HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-20, Page 44 TUB SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT. 20. 1814. Slit $inaI, ns Pin a em BERRY THUBBDAY MORNING nT . m.S1U t71Mp. M. of trilbyOaW10 Northesre0t. Term. elf Nassrlpt/vs 1 se esestb, la dream re. m.stbe .. year. oredlt is awedilea tsMs {r Pike .tolls semi 00 Rear Label. Teo label is • stmeilltiell de.sipt of tea data to which you an paid sp. dee that It le net allowed to tall Into arrear. When • choose of address la desired. tole the old led the sew address shook! be Riven. Advertising maim local and other mend adverts meals. 1/.. pr Use tor ant Innenion. •ad II oasts per Ilse fix eachsu.eg0.st (as.rtl00. Yaaesred bi a anil scala Bemr•card• of els lines and ander. Si 0•v year. Advrtiselments of Loot. Pound. Strayed ��l1ttw.t attsae Vacant. Sltatio.s Wanted sad �mIM Chasms Wanted. sot azoeadiag f I��t aoap•rdtl. {1 per month. ■amsea oa Sale and Farm* oa ttala sot to 0lsss.d { lioso. {I for drat month. 50e. per sub- gseusat liminal. Louver 'Armit proporti0e. Aw,y geolsl cadre. the object of which is to �l�mMe the pecuniary benefit of say .adi- .Mtfal r company. to be considered so ad veetiasmeot and cturwed ►rcordiaely. ileal notices in nonpareil type one cent per weed. no mottoes tem than Be. Local notice is °edlsary reading type two maul per word. No notice for less than 100. Notices for rhumba. and other religious sad bsuevolest lost Outlaw half rare Cewmerela1 t'I rare Aide vet leesnide ♦ limited number of displayed advertise meats will be inserted at the koflowisg rout Per loch. four iert(Y n 100 .. them most"'. 1 00 " six months ..... . x00 one year 5 On No advertisement less Otos two Inches it length will be calculated no above teals. 5 per rest. discount allowed for cash payment* Os three months' contract . 10 per cent. on tit nestbd. sad 15 per cent. on s years. Them sosdlti..i will be strictly enforced. ♦Mel "Tb. atasai" nielivelir. 8skecriber who rail to resolve Tits Roast Oasiarly. either by carrier or by email. will Illafer • favor by aeotatatdag ss 01 the bot at a date as pomlbls, Rwieoted manuscripts ca &O& be retuned. .tor eepoideoce must be written on one side of paper ooly. 8 • 1M rebll.ber's Seiler. .1. C. Le Tonsel. of Ooderirh. has boss as pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town. .hips of Ooderioh. Colborne. Ashfeld and Wa- wa/sash. Local paymasters over the district aro •1.0 empowered to receive subscriptions to Tag Srsra4 All opium conotions must be addressed to U MCOILLICUDDT, Tam 8mws4 T.*Mose Call 10, Aedarlob. Oat. YOOQtICH. THURSDAY. REPT. fir lith. THIS IS FOR YOU F you are one of those who received an amount last week er during • few weeks preos.ding, and have not yet paid up, you lire relocated to do so at once. The object of sending out accounts is to have them paid, and although the individu- al dollar or two appears • small sum to dun for, the aggregate runs up into t hs thou- sands. Die notice has been given to all dello questa on our books, and costs will he lcur- red if the •mounts are Dot settled •t oohs. D. YetaLLp rpuv. Goderich, Sept. le, 18614t THAT energetic little warrior politi- Clan, Col. Jaunts Dulrt-ILLS, is out after the scalp of that eminent temper sacs politician, Ilon. (leoRl.o E. Foos. T*R. DoMYILLE, if we mistake not, irrigates his esophagus with red.eve occasionally, but he is n far more honest politician and just as good a temperance man as the Hon. GcoaoR. The report% from Kings Co., N.B., all point towards the early retirement of FoeTIR from political life. WE are rejoiced te learn that our old and esteemed patron friend Toes Glen, in true to the core, anal that the re- port that be attended the political "auction sale " Monday of last week was untrue. Mr. Gime was in town out the clay in question, but on alto- gether a different business, and one which related more to Church than to State. It gives us pleasure to set this matter right ea, in our opinion there is still a bright future for pstronistu in our land s0 long as stalwarts like WILLIAM RAAc[I and Tor GI1rN at- hero to the immortal principles. THE Advertiser, of London, is re- sponsible for the following statement : It i5 sew asserted that the weapon par - shafted by Mr. Patterson, Minister of Yihta• ae General Wolfe's lighting spear. ata. was sever need for that purpose at all, bat was turned to tosount to open last w - tory oysara It may be pretested to Ma- tes or Oe•dewieh. No, thank you ; (ioderich doesn't want the Hon J. C. Parriesow's new cheeseknife, with or without historic recollections attached and as for Clin- ton, well, Clinton would much prefer to have the vacant postmasterehip sat- idactorily settled. Try Wingham. That's where "Johnny got the gun." goats weeks ago when Tait SumAt. referred to the unfortasate plight in which Toronto new is, owing to the collapse of the " boom," The Evening Telegram, of that city, made en at- tempt to belittle the statement and tiny the facto at alleged. Saturday lash The World, of Toronto, pub- lished a list of lands fer sale for Miss wheat occupied eight pages d eight wits.. .sash. printed is fine Ings Up is the pamnt Tse gaming Tele.guui has been judicious- ly silent on the published tax list. WiU our witty bet wobbly Toronto contemporary please put in au apolo- getic explanation 1 GET READY FOR THE ELECTIONS. THESE is now no doubt that the Dominion election* will he upon the country tot an early day Everything points that way, and no straight state went to the contrary has been at tet.tpted by any of the journals that have the ear of the Governu,ent The voters' list. are in course of preparation, and if the elections were not to be brought on until I $96 there would be no necessity for preparing the list two yuan in advance Tory campaign literature is Hooding the country by the tens of thousands of copies, under the frank of 1)r. MOSTA. It VII, M.P. for Haldiman, although the franking privilege to members ceases when each session clones. Tips have been given to the local leaden all along the line that -election day is not far off, and altogether the signs are for an appeal to the people before the present perlian t closes by etfuxion of time. It was o in 1891, under the able nianagenl ,t`(ple most astute poli titian that ever lel the Conservative fortes, and an attempt is being made by those wbo now leaf to imitate the tactics of the Old Chief on this line. There aro other reasons why the present Cabinet will seek to shorten parliament and attempt, by showing a bold front, to obtain a renewal of eon- fidence froth the people. Another pro- longed session of the Hous with dis- closures of the nature of the Curran bridge job, and the hundreds of other rascalities perpetrated under the eyes and ears of Government officers would not be :i tote -getter in a political con- test , the result of the recent dim -Ilam work in connection with the alleged tariff revision will not ,taml Investi- gation : the relation. between the members of the Cabinet are becoming more strained daily : and, beyond a11, the slump in the price of farmers produce, without any effort being made to lessen the farmers' burden, will, as time advances, ,•sure• heavy friction to all t•1orts at governmental succes.. Then there is the further fact, as the condition of the fanner, the artisan and the laborer becomes more burden- some on this side of the line, the hard times are lifting over the bonder. The effects of the silver question are now no longer apparent to any large extent, the labor troubles are being gradually adjusted; close' factories are, opening their doors once more G, willing work- men . and a measure of relief has been formed in the sdjustnient of the tariff which, although not e11 that was deair el, is, nevertheless, in the right direc- tion and gives a stability to commer end ent4rprise that hal been lacking for the pant few years. For these, reasons Tug SteenL be- lieves that inside of the next sir months the people of Canada will be called upon to give expression to their views at the polls, and it behooves every elector to make sure that his name be placed on the lists that are now in course of preparation. On the preparation ..f the voters' lists depend the success or failure of subsequent election contests. SNAP SHOTS. Mr. .inefdce FAu•o!tueltwe, wlio presides at the Court of Assize this week,is, although perhaps the youngest occupant of the bench of Ontario, one of the beet look i.g and clear..t•heeded of the Provincial judges. Thevisit of that eminent .tatea- teas Hoe. Ron kacnwa..at1 to Huron has sot oast oil on the troubled waters to any great .stent. The politicians up herr want bread osst tipre the waters The next big event is the great Northwestern F'how Tuesday and Weise, - day of sett week. The list of attrsetioas ars tip to date, sad everything polite to a r.00ssefol erhibitioe. We haven't heard of .iAT CAITI:LL Horn's. for some este Information lead- ias to hie 1500..155, &44i' aged to the Em- press . .press *t Canada, care of this Aloe, will be thankfully received. Mayor Wriest, having twig denud- ed ef the bare.rshlp of the tee., mew mats to usurp the fesetises of the treasurer, without pr'.idise weed,.. See that your .ams L. on the Do- mlaies velem' list Ian p.e. G.nsaten, Sept. 96 0.d 96. Seraiterd. Sgt. 17 end Mk We.dw.ek. Rept 16 sod ffi. $u.dla.d, 9484- fS te 9s (leshase, (1K 11. 4. De p..,4. ou�ead�4.! . Of eases* tem ds. Walkertss, Os► 1 le 4 .l eebilltime Ib =2114 08~a8~ Reath Rama at Ssa/mlh. Sept.Se17 sr s ppl.nlrb le it •a* ae the preen. Deariaon. Out. 11 ad 11 Noma WHAT THE PAP&Rfi SAY. TOO U.aaTBST " W O OT " OF a W Tomato Telegram : 11e Mures rival waste the .bulM tea .t the thaaiha mtMSM and ewers! other this'. All this other moots will be traded fes • gsar•atee le shell* the C...rvative (.vestment at ()flaws, *00005 ware Or Tull mevr`•*ar1T. Wtng►ane Tenn : A goodly ssmb.r of e ar toweepeop1 hom received unpin of the literature beteg .eat est by the Ce.serve- tam party at the pretest time. The pamphlet m • strong plea for pr000Uu.sad theeilic duties. It r bath freaked Prem .he House of Common. y W. H. Meatiest", Y.1' , bettor knows es In. Moslem.., moa Wary to law andt. A n ember o f parliaments pray to ...d mal Emitter fres through the la only .satede to the time N. How is M ssesMn, sad is this con the Conservative orpsieer has overstepped the bound.. It is said that as least 1,000,- 000 espies ef the above m.auoad pamphlet are being soot eat from Ottawa by the Govermmon''.'apporters TN. waa0D1T. Ttanxa Tomato (.lobe: It will be remembered that Mr. Miso•mpbell, the repreewtative ler the Loo•l Some tor East Simone, was the Opposition member entrusted by Mr. Meredith last seisios with the masufseture of ceespaign !Aerators in oessectim with the agitators for the impo.iuos of measfae- turing oosdadose on 0lotano lumber and the preemie°. of the expert of loge to the Coiled States. 1* hie epees" a rho How e s April 19 Mr. Mieermpbell waxed elo- quent over the subject, and predicted the beddingof Sweat's t Rey CMOS e. the north shore an ote of Lake Huron it the Conserve sive policy of dueriminetion were adopted. Remembering the above, an atsressiag item appeared a the prem • day or two age to the effect that Mr. Missampbell bad not only.b.adeeed his iate*tioa of retiring from the political field do order to enter the min istry, but had rspurchmed tie Midland mill, whish has bees lying idle for some time, and will at once .tut the saws smog, taw that the United States Government admit our limber free atter hasMg smiled itself that iWiUr the Dsl.liis aur else of ire Previous had enacted any law or ngal.tio. which wield have prevented thisthio... •:- chanes If Mr. Misccampbell and his leader had hon their way the mill of the former world ,till be idle, and essay others, too. Which was the better policy, the restrictive one of the Opposition or the broader roe of the (:over0me.t. WAR ON THE 1 ARIFF. Toronto Globe : To read page after page of the long list of taxes imposed on ('•nedian imports led to believe that the volume reveals • means of national great- ness devised by 1:eo. E. Foster and Clark Wallace is the most sublime attitude of faith. Hon. Wilfred Laurier at Brectford But if the treaty of reciprocity were net in the interest of our manufacturers -tied I do not admit that at •11 if it would be to the inter«u of the t•rmers of this country, and no one denies that, and es between manufactures and farmers I must make • choice, then I can say to you my choice is made. The Government have made thein, and have chosen the mans f•cturers. 1 my to myself and the Liber- al party that our choice has been made aad we will sed by the farmer. t Ap- pin.s. l If we come to power -end 1 be- lieve the skies have a happier augury, and the day is approaching when the Literal Government will be io power at Ottawa - 0o that day I promise you commisnroeen will go to Washington, and at se can get • treaty io natural produeta and • 1 at of manufactured articles that treaty will be mai. (Applause.) OLLEOIATE INSTITUTE NOTES - Principal Strang bas encored Mise Alex- ander for an engagement on Friday eves nee O.L Wm. Gordon has won the medal given by Dr. Hamilton. John McLean, of the 2sd elan, was • close competitor. The anlsa! ram« will moos be the all - absorbing topic. They should he held ea - lir in the season Shan heretofore. It is proposed to have what is called an annual commencement in connection with the annual game, at which the medals will he presented to the winners. The third o noel games will he held in the Agricultural Perk on the afternoon of Frady. Oct. 5tb. The lint annual com- m.neemoist will be held a the evening. Miss Emma lsages, who attended here at the early part of the term, was enooessful io the district exam. at ('olli.gwood. This is very creditable as Miss Yeager) was erre of 5, who passed out of 36. Mr. Strsg, as is the eustem, explained roe Friday evening the messing of the school motto ., palmam non Gina pulvere," which mea.. " Pales not without dust," miseries. . o doubt to the ascend Grieco -Roams gases, at which the esaosesful competitor was presented with the palm. Literally, lbs motto moan " Homer not without lahrr. " Yr. lltram has, for WOO lute, bean try ieg to trace the history of the school book to its sommosement and Inas bon sseeesafal in obtaining` some talereetiee freta is regard to its esleb1ishment. Next Bir.iy he will red as intertwine letter frees Mr. fd(aldue as the early history of the sehsoL Mr. Haldane, . raw 11viag 1 Tsee.le, woe heetdmastr orf the shoot treat 1844 As Ia6R THE NORTHWESTERN. was.. w tie Vain Se be field d Codoetee. sepaem.er. 1Ori, and feta. /he grenade sad bending' will be open te the public at 9 a M. The ..deed parade .karts from the esatrsl .t er .'.leek Wednesday. There will be eve mem in the "mediae is b. held Tuesday afters... Os Wednesday two bieyele Fees will be n ue. • o.. and two mile iesp, A ped.obof our bushiest men have . ipli.a mr lon their intention of exhibiting this year. The agrieelt.r.l implement emp.eities M machinery WI premises to b. • drawl g emit Pref. Geo. Dine. the great high win walker, will give • perfer.wasee on • I bush tibia An exiting evert will be as exhibition with • ramie and treatise team ..ol M- A. M. ley thillities with bar wed�r d p.dy Elly, ve as sefwtis P., .d will try te bas w thea made se the mer- it' wake rase is (ashes ACCIDENT Al' THE FALLS. a Mow J. rows N ..an... Ko.. °roe Ly a Trop., •ad 0.54.0001 Plus•. NI/Walla FaIIs So •t 1T. -The dist fatal ..:eiloid uoesrrotl leu rhe Niagara Palle Perk and hlver Railway 'ionto, rend un �.niurda.. Misr Elisabeth Y.Igow, til You. nal, 1 J , aged ell years, bowl{ olio victim The holy had been visiting ber u tero, Mrs. C. 1L Morris, *t Ha -Mole, sad tie two ladies came down from the city to . peel the day at the Yell& Atter ridl g to (jn.euet.ul, they retained to the eltlwi home. the two ladies walked up tbnwgb the park to Inspiration haul, about stud - way between nue Fells and Clifton house. Mn Moore retuned to the Clifton buses to pet a carriy. for • delve, leavtng Yis. Edgar iu thm rustic building at lu.para- uuu rutnt, where she remained until sibt ear her oleo. approach in a outlaws up the drive. She walked towards the carrt ere, crusting the douule tracks of the elec- tric r....:. A trolley oar with trailer was eppruaching from Cbippew• at o rapid rate. but was apparently not seen and net talnly nut heard by Mee Volga& as she was very deaf. and tu the direction abs was walkmhg the sou diose to tsar face. The can .truck her squarely, tato pets tag over her body, nearly 5.551110.1 the heed from the burly. Mrs More, who was a witness of the whole after, wan about the first to reach the body alter it was taken out and placed upon the gran The perk officers. Dr. Mcliarry and Connor. and the relined official* were quickly ou the ground Superintendent Wilson, of the park, assisted Mr.. Moore to his office, when alio stated that ledger started to tome toward ler. bile noticed she was to great danger and tote oho aid the driver of the carriage signalled to ler to stay back. Then Mies Edgar hwtated, but evidently misunderstood the signal to mean to come ahead, and made the fatal step. Th. trolley maty upon seciug her did everything to stop the car, but was too class tu the unfortunate woman. The re- mains were sent to her home yesterday. AT THE ENO OF HER TETHER. Montreal soelety CYreles t;b..eked by tae Arrest of we ..I T"Mr members. MOITwt, Sept. 17.-A &aided *en- sssiuu has been c..nee�cl in 1 circles by the news whick NOM currency that a well known lady uained Chreville, who had been a prominent character around many of th.• butene for several t earn had been •r:.slid 0u a charge of obtain -a; go ads without paying for them. The sews caused consternation amuug waxy local swells. who have beet on friendly torn with the lady in ques- tion. The aroused belongs to one of the lad- ing French-l'•nadian families in the pro - viers Her grand father, during his life- time, was • prominent politician and her father occupies a i.tgh pusitiou in the civil service. 11 was while the family was stopping for a period at a leading hotel that the young lady oommeuod to laid • gay life. For seems] yearn she had bean doing the rounds it all the leading hotels and her escapades have been the talk of the inmate. The young lady lived in the grandest style, ordering the most expen- sive costumes from leading local establuh- menta When one borel became too hot for her, she would quickly make her exit and take up her abode at another. She became au reckless recently, in fact, and her conduct provoked such a lot of com- ment, tLat the proprietor requested her to leave. Last week the took her departure and weut to Lungueile. Before she left the hotel she hal • costly robe made at a well known military e.tabiishmeuL She received it before wee lett the hotel and has beim wearing it since but did net pay for it. Finding that she had left the hotel and had given no clue as to ber whereabouu, a warrant was procured for her arrest. - A Brutal Amnon With a ■sueMt. Wlemma, vat, Sept -Ate-Michael Cavanaugh, a well-known character here, who had left his family and was living alone in an oil shanty, was almost killed by Benjamin Broolui, • former reeideot, who is well known to the police. Brooks and his wife returned to the city atter a yeari absence and arranged to occupy Cavanaugh's bowie. When be came to the hones Cavanaugh recused to admit btm. Brooks procured • hatchet, broke into the house and attacked Cavanaugh, giving hint twenty bad cuts. Cavanaugh escaped to the street where he tell down He was discovered and sent to the hospital. As soon as Cavanaugh left the bones Brooke turned upuu his wife and but for the timely arrival of the police would have killed her. She was wt to lbs hospital badly slashed with a knife. Brooks was remanded one week to await the oatoome of Cavanaugh s injuries. The doctors say he has one chane in ten to recover. Lord Aberdeen'. Aide Wilde Waage, Sept 17. -Capt. Klnd.nlay, A.D.C. to his Excellency Lord Aberdeen, wee married on Satouday in Si. Matthew. Epieeopal church to Yin Jean Bruen, • wealthy American lady, but for tune time past • resident of Ottawa le was Intended that the wedding should be private, Lat the fact leaked out, with the result that the church was crowded to the doors. The brute was given away by Lord Aberdeen and Capt Erskine aeted as Lady Margorie acted se m In n waiting sod Hon. Archie Gordo. and his cousin as CCres. The ceremony w« performed by J. F. Gardner, of Southwark. F -ng , assisted by Rev. Messrs. Williams and Norris, of St Matthew's .hush. Ottawa criminal Coe.. ()new., Ont, Sept 17. -et (be assizes on Saturday the grated jury brought in erne bilks against James (Ilford, ord, of Fitz- roy. for hot& breaking; Frank !Alberta for stabbing, Harmon Ydtel, snack and James Veiab, larceny. No bill was re- turned against the Blanchard boy "Ver - don" for manslaughter. Bbaebard was charged with drowning • lad with whom he was bathing. Creamery Totally Destroyed. L'xsaino*. Ont. Sept 17 -Tho Mush hill creamery, situated about five mile from here and owned by Tomlinson Firth, has been destroyed by era About sixty tubs of batter together with the ere plant wag lost lanes estimated at about 113.000 'neared for 51,700. eases of fire * nknown. Mos of Nam M.... ,.t.g. San Fameme n Sept 17. -Tim .lam.r ()swots wbi.b arrived yesterday sew that the flag of Slam sestissee make preying towards roes._, and is . ow able to take walking .swain is bis Ipereleeeth A moseaas Weiser tessdoeed. Braun, Me. Sept 17. -Tia Qartt • farmer It soar L.mo.ti, wee kis ea Saturday night, the eijsst beteg rob- bery. i, is Daprkrmwwll beds.. wor1*ig. .• pews team0 r ulld .us. OVER THE HURON TRACT. The shit from the Loestl KM • Weedy !0055.00 of .1ow.ty leers .erred 0e ORM ItveryMdy-ilei ane ream aimed mid c eines -d Rem seers aegae.a. (G Mere are 12 .team threshers .enol is Grey tow.ehie. Ushers@ : Philip Kim, died ea Moeda, Sept. 3, at his bowie is the southern part of U shers'. Wroseter : 36,000 meads of iros for the sew bridge was received hire from Peen - hero' last week. W roseter : Mr'. Jobe Gibson left Mesa V.r 1•wirda es • visit to 1riesio .00ev, Cde British .tombls Godench township : Willis Midi bad the midortase to lose one erf hos hone'. It hammed itself in the sable. Wrosetr : last Saturday blacksmith Hoptr put so 48 hots. those in •idioea to other work. He's • worker. Hesmll : Petr Trigger -sea had the mis- fortune to have two of kis lagers creaked at the ,•i mill on Saturday last. Wakes : Lewis M.Dow•id has sold his fart frm.rly owned by Asdrew Morrison to R. Reid, of Hallett, foe 51 500. Exeter : The Exeter creamery was mid 15 public section last week, sad was par - abased by A. 4. Mishit, for 81,300. Chalon : Jabs, the emend sow of Thos. McKean., was playing the other day, when be fell aad broke owed his amts. Blievale : Mr. Holmes, the new ..wins boas, has moved late the village, sed Tem Cornell has moved into the seotLe home. Sap►em : W. H M • .ssflowr growing ta b that has 43 well formed heeds. Beat this, who can Lesdbry : James Wilms has 3,000 bus. of oats this year. Thi is the peas law of 50 eine, and it an email* retain ithis sea - moa. Monis : John 10tis11111t411l.bs11111 re -hp painted tax osllestes as --d.SI He's Shed the position 81I lit or Mena years. Wi.gbou.: Richard Gress ion traded his how end let is town to Jas. Parrish of Turaberry, for his 59 acre farm near Wen- furow. (liatos : Mims Jeanie Armstrong, ter. wetly of Chutes, was married at Ontario. California, on the Ilth inst., to Arthur V•roelL Goderioh township : W m. "~lining has got some very tall corn, for such • dry season : it measures some 11 feet, 5 inches is Imigtl. Blyth : Word was received oe Wednes- day ef the very Buddea death of Roderick Aadereow, of Turtle Mountain, 11aa., for- merly of Blyth. Exeter : Win. Follaod er., who leder went an operasion for • thane in the t beast, is eonsidrably improved and is able to be out around again. Seaforth . The Broadfeot k Ito" Font - tore Factory, which has been shut down for • couple of meths, has again com- menced operations. Morris : Friday night last, the barn of Arthur Shaw, of the mooed concession, was struck by lightning and the barn and iia oostote destroyed. Loodesboro . W. Stewart Littie, the of the three yenag men who bad their baths broken four years agn last My, died co Tuesday nicht, Sept. 7. Exeter : I. R Carling led the "good Demon' were out Loon hunting Tuesday ■ igbt and sncc.cded In capturing a nosier weighing over 20 pounds. (:ray . Ilonell Lamont left tor New York on Thursday morning of this week, where he takes the Allan State steamship "State of Nebraska" fee Glasgow. Howell . Robert Paterson's plaiting min was destroyed by fin r.. Friday night, Rept. 7. Mr. Paterson's loss is upwards 4 seven Chomped dollars, and he has no insurance. Rrwess1 : Rev. N. T. ('leff, formerly of the Episcopal church here, but now of Fan - toe, Illchigan,ia here mijsyieg his holidays. H e seams to have a warm place for Canada yet. (,'linens : Mrs. Taylor, of town, has rested her farm of 100 acres, on the 13th 0011011610011 of Hallett, to W. Kilbps, for a term of eve year", for the sem of 8240 • ymr. Brum& : From Miley eyes pleated, J. G. Siena has dot 70 posede of foe Lorin pesatsss el the Pride d the Market variety. J G. is qub • model farmer on a mall .mak 8tsal.y : Raccoons are very •bandi et this fall The boys are .souring quite a sansbsr d pelt . A very large ON was math% last week ; it weighed twenty -lex poeada Etbel: Mrs. John McCartney bis se- nsed home sal* ad mead from bar visit to So.%lasd. She went and returned by the Athan hue Parisian and had •• very eajoy- ablevisit. Hemmll : Mrs. Janus White, who started for Detroit yesterday moving was takes quite i11 while ea the read and it be- eline mess nary for ler to return on the evening tress. Sesferth : Dr. Burnes, late resident physician turd earrg�eeoonn of Termite Ester.! pHospital, has p.rsb•ssd the prat:ens ef 1h. Smith, end bas takes op his quarters in the deetor's ease. Blyth : Oa Saturday aootioueer C. Hamilton disposed ef the mate of the late Mary (;realm is this village with the mal- let, The property was knocked down to Jas. Barr for 11280. Steeley : Oa Friday ermine last while Yrs. Gregor McGregor wee tying is the crews, see of them basked up and .rushed ber against the well, breaking her right arta • little shove the wrist. Morris Between 1 and 2 o'eleok Mon- day moraine, dories a beery rata storm, Alia Sp i, s bars, los 14, 4th lir, was .track by BRhttshig end aeon reduced to • mw el sussalderfne rain, vine : Wm. Mr1M.pll, re., left en.day for Oxford and Rest Middlesex te .sprtated the pecking of . large qn.w Sty of apples for Gee. T.r.balL He will be away thews two me.she. Steaky : le. Jets A. M.Lesd has re- fereed mnab improved la health from his hie pip teld•h..rad Yellowstone National M • be leave this weed for hat bene le 1>Irwbtye, to risme the premiss ef .044- 0..l.: A yenth .sziriaa •1 Ye•sdsM by Olwatabi Fairies, . 5. unto. for till lupphg at Ib* Qem.'s Send. ar.m L, woo allowed IIINOF on teseik of W youth, r.wtw pstln.stgr and prsmm le M busses 1.i Ssdmlb i J. Y. Sew, inerts s. W pow Aged Mbeswedes. e ndssm' el lar. Smith mei mor .ewpF M sheik. Mr. Sm. til Good Clothes You can dress better to -day on a limited inoome than at any time in the history of Canada. By judicious use of your money an outfit -from Shoes to Hat ---can be procured at about half the cost that similar furniture would cost ten years ago. This is largely due to the im- proved system of retailing that is everywhere supplanting the old methods. The old easy going long creait, long profit plan is giving way to the quicker and more eco- nomical SPOT CASH and CLOSE PRICE system. To see this modern system ex- emplified visit our Store. Here everything is marked on the new plan at quick selling figures. No extra profit to pay for bad accounts and other un necessary expenses, No Second price. No "Jew " busi- ness. Everyone treated alike. Here !mu get the full benefit of your Cash. Laws., W. will open this week a W Departtuent for Jackets, Furs, Mpg, Shawls, Arc., one store being devoted exclusively to there goods. We'll be pleased to have you look through. In Drees Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, and all lines of Ladies' Fur nishing we are constantly improving. We think we can serve you more satisfactorily in these lines than any other Store in the section. Special agenta for Perrin's Kid Gloves, the hest in the world. GUMUCIkm, -We've got the largest variety of NEW Suits and Overcoats in Goderich. From the lowest price too the best every garment is a money saver. Give us a look anyway. It'll surprise you how such well made, well trimmed, good fitting, fashionable Clothing can he bought for so little money. We tit you out with every- thing needed to wear. Shoes, Hat, Shirt Collar, Tie, Underwear, tire., all on the close price plan. From this data we will give a good pair of ssspeetten free with every suit costing o'er 85 00 Stt TM% ashs` EVERYTHING TO WEAR. family will Wove • eomforaW and how, sad an to he eo.gr•telated en purchase. Ethel: Lest Tuesday morning .1.w Bateman'• horse took frigid se the train and ran away making guile a wreak of the hareem •ted buggy. Mr Bateman had drives "n brother and bride to the depot for the early train. Fouler : At • resent westing of the Exeter Sterol Board • primeval to succeed T. A. Brows .t the close of the year was selected. Out of • but of .pplic.tioos of six, Mr. Lockhart, of Ca.ai.gtoe, was chow at • salary of 8700. Brussels : Monday ovesiog Rm. G H. ('obbtediek, B. D., of Brussels, tied the mat- rimonial bow between Hoary R•te- sta. and Miss E F. Leader, at the reai- deo. of John Hill, 9th eon, in the primate of • company of friends and relatives Clinton: TM Iadep•ndeat Order of Foresters hem paid the ignerame parry es the life of the We A. H. Messina : this in the more .emmead lel. frees the lam that had the Whams desired to avail theme/vs, of a teehnio•IRI it ...d net ham Ma paid. Londeebere : The Haber west• wee sold last Thursday by assoine, and breeght 51,- 560, being only •bout.s-Wtsd ef the origi sal omit. it was wnrsd by Mr. Wahl). the present imap•at el Auburn grist mill. Yr. Webb is • geed mea, and we noisome Wim to our midst Sesfortb A kip blank bear weigbi.g tee hundred •al tea poandn. was shot sad killed near iriebtow., within •lout three miles of this place oa Tuesday. It wae bro.ght into *owe during the alteepees Pad was eh• centre ef attraction in frust of J. P. l)opp'. meat .tore. Brussels : A sheeting mat." for • elver nap took Mare la lr*assl. last Friday. The sore is a follows : W. M. Staolair, 22:.1. T. Rees, 22 ; D. C. Run, 21 ; A. C. Darter, 19; J. B•ll•sty.e, 18 : J. Hewitt, 18; J. Jones, 16 ; Dr. M.Na.ghtea, 13: 3. Irwin, 13. The tea for first plans will be shot of besveon Mama Simian and Rea Seaford' : William Yowler has rented ►b farm as the Here. Road, Nest of Seater* to Thomas J•rs•a,;ter • terve of see Terra Tb. ferns emerges twit hundred ares ; la me of the best ie the reasty and was Fort- ier 8600 • year, tbe tarot paying tits three sad ming the read work, while Mr. Pewter Maims the me of the brick midges*, the warden sad ...herd Debora' : Jobs Maley, an eat sad es- teemed teemed resident, dropped dead ea Seirrdy afternoon Meat, while seairti.g Arthur Sew- • l•sgb be eating ears. Cages el death, heart disease He was 73 years el age. sad was one of the pioneers .l Ude... mew ship. H. was • worthy member el the Methodist .hero►, sad • liberal i. tretltire H. weaves • wife aad to. laugh - taw Unbars*: Tim away triads of Arehi- keild Rkthep et Ushers*„ ex -11. P. P., bar Reath Mies, will be phased le tears that be Was aAidatly resumed to permit ee his reform beawn few the Landes Wapiti, where he had how fee a month. mid where be mdarw.a% • very withal epistles. Although •1111 weak, he i Suring ,dowel\ and hat Mai have new reed bees ef hie seedy may. Osbert& teo.1Mp : Quite r..e.Uy Jobs IfeCartsey Won eaprles.s that is worth ✓ elatly. /lam eel pen grain bed bees hi eat es w term ea the M.itd..d .soma.., imply Mears they had sett tlwss te pea it M. Whom they rdemeth be hold M, haw- ses, N wee lewd That the erlshete.r germ heppm a fid w to W 01 .,*y .h04 4 the only way it eosld be hauled ia was to had it .p like hay. aisles : On Sandy last while Mn, Whitely, wile of the Custom's Collector. woe driving in the estuary, in compeer with a Lely friend, the Dart crowded tit bores. oaosin, it to kick. The occupants were thrown out, Mrs. %t'hi sly having her leg broken and Wag otherwise injured; her companion e•oapd with • few brei•ea Tea cart was pretty badly broken before th e horse was got ander control. .. as Iwporte.. nu hrlt1m n0anctai circ/« that the rerent tame of the Toronto city bonds has been di.pused of on exception elly favorable terms. on Wednea.lay night Veiteb'edrug store at Plattaviile, ( hit. was entered by burg - tars, who secured about 580 in cash and some right.. So cltte. The I.ueauia has broken the eastern re• cord, and Las now made the fastest c man voyage each way , also the highest record for a single day's run The county and city authorities in Hamil- ton are at variance over the proportion- ate payments each than make for the d ministration of jo ties. Br.tiah capitalists are said to be ready with the money to build the Chlguecto Ship Canal it Canada will ezteed thytlme for two years from last July. Mount St Ellen so long regarded as the giant mountain of the eontlus&, and hitherto claimed by the United States, is found to be in Canadian territory. Rev. Mr. Wye, rector of Ambetretbarg, will appeal the action of the Bishop of Rnroa in removing him from his sharp, sod withdrawing his horn.e to preach. John Murphy of Gregory and John Bradt of Kempville have been arrested at Ogdensburg. N. Y . and identified as the assailants of old John Swords of Brock- ville. There wen 89,000 people at the (Jwb.e Exhibition on Wednesday and almost as many on Thursday. The band of the French warship Naiad played on the Mr. Michael Connolly state@ that the fermi of ssttioreont in the recent snit re- quired hie file to pay 543,000 to the Gov erum.at, and am 880,000, oe at drat re A sneak thief got away with 880 1a nob sad • gold wateb and chain valued at 8150 from the residence of Mr. W. 1). Bell at Cheeky, Out., on Tbwnday sight while the family slept A New York syndicate bee jun stood • deal for half • million dollar' worth 01 reel estate in Windsor, and • "dicker" Is in progress for another trawler of en equal amount The Flumes Comealttes of Hamilton City Council int night approved the T , H. ad B helms Weer, tilt I1 was decid- ed that mo messy amid be paid mil the lir was eomplisid ad in epwslioe. H... J. F. Weed, Controller of laird Remise, and Aselatg.t-Osqiesimer Gerald are 1. Rises musty Woking 1.00 the grievances et the grape sod whew pro .keen In eoon.etlasi with the objeetdiai to the Frwteh treaty. E. H. DesNie. of 01i+.. M. T.. Stele Treses* el the Seim Enew 19 .ssevestiss at Redaat, .-- -4 ealeide thane eel Friday night Is le believed the. he was .ma.Ml by • Anita ea asap mi p ioare, es 1. Y knewo le heeo .mbslsaid the tem& ed tea .ods Swhwms tie Tao th-A► OWN s rm.