HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-13, Page 44 THE SIGNAL: OODZRICII, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT. 13. 1894. �ht signal, as rvmaana SYRRY THURSDAY HORNING .T .. lasallailACTIMAY. Om M Pulill -a a��� Notrthetreet. Teem el s.be. .rapt. t taieie irraMlAMuer. • IS ■ $ 1M bele .Leet. the prise Mr 7Yrernil m t. Leek .a Tens label. Za�teh ulabel 1s • eed1.a recede of elle date tll$you ere paid up an the. It 10 sot to lett 10,0 armor. • change of address is Mired.loth Me sad the sew address •hosld be gives. AdvlstYan. Oases pt(r I lead other casual •dvsr*ssn sos, I. Use Orr wash fee Int wt�l t►w t Measured simb • assppararNNI .owfw Bwrso . carte of six Uses and wider. 115 per Fear. Adverrr•sseaa .f Lost, pawed. 8trmyd $lt) itmeBst Meatiest Vacsat. 8ttsstloea Wand u. a- amt exo.edl Menu ea Gad ag t ea *ala ere a tamed a Mass, 01 for BremraL k.pM► month. Larger advt..aAaepecW motion tks orwet 0f welch it to peessoa the pecuniary head& sl W mil- vaaa1 or nwtpuy, to bea• d verttsem•st aid char••& . Local anemia nonpareil type w cut per word. so woke. lase than 1M. loon motion In erdlaary resalllg ippw lige eau .sper nonceword. No nonce tor 1d Ulan taw. Neaten for churches aged other religions sad beeevolest institution half rate. t feenneer..I Contract Advertisements. A limited number of displyd advertise meas will be hearted at the MiOowtag rates : Pee Inch. owe l.srttow. M It four 10.srUos.... - 1 M •• three mouths. e. Naahe a ao : e owe year S d No dvertl.emeet lees this two 'echos I■ length will be calculated es above basin. t pr cent. discount Wowed for cash payments e three meatbs'os.tract ; 11 par sent on six mantle'. and 13 per out. on • year's. Th... .&leas•e will be strictly entered. •tfswr ••Th. Shred- " mellveey. Su►.erlber who tall to receive Tee 8.o*•t rssulrly. either by carrier or by mail. will confer a favor by aoquaintimg os of the foot at as early • date as Domaine. Retorted manuscripts cannot be returned. Oorreepeadeuoe most be written on one olds of paper only. P.blt.rers aetIre, .1. C. Le Towel. of Goderich. has been ap ponied i.otal Travelling Agent for the town- ships olOodertob, Colborne, Askant(' and Wa- w0nesk, Local postmaster" over the di erre aro also amtAweto receive subscriptions te Tea L. re& AU oomma•icatloaa must be addressed to D McOiLL1CUDDT, Teaphoas Call f.. 'TerimitoLireabbt. elODERICH.1111711111141% SWF. t1, Irl. THE MILITIA HUMBUG. 1I this Ilav of peace anti Rood will, when on this oeswitent swords may safely be tunnel Into plowshares, ie it not time to eek our.elvee why we should continue to keep op • militia establishment for the .ole psrpose of enabling a few romantic creat urea N play the officers, which in our judgment is little more than an ordinary 'Onus oc- cupietios se tar as public use or benefit is concerned. In eo.sidering this militia question we will be met with some objection' to the abolition or reduction of the service. F'i'st, that we cannot afford to leave this 'Fair Dominion" defenceless against the forgive foe. and, secondly, that we cannot safely leave the preservatioc of the public peace to the civil power. With regard 1e the "ruthless invader' feature, common sense tells us we have but two neighbor' who by any possibility could give us trouble, namely, the American., obese military strength along our border would be more than a match for the com. biped available European armies on this oestioewt, and therefore at is folly tc 'on- side' this side of aha picture, partieal•rly as the mimicn of the Republic is peace and not war ; the other foe consists of the Eskimo tribes ie the far North and North east mod surely no one gpe°de their nights awake feariar the incoming of the Arctic "Men of War." Then, the preservation of domestic pas sod the m•intesanoe of law and seder sorely can be left with perfect gaiety to the good sense of the people who rummies that protection for hie and pro. petty is egaeatial to the maintenance of civilisation, and surely if ever • oommu.tty existed that needs no miliary force for any purpose whatever, it is the Dominion of (ss•da,for in so part of our country eon it be said that "law secures not life." Rut the Dost of the toy army Domes high. fes we fid that we have paid tows ogefed reties 136.000.000 to a.aantaia the various battalions. in addition to which w. must add the at of Kisg.te. military mange, oboist 570,000 per •asam, sad wbi.k insti- tution has turned nut 183 offi..n of whom about 50 have sought emeapatios in the British wrviesaad the r.* w guttered to the four wisdu of the heavens,a.d, so tar as Canada M emesersed. are eo good for either man or beret, after we spa nearly $1.000 pr esimrm a the MMUtary ed.gatios .t the Mea. is oddities we meat add interest .. the .set al the various armories, drill .lei, Orta, and every ether form mad kited of caps•.. New. let the farmer who is selling wheat at 50 e.sta a bushel and hay at 57 • toa eak why sheedd be be sweated to keep up these pry-Mviag limas beings in unproductive ad aim work • if the Dilerangt, tJt. Oaaotn, sad ash like must he amused ps7ty.t aaldi.rt.g, let them r. to Num 1L•• ..edia..washbskler.. fee CLmd• dw sat require the "dsrMiy," mild just Welt .f the sweat sod toil •:sealed a the Canadien army mad the energiser let of pro- does rdoss Mat las so be teamed to artist be most the *411, not to epee* .f the Gunner of yang ibS.w wham time is waned at the "aaaenl NOV and e\e doon.0.n of tN .m lai.em of eb.mada of ear p easisa UN whom She say spoils sod mile fee Neal b...daid w..q.eien. Rake • nub 11610 Ne our Pain amd Re- ba eeadtd.ter es .pin ups tend by all aims let is. J. C. Paw .... tot • . as • pat at whet M lane fiat armies. Where ells w of e.r LimedYl..d+l.ry seas is. and fee what sierpose they are kap- •p• and the geed we &•five from them' New. J. C. PATrsaese Y • lawyer, •Mbegh art • vary &irlitgak+M& sae, but why was be put over the any. whom he doesn't know die••pw aye hem • basalies movement, if it woe ever loaded to be et.gks but • pigmies. •ma-nment few the aseboe'..y of Nis cow•try • Jas' imagine the howl that add go forth if • plain farmer was made Miaa*r of Ja.tlao or Attorney General and Mealiest about hew it marts with our ,sty owe J. C. P., whe does .o. know the first •lemmas of army life or Baty. Let war farmer.. whey ~omen west p•7 the pipr, &•mead from every a sedidat, for the Howes of Commw, • pledge to improve the militia out .f ezietwses m that 0* over w\eimi.g weim he heard as Ottawa, .. 1,■ it down ! Why esimbereth it the wowed • GETTING READY FOR ACTION. IN1LiTICB are looming up in this Goober, from • (e.. waive ■ta.dpoint,••d o. Monday last no less • pweo.•ge aha. Roam? Bnrleana., the Tory organirer, wee in town to give ear to the plaints of the faithful mad counsel to these was desir- ed it For some moatha put the Clinton post- nrelerehip hes bee. 'asset, *wise to the doth of the late i.o.mbeet. sed • monkey Gad parrot ems hes been going on in 'bat butt as to who will receive the appoint- ment. The Grand Old Party is and •round (1inton appear, to be tore all up the back, as almost every prominent worker be- lieves that ha ami he only, should receive the office. The fever hes also exceeded to I;odericb, and there be some of our burning and shining Conservative light* who weald not be averse to a tr•aelatios to Clinton wish the titla of postmaster of that totes The a.wa that I)rgsnizer lit w.1,4,tMAN t1 ewe t.bb town Monday also rushed the hash townships and at as early hour a num- ber of the ►c.eet yeomanry wen in town t0 interview the man who, of all others, had the ear of the Govemmese Amongst the hoot present were JOHN KRA.-or, ex•depuy reeve of Goderich township; JAMES ('oe- vol.t.r, erstwhile patron candidate for West Huron ; A. C. H t tt p; us Government har- bor inspector at Port Albert ; D. B. Kee- stoot, deputy -reeve of Clinton ; A.M.Touu, proprietor of The News -Record. Clinton ; Tor Gras, the well-known Loderricb Lowe - ship patron, who had left the Tory party for all time " dunng the Legislative elec- tion ; Josu•u BUCK, preeideot et W cat Huron Lib. -Cos. Ass..; J*w,,, old :wont, secretary W. Huron Lib. -Con. Ass..: and • large coottoge.t of others of less bots. The story in circulation is that Btaltt.rio ro wee in town for the good of hs health. but thou who caw R claim that Le gave no eirn of being under the weather, mentally or pbyaicelly Tut Ott.;NAL doss not take stock in the "tory placed in circu- lation, but believes that there is good and • ufhcient reason for believing that a gener- al election is close at hand and the I:r•nd Secretary of the orange Association was in town for the purpose of getting the faithful in hoe for that event, end also to Rad ways and mime Ie thesucces.ful fixing up of the voters litf111. It will hs /I•slabered that some years ago • Rentlsmes earned 1 '. •Hat . t gained • somewhat exemia& notoriety by letting public offices to the men who would put up the highest figure for the positions, said amounts to be used for election purposes. Well, what is to hinder the public offices of West Huron tram being auctioned off in the same way • There is precedent for sock ac- tion, and although a public auction wee not advertise•l,• goodly attendance wo brought together .t short notice, and what reason is then for believing that in the nutter of the vacant politicise iu Maroc a quid pro quo may not he required from the appointee', as was the eat in Northumberland' nor good friends the patrons will have to keep their eyes oh " Impromptu " gatherings of the kind held u Goderich Monday Iasi ane watch tor resale. SNAP SHOTS. The fact of Patrons CoNNOLLY and Oise bsing in Goderich at the nicest Ria- Mteunar resoptto• ought to be *lm0.1 oaf- fioie.t to poll the wool from the ym of the Liberal P•treas, who believed a square -teed Goderich t.w..bip Tory aid cheese hie polities Neer he had thud IN pen N tee•, That veteran politician, .ione Mc- MIure, hes ease mere received the indors- e/ism of hie ooastitaent in South Burs. seed will be sothetan is theromise Dominica ebonies What MoNti.t.Av doesn't kilos shoat pelitim m far Y they afoot the hast- en''stereo*, menet be taught. It would he just as easy for the the town fonstable and Mayr RCTI..a t0 deal with Mrs. T.u.al for keeping • dis- reputable iereputable hums inside the town limits as it wee for home inspector PAni.gT be Wag bar to book for •.awful liquor selling. Will they de it' The Mercer ',formatter/ is the place for the i.mates of the dives that I.fe* the town sad M the event .l • pudica magistrate being appointed. Tea Snea,. wdi w that the ••0eil.d doves' either leave torn se beams hasten .1 the M.r.r. Hon. WILPRu, Levant. is setting the veinal habit en fire i• the West, and deep aka. Mat prises* the portage .f the power at Gawk. Here in Reron also the Erse .t Liberalism are Nosing brightly. Well, Tea Smut careen the an Narita be .et net week. The pad .crib .1.SY be kept up. The P. P. A. wntInseat in this gas` lien le aimed se gine es the Reuel Right hang of Mar yea ago. 17ty wage hill "goad easier\ Mersa" Gaol after the Prr viaeial eisetigne. Got wady for the Uona■dek Una T degas W seemd.t N�6 Ilahllcrioms in armor who receive ease this week me expected to pp •p. It ragaire the ped wiahes Gad era - books of .er friende to mons •tally fax • Paper bk. Tea Swigs.. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. =OAR HDr0Tta 1.IR Toro= Mail : Whoa the b•i1.te are mated is will be may to determine whether or wee Mr. Loaner's kimme were good Yiag .auks MARKING A rAaON. Hada Times ; Th. Deanhn Gever.- meet refuses to give she Comedian public •wrome postage, •Ithwt ander N. pret- est •rnageme•t letters from Yankees aro earned to any pari of Ceases at Net rata Perhaps if so.ne of the leeks •ad werestepped Government.o the Government add= ap to lower rat.. Lost year 4,713,000 let- ters -.0105' 4 per eget of ell posted- were freaked. Now, if all Ca.aduns paid for War Wean all might have the lower rate. • woo". A TINS TROT wofLD H•v R. Statlmd latae s A statement foist the reams ef rig i7. S. pram to the .lest that • songripoW11.1tillie aid upon his promises time it Clirei.d Tag elected wheat woald be 11.15 • bushels. ♦ farmer who board him, sowed great quantities of wheat, and now he mete the difference between) 11.15 ted about 60 meta • bushel a the whole Drop. If • p.ltiwaa oonld be 'mulct- ed in dollars and cute foe the failure of hie .lentos prophecies, what • time the Tory rotors of Cued*, who helped t boom the National � P.Itoy would have u.•kiag good their P • THl rAT4)'. Astt .)LIYtw. Dundee Renner The papers are still the gaieties as to how the Petro• enerahers of the legislative will Tote whoa they take their wte. The Tomato I{m- pire and some of the lesser organ* rem to be .Bite ooueer•.d about the matter, there being • wish down in their hearts that in some way the Patrons may be used as took to tern oat the Mowat Government Gad precipitate another election. But the long and the short of the matter is the* the Patrons will have to Tote fer rood measures whether they were formerly Gros or Tries and Y Sir Oliver has hese long enough in the business to koow • good measure from • W one he will keep os bringing in the right kind, aged no tau -minded Patron member can ooaaciestio0•ly decline to vote for him. • Tilt IiSA..T. Lr) 1Mn IW:n. Seal arch Expositor : Judging by appear- ances the embargo oo Canadian cattle going into the British market as sot likely to be removed in the near future. The latest addicts° to the unenvi- able rep•tetiou for disease •stashed to our beef aoimak exported comes the intelligence that tubereuloaa hoe made almost a com- plete sweep among the settle in British Col- umbia. Upward. of 150 cows hare been shot and the worst feature. to the ower, is that he has to stand the whole less is this destruction to stay the revision of the an- ew.. If Canadian cattle are really effect- ed it would be mush better to acknowledge the corn ted stamp out the matter corn. phoned of rather than deny the charge and have our shipments sacrificed when they reach they reach the Old Country mar kit&• .t MA+Tet tet LLO,fU1(CR St. Thomas Journal : He (Sir Richard I;artwright) delivered the Sat ad- dress, in poi.' of elonaeoo. and literary Anoka, that we have ever heard from him. He was is his very Net form, ted fru hoar riveted the elegem attention of hu audience Y he presented in incisive language the difference areas the promises and Factorisation' of the Government, as he exposed the moral rottsoost@ which had dis- graced the Admiai.tratioo in the eyes of the civibeed world, and all be pictured the slavery which protection hod constituted and legalized In Canada, His indinmoat vee overwhelmingly stray, and only hid. - bound partwea.hlp or the endosac• of the boo n.•& classes upon the jury eas prevent a verdict of guilty being 'smarmed. As • muter of clteeic Kogliah it is doubtful if Sir Richard has • peer in P•rhainemt, and it was en intellectual as well as • stirring political address to whob h'i. •editors listened. e A.ere A*D lnwwtRT. The Taranto Glee : The country was planeler.d out of 1700.000 on the McGreevy and Connolly .entreats. S.sec,l'e •omaksio55 es Printing Kerma coistrects o•1 lad to 650,000. In the budding .t the Montreal bridges $170,000 were alial s or wanted. Two revisions doriM this t'arlanteat.1 • aka freachw act will oast 1450.000. The lead&�ImesIe$191,000 on the Sheik's The spa of omit over the estimate en the Lillie Rapid. leek was $266,000. TTay Cad ,est 1343,000 are than the he A iimegabge oonttibtlto. of $7..000 was taken 0.1 .(Ib Lake SI. Jahn Railway. A milli= &.Hare of public away was greeted so the 11. Chaises brash of the let.reeh.i•1 Railway. W0 pa $150.000 • year Mr • melees 9es- a!, ..d 000 • year 1r ehw emamen•.ce of Rideau NI and the (Mesmer% Ake, many Massada for aa5eeme•r7 oSaioM, end ineey thousand. Mar law sot etei& of the .darns of a Mishear of Jean.., • Dep- uty Walter sed • 8didter Uwn.ral. And still we are told that we assume re- does the tori/ basses• the rate of tenons must be maintained., sed waste will robbery by Mi.Msee and their agents le made u ew- � g foe .esM.1Y p.j the robbery of the mew se al.. a ane erste t - hare. Send 16 " Snelbht " Soap wrappers bearing the waldo (" Why lose • Women irk bas Rosner 'lien • Mss "t w lam Brea.. 1.01.. 43 Soothe Taste, and yyeee will rears by poet a peter pleura nor hem a&verMeSs. mid well worth frusta,. This wen easy way to deam•M year home. Tb. seep so eke bast is the ionises and it will may eget In soap te .end in rho �w N p. Isla the ends epee. ails Tear ea. omiiIF. Iv Night.Wiskm pri"r"`.. �i myth ,•sear& Mm W 11 Irwin The seer pre - primer Nob p emelt this weak. Ileassw : Jam lfaAaslpne hes te.d•d hie ream pen? be Mr. Jehneln of asdmleh. •d sow has • Nasty J for ell After la - Mend. NEWS TOPICS Of A WEER. Me tmp.etaat 1•••••• to a Yew W.eda roe Maw et..der. The I'ullmao strike hos how formally declared ••f. Juaeph It Veno -see has been app osted City Clerk of Ur..iitfoM, Au ..re.opt 1.,., been anode on the life el the Hey Ilea 1':..: tout. The .uti-Kamal feeling is growing etrouger rot Japwu. The totem Woe in Now Brunewiek ere amawuUK snots peopsrtion•. A4otber bully was min tlo•tiuo in tb Niagara whirlpool Thuredm. Several bu Wangs were destroyed by fire in the r11tsga ..1 Drayton Wednesday. The Peary relief expedition W been heard (tuiu A11 was well on July 17. Judge Macleod of the Northwest Supreme Court died at (.'alg•zy Wednesday. The Cabinet Ministers orated that Card- well was not be opwed for a bye -election. The Hamilton Aldermen wi11 hesitate to approve of the T., H. & B. J'3i5,000 bonnie Th. Patrons of Frontenac held an en- ehoslaatic meeting at Kingston Wednes- day. The reported ludian uprising to the Northwest is uow stated to be uulmport- aut The steamer M.rddio, with o cargo Of coal. u aground on Ile Bootle in the St Lawrence. to Simian Poland there are 5,000 fresh came of cholera per week, and half the victims 41.. A prohibition plebiscite will be taken at the next senora! election for the Nortk- weet Assembly. Liam* McCall, the actress. is swing Ward McAllister's eon for breach of pro- mise of marriage. Five Anarchists have been arrested u Rome charged with an attempt ou the lite of Premier Unapt A rich gold belt L end to have bre dis- covered iu Clarendon Township, three miles from Sherbet Lake. The enlisted strength of the United Matte army is within 140 of the authoris- ed limit of 25,000. Terribl. blab Area are raging on both sides of the Rainy River. Seven settlers have been burnt to death The Cenadan Uazette authoritatively denies that General Herbert has been or- dered to return to England. The Niagara Central Railway hes re- newed its request fur 1125,01.10 boon* tram the City of Hamilton. The Northwest Assett)bly I,as decided that all schools .hall open with rue simple reading of the Lords' prayer Vice -President Shaugbneesy of the C.P. R bas expressed himself lopeful of a speedy improvement in trade. Winnipeg lumbermen expect the reduc- tion in freight rates to give a great im- petus to the (umbering industry. C. A. Lefeiileur, an ez-teller in a Mont- real's savings bask. shot and killed him - set in that elty N-edneeday. Several Federal Ministers are arranging for • stumping tour through the North- west, starting about the 15th inst. Five hundred and thirty-seeen dogs have been entered for the Bench Show at the Industrial Exhibition this week. James C. Drayton of New York is mak- fug a divorce from his wife, who is a granddaughter of John Jacob Astor. Ellen Bnckiugbem, a nurse girl, was gal- laauly rescued from drowning in Burling- ton Bay Friday by W. S. Duffield. Two French fishermen have been res- cued off Newfouud:u,d. • The balance of the crew, sixteen men, have been lost The great London banking boot of OIIn, Milk, Currie & C'u was defrauded of Ijl4,000 by a forged draft on Wdue d.v • The K. of P. Supreme Lodge will decide to -day whether these engaged in the liquor business are eligible for member- ship. The Kntghm of Pythias will erect a monument at Utica to the memory of Jeetie. 1. Rathboue, the founder of the order. 11r. John McMillan, Y. P.. has been again chosen as the Liberal standard bearer by • convention of South Hurou Reformer& Captain Lundy of the steamer Sapp' was lined 450 in Hamilton Thursday nor running hs boat to Toronto without pro- per license. John F. Cunningham. the Sudbury burglar who escaped from Kingston Penn tottery a week ago, has surrendered to the authorities The wheat crop iu the Northwest is turning out better than wt expected. the average yield will be abort twenty bushels to the acre. Sir William Harcourt has been censured by the Labor Congress in Great Britain fur failing to secure payment of members of Parliament A despatch from Sh.nghai says that the Chinese press anti officials ridicule the Beulah for taking uu Deltas rot the Kot► Shuug incident The Canada Cotton Company's mills in Hamilton will resume work full time Mon- day, but wages r111 be reduced probably 10 per cent A boileo•xpl&ed In • saw mill at Three Rooen, Quebec, Thuredey and killed Sam ineemier, the foreman, while eight others were badly hurt Four men were killed and seven injured by the explosion of a boiler on board the British steamer Tanoadiee, on • voyage to Bombay, reoeuily. Th. Eiffel tower hes been purchased by • syndicate of Baltimore capitalists, a.d will be brought to that city to be used 1r ate Ceutenuial of 1497. The members of the l'ook's Arnie sips ditto'', which left New York July 9, and .wee wrecked off the Greenland 005st Au ra1garriarrived, have arrived safely at Sidney, N lis Pollee Magistrate Jelfa of Hamilton hes dceided that there is nothing to jewevent hotelkeepre from beeping open all night If they wish, so long as they do not sell liquor. John Jacobs .ad Jobe (Green, said to be et Toronto, were arrested .t 8t Clair. MM., Thursday, js* atter Lading tum s row boat in whMb were two trunk. 8.11d with opium. Rainy River .drive stat that a ling* .amber of settlers are still mt.sipg sad trend. are s•areking the barking Maine le hopes of securing their bodies or lading them .M... rtier frem the diewMt Ndkt reports pw deseeal . liverr party le the femme rime thew A nem m .t people me mains +d. M i bme$, have lees •heir Ura Amides eaGleite, 05 I.Ilmdr Mead el she edeiie i.asailio.r, who blew Ms loch• eat w Illestrest es IVetteeediekr, threw htm- asit lata the Liaise CNA a dont lima Natalie NIE Vas dereneel I"IRS A'flL BARVLCf ::arly Yost Hundred L Ives Were Lae in the Terrible Meleranet► TWENTY-SIX TOWNS WIPED OUT Awelsl .ewM .f U...Iat1N sad Death as Mla.htey. Maweeeta A,gr.aet. Property twee P101.611 at Crest Three W 11.. 011111.. sellar.. ST. Part_ Sept 4. _The latest adv from the wow It the big fin iudios's t there will to a total of nearly 400 lot lust 'flew ineladea the f•taltti.e at Pu gam,ga, Rat Olga, Suidstusa and all tn are• of Lisa country covered by the co hgratiu:,- Falls 200 dead were Bathe iu the cemetery u Hinckley ewalti burial There were two great heaps naked and cheered bodies to every tvt (tamable distorted Ittihad*. Tbery we Id kaowu t.. be dead at Pukegama, 51 Soodatoue village and about 30 moreert the outlying country. Ti. fire ousted large area of uouutry, souse of it Cry hs for searching parties to reach. It w take et lout a week to asvraara lu bow e st are loand many of them will never identified. Many families are being oared for et w PeCity. !Jakob and Saperior At the former place there are about boatels= people, and it u •apnea& tis as at let 1,000 people will have to be tak osis of until they eau get • pew start 1 life. The wounded iu the hospitals Pine City were all doing well last seeming. It betwixt raining at 9 o'clock in the morn Ing but •topped at noun. It u not belie ed there is any further danger to be feared tram fire to the burned region. The to lose will rnu into mi but it i• a lately impossible to give an reliable estimate ease=. so wide an eaee country wee devastated. The Taros lues was that of the Freiman L of Hinckley, which 1. [.laced at by the officials of the company. Hi.cgr.T, Minn., Sept i -The IMF eser good d:ptiun of the great fin swept away this thriving villiage w secured on the atprsi of the special. seemed that forest and peat Gres had raging within a short distance of 'finale for weeks, but no apprehenaton had been Nit by the inhabitants and uo prepare nuns had been made for emelt-gentiles afternoon the fire approached fanned by • strong wind: the sine+, gre denser ea the day advanced and It goo became as dark as night About 4 o'clos the wind changed and the residents of t doomed town were bearing down upo them. As the alarm ran;; through t streets the people rushed from their hoot and when they caught sight of the red on rushingg sea of fire they became panic stricken. The fire shot across the town and 111 people bed lu all directwas. They ra wherever they thought they could fin refuge. A large 'lumina rut to a pu gems three or font ..ores iu ex:eut • three or four feet deep. The largest crowd of people rushed to Uriudote river, a shallow stream wino it was thoughtafford would aord protectio from the flames, but the water was to low and all miserably perished. The the relief parties folio' the bodies lying i the water and trampled ey the fl�in cattle. Jost as the dames were raging fiercest train arrived over we Erten Minn and 500 people clambered aboard- It w a (}odasnd to t!1e prr pie who offered al ayer ss sof thankful'leea the engines m sent the train at • rapid speed away fro the burning town ae 1 back to safety in Su terlonothe Ar. r party had rushed for the limited on tb. St. Paul and Duluth, but se the bre cut off their way in. that direction :bey rau to a shallow pond near by. There they perished. i Me honer& and Eve boy iim our, removed trim the pond by he relief committee .East of the village here was a stagnant pod„ of rain water. /tier 100 people sought refuge here, and L these only one m.+n is known to have perished. The imh.euse plant of the Brennan Lumber C'o , with sew milk, planing mills, stables and 28.000.000 feet of Outs limber was wiped out in almost leas time than It takes to writ. it With the bones.stables weconsumed 110 bead 01 bones. It a difficult w portray the situation at Hinckley. A Lew refugees. a half ,core of searchers. a team or two transportingon boxes etaibing dead bo hoe the place wham • town had been, that is the pie tare. It is like looking over the track of a cyclone. A large majority of thou lost were Scandinavian&ns Ccauo, Sept 5. -From revised re os tarreceived from the burned regi..0. of man Minnesota, Wisooio and Michigan the total following are the and partially burned towns and aunties: Minnesota townie totally destroyed - Hinckley. Pokegamrt Sandstone, Sand- stone Junction or Miller, Nitride, Crom- well, Curtis, Cashing, Mission Creek. Partially destroyed-Fialayoq Mansfield, Rail g, Mena Counties totally d•- stroye -P1.e. Partially destroyd- Eanabee, Carlton, Benton, Aitken. Milk Laos, Morrison. Wisconsin towns totally destroyed- otnatock, Benoit. Barronu u•, Poplar, arougo, Graulte Lake. Partly burned - emcee High Br.dg., Ashland Junction, field, Washburn*. Cartwright, Grants- rg, Turtle Lake, Ries lake, Meesod, haw, Shell Leake, South Range. cantles partly burned -Baiter, Wash rue, Florence, Ashland, Taylor, Chip. w., Burnet, Marinette, Price, Or•nt, nglas. Marathon, Bayfield. Michigan towns partly burned -Trout reek, Ewen, 81,1naw. rowdies partly (l rued -Houghton, .toeagaa (ahem* ly exempt in towns), Hero., Mumma Pas Crry, Minn, Sept. 5. -The genal .oatfv..ommlttee 1n •barge of the re as ( work In this section bmade • report the deed boll., recovered thus far as lows: Hinckley. 171. Mandato.•, 77; nee (often called Sandstone Ju.etfo.) , between Skunk Lake sad Miller, 11; grams, 16; in lumber •amps. 60; total. he Tlosses at Sand•ton. are Sandstone ry Co , 5$0.000. Martin Ring's store lou bat . os KA reed of re at a a rd ill 7 be at t00 en et • egi (Loons 7 of gi. 1 that leo Y It been 7 w a k he o h. •e • • d od cup et 0 re 0 C 1.. total ex 11e of fop Mi lb Pok 460 Quer and saw mill. $16,000, school hone., 116, 000 and about 40 dwellings ranging in value from 11.000 hl ig. (wu. •n fames lama intede. Tenowee, Sept IL -The night 'rated la the east Nag et the Tonsae Aayl.m for the ismsns Au.d one .f the kuneme l mug. i0g deed frees a window. Tim bud was • 1 w•a, sheets, Gies the deed' W bat •slump ed eely •.bet dem beton. The seleis4.'. same w C. R. Pak and him pawn Ile. le Uskttdg.t iia wet IS Iew old sad w hese ke tis. bellinO.k inky • ms5tb. R. wee ublpa r* M 1 ti.Mvett r end .sear eheewtl any �n i.tenw.k MORE ROOM We have leased the premises one door West lately occupied by Geo. A. Fear, druggist, which we will utilize as a show -room for Ladies' Mantles, Capes, Shawls, Wraps and Furs, making of it an exclusive Ladies' Department. Our stock of Mantles has this year been bought directly from the Manufacturers in England, Ger- many, and France. Having car- ried over only four Garments from last Season, we can show the largest variety of LATEST IDEAS ever shown in Goderich, and at prices that no other Concern in the ud can logitimately undersell. We expect to be open for in- spection about the 2Oth. If you contemplate investing in a Gar- ment this Season bear this in mind. UMW E J%1i;1 oSti/oweQ v:ce EVERYTHING TO WEAR. DRAYTON'S 81G rine. ♦ev.ral a.IWI T11 OmTed 1t Irons lei les. Ing. sal* W01(. mocker. t. the Gramma. b g.vrus. •)3T., Sept. 5. -A digestions fire • Cell. out yesterd.,v morning in Cosa K „roti, a •arra..(• slop. and before it could roe got under control spread to sev- eral buthliugs adjoining, destroying thew The following untidiness were byroad • Chu E. Smith's carrtag.ahop and atablge bee ebont 4000, insured for $400. stock 1n um company, 4150. Blacksmith shop owned by Ctrs& j, Smith. occupied by R Teel. 'kiddlag/ iusured for >j100. Teal's lues about 4144 on tools and stock. 1 T. 11. Brown, photo gallery and dwelling; no insura:.ce ou either; some furniture saved. i,s. about 11,000. J. i Bishop, dwelling and butcher shop, stables and ice hones, part furniture saved, insured for 4800. loss about $1,500, William Roberts, bakery and dwelling, nu insurance on sock and furniture: hope owned by Kilpatrick. Orilla, in- sured for 1500, Robert's Toes 0 contests about 1300. John Whyte, sables and shed and • quantity of wood; no inenrauae, loss $600. V the town bas no fire protestlon a message was sent to Palmerston asking for help, which cams quickly and ren- dered good *stoke, Fortunately the wind was from the northwest at the time or the beet part of the town would love been wiped out. ('sue of are unknown. BOVINES DVING MYBTERIOUSLV. t•Teetlg.tle. Dote the Naiades Death • Cattle Is Osten. County. dla w,ctrl, Ont., Sept. ft --A n.000d i.- vwaigaNun res held Isere, called by Hon Juhu Dryden, the M(nieter of *gristlier", to consoler ilio the increased mysteries" death of cattle running np.. the penilehighway. A number of veterinaries were present and conducted • post mortem and consultation npn two cows belonging to Mr. Alfred Roberts and J Rruks which had died in the morning. They were again bailed unl gave no opb.ion to the public but decided to wend the stom- achs of them onlmale to Tomato to be thoroughly a.alized, elm', they were taken by the Minister of Agrleultare The investigation had just leen con- cluded when parts green in quantlUea was foetid mattered in the gram along the rood and the •lcttetas.t of the large crowd Yesmbled was great, they thiakiag they had foam' the true s,ar.e. They w rw*io5wy waiting the report of tis. en - Alyea. Fifteen sows w deed and all Imlay in the immediate neighborhood of ow soother t61m bee sensed Nan. is gosh ea Mash M ver>1 ged&en. The Roberts row was well • d milked as 7 o'.io.k and gel. Mad .t 7.10. SMORO Of GENERAL WOLFS, The Oohed tee vase f.Nlt.tt.. COMM M Ilse* ere O...1oe •,t4. Loewy, Sept 7. -Tee United Neviea Institution' line ou • awgtli. whish they skim was wore by Om.•� Wolf. at Quell... 'may alas deka thesword which dos Hot J. C. Coesdi.. Misuse of Militia. mealy frees Mamas Sotheby, flhiagg. met gosetee, mei Ilhat Oemted W•464 mod sir p esemintil the lassitude. Ilaileen years before Ow Pe J. �� t. Akti palet' s, was host* let 71. &ear et the word sawedAl be be =�•Geh al W/ont as weh tree toe 'hands of Omens! Terrible Death of •a Ira. Werbee. Horewn.t N.$., Sept S. -Neil Bear int.•, of tl. 1 t*aroo•1 Iron works, Bridge - with., poet with a sad deathesterday while rurauuhg a Inel.d car down the branch Of the nano lune A eat oar fol - towing ton down the steep grade and ool- tided iettb the preceding car. &aria= was thrown from the ear under tis, wheels and wee terribly mangled. The poor fol- low died after "affirmsnonose agony. • Beariste came to Mews from Mama three years .go. He wee about thirty years of age and was e1artlly to be married to a young lady tram Bridgeville. At tr. 1oaranle. demeral Oosteseaeb Losoop, Ont, Sept. 8. -At the Metho- dist general conference yesterday • Dodos was given in effect that the wort "Chris- tian Endeavor' should be dropped from the name of the Epworth Lwagae society. The notice was not well received, and there will likely be a hot diaeuml... The afternoou was devoted W ►he reading of statistical report., all of which Mewed • satisfactory condition of- thing• in the various departments. Th. delegates were tendered a rousing reception to the even- ing. A Namutes Key'. Drove Deed. NM HAur.Toe. Sept, t -W. 8 of t1• W. K./8wdford Maaaf ctar*.Com- pp•sa.�y performed a Lorean action at the Boos , no•stag Ellen Buckitt���t • aurae at the Elsinore, who bad re la get boyunti her depth, •.d .dere Wag t a, the surface wee udder water enema mints= Dnffield'o brave t!eti•R Cholla promptapplica- tion the appa- vee, saved her life. *tree! be Death by a Test.. �• ClIAatoyTerow., P. LE L , Sept 7. - Cttarles E. Robertson, aged 44, mroha.t tailor and ooaoefllor a this city, .0t with • shaking accident at K.neingtoo which ratted is hie death shortly arta. H• was ma has way to the Sumarodd. rase/ sad alighted at Kensington The train was moving when he went to ggetst aboard Gad he maid the hand rail falling ea the track. The war peened over both .4 ►L logs. Th. left leg had to be snipe hand, and ball an hour atter the opera- tion Mr. Robertson .lied. Mee 011115* by • Tanen. Basun&, Ont., Sept 7. -John Gr..., • well kaowne harmer of S.a tow.s4 while Marilee home on Use 1.o.iNa ,s.4 with his ensu, was killed by • freight la at the i.,adsn coming of the S T. R •haat two miles from town. 010 ham ware gag et • rapid pass sod Oven sil- gens sot on the lookout es the track is anis on both aides to some MM..sa Seib Nam were also killed. illae*de of a ro5•ro•1 T mea► 1d.wv.aAL, Sack 1. -Arthur •pat1Lv, rows ff years old, ghee meted lot*t • her Teem ea 4sheree wpm latenteee ,Goad the Wyse le vli8 N end wet ie a r.nm, where ewe calmed. aft e•mpmnken ish Mae and Ulm* tteir- wasd. • shoe was lei, Lepallar wee Ihmed In isles rseae, abet therigh the tow Oh No war +N1 oensoeIM 1ei tem efq. t asd-'e amps drop manses es. W'nr..es. Owl.. Sept -The paaa$am t*Ie teem. erne etre be obi M 10..pea. The We mho hive .Lead the sop alp end Ileathrtelt -I'-& 1l.i game trace