HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-27, Page 1IF THIS IS FOR YOU._
�ryIB fI AL w anaIteg eel eseee.a
I is. AshesrytM.d le •ryes.. It yea
pet w. be Meese sad
VOL. XLVI. 2484
What le Oo' ng On at the Capl
A. I
L. honestly. The► -•e •� ee will. Foto I0Y R THE H UR11N TRALT. I stitch
wt ..d 16.14"
44em the waead. It .. •I AT THE NORTHWESTERN. wi `" `�` `k't '� � V ��
x,a.r lista.
close call ing in ear eleMrdt twist ,..w. TM MRS. THOMAS HAS GU:�E.
Look at the Label.
Sean the parses to when ibis pe -
per Is oNreSsd M I• arrear ler
w •.teary of iabe I1Mees as tabs Twee
Yeoman ckasW,
Ta /.nee merges TWItorred • .I, 4 M.
Wiltrw Laurier The tram manatee Mall
service het a re...1 messier - • al
Blew ea r eeeres...
!u NA/ •L (erre.8pn4ssn.
(�'tAWA, Sopt. A few tennis
e go )ou were asked to dmoueoe him bes.u.e
M kissed the babies sad this week you art
told he is • very had man ; • wickeder e.sa
the. you over took him to be berme he et -
tousled • prayer mseteng in the Methodist
church while at Salt kla Ilene white on
bis way to the Northwest Whets terrible
nun this Mr. Levier is who is lending the
Liberal party ' Moll, if Mr. Laurier kisses
the habits, if history tells the truth, 11.g -
.r1 ted Cargo and moo) of !heir snail!
.:olieagus world not stop then. Arid was
it not bettor for Mr. Ltuner to speed a 1.w
momenta in • Methodist church than to be
bolding cla.d..tiee meetings with the wives
sr .nil servants ad others wham, interests
be might Move found it ea his power to ad-
vice. Kut .then we fled the Tory papers
hiring their attack. upon Mr. Leerier be -
.sue be lea.. the 6.ines or beat,.e be ac-
onite an',mit•ttou with his novelties corm -
memos to •Steed the service in the Idetho-
dist church, we ..snot bet think that they
We at lest dtsoo.ered that thou opposition
to the 1.1lender M. disappointed them
is its result& Poosihly Mr Leaner att.d-
ed tie lletbodiet *Murch in the hope of
rowan what then was so very bad in rt as
to ,ami Sir Joke Tbomp•oo to turn his
beek epee it.
rill? ATEA'Tn .ER%U Z.
l murt.g tbm put few weeks we have had
violet g .oeounu of Ifuddart s •uocw• in
tonere tabled to Cauda, bot word has
sot yet wipe that tt.nab oapiwlist• heire
been toaad willing to pat up the hard
"twisty millions to enable him to carry
oat his miterpriae. We beer the pros reed
uooe : we are told of the millirem that are
in it and os the other hand the milliner that
.i1I be sunk to it if the scheme goes on.
Re have had expressions 0t opintos from
the British Admiral, who has .•yigat•d the
St. Lawrence nem, or time and be reports
favorably as to the feasibility of the route ;
so does the present Minister of Maria*: but
Wire are Inst two iadivtdeale who have tot
yet spoken whose long ezperieoee should
eirbic them to spook with authority : the
deputy Insister of Marine staid Commander
Wakeham tom, for tweaty years, have
navigated the rover and gulf is the Govt.
...onset Privately the views of these gent-
lemen are strongly adverse to the idea that
• fat rate of speed ma be maintained in the
• Lawrence They have so expressed
'heusd,ee, and the opinrws should be tw-
ee to the world for they are valuable. Tey
w«, however, both oflisre of the Govern-
ment and they would hardly care to oppse
he I'overameut policy openly. But in the
•ternt' of t Rritish cnpitalut' sad others
who ray he led into t.vstngiotbis scheme
by the glowing pictures painted by Hud-
dnet ted the Government, let as hem the
4cta ted it is important informatics, sad
Siete that the Deputy Minister and Com -
w ader N akeham can supply if they are
ppvon their liberty to speak. Will Sir
Ukarles remove the re•tnettoo that primate
two officials from tolling all they
Mow about navigating the St Lawrence et
high rate of *peed They are important
• stow AT rmrr*Tlox.
able advice" iaterm u* that the Protes-
titanic Grammars' of the Colony of Vie-
t'nu k. heti defeated 1t was • ogw•
roue tete tes pro teouo and libetey a
trade Like our Miai•ter Fester hoe, the
Prettier of Victoria bad promised to redoes
Use duties from the extreme rater of 1892,
but the reentry had sot so.bdebe• is let.
aesurascos F1• rad his Government were
wedded to the !manufacturer, the contractor
sod mo..p44ia, amid the soastry knew that
them tmpsrleat personages meld sot be
throws overheard. If they were. lit.-pe-
•*nen were throws after Mum This has
bear our own ar .dense, although the oo..-
try has not yet had . epper ufey of thew -
i•1 whet ber ew not they are mashed with
the t:overaae.t's tariff redaction. TM ex
tr+vag•nea •f the Vietora (:overeeme.t
101 the realm erpsediters of pubis!' funds
ar,ud the..u.try embed as interest is the
say *sir ..wits were being .dmW.treed,
with the sank tMe die Orastemmat was
main ever two to one. When you dad •
meotry reverend .oder ereteotlye prim -
spies it Is tAes you will dad extravagance.
Pori rap sod eorrupti. r.mpat. Vieserie,
Irks ('.Dada, Me dis.or.red this to be um
ems. It sheds to roams that the epos
Mitres for dishonesty me gr.tw ander a
Mmective demi policy teas .der • policy
of free trade wheel every do1Lr of rev..*
taken out of the l. cas• them to ask
. W here a it • to Pamper r A prol.ti.id
Government can the tax -paver tight
Keg without h4. hornets, at This is Mist
the people id the Oakley d Vistula have
4rafe"vered, and they have resisted it. Voir
"we will sees sem to renter oer reedit*.
Noe* Mr. Limbo, for • M.ths-
dhsodf ereb skiwis th• me Wag
es he des sot kis Nle *ethers sad serum
Z1.w are miaow offenses when yes put tests
de of the Gu.ere.seet's record :-
"infra) Debt, taer..esd t•astioa, Correa
'teal, Tey Canal swindle, Shake
.0 .steely-YGOreevy-[anemia
se, Ha.rt's •.ddv.-
t�ees sed • t ▪ sad me ether lard -
• covered no rahhttb. whitewash brash.
?mord with the reside
; ' sad itmq Mete �bee hese • .s.tilemesa reseed
k' lime ever mems.
4„rift,ravines tram Amentametia eny t
tabs Mt+eem.t wm des te
riiiiii"'tiy throws rate the fed by the •p -
`mf k•I7►tMacias slier the mov�4.or�'s� Met
Qw►ssa. esent's ink Std
y�j �y1111%t rd they Item flew Arlt
Naha se Weeks to the rib
"'ma IA* Ihdrid to b. jpowensd,
The regular meeting of the town ena.c,l
was held u the 'email chamber oo Friday
ermine. Sept., 'llet.
AU the members were present bot the
reeve nod aoaacilbr Serecbas.
,�,,ii The oelleetor's report was referred to the
..mane ogetlttes
The Swearer's swtem.•ot for Amgen was
read and referred to linear sense utee.
Balance from July . .. $1310 75
edea-reerdemi Lads $ 31.90
Justice'* Es.. 1.00
Kleetre Liebe 110 97
Water Rates ..... 007.90
Tares 11496
M.iN•ed Cemetery 41.50
Refund from Park de-
beeture siakiag fond 651.94
Du5t'.gm EST'.
Co. Waryl. $ 44.^
Pumping Statute
Electric Light
Water Works
16 17
Public Werke. 16890
Pruti.g .d Advertising 50.19
Special Great ... 50 00
Public Schools .. 439 46
Lt ea lltgh Scheel deb . 1'2.5.00
Salary a& 224 97
$ 1935.89
Application from Seel. Slows to have
Neer attended to was referred to the public
works conemittee to report
Appeal Iron Mrs. F. Hawley in regard to
Incre•5s in wzotion,was referred to 1 Aort of
The following oommuotcauoo from H
Lockwood, of Bank of Mtoatreal, la re -
femme e to the by-law under which the town
is horrowleg money, was referred to the
Ammo' commutes to inveatig.te and report:
(innsat.'H, Sept. 18th, 1894.
W. Mro•Hau., Eng.,
Check of the town ql t:oiench.
Dna. Stn. -I1 having Mee summated to
a by your reenurer thee the by-law ander
which the Moo is hoe rowiag moms for cur
rent expenses, is aot is aoeori.aoe with the
statism geversieg the Dam., 1 deemed it
advisable be consult Mr. Gamow epos Um
Subject F.oclo.od plows lied his toe,
which kiadly return le ma 1 .I.11 feel
obliged if you will lay it before the outwit
at e t meetteg lot its enesiderehisn, is
the by -Lw formally wooed with the law oe
the subject. I may add that I have been
requested by hie worship the mayor, to take
up any of the towns paper that may be
prevented and males at this edea, until
the !tatter is adjusted, which I will be
pleaded to de. I am, your ob'dt servant,
H. Lo.- wuuu, Mgr.
Gouwc., Sept 17th, 1894,
H. Coca moot!,
Bank of Montreal. Godericb.
Dem SEa - -I bass looked at the tows
by-law uthorizieg the borrowing of mosey
for current expenses. I think It is Dot
laite in eoeformity with the ata*ta. The
mayor bad treasurer should wooer. The
by-law appears to sultanas the mayor Me..
to borrow, bet Sha sole to he Mined by
both. 1 am quite certain the mayor must
agree with the treasurer asp te the parson or
balk from whom to barrow. That is es .
gwtioa for the treeserer .1.... if is the
resale they mould sot sgee.. the treasurer
weld be removed from odss but the mayor
could Dot be removed MR the earl of his
year of telae. With referees* to the notes
matering. I Mak you w.s14 be justified in
taking theca up es the request d the
mayor. Yours truly.
J. T. GARaow.
The following ascus were referred to
the lissom oommtetee : 11` 8..her $7.90,
Harper • lee 11864. A. Ilavid•ae • Co.
176.69, North Amortise (hemieal Ce $57.-
20, Hswilloa thane Works 113, Stevens •
Rama $1 44, McColl Bow. • Co. $59,40,
National Carbon Ce. 1130, A. H (molt $10,
A. Yirkbrid• $19.66, C A. Somber $30.34,
K Graham $6 Re. Pries $32, Stows. $6,
('aedi.n Oemeral Bb.erie Co. $1.81.
Payment of the Wawa. .*•05.10 w.
reoomml.ded by the Games .ommite..
The Star $5, N. Dy..t $179 67, W. Lee
$798 01. Joe. Thames $11 00, Caste •
McCrssk. $4, Tan 8lo,•L 07. 45, H. Arm-
e trsm.g 06 50, Colborne tires. $6 47, G.
Rllmott $10 66.
The report ef w spear! committee w.
road, the Werra/ raoomuwdati•as were
100-Y..isip•1 learns. movement
..d forth u the revere of the Ter.. t,
imar...e mentittes he eadereed by this
ensa.4 ,
gad. -TM 5es.n.ee of the eo..eil be
gives the 8rmm.r Hotel ..d Suit.riam
(lsmmitt.e ace that the tows grant each
Ma as they l•r.11y boa
3rd. -TMD Me sight-wudm. 6* die.
The report wa takes imp dorm by ohms.
Firs ohms w. adapted.
Oa meai. el Menem Holt ad saeaders
mooed clause w. •dopeed.
Third .lams w. . meta.. of
Mmes. Haire end Dunlop.
As ems•tlm.t at Mews. Mersey .ad
Theism= that •�h twa�10emaa have •n-
ether eh.5es wee defei d.
AN'!.siwwere rsesivd Irem taefolble.
Ise for th.pailise d.ightw.tabm•a, bre •p.
pmetatwkweiddetrredall ysftk.
mans& --Jos Newcomb, J.e. li•eem., 4Y . H.
Webster, Wm,, Y�..gy. Chas Payee,
Raab. J., Tarr, S. kiel
A. M unlp,MM..hreh. Seed. Westlake.
W. H. Yd1w..n. oe massa 18. mayor
w..eibesemd to app.rt • *gabh mese e61
serf .sseleg of Me•il.
C.mmaefoeM. from J. T. Oarrmw la re-
ferees, N bl-Mw es allow Jea Clark sad
J. A. Y the tees sl_ piles, •treses,
aa, lar the purpose of eslaef8ebiag • new
44.1.1, pleat. The meter w. rebrred
b the tow bad light egmm1Nso te rap &
Th..tasted Nee d j5.esd.
ae elese~ ea~Qeele. We W.
e '•
illwr.le . Ti. August make of the Blue
vale cow.. factory was mid last week for
Th. °plat from the Local 00111. Ile omits per po., ,d, beteg the highest
prase mud in the Dominica for A
cheese. antimafia also secured the ktgkest
• wsklp Silgsea ., tea■,, Mw• wryer price fur Jane cheese. - Jobo Paterson, of
( 005 ao told fllosveli
5p te Dam tverebedy rob ad
twee tripped Dad ttade.eed
Prem Saver serene.
M c• K i LDA': A little son of T. David-
son, who had 6e skull fractured some time
.go re recovering.
Ki*burn : Jeers Snell, of Kioburo, has
disposed of his grey pow to William Bell,
of Myth, for $150.
Brussels : Two costa on the dollkr will
be the rate of 1..Mioo to Brussels Phu year •
Lest year 1t was 1 mill lose.
Bayfield : On Wednesday everting Blies
Nellie Armstrong, of the Broueoo Ww•. was
..rued to Dr. J. MGAsh, of Belgravia
Wroxeter . Mn. John Gibson u is Brit -
ash (lotumte visiuog her 1.e daughters
who are residing to that Pacific Prot-
Win5ham : Rabbits are reported pleeti
ful this seams. The mos who h. • good
dog and • gun u eeppesed to bee luck those
Brussels : Principal 'Cameron h. been
re-engaged for 1896 at an adv•nos of $100
per *..num on his eatery, which will make
it 1700.
Goderich tp : A f . Court.ice, the eewly•
elected editor of the Christie. (.uerdiao, to
•.eond rousts of Andrew Courtioe, of this
Brussels : Mn. Bloomfield las chickens
only three months old that have commen-
ced to lay. They are of the Cochin breed.
Breeding manta.
Chaim : Ile. A. W. 1 is1.ysoo, of De-
troit, formerly of 1 lutes, died of consump-
tion is Colorado last week. He was •
nephew of Geo. Gordon.
Wingham : Mn. George Good was in
Wi.Kbam last week arra/ mime for the move
log of the family to tt1•t town. They will
leave Seafortb next week.
Stanley Mrs 11. McEwan is the pos-
sessor of a magnificent sunflower plant.
• flower a twelve inches is diameter and
measures forty inches in circumference.
8ra..els : Arthur Henry Newts., aleck
ins, formerly editor and proprater of the
Broeeste Bodges, is now publiabine • pap-
er called The Times, in (:rand Haven
Wissham : A Wingbam boy, when sent
after the cows by his wrests, rides home on
cowback. It is easier on the boot', but w.
would 'magma that it was harder . the
Hdlett : Wm. Britliam has sold ane of
ht' farm., lot 14, to the 12th toe., Hallett,
for about $5.000, to Win -take, of Ki.baro.
Mr. (lake has got • splendid farm. Mr.
(yaks bas not sold lot 15, as was report-
Hippos : lis Wrauseday of last week •
ye.► pleasant event took plasi at the resi-
de... of John (.rawford. Gado. Read.
This was the marriage of his daughter, Mary
to Mr. Henry Mo.tatb, of Tueker.mith
G• rey : The Atwood Bee says : J.
Hast, our worthy toweemen •sed alderman,
took oath himself • helpmate Tuesday
morning, bright and early, in the per.. of
Miss Mary Halle, d•eghter of Luis Huller,
of Grey township.
Seaford' : 1'. Keating, Treasurer of the
Seaford' branch of the Catholic Mutest
Reoeh Association, has just paid Mrs.
Robert Coleman two thousand dollars, the
amount ot the hmie4ee due her on the deet)
of her late husband.
Brussels: William D. third son of
Donald MoNugbtos, who 6.s been laid ■p
for soar weeks, died on Saturday lest
The Newel book piaee Sunday afternoon.
Typhoid fever was the same, this being the
Gray cam is the family.
`*forth The intuit child of Mrs
Charles Powell. of Philadelphia, formerly
Yu. Belle Cass, of this town, died . Mon-
day monies. Mrs. Powell had Mee here
only • short time, thin being her first .nit
as home .ince her marriage.
H.rlook: The trantess of Harlock .tool,
$.s:l.. No. 6, have secured the srvfd. of
Mi. Monteith for ,bsoth.r year's work as
masher. Thi. wait b. Mi. Mont ith's third
year at skis eoboot. and bar west, (rem
the trot, has beer ambiguity satlsfo
Haploid : Jeb. Fauns has made some
Lepurw.t lend sales lately, one of whine
.as the dispel of Game e(g8ty Giros . the
Trout road. weft of Elijah Colitis's, to Sam.
Snider. Saba. lues, et • geed pries we
believe lir. Raider will Mild sad boo hire
Tsekereniith Richard Robber. has
sold hi. f.rm,lot 12, e.oseaioa 5, H. R A.,
Tsekeremith. to Hoary Meilavto. who hes
e.ewpi.i it ler ssce esa•adorahle Pima
'17e pric. w. $6.000. • nn., . farm
land has bees selling a fit. yeah, 8.t the
farm i.. eery 6. ova
111.1.: O. Frilly bast, as Mrs. Avid
Stoop was .rale • wieder, the fres.e d
whist' hail .welts wIlb the rale. and
remit -
...e forpeal do, her feet slip
a. to wn
and in try's' to save herself bee Med west
throes\ the rhea, .telar the mhos .
badly as to require the setrmies of • dear
toe the glass out.
Wkagb•m t Discard hie arises in M.
Wi.gb•a .area of 1he fhely tine Army, sed
waft • somber of the m.mhern have gee
out and formed seedier army, to h. k..we
. the IImW Mehra= Wisi Workers.
They have rested • Milling •sed are er-
dsdier their meetings .somewhat the
tams lies . the 001..00. Army.
W Jam. Porter, of Medlaise
form -
W.T, ..s ofSammiPateraPatera... �f\.�m..lw. h.. b.s in tows dories
the pad week. Jamie &ad his brother
Robert are miss • meek sed have over
800 hese of ..Ws . k Jam emit Raw as
lar. M.Nr.1 with • esesipm.* of 600
Asad of settle from mother rams\.
Wiag8m 1 Yea 11sTart8,
pl+s of the fl10 .1_ I MMa.w Co. had •
.anew s.eam from death lest Thursday
He was agendas a owi.s saw ra th* fa*.
*7, whim the mw Seer .t gad est Ida
.seem !..we. The
dere w1W11imrhly IMINMet, ret (en
sac.xosect g
nog first prize at the Indto
Industrial Exhibit
for{Juoe shoes.
Blyth : Lately James Kuree.s, Mater at
the Commercial. tet with • eery painful
aootdet While engaged w haraeesiog •
bores, the animal kicked. knocking him
som,less, ..d inflicting MID url y wound un
ha tans. He was earned, In an u•000coiotee
ouodumoo to D-. Milne's office, where hie
wounds were dressed, and has erase suaoi
ently recovered to be able to go to hie home
in Win{bam,
Grey Friday *venom .. Robert Shal-
om was puttag up some pole. in • mow
in his bars, 8th Due , be fell to the floor in
some way ad received a be 1 bruise on his
bead. Mr. Skdtea is unmarried Dad has
bean lilting aloes, hence no pares knew of
the accident until Saturday after000n,e hen
he wee d Issovered is • soma - unoc.5csous con
dttiun. A physician was speedily seat for
and it is hoped that he will .coo be able te
get •bou:.gain. Concertos of the brain is
Exeter : "A most peculiar and remark-
able ordinance took piece at • tartans
private residence in town a few .,o whish
somewhat startled the servant girl. It
seems she wee getting the lea tor the good
folks of the house, and Wien about to out
the bread was greatly surprised on taking
off the Snot alive that s mouse tied bellowed
out • large hole ■nd built a neat therein,
with hu mou.esh.p is full p seeseion. The
girl inlet, faint, but you can imagine bar
feeliovs at that time."
Ethel : While on his way to duskok•
on .aturd.y morning Amo• bill fell off the
tram and w..enoudy injured about the
heed. He was in cup ny with i Sumo.,
anti the can being full they eat no the plat-
form. Near Newrnrket, as the train was
running shoot 40 mile* an hoer. (:ill, in
some way lost bis balance and f.11. When
picked up he was iasminble and remained so
for six or seven hours. He wt' brought
biome by Siemon o0 S.torda, night, and at
Istat account' was slowly improving.
Brussels Samuel Sm.le, who has been
confined to tin hoar for over • year with
asthma and consumption, pawed away on
Tuesday of last week. Ile leaves a wife
two moos .d one daughter by bis int mar -
nage, to mourn his loos. By the death of
Mr. Sm•le, Hrueeels loss one ot her oldest
resident& He came here whea it w.
Ainleyville, from Neweaatle, Ontario, and
opened out • shop, and worked st his trade
as • tailor. and in health was one of the
nowt enterprising bu.ieege�gpI W. He was
ere who alwya mindd/kb &It hemmer
and did not meddle with others, and was •
good husband and doses.
Cnndld-'kNle.taa' gars the Beeettl0S
Mee le vasu,.
"K Ian" in Canada Presbyterian
It would be well for the most of us if
court' of law were the only places rn which
human Dat ure plays its part One evening,
some year ago, we h•pp•nd to be leavieg
• Presbytery meeting at the mime moment
as • lady who had dropped :t to nee the
court at work. The brethren had not bees
dwelling together in unity that afternoon to
any great extent The temper of some of
them had Brown that it waa not much him
.lob's. Their style had not been digoified
nor had their method of doing business been
supremely judicial. Going mat of the meet-
ing the lady said in . tone of mingled sad-
n ess •ad disappointment. "There is as
much Kaman mature there as •aywhere
Thee body was we of the best Christian
upaswn we ever knew. She has • lovely
Christian spirit, she works as hard for her
church as her time bed strength allow, and
pays liberally for the support of every goal
cams The Presbytery meeting made her
feel .ora Mani the pity that men who
ought to M leaders in the nicht direetiou.
Dad models of Christian courtesy, should
display so snob beaten nature in their pro-
se dregs.
sometimes one semi very mean display of
human miters among the speakers et public
meetings. The Re.. ifgotistical Oomk•sti•
Lightweight, M. A., is always anxious about
hie place os the prorra'.r.e. He is fumy
.rad self-amracioa., thio.ekWed and obesity,
w be wants to speak at the time M Meeks
be mu ret the best he•rinr. Of wares it
sever dawned rpm the thing M calls Me
Mad that he bee se mote right to the beet
p8.. Chas toy other inisaker lens. Then i.
.o bat way to snub Mr. Lightweight's
..10.6 isepertinesea Give him the phis
he wants and then sake a .p.. 6 se mach
better thee U. that nobody will metass him
or his .pane►. (l.erelly speaking, it i..et
Mir to make • barer o.s tam test delivered
by the this-.kised felbw who is always
n uking • fees about his place on the pro.
Thera i..dy see manor tbhg thee to
ig6s he the best passe eke ow.
and Meth to Vie for the mmmiisg .aryl..,
is the hep that there .ill M. crowd. We
sever yet saw a Mus who milks if he d•.
met 11S the bent e6...e to speak, or dem
ba 1st the ems c sanies, soon a distant
..Mer. Provider!, .seas to work against
er.Nres of thee kind.
The bessMing sig of .lark.] bewail motor,
is amity. nature8. Th. elder the ure 1more
verity.Vgetism ..d m,lf-e.-
e demasss .re. 4..,.. t1. hnm.s *1.,.
el 1b..keri& The peepie em them blemi.6
ea quite phi aly, .ed sever mere ;defray
than when the. Me exhibit them *hark
their weak -seism a . names.
Therm M noir sae remedy, Hume as-
rter. will .2..v. am Its part. Ina bow
stature b. .•..Sled .ed kept seder.
Slew 1. Sea s lime Fle are.
Rad fib " Suelieht " Resp wrappers
bearing IM wards (" Why flees . West.
Leak Old Aermw Tb .• • Mu ") u Lever
Bras.. L.N., 43 8eelt-st. Tweets, mid yee
w01 twH. by pose a potty pesters, free
from .dvorlisrag, sol frit were fr•mium
This I... sew way 10 de.er.te year boas.
The .p it the base ie the marks* ..d at
.ill may is k pms*g. te .d in Me
. 11f Tee wee w seas .pa
11.1 yew trifle weakly. 1Y
The Big Show at Ood•rko
• nee tr51Mt sad 41e 1 ae.vedsmm,-
eDalaeee laterite a wets tepresaeed
►reit. •ed Viewers Calory -
T5e•.Iand. Amrsr*N...
Beldwt., our prtactpl apple In thew parte
made quite a show of their own and tilled
h. (27 pbties. (.reeeiage castle ext to Dumber A (food Thing for the Town.
awl .lm Edd their own :Some King. of
enormous erre grmeed the whiles .ed it took --
The Russets
fell capacity t o1 25 tee te hold
were in fu 1 force and tilled 35
pat. nd. with the different varieties of 16.t
well known apple. to high cohered varier-
ties the Mode's Blush, Dashes. and
Gravenstein Mild thou ono of course, but
the beautiful crab apple downed them oom-
pletel, whits it come to color. some enor-
mous 20 oz. fipple and ('ay.tl. Ked Streak
tilled s lled the platallotted to them to over-
flowing Mel were without doubt the largest
apples shown. It might 8e a good idea to
have plates made to order for a.
Inotero-they are far too big for s
hue dues. the society puts them
Two special prime were given for .pp
not in the catalogue, which they nc
deserved. Quinces filled 15 plates and w
all very fine specimens. Pears filled
plates and made a One display. No 1
than 8 collections were placed before t
lodges to pronouns* Ijudgm.t upon and
hard teak 11 was, too, .seine that they we
all so fine and perfect, 10 competitors strug-
gled to obtain the coveted tickets in the
six varieties Sud their ex6rbltoo occupied
much space on the tables. In single plates
the delicious Bartlett took the leant with 20
plates some of them mammoth. The 1►ucb•
e u d .10 m
ulee will hold their old reputa-
tion, and perhepe we have no Dicer pear for
Fall me The handsome Bourn) ('Iairgeau
were there is full force and so was that old
favorite, the Flemish Reality. The general
opinion w. that the pear exhibit far
exceeded that of former year*, both in
point s
t of ••-e and number of specimen
Gropes come next, and well may we mow
with these who have seen the exhibit .t the
large c'ty fain that the :seat Northwestern
• hold it' ow.i i■ tbat delicious fruit.
140 plates were upon the t.bles to tempt the
palates ot the roteirtueae ones who could
have bat a feat t',.d look •t the delicious
fruit before them. Three competitors tomtit.
nfor the rad ticket in the tauten varieties.,
and this year the coveted honor remains to
(:odench. Five competed in the eight
varieties class and made a creditable show.
The remaintog plates showed that ourrfruit
ers are well up to the time*, for . Goer
of single plats was never placed to-
g ether in t:oderich. The many members of
the Roger varieties and the old Concord
came well together, and so did the delicious
Ihieware and 'sewer Niagara", 1'revelinp,
Empire State and Virgennee. Two grapes
under gals competitors r.o each other
in that el.n and minuted all the prices
allotted to them.
Plume mine next with 23 plates. Owing
to the l.te.eor the •r.thus exhibit
was not • fur showing of what this section
u capable of doing, for our people clam
themselves as per oo
exeellee the " hoes '
plum growers of the Huron tract. The
Pond's Med ling, (:olden prop, Duero e
Purple, fellow Kd gg, aa few o! the later
varieties were the osly ones that could be
placed oo the tablas.
Peaches, conaiderng that thus u not a
peach growing section, came up very well
with 13 plates, principally (*rawford's
Row Mountain and Seedling& What few
there were looked tempttag, as;alway• does
that delicious fruit, and tome et the plates
brought remarks from the visitors that if
they had hal their owe way they would mos ,. put as end to the pesehe. and
bats lett only the empty plates to tell the
A few else melo,both green fleshed and
yellow, were shown, and proved that the
growers, whoever they are, were oo novices
at raising that delicious fruit.
On the whole the fruit exhibit was by all
odds the largest, the finest and the best
ever shown to the appreciative gore of a
critical public. and those who hate vioit
ed the city fain this mama, unbe.it•tt.r-
1 declare that, for apples, the (:edepich
,'splay was not beaten anywhere.
The prize list and other iotereetiag
matter, which law not e to hand u we
go to press, will appeal next week.
TIIE Northwestern exhibition held
hen ate year opened oto Tuesday soder
very favorable auspices. The weather was
all that scald be desired aad altogether the
fur was in advance of other years in many
Wog a two-day affair this year, the
sewed day, Wednesday, was the prineip.l
day. Visitors from all ports of the our
moulding country took is the s,g6te, and all
seemed of the optoioa that the she. was
well up to the best el total exhibitions. The
directorate have reason to congratula'•
themselves on the sutewful result of the
ezb,Iitto. considering the prevalent de-
pressed state of Mamma and consequent
scarcity of money. A notable feature of
thr year's fair am
is the pavilion A very frrluent feature of
former ex►ibittoos. The merchants this
year have helped to boom the show,and the
mosses of the affair Is due in • good measure
te their effort& Som. 6.e exhibit were
mole and crowds of vwtot• viewed them
with admiration.
ea tar as they weat,were good, but it would
be but in the interest' of the society to have
• larger program of attractions onto at •
trifling additional cost The entries in the
outdoor department. were ■ulnerous .n4
competition was keen is most classes. A1 -
though the track wa• not in Gnat -class con-
dition some goad rams were •ee.,and in some
of the event' good time was nide.
•. to. TITS HICK whim.
Geo. ihxou pave unique performances on
his midair home. *Two feats especially woo
the applau.. of the spectators ---walking
Mind-fulded and balancing on the heat
Uixoe does everything i0 an easy and grace-
ful meaner and, to one looking on, he dee s
not seen to think the; one misstep meaos
prolably death. Dixon is • tinsmith by
trade and bed his int azpeneo.e while
working at bis trade. He was working o0
• roof about 80 feet wide and in some way
mama his beeafe errand sag dews -she roof
he clutched the esvethrough . hung there
between earth and sky till rescued.
1'. THE r•e1Lisie
the displays were numerous and e -et r good.
The following bad displays : - J. H. Wor-
sen, Geo. W. Thompson, North American
Chemical Co., Y. McEwee, et. Price k Soo,
Harper A Ices, C. R. Shue A Co., H. B,
Pollock, D. B. ('*lbick, A. 1'. McI.a, The
Godench Orr. Co., R. B. Smith and C. A.
Humber. TM Broutford Bicycle Co. had •
special display in Geo. W. Tbompeoe'o
stand. The Doherty Organ Co., of CI•'tto.,
also had a number of organs 00 show.
. bows • marked improvement mer termer
years. The display is large ond vaned and
much of the work of higher order and up to
data !deny will be pleated to mists the
time -worn exhibits that have weaned their
eyes is the pati, and that tl is year have
6.e relegated to their resting places, where
• fee will he so Imager demanded for Raring
cm them. This is a step in the right three -
tion and will produce good result'. Most
fancy work does not improve with
we, and freshness and novelty .re
weloomed *7 all who are really 10
torwted in this breech of work. Among
the tea owlm is one in hoeiton, beautifully
worked with silk ea linen over yellow .ilk.
It attracted much •tteetioo and was worthy
of it There is • large coliseum of boohoo
ilea, creel a and tatting, also ea.hioos of
v.riom work and drugs. Something very
sew sed pretty was • set of table mate i•
oerdwerk that merited a prix* Anmo.g the
store useful &niers were shirts, ladies'
underwear, &praBm, mac, rag carpets. and
the foreerly Ilimpled patchwork guilt
whisk fashion hist.ISM more brought to the
The Wien deserve *pearl credit for the
display of bread, butter ad trait, .d thew
th•1 they excel in the practical as well . in
the ornamental breaths of hewkwpiog.
surpassed the met *ugeine exportations of
the Ti ite & The pat seam. has been .a
of veer for the 'majority et oar orcherdista,
and although the oetleok in early Rprt.g,
during the period of Wormier, promised an
.baedaet crop, 18. odd rains at that time
teetotally ieterfered with the blooming
pratpe*t', ..d the hope* of our fruit mite
did ea materals.•. Ivories them fame,
the .linen were more er Ms prepared to
•. s mall showing, and the aeanimoes re-
mark was that they did not think there was
en most geed fruit in the musery, sed .11
were agreeably enapolu•ed. The director*,
by as sdmir.hle forseisht,devoted te (reit
the whole of the apses epos the beg table.
Moog the easter. and wester. Wise of the
moodier. amain, sad .mos then theitem, me
ieadeq.•e, ler seem 40 or 50 pleas of pears
had to he "sheeted off' .pas the e.Io
table devoted to .t Sewers.
To avows., of mum), were the erect
..aereeR, .ed .etirele dllsd the resters
tike el the leer ...ox. Rash • dimity
me maw ppa.t together befors4st►ls tow.
.d eampe2*d 4S plates The e.mp.UI4es
hawses the estimation ma rood, bet we
ham skin it better, and pat it dews le the
tat that mete o1 the ..mpetiters ..q the
like shore bad not the ~leeks to amble
them te stake • eolle•tiee, .led baited their
*table te single plates. The .p,1s
were well up t odor, bat the
utile .tad eve. •ieermal ef some
of the .. the d every -
dm sada a vary Em oawt4 reitsr •
The [apeman 1a ••Tb. .iE.ar •d Mee •p.
peles.meai of a Melte. Magistrate nv.,.
1\e Mamma Out Sow Les Me
*Sher Ben. be Cleared ha.
0N1).tY la t Mrs. TI1owR, left
town by the 2-05 train During the fore-
noon she sod one of her .*,cute• made a
farewell tour of the Square mod afterwards
ucb prepared for their journey to 5safort6,
e, e
Speeding I. the Msg.
PARmxk'f RCP.
7 Mottles
let Church, 2.d McDougall, 3rd Porter.
r ', TROT.
8 Entries.
let Cambridge Girl. 2e4 Ia. Wilkes, 3rd
orae 101.
Mile Heat. --4 Reines
1st Fa.digo, Zed telip.., 3rd %% Ingham
Boy, 4th Heather.
or., TROT on r•, -IL
let Winnipeg, 1 1 1 ; Ind lope Nelms.
223; 3rd Bay11e1(1 King, 233.
The exhibition race between .you Pane'
treaties team 5.d Robe Mcleon's peer
wee wee 87 the latter.
T►• rasa between Davie' roma% team
.ed Guedry's addle horse was a very m-
ediae event sad was woe by Me former.
The bicyd* nista, O sous .5005.1, were
not run. _
(Irs.mi►nr.t's t z rate is 3b mills.
G6.william's 43 year-old gimes is dad.
A 200 1b. bear h. Men sot .t Miklos
Nad.er'.row sehool teddies will east
Th* Orilla. Royale 0151 ls ergufsing ea
Ottawa had over 100 Taoist boasm the
pees i.mer.
• ..w dept le to be built set Frederieme,
N.B., sem year.
H untsman'. health Mbar is tootles milk
delivered there.
• defs.Mve sidewalk cern Walton.. •
$3,1100 1. sail.
The view fres library Mildly at leadm
will eget $12.000.
Rasa.s are abundant n the county 4S..
Mete of (Calera
• l o berg termer Me odd Els apple
seep Nor 1100.
!trey -ewe pad eSSKlowers ami grow
It h. hes. A.idaJ 1y the sb.reholde n
pefef .pai Mau hang Oar
where, we understand, she h. decided t•
The twee is well rad of Mr*. Thomas, and
Ti,. $D:NAL Passel ouagratulat• seaforth
on to new resident and her as•ocutee.
During the fast year the and her colleagues
have doe • great deal towards corrupting
the youth of this town end debasing many
of the older heeds. She hes brought •
blighting intlumice is many hoer. and
placed • skeleton io the closet of more than
one tautly in Godench. It is to be hoped
the Wotan may never return
Her departure was brought about by the
exposure in Titr empir. which opened the
eyes ot may to the 3peo and shameless man
n ee to which t8. woman was carrying on
her nefarious traffic. Some years ago, it is
alleged. her Mislead left her and went to
the Pacific coast because of her ill doings,
and over • year ago she opened a den of
shame in this town. The authorities wink-
ed at her doings and no ettort was noodle to
bring her to task although orgies were held
aiming nurhtly in her domicile oet lintangia
Rood. The constable, although requested
to de ht' duty, and altheugb cognizant 01
her wrong doings, node no el rt to eerier,
the law against her, mai she was allowed to
run her race without hindrance.
Some weeks ago Tem tilun.ti. took the
case up, and openly denounced the shame-
less conduct of the won.an and the insKuos
of the authorities. An investigation of the
misconduct and failure in duty of the town
constable was milled for, with the result
that, upon the question being reterrel to the
special committee of the town council, his
dammed was asked for, sod at the first
sleeting of the conecil he was igoomroously
dremtseed from olio*, and .arrangements
merle for appointing • successor
Representations were thea made to the
t:overameot calling for the appointment of
• police inmost rate which had been
menoruh,ed for by the toes council early
in the Spring, and upon which action had
been delayed. The neeeasity for the ap-
ixmntateot was palely toted and so Im-
preesd itself upon the Government that at
the last executive meeting ('6.s. Seager,
E'eq , was appointed to the offtse •1 police
magistrate with full powers to deal with
persons of the moral or tremors' fibre of the
Thomas woman and others of her ealibre.
inentedistely after the disclosures in Ties
tiui*ai. .garnet this woman and her as-
sosi.tes a spasm of virtue sized carters per-
sons in authority, ted evidence from local
eoures was submitted to the license inspec-
tor of West Huron which caused him to
cite her before Mayor Butler. The woman
pleaded guilty, .probably by moron and
his worshrp had no alternative but to fine
her. which be did.
The appintnent of a police magistrate
and the dismissal of the nightwatchnan,
opened the eyes a Mr*. Thomas to the fact
that her rams was op, so far as this town u
concerned, and she at once made •rrauge-
moot for mc.inir her goods and chattels to
another sphere .f action. Re Mee been
'stormed that her belongings have been
teemed to S.aforth and awe and her frienda
left for that enterprising town by the 2 05
train Mooday afternoon.
With the advent e • police magistrate
and • depot town c*setable every den
in town sae be easily cleaned out, and, if the
inmates do not leave tows voluntarily, no
effort should be left undone to send them to
the Merrier, where, we ere informed, some
of them bene Men already. The piston
and oher.h.remher• should loin in Too
SIGNAL.', crusade and tale• •way the bad
same w6ie6 lowborn middled upon the town
by m•tiaterial inaction and police incapacity
and soU.sion during the past four or five
All Martier genleg their tale bate printed at
tale oleos will have • free notice inserted
lathe 1151 e.1 to the time et sale
Sen•Rnay. Oat. 6th. - Auction sale of
farm Stock at lot 16, lake range, Aahlield,
all 1 o'clock r M. Jae. Griffin, prop ; Jeo.
Graff., aaetio.eer.
W.D!rw.DAY, Oot. 3rd. Amnion mile of
household furniture at the widen* of E.
Dswai.`, Aegleeea-ot, on Wednesday, Oct.
3rd at 10 A. m. No reerve. R. Demme.
prep ; T Gundry, .set.
Tatars.♦, Sept. 27th Aware 5.15 of
bemeeheld furniture on Thurday, & r 27,
at 1 o'clock P. v , at 22 Hiele..d , directly
opposite 1L (kr's dwellings. No reserve.
C. R. Witte, prep.; Thea (ieadry, sestina -
Tu.mmDA,. Sept. 77th. --Actioa sale of
farm stook ,tad Imjiemest., tan Thursday,
Sept- 27th, u I o •each P.n., ea lot 27,
M.it .eel Co.e.5sa0., Colbo,.. T}}.. V.len-
te. Fiekor, prupna.r. John Koos, es.
A 1810 CHANGE.
ser w. yeses bar% Jake. Wary did.'1
work ea bM aloes -. tae Mess ae. Tabs
teases wisp.
Yn.vnarew, Rept 114 John Riley, •
farmer liven! sear hero, le alar to de his
f.rm work right along now, something he
amid .ot do for years. The reason was
be had • had form of kidney disease which
.et i..6eat tea Teary age and graeleally
grew warns. Utterly Yr. Riley was .t
times se\ble to lie fa had or to Menet be the
NAM. of his 6Nmey treeh1..
ow N lean rake My is the meadows, fol-
low a pipe or beadle • romps with .y tan
1, the s.. a.,. lumina of the wonder-
ful ramie is ..lhi.g mere *hen Dead'.
Ride, Pjsa 7.r beaus edltd.d • -
Llste .p blimp Ile. 1 kitisy dkegmsa
�tl.mM sem
lar Tlo /..Wath OWI, p • awn