HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-13, Page 84
This le held to be the flabstanse OBIS
Earl ef Jersey'. Report.
■ M K.pe..al .t Maedart's ec►emo Ter a
rant At1.ail. ateerw•blp Serene
Makes a lieseldee Imrreestee
le theles r bre to
Ib. Prete.-t,
Lmr.oil. Sept. 10. -The letter of Lord
aramav to the Times to making consider
- able of • stir hen in circles favorable to
et interested- in the fast Atlantic line.
Lord Dreary, while not saying so direct•
Ineluuatee that the Marl of Jersey has
imported to the Imperial (iuvernmeut to
favor of the fast Atlantic subsidy. basing
his request on the diseaedon at Ottawa on
tbit subject The impression that the
Earl b•g so recommended hes been pre-
valeut hen among those interested for the
past flew Jaya Now, !the assertion of
Lord Brassily makes dna asaertion mon of
a certainty
Lord Braesey points Ont that when the
imperial Government .had hare pita .C:3,• euWidy, Attstialu must coutribate
050,000 and Canada 175,000 for the re
epective Pacific ata Atlantic Serviess.
His Lordship is alt ex member 4 tb.
Bosebery government and his zapas•! of
Mr Huddart's scheme bee drawn still
pore attention tsutluµ 10 tbs
A Dairying Pamphlet •.hood, to be tweed
Yr..m the Feint lag Bureau.
(bras a, Ont.. Sept. 1.1 -Mr re:.rie
Isiaaus Dominion etatt$:tciar. ea-rrt.:o
Stem tn. printing buma:i e:.ortly
2. copies of a pamph:et r.: t. t:e.t- "Butter
and ( • sena:. vo:n ce, wit:ea. Low
ever. is trrinalt :gs w:: , useful facts and
*glass frim various sources. lir.
Johnson iltvs that be sent out t , the tid-
int •rmau_:. igd rvicetrei 4.M :n reply
that the trf.Ttaat:.•n eery complete.
This tittle book a til n>w be tamed every
year aad its cowi.ara::ve statements W.11becom of value to the farmers. lir.
Robertson. of the Central k arm Las ordered
1,000 copies.
Bowie Maxwell and lariat• Jurorlt, the
nprearutatives of the Dundee Cornier,
Scotland, who are travelling around the
World lo..king into the ',octal and indus•
trial condition of wouieu, passel through
Mrs yesterday on their way to lluotreal.
An incipient blaze tu..k p!ace last night
at the Chandler., The fire started .aridst
acme blocks at Morrill:a foundry. The
brigade soon extinguished it. Damaige
tr,fling- -
A totems (a.. ie Court.
HArtu.Tow. Sept 10. -An action, was
tried moue months egg in the wit of Nelles
v. Nrllee, in which' the coterie wore asked
to declare wine! 11. Smith, (miserly of
Urimsby, a) be a dead Baan The suit is
soigne to the annals of Canada Stuith
went out to the western states ten years
ego, and there disappeared oe completely
from public ken as it the earth had taken
him down buddy. The last letter received
trout him was datel June 19, 184. and
Mute that no trace has been ubtaiued of
him, tbongh every effort has been trade
by deteetites and through the medium of
the newspapers. -Smith had a life interest
In certain Canada permanent stock valued
at 910,000, and es he is believed to be
dead, the heim wait the courts to ay he
ls ur..d sod Jivtde the money. The action
M a fneudly one, but is fiecemery to pro•
tett the executors. J. t. O Reilly. local
master is chancery, has beau antborised
to make the order by the court•, and all
,chs necessary preliminaries have • been
complied wit u.
The industrial Ezhlhffen.
Toao�rn, Sept. 10. -Tire Industrial Ex-
hibition is being attended with splendid
weather and the attendance at the grounds
M rapidly increasing.. The fur is already
pronounced • success and the sowing
week prutnlaee to be a continued round of
interest and amusement. Ladies day on
Saturday we+ a decided success. One of
the beet attractions at the fair !'a the
*'Living i'actor's," of which w much has
been said of late. The pictures consist of
representations of classical pictures, but
luetead of paint and canvass the subjects
eooaiet of human beings. In fact the pica
tares are • species 'tit high-cluss tableau
vivant., in which the actors are well train-
ed performers
Tin Cataract rower Compeer,.
HAMIITus, Sept 10 -The ('ataraet
power Company, of Hamilton, has applted
for lnoorporatwn. The members are
W. H. (ilexo. William Southern, Richard
Fuller. J. W. Hendrie, W. A. Wood, W.
W inborn. and John I'atterwn, alt of
Hamilton. The company proposes to
bring electrical power from tag era Falb
to Hamilton. The capital stock of the
company is $100,000. The first attempt,
which will be its kin nature of au expert
matt. will be made in tour es fay. months.
T. LAWNS' Mss. JOOkJAt_-The &m -
em market .Snipesere bave Wes • hint
teem thslr literary brotbr... aad are meter-
isg es advsa s wagassee pubbea we ler
their .sespesttt..s jam as the whsr.
lish their hovels is serial term. The Leann
Home Journal, whisk was preel e•lly the
Met measlee to ear tide outlet Moemper
me 4 roped-, bads all the enemies! ewes
raUytag to it, Ste Arthur Sullies& •asewac-
•ag that the new so.g wise be has just d.
imbed will be pabileb.d in that meg - i ..
Patti'. smarm' se.dueter, Ardtu, bee gives
We sew watts to the Journal, while Bogie -
odd de Kovea's seen sag gam aim to the
wee pertudioat Straws has sent kite now
waltz to the editor, Sousa a now starch. std
Maeoasu, of " 43evdleria Ku.noasa " tam,
is writing • piano more.
The October HAarta's will Postale the
tint of five Pepin by Edwin herd Minima
Indian lite sad an fader the tide
"Lahore and the l'u•janb' it will demrtbe
the ober•aeruuw features of the Punjaub
district, its people, its officials aad 'army,
and eta ercbrtecture, with fourteen picture.
envraved from punting. by Mr. Weeks.
1. the same number will appear ea article
on the street. of Pate, by Richard Hardtag
Davie, with telling ill..trauoas by 1.. 1).
Game : • paper on "Golf in the Old
Country," by Caspar W. N'hiumv, illus-
trated trust dram Lugs and pbotagropht . and
a review of the ronriant:c work of Ibesyill.
1s exploring the Mnansupen end gases
Loui•ana for the French. The 6ctime of dm
number will be notable Interest will in -
crew in Charles lwdley Warner's novel,
'I be t •olJe0 Hose, and :he .bort stone
w:ij•:srla..ie "The Pinochle Cobb. ' • .ketch
o: ewe p terse••; !Ise ft New 1 ark. by Julies
Rapt . "Selra:taa I.ap. • .tory of a
missal camp asd • 'synching, by Owen
Water l 'le beitemi Woods, a tale of
North Cerolna, by Writ 11 F. Mahew ;
aad ••Th. OM 4.4etletca. of the Black
•-tock, 'a damning story of old fashioned
:: gum life. by Thomas Nelson Page,
From our ownCorrespondenta.
A Well thews Taekbemew Swat
Morree• ., Sept. 10.-PIIM M. Ievlu,
one of the most popular and belt known
members of the 111. A. A. A. died hen
yesterday after • long and patnfull ill
nets. The deceased was the youngest son
el B. l.evtn, the well known farrier. and •
brother of Charles Levin, commodore of
SUM. Lawrance Yacht Club, who was
drowned In the terrtbieyashting accident
oo iake St. Loeb • couple of years ago
Manglers at Work in Braawls.
B arenRu, out , Sept 10. -For a few
eights we have been visited by sneak
thieves The (1 T.11. station was broken
Into sod they forced open • ease drawer
ggeettting 111 in loose change. The night
listen Mr. ti. Cardiff store was enured
by the robbers taking talo out of a screen
wtodow and entering and stealing • ladies
weteh and some mosey
McCarthy at Wiaeb.ter.
TCtartterre a, Ingot . Sept. 10. -Mr. M..
Carthy addressed the electors here on
Saturday He dealt particnlarly with the
Uril and retarre,l to the Curran bridge
. fair. winding up his after meeting by
Balling oe the electors to strengthen his
arm aad mend • nandidate to support him
la his .goof
Sale.. X•epers Take. 1w.
ffawii. nw, Rept. 10 -Several Saloon
base bent done up by a dick in
41vldsal who bail • stock of bola. Mexinn
4o1 ', whim& be worked on them The
lgentesu *eller wee moth mg ewe than a
d brass siekle plated. The detect
are after the diet ribator lbs bogy.
tris be bee skipped the
1. t
r bhmieftea Rae Leat rem fin
hums arenase m.e-sews es taw
ewseNewrieie Rs/entle
ae' The $trials
are-shewlng • 1'wt1 range et
FaaI1e IN
lull Was la every 1).parteteat.
areall aad examine goods std prioes.
C. R. SHINE £ 00,,
Mcl.eaa's Meek. Cbz. mitten. and Montreal et.
Th Po*ulai' Story
pedal x
for the
Scholars of all the Schools,
Town and Country.
The large sale of
Nero a. -- The local agency to !magaatic's
(or INK nh. i.AI is at the once of .1. V. Hurn.
J.N.. oaaveya.oer. &c., who wut rece.te or-
der for w,Scripuess. edver ting and ton
nu: I. sad to .u.hortred to Kite receipts for
ainuuut• Veld fur the wow.
Ttt,i.tt, Sept. J.
F i L l.ttiiit' r 'Orris tie pleased leaver
that as ten F all shows are rapidly approach -
Jur that rue is not far distant.
7 111 •.1.1111 'rot.t. Ou N der.day of
last week we were favored with • slight
shower tit ram, being accompanied by thun-
der and Iightoug, but not of very long dur-
i9. Ni. tlutte • number of our cttt,ens,
as we have beau informed, took in the p.c-
ltc, which was held in Mrs. 'ymingtuo's
grove near the village of alancbeater, under
the auspices of the 1. t t. F.
SETT Ks to Homs. !taring last week
Mise Annie Mcalath and ntete,Mme Herrn,
ot 1'outtan, Jlich., who have been on an ex-
tended visit to the bome.tead, left her fur
home. We wish them safe home.
Mld�urnmer Sale
XXX K+ x
During Jaly we mark immense Bargains in nu Depart-
ments. lead this partial list of Goods at
about HALF PRICE :
Black ('aa uesres. All -Wool. 44 teth.r wide. at 36c., worth Me-
tres= AU -Wool sad Silk Mind Stripes, 40 inches wide, Sic., were b0c.
Silk and Wool Plaids, 40 laches wide. at 30c., good velar at 46c.
RSauutul RI•ok Waal (:nn.dta.., sew, at l0:. a yard ; our regular lbc goods.
Rlaok Silk Grenadines, 35c. , reduced from 60.:
All marked down to 15c. • yard, were 25o.
Cambrian, Iwventisee, Batiste., all at 150. And 20c. a yard.
Wool ('hslltes, all grades, reduced.
Fut Kleck t'ottoa in every size, women's end cht!Jren',, at 10c. • per.
Purr Silk Gloves and Ltde Gloves at 15c. mid 20c., worth 30.. • pair.
20 Ocoee Fancy Hem Stitch Handkerchief., at la each, worth Sc each.
Ladies' Belt Buckles,
Souvenir Spoons,
Birthday rings, etc,
- - Jewelry, Watches,
Clocks, Diamonds,
Alcoa full :iter of
W iad.Sa4 se le bay theta They are wry
cheap. Call clad examine them.
The Peewee tseen mere. ta.dle.tea.
day last, much plashed with their vatting
BAK, ANL, CON 'asT, DG•rrmnest lie PIKE_
(►s Friday 0tght or arty aturday taara-
ing mooring '. Jhepp•ru • baro and cosi
tent. about 40 tom ut hay and • ,quantity
of grain were burnt by hgbtuing, at,whicn
time there was • heavy .tuna ot ram, thun-
der aud.lightning. Insured tor d000.
A W eco urs imruii. W. lane, •1.1'.,
the popular County Clerk ot the C)uoty of
Huron. arrived hers un Mooday evening on
a visiting tour to foods and former a+:-
.auet0tsuoes in this vrcinnty. We are pleas-
ed to see hint look .o welt end heartily wel-
come him, hoping he will enjoy himself
amongst us.
•• Tut Dem .-Kr, IT 1/M./. .•117111-11. ' We
nouteu recently m • newspaper the espies
non, " The ram rt ramelh. We presume
It will not apply just um to the state of
the west het. „ 1 h draught it drought-
et h "
t i•in....-Miss Buchanan, daughter of
.las. Buchanan, Gudench, is on a vent here
to our aasutant tea.ber, JLm Maggs Wil
son, both ot whom were students at the
ante tune to the Godenck Collegiate Iritis
tube. F„
O. Ili .i.... A.i. 1'i i.A>•i emu--trtet. Moe:-
oresrow, the popular man.g.r of our produce
and feed ,cure, left hen last week on a
beanies* and voting tour Fast, benne ac
companied by Mrs. Morrow. , sur popular
grocer has charge of hu store during kis ab-
E,. i.►..0-len Ai_ Os Sabbath last, as
Rev. D. Rogers was absent, Kev. K Far
bairn conducted evening .melee in the
Methodist church. The rev. gnuemem's
discourse was on the due obesrvanp of the
Sabbath, as also several ways in which it is
1 smite. WITH In Pitsntt cs*nKs. --
Since our last budget August bas taken He
sett and a now numbered with its pree-
owon of Old Father Time. September
thus far as to drought tad heat is keeping
an line with the average state of weather
during August.
H,.,1 ..I 1'riim..s a. tin Monday, the
3rd inst., a has. Nevins, twho was remedy
successful in pail he exam. at the Tor-
onto University, tend has been, during the
interval, ,rating the homestead? left to *t-
imid the school of Pedagogy at Toronto for
the sett terse. We welt hem steams in the
prosecution of further studies.
Ur. A 1 MITI,. AAP Bt.IAt+.T.,t-R, Our
much esteemed aad e.terprong milliner
left ben recently on a vat to relatives and
inroads at Ingersoll, Loudon, tad other
pointe, alio to take to the Fall opening of
millistery exhibition at London, with • vow
to purchase her stock of fancy wares is t he
Inllhnery department. We wish her t
plea.•n% tour and safe return bola
Trssnti, Sept. 11.
dy.Ht -Mrs. Meyers. of Pennsylvania.
und formerly of West Wawa/web, is visiting
at 1,. r brother's, Andrew Sproel.
icon, . at. Mn. B..1. ('rawtord,wt.o
bad 1 ..o vesting funds at the betray town
sort., ,d hen during last week, retuned
Min,• on Monday.
Il •u A..AI. Mies Amanda Smiley,
who t.., been o0 • mit al; tour to trisedut
Whose. Murch aad other points, returned
home '.et week, haring 'stated herself is.
msnasly. .
Vo+rtir.: Repent Mdlough,se i of'agwire
Mallough, now of Superior l'sty, asci form
erly of Iftegearton and Lacknow, is hen on
a visit to relatives and former ealoaintaao .
Ile Iooks as if the !Weer is agreeing with
F o tssustn 111 (►wise 1. k.,- iI.
Rangers Ming sbwnt amoeba, he holidays,
Mr. R..4. a etedeut in the University. one
ducted divine services both morning and eve
fila( to the Methodist :hatch, very accept
I WI.•<Ity t:tui. ',knife a number of
ser prominent r.sidests took in the sights
sad gamey at Lucien, ria Wsdsesday et
last week in eonssetien with the Caledoeme
anniversary cel.hratiem and were niwsk
plow d.
Howe A..At. •-Mem.. 1.11. eel (1Srele
Whyiel. daughters of ser esteemed .,Rosa,
.las. Whyerd, wire have helm en els .seed-
ed visit to rwbtives at Rt Theme edaher
pedals smith et hers, returned beim Baser
t1• t (-o tits,. TVI K E.t.Tw Aai.. -(1n
Friday, August 31, C. Girvin and Hugh
Moreland lett to visit friends and relatives
at Kingston and other points. At the
tine Alex. Pentland anal his daughter, Mrs.
Jas. Gavin, lett to vat reflates at tl'akie-
field, near Ottawa. We wish them • pleas•
*1.1 Hip and a sate return.
ATT.,l,ls. t MAtKIA..s. eta W.dnes
day el last week the popular and ranch -
esteemed clerk in B. J. Crawfords store lett
nere to take in the marrtageoeremony of his
ocean, MaasJobawton, at Newbridge, north-
east of here. Hu sister, Ma Tretavea, u
false at the marriage. We wish them • good
time and sale return.
Hoes A..Aiv. -Jas. Holland, who has
been on a voting tour to its brother at
Titusville, Pennsylvania, returned home
last week. He states he would prefer liv-
ing in Ontario, especially at the boniest ead
in Ashfield . The popular librarian of
Dungannon Mechanics' Institute returned
home on Monday last from visaing relatives
in Goderich town and town.h.p. He is as
chirpy as ever.
'1 t' iTv,K..--Rev. E. Medd, of Rothe's,
Ont., left here for home on Friday Int at -
ter having visited hire. Medd'. brother,
John lieges, ooe of our energetic general
merchant., during the former part of last
week. TM rev gentleman paid a viait to
our Machaaip' Maw ute and was much
pleased with the appearance of the library,
contents of reeding rocums and neatness ot
the Institute, for which the citizen. of Dun-
gannon and others who belong to it deserve
'rest t relit
Bn• THesonat. wrTH TKA•Tlos E>..rvt
Thos. Amer, of West W swaaosh, with
his staff, we have bean credibly mformd,
bas recently been doing big work with his
traction engine, having threshed three
thousand eight hundred bushels of grain in
two days and • half, daring which time he
bad to remove to three different bats, the
distance to last one beim three miles. The
last half day at Win. Cameron'. bar.,
seventh ccoceseioo, Wawa/sash, be threshed
1000 bushels of oats flood for Thoma., his
staff and traction engine.
Nm ow% F,.. Art Os Tuesday .venrag
of last week as Rev. IL Fairbairn and wife
were eeming home from prayer meeting
bold at John Berkley'. resedesce, Ashfield,
they saw on bre • cedar rail (end which ex-
tended to and joined one oonser of Mrs.
Taylor's residence oe the gravel road south
of I)useanews, Mr. Fairburn Immediately
Rave the alarm t. Y. Saader.on, who resides
on art farm north. As the old lady an,l
her eon .loon hal retired for the night, the
danger of both of them being burned was
iamminent, hod it sot bass that the fire
which w rapidly approaching tie ho..e
was by promyt elects extinguished.
T• s-r•ay, Sept. S.
Labor Ilay gave the School ken • bolt
.via flatten, of Stratford, ssad•yed
here last week.
Mr and Mn. Henry a emplell from near
Leetnne, vaned mthose here annex Inst
J. Whalen, from near Stratford, rintd
his Sated, Mrs. Jas. I'bi,hnlm,of them place,
last web
The wee.. • t'NeiI. o1 '.nd.rteh, are the
gate .d 'Ir end Mrs. Hush ('Mamba
the wee.
The re ret !earnest tug has . eased • water
imabe as hot• .as moon 1.e drfakine. 11e
waters of the take save us free • total
(leas Inst week threshed on the farms el
Jahn and Alex 4 %Stew turned out about
lei wombs to the Sena Jee R..blater
.mated the groin and r sembe. the 'must
Meme Potter Sid Mirk are graveling
the Hill towards the ekae.k end have rem
Crtis WHIge at the feet of SeuerseS
James Tebia, el Dale% wee the
Our Motto --Good Boots at Iow prices.
say times are hard jus now, so We have got oar preen to suit the
times. Prices on Shoes never were lower than they are da , alb if
you don't know it for a fact then ask your neighbor if our Pri..1 aft
not the lowest in the town. We keep competitors hustling to get their
bargain day prices down to our every day prices And we are not
selling at a loss -no merchant does, notwithstanding all the advertise-
ments to the contrary -but we are selling at prices which would meals
a loss to some dealers But our secret is in the baying. We buy ex-
clusively for Cash, and buy direct from Manufacturers, thus giving
our Customers their (foods at first cost. We are just selling Shoes as
we buy them, vi&, Cheap.
Cozxipare Otis Prices
Olets' Scheel Roots. Tbs.Wemmsa'e Glave Gnats Boots, 11.00.
Messes' Glove (:rein, Butt. or load, Ma I Lndias' Uc.aekt, ftuttes, Tipped. $1.96.
W.'s Heavy laced Boot., 76e. ladies' Preadilly. Tipped, 11.75.
Full Lines of King'. Slater's and American fine Goods in
the New Lasts, ibr Fall, are to band.
Youths' School Boots, i .75. I Men's land ts, BooPegged gele,S1.00.
Boy.' 1.00. Working Boots, .75,
(vents, sex the new Picadilly, Wing Tip, or Philadelphia Toe styles we
are showing for Fall wear. The most fashionable Goods and Pripet light.
Buttons put on free with patent fastener*. Stan put on free. Stipa
sewed free. Prompt attention to repairing.
REP*.1RINGI- WA. A NT]d:1).. s41111Ait
to takes Iii Utlgae or SHORTHAND Course. of are you at all Interested is an
Education that will et you to earn a livelihood, then write for the Catalogue of the
and see that you get it. Board is cline. $1.1.0 per week. Conroe is commended by beet busi-
ness mea Graduates earn high malaria abed reopens on Monday-. Sept. 3. 141.
J. W. WESTERVELT, rrlaeisal.
has just returned from the cities having made her Fall
purchase in the latest lines of Millinery, Laces, Ribbons,
&c., and purposes making a second trip.
There will be no so-called Fall opening, but the show-
rooms will be open at all times to the ladies of Oodt,rich
and vicinity.
inspector of time work on befall of the tows-
last week we had the pleasure of meet-
ing two old friends. We met Rev. A. E.
Neilly, 11 A., of Horning'. Mills, • former
pastor of the i're•byterian church hen, and
had • social chat over local events
of the asst three years. In his
new field of labor,wddings have been sem.
erose and christenings but few. We bad
also • chat with Thos. McGillicuddy form -
wig of Tits Sin'.,. staff. He now lives is
Toronto, and Wes quite an interest u the
mama work of that city, often addressing
meetings then and at other points.
Tr MOAT, .Sept. 11.
Mr. and Mr. John Horton enjoyed •
pleasant week's vat to relatives and friends
near Stratford last week.
Miss Janet Fotberingh•m and brother
Thomas, of Rrucefield, are the guest. of
Mrs. A. H. Clutton this week.
Jain.. Iinkl•ter was in the Queen city
let week, -psisg the exhibition and being
the asset of H. 1.. Horton diarist, his :so-
The repent heavy downpours of rein have
pat all is good humor. especially timing's?
sex who won't now have to lecture about
going to the 1-ke for water for household
For the benefit of the farming oommoeity
that take the city weekly and won't ewe
the time to borrow the Meal weekly or yet
support its interests, the merchants of
(:odorieb have clubbed together to have •
man paint est :the fence boards, the qult-
time of their good. and when to get them.
They torgot to tell the tows they live is or
the street, but we euppose,the fernier doesn't
forget when these merchants live and
flourish. But we gums the letter wouldn't
like the farmer to pot up notions on their
nice fences in town as to where they could
buy • horse, cow, .heep, pig or fowls.
Tr,soAy, Sept. lltb.
iia Elliott and Mcleod are visiting in
this village.
Mr. Jamieson hes gore for • visit to Tor-
Mr. Ross, the popular G. T. R. agent,
acoompuied by hill .osier, Mae L Rose,
are away on eorne holidays. They will visit
Clifford, Guelph Toronto, Niagara-cs-Us.-
lake, London and other pace. Mr. Bowles
is the relieving agent.
The .ricket club of this villein had •
splendid practice game oe Saturday kat.
W. Montt & Co. (per D. Matheson) ship-
ped a carload of wool to Hessnll yetilareay.
John Snider is transit • visit through the
principal cities of (atario.
A. Cameros, of Stanley tows•bip, u
mri.emly ill in Haniilsea. 7'he wish of all
is for his speedy zee err. $`1l1iigghkt hopes
are at premed held .till fig the 1# e&
Tvmteav, Sort. 11.
Valte • number from around here took in
Derby Plug
5, 10 & 20c. plugs.
Fila.• =MEM 3 odle6.3--
lvra .ties- -
Latest Styles in French and German MAKES.
F`t1r 0 -0001S --
The beast qualities in Fur CAPES, MUFFS and BOAS,
and at unapproachable prices.
The best goods for the least money.
OPENING - - - The Old Reliable
Monday Evening_, Sept. 17th,
will be tendered Masaeer H.iRR1 HAW( by
• compaay of well known ladies and grade-
esticmea of liodeirich. on wet:h rierw.lon they
will pprreesseeat Joseph Jefeereon's version oI
W aMmeta Irvis,'s
In which
will appear to the tui. role.
ureteees, !RII'. Wifel Him Minnie Rall.
wawa et.. Iip_.1)acgttari .Haw T. Ruttish
*bade. jr.. USW Mande Tot.
Derek* V n Breeebesae.. . Mr. ltd Belcher,
Deckles, (Derrick'.
Nephews Mr. C. k. Maar.
ilek Vedder, laakeepers Mr. Geo. Pewter.
Rah Iiaakenter U Faire att.r, Mr, 0, Porter.
Hesdrt*k. er., IVadder'l gent C. U Williams.
-• r '• • .. Master Jia Tilt.
Rip Van Iakle, ..... .. Mr. Dory Hart
The aetdleaes wtu be eatertatsed hotness
ages with the West overtures and eredlle• by
under the leadereble et
Sale of 'hots will Mee et OM A.M.. Teesday.
Sept. 11, b, at resent a: Parlo 's Meek Were.
A____ _es - - for.. See , aad ler.
MAneweere el *.0 p.aa.
H orses Wanted.
W Heee.bey.se. win be la
Knrr*iiy Meaday, Sept, 17,
Krnc*sosuR, Tuesday, Rept. 18,
Usowewoo., Wednesday, Sept. 19,
POUT Rinse, Thursday, Sept20,
Pstm,ny, Friday, Sept. 21,
(IL.AMMis, Saturday, Sept 22,
Per the 'wee,' et tense Mod, Ss.sd, rat
Renee er Manns nem SIM 1 years ea.
Will also buy a few good Drivers
15 1-2 to 16 hands high.
the knares at Let lagaw w ate bee.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. D. Seem paid a Bybee
yleH es Monday be tripods is Rayseld eke.
Mrs. This Dshsea, sen Him Time
is se poena very met std bet mnay
hope M saes base et lbw i'esnsery.
Ara J. C. 1allwfa, Vbe bonbon ?boles
bar iheightwe V D.d4M he the pees tee
NOW is the time to purchase your
HARD COAL The beet aad only
market at 06.50 with 10 per cent. off
for midi, snaking it S&,$.).
All Coal Weighed at the Mar-
Orden left at tea, 61 Lia'$ sten
promptly attended to.
The Cheapest and Nissen
list /reals&
nem abtfp.OTtOR WIVE
Canadian Pacific
Steamship Line.
The alienMist Wheel ElestttM
Stennis wen
lay. Godvle► Meesadtng wiU tis t?sedlen Peelle
Sault Ste. Marie,
for Port Arthur. Tors WAlltim. and .0
>a. 1 ba, x
bed 796,Cd 01140.. age
Wu, wlaeoaals mad Dakota.
Per 'Pieties sad as ether talmma*M. es* M
R. �R�
'y, Oederish.
C. P. R
Routh dds Wasted., Drat .(sy.ssa
meatha, returned tams ea A•awedey el kat
Mr. aad Mrs. F. Mestt returned hems se
Thursday. 6th, from their attended vett le
their family sad other Meade be Nall hind
Swab D
bakes". beetles 0.1. sal her
after than fteg trip. Their
Fra 5.. aad Salk wee abs wen
with Mew, rammed elm
' 00011116014 TOWNSHIP.
Wet ae, 5s ► 11L
.be fid a eft** swift
e •M