fmamel cloth. A bosh and soap will ruin them. You oaa get • drop or • barrelful et oil off ear carpet alp wollu oaf!, by ap- plying buckwheat pleatifull► and faithfully. Never pet water 1. soh • grease spot, or liquid of any hied. Wiwa.rMl sa.mm.r. Teacher . - le the s.etesos 'Tums is Mossy, can you parol imam! Scholar -1' es' e•, if at is fowl money. Pembroke Burglars Captured. P.usautl, Out, Sept 13.-t'11e burglars whu have beim operatlug in tuwu for several weeks last have been captured awl L►td up in quad. 1 he men arrested aro Stephen. J.,eeph end John Briesoa They were tracked down very cleverly by Mr. G. W. McMartin, waterworks engineer, assisted by James Miller, and snorted !duet of the goods were found in Stephen's house. It was packed its two trunks and includes the ,sue ant revolvers stolen from Bibs] and Jones The liquor stolen was mostly consumed, but the bottles wete to be seen all over the place. These men have all hitherto borne a good reputation, and their arrest ie • surprise to all who knew them. !tank Mobbon• Blg Masi Daxvlu.a, 111, Sept. 14. -The Cltiseue' Rank at the little town of Roseville, twenty miles north of here on the Coarago & Illinois road, was robbed of betweell 19,000 and $10,000. The officials locked the bank and went to dinner leaving the key to the beck door sticking in the lock un the Inside The robber succeeded to gaining entrance by naing a nipper un tn. key. Convleted of • 1heekleg Mme. Tommie°, Sept 14. -William Henry Barlow. of 1 Fitzroy terrace, painter and paperhanger, wse found guilty of indecent assault upon • little 12 year-old girt The assault took plow in Barlow's place of lowness no July 1. Barlow 1. a married man with two children of his own aim Ills Wife Afters Spree. Lotto tetraD i'ttT, t -L, Sept. 14. - ti m. Schernottiski, • tfohetnian, 50 years old. while army from the effects of a pro Dulled spree, shot kis wife Antuie:with • shotgun at their hem* The woman I still alive, but hes death is momentarily *sported. Nog Slam Is Dartfera. W sarwome, Out , Sept I t -A dime - trees fin took plass about sone yesterday M Deetlord, daesroying the grist mill, saw mW two dwellings and a blacksnake shop 1t is thoef<ht the fire originated from the engem in the law mi1L Lass about 81,00• A Peluso .f Nenrtr.. t. Treabl.. Manes, Rept 14. - Prtesedlsepp have been beim opting Prince /'toed. Mgr* of •0erbon wbe lased • proolamesim Met week elafmieg the heritage of dm News .t libsemd is will he r eaUd hes his military commids am ellass t. liteetwohria PLat.e'NLtat saps, 14. -fie .iter. ad Video's sten by a barn window A Hafale Maa's Destb at Cryan"' Beads. RIP/SWAT, (int., Sept. 13.-•.e..rge tC Francis, • well kuuwn bustnese man .,t Buffalo, 50 years old. was found dead yes terday in hie room at Crystal Beach, a nearby summer resort A partly tilled box of snlfonal was lying beside the bed. The family deny that it is a ow of suicide, but an atatop.sy will probably be held to- day to determine the cause of death. De ceased was the proprr:or of the Francis Axe Co. of Bo.talu, which ria absorber by the trust in 1399. Ile then began the erection of bnsiness buildings, but his health broke down and reverses swept aside all of his property, the last of which was sold at auction it'.-1n.•s•lay "Fee years," lays Capt. C. Meller. "1 have relied more epee Ater's rub shed, thaw sa thug ekes in the ssdi* re - paste my bowels, sad the of the ship's craw. Them pltle art net ewes, le their settee, but do their week thore0 17. aa.I\•.I\,. ANI% 01T11 A 451,141!11:. Minneapolis Times Duluth, Sept. 1. - "With this ring 1 thee wed." Three words were uttered this noon in the Bethel in the midst of several hundred tire sufferers. The bride was Sophie Samuelsoo, and the froom John Ileroster, both refugees from Sandatose Junction. It is was one of tee few cheerful inti ients of the fire. ( -bird of Pollee Arm- strong wee hest malt, and Mw Crowley, head of the Woman's Relief Committee, was bridesmaid. The lade wore • white veil and carried a large bunch of roses The father and mother of the bride showed up with the others, and her six sisters .ad brothers and the family dog looked on from one comer of the room. The families of the bride and groom lived oo adjwnine farms, asd although the fire swept away every- hMeg they had in the world their live. wets *pared The '-amuslaon family fled to a root cellar, and with difficulty kept the wood from burning by pouring milk on it. The children were •l* barbed in milk also. 1l.roieer had bees back from Pine Pity with his marrisre license oat, • few hours before the fire, and was to have beern mar- ried Sunday Today. although pemmsed of nothing but the soil of his farm, he conclud- ed it wee just as well to get married now as to wait, .ad the bride's parents agreed with him. 1a • hew days he will return to his farm with • box ver for a temporary hoose, and put up a modest m•bio. hie bride mean- while staying with friends is Grantsburg. A m IK.'i \ C 04 12 AKAR,. St Paul Pioneer -Press : Freda Johnson, of Partridge, 12 years old, laved her baby brother. 2 years of age. Freda lived with her parents, and in the excitement she and little Joe got separated from the rest of the family, and he would have bees left behind As Cdltor Arrested for IlIsephemy. Brittle, Sept. 1' -Herr .Weidner, editor of the Socialist, has been arrested on a charge of blasphemy. The article on which the charge is bated was prntel in No. 8: of the Socialist, 2.11 copies of which hone were confiscated by the authorities as Soon ee the matter was brought to their attention. Weidner is ebargel with lease maj►ate to having printed a porno eutitlel volo Sic jabot' (Thum I will, thus 1 command.) T1s Tilbury Cesare Tragedy. Wisusun, Sept. 15 -The record whish Las b -en made 1n the peat by John War nock, who ie held on a charge of mnrder ing Jick Ratcllffe at Tilbury Centre on Monday night, is not one which assist' him to public sympathy. W•rtoek nee ap peered in the police Boon to Windsor on two different occasions on charges of et malt. He is said by those who know him t, be . man of qutok temper. unreasonably ugly when in • passion. and from the fes timuny developed at the coroner's tureen g•tion the murder of Ratcliffe was as to provoked as finch • crime eosin be. A wema.•. right With • Burglar, Wtstroa. (►.1 , Sept 15. -Mrs. Ea+ly Moobfenl, s widow, wbo I1ves on Elliott street, was awakened by • burglar at her bedside wbe demanded her mosey or her life. The bra* said h. itagr .►e had money In the hoose A Ion. struggle en sued. Kra Roebford placktl lighting her way to the front door when her servants brought eseidanoe. The fellow tied but Chief Wills says t4e police have good elite fad will soon have hie. Mrs Roehfoed is badly Injured A Little Beg Nursed to Death. Caaaurrnerowa, P K 1 , Sept IS -A total accident occurred aq s*.brldge road. Edward Keenan took hba'►►1166res year old boy to a field where there was burning brush and left him sitting near the fires while hei went to another field to look after some cattle On returning he fond the little fellow to bad! burned that be died In • few etiolated badly clothe@ lid essght Ire front tying @parka Teo Tears ter tad.1.55 AesnslL Momasar, Sept 1S-LnaL Demaler• who wee 'envision of ledeuet am" bas bees laoteseed to ten years is watery her. Jade Wert.*, whe rsrrbri Wet he eight hew ibiles4M the dgssb .s•alty had he shows. J. it Arguer leek who was asvIlad et ea Weems* insole ea lli.a.h. L.etfnr me@ sruM,d to two years. except for this brave sinter. She le small of her age, and Joe is chubby and hairy, but she took him in her arms and followed her panic-stricken, flame•pursued neighbor& There were .erpents of fire all around her, and they kissed her cheeks and hair with their het breath, but she strugvld and panted on. She tell twice, and the baby was bumped against the gravel pathway, but he did not cry. He snuggled all the closer into the brave remits* arms, and never vice whimpered. She reached the little pond where the people took refuge, and fell rather thaw walked into the water with her precious bards.. ewer re 5e.mna.. dig Havas !.feet. &oat is -T1s dot sem mg ask .e wilt me ma an" . whew es el the einem bee .weaned hem Thom hiaalaa.w The Signal There is always a Dolt, even among tt score of glob things, and every pipe smoker who has tried the 4l1stiff brand acknowledges it to be the sweetest, coldest smoking to- bucco mule. It duce not bite the tongue, and is positively free from any foreign mixture. J. a PAS 1rbs... Ce.. Mohamad. v sal IM.slaeei. Ow. Pure Quills Make a better filling for Corsets than any other known material. "Featherbone" Corsets are tough- er and more elastic than any other make, as they are entirely filled with quills (Featherbone). To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores: SICK HEADACHE! Twp. I1'. KT CHI'L'I. St. Paul Dispatch : It appears, after .11, that the two Chinamen who were on the ill- fated hooted did Dot perish. They were seen to dive under the ease .t • critical moment. Aad no ..east of p ese•Iioe could get them to budge No ems Now them have the trait, sad it was pspsl•rly supposed that they had burned op with it. 1.deed, then are these Mee are • filling to swear to it ; but it ansa the two Mongols were Wak- ed op sear r'utridge. miler away from the scene of the diwt.r, bet that is all their roomers know. The Chinaman outset in plain. sad their daRvera.oe is a sine days' weeder. The Bane of Millions of Lives ITS CAUSE ! ease ewe was= -i-r_ to n. Job Pri•11ea whfale are ewer. posad ..tsst�is the .Hiss it the pompt and proper sweeties old dames al pdg A perusal .t this aniesee e- mset may suggest .sm.thiag you may bele need el, and M sash tees we soh - eat year pewees's, feeling esedident that cur Alerts to please will meet wet► the approval of our patrons Ment i‘e.lad►s This maul aim is kept in the fall of i u*1itte• same an letter NN bile "Leave k%tad.s In this line we have a very large stock of fine writing papers reit • able for every class of limits/es represented in this locality, oum prising laid and wove, linens, quadrille and other papers, ruled or untitled, as may be required. '*ttir•O. 'X-Xtad►s are not so generally used, they ill an important place in commercial correspundenoe. Bee what we've got under the above heads. 'x( Atad►s If the " pa -as-yea-go " plan was the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be se great ; but there are some mea who get so many dunners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it til, - sod at present our stock ii con plebe in this line with four sues. Good paper and neat ruling. fit Both single and double dollars and cents columns. They come cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after • delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch him 'round - sometime. 01.101IID TIMIS NNIS TO SAAR • DP:. Chicago Daily Liar-msaan : Wart Super- ior, Wis.. Sept 4.-Suparintadawt Thor&.., et the Eastern Misses..., piloted ens of the first relief trains cost out from this sity to the striates dkttries. Whs. Kettle River was reached it was fos.d that the long bride" "passing the revise was gene, Dat the central epee, which was oonatreeted of tete!, remaieed, wed the fire from both sides was slowly destroying that then was ewe - thing slaw, on the tow reclaiming timbers, wed a temporary *leering away be the smoke roweled • deg. A member of ewe at case volunteered to go to thereon* of eves a 4.11 that had lived through soh • tornado of Sm. Freon the bottom of the revise to the top of the apes was 900 feet, but the ase ()limbed through the tamped ire work. They tarried long ropes with bete ed by steams of tame the enfortsewe ening was lowered te arra gran, while the mese who risked their fives for hie warn gives • hearty Weer by their (show. on the relief Moil The moment the wag was released he reel- ed to t1e rives to slake his thirst gad thea tame Reek le seesewledip his ebiidptee to Me sten who laved his life. la half as bear after he was taken down the epee lWi with a eros*. uses wed eases& He eh= weeders why his wile Wilt spend a liner -es � i Is Q►Wall theersi e'er e lamed mis ahem • area had thee be st'ses sswsarYietr. la sues A ted dhe gw. trww. taw WIr mads that abet *Or Mam.asa. '•Do'► be alrsid al Ib erldnw, ashram Time ben whiled ber ether t iesom •moi asn't her Alli e. dens dee 1pe I a M' Sick Heads -he is a malady which( tone to the whole body. and thereby makes its appearance must frequently in women. The attsh often begins in the morning. upon •w•keniog, after a night .l restlessness er heiavyJ sleep ; though it is especially went 10 000ar in 00nneeti0n with emotional distorbe sis, sash as .hail neat, fright or meatal ste.ie. irk . pain is usually localised. being is ate or the • more frequently the lett of die head. It is gaerslly soeompanid by great disturbaaes of the stomach. whoa light pains the eyes ; noises otbarwiee unnoticed inflict paaishmat ; odors excite nausea. From the feet that people with strong nerves aro moat troubled with Sisk Ha dashe, it gessr.11y •o•eed.d by the most eminent phy- sicians that M is dependent upon weak genes air nervous debility. and .an only be permaas•tly eared by strengthening the tensa. syulns. The Great Booth kmgrisan 1st - vise Tosie is the only remedy maas- fasierod whish is prepared s.peeially end espagdy for the w es. I1 sets &Leefy ea the serve onetres M the base of the brads. esrs.slislg say der.agsasa0 thr . ssY be. gib is emilog Itis s gply a! buyer earn" er terve *Ms. glebe - enabling a system @tibiae. to Sick Headache t withstand future attacks. It gives relief is one day and speedily gists • permanent .or.. Mrs. Isabella B. Grabs., of Friendsweed. Indiana, writes: "For a number of yes I hey. sabred intensely with Nervous end flick Headache ; had hot Seabee, was sleepless and butane despondent. Dr. Faris, of Bloomington. Indians. spoke se highly of Booth Americas Nerrin. that I wag id.eld to buy • I fa bottle otbw:f .ow 1 Ia.. buoyant, strong and vigorous. I would not he bask in the 000dition I was i. when I began taking this medians for any sum you could An. J. H. Prouty, of L Or sage. Iodises, writes: "Your Booth Amor- tise .r- t ise Nsnine worked • searr hoes .tire with nee last year. I beim taking M hist April about the 110th. The that week I seeds • paha of IS lis.. gad Mee .!flat bass se I mail. s sway gots •Mil I readied ley serum! weight. taking is all a tela! gels .l g0 lbs. Alter Midtsg it three er bur menthe I ihmd oyes, • wi$i wanes.' Erve\ones Now, it would be hard to Ret along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for them we keep • large stock on hand. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, •ad the prices will range from 75c. t. $2.00 per M. We handle them rnercial and legal sines exclusively. COrxxxxerC'•a' has already been partially enum orated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast *mom of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all At Tse SIGNAL. X r\vAu oyes to an "At home" or a wedding require considerable taste in 'oleic tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and hest samples to be had. Call and res -Q rograms of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. We aim to excel in all the differ ent kinds of work we torn oat. but especially in this, and keep in mock plain and fancy paper* suitable for all requirements- Card►s 8Uti & T'xekt<s This head covers a large range d work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary rdinary admission ticket to a tasty badness card or • hend•omy printed membership ticket. 4 osttrs Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by rte fact that the great balk al it to dome by its. This line also i.• eludes JOHN 10 _ W_DAd ho (3odels taaA g her 8abradb for "Ths s year. Dodgers which our three fastrvasi4 presses are able to turn milk surprisingly abort time. *rake B‘Xks belasg to the poster dap rtssmt also, and we make • specialty of theao-promaft. A o per in this of rte will appear in Tax t.0A1. free el *barge when bills for oris, ere gla here, \‘Acvlahos 'Wo in the typographies' psisliag Y I,taB ii. dnain, this in a erpeditiosa and ea. snase@r and Our rets tJ11J►\.� $01.104 We .Mond ogr. .harsh for p'm't My ere and solicit a oostis.•etee J fY ... Rays eiuo.,