HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-20, Page 2I 2 WIC SiGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY. SEPT. O. ISl& For Fashionable Dress Goods ao To JOHN T. ACHESON. W E1 833141. The highest claw of Black Drew Fabric*, full range of our Black lien - ricottas. We make a specialty of this department. Storm Serge.., hand finish, guarau teed fast color, in Navy Blue and Black. Reversible Costume Clothe w ill be the rage for this Season , are have theta . the Combinations are beauti- ful. Cravenette," rainproofed by spec. ial process, ►citable for ladies' Wraps or Dresses . imported by ourselves in Navy and Black. Ladies' German lade Jacko, Our Importation of Ladies' Jackets for this Season is larger than ever, the Style and Fit is Perfect and the Prices are Lower than ever. We have them open for In- spection and Comparison. J. T. ACHESON. AN OPEN LETTER TIM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. • featlamsasla Mar M Man r emu,' 1`I I1•, 'tent eisar-W tib ma paean Das. masa CON yoMSS ?-trMini? PM.'Ia To •LL wrrsat: a Mint minims,' team Luau &os.0ot, Ont., Aug. 21st, 1894. Data Sias :-1 with to call your at%eouoe be • rssark•ble cure of coo.umpuon. In March, 1893, I was salted is my profession al eapacnt to see Mies Christina Koester, d North Brant,who was the s•ffertog from an attack of inflammation of the left lung. The attack was • seven one, the use of the lung being entirely gone from the effect ot the disuses. 1 treated her for two weeks when recovery seemed sacred. I after- wards heard trout her .t Intervals that the proems el recovery was satosfactory The •esss.b..y.msd from my settee usul June, whet I won agate called to see her, her friend. thtoking she had goo. oto eonsump- tion. On visiting bet her I found their sue- pieions too well founded. Froin robust health she tied wasted to a mere .k.letos, scarcely able to walk •eross the room. She was suffering from an Intense cough, sad exp.ctorattou of pund matter, in fact, about • pant each night. There was • burning hetic fever with chills daily. A o•reful examinottan el the previously diseased lung showed that Its function was entirely gone, and that in all probability it was entirely destroyed. tiull havane hopes that the trouble was des to • *Italian of water around the lung 1 asked for • coo.ultatioo, ted the following day with • prominent phyacist of a neigh- boring town again made • careful examina- tion. Every symptom ted pbya.al sign indicated the onset of rapid consumption and the breaking down of the lungs. 1 costa certainly seemed but • short time distant A regretful exserieoce had taught me the uselessness rf the ordinary remedies used for this dread and fatal disease, and no hope was to be looked for an this direction. 1 had frequently read the testimonials an favor of 1)r. Williams link Palle m wasting the- aters, but net knowing their compbsittoe hesitated to use tb.m Finally, however, I decided to gave them • trial, and I am fres to eay trv• I only used them at • stage when 1 ki.ew of absolutely nothing else that could tow,. ,b. patient'. lite. The test was • most severe one and I must also admit an unfair one, as the patient was so far gone as to make all hope of recovery seem impossible A very short time, however, convinced me of the value of Park Pills. Although only ming an ordinary soothing Dough mixture abag with the pills, within • week the symptoms bad abated so mach that it was n o longer necessary for me to make daily oafs. Reoovey was so rapid that within • mouth Maw Koester was able to drive to my comes, • distance of about six miles, sed was teeing reasonably well, except for weakens. The expectoration had ceased, the cough was goes and the breathing an the d.o.wd lung was Mang restored. The use of the Pink Pills was continued until the sad of October, when she ceased to oke the meth. eine, bang an perfect health. 1 still watch - .d her owe with deep interest, but Wmo.t • year has now passed and nota trace of her illness remains. In fact .he is as well as ever .he was and no one would suspect that . he had ever been ailing, to my oothiag el having been in the clut.hes of such • deadly disease as consumption. Her recovery through the we of Pink Palle after having combed • stye when other remedies waren ase avail if se .markable that I feel myself monied in giving the teats to the public, and 1 regret that the onmpositiov of the pills is pot knows to the medical profession at a e order that their met might be tested a many mon dilemma •ad their em - fathom be thus extended. 1 intend giving than an extended trial in the ones of oos- .hmptbu. believing truth their ratios is this oath, (es well leaked) tint they will pnv. • curative ie all oases when • cure is .t all remtble-i mesa beton the Isere are satire- Iy d.11r.y.d. Tenn truly, J. Eva te, M.D. The Dr. Williams' Maki* Ca, Brook- ville. Oat. PARISIAN RAO -PICKERS. They rimy en reaperteet Peelle the leder My .r terse. Cieei•n.el Water. retie Pyat weste in i 1N9 the "Chelsea" de hens." in width the title role was per- enslSed by Fredonia inmaitre, the eel.. WNW ether. who .i.. wars called the (heat Preissbk. The pr.deetioe .f thin teem glean donna gave to the Perbith reg -pike er \Y pens* se.•v.ry rends fee, whish le �ee1� eadenerv.4 Aeses&i.g M the )<iw.ti thatistiee, the revolter is net in tis awed earth erimthab ; hes I s s. y is ea- llegthi. tad W mee•Yty is ahem/ ahem l the reg. �!ma every the w pert is rrs�saai ` the Neweler the mIghbeitheedthese Kee S•iat-Med•rd ; they have beth slowly driven away to tis suburbs, and the major- ity of than reside in Saint Amen, which ass boast of • population of 8.000 "chiffoniers," or ragptckers, out of 15,000 mhabitasts. There u no reason in the world why this in- teresting corporation should not be repo seated at the .bamher of deputies by • rag - picker: but, ae a rule, they are great phtl• *gophers, and scent to be sausfi.d with their vocation. %Vh.s we meet this knight of the hook and lighted lantern in hand, the willow basket strapped o• his bask, we 'hare but • faint idea the magnitude of W work in the capital. It a not everyone either who can be • ragpickr : the prefec• true of pollee regulates that pecular branch of the Parisian trade, and the rules are very strict. Before picks,g rags it u necesser, to ob- tain • numbered badge, which is only given to individuals producing • certificate of good conduct, issued by the commissary of police of the district. Wort u forbidden before sun .•p or after midnight : the use of horses, carte, and particularly dogs, is pos- itively interdicted. Mr. Poubelle, formerly at the head of the department of the Seine, has ordered the janitors of every house in Parts to deposit their refuse or garbage eery morning before breakfast on the side- walk, to • box shaped accordinrto• certain medal : these boxes are galled "poubelles." The regpicker as his daily, or rather night• ly, rounds, searches the "poubell.. for rags of every deecnetion, paper. bones, Iron, ease, old ens, cork, human hairs, and remnants of bread : he must not upset the boxes, and it he finds any object of value, his duty is to take it to the nearest police *mien. in this meaner thousands of tremolo of valuable property hu been rescued from the dumping grounds. The janitors •re aware of this, hest. their solicitude for the ra/picker, who has no contract with them, but who oomen regularly on his errand. When his basket is full the ragpicker cow home where his wife and children help him to eeparat• the various articles which he has found. The raga are sorted first, wool bringing • higher price. These raw are submitted by • manufacturer to • pro eon of carbootution. during which the veg stable matter is destroyed. The renaming woolen threads are mule afterwards into woolen cloth. Four and a half tons • day of wool is saved this way to Pens. Old linen paper Liman more money than straw or wood paper. It u packed up in bales weighing 500 pounds each Then oomn the Ilam. It is wished carefully, and bottles not broke. are the objects of Epeeist atten- tion. Pecos of mirror are valuable on •e - count of the mercury and silver with which they are covered. Metal sells by tbepouod. Old cans are burned for the extraction of lead, and shells of every description find their way to the phosphates manufac toyer. The bones are worth as much as two cents • pound. When they are large they are transformed tete buttons, chips, dace, knife hsadles, muff boxes. peebolders, toothpick., ole. Human hairs are washed, disinfected and sold to the h•irdres.r at • good figure. When • ragpiekr fa& a clean piece of bread earefully wrapped up by some charitable hand he takes It home. Should the bread be soiled, he sells it to the "oharcetier" tits* b.tchri, who dries it in the ovea and reduces it to . doe powder to be sprinkled on the hams, game, pastry amid gat sausages. The cosh. eves Ind • ready sale for the manufacturer of polishing. in lot, sothiag is lest. No weeder that the Permian r.gpickr is • greet philosopher. G.varei, the earns - tenet, amused the preseit generation with his f pictures et Thomas Wiretaps. 1Thoma., r•gmovrl, whom legged is characterised by • high sones of that pbilo.opby. Vireloi1ue in the one who said at the &apart of • drunken soh, lying 1n the gutty . " Man is king of creation. Who said that' The ass " G•vrei haat the rapist/sr, who who plays • more important part in the Parham i.daetry than the *initiated could suppose. asleep e. tN Seesem et 'be River. Marine .lourtal - A 'Waage incident in eotnctien with the work of *tearing away the debris of the renatty wrecked bridge at Louisville is :dated of the oebt.•riee di%r whose duty it b to descend to the bottom of ihs river sad feeten •bye• Meet the heavy iron work, hoiden p1as .g dyer - mite sh•rges la spots where the Mees de n imble resides may be had. Yesterday he remah.d beneath the ..rtes for mese than Ion hoer. There was se response who sig- mas were made, and there was a mssern felt At Worth the diver whe gees en as • relief reported for duty, sal he w.. at .nee tent down lo amertaia what won wrens. In • few mi.tee bath mm ease up. The diver won freed rimed en • pile of ire. test • Name aces A Nay named His. T. C. N. Humphries, tfvtng i* Keene, Oil, who used only tine ►settee .f Membray'. KWey mid Liver Coe, bas forwarded • olahmmt Se the t sewed her Hes ,Massey Idlest • emesimege'Who ns =IF te strligr etelltMSS* IOU Swbmlbe he 11.• itfcoAi. Osy el • pear. 30 YEARS EXPERIEtiCE. Tobacco is one of t h ew articles of manu f act- ur reale whoseit can IIE only14 be �+Oar oun' by actual use. For thirty years we have been ma- -� • tingQ theest t,:• grades of to- _ Jaccos. and we recommend MASTIFF -PLUG -CUT as a reliable and superior Arrirlo J. B. PACSa Ire a Co.. Lhaa mom. v HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. end `arts will keep well if hus°71ruivitaellkit ♦ mol aid airy plass. Repeated •ppltmtisns of alsehol will re- move gram stairs from any white material. Cleae gilt heaves with ram water, le which flowers of sulphur have been stirred. For sauna, .Derek soma rice, pour boiling water over it, and drink se het .e possible. When milk is used in tumblers wash them first in cold water, afterward rinse them is bot water. A little flour dredged over • oaks before meg it will keep the wig from .peQfitg and ranting oft- --- Bread .nil c•ataewls. or aq- 4 toil in which flour and Imp have been weed, .r. n.ore easily cleaned if placed in oold water after using. After • room has been oewly papered there should be ample opportunity riven the paper to dry upon the walls before • fire is build in the apartsoeot. Instead of keeping ice in • dish, where it will quickly melt, the flannel on the diah se that it dregs into the bowl, and keep the ins In • Gunnel bag. Soap bark is •bout the best thing that you oan find for • wash for the hair, and 30 grains of quinine to • pint of bay rum the best and cheapest tonic. A nal or tooth brush sh- uld Dever be left in the bolder with the bristles uppermost. It steeds to re•soo that water will soak into them in tame with such treat- ment. For • weak person when bathing, espec- ially in Summer, • gill of ammonia Io • shall tub of water, or some rock salt, is • wonderful invigorator : almost as good as • see bath. Sandpaper old walnut frames and give them two oo.ta of ensmel or two of sums and one of varnish. If you wish to make • dark wood frame whit. rave it first • coat of common white paint, then three of cream enamel. The rubber rings of fruit ctm will recover their elasticity if soaked for • while in weak ammonia water. This u .tutu an item when canniag is Ming done and the rubber pugs are found to be stretched out of shape. Wash willow furniture with warm water and cattle soap, wiping very dry with • soft cloth, then dry in the sun or near • fire. To bleash at after washing in warm suds,set in • box, without dryisc, put • small dish of burning sulphur inside and Dover the box for half an hoar. Cleanse 1' t Summer woollens which are easily soiled with light, finely powdered Fritsch chalk. The soiled parte should be thickly covered with the chalk, waist should be allowed te remain for one or two days sed then removed with • camel's hair velvet brush. to most nem this treatment will cause spots to disappear. MAIM. ea AevemmN.te. Lawyer you one I'm about to go out' 1f you have any business with me you'll have to tall during business hours. Pedlr Iea't thte one of your office bean '. " No, sir." " All right. ('U make • aihnte of it, by the watch. Now, if there's anything you need in the way of pocket combs, tooth picks, hairpin•, cuff bottoms, key rings, peen , pens, ink, paper or jewsb•rps here's year chance. I tell your &etentieo to • seat little device that's • whole box ot toots in itself. Opened up in this style- it's • corkscrew. Folded up &agga.ds and opined at the other end its • screwdriver By eni- ng out this little •rn.gemett, as you nes, and adjustty it in this m•neer it becomes• pair ot dividers. Rester{{ it to ite origins shape sad preening • little spring right hen ea the bask don't be in • hurry ; you haven't sem half its good points yet --at re - selves dealt into. six-isoh rub on one side and • paper -hails ea the other. Pull oat this ..all lover and you heves heady net cracker. Here ea the end ie • handle tor the inertias of tab little fib, that lies snugly conomisd •lour the side. By the. thrive sheathe this wonderful little imple- ment ssn be wade halo • at•bohbex, • wreath. • gimlet, • 1•tmp-obimnsy cleaner, • pair of twosome "— Look hen, you imps "— " A perpetual e•llead•r, • elgar, holder, n eedle cam, touted. pen, •sad • shivered wateh key, and •11 I ask fee this marvellous little combination b "— "ityes don't get oat el Mr* Ill "— " is 66 mite, bat ay adnate'. up, I'm • lima of ay word, and yes esald.'t buythis ea thing sow If yen were to them • 86 ll at :welt get dews ea year -b_se; sad geed W Hakim Bea seas year dngi.maei n� !" ■ ens W M..le tame em1e ureas«, Chinese Daily Tribune : C1m meskeys sake is a %heedse whim\ mal wow be.,. mewed is the •AemaUT.. The dlae.very was made at the Jardis dee Plante ie Paris by • bend 4 imbio.M.e ereblee,whe fes- ly to the essup.eb of the sem- wIHISS re/ W.04 faIpile *Med 'Waveless. d awe.,ey , M ad- vent ret boys, mill the kmrsy.4 .sad the ewb- empseei appeantiese fie the gam *Am peeved le diem that miniklud sill iemore m�mnntp4w ef lehteM tad. mese dwivd et • nes plum . ,Ye Sssdeek Pew seek ails sled one, w mete the Wet eel ecce weef4eghm OOUNTY at1R11ENCY• Ma : Mr. Dndssd et the G. 7. a., who has Ilsee laid of with • keine leg, W resented kis week. Aineb•m : Jr, athwart, am el U, athwart, Brunnals. new helde a respmtiblo position is the private hank el Memle. Y.ite.d a Soe•t. W knik.•.. Brussels . J. Mo3ah, el this tows woe the 100 yard foot Hotta at Hot Forest games last week i• • lively o.steet with Troleeetosala He els wee ih several jump& Bresse e : A doable -decked car .f .keep was shipped to lianas Wet Mosd.y, for ex- port, by Messrs Clegg i, Demes. The name readiness also boarded • oar of cattle for Mo.tr.al. \\'taRkam : 1).n Calder left for hie boon in 8e.vertoe, ea Wednesday, to 'v. his shoulder, wliob was i.jared is the match at HitobU, un osuy, • osaoe to got better 'e•torth : The progressive and energetic Inn of Meths. Broadtoot, Bost Co-, have recently added • bran sew bearn to their sad.rt.aing diversions; the eon of which was $1,200. w' ham W. and.rstand the Palmer si ,. Telegraph has hese purchased by t. H. M.enoy, el tyre place, who will remove it to Ripley and Mart se i.depe deet in that thriving village. Seaferth : George Beers, of Ornate, nue of the eldest and bent known reui- eats of the nasty of Durham, died os Stinky the 19th August, aged 88 years. H. was the tether o(G.org. A. Been, •f S•atortk. Krossels : Oar add friend B. Fraliek called oe se oar Mornay to make inquiry about friends to Winnipeg. The old geatlt- maa will be 88 years 31 age ort Merck yes retains his eyesight, te•ri.g and elears•m of mind to • remark•ads degree. S.aforth : The 6.e young thoroughbred .Meer which D. 11 Wilson was havis`tatted for the shows this fall, and which bid fair to be • reoord breaker, died ea Sunday het. H. had been siek for ..vers days. He took • chill .It.. beteg washed. He was 19 months old, and weighed 1.450 pounds. Exeter T. A. Brown, who for .early three years bas bees principle of the E:etr Public school, tendered his resignation to the sshool board ea Monday and will cease teaching •t the expiration of the pretest term, which ends .t Christmas, We under - stand Mr. Brown has •oeepted the honor- able and lucrative position se editor of the l'obourg World .t • salary of $1,200 per year. W iagham : A three-year-old son of Joseph Lairds. Winghem, received • fear• ful gash in the forehead. over the left eye, the other evmang while at play. It was at first thought that he had been struck by a swiss, bot it is more than likely that the child fell and struck his head on • brick. The gash was about three inches long and cut clear through to the bone. It required several stitches to draw the gaping wound together. The little fellow is improving snooty. Cabers*: James Jlempery has resigned es teacher of the Eden school, and t.. W. Holman has tendered his reeivnstion to the trustees Winchelsea school. Mr. Holman who has been tea.h.r of the Winchelsea school for the past fourteen years, and clerk of the township of 1-sborne for the past eight or sine years, wall be greatly missed throughout the township. Mr. Holman will likely attend school for • term and procure a first clam ertigeste. Mr. Hol- man has been • successful teacher. Colborne : W. noose with pleasure that Thomas Ruesell, son of Thor.. Russell, ot Riverside Farm, Thames Road, Lsborse, has successfully passed his sector leaving ex•minetion. This entitles him to rank as • bret•clam teacher. Mr. Russell is only about seventeen years of age, and his suc- cor stamps baa • .lever 1•d and as indus- trious student- He &needed the St. Marys Collegiate Institute, and his industry and ability hid fair to land him .t the top of the ladder as whatever walk of hfe he marks out for himself. Varna On Wednesday morning last, lightning struck the baro of John McAsh, on the Parr hue farm, lately occupied by John Torrance. The bars and stables were • mass of flames in • few minutes, and the whole •woo'• crop was ooawmed. There were •bout 700 bushels of threshed grads and the barns were •gain filled. Thr. would be in the neighborhood of 2,000 hushes of grain, besides 20 tone Of hay. The place was immured y the Hay Company for 91,500. The lots trill be considerably over the inserasoo, besides the inmoa- vea/thoe. Mach sympathy in felt for Hr. McA.h on amount of his lou STOCKING STITCHES. It pay. to bay good stocking.. Fine stege and dress stenting are French made. The Spanish were •mo.g the first to knit fine stockings. White silk stockings go with the bridal slippers, bat nowhere e1... silk 'tasking, should be cleaved, like other silk goods, and not washed Queen Elizabeth, ie 1560, was the first woman is Ragland to wear knitted silk .1.101.,. Put warm stockier,. *vee though wares, upon the said as the chill of winter ap- poUss• little ox gall and do s1k•li in wash- ing Ni home. Dry thea quickly w It wee doubtless of the etoekisg that it was Int said, " A stitch in then eaves nine "--it might Mee bees mid many times nine. Ib not mead • hole in the stocking by dnwisg it r ; the .traiv upon the thrroundisg fa soon maks the rat worse than at fret That was an *skied lid fashion which thee decreed that the old sister should dare in grass Neokinge •t the wedding of bet yooger sister. ---Good Ho.sskespi{. ifr. Fowler's &meet of Wild Strawberry Dares dierrbera, dysentery, asap, mite, ubseru embus, theism inhslom, toad all leeemess el the bowels. Never travel with- out It. Prise 3fin. 2w HOW TO SS KNWt1T[Q :.e g"'se-ae`..af..ltianon "`ii. ast a'.« pease The .aman-M y el ewlsrrisg the Meer •1 knighthood as eM hands of the (Wean haat t aseieg, and only ehsae are pssait ed th witness is who, by Meir ei.ial ean.eutiee with the Q..sn's b...sdotd,may amend Wm. Arrau in wh•M.er uniform he may b•.• - titled to wear. er whatever dram omit Wilmette ..d the time of day make proper, if he be • civilise, the wham presets him- self Wore Ns Soveretgu and kneels at herr rwyal fest. Seated es the throes .hair, the queer leys the skisiog Wade of • .word ammo his sheathers, sail toys, ming the std. which .be ie about to give, "Arts., Sir So -and as." The receiver is taea permitted to kris the Sovereign's finger ups is oak- n owWgem st of the Moor eoeferred apse him. I. other eases, when the title carrion with it a deeeratios, the Queen pias the Ottertail .+d niece emoted bauble epee the omit of her elevated Mhjew. rhos is all the esr.m..y menwted with the caner - rise of kaighthawt, but itis • great deal to the r eiptest. It may be mesti.ned, how- ever, that it is her M6je617'6 meteor to in- vite the newly -made digsdery to Inechees or dither before be warm to his admin./ tails. elowleap Is tee mlmw.tppl. Otio•go Daily Inter -lbw. A harvest- ing ta•obi.• rte• •long the bed of the Mie- .iseippi River sear ita emirs is the gneer Beene that wee wie.sussd several miles showe Ws city to -d•7. TM ruaw•Uy low stets of the river this year hes exposed several hasdnd awes of sed ban lightly severed with alluvial soil about the tittle bland el Eagle's Nest, and apes these has grows • .sop el milk* whioh .tend. four Hes •.d se thick as to he .lmo.t ion . It is cleats, and would mike • thirty good quality of hay. An enterprising Missouri planter noticed this,•sd yesterday conveyed a inewi.g Machu. sed • team .1 horses to the island, beginai•g hos novel harvest in the middle of the t4bsippt this morning. Smoke Derby Iles Smoking Tobacco, 5r 10 and gpeast Mega Mad. Daly by A Riteble It Ow the migememaived ' Dame • plug toss*ip ! M 5llNuDff. tT WINGS COMFORT ON WASH DAY 1 HUGH DUNLOP, THE CLOTHIER, has just returned from the cities where he has beim selecting NEW SPRING GOODS. He has now on hand a Large Line of the Choicest Goods in the Market and is prepared to turn out work in the Best Style possible, and at Prices to suit the times. H. DUNLOP. WHY Does GEO. BARRY, el. Oodericb furniture dealer and undertaker, keep a* beet stook of furniture and undertaker's supplies, And how is ft that he can sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the long run. Hie motto hi : " Small Profits and Quick Rs tarns." He alio makes a specialty of picture framing. Give him a tall before pparch.► lag elsewhere. Embalming W'leid always on hand. 23571 GODERJOH Ste am Boiler Works. mltTAR1 . I ) .- - A. S. C H RY STA L, fiwormorre Chryst.1 t MaekJ Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary Marine, Upright h Tubular iryar,UhtiTurc, Salt Pana, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Abe dealer. to Dwight aid Hrfaents a110r valve [atria••. AN•matle Cut -Of fifes • consinatlpe.lalty, ill alma et • sad •.-Ins 14thhead. animates humisholl es n 7 P.0. mix A Ont~ Werte-Opeente O. T. R. Slade., tl0sslae. —OITY— COAL AND W000 Spada at/e tine give. t. SAWID AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD. SOFT R BLACKSMITH COAL Deal weighed es easier asetes er mmyy genes. Wt •s1 Presse hs/et. Ids/ Wes mum Cosa TelegibereeItfsm eellm . JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop. titeEty. THE NEW STOVE A$D-TINSHOP. Stoves, Stove -pipes, Elbows, and Stove Boards in mat variety at //�•��tt�� WOIT,S d STOVE -MOVING & STOVE -PIPINGS pl..fptly aterinthi a. by W L co, Aalpi ke the •w_1 I tw.ma 1 FIBREWARE =5 W000EN. One of E. B. EDDY'S Indurated Fibre - ware Tubs and Pails will last the life of 5 hoopbound wooden ones. Besides, they are much more conven- ient and save a world of annoyance. Ask _ your grocer for ALIDIWOEQIDURATEQ v ,_ FIBREVYARE. EX -MEMBER PARLIAMENT REUBEN E.TRUAX tlt Hon. Reuben E. Truax, one of Canada's ablest thinkers and states- men, a man so highly esteemed by the people of hie district that he was honored with a seat in Parliament, kindly furnishes a for pabliestion the following statement, whieh will be most welcome to the pablie, inasmuch as it is one in which all will place implicit confidence. Mr. Trow says " I have been for about ten years vary mush troubled with Indigestion and Dyspepsia, have tried a great many different kinds of putout medicines, and have been treated by a number of physicians and found no benefit from them. I was recom- mended to try the Great South American Nervine Tonic. I obtained a bottle, and I must say I found very great relief, and have sines taken two more bottles, and now feel that I am entirely free from Indigestion, and would strongly rueommand all my fallow-witererw from the dimes* to give South American N.rvine an immediate trial. It will ewe you. "REUBEN E. TRUAX, " Walkerton, Oat" It bas lately been discovered that egrsaio Nor,! Centres, located neer lip ban of the brain, eontrel and 'minify the stmeaoh with the RMS. wry nerve forts te properly Silo 10* food. Mien tis... Ner,fQw- I tree are in any way deranged Itis . supply of nerve fore* is a1 case diminished, and .s a result the food taken into the stomach is only partially digested, and Chronie Indi- gestion and Dyspepsia soon make their appearance. South American Nertiait is e prepared that it sets directly on the nerves. It will absolutely care every eat* of Indigestion and Dyspepsia. and is an absolute specific for ail nervous diseases and ailment. It usually gives relief i't one day. Its powers to build op the wools system ars wonderful in the extras.. It Bares the old, the young, and the middle-aged. It is a great friend te the aged and infirm. Do not nailed to use this prseious boon ; if you do, yes may neglect the only remedy which will restore you to ba4W. South Ameriotan Mervine is perfectly safe, and very pleasant to the fele. Dukes/o ladies, do not Gil to use this great ears, bemuse it will put tise boom of freshness and beauty ars your lips Bed in your cbeebe, and quiekly drive away your disabilities Bad weaknesses. Dr. W. Washburn. w New Riebstond, Indiana, 'nese : " I have sed South Amslie•s Nerviest is family and press. ei it is my piollisa I1 is • moil usue1Me1 remsw " k • t