HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-13, Page 5)M emeses pied by ich we Dm for 4hawls, If it an nt. 3s this om the 1, Ger- ig car - `)s from w the IDEAS Lnd at LInthe sell. for in - If you a Gar - his in Ida 01 ()enteral u• Werke.. 8. -Neil Hear works, Bridge oath yesterday ear down the * dat Ger tot - grade and col - car. Benoist ader the wheels The poor 1.1 iotesa agony. to Main. toree hirty years of married to • 1 Ceatere.e.. •At the Metho- erday a notice world "Chris- dropped Chrladropped from 'seri• eooisty. received. and .cuestod The Ibe reeding of hien Mewed • things to the delegates were 0o in the even - i.. Deed. sae S. Dudek% ed motoring comp- action as the • had glee s o n had gage 1a nth. and before ton was adder nMeld's brave ✓ re t applies- or Trate Sept. 7 - 4g merchant sity. last with IN.gtoo wklcb rtly atter. He interdde mess to get Main in ail. (a t aabgo rdi over be& d to be snipe her the opera - Tent., lobs Orem, a Ida t e Leede. a height lads dt. O. T. i His berme tad Geess 4/vi- a ea S. traek one abases. isemrsimer ss Obsbeliss end nonaims . Imre *bre/ sheMy efLfr- sus NO the be - le she sky. tetlesesky. amass Vic (seethes le. ♦s' o & "kg&w TIM SIGNAL : (IODS:RICH, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT. 13. 1894. 5 REE DON'T WATT TO TELL _what made her beautiful. Yet it's ogle• what other women class. Wrtlth of beauty comes only with a healthy body. Health 1* a set of ,.'.I cial.its. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription assists nature in estab- lishing these habits. Women have sallow face's, dull ryes and hollow cheeks, together with low spirits, when they are wade miserable with disorders, derangements and weak - mew. !weaker to their sex. Health is regained, after periods of dizziness, n ervous prostration and excitability, er other masifeetations of derange- ment or displacement of the wo- manly organs, when the "Prescrip- tion is used. Beside*, it's sold on its merits. The proprietor take the ►sal'. It is ytulrrtnteed to beoegt or caro all the disorders, diseases, and weak - sews of wows., or money is re- funded. What offer oonld be more fair? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - SEPT. 13. Pees Dr. Il'ilhm.'s Ptak Pills -11. T. Fulford tCo For `ale -Jolla Knox .. - .. . Roney to Rant --R W. Reeaima..... Fise lire's Goode -Jam Raka•e. Fall shoe Wan -Wee. Sherman. stn. se Harper t lee . Fall Drees. (roods --A. Mame..... rhtps that Pam i. ton Night-WItar smith . . Rano for M•I•--Mea 8. Pellleik.... tppreatwn Wanted- Mi. Haley...... . 0 5 5 8 3 3 3 6 5 5 BORIi. till_ is!vocal -Os • 17th.the wt•dA. 1_ tvtlkiaeoa. of WlaMer. of • !____tern DIED. P.ir-voSSI-finiteness. 0. lot. at reNd•see. !.0 T•inbel rubes. ti•treit. Charlotte. wife of 90.. 11 PhP.ra•M aged M rears for.oerlT as, Yeearte.. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Prom the R.portoVe Notebosk- • 11 1..-.,. • Mole 1n a' Ter teem. 1 rets 1. test K t • tbsnt Aman, Te Takla' Moles. u• kWh ern Pre.. It." -Mena. w ern yon are wettest,. get the beet. and the ton i, rescission'', garments can MV bedie st •he 'satirise b*Is est •f Y. J. Prid- tam, the oesidels etettler. The roll exhibition a R R Bellow.' studio masa be beacon salwfewoe e.¢ida et the owe sod ton abaft tin• west eraser be weemeed say wh'se. Call at ►e wads. '•wtf)' 1'.OY1' YOU" hare roar arm ..rt wo,-r - oast roe amnia'. se. ti's is free. Ws maks • ty of Ll.msa.H o=Ual aJeweller. yI• VINs TAJLO.r1re-ChNee aprt= enol ren..r saltiam ovro.atlega. Mast sad NM sow worsted •at. Rolla seease•s..a.nti,__118.61,. y b•rs• d..d •e. Cell end see to hoods •std ask QToe win serer W s M•0Cermas. To vim Pt -sun. -Harper k Leo have se- ats the service of Thee. Brews, whom dr. Worse!) spoke so highly el in kir ad. tertseewteet in the last Mese el The fin. "xi. sed we are in a (11bela.s parities so at- I.d to the Fall trade. Tet Risme or Kcal* 1x Gossan•m.- Setaey lest, a anise sad cereus, Paha. Nadine ooe•ttied tJe pulpit is S1.Oeorre's church, end prwhed admirable digestions Io large '.ed deeply interested oesig op - loam fa the •11..x.e kis krL6ip preach - ad is t- telo.n'e eherelo, Gedrriak Tp. Bern a iv Priori: Smoot. Tsarina& - Th. I►riaeip•M el she ail/west public rebook hv. hod their atSe alas surd a the rake ked down by the Beard of Heath and wheel law gsveraiag the v ei•tnon of pili. and the request is made that they cony out these isstfastbmt to /he Mur as loss as pfeutM.ble. y1‘• -,.e Ay Sr. Pavia's.-The members of `w peter'• Morel were higbIy Irvond Met seaday. At M. Mrs 1eoreke.rs, of Ih011aw, meg i. • east 56armine saner het Fasatlf.l " The Holy lama." Ilea fate opals of she Chore of the beth mar gha sad u@weals, sad was "11,11 Pub.. M. Co"vr a rno" Conga -la •.ether maw= will b. bread an pen latter from • genesis cel Or iei•. reloads( the fade el • este of immeepties after she =that hod reseked On het clews• of this hither= uaeeequeed llama The statements made are rally "1144401e. eel mark •.ether adverse is 16 woodenwill W the snide well worth cersfal puma. Cm -moots Dar A's, ioottwow.-Qdle • etlaher 4 es, Lwr1.nn9. leek m she fish le ye. Mer tetra The amabrkilg wag she Wow I• years Athletes, inner, and Alae were shore Irene all parse e1 she pre "wt.., at Hd Myers was 1saay ermped- tlse that 'a Ths Mims .;.emir .ni 16 111. M. re - 'res ` d=ealeek l Ting .fid aloe etlor pere s.sgtsga, Lahr M,Ksaai% 4d A. D. Mcleod. • geed program & Mas wo se. .4 for sort Monday ft =mg. • fall atsmdanse •1 members ie reinees@d. Laverne os Paulen ea die hop Baldwin Metered se "Pah.sise to • Jerre amasses in Vbtsri• Opera 0..s. Monday erasing, and pee the universal $rtiefeeties that wee se be ea frees • lecturerof hie indiumsad y. Moes Iergot nu, The mtasse to the limed Open How Hew has bra se im- proved by palette* tied kaiemi.i.g that. them who =toad the presmtaUMs el "Kip Vas Winkle" Monday @veniag seat will cot roomette the plsoe. iq addition to the imp proven.sate, J. E. Dens, the pupils/ drug- gist, ha uedert•ka to perfume the hall on the eight e1 at+e pet•ferwace. G. T. K. Eatootooaa -Waiters Fair Imadss. Bop. 1416. IStb, 41 90 ; Mora. 17th $L45: Sept 1818. 81 90; $.pt 19, 41 45; (:o to the Bipt.. 90th, *1.90 ; Sept. 218%. 41.90 All terry p4•r Maar good mall Kept 24th. Attractions Winkle. at Leaden Fair the year greater than ever. Mrs. i Ur i shampoo left on Monday for Get year tt.ket.umdalt information from H. ('muesli, Montreal and other Easters Arust.e.g, town ticket agent 1:. T K , point. Goderioh, (►ea Tickets, talerr•ms and ex A large quantity of lumber has herr press to .11 parte of the world. Agent brought from the dock and piled in the gravel pt. About adozen tea me are bowling stone for the cribwork. They pt it in the river below the statute. The gale on friday night was probably the Memos pest of the equi.00tial Rales whit* will soca be hers. (..o. Tbomwo will supply you with any make of peso you may minim. Call ea him ..d get rock bottom encs. It'. Hamilton, mayor of Cornwall, a form- e r well.keown resident of this town, was t town visiting relatives last week. Rev. JosEdge, pastor of Norte.-st Methodist church, will preach on the sub- ject of "Jonah's Prayer" next sabbath eve- n ing. Even the tows clock has to have • day off from active duty. Its clamorous tongue was tont heard on Sunday evening and MMa• day Maniac. The keel gave two delightful open air 000ee We Thursday Lod Fnday of ism week. The band u .cuing up well under the &hie leadership of Mr. Smith How the wind did howl on Sunday night One would almost think myriads of demons had been holding high carnival. It was the worst pl. we have had for some time. The mush needed rata tame on Friday night. It w'll be • Godsend to &1l as many hal even to draw water from the lake and tho,e who could not get it did with none at all. ( omplainu still come from different quarters of the town of the depred•tioes of cows under the cover of darkness. It im about time this disgraceful palmate was stopped. Hear the Opera House 1 Irchestra Monday Sept. 17th. Latest overtures and med- liea. Or-Tza- served in all styles at 1'. Black- . stone's West et. lunch rooms. Give him a call. The first literary of this term will be held is the Collegiate Institute Assembly Hall on Friday evening next. The 1•oderich senior and junior baseball clubs will •trued at the opening of tl e I:rand Opera House, Monday, Sept. 17th, to a body rod to uaitorm. The Executive of the West Huron Teach- ers' Association held a mestiag in ('lintoo, Lately. to arrange • programme for the next regular meeting, which is to be held at (;oderich, on Sept 27 28. A remarkable pbesomeson ocourredin the northern sky on 5 u.day eveniag last. For ever pelt an hour flashes of lightning were seen every few ssso.ds, •omeumes at very regular intervals. The strange 000arrence was watched with Iatrest by many. Brussels Poet : A gambling outfit was opened up on Holiday forenoon of the street and a t rap set tor greasier but the mimeo/ors of the table were promptly informed that fakirs were not allowed to work their games hero and the perf0rrrsace was brought to • close. The Grand will be tastefully decorated by the ladies of the town Flowers and other d. bareness are kindl be•.g soot from all parts of the town. The ladies, for their pert, aro sparing oo effort to make the opening • signal muco se. on Monday even. nag. A. G. D:oksoo, formerly of I;oderich, re- medy of the Bleak of Commero•, Toronto„ has assumed a lucrative position with • large Electric Light Co. is `Icheme:daily, N.Y. The Hank presented Mr. 1)iok,ca with • cheque for a handsome amount on the eve of his departure from Toronto. A novel sight wee to be sem on Wet -w. owe morning last week. No Ism than half • score of teams lades with Moue for the pier exeewou were weeding their way down the harbor hill. The eowtinuous string of waggons looked somewhat like the procession of • tlirdcl••s travelling .how. The (sew o. Saturday betimes the Kant Kati and the Junior Nine resulted in favor of the former by • score of 18 to 7. The Jeeiers failed to catch on to "Clem the C.rv.r u" throw.. Eves Doyle, the man who has heretofore saved the matches to the Juniors, .uooumbd to "Penny's" curve. - Mr. Aes0broekia sett(, ow Church -et is seeing o.mpietie. •.d will he ready for .esepaties is the mares of • few works. The boom which is named "Nisbd•& Cottage," is built of pressed brick, the Arra of the kind around hoe. Mr. Att.ebrooke will have • ooey little home when it is cost- Rro'ssb Peet The week) tows by a- togia•ted area will centime is tows until Importer Miller ranee& • hotel limes*. Every man fend drank should be promptly he ken to the hook -age allowed to sober off ..d ten need tor hie mtsoseduct The pWishte( of .lit of tie offsedei would Mee • wholesome offset. Dent seise the treat of the .euro.. Rip Von Winkle at the Greed, Meadey the 17th. Rheumatism Cared is • Day. -death Aaaine EMr.a+• Ore for riammealime ael s@t.htds. redt.apy earn is ewe te Its sesisa epos the system is gvoasrlbahle end mystnWr I1 r onecol as dsseand the disease konmedistely des the Is. Th. Ant demi greedy homeas. 755ccenptSell by Jaime Mike., &realm- Ase Barry Hart es Rip Vas Male at the Greed. Menley. Sept. 17. Hart Disease Relieved In 30 Minutes. Dr. Agsew'. Cara for W Heat rives pow - hut rete.( le •11 sae rd °mei* or armee- thetas Heart Dimas in 30 .M.* . •.d speedily egret • our& I1 is • =so m,se remedy ter Palpit•tfrteseeef HHrreestcilee fImethri.s Spells, Pais in Left Aids ted d` @y.epea@ of • Dimmed Heart Oe. dem M. Rases.. graduate ef the l'o11a..ease d Mw, tkosimemi, havered the •ndl@as@ with some One ee.io•l remnants.. am rendition e("Carets= of ah. !4pt.e," wee very .monies, and kept the amass= is the hem of hamar. beim Laura Aehesen rare •o szgsidtely rendered slates ..lo *hi= wes the tars, of the •sdiesee„ .. wee seise- d by • retail which w.e tally gives. Mks Iva Achess. 4•s,* a =arouse eels, " The Hay Shrine," which w•e well ree.tved. Min lirsh•m sed Mr. Themes. gave • splendid duets ia their w•1 seed style. Min Ora Wilki.a. gave • very sweetly sang .e e.'"Fr all Eternity," •sol gr•o•fafly hewed arousal, Min Mew. V. Ashes= gave • psrtis.larly toss6w pisco "The Oil= Builder," which oompletely charmed tin. anthems. Mrs. A. J Moore .ad Mw Kenna Acheson stale very r/6cist rThe affair was brought to em " tied dove the Yams:" LOUAL BRIEFS. tuned ee the 17th sad ..a the Dutchman to Rip Vast •0001111- • oleos Altos, Dominion, •achor, Cuoard Atlantis . le•ar5. e%anadw eapten office. M*..ttivaATis Cocas. --Thursday, Sept. 0. -- Kebt. Spaniels, bridge inspector at SaltJord, summo.ded A. Secede, F.Llat Cur ran, Jacob Kinsey, Walter sills►. ant K. Thompson before Mayor Kotler for trotting horses ever Rutland bridge. The del end sate pleaded guilty and were fined Friday, Sept. -Ague Thomas, who lie a Below -La Fto•d was .bapd:before Mayor Butler, by locate inspector Paisley, with the unlawful sole of h.uor, She rid - mimed the charge and was lined 450 and oat. - Wt Thursday evening se some of our bicycle nders were their • rids round the Square, 1 ',erg, Vi►laa, who was playing on the road opposite ('Ila. D. Witham*. drug .tore had the se dertses to ('has @.. aliens little follow-Whosewsesl .g with oasthsr boy shoat the ami a7•sol lust as Chisholm pt around they relaxed hold and George started to ron b•.kwards to get away Irvin hs oppoosst and ran into Cba.holm's wheel. the paddle stnking him se the les sad breal ing it. The little fel low is doing wooly. G. T. R. T1rlrrants ('nAt..r -As will A V gay (lose Mlmlt,s.-Then wee • "ibliadma M the UMW. of S•r.he "week die. 101 R T. el T.. ileedaf e.e• ie► Aper the results bion won ' eteestlel, tl. tweemeag plsy.ee of stets. • " V Q1ial. Ens went be seen u our Invslltor snide the G. T. R. timetable has been changed hack to the old schedule. The mail which was till about tanto o'clock to distributing will sow he ready for dutnbutim at 3 r. u. The l.. T. K. hays dose well in shsegi*g the time- table, as the dscooti.ued one was • great iaoenveatence to many, both ea amount of amt mails and poor commections. The champ has been wanted by everyone and Mould remain as it now is, union a better schedule sex be secured. A Goof. t1'oasn,. U*,..txvtri,,..-The flag's Daughters deserve great credit for the interest they are taking in the poor people of the Lowe. Being composed as they are of members of the different churshes, they feel free to enter into the hoods of the poor of any °segregation and de any work within their power. They have role into some homes, chased the place, brought provisions, at up with the sock and ID cane of death assisted o pre- paration for the funeral. They hays now and will continue to have the sympathy of aU Christian people. W nay Dat tea. - It Mie • rich man to draw • creak, a pretty girl to draw atom - nee, • horse to draw • cart, • porous plas- ter to draw the skin, • toper to draw • cork, • fres lunch to drew • crowd, an art- ist to draw • picture, • dentist to draw a tooth, • Tory Government to draw money from the formers' pocket, a cat -fight to draw the oaths at midnight when you have not get year rue, toil an advertisement is Tits so..Al. 10 draw trade. So, Came •Il a (:odertch merchants, Your &d.. n...rt tka Fall. it doubly pays to advertise is a Ager like Tits B1.WA1. KNOWLEDGE LEDGE Eris* comfort and improvement anal lends 1. personal enjoyment when rightly seed. The maty, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with lees expenditure, by snore promptly adapting the world's best protheses to the needs of physical being, will Mten the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its press ling in the form most acceptab:e and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleaning the system, dispelling *olds. headaches and fevers and permanently curing oonatipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval et the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without wool - ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for ale by all drag - gist in 75e. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name ie printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not •ocept any substitute if offered. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. 1 urea-Fhe reelpike riven% 11W. Jae. A. Mame= and the loudest' of Its Colleri•te Iestteta and Model school by the Y. P. S. C. E., of Koos church, was agreed onmmeos. The chair was ethoimtly filled by Gee. Mires. The following as the program: Doxology, andimeoe: instrumental solo, Mini Nellie Straiton : imstrumentel d.ett Mamas Mitchell: duets, Misses Pridham anal Campaigne : isetruoteot•l duatt, Mimes Watson ; recitation, Miss Wines. Ball, A short address by Mr Authoress. As this rano plies was given by the ...bora of the moiety for the purpose of gastiog •oluaint- e d with new studata who have letely MOM to tows, to mimosa i■wrmisise was gives tor socia) intersperse betimes each .umbar on the program. At the end of the pro- grama • vets .t Omaha was Made.ed Oen Attract for the services he had repaired as =airman •.d at other Masse, to the society. TM a•thenag we.a brawl's to . oleos by reads.( the heedred sad third plebs wed • short prayer by Mr. Adereca. Gars Litt IN BRIM -No moose, elk, reindeer or oariboo are to be killed beton Oce. 26th, 1896. No turkeys are to be killed before Oot. 25th 1897. No bearer or otter Aral be killed before Nev. let, 1897. The open ►ros ler deer is fret Oct. 90th es Nov. 15th. ' Ne etre person shall kill mere thus two der i. els year. The epos o re= far quad ie foe. Oot. 15th to Dec. 15th. For goes, from Sept 15th to May 1st Por desks, from Sept. 1st to Deo. 15th, and so ens purees shall kill more thea 400 is owe seams. No water fowl are M be bunted frees sail boat es, steams 'sable, or by .sees et basbrtee, swivel g.m or esmk - en peals. No parse. @.all sheet say bird that is seder the protecting of tide arm be twes halt an beer after ewe= sad MY es bear before marina Tho era mean far the sabls sad [Warta & hen Nov. 1st to April let. Nm re.donle of the previa= 56.11 sot heat may x.1..1 r bird without • The .fry } frets fow .ds, s.. & 1 )ee. lbth sed no roma &ball siva awe.y sni ps!,+, weddeeek or parietal&, M waiter oboes idled. bolero Ow. Mk, 180. The ens teem ret .pply to .ei ieste is se- organised listable who kill rely te meet their ewe ee•smitiea Ten ghees. Caesar CAINCn*T. -'Hage who laded be •.fond the erne rt a N•rt6- 1. Mohd* ober= lest Twsday wcaieg mimed • greed i n ekes toga& The easel - hot props. /aerial • mash brier •deem. Ihee N teedsed. Althea. tone tsM • M..vle.oa Sold M James Wawa.Ws, aMemar--ea..aeese4 fyy gee .gals bee, bean kneels. the scene sed aes.t N twe WeImiomatal deer= leurd ('. c County Cows Are.g se! ihlee eel. W. este -, • Q.rk of the Pea ei OebM. ems is were MAIM gar* • V .efe "Tiso end a es t. the CwA • • wit- M r es lis ensa u 1disM k Bair .. /d greed 1.@t111g emdrte. Priers. *0OAlsai. Sep . Ihh. i89*. rrI P.`WhealWheat.. ing ` 0 es, a o 8 flour. farnit,. per cwt.........**. 1 M to . Short.. i ton Ham 1111 toa- Oats. • Yin .. Peas. • test. .._.. Barley. two rowed. w bash ........ Barley. comae. Hay. s ton Potatoes, tI bash. new *litter fresh wrecked, s dot.... Cheese tcocd Wool Hid••. 8hep Skim Live Hoes firewood Hove TO ADVERTISER&. Nodes et changes must he left at this (Jaee not later than Saturday no... 11. Oopy for changes mast be loth not later tbaa Men day noon. en...l Advertisements accepted up to noon Wedne.dsy of eta week. Tfrsv'MWsi Outdo. tR•WD TRUNK RAILWAY. rsosr mitt TO SosaaN:*. artarv1. nixed Mall •d *wen .... ......... Mixed Mem •.d Espies AN a.m. Mµa rebs p.m. Ritter Malt asd Koren Lame. Mail wad Essesin 114 Mixed eMP letualiteeks Vassal. APPRENTICES W ANTED TO LEARN eR«idr, ha 11188 MMtoM L+ M tong 12 00 WOOS latch 63MOM; ,,teem e.5 to 0s, ie to 7M to 0 M 17 to 0 II 10 to Ole It to M 14 Pitot le to a 4 00 to 400 050to000 eODto150 bMtob50 as he esu a qu.rter of a osater7 ago, ted he stye that those who are anxiously await- ing to step t.to his official shoes will have to watch and wait tor sante years yet, as be is - tends to live just as long u he car. A boom to Horsemen. -Otte bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. I take pleas- ure in recommending the remedy, as it act with mysterious prompt en in the removal from horses of hard,soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splint, curbs, curbs, sweaty, stifles and sprain.. George Roob. termer, Markham, 0.1. Sold by Jae. Wilson. Relief in Six Hours. ---Distressing kidney and bladder diploma relieved in six hours by the great South American Kidney Cure. Thu new remedy i. • great surprise and delight on account of its exosedinq protnpt- nem in relieving pain in the bladder, kid- ney., back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves re- tention of water and pain in passing it al- most immediately. If you want quick re- lief and euro this is your remedy. Sold by Jame. Wilson, drugvi•t. MARINE NOTES. Strayed AallIsls• STRAYED ON TO THR PREMISES ewe d two lambs. Owns, aa have by ideratitying and . l..ss. 8. YOUNG Riddroweee Anneals lbr B.b. VOR SALE -.TWO FOUR YEAR 01.1) mares -oral tortes in sad good worker, • v to HJJOHPNN KNOXs' uctioseer..t` JOS. (TREAT BARGAINS IN COTTONS &C. Grey Cotton, yard wide, 3c. per yd , Extra Heavy, 5c., worth Sc. Heavy and Fine, 7c., worth 10c. ; yard wide gingham's, best quality, 44c. per yard. Special value in ladies' and ('hil- den's Hosiery. Ask to tier the Daisy Brawl Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hoes, .eaulea., 15c. per pair . also in Silk Finish only 25c. Goals shown with pleasure, whether you purchase or not. The cheapest spot in town for cash. JAMES A. REID. Jewess% Sleet. Oedee&h. June 1. tin. 1.5L OPEN? NG OF THE R/L AN1*A LSHAW, TEACHER OF NEW PHOTO ►PARLOR APT Mtsrl. and Tram s,7- osport•.M- One doornail a Ouse. Fame.. Wass., tua. Music. Retain. THE ROYAL HOTEL NOW OPEN for Geste. Ma. Ro.ai'r Troresom. har- lot thorvogltll re.evaM the old Internation- al Hotel. IC1ame= eraK. 1t has been leased by Mit D. C t RHI, lin furnished it in ',m fort.ble style easeful attention to the waneelve the patron- ess tto.- epN of $ liberal share of w Melt Property lbr Bale or tor Rsat. USES FOR SALE -LIT AND TWO Wow of Victoria and Bruce Ne. lyes how ; d modern memo- ireetra with stem attached. 0110 .nab .. Per ler 'culture apply to KR& 408118 POLLOCK. at ptt•se. ►s,0 RENT FOR TERM OF YEARS erepert7 known as Distillery Fists sad Meadow, with cheese factory aid other sultbk for dairy farming. Applgl Pt AIU 11'LL. Ridgewood Para LIOUSF TO RENT. -LARGE STONE: 1 1 heirs. on Reat••t. next Cage(. Sheppard'• Apply to It. W. RCNtiI elAN. tKtilptoi as. te VALUABLE FARMS AND TOWS PROPERTY FOR BALK OR RENT, - Lot 9 In the Ont concession. Qodertt'h town- ship. county of Huron. 2 miles frost Ooderlch, consisting of 110 acre more or less. Barn tax 60, newly new. good orchard of choice fruit. well watered with spring creek, an excellent Rimming fano, can be bought on easy terms, APPIT to JOHN KNOX. Auctioneer. Interesting Items Ariel Tp At sad Rear The Lathe /rent. Swimming isNt yrsM', se.. Ste. lambria was u •Friday on her way down. Ser. Monarch was way op. Capt Wiggins is M.•.eopr. Bohr. Center left on Saturday for Themal on to load lumber. S. Cambria, bound up, was i. on Sun- day and loaded flour. Sts,. Empire was in took ea salt and fruit. He&r Koltap left oe Saturday for Golds Valley to load lumber for Chatham. Sandy McLean has chess* of the Se. King is the ahsmce of ('apt. Inkster. Alex. Craigia, lets of the sir. City of Berlin, has M6arge of the Evelyn at prot- est. C. Murrey has purchased the Suab.•m from F. Nevins. Ho lamed@ to two her in Use barrier Lahwry. Capt Bolter lose paled a .1i01 ea hie bridge to guide boats dews the harbor sad people down the hi1L Copt W. shames, of us saw I edy B.. had the mi•fortUM to fall into the woes, last Saterday and it he bad not been • good swimmer the mordent might have proved fat al. Oa Friday last • venni lad, while walk- lagalma the harbor pier, tri ea a @ptke tad fell isle the water Ski had so sena M the bleed r oris, to aro himself from drowni.a. is Saturday on her repairing the Speedy ea Wednesday and «EPTEMBEK 10t6. 1 wish to announce to the ladies awl Gentlemen of Goderich and vi. cinity that i will open on above dab in the o1(1 stand formerly occupied by (Seo. Stewart and hate fitted the stu- dio with all modern improvements and appliances for turning out first etas... work, and shall be pleased to receive -ive your esteemed patronage, assuring you 1 shall .lo hay utmost to furnish my customers with the latest in that line. Parlors open Saturday nights from 7:30 to 9:30 r '1. T. 11. 11R1)111 V. your grocer for 1.ot 1 is the broken front, wont of the Lake road in the Western division. Township of COI ' borne, oouut7 of Hato.. 3 miles from Coderich lime comprising 118 acres Large bank barn. gored ' game house 44 story high. nearly new and i at good orchard o re choice fruit, ebe bought on ut- easy terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auction- P 1 ver. wr- Mork A and H. lake range. in the township n • of Colborne. consisting acres of res as more or hat lees. There are on the premises a frame house, frame barn and good stabling. About ; so - acre young orchard of eboice fruit. About he m acts of bush. This fares, is considered • 4tvbol•wo grazing farm. The farm can be the divided to suit purchasers and beug ht/on easy )tm tertas •DD17 w JOHN KNOX. he. Hots and lot in the town of Clinton. -let bn Il, Maryut.. opposite the old woolen mill. oom- 1. pokers frame house 1; story high. 9 roma. J. sks oler` ng of cry s i • ally cad aro None lou.datioo with good cellar all la Nate of repair. Apply to JO1INfOX. 30-(1. ._a___ Thrive@ an good feat and arehkse, with plenty of exwim@ I. the epos air. Hs, form slew@ with health and bar fees bless with ile here*►. if her system =ola the demo bog mean ei • Meetly* remedy, she w the gentle end pleasant Hg*M laxative. Syrup Fnga. AssNessm te the IM ea.I.. In esesee ..pe@ of the e•p&' g t. the PertMad reeds. of the Seteam.ia's !bogey, o whish tee of the www were r d wsed, the Preto .1 Will, W •11 et the eater'@ depaeweeses es the west. e rn .Meat. The lolls el the drew -sod e ilees have set be.. recovered. The Omani Wen & •mlhr&y ler the staaemsa4 (tont the Itri•.eda will led her genes ea Torquay ..d pressed Is Uwe& where .he will o cat of emcee- We @mmrWe esteem the Vigils.* ._p.k her te emus* ler the Owe Wy sup es ass. fi Carter. of the Scheele & 410 i rleved ewer the lee..4 'sate Si- saris., ee• d tin. awe ares whit were 4rzwaid le the Peetled Rsie, who the Orpela as/lreg. was W amu aged d- leer. AOR SALE. -N. } LOT 31, 2ND CON - 1I cordon. Neat Wawa000b, 1M acme. Thi• le • lretcles. tars. Also town lot ITh. (Dede- rick Apply to PHILIP HOLT. MMf, the POR BALE ATA BARGAIN. -THAT .L emeasediese bidding on Emcee.. R1ul vii. Beetle le sa We. 'terms away. , lit prossat occupied es • t APDo1 M 7. 8. sooT'1'. &0..*. P.O. t Public Notfoes. *.• *TI)TICE.-ANYONE SHOOTING OR 1'I otherwise ttespawolsg we the 0•u. Iolanda. woodlice any pan d's1 pODerty In or adjoining the Town of Oederkh. will be prosectiled to the utmost rigs, of the law. MRtl. NEL=N I. A1TRLLL. 81 ( OPEN FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. A' Rood pssities for suitable mean Ilio objse- tla. le •) 555 frees mans with esix to fifteenfifteentinsels0 dolkla. to learn o seri close mane facs*Yig beams in Wester. O•tario. Can have cheese Welke or shipping department. Na, laysitgatl s will show that onut mower- .111 B be dsgursse meowed. Apply ' A. . (•." This afsee.pa bll the NOTII'E. - ALL PARTIES WHI have cot settled their se counts with me are o es without delay. They ma agate be pale achy ahto em* to my 80oo•rmr la Waimea. Wm Sharma,1r who will give rer&p(s hr am.. 1 . UOWworo. Oetlerls1 Aft, to IMI . art sill for the mer oto ght oh. oy- al- t1y NOTICE. -ALL PERM )118 FOUNT impassion ee•M7 wads M dentine wle will be Irprosecutedaaccording to other we Beet Mode are the Hat farm. 1a ton tewuMll et Celboe.e. and the property tiara as teltmoo Remorse. In les towable. of Claiborne and h. C**M ON, Q.C.. X. HAI[CHL8R. Mar. Solicits,. Pr.priessr. Auetilon Bales. MDALE LE Of VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Ai •;H7IILD. Ceder sad by virtue of • power of aide ova tared 1s a centres mortgage hwrt.a delete Twenty second day of J tine A. f). 1591, sad whisk w111 be profaned at the time ed este Mere w111 it mold 67 retitle s.Alea at De. Lois betel le the Tillage of Pert auras t the Comity M Mmes. es Saturday, the 15th day of September, at Il Veba* seem. by Thomas Oadry, ate- tls.•ar. the filboweig valuable tea property, s•eaelan en y : Ad Nng.l.r that eeream paresi or teem .t head W prosaism Amami lag •.d being Ie. the Township of Asne•a to rho County k d Herm. sad beteg t ee'sthe of ton ▪ h bell of let Hmbs, fear t the eases* s...as lea, woolen dishiest et the sold Tessa ship of A elute b7 adsnu or moot ane .res ot . mere r leen This Y • .m the sets le • May are nee& TTd ham ehis seed meanies ter e•Ilivat&a •M r well TM /4•M is sInalle •heal 1 01 • salts em • di ibw..Z.mt a tress ea dsser+o.. mer be =saws= MM fere= pejtljulaws teem the vendee" sellait- Taismatpter seat mobt eed the, Mimes terms sea tin@ p.'N•,er MO be nada. r GAMM N. Iiitarteb. TI MM OQ1r ri Del Artist THE PHARMACY. FEEDING BOTTLES. Our stock of these is not excell- ed, having the best and most ap- proved bottles made, also the finest rubber fittings and nipples. PICKLE BOTTLE CORKS to tit any size bottle. TOOTH BRUSHES. A tine line of the beat French Tooth Brushes just received and are excellent value. First Class Prescription Work Guaranteed. CHAS. 1). WILLIAMS. i'hm. It., gold Medalist. Itubt. Melees. s Moth. Late w iib (lea Itbynas, PERFUMES. A full line of the best odors from the leading Perfumer of France, Germany, England, and at 11 all. SNIPS "AT HUGH DITNLOI THE CLOTHIER, has Just returned from the cities where has been oelectmg NEW SPRING GOODS, He has now on hand it Large Lii of the Choicest Goods in tl Market and is prepared i turn out woririn- the Bet Style possible, and at Pnces t suit the times. H. DUNLOP. WHY PASS IN THE NIGHT tre b. 1...1 1,14 OTIOTTODitOID NMI - tore berm. DO. r pie. A cargo of furniture if every kind nod quality we have phiee4 es mks at sucb deers, as will make it • red letter Dom 000. BA REY, tih6d. to ,b• people of Hansa. Thr. e races Goderich furniture dealer OD Fact We carry the largest and best as undertaker, keep 'ate best SIOCsorted stock of furniture and unholgering hqw ja i Pact II. Our stock is laser than we wish to supplies 1 And that he can sell no cheap! BECAUSE Pact To reduce It oe are offering speci- ally low prises. These are the facts. If you want the figures 'all and see us. It will pay roe. He finds thet it pay' in th king run. His motto is SMITH's FURNITURN STORK. tarns.* He also makes Give him a call before pure.hs PLANING M11.1. Fluid (dwell on hap& 23678A8H, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, NEW CHOPPING MILL -Tint SUB sig=w2riar pet to • sew est 4 11=6 at Is premien* t• do an with digested'. Min will be remains se . Thursday sod Saturday every week. Mos ID your mmin and sot it chopped and MOM some day. mos city ea• too per hoer. Plret-elese liMillt Meets soroessiditlori Ocoee by. JNO. 8. . Osal sod Weed Yard V.A MACHINE WORM Tie the math t- mes land rollers and rest oeftwe. Waldorf W hard twin plow. It is the Iliel.liltib:= 61111111.611111. Wexford hay MINIS. Jo ?lea T and I plows. Americas se Milier Plow Deists reduced Is Prise. lads. Costimes mode to tee rosi boar Omni @rept They mist he seld.-01aly $1.311 orr.orteare. orzwitad Pod Oak Imia to arrive. Paw ae am is It I will ea loss ewe Is thieriee. =hetet me. sad Wesel= ve mirk. DM yea War sheet me Reekebeives mod Portiere weal 1 We ligeswed serail *beet It. I =veil= a I= Mane et beadles =titans =me there : mod boodeek Maim se ULM roe I tabs this eppertasity inform the public, that I am Mill la the beelnese not withsoindied ail rafters to the talaniry. and am prepared to do ever, claws a work kg my line nom mettles • window erome te *reels, • Seery building with numealid root. Estimates furnished sad competition invited. The furnishing of bp ild ins material sovh F. SMKETH. Oaderiolt. Jelv 418 1104. 13 ROOT RIC111. • Retraphlog Bummer Denali. ABM matteal el simply Camay DOMINI •1 100. A tell nee el New aed Loewe Poor bled - Woes asideill NI,1116114 Perfumes is Balk. JAN= WILSON'S PRUlteRirrioe Dare STORM. Tele/hems II. N SW WOOD YARD Saar 0. T. a SimpoIll MO 22.21 aull.211 nine,