HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-20, Page 5hes
r to -day
at any
Ida. By
oney an
w --ran be
the cost
,uld cost
the im-
that is
the old
)ing long
s giving
lore eco -
3tem ex -
e. Here
on the
I and other nn
"Jew " busi-
I get the full
re've got the largest
alts and Overcoats
the lowest price to
irtnemt is a money
look anyway. Itll
uch well made, well
fitting, fashionable
night for so little
ou out with every -
rem. Shoes, Het,
• nderwear, kc., all
will give • good pair
iib every suit ca.0
d be hu *M ems to
day last while Mrs.
• Custom's Collector,
e0untry, ie %'ompany
the Dart crowded the
kick. The occupsata
s. %Vhf sly having her
If otherwise injured :
d with a few brews.
r badly broken before
der comma.
rums nnanclal circles
e of the Toronto city
teed of on exoeptios
`lit Vsitch's drug store
was entered by berg -
bout $30 to cash and
woken the modern rs•
Dade the fastest comas
o the highest record
r authorities in Handl-
over the propo tios-
tall make for the ed
ars mid to be ready
build the Chariesto
a will extendthtfine
et July. extend'
t long regarded as the
the eontlnent, and
the United States, is
lian territory.
tor of Ambentbarg,
Ion of the Bishop of
him frost his chars's,
Hoene. to preach
(iand John
have bees attested et
end Identified as the
ihn Swords of Brock -
people at the Quebec
Desday and almost s
The band of the
sial played on the
Dolly states that the
n the recent snit re -
y $45.0410 to the Gem
1,000, se at Ant re
may with IMO 1n oath
I chain valued at {150
of Mr. W. D. Bell at
bamday night while
este has just 5loeed •
dem dollars' worth of
or, sad • "dieker" is
(cher treader of an
maltase of Hamilton
• emperved the T.
b, ps thId IS
meaty l sbimg lab
grape aid wine pro
with the "Wartime§
()hos. M. T., State
art [�atygbbe1st aces 1e
tesmill mister
It le believed thea
1 desire to ammo es
s le hem *mbrs.Md
The liver wheat active
i• the watchdog of
gibe system -the do -
@ troy* GS itiI The truth
is: ninety -SIM out of
every hundred di.-
easee begin with a
sluggish liver. A
. light oold or chill
Melly amount to some-
thing servos. If you
correct the liver
you'll cure the cold.
Dr. Pierce's I'leasint
Pellets rouse the
liver to vigorous ac-
tion. After dinner,
if you're bilious, take
one of these tiny,
sugar-coated Pellets.
'rake them when you
have wind or pain in
stomach, giddiness,
felines, low of ap-
petite, or when you
suffer from motive -
nem, indigestion, sick
or bilious headaches.
The maker' take
the rusk of their
benefiting you. If they're Dot satis-
atinfactory, your money is refunded
Can you ask more?
Friday, September net, st..eneing .t
1 r... helms. w et�ps51e•�d hem Di.
Mclleueld. M.P.; Joke Mellillea. M.P.;
Thema °them, M.PP ; M. Y. MsL...,
M.PP., and 'Mem. A mastlat of the ex -
e stave will be held pt 1O -JO idea. at
which all the embers are asked to be pro
mat without fail Bei pollee wbdiviews
M wtttled to .loot ire thsisgatos to repre-
ssing them at the eo.vestien. let there b.
• remiss rally from every .uMMipality.
G. (' 1. LITERARY. -TM fres meeting el
the school literary was held os Friday eves.
tie- lost is the Assembly Hall. Th..omia.
Wens of ogoers for tie present term were
mads The lellowisg program was then
rendered . Male chorus, members ; Mr.
Moore, address, in which he made • oe re-
marks on the •chuul system of Emitted, •.d
W oo rave comm -fatherly adnroenism-'o tb.
shol.re, e*pet••.11y those Lest elope* u
town fur the tarbt. A r.adtag was gives by
Mr. Gnat: yustton drawer, Mr. Strang;
resitsue., Mise Ranson : recitation. Miss
Milo Il4ckso. ; editor's selectman, Mie
Balt. Th. eteuti.. were authorized to bay
some mimic books for the Glee Club. '1'M
e me4.ut closed by waging the National
Aso Item.
What you are sure of, if you use
Dr. Sreze's Catarrh Remedy, a either
s perfect and permanent caro fur
Tour Catarrh, no clutter bow bad
your case may be, or *500 in malt.
The proprietors of the medicine
promise to pay you the money, if
{key can't cure you.
lk. WOW % Fiat "Hem . T. 1IIlerd
Came nary Vann d Here.....
Fal tt:ltm.ry Mrs. R. H. South_-
Haiw 10 Rest -Hugh Md;rattan.
:oths C. G. Armstrong...
Fin.• `.lbs W. Ac►esos 1 Son.
Fmtherbone Corset.....
Limber for `ole-- P. Neese.... . .
Fill and Winter Millinery -Miss H. M.
Fahr Millinery -Mimic Yeses.
3telm -Erma 8 Sloams's Wersbose .
Booth Privileges Was. Mitehell . .
Tutorisg-F. J. Priebe=
Photos R. R. Mellows
gl,ckstn.e's Idol
Teacher Weated-J.eeh Crozier..
CAMKRON-1a Ilasiltoa. en Wednesday.
Oct, 11th. Iii. ale*aadar ('.mare•. eld-
est son of Jobe teaser's of Smalley. aged
M lean ad 4 menti.
STURDY- IsOederteb. es T•0tday•aept l.k,
Hostas Leith Mardi. cider eon of Os-
wald sturdy. seed 17 yo. 1 meetb 11 days.
CUMM11Nf1-1a ].alas, Ceibsse tow••blp.
on Mom.1111101 ytb Wt. Lased luaus -
or eco .1 D- Coos& s&. agog 3 yews. 11
menthe oma N daps
lees the R ortwr'a Notoboelt-
` Y 5..'ve a Mw is i Ter Dohs. 1 rode
r. tat K 1 • AMI', Ammar it
Tolls' Seise. an' edea 00.11
Penni It: -Barns.
Fenzel, AT THE FJilts. 'roe lanai cera
•.abot be exercised tots year by people via -
Wag eahitatiuns and fall fairs to avoid the
soars of roguish fakirs. Perhaps at
De other parted in the history of Ontario
has there eia.tsd such • Diadems, ooasider•
ing the Meson of the your, ea there bus this
"woo. The fact that "later is fast ep-
preachtsg, maks It necessary tor thew lazy
nafortunste• to wort to tome means where-
by they may be shit to live without work
ing, sad strange though it msy appear, it is
severtheles oto tow, that the shows and
fain are Oboes est suited* for securing
vittime to soonmplisb thou ted. The city
papers boar evidence of this. sad are warn-
ing the public to use every Fresaution to
thwart the plan of the thief. Notwitb•
deriding the cry of hard tuns. the tats
were never better supported than they have
already been this year. Kt.,
E/•sr, , RIM La...rs SONG S'wytt.'. The
Epworth league of C. E. of North-st.
Methodist church bald • song service in the
besament of the church Friday eves.%last.
15 Wes expected that there would be 'good
elkalissee of Collegiate lnstitaluTand
Medal School nucleons, but, on .cesliet of
C. I. Literary Society holding its fent
hosing for this term on that evening, there
mss eat as amity present •e there otherwise
world bave bee. The musical part of the
program was taken part in by LC. B.lcr.er,
Mos Martin and Mies Graham The preri
dint of tb. league, Mule S. Acheron, read
4. I•dgee.nd addressed the meeting with
word. of welcome. The pastor, Rev. Js.
Edge, also addressed the meeting. All
young people who can attend the meetings
of the league, which .re held every Friday
semis?, are cordially invited. The subject
for next Friday sight will be " The Sin of
Worrying," and will be taken up by E. H.
The newest metier awl asst erodes of Pall
$4 Winter s.11i gs e.5 be ted at the W lerios
sesMuhmwt M e. J. Pridbarm, tM people e
diet.... en the amore.
"WIT DONT YOU" have your sys tolled
R WONT" east yes ssa•rg Resalessad-
t1s ,aspfree. Ws make • seeWIT of
T/ f
EINE TAiLORIM•-CMM, lerhes sad
swam sulttmps, •vurmaUn•. 1d•ek sad Mee
ORM warted easuap. eta Mont' wlb
seeded. esess.wW reg 5arg•►5 to saMnd
••••k___ tot Q.- a.l see the needs and ask
Yet wag 5srdl W. R. Mwi.rm.s.
�Tsat.uNa Gsurs -Mast people are 00m1-
pWeisg shoat the boy that rob their
grape vines. A NW MOM .so • crowd dist
keys snared • garden and stripped all the
noes. The owner is endeavoring to Md
set the hese' names sed if he can do as he
will has. the boys arrc5Iod.
Pt•..,.at. Ex►*&iii' -Mr. Wendt
Mule at Toreato Kzhibitiw. perseedly ex -
Weed eM seem exhibit and, owing to bis
blas tap•riemrie with Moves, was able to
'Mune the best and meet improved heat-
ew15 Sad whin, Move is the market. Ten
w01 always fled the MM at Worland & Co'.
Ni.,irn' *1.111N't'i ' r.. The toe* de-
layed appeal is the insurance case of W.
Nightingale, now of Aliietou, formerly of
Brussels, same up for hearing us Weiner
daybefore Judge Rose. at Toronto. The
following was the report of his lordship
Nidttegale v. Western Assurance Co-
Judgaeot on appeal by defeolants and
aroma -•peel by the planufl from oke report
of Judge Tome, smutty of Huron, meting as
✓ ebass, action upuo s policy of fire war -
sass. The referee found that $3,+700 was
dem to the plantifi. The learned judge is
of opinion thit there is no evidence upon
513,000 may safely be adopted as the value
in Jane, 1892, of the stock of goods insured,
bet that all the evidence upon analysis sur -
pert. • tisdisg of 511.000. and the award
sbo, 4 be reduced to $2,730, i e.. by 51,200.
or 60 per mat .t $2.000. In ibis raspsct
the defeadents' appeal r allowed. sed m
all other its liemieeed. T►. plustiFs
appeal is dismissed. No oasts to either
party. W. R Meredith, of ('., sod
(:arrow, tl. C., for the platsuff. McCarthy.
Q. 1'. aid W. H. Douglas for the doted -
A (AN Aims 61St.'+ Mi.'r.aa.-A de
* patch from Chicago, &se4 September 12th
says : Robert Folioed, aged 36, • wealthy
e oetractor, of Englewood, W deserted the
woman be married twelve years ago, and
sloped with kis beautiful oosuin. Gertrude
Mc('ord, of Exeter, (sada, • girl of pun-
ters year. The family and intimates haw"
doss their statin to bomb .p the affair, and
were oue000ful natal to -day. whim the m-
ere Story same mi. Gertrude came to
Kilg-M. sad was admired by we, .trend
now all parts of the eseeley. The Gods-
od.rash organ h.. 55 meads reputation and is
bet pintas • foothold wberever seam
New territory is bang.omesantly asked for
by siesta. Booed .5igemat. More hers
made to the Maritime Preview, alas as tar
West as Brio\ Celem5ia. The Co.'s All 1
Inaba w.e oral i. in great deemed and
g ad. ready ..1w e.ywbere. It is the in -
winos of the mS 51em.nt to tavodaoe •
somber d maw pt71w daring he coming
reser. Arra.Remeste are being mads te
May on the manufacture of chetah .ed
Wee furniture, alio interier work,.. snbs
mantles •5d ovallia.tlee. The sem d tM
company is to trM • high grade sear ami
seams se left .leder se wow this cad.
Read Ja. Robinson's ail. on page 7. It
is .n eye opener.
The llig Mill hill is heir, gravelled. The
'or pentium risen .re doing the grading.
The Alboou Hotel stable os 5o•th-•t is
belog repainted. 4i. W. Black bee the
4 )1,1155 nerved in all styles .t C. Black -
n os.'. *%'est..t, lunch toorns. give him •
J•. Kegan,form.rly teacher at Benmiller,
hes been committed to bail os account of
The evaporating establishment is rushing
bamisseo• Over twenty hands are employed
at pnoset.
Geo. Thomson will supply you with any
make of piano you may require. ('.11 os
him sad get rock bottom prtos.
M r. 1 ole i• kept very bus rep•iri.g •.d
remise bicycles. His whose ere in great
demand and he expects to have several
mon oo the rood next woo.,
Mayor 11011.r's water nympha have been s
great ornament to the Square this Summer '
They have just been an item of expense
and are .o more an ornament to the square
than the clanging cowbell to the b,vtns
that roam the streets of Goderich.
Rheumatism Cured in • Day. -South
American Rheumatic Cure. for rheumatism
and neur igia, r.dieally cures in one to
three days. lis action upon the system is
remarkable and a.ystenous. It removes at
000e the cause sod the disarms immediately
dteapptars. The first dose greatly
7S Dears. Sold by Jams Wilson,
Heart Dumas Relieved in 30 MiMm.-
ik. Agnew's Cure for the Heart riven per-
fect relief to all casae of ( organic or Sympa-
thetic Heart Ineeme in 30 minutes, sad
speedily effects • cure. It is a peerless
remedy for Palpit•ting,Shortnesof Breath,
4motbenn* Spells, Pain in Lett Side .ad all
symptoms of • Diseased Heart. One dose
convinces. Sold by James Wilson
A Boom to Horsemen. --()ne bottle of
English Spavin Liniment completely re-
moved • curb from my horse. I take pleas-
ure in recommending the remedy, as it acts
with mystenoua promptness in the removal
from home o1 b.rd,so t or calloused lump.,
blood sosvin, splints, curbs, curbs, .weeny,
stifles end sprain. George Roob, tarsier,
Merkhem, Oat. Sold by Jas. Wilson.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used The many, who live hot-
ter than idhers end ei joy life more, wits
less expenditure, by moan promptly
adapting the world's beet products to
the needs o[pb physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, syrup of Fig.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form numb .cceptab:e and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling °olds. hea.hches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
rase with the approval of the medical
pr•.feesion, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
eniug them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured bythe California Fig Syrup
Co. only, wose name is printed on every
package, .leo the same, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed. you will not
accent any substitute if offered.
C',daseb Pr1em►-
OoDCticm. OI• . 19th. 1M4
Whit standaM 0 53 to 0 00
0 50 to 0 CO
bunny. mr cwt 1 9.3 to 000
• ten 00 00 to00 00
• toe-.
Interesting liens. POrater rp At mad 'tear
The lake Proal.
Fishing still sootiness very light off this
W. Marlton repaired the tug Aikens this
The bathing house has closed for the
The roof of the t :. T. R. elevator is being
liter McI)ooal4 has laid his skiff up for
the Winter.
ntr. t'ambru was in on Friday on her way
down the lake.
The timber is rapidly disappearing from
back of the harbor.
C. Murray hu drawn the Sunbeam out on
the island for repairs
Scbr. Tdman is being laid up in the
creek for the Winter.
The rough weather has kept the fishing
tags in pert nearly all thio week.
We understand that the tag Aikens has
fioiabed her job .t the cribs and is to be laid
ap shortly.
The heavy rainfalls of the past two weeks
bas raised the water in the harbor to the
usual height.
It was pay night down at the dock Satan
day. The men hauling stone nude • large
haul ot money.
Beating is dose meetly in the day time
sow, but there are some pleasant nights
tor beating ret.
aeries to the heavy rains last week the
waw, rose two or three feet and covered
everything with mod.
Sar. Empire . 1led here os Saturday ott
her way up the lake and took os three ears
of .•1t •e4 one of bay.
Sckr. Corset, of Kiso.rdine, arrived on
gatardsy and loaded 50 barrels of Hoar.
86* left on Monday morning for Kino•r-
Stearn barge W. H. Balte arrived en Sun-
da] from Port Arthur with 28,000 bushels
of Nal Manitoba (card wheat Bigthe
Mill. ffhe unloaded Mosley and lett for
Port Arthur. light
8.hr. Henry Baled. light, arrived oe Sat
orgy from Port Elgin. 8ke w rebuilt
. aa lem,tksmsd at Southampton daring
the Sommer .m4 slams t. to he measured
by meow °Seer, A. Farrow.
Rehr. Carter res aims ea Green 1.1a.d
Shoal, Maniteule Weed, last week. 8be
had • load of Number which is beim .5.
eft. It 5.c bees &sided sot to tow her
off u she a es Mil bast. The mew are busy
stripping her.
Owisg to a wdde5 rtes of the water m
the river, J. Platt's store wow broke loose
and drifted mit into the lake It drifted to
the Norah pier where it mmaimol. A. 14e
taw was leaded, $5e sees were saved the
tremble of Merles it mewl.
Chicago about a year aro to continue her
marioal studio. at • city collet. She
boarded at the Fulford home, sod was
tressed s their ova child. The wife .ever
suspected the love that was growing up be -
twee her besb.ad and his **nein. About
Hirer mace .go Gertrude deter.ia.d en
gun boas. for s short .50.tios. The train
left at night, end Folioed said haou them
ocmtp•sy b.r to the station.
wither of them have been area. Fulford
oft • Dote to his wife, stating she bad al-
ways hoes geed mad faithful to him, but
that be was madly in love with Gertrude,
.s4 would live with her mill she got •
divorce wee they would merry. The
orris, husband seeds ever $20.000 worth of
property to MM wife beers leaving.
Pawavrov of Reaott.-The Presbytery
of Huron met in Willis cherub, Chutes, en
the 11th ins. The summitries, el tmembors
w .me1L After routine Msisese the Rev.
W. Martia reported glut the Hone Mimeos
*rents r.eosioeadd that ieste•d of •
Dartos of mieres.ry wattage, Me wbjeet of
Mist s. be brought before ooegrag•tio.. by
".lo.ap'e Pwcettlwn."-Rev. Jos. Mee
Reached to • large 'segreplw last Se. -
lav emotes w the wbjst el "Jonah's
P1%7 7 " His 'ablest for set Seed57
emote, will be "Jenab's Presetting." The
Tks rem. gestlem•m le an site saponifier e1
w W erd, mad terse\ geed .Me.ld M t1w
iabteome of Ids labors M North -•t. Metho-
dist church.
Dot.i..50 AND Bases. -When a dollar is
Must m the *Wain or dyeing et men's or
"Urea'. 0lstai54, it will Mew seed sew,
w Inn gat smelt mass wear WI of them :
st t►e was time yes sheer 1 better Wear
seas. Now is she tine be gel osib, •••••
"silk deems•, eta, dyed for pall wear.
Remember the eepsasemlwYvs win be here
05 tlnday nett when yon oma rhe them
roar roods. Messy at/1 Mese Yates' 5111.
rasa Parker% Dee Wt S•,Terwta,
de rood week.
ignax TO a Pnesest res Towns. -Hon M
what Pater No5er s.M of . newspaper
• la all towns where a nwspapr a yah
Wiwi every mss .5.554 advertise la it, H
•whist mors thee his mord dads, hi was
W w hesMem hs is ~owl i0. It doss
set say tyro the advertiser. bat Iso" =
at • Ileum harm thse the Iowa is
Msass V • gros5mwsmm
s eamM7 ef
• ' .5. As the seed is we se the
Ned pmempemta Nem =ewe lees t
else while yes ewes te Is Molars.
gees Rouen I.v4Ala -A Oemeentl.m
Ise the t>erp•• of eNmtlag a towthlwo Is
gent the Mewl hammer et the swat DesM-
elut lubes_ M the lint Wagd doses.
MheW1athe lbws la
Moir ria =ive pastors or by
deemed smiles. 711i. w .eeptas
deemedM wor
ed. W. T. Hall, • student of the third
year in theology, •t prosiest e.pplyios Hay.
held. read • sermon fused on the text 2 Cor.
9. 15 TM serm5u wee approved et. and
Mr. Hall eertifisd to nox College. The
supply d Mayfield sad KAet55. for the mast
six menthe was left wish the Sew Misses
this the
(;emmittem Mr. Amiens embed
rappeerrtt of the Sead•y8.keo1 Committee he
do .'v.4 seta tes�t of Presbytery.
TIM was .greed to. Rev...
1 S. ffessdinos
of effort
w • ma e of Me Presbyter,' to the
to remove the lobs .1
Kase bolas iia jubilee of
Knee Colima at w •epo•dr
that bowline. after wee dta'eseies it
w agreed that wi5Mters brief( the m.*ter
MfaeeMe ° in the waywhite
Moderation • wall
The adjourned to meet M Che-
w beat 4 se Unto Muria, Broomfield.
tem en the T.gadmv el Nowa►.'.
Nestrees Reston.-MawPe Sesoliera,
le the 0e reek Ornate
w wast trip
fm bb ams reeking.
trot 5554 gals wen mals is Wit erases
sod *threw - wmdwerk. The hisser,
the rho}) sem& e1 Uses& Is
mf woodwork TM sonyeng 414
mM etybnt se the i.4.Mr5. 'Se reser
to mash seine edod
hos M min i§ par.
_ the sweet Weis the Owlerish
dman* Seat butt to ntrrWl{ulahWL The
411819/ oma M iirlssle wgw5wa.
TO aDvsnT><ss>ws.
Notion d olbus s. mud be lel% .t this
Office not later than 8.tnrday
noon. The Copy for changes
most be belt not later than Mop
day moot- 8'semal Advertiesemats
acespted up to neon Wednesday of
each week.
TlaiMUlagt Odidw.
0001 r.
Mined 10.3e,.m.
Mall andlzp,.s .. 1.51nem•
]used 7.45 p.m.
Mall and Et preen ••»- 0.56 p.n.
Weiland Nieem ase am•
M.1 p
nsros 1 O6 p....
Mimed 1at
SItuatlsos Visant..
A PPR11N'p(C=S WA1IT DT() 1.l?ARN
t� arammoklnR. Apply to MISS.
over Jas. A. Reld's dry goods stare.
strayed itatunaka.
M W two Iambs. Ewer tea have b
ci(TISS mei 55JI mMap, IL VOL' NI
woM fere a It
w tow oe
5.551505 • ten.. ............«0
111 M ' 000
Cate.• ►reel ass le 061
Barley. two rowed. • bash ...
party, common
Hay. • ton
Potatasa.• bush. new
Km trete unpickedd•a
d.• -
Sheep Skies
e5 Malls sad 7'bssy.-+iperteaed. One
door Bast of Oast Palms', %V.et et. el -301
1. Por Ort. Ma. Rea*. T THOMreem. Mev
in` thss� rasovated the old lstmnstlon
al Hots 1n.e.ten street, ft bot been Ulnad by
Mit D. C*•NNT. who has furnished R t. Bono
fortable Nyle. mod by careful animals" to the
wants of resw hopes to receive Hall Patron-
age of old Mends and • liberal share of new
35 to a la
50 to 700
vi to 0 60
I: to O 30
1e to 005
11 to 911
16 to 090
of Managee Hart's efforts, that the play was
given hum, and we feel assured theeveoing"
receipts will to a measure recoup him for
all his outlay. The baseball boys' bad a
portion of one side of the hall engaged, and
when they marched into the hall ware
cheered loudly by the baseball enthusiasts.
The bore behaved is • gentlemanly Hunner
and no fault could be (cued with their
order. Usually when • number of sports
get together in • place like the hail, they
make itnaplea.•nt for those or,uod them,
but IY. Goderich bs..bsll boys are nit built
Grey Cotton, yard wide, 3c. per ytl ,
Extra Heavy, 5e., worth 8c. ; Heavy
and Fine, 7c., worth IOc. ; yard wide
gingham*, best quality, Sc. per yard.
Special value in Lathes' rad Chil-
den's Hosiery. Ask to see the Daisy
Brand Ladies' Fast Black Cotton
Hose, seatulees, 15c. per pair . also in
Silk Finish only 25c. ((outs shown
with pleasure., whether you purrhame
or not. Ttie cheapest spot in town
for axah.
p iSNerttt ! for Mrs sr ler boat•
(100D HOUSE 5011 Mina .-A COM
Vf modlsu. Muse w Rledeser..s
nim head, contalalmt Huhn rows k
Rood spring water eel elegem. with
adJoiuioR. Pommel*, eat belted Oct 1.
particulars s.idress HUGH Mgt IKATTA
waftswho have real Washington Irving's
would doubly enjoy the play, but
those who had Dever heard of it before
would have enjoyed it. The play opens
with • scene of the tillage of Falling Water
in the days of Geo. 1 1. Rip, the mats
character ot the story, through his dissolute
habits has lost nearly all his property,h•vtnli
lett only • small hut. i)errick and Cockles,
two sharpen, plot to take eves this sway.
They get him well weighed with "'shays '
and try to get ham to sign a forged deed.
,.Juba, however, sees Cockles' knowing wink
sod kis suspicion being nrones& he refuses to
sign the paper. 1.retehen, Rip's wife. pres-
ently appears with a murderous looking
weapon called • broom -nick -Rip dtdu't
know the difference between it and • wind-
mill when Gretchen was on the war -path.
" l swear me off,' says Rip • .core of
times but next moment, when the tempting
glass is placed in his hand he dusp.a.s of 15.
eoswite t. • meamer suggestive ot constant
The .e000d act shows Rips humble hut.
The untamed elemeota are raging without,
sad little Meanie, Rio's daughter, mad Hen-
drick are trembling with fear. Rip has
just returned trom the mountain drunk as
usual -how aloe could he ..joy himself.
Grotcbes' epSesrs New comma the greatest
of all calamities -a family quarrel. Poor
Rip is turned out of house and horse sad
kap eampa.T with the raging elements.
Getttchee repeats in having` tamed Rip nut
but it is the oil story, " Tio late." Her
oriel of " Come book ' Rip " are ally as-
sneered by the rolling thunder.
la the next act the bwtai•s Rip wanders
Bate the taesntain. Here me emote • num-
ber of gessr•lookiog people who sotto* him
into their cave. The mutest drinks their
proffered wise mad sow esters the land o1
sweet forgetful Imes.
A score of years paw by Dad Rip is sill
sleeping in sleepy Hollow. Gradual/aro
awaken end finds himself aloe*. He /W
his gum, mines the stook, which be tis e
all rotted away ; mad all in • night. s be
think. He returns to the villa,e mid is
ridiculed by tM boys, who taunt him en
the *tate of hie bead roar. It would be
as.lem to tackle it with scissor - the best
LAMle of any avail 'maid be • scythe.
Rip is reoe*niz.d by his frieeds and taken
sago o4. The villi.ne are foiled is their
�p11emtt.. Gretchen deeooUeuee dm use of the
1orMilab4 broomstick a.d Rip Gwen off
for the 101st time.
The mad of characters was amateur,
and there Monday eve-
ning showed the to advantage.
Harry Hart, is the Hol. role, meld sot be
'rearmed and kept up Me repstatiee or•
5rr.t-omen motor. Him jokesam plwsimg mid
his Germ wooer a period Item uasM
Rtr••hem, although set ea the rawer coat,
meg • sweet mks, sad besides Wins moored
was prM.wtod with a pretty biome. it
weld be wises to further prteelarise,
mem it to may. that 1se5 .her. I.' we ad-
mirably abeam and Oared 15. difer's%
torte vary well.
The sediment, seder the able direetor-
.5ip of Freak smith. played mine floe s5leo-
maidiss',d a- ' se opppeeed +e it
wet p5wdmg •losses•• sad the wile
w ie every way as atm as thedeemwit&
The erehistos bee hoes .svm every pedes ler thheiriimg hart moi
Je doer hied.1g11IIb.
Jams nth. 1f,
50s5 corner of Victoria and Bruce et.
lures teeetery Mouse . ail modern moves -
'mem. Offilogie with store att•cbed, also
stable, particulars apply to MRS. AGNES
POLL. at sottSge. e'= tt
1 pprr�spp..rtrt7 known es Distillery Flats and
Rig Meadow, .415 cheese factory and other
buildings suitable for dairy farming. Apply te
SIRS. ATTRILL. Ridgewood Part. 5141
Lot 9 in toe brat oosceslon, Goderich town-
ship. cowry of Hamar miles from Ooderlch.
000sbting of 110 acre more or less. Kern Mx
00, nearty new. good orchard of choice fruit.
well watered with eyeing creak. an excellent
gracing farm. can be loggia 00 easy terms,
Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auctioneer.
Lot 1 ia the broken troll'. west of the Lake
road in the Welders division. Township of Col
bora', meaty of Karon. 0 miles from Goderich
gompr•ising IM sores. barge bank born. good
1i story high, nearly new and
Mod orchard of choice fruit, can be bought on
cony terms. Amor to JOHN KNOX. Auction-
Block A and H. Lake range. in the township
of Colborne. conssst.ng of :On acres more or
lee. Tbere are on the remiste a frame
house. frame barn and stabling. About
7 ae ee young orchard offf choice fruit. About
6L acre of bush. Tbie farm is considered a
O retclsse gazing farm. The farm can be
divided to .uit purchasers aria boughtron way
trema. Apply to JOHN KNOX.
House and lot in the town of C11ntos,-Lot
41. Hamm.. oppositetoe old woolen mill. coin.
prising frame house is story high. 9 roods.
None foundation with stood cellar, all in &rood
Nate of repair. Apply to JOHN KNOX.
5445. enter.
A Seed ruy _111 lased Clanmosay--aseene Sweat se leaner nose•
Harry Hart indeed, heel • happy ilmart
en woodsy cvwkua, *Wel b the 1§§,P7
wile be were. The eastphstestary Mme4t
gives Nm was • .meson M every respect.
Harry imo bees to • pr.atutmost eldueb4e
andis redwing and noprwvise the
rabiome, egad them wise •tllwdd en
Ops• with the 055«.4...0
y were the
.t the tail, whish sew ewe el emsi0n
theatres esti& the sit*. T
are all e/ sesbensoteal eherseeer,hear.
la, improve-
sethe �y
'mm'[1,.esi ,prim• of
M. 151 5g el the
WI e • *real 1�pr' ' ' w the •54
seethe& the ball hemp sew lighted 57 roe
�' tenoi r♦b dthe hob* is er Tile part
.t the hen W aloe bow eo.i8wab5 ter-
hipt mad
g54. 'a T�'Le�0-baser
$tats.., rowdy w Is • theatre is • tows
It wt
enWow the eitischti 1,,.. Ms
Our stock of these is not excell-
ed, having the beat and most ap-'
proved bottles made, also the finest
rubber fittings and nipples.
to tit any size bottle.
A tine line of the cies! French
Tooth Brushes just received and
are excellent value.
First Class Prescription Work
I wish to announce to the Ladies
and Gentlemen of Goderich and vi-
cinity that I will open on above date
the oktitswel formerly occupied by
(deo. Stewart and have fitted the stu-
dio with all moslern improvements and
appliances for turning out tirst class
work, and shall be pleased to ree'ive
your eateeute.l patronage, assuring
you 1 shall do my utmost to furnish
my customers with th.' latest in that
line. Parlors open Saturday nights
from 7.30 to 9.30 v v.
FOR SALE. -N. i LOT 31, 2ND OON-
oaslon. East Wawas0W. 100 wins. This
Web. Apply to PHILIP farm. Akio HOLT. wn lot tOLT. 41.11. 73. ~
eommodlons building 011 KlaRet.. 5555-
5545. at pr•.e$t ',.copied as . paiatMep by
Wm. Sminl•.ismealy. Terme easy. Awet/W
P . 8. etch'. 1'res.ele P. O.
Fianna Notts.*.
otherwise ttems.gaiag on the Sass.
islands. woods or any -ort of my property haw
adjoining the Town WOoderich. will be
prosecuted to the utmost rigor of the law.
hare not settled their so -
counts with me are seam requested to do w
without delay. They can Martel In my absence
to my successor in °.Moose. Wm l*bkrtsa•. 'r.
lobo will give receipts for same.
Oode icb, Aug. 51, PK. et-tl
t..*sl'R o. m 1•ndes , Mbar-
buatWt. r*an,tag. 0.105155. hln*15a .the'-
wW will be prosecuted according M law.
Such lands aro the !tart farm. 1e the township
of Colborne. and the property knew. as NM
trans Reserve. in oke tswnabipe of Celboes.
� )1de1p7ON. (1.(:. X. 11A[('HLER.
Solicitor. Proprietor.
ere of dolling Refreshments on the
Records daring the Ore•t Northwestern ILA 51-
btlion. Sept, !Bond 51. oan be hod at Tea 001-
S5aimesipM. Hr seder Aofpthefor sack stand. ply aseard once t0 the
Oaderieh. Sept. 17. WM. 0.11 Permian .
For Salo Cheap.
LUM1d6R 1011 RALE ABOUT 30,.
ese f. hesel.ok 1.htl.6. short sad Man.
$54.2.1 55t. WWM 2:1°. Also • .�1w tit or Mina
lumbar. spiny to P. NEYIN
811. Cur. WWi.Rtee a Eli>dset.
OM- ereiminfli'-- b • ease weird to 11 yea
oohsem ems, year
that It will lased rMM
east and pose mn't help roodlega
Sala of Lands for Taxes.
I'hm. R., 1.014 Medalist,
ttobt. Melee.. Hock.
Late with tied. Khynaa.
Ti t1V N ( IF (;ODFRICH.
l'Hmt in. r OV ONT*H..., 1 By c wipe of a
Town •v OoutnH H. 1 warrant wader the
hand of the Mayor of Is. Town of Ooderieli
and obs seal cf the said coporation. haulm
date. Met day or July. Bel, tc me dtrected
commanding me to levy upon the lands is Ma
following list of arrears of taxes due therm.
that unless the raid taxes. together with all
costa, are sooner paid. I shall proceed to eel'
the said lands by public action. or as much
thereo( as Dar or sufficient for the payment
of the taxes and cost thereon. at the TOWN
HAIL. In the TOWN OF (i1111F:RI(11. ••n
Friday. the 23 day of November, Item, at the
hour of two o'clock.
Ter F'uliowlae Lori arc Parente! -
Lest or Found.
a week est et Mr. fllaasi a storehouse en
Mealy the 17th atop. will pima return flit te
gave further trouble
Strayed Animals.
esbeeriber5 premtlow tet S. oeseeaeise
VO tt�TM : r o Mt of Ato ere e
to peva
.,IV nagp•1 es It sway.
'g� ARTY.
Together Wanted.
bass* fled rise eertiesess. or eathird
havMss hent etpmkse.
ll be
reoNvdst b.y the p M 1110 0 .
ei ale IppLlmmwwwM1saelsNl•••tm•IMIle area Ma 1�.
JACOB CROZIER many -as.. a.1 Ne ,le.
ANamM, Manganese P.Q. 5141
11s. 143;13aNu
1T! " 30 (u 3 a 86
K. pt. 13 101 9J. IS w
1117 'r- " 51 7 341 00 9 !e
1242 "- w $1f 11 _ 77 21 30
11 .." ♦7a'24. 1*
I • 01{.$ - s let .-' 3 e0
Mor ► w 24545155550
W. pt w Of HIT& 130' 73 85
E. pt. " w 34lei 17 311 15
- w 36 053 17 39 45
1 " S 1!1 90 1503
I " " 141 12 13 2 99 I. 6
54.0. tcbiessre ti 1: 3 Ma
! . 6 14
'e " 14 g 131 5c 91 2:t
31 Reed's Survey 131 13 9,1 OI 4 01
I9l " " bis 14 *91* IT 30
f91 /♦1 2 9013 a0� 660
31i " " 1 31101W650
1 90 9 fa 650
3 902 110 6 53
38,140 6 49
791 1 lis sltl Ohl3 15
Nxol)euplree. 14 71 M1 oft, 51 15
s' 554105 1141
11 '' " l4 705115 1341
14 NI 7 Hi 11 se
1 6 141 01 474
14 4 14100 6 74
Perk t Mur
s Cedwood's
. streeet 1 f er 0 14. M 4 ss
Part II;C.m. A. 1 53 M M
WU." tlervol 1 1 it wl :11
'tow. Tresserer.
July 31th, IPM. 77.15
Skr. O.mbr1• wee hi w �sd.� sod testien a ear l cl
el flour maaw tr it�t.
U e exceedsh
that the evteMiem to e
gime with lis bhk.d i. shoot lain ter owes
Bohr. 0Mve1..d. el Laraine. solved se
•sasaday with 640 tsar slash .wt M the
Up Mil.
aporia& $oti.e..
e/briber bowies pat la s new vet of
hem5k Ruhr mill 'rtes ti prepared to do sib
Made of rein Mopping with dt.pateS.
MI will be running on Tao.der. Thursday
and S•IRrda7 every week. HMOs in your grain
and get It chopped and home same daycape-
city one toe per hear. Find -clam hotel aid
etm6e ueoe.adltlea sloes by. JNO. S. PLATT.
Oral and Wood Yard
11 ACH I N WORE&. Te the pmkii:-
Rtes Reseiman No. 9 nod 4 Mows.
rem b.d rollers and rest esteem W
ss. 7
.d*1 1 plow. Americas mounttwits •
veswmu le the MM. W
the Made it hay rake.• &n'
w ether ImpMmwlo, Plow mists redeem M
Prise il.ve men kind. Callings .edll se
redeem. Omit hr 514 met..
110.11 J. a RUNCIMAle.
full line
of the ;best
odors from the
leading Perfumers of
France, Germany,
F.ngland, and
I'HM. M.
Medical hall
A7 Did roe heartbeat drool
i bow JIM eurehM.s4 s mare at low prima.
They mast be 5Md.-Only 51.51 per.sn•rs.
1 bare eats mode soother ewe.- • vetoes of
Rod Oak Limber w arrive. PM* le art le 1L
1 wi11..lI hem Hiss phis t• Mtarlast. w•larut
Me. and Iaserler d.swatise wart.
DI4 you Misr abort ser Wee5-belvee ail
Perilous work 1 Me Jlsawed even .Meet 1.
1 have jest a few Made eit beadlesy resoles
few anter weed loft. $i.se a Isad.
1�,ia We alga a nee m4Nam
y of daRM hard week
emit Mort . mal termlw5 slakes! Kos pee
H (herrn intimates Y all mew of
rffinfilat tMe ever. sad arm setas
.4 the ULM 51420. K
are 'he .hips of1.s' nprortnnin0e the ruini
ture hatpin. ten • tee, A cargo of !urn wan
of every kind and quality we have placed 0a
sale at eo••h divans re will make H • r••'1 letter
sale to the people of Huron. Tbr a facts
Foci 1, We earn the largest anal beast as
sorted stork of furniture and unholsterlaS
goods In the county.
Fact 11. Ournock he larger than w. *1.11 to
Pact 111. To reduce 1t wear, cremes 51, "
sill low prise.
These are the facto, It you want the thrum
tall and see us. It will pay you.
nN 111a,W1 5RR
- AND -
1 take this opportunity to Inform the pnlllc
that 1 am stilt le the twine'" not wlthetanding
all rummy to tM contrary. and am prepared to
do every des of work In ley line from tomtits.
a window Name us erecting a 1story build cat
mit asaeard reef. [n1n•tes furnished sad
eempetltioe invited.
TM rumbaing sif barb. dtaglee ad 1Mo. r cmmaterial, mu. h as
5'. 13M h:ETH.
Sedm45.Joh lab IML
�AKING POWiiER is balk, 30.'pt
A tea Bottle maks YtYslloao et
• Rehsebl.R ammeter 11.1.5..
Any amount of empty (MO' Houle, et tag,
A tall limo of New sed Leather fairer Md •
Mims sad •11 Rennet Perfumer .• Palk.
.4M118 wanner,
DRUG 170ali
T-ls•aeno t.
eaame a 1L a tOgs$.1
i have
• Y.m
d •
ort •s4 spintemaesd r ter
very b.. 1sa sub.
w Ad AU i0>r.