The Signal, 1894-9-13, Page 3jpgiattitlrl• www,1110-HOe .rlOr\ wootat� • s• RWaLP.I*ON. L B. lee ✓ weer deeds. See wet vleageen air oftworeil ter emblem extreesing of week, ours .e SIsik. ,etrares ea womb jltiedIs L. L dppMa, PBTSIQLiU, SUB- pi'el Ilset- .,r.r Klgu selrs. ttar� lab7sas Iie�ii• tart veS JOHNSTON. Ba RRld- 1rbah. (L s .QC., llL O •eate rr- I O 'y L DANCIY, BARRISTER. tol�„ ► ew SI L tba .�eM11°°hitu t �LI L�i�j ,. jw ,E Mati BA .11 Qat•ris OS0e cow" Oolberee Cord. nal: C. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT R. alt~Tees telem N Woo Wow strestryode w lest at lowest eater a later - at GAfpw • PROURToeO(YP. BAR - ow, T. . Prwdect%tO� CIVANS � .elle : • 1. t HOLMES. .eterot. M. C. tame•. Q.C. ; P. Leon ; Dsdlsi lioloie. O WARD. OONVRYANUER, V . ite.. sad weeasidesisart tor ham sad re - armee eseemateme.s et k•U. atheism' as ,arsatiera dNditie a tee stems teeters. Ilse u a say Menta, tett or sew s.edaaa is ted H Cowl of Justice, the osert el ammo tar or in any Oouatl sr rows Court. Alt iraasteuen. ct+ettsttr fled yY7 saeouud. Haetdenee and P. stdesms y.easooa Oat >Illfatf LMM Bad k= S t -• fj-INIAD 2.R.2IIYiYA]IICIN(3 AND *mitt to eIDItab al•s''b Bout I4ODt aY TO LUD 011 MORTU AGs iTt21 desco.ated. C. t a.t)tR died ellellelbe Hermes hotel. toads not O\EY TO LOAN. - 5525,000.00 Dl a rrt is ted to •al ow « at rL •• soty. - aHAMMY. b Wal, 17eseice Whore IIsmL OW L' J. T. NAFTIIL, rum, AND • ahem lumwrnaoe meal et mow (1D.. -Oar. Bamboo sed 4.mle f slab. • ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY t ABaaON 110tet 1 tOLisal tieh- Wok. U(O1RT TO LIMO. -A L A R O 1 J ri aeosat of P,an 11ay.i Peals hee I uessa e tiewest •YA OW R PPlvt7Dff(!d! se, Ash L. RADOLUVI. OOENSEA L IN• asiteumm.Met yeti m�eeer -iss wewo10d. limey is Lad ea otatat Imes al the Merest rate el tatenost fetrsg, las say way 10 wit the ntrrrwwer Ofd► -Medi►► sal door teem agsar'4 Wed laermasm Isk MMlli&lai' j1naUtutS. _ /'10DERIOH j)IBOHANIUB' INSTI- NJ TUT' 1,11115ARY AND 1tsADINY- SOOm, me. a OD street art Basan 107 mea Ossa from 1 to Pak. and tree rte H rued. ABOUT (000 VOLS 11: LIBRARY. Lsedsag Desi%, Weekly wad IAwdratsd afar. ow Ptld. 1g elIBR .RLL p STICKET. etc., .sstl•s tree use o nal mese Reset u tpl ..t tannin t memb.i 1p SSsdvo l ot H. 816TH.t, Yeo. aT111eS„ SM.rich Minh 1110. THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT., THIIRSDAY, SEPT. 131 13ns. THE WORK OF THE STORM. eever•1 Lane.. Lees Yemen, Poem maw age /'mused by Ushuaia.. M•anagrie, t,at., Sept. 10.-4 Me the Marten' Searle tad solo e1eru s of the • wenn rued Ws taro 'm tiatuulley. Thoma. Brill's born wed Wool' with ligletnieg sold burned to the ground, to- gether with all the eese.0•. trop I t Wei partly insured, bat the lose will be heavy. H•ettase, dept 10. -On baturday, while the storm was d 110 height, • barn on the reamt..e of John Halloo, about • mile over the moeutoin, was struck by lightuiag The baro, sheds sad eleughter beams were destroyed and two boggier, two pig... tee tans ut bay anal some Lar- amie were eoaettntsd. Lose not stoma; tuearsue. N011 1a Iilauford township the burns on William Gage's property were struck anJ cuuenmej. Swum/fit Out.. Sept IU.-- Luring • storm light tong deetr•.red Thomas IApstt. • bora. Au tb. osteine crop, including • valuable C•liturt:he cult and lour pigs,, were horned. Insurance 3700 uu baro and $1,100 on ouuteb10 i■ the llalitllup M ut.al. There were Wen burned two tarns be bilging to Matthew ScotL Tooker -smith towwhlp, with three years' wheat, two years' hay and thin stem'. crop Howes%lu.r Out., Sept. 10.-W Mor- rill. of the township of Chaffer. lid hie barn *truck by lightningOue home and • calf were killed and the whole 1.t this Year's crop of grain and • threshing mealtime were totally burned op. Nu tu- surana.. Larse w asthma mule Us.1r rad. Axnuoate•, N.S., Sept. 10. -The wool - les mill of McKay and Brine, situated at the west stet of the town, was totally de - sniped by fin yesterday. When the alarm was sound.d the flumes had broken through the roof tial all efforts to save either stock or me.-biuery were in vain. The carding III4Cutnc+., !nota11 tad ma chinery in general 'are complete wreck•, uwtug to the inflammable nature of the material in the interior of the building. It woe with great d.thculty that the tere was prer•uted frotu .preadolg to the ..d - Joining lumber yards and mill of John Mclh.uald ln.urance as follows. West- tru, 53,13/0, Nrwcheater, 5:.000. l'uoenii, jeredim, 51,1100; ties, $4,500. Tbe esti- mated vont( the • poverty destroyed la THOMA8 GUNDRY. AUOTIONRER sad estrum.. A/W. Wederteb. Ont. ammo Leit aad L+aeesidre rtes led. Co.. tel Oars DMglm Mutual las. 0s. Wales at waded te le asp Tut of the county. 0.17 JOHN K1101. OBD=RAL ADO - meaner sed Land Tatuator, Qedereb. Olt Raving W emesiderable experferee d M.elletteeembigersila,he lewith thereerm er aN a an em ab moaus..trum.4 te Nm. esters left at Wrote soma er tat by mall it hieP. 0, ereetatis oassasa s.4 er omit. aosowww. NMI Dental Announcement. TEETH ENTRACTE!) WITHOUT PAIN CTNB�-CNLOHIDB AT DE. R. RICHARDSON'S 111111Tu. raw's& ME RA *511 1XART 111111-ST$EET fanaielk =IL It tenets eetl.taatlea. atter a Ds mast estainwar aad seeselebeil .ret.. te1 hove the tiwtE tool sone wear les 5.u wale tweet• Mtifere. _ ealraellea s wells er steeps at oar M. las annlr ms. a were Herta gale be the roast e areal seesetheee that sever albite the swat Ie Ihs �g�►ht�151 r tuewese es waw. W the beat awned dews en earth to ruder We t rue 1I It aseeesebtive te pant Petlate Positively ...••e••• be Igo sums. Itr feermlrvr Mfg D. a. RiOIEARD.O1g. The liribks tea. `wrmerrwhat -New, wde yes s'pems that armee a e Ste--He maws. .It, lather, se be yells.' •e w top .f We wise. • -- Mawsittes Itse/e.eat111 Yeg.ef.L \'Irnnu•, B.C.. Supt 1U.-l(toad lalu ad rices per steamer W.,rrrm.a uu.ler date of Sept. 1 say. The pi -rodent and cabinet have appointed the el,. -tion of the legis Isom to take plow Oct. 29. Registration is in pn•grrr. las • majority of the dis- tricts ietricts not more than 10 per cent. of the native voters have crone forward. They are waiting to know whether the queen is to be motored Notwithstanding Preis dent Cleveland's recoguitmn of the re- cognition of the rep.abac of Hewell some native papers 0011uu..•' to swore the people that the Omen will eert•iuly be re- stored A. N. r. r.'• Sea 1s. Tremble. ST. J..H t. N It , vela. to -A young man named Hrtnerlugl. l . e..n of Thome 11. Hetherington. M 1'. P. for queen'• sua0ty, was arrested Mast night emerged with bigamy. A few days ago ..hold was found on a door step to this city and ted mother was tracker w gnes0 • county. when she was arrested. She told of her marriage on the quit to Hetherington. and said be was the father of the chftd. The child died in the almshouse on Satur- day Hetheringtw.'• other wife resides in Qnssu's.monnty, and he is about 30 years of age. Two «• &anal. •n ye•tpad--1'w mosey er year life' What Jam•imea► , rse • life harsh• set } •••4•d -Ribas. nue, air t i didn't Fee were is the buts ma Nassau risotto. row Destroyed. Hi iia.LL, Out., Sept 10. -Fire broke out in the planing incl' owned and occu- pied by Robert l'atteru,n, contract -r. con - mining the budding and • gnantt'y of lumber in the yard. The bucldtng con- taiod most of the toothed material for this year'. ounttMtw Lo.. on buildings and a,ntente 57,000. nu insurance. It is not known bow the Ere originated, but it e supposed to have oummenod oo the second eat met-1 herby woe war bad wW Bum •.mpls� sal i shosips be sesta N• "IQ i hid Dr. INeter's 11ausat at Ma shestierry. Whit the arm dew i .thecal ln�A�4�e1tther bow d .mw her caged NatA..]1d-s A. A■tlpedeeta lEmb.aatee Arrested. Vie -roma, B.C. , Sept 10. -A man teamed Bollman. • fugitive from junk*, was ar- rested un the arrival of thechastralian rged with steamer Warriwoo yesterday, embezzling 11,200 from his employers In Sydney, N. S W lie offered • large atm of mousy to be let go. LATS c°AIW' B rs CHAT. CHARMING GOWNS FOR LIT TLISRLS ANO $TYU5H MIME& ales.at Mrps Nlty Meme t• !M the Ps veiling tea Yadasa.leelle Dressed M 'introit Party A Dalai, Ulm la Pled and Little people's clothes, like the little people themselves, are always an lutereet- lag ...it j•-ct to mother.. S.. many rheum§ •.e r..luired by thew mtuatute men and contest •..-n is • single day of t►. it bogy, 1.111 of Jo.., 1 15 that every detail of their •Piterel has to be male the subject of lunch thought and study And so it hap - none that su.tg.•tiou• regarding the pre' teilltig modes for the little folks are always welcome to the growu up. The little maiden who rules the house- hold from papa down with a firm though dimpled band is not forgotten the days by the dealt/nem who regulate affairs In the domain of fashion. While the style is not so elaborate as that adopted by her mamma, and while she doe, not reekoo among her pcosesstutu as many frock. ea her older ester, yet her clothes are dainty and pretty , and where Wad Durban' Liberals. BoweARr1Lti. Out , Sept. 10. -At th • Reform oonventiou held here to nominate a candidate for the Commons contest in West Durham. Mr. 14obt Reith, the present member, received the unanimous vote of the *on Tentless. NEW ZEALAND PROTESTS A.ttpedee• oels.les loditaaat at tie As- .el.ttes .e Seeker Islamd, Losoos, Sept 10. -The Loudon agent of the Cslosy, of New Zeeland. has re- ceived esDelved • cable despatch inetrueti,tg him to protist to the Imperial tiovtusmeet wises the ane esson by Hawaii of Neckar Wend. The Loudon agen's of Victoria. Tasmania and South Australia have resolved instruction* to support the protest et New Zealand. grace aims wit\ pointed woTra of rakes to t.Mob will be woes with the treat Anule., goers that 'Amami tern meth eras • fine moot►-faend oath, tea 1n ert- en strapped serene the yolk with tour rows of gimp. Pall gigot sleeve. tight at the wrist, with stripes of gimp and • broad silken mesh in vaadyke brown gave it the desired style. A petty hat of torn and brown straw, trimmed with • large Wester of Grimm noes, was the he.dg ar, adopted by the little girl who called We pretty (ruck bar uwu. Tile little maiden or ten or thereabouts "goes 0 ' for dances and parties quits ea euthusiastleally ss do her elders; and, of course, met be provided with suitable raiment. Frocks for thew omissions are made us -re elaborately than school dramas and hones gowns . mit at the present mo- ment it. is not oousider.d good form to have them too fancy, but rather quaint as it were. At • fashionable modistes, who L also an Importer, I saw yesterday • eharm- tog dancing gown fur a eta -year-old girL It was of gold-oolured chiffon with raised pea spats. The skirt was a000rdlou plait- ed, rather short and bordered with floe rows of extremely narrow black velvet ribbon. the baby waist was dawllete, shirred et the neck and belt, and orna- mental with ave rows of herring bone stitching in yellow silk through which was threaded black velvet rblesi. the elbow sleeves full and gathered into • band de Borated with velvet and • trill of chiffon. The guimpe was of pineapple tisane, cream -touted, shirred in loose puffs. Ouimpe., 1 might mention, are uni- versally worn, dressy ones being elaborate creations of puce, embroidery and lace. while those de•igued for everyday wear are of ludia linen or fine cambric gathered into • baud at neck and waist. edged simply with narrow embroidery or lace. Chris to their teens, as a rale, have goow that are miniature pictures of those their mother. are wearing. with blazers and blouses, revers and lace-triintned yokes. T1116 is really too bad. Many a girl lies been dubbed a2. "old . « twenty-two simply became at sixteen the fest on 1011tt dresses and young lady and went into society. girls, don't do it Be young gitle just as long as you can. Youth is short enough et best, and once out of that happy. can -free time you can to ver, never g . tact But my mieaiun is not to preach, but to record the fashionable frivolities of la mode, and just now 1 am haunted by visions of a dress I met this morning. It was • lovely drew worn by a lovely girl just turned sixteen. red 1D color, which. IntlIMOtnae1D PlitOcir von LITTI.a T07TLsns quantity i. lacking an opportunity is given of adding in quality. And clever and fanciful, not to way .inking, are the ma- terials and decorations now pee miMhle Is., the smell girl's teudiaie world. The very little girl. -those• wbo have not long been able to wane along without stubbing their tiny toes -are wearing the sweetest little frocks imaginable. things that make them look like children even though some cynical bachelors and other di.agr.esble persons declare there are no ehildnn ;n this day and generation. These little gowns are mostly pare white and he materials softest silk or sheerest muslin with ane lace for the trimming. The favorite model hes the short empire wet and (nil skirt in which a happy medium has been struck between the ex- tremely short and the exaggerated long ones so much in vogue last season. A very pretty empire frock has tiny bands of lace insertion for the sole decoration of the sheer muslin skirt. The sleeves are puffed and unlined. showing the baby arm be- neath. A deep collar of soft lace falls over the front of the short waist and pas- sm bertha tathion over the shoulders while just below the wast the 'Mitt is shirred, through which • ribbon is run and tied in • very large bow with short ends at the back. Mothers who go in for .tyle and elegance regardless of expense have robes for their very .mall girls made eutirely of real lase, w be worn over • silken foundation. I saw • quite exquisite one yesterday com• posed of alternate bands of lees insertion and edging. the later being lightly failed In flounce fashion. The little lace bodice was high in the neck, and the full sleeves of lace were drawn in at the writ with narrow satin ribbon. Accompanying this robe were three silk slip., one 1n ruse pink. on* in pale bine and the other in Pore white, meth edged at the bottom with a tiny frill of ane he... M course, such • dress ie quite beyond the reach of those not to the manor born. and perhaps therein lite its greatest charm Another pretty style of frock for • little girl from one to three years of age to like the model In the picture. The skirt is laid in box plaits and hangs from • yoke of plaited silk. The .14,715 are very fall, ending in • deep cuff of silk, whits the bottom of the skirt 1. finished by • heath silk (rill put on in shell pat•rn and is.11- d by • band of deep embroidery. A pretty and decidedly elle appearance is given by the addition of a little curlers jacket. decorated with embroidered bands. 1f made of hewn -adored cashmere, with salmon pink oak for trimming, the re snit will be an up-to-date little gown. The dresser worn by girls from six to ten yews of age are 'quay pretty as those ad their smaller sister ; and the materials lite low Noe lel. se soot. 10sroo, Tex., Sept i0.-Speoee Holder, wbo was indicted by • Baton county grand jury 'wen y three years ago for kill- ing Frank Copeobever, sod who made hie escape and him been at large ever slate, same t. on 8atnrday and gave himself up. He stud out a writ of habeas corpus is the Mertes °cert and was granted bail In the sum of 5.000, whish be readily gave Since the killing he has spent sixteen years In Kansas and the re.Mttiag Coven years in Southern Texas. A J1eee.mea madly lagered. Oaasinacwo, Pa, sept 1Q -Arable pp11 sr 18, was .posdleg his boas atmt1. fair grounds The wire et the don'ut's stand dropped sad e•pkt Wm seder the .bin, almost tearing Pia bead from big sbo.Mera. He wed thrown vie - lastly to the ground, fracturingh1. thigh wad being otherwise Injured. io injuries are believed to be fat•L D.15a/• theme by • Detradloural. BaTOLZIellie. Pa. sept 10. -The do.d- bese he 41.F damage to the .:teat of 3t110,MS. The flooded district a more t1 • mile pasr. Realdeae•• in many planer were loaded to their hood Morel The people la the &mph diteriew ore very poor •ad meMoaee will shed. �gTw teeter. Drovveers&& Tgmetfi, of New Ter* I11 sal s. years r•epeeM.ety, .era el oldie Whims Is the s.2... titter WM bore Tw17i13t ooatolaoa • It CooIQs now 10 ado; fat soder pastrrI ?RowLIIA is S(LV1$ by the Production, of our New SsoirrsifIlii tikick mak(r$ ilex t'l crisp) health- fulswhoTesoss pafiry. Mrs. :% ids rdel L arla•Ast yeti 04013 aQthoritijtit of COTI oLept. you can't afford t.o Without `V'OL[rlpo Made only by The N- K. Falrbank Company. Nening-tea wad Aum May aoNTRS;AL. Suepiog RodvcUolls ill t9a FolloIillg 000ds: t be ler1.t art Them fbi/esetesere. In the t ntud-Skai s Skisate, on the 1st ult., during the progress of the diecumton as the pending Revenue dill, Senator Hoer, of Maseachuaetta, replying to a speech of Senator 1'efer, of Kansas, against the un- due aecumulatiot of wealth in the hands of the tew, said . Mr. ''resident, there a more than 51,- 000,000,000 • year expended in this country for the stogie articles of beer and whiskey alone, Adding to that, imported liquor adding to nkat, several hundred million dol- lars expended for tobacco, and you have probably ao expenditure of fifteen hundred or two thousand million dollen .naually in this country for thous things which, if not vices. are at least self-induleesce.. 1 think before you distribute the property .f the rich mon, man for Elan, among the people, you want to know some way by which you can di.tiugui•h between the man who has caned the money and has laid it up, as these men have in their savings bank, and the other man who has earned his money and might have it If he chose to lay it op. but has preferred to speed it i. whiskey and tob•coo. „ rltatTT 00W7 YOU • t'ai7Tr wlal 1 might remark in passing, will be • most popular shade for early fall wear. This particular rd dram was of crepe, rade with a full skirt ornament- ed by a Bowles w,th a row of black lace insertion set on near the bottom. As is the case with ell pretty drawee nowadays, the style or air w.s in the well -fitting bodies with its deep plaited oollar of red chiffon and vary large sleeves decorated with two bands of insertion. The crush eviller was finished with a flaring bow and Jet boekk, and a similar one held the bend of red ribbon on the black straw sailor hat With its accustomed regularity the little reefer coat has come to town. The year it is mots fanciful than ever before. Some are of scarlet cloth, gay with gilt buttons. while others are in the lavender blue shade, now so fashionable In Paris. This shade be •leo known as bloat bleu and promises to be an important color in the autumn. Oso little oo•t that struck my particular fancy wed of reversiblk tweed that le in email cheeks on one and large plaids on the other with edges bowed In leather matching the short belt Mrom the buck. Most of these coats are only designed for early fall wear, but tench • one as 1 bays described would be inertias able enlea- able until time to pct on heavy winter wraps. The exquisite eleganee of the new silk bowler, for children is enough to bankrupt the most resolute mother. Black silk 'backings have Chu -dilly lame insrtion up the front sed datotty embroidered tan stew have lege inserted clocks up the sides. 11.sldes them are plain white, soft gray and pale bless., keeping aloes company with every variety of design Interwoven is color with block -Rate Gardner, in Cbi- emp Lath GOww /f*Et LT1TLO (Ma1. themes ere the soft slinging oats 15 be .o4op to ebildrea Aar sad Moat sloths ie ell seises ere 1s greet dwmesd s e.tletg end Bisbee' froths. Ammo a num' bee of eh proetleal dr01lS meow* made foe • young s.bon1 gal wee on olive grim Beth mode with tows•e jacket sod MIi of silk of a darker shade sod trimmed with e.n+w witilpure. Pell sperm wile • damp mgt eel es err. Messed wok 111145* teres OS pipe+. Gabbed iL A W d• I was attacked severely last Winter with Diarrh..s, entraps and colic and thought I wed some to die, hat fortunately I tried Lr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and now 1 can thank this excellent remedy for saving my life. Ms... S. K,t.t.rrr, 2w Minden. Ont. A Good 35 -inch Cotton. 10 yards for 40 Cents. A Heavy Sheeting. 36 inches wide, 10 yards for 60 Cents. An Extra Heavy Sheeting. 36 inches wide, 10 yards for 75 Cents. Chinelle Curtains. 114 for 110.50, 510.00 for $6.00, and 58.00 for 86.00. Ladies' ('apes. 15.00 for $3 90, 83.75 for 12.90, 12.90 for $2.00, and 12.25 for 11 50. A lot of Colored Dress Goods about half price, from 8 cents up. Good Colors. 11 short ends of Carpet less than wholesale price. Fast Color Chained at 5 cents. Art Muslin at 5 cents. lusts lar 'r. table. 1t is len bad to have osis polished table. sal Asa& coveted with little rinse where • vast her ..nod and the water has overflowed There is no Deed of Mie, either. Everybody should bawl on bond ea abundant supply of the routs. Them 0..d Dot be obtrusive is Meigs. 1n fast. so one wane soy more the elshors15 osa- feetioa that wase saes wont to snll atten- tion to tbstr ...ah.W .plendol. In our drewlag roots. Mike the letter day vast mats d email remade of olivsgrses felt, F ofersbly set er.amestd .s ell eseeyt wan het they eta hew your dude' anb p1U PIS boa Eucuars LIVET MOMS. They we not a rose .n, let are tie ben medicine 1[130.11 for Bilious...". Heads.he Constipation, flys. sepia, Indigestion. Naples, Sallo.reese and all WOMB fru..,, i . 114r.d . .1 iii liver. 25 CENTS ABOX. Ask Teo iresbt ter Thn.- 500 YARDS OF 181-8 CENT FAST PRINTS FOR lOc. Ladies' Real English Balbriggan Vest, `►.c., for 57c. 3 pairs Fast Black Cotton Hone fur 25 cents. Ladies New Fall Mantles in stock already, direct from the rakers. New York styles. No Mantles in the Trade tit like them. A l so new Fall Dress Goods. PLAITING MILL. ESTAfiLISI1EINfiU[. Buchauaiis & BhJllas SASH, DOOR and BLIND Demises a anklet. et LUMBER, LATHE SHINGLES *.d bender's meterlal et every d.sMMla School Farliitare a SDecialtJ. • Maim APE,�: PATENTS u il�lsie�o1y.a�wgi COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. Headquarters for BOOTS AND SHOES. Having received a large stock of Boots and Shoes for Fall west direct from the leading manufacturers, we are prepared to give the �e ale of Ooderich and surrounding country first-class goods -lower than the lowest. Remember we will give you good solid leather goods at the price that is usually charged for shoddy, and being practical shoe makers, know a solid shoe when we see it. #rieariiu Amnion ILEFtE1-411-PR PATENTS! We have a large and varied stock to choose from and feel confident at we caniplease you in quality, tit and price. Call and see us. No trouble to show goods. ha - The old reliable stand - W. SHARMAN, Jr., Successor to E. Dowsers. ow,'" N rB. Custom work and repairing promtly attended to. NEW IIS i` - RRESS GOOKS Now arriving and to arrive, and although I do not indulge in the Spread -Eagle style of advertising so common at the present day, a dis- cerning public cannot fail to notice that the Goods I handle are New, Seasonable and up to dat.. Prices are right every time and all the time, Quality conaidered. 1 assd sot enumerate the different 1sTt Stock and to arrive in due course. but the public may rest assured that no House in the Trade can do better. as I buy only from the beat Wholesale Houses, and on a strictly cash basis. One of my Specialties just to hand in an Extra Wide Russian Navy Serge, hard finish, at a Price never so low in the annals of the Dry Goods Trade. Imereettem aadty Soltel ate. a Per cent. 104.eeeat err tomb. CARATS. NSW TAW ITT CIRIIMIT$ Ca te tN U. a. eat oR Owmgal • Pasttaags a ?.O2. iters /g/Ls DIt4 SI kr T►: ad- dmas tetediota v inase�irf Olt TA ix r -A tthtt'sEEYrrrrir.47 o*u to eel..1.0s . r yam D 0 A. MUNRO 1064 Draper and Haberdasher. Choloe Family Groceries The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R.W. RUNOXX &1 'S, Plessetm se.. 1. eed,rtele. SPECIAL NOTICE. Our Steak of BUILDERS' AND GENERAL 1YARDIs'ARE per pp Ter 1.11 trade a sow oompleu. Lanes' (;sffuine Steel Barn Door Hangers and Track , T Strap and Screw Hinges in all Sizes N &ILet$. tinete.W .di.y.. Pr*e.. ewes ba.. th.m ranee tee m _ a hen eon. RAMC Xrnl. at • very WI ARZ BSADQUARTRRB FOR Portland Cement. Hydraulic Cemenl, Calcined Plaster. Roofing Pitch. Building Paper & General Hardware. DAVISON sue is all r. wua110101. a Ikbeaa�bt tor "The Sighs'" --2.1 a year