HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-20, Page 1IF THIS IS FOR YOB
rifileelinget eve, he mad
VOL. XLVI. d:s
90 k aat•• the
Sm tea I £hf JU Is t. anew tM
# PAY AS YOU 00. i!
What le 0o1es on at tie Capital
Tar hese. Is the hies ttsl•ei Swes••nee ._
A srrillas Array "f irises• - The
genus stomas• cad the
root lnrreese•-/ante.
le• I.r' k...'a', b lv l"r. ant
well the ..tlslry know ea
where Me precast t.o•erameat stands with j
reesed to ear trade rektUoas with the
Uda.d Stetea So, .Ike •fle we ere to The Constable Under a Cloud.
Inane Irene the eostroller of customs that the
andoesians ,l the tievramest with regard
te asourisg • treaty of reciprocity with tae
Visited States
WAS • seam;
that "they de not want to have anything to
de with the United States.' 1e it a wonder
in new of them disclosures, that their
negotiations with Sestet•.-' Blsius should
(1'p'I'Aw.k, S,pt. I5th.-If the alar have fallen through when we have such
ewer or m•nufadarit tit t . •tad of the hornet •dmtrtoos as this made by Clarke
War lade himself some th.isands ot dollars Wallies. Asywy it will be interesting to
wood o his ma; that his .xpesditw hes learn • hale more about this farcical •flew
largely .itsedd his revenue and that hu which, u•ttl the coaferioo of the controller
habitates have ooauoued to multiply, her of customs, the oouotry wes led u. believe
apt p, arrive at the oomoluse s that the d- was • bona fide megotutio0 with the I noted
ilia, •esighse o lbs bot perm° fon atm to States fur reciprocal trade •rraagemeuu
c.ssult about that time. That is sheet the between the owe ouwtrur F:vea up w the
time the ouotroller let the cat cut of the tbsR
pruo0 oI the I►ortatoo Goverawsat to- the Governrent has tried to loprer its s3u-
day $4.4 i3,94b recross. is national debt eerily in the matter upon the people, earl
d.n*g the year ; 11,156,620 deficit in the
treasury as • remit of the years operations
es shown by the last Official Gaxata. Put it
s black type that this people may have it
erre f• cibly impressed epos them how
they are beteg gover..d, the.r mom»
squandered, sod their country's Iabeltty
ase .libt piled ep. What other result
• eu,ld be looked for' Yet Nis humihemeg
*how thet it le your mosey that has ran
pd s t:overaseest se power who
ke tW betimes sheet Mists yea ' ons-
nrestiTs " I loverrbmest t t
N ■At A e•ttlRi-
Wh•t • libel iso the word. The dictionary
Mb you that eusierv.ties mesas able to
pews ve from ler., deasy or injury, he. lb
tee tied tbeee traits in the self styled ('oe-
Mrvative s;overOenset who sow hold your
destiny Is their anode' They have proved
tkem.elves conservative so far se 000servtag
their oats interests goes, hot s. guardians
of the nstfw's haws they have •really
seg(e.t•d to preserve Crum lose, dray and
.jury the interests of their wards, the peo-
ple I tuns the .dmuistnaoe of our •flats
ism any prsteneios to coaservttss'
Every t ear in ha budget speech the Mier•
ter ret i inane for the past fifteen years has
.a 1 you that each year would be the
Int t,. show an isereans Is the satlos•I debt
and whet has bees the result ' Net debt In
In, •r,e soar the se-oslled (.aaservauve
4...erernent took charge al your 1...o...
wee .110,362,069: is 1894, $946,163.920, an
rennase of 75 per cent. Sir (-hes Tepper
mid t• 1878 that if the country Marded
nasil and party to pewee they nomad run
the country with the talo smenat of loxes
while the oatmeal debt woold be reduced.
Some spolory mIght have bre offend had
esloreeea expseditures .eosesitatd M a-
aea.e is the debt once in • while duns,
thea nag teem of olbee but when we bad
dial -with sae exerion the accumulation of
oar liabilities has been going stimuli'', oh,
with the fact always aortal them is the
Irv, it is diliea(t to understand how they
m1,1 have meted so utterly regsrdler of
the sofered imposed anon them or of their
pvmiw of anasemv if placed in chsrtre of
tee treasury benches
LM.. AT r7. res KLp' path'
Thr •peetal (err/twee meeemre•rla est
lansensel er .le.erM. 11elelse. •
\arbor er Marge. tale against ales
latexlealed Melte •u hely.
I )1( months back it ham boon admit
ted generally that Constable Allred Nichol-
son, the uightwatcbrtran of t:odericb, bas
not been walking straight along the hue of
duty, and at the last meeting of the town
mutual his ease was referred to the special
committee, with power t act.
Chairman N•Ite] called the spewl oom-
mftlre Ngether Tuesday evening, and the
case of the erring uneatable was one of the
cited lapilli of discussion At 8.10 the in
that they were .1111 patting forth every cheater on the dial ot the nightwatcbmae's
effort to secure the coveted treaty. \\hen
we add de'oeit with dahohesty. we have •
flee ..-ombanatwo Truly it to • "Bunco"
l:ov.rnment but at last oM of their •umber
in • monmet of weakness, has squealed.
Aud they tell se .ow that the relations be-
twes (carbo Wall•se sad colleagues
ems MealL.ad.
4 b- William Charles McLeod,
well knows millionaire, who has been •
eesideat of Woodstock tor over fifty years,
sad who died rather suddenly atter only •
few day.' ❑loess Tuesday •ltern000, was
burs in Sethrrl•ndehire, SooU•nd, and
same to Crawls at an early age. tint sett -
hoe in Hamilton, and. in 1836, Doming to
l)ttordi. ea hal. 'rite late Sir. Mcleod,
who •at•.eed • fortuoe of over • million to
bank stocks bonds, mortgagee, etc., was in
hi. ilyrh year During the rebelhoo of
1836 37 there was a great scarcity of flour,
and deceased, who then possessed some
means. brought large ,tuantlties here from
Hsmiltoo, selling it as high as $12 and $16
per barrel. Afterwards he was ..gared in
the hardware he.ine.s. but hie chief occu
psuoo for over half • century was loaning
money, until be bed •ceumulatd the
largest hank account of prohably any man
in Western (btarlo. Decreed was marded
three times. ha third wile twee Mom Jennie
McKsezJe) sad several children being felt
to moors his death. Mr. Mcleod at t.be
time of his death held stock to the Wanks of
Termite sad Moatreat and the Hudson Bay
('erpany to • large ex(ent, and upon the
estate which Ire left It a estimated the
lie•ersment will receive $70,000 succession
duties 1)eesesed left no will.
account for the past 16 years. It 1878 It
Mood at $140,362,069 ; in 1879 it increased
g,67d,119 ; u 1880. $9,461,400: 1881,
12,,344.192 ; 1883, $4,806,065 ; 1814, 23,675,-
116; 1386, 114,245.842 ; 1886, 126,751,415 ;
1887, (4,166,668 ; 1888, 7,216,683 ; 1889,
12.'+c8,6g3 i 1890, $3,170: 1891, 1275,818:
18'4, *3.3,3111,404 ; 1893, 4549,606 ; 1894, $4,-
483,,. The year 1892 swede out close. •
h of eoonemy hams( struck the Govern-
ment, fee is that year we find the deet re -
liana 11.734,130. It was too good to het
Would 31 ash he inarestieg w know jest
Moe mesh of that colossal debt has gees to
swell up the toeless* of (:ovremiat favor -
(els and awards hayloft up dishonest voters
l.tt:ittote .Xpe.diture Dever swelled the
"robot of oar liabilities to such pro-
portions. Where will our o1li4auoss end'
Nearly &.e mollies dollars voted last serum
towards railway sebeidi** ; 4750.000 per
Sarum, subsidy to the fart Atlantic ream -
dm services, adds nether brisk to the
edibes of own sati*eal debt. But whet
about the deicit• We w informed by the
Official Gwaette of Inst weak :thee
the blessed Uoss.rvs*ive Uovererent hos
up.n3•d $1,156,6110 mere this year than
they cue pay for, with& steam that an ad-
diuooal lax will have to be imposed epos
the people to sake good the shortage. his
a 6a, thing foe the (ievereseset to have
But u this "Casssrrstivs" Gever.meet, to
W as weird iwpleee, or are they railing un•
der faun solar'' With d'elni.g reeeem
the I:averment nwrred arssed expeodi
tan. Thi* as be geed 4s*aed0R is the
gm of Minister Teeter bet there are wary
who will hardly scree with kta. After all,
its the old, old sten std what do the
pl• tan when Mair mossy rens es "get
ahoy have plenty m est and dri■k.
the hours look set fee half ter we dee not
seat to borrow trouble by asthe
ti ,r. le igne a ane lad= *ed we
are not going N ealigtt"s ourselves bey oar
Maty o meed be dk►hrkid.' This i. shoat
the way the ooaetry regard* It het s time
a r.s,keaing Newt mete. sed ibis -best 7°O
MY what is the w d hreowisg (+ISMS
l* the meantiete, by way sf essoeragum°16
let se hear n had the feet that eeagrstbe
irewi Great Bohol. to (Lends loofas the
gree• eirht month* et the year las
shit per vet, as eaa.psred with the eernw-
lisadieig period et 1lTOd, while oar trade
with the Welber eesetr7 skews • marked
('ASlEKI)N.-We have the week to re-
cord the death of oars of Stanley's most pro-
mising yowl men. Alezaadsr (sCamer .
.Nest sow of .1 J*s Cameros. of the 4th con-
.ssiee. Steely. H. was just 22 years of
age. H. had wet been well for some time,
Aod about two weeks ago took • trip to
Montreal with the hope of unmoving his
health. He went from Hamilton and took
the boat both ways. He eoleyed his trip
very much, mid when he Monied to his un-
cle's, at H•miltos, he felt bettor, only that
he complained o1 • seven headache. This
not g t1Aaa better medawl aid was sought,
wires it was found be was suffering from
typhoid fever. Deeper all that the beat
medical .kill could do for him, his enfeebled
oos*titstfoo gave "ray before the ravages of
this terrible disease, and he pared away
early Wednesday morning. The reamns
were tikes to lav father's residence, ta
Stanley, and will be interred in Beird'.
cemetery this Friday. lle was s most es-
timable young tan, sad was beloved by .11
who knew him. His death is • severe blow
to his bereaved paresis and ftieads.
STURDY. -Itis Pith seamier we retort the
death of Rotten Leith Stuedy, eldest .00 of
Oswald Sta. dy, who did es Tuesday last.
aged 17 year.. Decwsad had lived to (;ode-
rieb all his life and oo..e•loently was well
known. By his quiet, misnaming manner
he gained many (trends He was • favorite
at wheel and will be remembered by his old
school .roofer as • yoweg s mo, kind-
hearted exit tree. 1*.t spring he had • bad
attack of la grippe from which
hene er n-
covered. The disease graduallydeveloped
tato weeneepties and on Tuesday quiet
ly breathed kis last- He was ooamsi0us op
to the time of hds death and bade farewell to
the srrowieg ones around him. Mr. net
Mtn Sturdy leave the sincere sympathy of
all is their alBiotioe.
clock, which u located in the town clerk s
office bur r r d, and the members agreed
that Nicbuleoo was on duty that eveaing at
any rate, although he had beeu off duty the
mgbt before. It was however, stated, that
duriy the day he had carried • rather
heavy "deck load,' and some of the oouu
Milers who had ars him none he bad 100e
oo duty for the night asserted that he
wasted . good deal of tsa-wata 1•r NOV,
floss --
At eine o'clock it was decided to seed
for No:toteuo, and have him explain kis
devious ways, and Inspector Reid was de-
puted w gather ham in, and bring him be-
fore the tribunal. After an •Lasooe of about
fifteen minutes, Reid returned with the in-
frrem*tioo that he could 6sd no trace of the
Another luarter of an hour passed, and
the members of the committee were hegin
Meg to figure on what was to be dune if the
ercfeg constable failed to eonoect when at
9.30 the whirr of the indicator was again
" That's from No. 1," raid eou0eillo•
Mallows, " Now, Mr. Read, if you go right
down you will bud him Deming from hing-
Aod Sir. Reid went on his way. Is •
few minutes he returned, and with him was
constable Nicholson, the latter lo•ktag
rather tired and with limited powers ot u -
t s.tatios.
He was at once put through a coarse of
examination by the sotnmittee, and • series
of charges were proferred against him.
It wee stated that he had been drunk o0
he had {Does away from ha beat and
bed tailed to reporter at the stations..
That he had acted es pilot to strangers
who desired to vent houses of ill -fans• an
That he tad been • froiuenter of houses
of ill -fame.
That he had been absent from duty with•
out leave.
That he kid been 10 the habit of giving
the key of the alarm statism* to his brother
and other to amble them to register In his
That be was at the tom of examination
under the influence of liquor.
That he had boon droak at Mn.
Thomas' during hoar of duty oa the night
of Aug 27, from shortly after 12 o'clock,
and had to be driven home In the buggy of
soother pares who was then en the same
osoasion. And that on that night no regis-
tration was made after midnight.
Nloaolsos denied that be bad ever been
drunk on duty, or that he was drank at the
present time. although he admitted he had
been drinking during the day. He admitt-
ed that he had given the alarm key to his
brother for the purpose of registering the
dial but stated that be was sick oo the oc-
casion of doing so. He believed that when
his brother was no the boas doing duty for
him that he (the brother) had fall powers
to arrest although not a timetable. He
denied that he was • frequenter •f hooses
of Ultima, but admitted that he had been
to Mrs. Thom.. six or seven times. but •ll•
ways too duty, two oeo••iose of which be
The statement. of Nicholaos were not
eonsid•red satisfactory M the egmmitte•,
and a motion was passed, with est ensont-
tag vete that the •p•oial ogwttMae emeom-
me.dd the comneij •t IM sat Meleieg to
dlmh•Meboa the pggWgsd 1pN.waech
Ma __ _-_-
continue to ^-.ls away tram school owt.g AT THE FALL ASSIZE.
the Liras maiae taw. I Miss N. Nein is haws from Toronto.
The I.ao.'.ao onn.siesionor. of H•rtltos,
Th. Oa/e/ Habra the Court .11c -
have drooled to :I.es all the nlukel-is-the
of ra fonds of t 1 ,a city. Harry Claws visited Clinton on Shy
Stratford l,uUeg.ate Institute .Hoard bac last.
reload the ter from 46 to $10 per year for A Walloon returned last weak from To
both country cad oily pupils. Openitas et eke Arlo metes• ■M LM'wy Maki; °Marto Provincial convention of the ,1..thee rale.sbre4e-Tse arwnu el "Joint" " Martin vented Toronto Int
Society of Christian Endeavor taker place
at Kingston, beginning Oct. 10.
It is generally 00000ded that the town of
Almcete this season supported the beat
purely lacrosse team in this retro.
The wild rice is the marshes of Losg
"Point is ripening at • much calier period
this yrar thea in any previous season.
A very large number of emigrants ere
being taken on toren' through true to Bos-
ton from St. John, N. B , and vicinity.
A syndicate of Brit.') eapitaliSts has
been formed, with 0450000 capital, to work
mining properties to the county of Fronton -
One of the oldest residents of Waterloo
county pared away the other evening In
the person of Mir Mary McNaught, aged
G. 13. Kobs.a 'has returned to Petro.
Henry Bull, for breaktog into • Grand
Trunk railroad car, was sent down for •
month by Magistrate tartlet, of Wind-
John F. l'unsiogbam, the Sudbury burg-
lar,who escaped from htng•too penitentiary
• week .gu, has surrendered to the •utbori•
104,555,000 feet of logs have heist taken
OWN the npanrb K•ver this Summer up to
1iglL 14, and towed away to the American
Jin. McGewie. • Hamilton lady. has
some peaches of the Crawford variety which
measure eight and • hall inches in circum-
The Grand Trued Railway has decided
upon triune a pay ticket,which,by arrange•
blest, wall be payable at .lmset every bank
au Canada.
The wheat crop in the Northwest is turn•
ing out better than was exposed. The
averageyfeld will be about twisty bushel.
to the acre.
Thomas Bishop and Frank 4aa.n h..s
been committed for trial at Perin for the
larcooy of ten hi & 1 of cattle from the farm
of Mike Skelly.
The customs collections at Stratford for
August were : Exports 120,537 ; imports,
for goods, 113,597 ; dutiable, $15,239: duty
collected, $9,463.30.
There was a lively time at the Berlin
Council the other tweeting over • hill of
$205.30 charred by Dr. Minchin for vaccina
ting the school children.
Hon. G. W. Ron' election expenses In
West Middlesex amounted to $39.111.
John A. leitch's eleett00 expense,' is .%sst
SIiddlame .03050ted to it401.t14.
The Northern Pacific .hops at Brainard,
which have beim prseuc.11y Idle sauce June
28, have re-opesed and will rive employ.
meat to between 400 and 500 mho.
Two Stratford mm mads a bet that they
weld weigh down four other citizen The
men ot e.letanos lost/ but by only four
prod*. Their weight/was 610 poeticise
AP ROSIMIr (0)5rnmOf1.
What de yea think of this as • phak is the
PIM form el Ceseer.sUv O.,sremeat
Hoa Clerks Walls"., eeatreller of Cas -
'gat' says the Minas, the w.«am..t
0'12"Mr's. "a epe•tag at Tweets ea The -
4.y raid the OesnarvsM,e party did see coat
to have be de with the lased
stare 17tq hallo eHU es the pal*.) •f
reb•Mr wed whit WO out es ileac+
Ito ass • Thq do fig$, rd m
" be . OM Hafflsts.f
Wolk ea sflplaln/ nth IDaael
HOUSTON-Ttwd•y, Sept. 11, James
•M1•y father of William Hoes -
aoolelg(Rb *shoots and Cafleg1.
•'e natlte/cs for Coterie, and of Mr Iloos-
ten, of Mates (Wlagi•te Instdets, pared
away. Do.eaed was one of the earliest
maim of the township of Grommet, having
Rees there Is the year 11166. sad tibias up
fuer beadred awes of lead ; three hers ago
he retired from tennis( sad took up his
residence in Paisley. He wen always •
etr•ef, healthy mesa, sed three rsoathe ego
was in Ciliate* n the very best of health,
aiiter0 78 years of are. He was an eider
the Priobytorlaa elmeeh, • Liberal d
asci tee 1. O
leaves • family 04 Om ease, -fear is Ostart°
af ht s►
Capt. Machos:a has refereed from T.
reale and b the frost .gain.
Racige Maltby be to 1d mesh' pre-
emie on Thursday sight
Capt. Willie Mo1)nigsII Ann; .f+r -
welting b meets l8
Tim ..sting is the part hes Sudety, at-
heism" wee led by Mrs. Margot' and was
very ssessnhl
(sword Roots, the great leader and firend
Army. bis
N Salvation
Brigadier the esmer►L greatbah priseiusl, late atiTrd onto • measles
Northwest, sed the esm.easdrro r the
17 ere Outerio peevish. se a
the d Osrai Beath, will Shedd sod ems
dsee .p..1.1 r ss lar se the old :and aps-
mlle Nan is the S. A. bavvash asst BaeMafia
1. gives (rd • b • sntaiehee
le them nodes se maMar
the Treats .p M lees Ohre er
•islaa to Frees.
A. Farrow visited is Turosto during last
Mn. Jas. Robinson is visiting rotative in
11 L RON Fall Assize oohed ley pro- Acton
olessatim Moad•y last at 3.45 r o , before G Creasman and H. Black suod•yed at
his lordship Josue* F•Iconbridge. Auburn.
Constable t;u•dry was appointed court . Harry Lewis wheeled to Boomiller on
crier, viae .lames Adana., liao., deceased. Saturday.
McKt000n v. Crowe was the int can on Harry Bell has returned from his visit to
trial. This was an action for breech of pro- Toronto.
mom of ins: rurge. ,tory retired at 5 36Wy
Wm. Kns has returned from British
r ie.. and returned • sealed verdict in favor Columbus
Mra Tanner and.os,IImmer,have return -
of deft. fur 1650. Sir. Holt tor plff. moved d w Toronto.
for immediate lodgment ascosta
e eof suit. MK Reid and her daughter •re sight me-
ths IorJehip directed judgment to be enter-hiin Detroit.
ed for p18. for $550, wit► full costa of suit os. Thompson i!sited the Industrial
forthwith. Coniston, Q C., and Vsustoes Irmo last week.
for Off.; Dickenson for deft. P. A. M•loomwa, barrister, of Luckoew,
Olean v. Peterson et •l- Action for sale entad town this week.
Mies Sybil Toms has returned to Helmuth
Leh's' College London.
Mts. C. A. Nairn left on Saturday on •
Near Bobo•ygeol *3 200 -sera tarso, with
100 acres clearance Ind • brick house that
art (1,500, recently failed to fetch the re-
ntor•• hid of $600 when offered at auction.
Merles towaship is said to he the lowest
.seemed municipality in Western Ontario,
the rate being six and one-half mills Ti1-
.00bury West collisa next with a rate of esus ■
Out of the 400 scree of flax delivered at
the Thamesford mills, it is estimated that
the grasshoppers sod crickets have been the
means of destroying nosily 12,000 worth of
Al the last meeting of the quarterly a-
6eta1 board of the Central Methodist
chnrsh, Stratford, the salary of the pastor,
Rev. Geo. F. vltoo, Ph. B., was placed at
$1,200, bond* the parsonage.
Mr. Riley, the U.S. loo.el-(:neral at
Ottawa, says that the Coned ism were boun-
ced from the works on the Ogdensburg asy-
lum in retaliation for the &thing haemo im
Medon Yankee lettermen by theC.0•dien
Mise Mary R. Miller, formerly • teacher
in St. Mary's public m►oola, and • gradu-
ate is arta of Toronto University, hes left
for New Westminster, R C., when oke will
take • parities on the teaching stag of the
Methodist Collette.
and purelese of apples Motion to pompoms
sojourned by Judge Toms before his lord-
ship. Counsel coo.entlne, his lordship dir-
sot•d that the sweeties@ of tact arising visit w ntativss at Detroit
herein be and the son. aro referred for •n. R W. 1 manager of the Chemical
gutsy and report to Isaac Franco Toms, Logan,
Esq., be special referee, under see. 101 of Works, visited London on Saturday.
the .ludiesture Act. Holt for plff.; j.11rrow, Johp tattle, the I;Oderich plumber,Algil
Q.0 , for deft. pled • srtuatios with Wermeil A Co.
iaosou v. Fansoa halon he mufti". jjjjj"Bob" Holmes, Clinton's hustling mayor.
Sasce the entering of this cape for tete( Mid • transient visit to town last week.
the jury having been .wok out, his lord- Mess Beckie Phillips, of Belfast, Ont., a
ship refused to try the caps, the defendant the 30001 o
furrowf Miss Lizzie Black, Elgin-St.
object Q. C., for plff Holt for deft. though plaintiff was willing, Mies
Minnie Adams, of Toronto, i. the
Ward v. Shope -Action for slander. Scest 01 Mn. Aleck Swnd p, 1'embria
Verdict for Diff. for $1 and full cos. satasd- pin t: 0 Russell. of W alkerville,
Ing to agreement attached w s
the resod,`
swarm,- to be signed by deft. Holt fee i on • volt to her sister. beta C. Swan
pit(. ; Lewis for deft. son.
Bare v Wilson Action for alarid"r. Harry Clucas ;and Benson Cox wheeled
to London and beck on Saturday and Sup-.
Defendant is • fernier in Grey township.
neer Ethel, and plaintiff . • chee emaker to thy.
the mune locality. A difference existed be- .1. I). Swanson, barrister, of Carberry,
tweem them, and the fanner, in km Man.. returned to that place on Monday
capacity of director of the cheese co.••pany, last.
made stat•mema against the financial manMiss A. Nairn, accompanied by \Oise
agement, which the latter wondered suf Delphine, has returned to her home in De-
ficient to bring • suit for slander against troit.
him. Jury retorted • verdict fir deteod- 13 McKay, the genial county constable,
ant. lhcken•en and Taylor for plff; Garruw ' to rifting hu brother in London this
& J'roudfoot ter deft. Hie l.rdshap direct- week.
ed judgmest to be entered on and after the 1 (:. A. (taker left on Friday ter 3'hissro,
second day of next meeting of Divisional actor visiting his daughter, Mn. C. A.
Court, dismissing this action with Dona. Nsfro.B
McNe•io •. Fr -
Fero --An action for ..due- I . . Thint. of Buffalo, was v.sitiag
tion. Verdict for defendant. Hit lordship friends an (:uderich and Colborne during
directed second
judgment be entered on and the week.
after the day .1 next nlLtimDo of the ,1. b.yle, who hes item on vacation at home
hvwomal Court, disowning the •anion retired last week to St. Mary's College,
with caste. Holt and Hays for pig: Mentreal.
New/ Note/ from Wa/hlnfirton
Will tl.v.Ssted he al'..dldate In lent -Tee
A. P. A.'. la Wa.klsatea U. Ike
setrat et trerklaredar was Ile.
reeved • (.al et Arms.
To. Slue•r Correspondence.
.ASIiI Nt;T(IN, I►.l'., Sept. 1;. -
Every student c.f politics 3s ewers what •
little thing it sometimes takes to .tart the
pelitioians to wagging their tongues to •
meaner that would put the most f.dtst-
nous sewing society to shame. This is so
everywhere, mute or less, but K is WWII-
larl' so in V.'ashiogu.0 Just now the
lounger around the lobbies of the Washing-
ton hotels trequsted by piliticao* would im-
agine from the talk, at he didn't happen to
know letter, that it was only • taw months
before the .'ooveniog of the national con-
vention to nominate pre'sidontal ticketa,and
all of this talk started from an opinion ex-
pressed by l'angressmaa Wilson. of W.Va.,
in an interview with • reporter of • London
paper several days ago. That opinion was
merely that he did not believe President
Cleveland desired to be again nominated.
Seems simple enough. Any man might
hold and express the same opinion, or tees
reverse, just as he would an opinion tapes- - -
any other subject about which there wog
doubt. But lo, when the opinion ie cat to Washington, it creates • cummot,00 anomie
the podiums Heade are put together.•ed
• our deluge of opinions poured out. Uma
politician will enure you that Mr. Wilson's
minims with Mr. Cleveland are such as to
make his opinion an authentic 001.10s of the
tatter's Intention : another, that the opaaion
was put forth to ascertain the seottn,eOt of
the democratic party towards Slr. 1"• can-
didacy, etc., etc , to ea extent that would
*11 your paper, and what does it *Hammitt
toNothuug, but idle gossip. Mr. t'leve-
land may or my not become the candidate
of h. party in '96,but it is abolutely certain
that the question cannot he determine) in
1894 by any one except Mr. Cleveland him -
Considerable talk has been ocxwionel by
the recent •stint, of the Amerioto Protec-
tive Association in \\'askiugwn. Within
throe weeks, five new councils have horn es-
t•bh•hel, making twelve in ail uow lore,
and it s stated that several composed ex-
clusively of ne(roes are 1Iiog organized
also, a branch of the Wom.u's A. P. A.
ty . J. LI. fray ner, of SUchigen, the
supreme president ot the organs/salon, has
been here for two weeks and he says that
he h.a perfected arrangements for the trans-
fer of the national bealquarters to Wash-
ington and for the establishment if a tali
prtutiog plant from which newspapers and
doenmeste are to be distributed. The local
advisory board has been sending speeches
made in both Seute and House, for weeks
peat, auto such r,ngreestonal districts as
they happen to favor or oppose the candi-
dates put up. The orgtmaution Is going to
teat its strength in the eighth West Virginia
district, by making • fight en Repre•eota
Live Meredith, who has been renominated
by the democrats
Ordinarily, but little attention is paid in
Washington to contests either for nomna-
1100 or election an any particular tongre-
nicosI district, 1.01 Saterdsv sorbs th.re
was as much anxiety displayed to get the
return. from the primary election held in
the sixth district of Kentucky, which was
to decide whether l'ol. Breckinbridg•ihould
again be nominated to Congress, as though
it bad been an election of manna! impor-
tance. The telegraph and newspaper of -
ices were beaie`e.F with the usual election
night seekers after informatmnu, about tie
only difference being that the seotimen.s of
the besieges an this inataoee were all alike
against Breckinridge. if the eolooel
n.d any parfums they took particular an
to keep very quiet, while may of his
enemies took particular pains to be very
loud in their rejoicing at his defeat. In the
mein, however, the ntoi.ing took the guise
of .quiet thankfulness that the moral atmos-
phere of Washington had been spared the
viti.tam4p( presence of • canprr.Mman, freshly
endorsed by his constituents, who has con -
teemed en many moral deliryuencaee as ('ol.
Breckinheidge has. Tbere were many fer-
vent "thank Gents" from the mothers of
Weshi.gton, yesterday when Br.ckin-
bridge's defeat became generally knows.
In these days of political pilgrimages it a
positively refreshing to meet • Slam official
in Washington whose presence here her *i
oo*oritioa with polities. The "'foal in
question is Col W. M. Orin, Secretary o:
the Commrenweelth of Mar , .od his had -
mess in Washin tea is to get the aid o/ the
U. S. Bureau of Ethnology in ascertaining
the sorrect picture of • Massachusetts
Indian of the tante of the handier of the
Pilgrim FathersIt ahem* that more than
• rester' ago it was threats(' by the Mame
ehusette State Council that the state coat.
of -•rtee should have thereon " a red man on
a blue shield," but, somehow, so oQieiel rep-
reeeatasaoa of that coat of -arms was ever
made. Ceder • law recent) enacted C.1.
Olin was charged doth the duty of prepar-
ing it. To hie surprise he learned that
there was great diversity of *platers as to
tie appellees*" of an Indian of the period
desired : beam his o ll on the Barest, of
Rthnology for help. That Bureau has about
fifteen hundred photographs reprsseting
the Indian from the earliest settlement of
Amer& to the present. en Col. Olio'. ma-
iden is likely to he • •heoorld nae.
Moak Cs.adian mottos is oossumed ie
New York.
A pear tree In h11 bloom 10 • curiosity in
• Tbsmales preen.
Grasshoppers ars raiding the potato vttw
at Fort Sauts, Man.
The tams oelbetal is Leedom I. August
saimeeted to 1173.000.
Th. new Masonic hall is to he dedicated
at Wisher en the 27th.
The Cornwall starch -firm has borht the
1Tr•atford Starck works
The new rwamery at Redrew will he the
heat cad largest is Ontario.
A weans is to be tried in Wisdom for
Maras' tip promiwo0ry setas
Wages have hem set 10 par east, n Cam -
oda Seism feeary, Hamilton.
Henry Grua►, of Aadsnon, oar • slave
in Dials, did tassrdmy, aged 98. .
Able Burnett, ed Seesaw, aged 12, re-
eentfy shot • hop bald -heeded aegis.
A dam is M ha built rarer' the river in
!/fowl to ensure Weser la ewes of he.
The Wimastesk Beard .f ideootb• is
talking of est•Nhhial • free night sheet
The Mese season of Sieger* Falls, Oh,
haw voted $100 to the Miasmata he wear -
riff L,..04 Rten Mersa
s "soh employing sheet 1
Robert derv, formerly of Brookville, was
killed by a kWh hem • hers thistly M
Q.'Appofs has _
alimatiles M *5. pastorate el the fhr.ia Bap-
tiet sbarmh.
G•rrow, Q.C., for deft.
Moran v. London Mutual Fin IM. Co. -
Action an
on polity of ineurse. By ooaseet
of counsel, his lordship directed that judg-
ment be entered for the pill. for $600 and
aceta of suit. Holt for plff ; E. R. Cameron
for deft.
Praetor v. (Oats-Anima(Oats-Animafor trooper' and
•esaalt. Judgment by consent for plff. for
150 paid into oourt,with stoats not to elated
8125. Cameron, Holt a Holmes for plff ;
(:arrow R Pr..dfoot for deft.
Roberv. Ron. --Action for •adoration.
The jury returned • verdict of $750 tor
Off Darrow & Proudfnot for p1ff; (Cameros
golf and Holmes for deft.
erieselsal Cave.
TeX @KANO Jon'.
Thos. Fitton, foreman, Benjambe Allan,
John Donaghy. Adam Elliott, Robert Gib-
bing, Chas. Hooey, B. M•cCormas, John
Robb, John Somme, John Wilson, James
Coate, Henry Dodd., Wm. Fitzpatrick,
Toss. Gllmoar, Jas. C. Laidlaw, Samuel C.
Frosty, Albert Smith, John Tiffin, Joseph
Whitely, W. R Erskine
The Queeen v. John Jardine, jr. -The
grand jury forted true bills against John
Jardine, jr., for an attempt to commit rape,
attemptand an attempt to carnally know a girl un-
der 14 years of age. The prisoner was
tried and found guilty on the gest indict-
ment. His lordship ssntemd the moonier
to imprisonmenton in the Control Prison at
Toronto for the spoof sae year and three
baddred end ext four ha
Queer ys
The v.. Smith -Indictment
for rape- was arranged 104 plead-
ed ms gu Ity. Wiesie Grave, oke rows
witness, bevieg denied the whole evides°,
given before the magistrate by her. Mr. rated ated that tt would be melon to
further.go en any further. His lordship direeed
the rown attorney, Mr. Lewis. to prose -
oats Winnie Graves, far perjury in cosase
ha -
a with her midtown in these prredinp.
The jureea for Our Lady the Queen We
leave b rapers that they have .xamied the
jail sad Rad : there At present are 12 primitive er• the
meaty, vb. 9 stoles s. ON les sod 3 femalethe
tamales two are insane sad waiting removal md
to the amylase ; the ether is somittse •
vagrant, she a aged and weak minded. Of
the males two are awaiting trial foe raps ;
two w imam, coo of • very violent type,
are bath aawaiting removal to the asylum;
the remaining three are warrants, all aged,
sees of totem 8t for work .f iattedhitt-
ever ; two boyo not pet ki
tra.e.7, reap.stively aged 12 sad 13 years.
The jurors *.
d inside the jail hoe sad
well kept. W. sansoi say tie same of jail
sheetsgtwsade. The eets are u very 1304 easi-
est, 50sditi*5. We quite agree with the
Ieup lsr'a report in this reaper ...a strong-
ly estwd that seseething should
Some of those remised is jail are
proper whitest" for • eio.t poor house
mere t o a p31, and we wouldenwss
sash s plass le be ereamd. Year jurors.s. is
regtard M Ont Shaft Ot SShaftshah is the
highest Wren of its ma-
hetes.very improved ma -
e.. whit* h
All el reepaetfwlly eabmitted.
Tam Trow. Foreman,
(ioderW Grated Jury Room. Sept 19, 1*04
lest Saturday • tromp named Collins
wont to
• room in the Amerman Hoose,
Bents, sad divesting himself of his worn
out tptrmeots dossed • handsome outfit he -
louring to a Mr. Gillies. • traveller for •
wholesale paper house of Montreal.
The I:moonbeam m erehaats have formed
• local org•niratios for their proteetice
against dead beets Kash emenbr of the
oombn" pledges himself ander penalty of
$20 that he will refuse b give radii to any
oss who is owlar soother m"rebant and re-
fuses to pay his iad.btedsew•
Mise Kyr Roddick. of Mho Mills, died
of heart failure st the Kzhibitioa groupie
She eras badly crushed and Matted getting
throach the crowds at the gams. After
wards at the Ninth counter Is the begonias(
of the greed stand eke was seised with • &t.
Demers did •1l they meld for her, but she
soon breathed her lase.
The nooses of the Dominion for the year
endiet Jess 3016, 1894, wee $36,236.783 as
cswpseed with $37.131.701 for 10413-3, sad
the e7peaditre $37,503.373, as sssspred
with $36, 746, 121 for preview year. The
deisit foe lest year will therefore be
Pt The tet debt es Jess 30th.was 6,-
163.900, ea Ionianse el p.483,048,
During the !rrewo'ksn display at the Fair
•y .11 ditweataes Ohs roost phew of
fres t.eigblg sight prised., streak Mrs.
J ., ttof( gSittharet street wrens the
eaigg/ Ilterrible gains. The eel -
lest and gramurplres nese tiement a
frost of
t*d at thethesta.d s
far side of the trmewling ash. oeowd Jelly,
hit, was eeling i theea
a Irene of the entad.
Iles. Bryss, public health ether, s*edemss
Oat's habeas eyes wad r•errsi a
sewage hes.
A kiege somber d fns rias SOWS ,bs$f-
M. Creasman, of the Organ Factory. is
taki.g in the sights of the louden Fair
this week.
Mics Mai;ibeoo, who has been vitatls&
her parents in town for some time, returned
t0 Detroit o. Saturday.
Mn. T. Carr and child, of Chicago, who
have been in town for the past two weeks
returned home Saturday.
Fred Armstrong, from Paisley, • young
map highly recommended, has taken s
situation with W.raell A Co.
Si. 1). (:motile, of Roston, Maas., who was
formerly an old•(:odertch printer, paid Tni
S1i3NA1. 'i v.It Tuesday last.
Williom Keid, wife and family, of Rich -
mood, Quebec, are visiting his parents, )Ir.
sod Mrs. ,lames Reid, Wolfe -et.
Mr. and Mn. White, of Stratford, who
had been visiting kin mother n town, left
this week for their home in Stratford.
H. Filsiorer, who had been working is
town for some time, left on Tuesday for St.
Thomas, when he has secured • situation.
Mr. and Mrs Skinner and family, of De-
troit, who had hew spending the Summer
at the Park House, returned home Thun
Mr. Morrison. inspector for the Kennedy
Leather Co., Toronto, was in town for •
few days buying some lumber from the Or-
gan Co.
Robt. ie Teazel. of this town, left on
Monday for McGill College, Montreal, to
resume hie medical course in that far famed
Peter Hussey, attar sit weeks' visit in
town, ret0rmd to Denver on Monday, of
last week. He west ley way of Toronto,
where he visited the fair.
Miss Hadi. Henderson. who had been oke
gnat of Miss Lizzie Cootie for the past
mouth. returned to her home is Detroit
last week. She was accompanied by Miss
Maggie Jokester&
7M Maim a»wmV.
Thrives es geed feed *sed as.hlm, with
plenty orf •xureM is the ops sir. Her form
&ewe with health esti leer Ian blooms with
Bs b"saq. If her sheets meds IM gases
beg settee MI • heaths remedy, to e.uses the
ppiskle .m1 lLss
ssl lipid l ..tiSyrup
Tbonase Me was Gels, to Ole /.rove nem -
mar wee.N bait M's •lt•e and Well
and W.rklas Tees,.
Sow0ustrr, Man.. Sept. 17th. " Hard
tires" is the cry frier farmers is this coos
try. Arthur Coley, • farmer living near
here, has had doable reason to cry " hare.
tires," for eight tamales ago he ly nn ria
boek in bed, • vietiss ot Bright's Disease.
He sok.owledgee that he expected to he
dead before the sed ef Summer, tut his ex -
planeness have been root pleasantly dr.
appointed, mad all Summer ` as e bworked
es hie farm iwa as though he had sever
known • dory • illness. Len Spring h. be -
gas tolling )odd's Kidney Pills and • few
banes completely cured him, se they have
every victim of this disease who has Mod
The oily any to make tlwen better is to
mere HengbtfuiIse right arse -
Diet wap adev ag bemuse Ws
Smtsssr, ser letemess times •h. esti. A11 the
Harm MOM 1cr .mrtb g greeter Ohre 3.
areal, mid eelnek bttltdttltlaa-
All parties this'll.'
ill 1• • free r Mee amebae lls printed
I. this lista• to the Hess of sue
Tetr, sen• v, Sept. 27t1.-Aseties
le of
hbsa st
farm Meek sad im'eesa. y,
Sept. 2'7th, at 1 o sleek r s . en lot 27,
Maltreat ('eommiee, Colbnras Tp Valais
nm Fisher, proprietor. ,Toho Knox, su e-
Twenty years age it was considered • big
sedertmkng foe es advertiser to 'entreat
for (19.000 worth .f epw in aowsp•psa,
while today lyes are a eerbr e4 easseres
"audios fres $300,000 to $600.000 per sm-
sets Is Mb newer.
New Se Gt • anallsbt Ptelnre.
Send 25 " Senlirht ' Soap wrappers
aR the words ( Why loss • Wonsan
Leak 01d Sooner Than • Man ") to lever
Bros. , Ltd., 43 Soott at Toronto, and yen
will receive by poet • pretty picture, free
from •d•ertieing, and well worth frontier.
This is an easy way to deoorea your boar.
The soap le the bees is the market .ad it
will hely the le. eesta4e to send in the
wrapped*, if he leave the weds open.
Writ* veer same meesl.11•• ly
De ton (1 tsaaggflMM lar she mewoa3 than see -
advertisers .11 over obi. errantry w
gpadfgg ead e7 ter epee" jest ler dm fusel
fit NM smsh. it pay*.