HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-13, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GOD&ERICH. ONT., THURSDAY. SEPT. 13. MMMT.
For Fashionable Drees Goods
WEI 13.1311.•
The highest class of Black Drew
Fabrics, hull new of our Black Hen
riettaa We make a specialty of this
depart went.
Stone S.r'gre, hard finish, guaran
teed feet colors. in Navy Blue and
i Reversible Costume Cloths will be
the rage for this Hearn ; we have
there : the I'utultiTuitions are bwutt-
" Cravenette," rainprooted by spec-
ial proems, suitable for Ladies Wrap.
or Drew.: imported by ourselves in
Navy and Black.
ladies Genilail lade Jactets,
Our Importation of Ladies' Jackets for this Season is
larger than ever, the Style and Fit is Perfect and the
Prices are Lower than ever. We have them open for In-
spection and Oomparison.
tram sere. newest ?.Ms•hed Nees.Irs-
Tfe \seise AUMerliss
1t nems that .hr i . surrender of Ula,
while the long {i•. et Anetraan soldiers de -
tiled aee.een She French teaks, the Niger -
or hlpiallW Nt ere Austrian gtansk
His Aemeseerlal i.afi.aie were retie,
kindly, eves *Merakg. He sought to coo•
sole them for their reverses, bud said to
them that war had its chesos., that rear
.'tea bees conquerors they should be .bye
eorssole themselves for being Moetlaes
cm,yuered, that Abu war in which their
master 6d rimed them was unjust ani
groundless, aad that frank) be knew sot
why M fought or whet was desired of him.
Then game • rower whoa or of these
generals, observing that Napoleon's uniform,
was .revered with mud, referred to the hard-
ships which he must have suffered in the
campaign. "Your muster," replied the em-
peror. mailbag. "wished to r.mied me that
1 w•• a soldier ; I hope he will edema that
the Imperial purple hes Dot awed me to
forget my trade.' it seems that Mack was
. wttsew of this seen' Or of the Freoeh
oa;osrs, curious to see the victim of so great
• misfortune, 'eked the general himself.
whom he did not know, to point out the
Austrian eourandr. The field mat.bal re-
plued. " Yoe see bolero you the unhappy
Mack." Unhappy, isdeed,for never before,
and neer «see, exosps to the case of Raz-
unr at Met', has • fortress defended by so
large • force been surrendered.
o the march tr,mi Ulm to Viesaa there
esu • halt of some dee. at Lintz, and here
he mirror and bar aide de carp warmed
an incrust which was rare in the Napoleon -
e. army, is which discipline was turth.nd
be the community of origin betweee the sot-
dier and the officer, •od by an tstelligeit
emut.tioa. Napoleon we. galloping prat • ,
column of light artillery when mine twenty
steps before him he saw an artilleryman
ruse in • threatesior way hie head, which
at the same instant was unmet wholly lop
pee off by his miptah with • furious blow of
tee satire The head of the peer wretch
Meg for an is,tast oo his Moulden and
thee fell upon the ground amid a torrent of
k"wxl. As 16u frgbttnl spectacle Napoleon
turned pale, and. rushing forward. cried :
" What have you done there. captain"'
"Me duty.- rejeised the otheir ruddy,
'and Datil 1 am killed by one of my eel -
diem he added haughtily, looking them in'
the fano, " I will serve u the .same way
those who fail to obey their o•peain." The
emperor, struck with the man's orgy, re-
mained an inetant dumb, bot preesetly,
meate*tsg his emotico, remained is • firm
'wee, " If such is the case, you have done
well You lase • brave officer. You usder•
staid year duty. That is how I want to
be served
The French had discovered before mch-
lag Auaterlits that the Resian infantry
was muck apr1r M4he Austrian, and the
Romans os their 'MOM/ net a doubt o1
•steeea la an intrvM, between Napoleon
amid 1►dgoroski, the favorite of Alexander,
the yours' Rutter exhibited i.td.rable are
te'en's His taster, be maid, world sot
cement to pare except .ppoeoa .D•ditiess
that Napo/tea should ahamdoa Italy, the
Istt bank of the Rhise, amid ilelgimr.
' Atka, Ers.sei •1.o r replied Nmipolee:
"why, we ars ie MoreM, •ed, if yes wen
ea the height, of Mistretta,a or
wkrunel. get B " The utaiset that
ere oder was to Mt the Freer
tin We yid eased behind the Darr, if
t•, raid pude te evsssate forthwith
sami and the fir. 1.ry rates of the
wuga„ At thin itemises, Narrow,
usable to restrain hit.s.if. stied: With -
arae, Ur, end fur ver Iwbr that I am
•e( see-rtemud te let eyed( be hmaltd is
tkls way" The iisniam were e.otieg set
atur err es their rlitary eNciescy, buten •
tmsht. H of smmMra At Am-
•p.Iae• but 66,000 soldiers
rsa 10,000. But eke aeraernisnt of the
ach free mere than meas .p ler the
serried diaereses Tits ever-eusadoese
a1 18. Eerier bora sed shim Nee than
orategisal sed ,.mise( mem, sad the too
"It.. ea we kttw, wee Marr dentre Ales.• tanaideff_ It
Imre that the sight Wore
N *Be name emperor ire a simpara hely winher el and uat
tester to kir Mail. eusmillod a IMA
*ma at the table
teffehes the
at rent el
inerraw would
r�mt t.hUte eibpase appened. WI$8the .
word. tis• Wfng Jes s,
ulaalaa____ Pain. Jen* thesspediellser:
babied lorgeres the
Mh. ailiair
w "were beetle..sued wht haat Ate
4hI'eindes and &dare tar. M W Or.
twee of the mar makes W le.rpaLim M8.
1rlew.iple which mutt eery. se a bes
thee Ra went es beep
swam he
r Nei+ ay,
canon st No
jg►ao ea
fir et eta. t,.•brear
Pall6101. lie thought,
a Ire lee ets�r
le ar•
huleft, hu,leM1. • pee of
tlale.g ....� � etlNr. }
were to befouled in the nsorsities of wt. -
Snit ; throne ought te knew how to feel
end leash that chord,aed that, in this prim•
ciple. an Iths.la.t source ot stro.g emetics
sad • fecund germ of critical utuati.ne ; is
• word, •mother fatality se imperiouses that
of the ornate might be found. Titus it
would some to peas that what le called •
comp d'etat, a political crime. would become
• subject of tragedy, wherein horror being
tempered by necessity, • new and and sus -
tamed interest might he developed. Nome
examples were crated, and ooe of them re-
ferred to his campaign in Egypt. /;lancing
at this subject, he said '1 es,bd I pined
poisoner of Ara I would have assumed
the turban ; I would have put my army in
wide Turkish trousers ; 1 would Jolly have
exposed ,t at the last extremity : I would
hav* made et it my sacred b•ttalion,m Im-
m ortals. It u with Arab•, Greeks and Ar-
meataos that 1 would have finished the war
against the Turks. Instead of • battle of
llorsvia 1 would have pined a battle of Is
sus I would have made nine( emperor of
the feast, and returmd to Peru by way of
t'oeeta•tsnople." Napoleon accompanud
these words with • smile as if to isdteate
that he had allowed himself to recall one
of the young 1re•ns .f his ardent imagina-
tion, • dreamt, however, which had • chasm
• of Ewing realized. since, accord's( to the
teetsmosy of travellers then present in Len
anon, • hsrdred thousand 5hristtase were
waiting is that district and ready on the
capture of Acre to loin his army.
morello on latches.
i imagine my early likee and dislikes in
Dickens were sot very ltaeriminatiuv,
writes William Deem Howells in " My
Literary l'assios.," the sixth instalment of
which appeared in the .lune ladies' Home
Journal. I liked Dated Copperfield, and
Barnby Ruda*, and Bleak House, and I
still like them ; but I do not think 1 [lik-
ed them more them more than 1)ombey d
S.,n, and Nic6ol'e Nickleby, and the Pick-
wick Papers, which 1 miaow. read now
with any 'tort of patience, Not to speak of
pleasure. 1 liked Martin Chuzzlewit, too.
and the other day i reed • great part ot
it again, and found it roughly true in the
passages that referred to Amerimi, though
it was surcharged in the serious moods and
caricatured ,n the comic. The English ere
always ado sate oterver observers ; they
seem too full of themeless to have Bari and
eyes for any sites people : but am far at an
se Eagli.hm.. emeid, Direr had aught
the look of our lite to certain expects.
A Mary of the German [.per.r-
1)ee of the many quaist requests which
daily reach the german Emperor was made
by s little girl the other day, who wrote
informing his Majesty she had just arrived
all the way from America, to visit bar re-
latiooa, only to And her "dear each)" awe
.toeing his tame as • soldier' This, she
pointed out, esus • great hardship ; bat she
had beard leo mash of the Emperor's hied -
sem while at ''heel, that she was Burs he
weal seep 'her usole's refers fat her
when she asked kin. The letter rme►d
the Emperor. and eventually arrived at the
War Othca, with imstructiooe attached to it
Eight Lye after. dee "dear roe" was in-
formed that he might either postpone his
military dation entirely rail next year, or
rater permission to .pend some days he
hie native village
A Jnet-tag flrp'sser,
The blames Telegraph tolls this humorous
dory :
A kiwi'. was or.s.-e[susiatsg a negro
Wilsons in t s of the jeers courts the other
day and win ' listing else fairly well aril
be asked the wita= what hie ooaptten
' is r carpenter, air."
" What lied of • carpenter r
"They oil me • j.ek-lett earpsnter,
' What is • jsek-lag secretes'"
" He in . semester who 1. set s first-elson
oarpwtr, oak.
Well, espies fully what ye order -
read • jssk•Mg esrpster te be." heisted
the lawyer.
B•••, i bear I demee how w orals
any ons' apt to lay hit .n jog de es.e dal -
bass east{[' yes an' r fuse -'Moa lawyer."
The seem wee one o1 the .Y_kiiesel
kid sad did sot mese to be isoslent r im-
pudent, bet had just del ided a hi ewe
.dad that Mk. Mwvr alike lila gtlstlM' -
wee see • first elms la s..dleon eatlty 7p6MtN6 .meed
M alien
Noe sg.dla15...,11.6.
Aa. ---"I have heard it .sift, as iI`aes.
that. him without i ve terse OW se egg
steak salt ; le tier tree r
"I dere waw -i really 'sang --i have
sever is my W►-"
"flew sew, Won Itrsa !"
"list's ea egg rater ralt."-Elfakeer
. geese I.
=IsIriallalk .001. who used=
A lady nerved Wa T. O. M. H
at Illembiesli Lary sea [Ser,
Ones, lerwai dad a -' - -- sa r Or
At�l1 her ill ter �wr Iifisy er torr
sa ggliner tr tab � dwelt
Only a Step
from Weak Lungs to Colas
sum ptlon, from Depleted
Blood to Anaemia, from Dis-
eased Blood to Scrofula,from
Logs of Flesh to Illness.
the Cream of Cod-liver 011,
prevents this step from being
taken and restores Health.
Physicians, the world over, ens
dorse It.
Owl N /N hs1 hWilldut
seen.1•.r, neper . as aagibla `dde
The Lead Chnef JsMtes ser 1<aglsmd .• ■1e
Lord Ch'.et Justice Russel, in the current
number of the North Anterior Review, in
an article oe the tate Lord (lief .fustic.
Coleridge, narrate the freilowtez aseodote ;
An action had been brought for libel by en
Irish lady who had joined • breach of the
Sisters of Mercy end Amid bees compelled to
leave the Society. Her ow was thet,w,tk-
oat ane, she had been expelled, and that,
without justteaUon, her conduct had beea
represented as incompatible with raven -
teal We. The ase for the raven may be
summed up in a sentence : That Mies
Baume had so vocation, that she was in-
capable of submitting to the strict dimples*
found rosemary in reigns corrunitieg,
that she broke bousd., spoke when the
ought to h... been ,fleet, and did not ob-
serve the mull rules of conventual lite or-
dataed by those in authority. The charac-
ter of the evidence may be illustrated by an
.musing incident which occurred in the
erode examiastioa by Mr. l'oleridge of Mrs.
Kesoedy, • lady who held the olfiue of Mis-
tress of Novices. Mrs. Kennedy mentioned
•mosv other peccadilloes that on one occa-
sion she bad f.tuod Meas Luna in the pan-
try sating strawberries when she ought to
have been attending to • class of poor chil-
dren, or some such duty. The eraseeexam-
1..tion proceeded thus
Mr. Coleridge " Eating strawberries.
realty '"
Mrs. Ken dy-"Yes, sir: she was eating
strawberries. "
Mr. I'oleridgo- -"How shocking !"
Mrs. Kennedy - " It was forbidden,
Mr. Coleridge -" And did you. lira
Kesoedy, really conaider there was any
harm is that
Mrs Kennedy "No, sir; not in itself.•oy
more than there was any harm in eating
apples : but you know, air, the mischief
that mine from that."
Further oo he says ; Mr. Korslake, after-
wards Sir Jobe Kerslake, was Mr. Cole-
ridg.s guest rival at the bar ; they were
great friends as well as great rivals. (loth
were men of great presence. 51r. Korslake,
however. being the taller. He was once
described in • Western circuit Doper as
"ruing at great length" to reply on the
part ot the plaintiff, and . story is handed
down from the time of the Lord Chief Jus-
tice ('•mpbell in connection with him and
Sym Joyce. who w'e as as remarkably short
'e Mr. Kerslake wee remarkably long. It
wee motion day in Queen's Bench, and on
Mr Joys.• rising to address the Court,
with his head just appearing above the
bench in trent of the bar, Lord Campbell
"Mr. Joyce, when counsel address the
Court it is usual for counsel to stand up
" My Lord," protested Mr. Joyce, "I am
stasding up
. -
A little later Mr. Kerslake rose from a
bench at the Amick of the Court. which, slop.
ing upwards, gave him even greeter appar-
Loot altitude than he 4. Thereupon
rd Campbell is sai to have remarked
" Mr. Kerslake. although it is usual for
onstissl to stand up when they address the
Court, it is not r.ece.a•ry for them to stand
co the banshee."
New is flamer Year Temper.
Starve it : give it •othing to feed on.
Whoa something tempt" you to grow angry
do not yield to the teseptetios. it may for
s minute or two be difficult to control your -
Woes to do bothine, to my mothing,and the
riming temper will be .baled to go down
o•ose it has sotbing to hold it up. What is
gained by yielding to tamper ! For • mo-
onset 'bore Is • feeling of relief, bet soon
ores • rem of sorrow std shams, with •
wish Wt the tempt had been controlled.
Freed, ars separated by • bud temper.
troche is oared by it, sad pain is gives to
ethers as well:m to self. The pain often
levea fr days, eves limes for
1ih. As outburst go f temper is like the
berating of • row boiler, it in impoa.mble to
tell :Worried (what will be the result.
The evil dose may sever be remedied. Starve
your temper, ,it is not worth keeping alive
Lot it die.
meas the Chloro Hrstd.
Marc is Wry without weeds.
CdA Mr is feeble without wee.
The liar lives next dor te the thiol.
The angry fool 1s the lawyer's freed.
Thoughtless aoti.e is sightless motion.
A gonad arra never .peaks for itself.
A gree Asan may have • very noisy flat.
A geed not rakes any hoe look Mad-
As the world grows wiser it grows small-
High tariff l.oks the armor is his ewe
Deny elwsye 1. fes .SWOON to wile the
fret Mee.
it i • d'e'ems' indulges°. to segse with
ON /add..
It la a eiress error te smirks perfidy
ler virtue. •
A. sseadsh hoary sere very car being
an earl.
The ..jrl y .1 ren her hi h e.esgb to
be hare _awhlppere.
iris* Pak ma. ode end ••ra es -
war *silver and etre eenetipstMe►
are tresab/ w+la sleepier
nearestrdrisk wattle WM* d ase r
Wets alga rears fella t
Qamyllildag -1 hatM1 r Terser
OS teed her re.d lees. lid ler
n▪ ail � an .i►�
It le easier for some to erg than mer
others to ksega ay Pier wok
10 sed SO Mat Take aira r.
' Mika " make ti
A ear lead of metehe wag lighted by has-
tier la treasport•tioa sad butted the other
day at Istria, Keay►y.
Norway Pine Hyrup Mule the lungs.
Noe way Phe ayr.p cures casaba
Norway Pia. Syrup ".rem hrwsinue.
The oonesmplMs of wino is Nim«.
Ir•noe, averages • bottle • day for •very
man, woman and child in the city.
Dr. Lew'. Worm Syrup sures sad re-
moves worms of all khds is ebildres or
adults. Price 26c. !sold by all dealers. 2w
The surliest worms sow on earth is Mile.
Padilla .f Holl od,18 llose old and twenty
robes deb. She weiehs leu than also
Early is the e dr.1.1 R F.tIdl g. si thlle he broken mot the t of the buildings,. eke
H.thodiet University which will be erected
at Washington, D. C.
The leaf et the 0000•aat trees is Dearly
tbtrty fest loo`. A eagle leaf of the para-
wl m.sgsolw of Coyle' affords shads for fit -
Mei or teary prompt
It is dated oa rood authority that •
genuine Ruben", worth $5,000, was picked
u p at auction by an e:per: t• I.004ss the
other day for 35 shillings -
The tensile strength of wrought its rode
varies as the square of the diameter. A
one Aegis rd will daimon 7.000 rands sad
• two inch rod 28,00Q ;;adt,
Drby Mug Smoking Tpba000, 5,
108.0811120. oast plug. blade osly by 1).
Ritchie a Co. the only organized " Union "
pia/ Lorre factory is Canada. tI
Weber belonged to • musical family and
his lefty was extremely sanious that one
of his children should prove • prodigy is
some direceton, no matter what
Trews., u Norway, has just oelebratd
its 1,0111th anniversary. I■ that time it
las spew from 60 people to 6,000. TM
- k ettea ahidy dsteld M Yiatt
-The ar(iDar deme set Waist Jr full
Megth until he is fifty mare of ago. When
one year old hie length u about twelve
itches ; at the age of 15 he bee grown to
two fest
A railroad between 1'oalracoalea and
Seats Cruz, Mexico, which opens • sew
melee of transportetioo between the Gulf of
Mexico and the Pacific eoa"t, ham been com-
pleted recently.
The pin machines of England, Holland
and Germany turn out an average of 67,000,-
000 pins for every work day of the year.
At Birmington one factory makes30,000,000
Ons per day.
Mme. Theorem, of 't. I:esevieve.Caoada,
ham rust given birth to triplets for the
second time in five years. She h.a three
pain of twins beside, and 17 children alto-
gether. She is 30 years old.
The scientist,' have decided that the aver-
age workisgm•n requires daily in his food
not lees than four ounces of proteid., two
ounces of fat and eighteen ounces of the
carbo hydrates.
Skin diseases are more or less occasioned
by had blood. H. 11. 11. curee tLe following
skin diseases : shingle., erysipelas, itching
rashes, salt rheum, scald head, eruption.,
pimples and blotches, by removing all im-
purities from the blood from • common
pimple to the wont scrofulous sore. 2w
*treses Imprrsales. klS.s.as.
Chicago Herald : It has been • matter of
current report for year. among heard of
Trade men that Phil Armour has no poor re-
lations. " He will not allow any of them to
remain poor, a veteran of the Board re-
marked, by way of explanation of this un-
usual rood fortune of • rich atm.. "lit
makes them all rich." tt. t"'
" 1 have heard that story' before," $P.
Armour remarked with a .mile, when one of
his friends asked him about it the other
day. " Hut it's • mistake. 1 have enough
ot them.'.
Then the big packer bent out in • laugh
and his friends knew • good story was coma
- " One of the poor kind ---he lives down in
i one of the .est =kmest men I
over Imes. He keeps writhe area writing
for money .11 the time. He u Dot a had 1.1-
low, only improvident, and if he displayed
the same energy in attending to business
that he doer in writing to me he would have
been rich • lone time ago. Well, be kept
.ending one letter after another, saying that
if he only had ,t500 be would be .11 right.
He repeated this so often that one day 1
told my seeretery to write that if be would-
n 't bother me for . year I would .end him
Well, sir," and Mr. Armour's sides
shook with laughter, "'e roe as the nails
could brig • reply I got it. He said 'Make
it 01,000 and two years.' and I thourbt it
was such • clever torn that i meet the
".Chat happen hie !"
" In about throe months be wrote agean,
spas' the svrseme.t was off bemuse his
wife hsdn'Veen iadudd."
Ayr'. Hair Vigra' up the weak
hair -root,, stimulates t+tt.ele and ta-
✓ es which supply the with nutrition,
strewthsne the heir Sieh, and adds the oil
whirr keep. the Matte soft, lustrous, and
silky. The meet popular and most valuable
preparation h the world.
B.anfrea of aeons of she Morse
Hall ., the prams sed on the Stook
_[eh•a[e, ea well as the neoahede'employed
ie the besis.= of the "stress" are to the
majority of the eater public •aigp•e.
The kW board use the meta trms as thew
brethren is Wall Street, New York, bat is
Leaden theles • ,light dilemmas is the
vocabulsi ly. T. -day our readers ale gives
the phrases in cores ass •s the Isomil mar-
ket sad Wall Street : ' Privileges" are
knows es ' pets,' calla,,. ' straddles,"
and "spreads," All are purchased by epee
Werra et an i 0.0150 a amines losses te
their operatics* in the market. A "put" is
• retract, given to receive and pay fee
. leek at • price Wow the carver market
prigs lar a reit co.sidration, usually 0.14
per .set A "041" is • oontr.ot to deliver
stook at • price above the cermet queries
for a similar ooeid.ratioa. A "straddle"
i. • deal privilege either to reo.ive or de-
liver .tock at • pries nasally from two to
titres per cost above or below the market
figure, the eossidsr•tioe being about one
per cent. A ".,read' is . privilege on two
separate oontr.g4., or • " put," the other a
„ call," the o.esideratios for which Is usu-
ally large, than in the other options, my
one and • half per cent. There are maoy
other term used on flu Stock Exchange
whish may M briefly stated and eiplaised.
A "trek" is the market is • merlons de-
cline caused by s stringency in the money
market or any other similar potent lector N
stock speculation.
T8$ pinta ' I.1'{t'[ ATTA. is. TH[ vAaItt=,
cal holden unable eo carry the load 01
stocks sell out A marked doctor to velums
ll.SOA P
IF she does, gee that
the wash is nude Easy sad
Clean by getting her
which does away with the
terrors of wash -day.
Experience will convince her that
it PAYS to use this soap.
Stovfal Stove -pipes, Elbows, and Stove Boards in great
variety at
moms===.1 cst
follows : the market Ibereupoo break. STOVE -Me) MNG & STOVE -PIPING
dews. "Ifallooning" is to work up a stock
far beyond Ate intnneic worth by favorable
eters, fictitious sale, or other cognate
means. " Klock," • Dumber ot shares, say
five thousand or ten thousand, massed 10
ether and sold and bought in • lump To
"buy 1a" r the act of purchemng desk is
order teams "Sort' contract, ser Mea•
*Pio u.kiirataraitock which hes her bor-
rowed. "Carrying" stock is to hold stook
with the expectatioe of selling it at an ad-
vance. A "clique" is • combiaatioo of
operator' controlling vast capital in order
to expand or break down the market
"1'onvenion.," bonds are frequently issued
with • provuaoo whereby they can at any
moment be exchanged for equivalent stock ;
such securities are miffed co.vertirle, and
the act of substitution is styled " coovor-
aioo." " Corners :" when the market n ,
oversold the "shorts" are compelled to de-
liver, ending themselves in • "corner."!
"Collaterals any kind of securities
gavel ,n pawn when money is borrowed.
To "cover" where stock h'e been sold
"short" and the market advances, the sell-
er buys in order to
raOTI'T THE 1 1t ser. h[1.11 [An' :
this is "covering" os e'. " short..." "Differ-
ences" : the price at which • stock is bar-
tered for and the rate of the day of delivery
.re usually Dot the same : the venation u
known as the " difference,' and occasionally
broken pay over this money balance instead
of furnishing the stock ; but such cases are
Keeping l0' Bony Aasn.ed.
A baby will be attracted for • short time
by some tine toy that he can simply look at
but he will spend ten times all long in put-
ting pegs Into • board contrived for the pur-
toee, or in tatting out one by one from •
well-filled basket articles, no matter what
-spool., block,, clothes pins ---anything to
that they are sometimes changed . and he
doe. not Lire of the monotony. Theo the
task of puttiov them all back keeps him
busy for • still longer time. .{s baby be -
owe. more discerning and his fingers more
limbi' a playing device for hie employ-
-Mont u a board with variously shaped hales
round, square, triangular, ell., with blocks
Yd spheres to tit sato the various places.
Should these be in bright xlors his love for
eider may also be gratified. and learning
these colors soon follows. Little tasks of
carrying articles from one portion of the
room to another, or from room to room will
often keep a child busy and interested for
hours, says Kli,abeth Robinson Soovil in the
Ladies' Home .lourdal. A small hammer
tad tacks, with • soft wood board into
which to drive them. is generally • delight
to any child old enough not to pot the tacks
into his mouth. do ample are the employ-
ments that will satisfy the little tot that al-
most any mother will field then constantly
suggesting themselves.
Nam* 101.1.4.+ e1 Children.
Lately,I( at • village school in .x, •
scholar aving to repeat the lines-
" Coder • green and shady bed
A modest violet grew,"
gave them thus
"Under a (:reek and shaky bed
A Pontius Pilate blew."
A little girl, being asked to recite the
crus verse of "Iroiel's Bead," which rune
Dare to be • Daniel,
,)are to stand &lose,
Dare to have o purpose firm,
Dare to make it known,
gave her vernier as follows
Dare to be • Daniel,
Dare to steed alone,
Dare to eat the lion's .seat,
Dare to leave the hese.
proniptly attenale,l to by
Aare. for the Howard Furnaces.
The Pradlmil TtsamitM, Ha ilionea., Uodertea.
One of E. B EDDY'S Indurated Fibre -
ware Tubs and Pails will last the life of
5 hoopbound wooden ones.
Besides, they are much more conven-
ient and save a world of annoyance. Ask
your grocer for
has just returned from the .•mce whrre 1.e
hes been selecting
He has now on .hand a Large Line
of the Choicest Goods in the
Market and_is__prepare4•-to
turn out work in the Best
Style possible, and at Prices to
suit. the times.
Dow OBO. BARRY, eh.
Goderich furniture dealer and
undertaker, keep '.ne best .tock
of furniture end undertaker'.
supplies! And bow in it
that he can sell so cheap!
He finds tont it pays in the
"Srun. His motto i :
Small Profits and Quick Re
tarns." He also makes a
specialty of picture framing.
Give him a call before perches.
ing elsewhere. Elmbalming
Fluid always on hand. 2357-7
Sytf am Boiler- Works.
B"TA IILIBHEn' 1f10.5
Secevaorlo t'krystal fi blot kJ
Manuf*ettlr.•ry of all kinds of Station-
ary .Ilei uii•, Upright .i Tultlllar
Salt P;it:s, Smoke Stack., St, -rt iron
.Works, etc., etc.
..--Also Are-lers-!s-4-4tri,.6e and nonsocial Slide
Calve Rrg:Dee. Automa''c Cut Off Kogm.e a
pectelty, AH -are of pi e and pope *mho
o.aMmeoly on t.asd. Ifo'imatee furnished en
snort not.ae. Repairing promptly atteaded N.
let-ly P. O. Rol 17. Ooderteh.0.1.
Warks-Opng•:t.O. T. R. Station. (iodersce.
Special attester gives to
Headquarters for .11 grade. o1
Coal weighed on either marks r m.6.wtoallm.
Oct mr Prlea. belie. Itelag
Teleptea* fe meetNn.
Goderich, Ont.
I enclose $ . Kindly forward regularly THE SIGNAL
to the following address for months.
Three Months -
Siz Months -
Twelve Months -
[Rain* Oopise Wes)
P. 0.,
Country, m.