HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-13, Page 6THE SIGNAL:: GODIRICH, ONTI. THURSDAY. SEPT. 13, 1$&& tis .— GARDENING IN DOG DAY& ttlta•p idenet 4.s. wtl.att.s 1. the Vege- tebae sad list..., lino+,... la the way of pleating end sowing. this le not • notable mouth, wither La rt •n sepseiatly busy one in the veg.ta►le garden. Wb... crops Dover the grouud, weeds get less of a foothold. still 'Moog the late Mooting then will be plenty to do with the bur and oultlt*tor, and the market gardener will be kept busy marketnuap the dIIerest summer crops es they cute in. The onion crop will ripen during the Month, the first requisite being to pull up and lay .0 rows until thoroughly dried off Then dean and market or place in .hods fur I.t,r tars leu, planhuge of celery may still be made. The stalks will have time to att•iu • fair site for late winter me. Rutabaga turnip. may be news the early part of the month, end the white varieties me late as the latter part. In cos of an at tint of the flti lud,pvor t.. jrYlect the cleats by duetted with !tme or w.ool rbcs when these materials o•n be had. Spinach In- termed to be used in the fall may be sown. A late crop of bush bean* and leas may Mill be tial Remember also that if bush beans are not allowed to go to seed, they continue in Drop much Imager than if only partially picked. The •slue is true of cu. cumbers. ('ick as often as the crop is ready. Repotting pleats of many kinds will during this month be actively engag- ed in. For example the cal* bulbs may WINDOW PLANT. ACt1AXIA rALrAt'Irit'Cg. be shaken from the old. and reset with new soil in a 5 or 6 inch pot and given a place for a couple of months on the out side to be transferred to the hoose or greenhouse when cold weather comes. Young plants of Chinese primrose and Cyclamen will need larger puts as they make fresh growth. Calceolarta and (-M- twara* seed may Mimeo at onca Fmchias of known. good wiuter tluweriug kinds. may 1» partially pruned hack, a part of the .aid soil being takeu away, and be re potted with fresh (earth to induce • full growth. The old Speciosa. set oat in the free ground or iu a large box in a conserv- atory makes a wooden (ui growth in one winter. affording masses of dowing •11 the time. Usually the Hsrriaii lilies come into the market this month and to get them in flower by November they should be plant sed in pots or in flats as goon as received. There is no better place for them at first than out of doors, covering the s 41 with four inches of loose manure. Medium sized bulbs are the most satisfactory. and they may he flowered in 4 or 5 -inch pots. Oxalis i. • very pretty flowering bulb. Such kinds as hirta, flabillfolia, elongate' and amens should be repotted this month Eup.lorinms, *Levin. and poinsettias. all useful winter flowers, should be kept grow lug by repotting ae they make growth Geraniums intended for winter flowering and now in pots, shoal i have the flowers picked off to encourage free growth and to insure flowers when winter does come. . The making of cuttings for next year's plaints in the Bower garden will begin with geraniums, as well as stock plants from many kinds of which cuttings will be taken towards the end of the month. Few care about bothering with the large old planta in tate flower garden ezospt enough targe geraniums for filling vitae*• which may be taken up the last tiring before frost ap pears. An old hotbed la an ezoellent place to root cuttings. Place six Moine of mud over the soil. The glass should be kept etas and shaded during tit. day until new roots pont forth, which will be in from two to tbree weeks, depending upon the nature of the plow. Even roses may be rooted in this way if • *tock of young plants ars wanted. 1t an amateur has no botb.d sash. • few old window sashes will anew(er. Tuberose bulbs set out this mouth will Anwar in irecember. 1f planted in benches. give them the warmest end of the greeu- booas if in pots they are of course port able and can be When into the house later Leave about half the bulb out of the soil In potting, or from when the neck begins to swell The Aehanis Malmayisous is a gaol old gre.ebouse or window plant, as it flowers continuously throughout the winter, It be!oegs to the mallows, the char actor of the flower beteg very well "brawn in the illustration in color it is bright rel. A plant once obtained it may be kept for years, ae it is gnite chruhby in its habits, being merely pruned back in the stammer to make fresh growth by winter Slips root readily when placed under glass, Mit fur • time they are tar Ices striking than older plant& Hsbrothemnue is ■n excellent green h ome plant with panicles .of red dowers at the tips of the branches itis easily train e l up against • back wall in the green - home or dose ..II for covering what is often an unsightly spot in the hones eon aervstey Stall another of this old elms of pbnta is (,wrens 'locum with orange yellow lowers 1t iequite .hrabhy Ice its nature It dna not, however, flower en long as either of the others name(. — (henee Judd Farmer. THE ART OF SUOOINIh. The Means Opens*. of This las««elaa Operation. The twtalness of any good min, of frail nosy be easily and proetably Merma- id by say farmer by budding whheh re- gains 111th. expel team and ae pigpens - non In advance .Dolt as potting does. Budding may he dose in sewer while grafting .sad be done to erring sad the scions carefully awed in winter for this graft& The Stooknaan .red Femme says upon, the subject that budding and graft- ing. though essentially the seam am dif- ferent Grafting is duos in spring, bud- ding in tis latter part of samr.er or la fall. Grafting i. done by taking s piece of wood—a scion—of the kind to be mud tipI1ed and p'aciug it in the wood mf the stuck. Budding te done by inserting a *hurls fwd of the desired variety seder the bark of the cluck. The stock, it will be understood, is the young tree, or the branch of • tree, which receives the bad, or the satin of whauver frail u intended to be Increase:. But though dileteut, budding and grafting are the same in re- sults. They are the same to that the leave* untoi.led by the bad or by the scion whorl the work is soce.esful are the leaves of the identical kind bedded or ggrr+ tai. These leaves make wood and (Tutt acia Situ ',lomat am1 fru; of their own k1Od. All the stuck does in the operation is to supply the life -giving -sap. "The scion overridetti the stock quite," as Barna wrote three huudred years ago. The right time to bud is when buds ap ?machine maturity caµ be obteiud, and while the bark of the stuck .till peels freely. This is when growth Is nearly completed fur the season and while the stock is form- ing its terminal buds. At this period the layer of new wood under the bark is still soft and in the right condition to receive the bud. And the bark must peel freely. if it begins to adhere only slightly the work will fail. The best phaco on a stock to put the bud is generally within a few inch.-* of the ground. Bet when budding is done in the branches of • large tree use's own judgment must direct. The bud. are obtsiud from scions of the eurrent season's growth. As soon the scion is ant tbd iMbil iii to est eT all but about a third a as Melt of the footstock, this footstock being left to hold the bud by whin putting it in plsee.'• The best buds *re ice the noddle of them that the usual way is to cut off *red re a few inches of the immature point, s the same of the butt, the buds on th latter part usually being too small. These prepared "sucks of buds- are to be kept on a damp cloth and a tool place until used In cutting the 'clime, it 1. pest to rt them fro% • kearia Tee iii oiler to insure accuracy. The building knife should have a keen edge, a thin blade and • point Trended to nearly the quarter of a circle. Fur tyi:.g material the beet is prepared ••Captat basswood bark. But woolen yarn doesintel los well and also stripe of muslin or calico half defeuces." crmd[triAlei sof When of lees note. Ilk' CANO t story le circnlstico is that Rr.vc iai- ,f was in town for *ne good of his health, i3 those who saw R lsim that to f oo sign of beteg under the weather, ,tally or physically Tilt 41.:"1.11.est. dottake stock in the story placed in cirou- l400, but believes that there is good and .{icieot reason for believing that • gener- etl.ction is close .t hand and the grand *Wary of the Orange Association was in ten for the purpose of genitor the faithful cline for that event, mad also to had way. .1 means for the successful fixing up of the liars lie. �t will be remembered that .nine years WAR NEWS YNObT0KIU The Repealed Mimes Victories In the Penlaaal? Denied. FLOODS IMPEDE OPERATIONS • D.0 M.e Said. Cassel be rea'it 1'W Me flea. S..MIe Japanese Vere. liee.py • giros' 1•eM- lion at rt.,,-w..g eisamhat .,poet.. LOUDON. Sept. i. - A Tokio despatch • Central Vow, w s that the Ls[ deer tb t J from the front tell of heavy rains etch have impeded military operatiosia The streams of the Coteau peuiueala lays risen rapidly and lunch of the •djeceot lowland 1• partially flooded. The Japanese .poen ear it is not likely that any important battle will be fought before the floods sabeide. n nco•sionally skirmishes have token piece, they say, but neither side has tried receutiv to briug about • decisive action. The Japanese regulare in Corm now number 30,000. Some 10,000 of these trope, tom veli a slruo cavalry form, have been detailed Tor *1.leouting iar- elm and the protection of the main army's -lines of supply and commuulostiou. Some 18,000 Japanese occupy a strong position at Ping -Yang. They have thrown op earthworks and mounted heavy gun& The Chinese army with about 20,000 men hea taken position f.ciug the Japanese. Scouting ponies from the two camp* have met frequently and exchanged shots, but the mortality has been ineuuso1.rsble. The spirit of the Japanees troops is esbd tin be all that cr.1td be deem" 112. Mullahs of Seongt, president of than Department of Imperial Orders 6M u. rived to Cores watt a large suite. His missions to convey to the Conan King Gas Emperor's congratulations in view of Corers achievement of her independence, The curreepoudsut says the reports at great Chines victories in Corea are pars Notion. The Shanghai correspondent of the Central News says. "Otori, the Japanese muusur to Corea, hu taken extreme ttseassreas to move the King of Corea so— graut a comprehensive railway concession in favor of Japanese contractor& He be trying also to obtain exclusive mining rights for the Japanese. Despite Japanese denials then alas been a general engage- Seoul. ngage AROUND THE.WORLD maul Many wounded are arrtv[a4 at Seoul. It is imp.os.ible to learn fr•m Japanese sources whether they were in- jured in skirmishes or in • pitched battle. "Contains attacked tifty Japanese tor - en recently, capturing thirty and handed en over to 'he Cilium?. The troops coming from Japan are lauded at ul Po. Twelve mountain guns and jrwgl • %otters hare bssu takeu ashore at Mat 1 • rt. Th Chinese feet wee at Wei Hai—Wei Septem . r 4. and the Japanese was off the southern , t tit Corea Von Heuueken has been •p- ier 01 the Chinese coast "When I was a Boy," iv hies Postmaster J. C. WaiorsOx. Forest Hill, W. V a.. "I had a bron- chial trouble of .ueh a persistent and stubborn character, that the doctor pronounced it incurable with ordinary medicines, and advised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. Fur the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with gu)ud effect whenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the louse all the time. not considering it safe to be with- out it." I hare been using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for 30 y-ean, trleh the most satIsftadary re.slta, as• ear cheerfully recomss541 s b I. eially adapted to all pulmonary Mame plaints. I hare. for mans years, fade pulmonary and other Medicine' •speetal i study, and I bare come to the conclusion that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral occupies a position pre-eminent over other medi- cines of the class." --Chas. Davenport. Dover, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ffeepord AG. kO..temehlfi.M, -Prom suretoc�r Fr a gentleman named l o.•iis.l'.t gained t► i}.what extended notoriety by letting done offices to the men who would pat ap d kigho.t figure for the position'. said ' u.ts to be used for election purposes. „Il, what is to hinder the public offices of int Huron from being suctiooed off in the way' Then is preoedmt far wok se- ised although a peblic auetism uses not begin goodly attendee- w sks'sghe at short notice, and what rabies is Ire for believing flint in the natter of the lent pxsitioas is Huron • quid pro .loo ly Dot be tenured from the appointees,.. • the ease in NorthumberlandOur Id friends the p&trosa will have to keep Itis eyes as " impromptu " gatherings of kind held in f:ed•rich Monday lest and tch for results SNAP SHOTS. The fact of Patrons (,`oxxoLLv and pie being in Goderich at the recent Rn- Mu5Ar reeeptloa ought to be almost oaf - .eat to pull the wool from the eyes of the )•*+1 Patrene, who believed 55405.51.54 derich t weship Tory could oMmg. ha Macs slur be had passed fort* yeah of • hat veteran politician, Joni Ma .AN, has osee more reoeivd the indon- ei his constituent. in South Hume, rip be so the fore is tbeeomine Dominica hen. What MONIIJ.A. doe't know t polittes,so far as they sleet I •farm. far. t .-. " Um goof dee', .. for obvious reason& Piled ' SAO FATE. tat hew W.Ii-ane t betimes Men Drow.- a►bl, ed North. bee CHATHae, Sept 3 —The three citizens ke•f Chatham reported `(rom North Bay at ar Lake Nipiesing k• on a caul»tug m whence they way of Lake • last beard the French hen they ere start- ler for * were bear- was tie P1 .v,nl leen drowned umlft here about three w lboip up the French river - than/ended to proceed by d••liptesing to North Bay. W ont there wag et the mouth ed aver on the 18th of August the rote to friends here that they g op the south branch of the take Nlpi•sieg. While their frie rm•►tur•lly somewhat millions at not beteg from them since, too gram alarm it as two of the party, M.wr& Ch red }tiepin, were experienced caboeis and had taken the trio last Tear accum carried by Mr. E Be11, L L R. The news dreg the eel accident is a great shock to the own when the unfortunate mets are well U "%own and respected citizens. lir. D. M. frogrstle was the &stow member of the tied gal 8rni of Christie A Lewis- barristers. of be wee forty yearsof age and a bachelor. les .stung Northwood was • son of Mr. John aMomdd ortbwuud. and • graduate of Toronto •zPolversity. He had peen tilling the po Pillion of science master at the Owen Sound t'^tilegiste Institute but hal taken a new e leebition In the Ottawa Collegiate Institute $ed hen he was due on Tuesday next George `•so spin was s young man 25 years of age beeSd a brother of the Grand Trunk Rail- bents), ail- bOnty city tickent agent in this city. yard meet C...4$ee !►ode Herne& RiceIMoNTs. ,. , Sept. 8.—September opened was th an improved tone to trade and orders theivd have increased. bat prime are betake*. Collections are mid to be better in a province of Quebec than Ontario. ere is ales an improvement reportd&st Throato when the Industrial Exhibition platen attracted many interior buyers. there - end ( helping Imminent At Halifax trade is Fieset and eoll.ctions remain unchanged. ~ask clearings at Hamilton, Toronto, Mon• in island Halifax amount to $14,108,000 $I0,0uet $15,223,000 last week and es cum need with IIM,356,0*0 nn the Ent week p.'1iaeepanaber 1493 There are 29 business natures reported in the Dominion of ldaguad* ibis week against 32 last week, Then the week a year ago and 29 two yeast the Ll 'Thethe en naeabM lMwaleg M Teeseee. 000 gr*nat-rt.I IrrIPLADOILIIL *ale low, 'ranching trees its nee permits one to move about within reach of • large portion of the whole aide of • tree, became al its four sides, about which Dos as freely step. Ynrro.e, when not occupied as "standing ground,' the tip afford" •n excellent resting place for the basket It will be found exceedingly convenient for the home orchard, where nen. may desire to peck but a basket or two of fruit at a time, and wishes to make ..sbetion of those in the beet avwndltion for picking. It sbon'd 1* mad. strong, but light so s to be readily moved about. —Americas Agrl- enitnrls► A win•owro, Sept 8.—James Rivett, a ter at Mdbnkem's, John Minium an employe of the Toronto a' lob, end B. 0. ' Fnrmy, 101 Fulton avenue, started out in a boat teem the trot of Rooth amines for a morning'. shooting- They were hardly 1.. twu.lee fns NnnM te■ea.ee seadyl.g w.nsx■ :.r .veer) t oaaae. Twenty -tire thousand miles of women. That's whet Miss Khans lmandt and Mies Bessie Maxwell, of bosom Dundee, will sea Mies 1eamadt and Mise Maxwell wen det•t1- ed by the editor of the Runde, Courier to ,tut is February lest for • tour around world for the purpose of observing the dition of warren and arising about it the paper. 1=7 They are going to look at strut 25,000 miles of women with • microscope, but not in a dreary, long -faced way, Tie project grew out of the burning question of the hour—suderage—the cry of the emancipat- ed and reetlesenes• of every woman witi & earshot of tint cry. They bare met with with unvarying co.rtsey, and tie th.m.d- res chaining women i■ every (e. i. of the word. They are delightfully young, ready for impressions, Dad love their work. They are not the least bit like the dreaded lady cog respondent with her falsetto question and her look of horror, trays the San Francisco Examiner. On the other band, they are brimful of what they would call • deal of common sense, and whey they packed their luggage they didn't leave out the gray mat- ter. The tour has been planned for them and undertaken with all the calmness and dig - any and freedom from perspiration that might here been expected of a Scotch jour n.lut, not owe whit less euterprIang for that. They have unlimited time, their Scotch thrift never oversteps their credit, `and they have as many days es they like for • place. They have two geoeroas trunks and not a worry In the world, undoes it is black plagues and strike& They know all about our Awe/rime Nellie lily, and groan at the thought of the sisgle handbag and the wild, delirious races or tugs and train, *high they call American push and hire come prepared to see us scamper to our odium with flying mamas and to see our wrinkles. They .toned from !holdout, Scotland, on Feb 8, went from then to F:eglsnd, these to Frame, Italy, Egypt, China, Japan. From Japan they •rrivd u San Franai*- m by tb. S.S- Pea. After study'''. the life of women at the [:olden tate, thew two e■erg.ttc young women will visit the other long• cities of the country is pur.us.ce of their interest- ing mission. Theo, when their work is .ompleted and put in shape, we may expect a bunt of light on owe of the 'Testiest new move - moats of the time by way .f i)wsd...ad the mintier press. * t erten. ta.Nermeat. Gest -- Where were you employed last ! Mae Servant—At • writing Master'*. gest What were you required to de! Men Servant—I had to keep shads* the ruble wises a new pupil wrote the mots "This is my he.dwnting before oo _same s to tabs {.Moes."—U1k. There is emboss to prevent anyone een- eeeting a mixture sad Calling it '•saruspar- ills," .red then is nothing to prevent any- one e - one.pending good money testing the .tuff: but prudent people. wise wish to be are of thsh remedy. tare Aye.8se.narilla, and mem cured. elms of the bank when their boat rue aground on a shoal mode by the dredging .Sat of the weetern channel of Ashbridge e Ry and was overturned, the lb.*. men being precipitated Into the water Furey masted to reach the shore and ran shoot Ing for help. Weighed down by their heavy the two other men sank to the bot tom. Two young men arrived • few moments too late and only saec..ded In recovering Ibis deed bodies. Rivet. was • marrt.d men. The rale Meed raft PAuq (Jul., Sept 8 --William Jame• about 66 years of age, earetnker of the Paris cemetery, died hen from the elects of a frill from a tree. Deteasd was trim ming shame tree* at the residence of John Walker, when appsrs.tly he mad. • mis- step en.l. fishing Mount twelve feet, remit, ed internal tujnrlm naM.d the ieel H..Ma FosT (ware, Sept 8. —The ehlof of raft and deteet,.e. mad. • raid on the rooms, •rreat«l one of the •mploys closed up the place The principals sway- ed. wy.d. I Always Smoke TME Clow, NG G°CIP IC is Really,.. E. -qua! C Oa►y IMPorted Tak ihy Advice and Imis r oft%etfli this • 10rear51.$�e f r r m 500T)Ge � "114R '5 »jiD0l 51'RAWBER CHOLERA41‹. CURE cNocEoe DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY pYSEHTERY su! COMPLAN CHfDRENoADULT S price 3sSyss dEVARE of IMITATION HIS Dyspepsia Cared. MON arae. Draw Baw— 1 write 70010 lay that for some lime I had Dean Buffering from acute indiges- tion or dyspepsia. and of course felt �veerr�� great ieoon- vemieaoe iron aamw is my ireerael 1b IEi Slood Bitter,ar- , end alter taking two bottles I found I wilt quite another man, for 11. B. B. CURED NE. I have also used it for my wife and family. and have found it the bed thing Obey oat tails, and from pad experience Shave ever/ p nre in strongly roma ateding B. B B. to ail my friends. 1 write Son bemuse I think that it should be gtaerally known what B.B.B. can a000mphah in cases of indigestion. GEORGE READ, Sherbrooke, Qua. MoLFOD'S SYSTE,N RENOVATOR alta Ortega TInTBn agli$Dina Specific and Antidote for nee, weak and impoverished blood, dye ppaha, sl.epluseness, palpitation of the bt++t,beer oou[platnt, neuralgia, Ion of Pow ry, browchitie, coneam tion, gall stows, jaundice, kidney sed urinary ding's'., St. Vitus' dance, female irreg. ularitaes and emend debility. LABORATORY. IOOERI(I. ONTARIO J. M. M c L E O D, Pre.rieter sad llanufaetwar. McLaoos BT.Ta3t lhoutoTAToa Dae be bad from .11 d 1. we tos, well estrous nn the drtlptf.ts between Owe. Bound sad Beafort . Brunets. Durham and Toronto. MT Iv. Patronise True Competition. To Ca*Aoran PACIFIC RAILWAY Oa% TGIamaAra has heen aelskItiese u eve the pu i semis, with tab and per lets -.reseed se Isaisse prf•dples and te tis Were* at Ns petrosa 1t deerwee tis ellpjert et .vary pewees who Pgwi dlespelee e ■ e file feesr'r��'ys tines.tineconn whit with all Ilea sadIs esMes N e1Meselist Nsad rpp■e'rree4.is y Padso G'oess Dee.—!sari W.m. . ttgt;1t m Lses1 klaaerree. Cledeteh " 1AMOND 1' 'FINER G„at PI LLS CONSTIPATION. 'BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, EGULATE THE UV ONIC PILL A!TER CATINe INSUR[S GOOD DISISTION. PRICE 25 CTS.Tssp00e3�O11�a;r,o DONT DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU say ... , s, ice n rr 1St: se's S.r mre pyt awdinal,v..tlo epusTilewmties eb DP L. A. SMITH • 00.. Toronto SOME NEW CHINA —AT— Fraser & Porters 1 Sre. Carlsbad, Limoges, Royal Bonn, &e. Another shipment of Fancy Baskets. Special attention given to School Books and School Supplies. Any Book not in stock procured without delay. FRASER & PORTER, Metropolitan Fealties Sheets free to Castemma Sole Arleta far the AMerioen Fruit Prsservtag Powder ad Liquid. Lead 1 ::s. -•- - en. You cannot do better than nes our BLACKBERRY COMPOUND for Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, and all Summer Complaints. EIRE'S ROOT BEER, LIME JUICE, — SEA SALT for Sea Bathing at Home. M. 1 i !SKIS, from 10 cel. to 60 Me. WE HAVE THE BEST FACE POWDERS, LOTIONS, PERFORM. Parts grecs sad Insert ewe err. W. 0. GOOSE, CHEMIST. A11 kind. .1 My Papers. STOVES ! STOVES ! - - CaII and see the fine assortment and low Prices we have in both 110 loll Cul% Nu If you do not want to buy we in- vite you to come in and Look at our Goods. HARPER& LEE. Sign of the Big Kettle. 2=0 -Y-CV wA T ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE P R. W. McKENZIE can supply you with a good article at a low prise. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builds V Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming ,Pateam }iII,tss, Oils, Gluts . Also gs, Belting, ilsc. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to giro mea call. It. W. McKENZIE, The Crabb Block, Goderich. Personal s Spring is at hand, and aper Housecleaning you will want a - TEA OR DINNER SET - We hive the Largest and Cheapest Assortment in Town. Before buying call and get prices. 50 - TOILET SETS - 50 New deign to select from. Inepectien invited. CHAS. Nom. UNDERTAKERS. J. BROI' at BON Have added to their presmnt boaineee cos of B. 1. Nash'. Latest Style of Otty Hearses, sleet the finest line of funeral famishing. is the eeenty, sad are now prepared to conduct funerals at prices reasonable This department will be strictly attended to by him moo William, wbq in the employ et 111e late D. Gorden for the poet ter years, boa a th- knowledge et the bamboo, anti by }inapt attender hopes to *are par{ i *hies. public patronage. Renwmber tits pisee--WeetaL, rte year way to the peel odor. Gtvs ds a call J. BROPHEY & SON. "The " Is only $1 � otis. Get it. Et A DOPY NEWT Tf),YOUR iRI 1011 A TZAR