HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-13, Page 2• 3 TUR SIGNAL : GODKRICH. ('NyT., THIIkSDA Y, SEPT. 13. 1RM4. Mra. J. ii. HoRsN vont, 154 Pacific Ave., sante ('ruz, ('al., writes: " Wiese a girl at school, in Beading, Ohio, I bad a severe attack of brain fever. Ou my recovery. I found myself perfectly bald. and, for a long time, I feared I should be permanently so. Friends urged mei to use Ayer's Bair Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, end I now hare as Ane a head of hair as one could wish for, bring change -d, how- ever, from blonde to dark brown." " After a flt of sickne++, my hair come out in cumbfulla, 1 ua.•d two bottles ot Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and very hull and heavy. I have rent:ee- mended this pr.•paru•ion to others with like goof rtf.•rt."—Mr*. Sideoy Carr, 141)D Regina et., Harrisburg, Pa. "I have used flyer's Bair Vigor for nevem) years ..i. :.haat. obtained Gating factory result.- I know It is the best preparation for the hair that is mote." —.O. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayers Nair Vigor IH.Imrsd by Dv..LC. Ater t Co., L0 ., .far. READS UKE A NOVEL. Mew an Ahaeender (iN..d N inn -wren. eases Arrest. - A Quebec despatch says : A sensational story a recounted hero from Ur. Spurr, • member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England. 1)r. Spurr 'Locomoaiise • certain Mr. Annandale, who appears to pave been the victim of • clever triok, if the story r true. In December last • mac named Arnott, of Newcastle, Eaglaod, an employee of a bank, ma le off with • considerable sum of money His destination was Baltimore, aid, On sr riving at Baltimore Arnott fell from a car rinse and broke he arm. His bed neighbor in the hospital was Annandale. Arnott suddenly left the hospital, chang- ing hi. clothes for those of Annandale. The latter w.+ then suffering from • lung disease which was thought incurable. Under hie fake name Arnott was able to travel about in disguise, and succeeded, however, in dodging the authorities. One night in • railway accident Arent' was killed. The coroner of the place pm- -i seeded ia the usual manner about the in. I guest, and he, not knowing what had hap• , paned in England as to Arnott'e crime, genii • telegram to Arnott's wife announcing hie death. Tht New York police still continued to , i hunt for Arnott under the name of Amite- f dale, and Annandale was ermined on 1e•. - tog the hospital, the detectives believing him to be Arnott, and in February Annan. , k dale was extradited to Englund. Mrs. Arnott, upon seeing the prisoner, f e dsel•nd he was not her boyhood. The prisoner went from Liverpool to London and from the litter place to Newcastle, where .o one could identify him, and the wide, declared she had learned of the deathndhetr husband in Baltimore. The oorooer ofw as• timore testified to having held an iaindst upon the body of • man earned Arnett, ...y• papers were found on the corpus showing that deceased was presentably named Ar• test Annandale was then givee his liberty and soughs bele from the American onset i. London. While sick and almost dying i. Leedom. Dr. Spurr manacled Annandale and apo on his reoevery brought him to Canada, his nig native plan Aa andale declares he is en. so tag to suth English authorities tot $50, - damages NOW AND THIN. O. now and thee Here mum* a war Whoa all ear skim an krtekt. And •II of nfe's•pe'atated way Is cathed les iiiteilea Kiln; w hare masa hide so Sterns beneath; tt Las lose tsa no allot And avphfr. full .4 perfume breathe rn,m out Ihe hill,..( )0, The present as a beetles thing The twat will live for ate. And •11 It•store of imasa res brine Forever a,td • day. And after shalt the e. hoes coma roe, time. reeding shore Koch day will glean • pleasure from The day tbat are no wore. Oh, aeearles of sects. awake! Aid glad the weary sow ; A wreath of recollect toes mak, To crown the drean.er'. Lew. Olt. client tutu'. and vanished hand. Snug hark the golden sheaves ! The ripple of the waters and The laughter of the leaves Mass Waterman. la Ckle e. Journal. A JEALOUS ,WIFE, 'i wouldn't marry her, it i were you"' That was the gist of his friend's roan • Gel, spoken or implies They all ad- mitted her graces of person. heart and mind. But the undeniable fact of her jealousy remained A jealous woman.' his aunt assured him, "can make any man miserable... "A jealous wife.' declared his near est friend. will make you wish you had taken my advice• which is that the int • mortal Weller gave to his son 'Don t marry a vidder.' be said. Go 'hang yourself fret. an' you'll be glad on it arterward" I am Kennel) ptnous enough to paraphrase that 'Go hang yourself before you marry a jealous woman. and you'll be glad on it arter- ward "" But Harold When was 1 m W ink e ever apt to listen to anything so dime greeable as common sense"' And he was in love, honestly, mint -en -1y and passion- ately. So he married Norine Hale. and was most ridiculously happy for two !men. Their life altogether w-aseitnply ideal. His few faults he corrected. If faults she had. they retrained undis- covered by him. a hie day he summoned courage to tell her the remarks that had been made concerning her jealoay diitpo- sition. She looked up at him with ;.'rate, shining eyes. "1 do love loyalty," she replied. sim pl)'• And it may be he would never have discovered et all that Norine wan jeal. oils if it were not forth.. bnrglary. Harold Groves was a lawyer. He transacted much of his business at honie, and had in hire .tidy a large desk. in which he kept papers of importance, deeds and memoranda relating to the affairs of his clients The deck looked sadly nuttily, and, in the opinion of Norine. was a decided blot in the ex- quisitely neat little motu, where some of their pleasantest hour were spent "Harold." she said to him one even - ng. as she leaned over his chair. and emoothrd back hie dark hocks caress- ngl)- with her pretty white fingers. "I really shall tidy rep that desk one of hese days. The litter of dusty !Milers. rooks and pipes ie positively disgrace nl." He gave her a glance of alarm •'Ihu't—for mercy's sake, dearest' I now now where t., put my hind on verything 1 want—don't'" lint the fear that she aright do so in diced him to lock his desk: and keep it locked thereafter. NtieitM noticed it and langhrl. „At least you—wave shat the disorder out of eight," she avowed gayly ' My threat wax efficacious to that extent Indeed. dear, how you can ever tell one of thou::, tiresome documents of yours from another is a mystery to the " A certain blue. starlit March night ey went upstairs, leaving the cozy rtment in dainty order. During the ht Norine was awakened by what tended like a click. She sat bolt op ht in bed. Whoa Perkiest Your Trask. Gather from the four corners a( the dons• Dile those things which will be seeded and leave to • lore rest those net weeded. Roll tightly .1l mailer ender garments, eight -dresses, tower, eta, tbus wonting much mere room. W rap Diol boot, dipper and shoe in a pie st timer paper, tie mates together and I d clip them into oosve.lant crevices. I the Put all toilet appunesaaose, each *spar con away m • soft bug, is a corner at l out, or top of the trunk. Stsi with eases paper the ribbon loops ea basest •d h.t, the deeyee of dresses ma Mee et hems sad dippers. ( over waist Wrinoiap with the sure paper. Pia lapse to laps sad sides of headgear, sod Mak these tapes te sides ef the hat box, tins westing hat tied be..st from being crushed or meshed. Ower the Dantente e( are trunk with • large. soft oath, .ad pin to the outside of this • paper east i.ag • list of the 000. leas e/ that p.rtisel.r Creak. Leek the trunk sad t the key is your prem. mad year purse in the psek« .f the them ieu will wear while revelling. —Geed rare se Fwd. "Hark'" she breathed. "Listen, Harold'" Doth listened intently. "It is a eery cold night." he said, at length "You merely hesrl the frost cracking on the window pane. Go to sleep, love." Besmeared. she did as bidden, but, on being aroused early by the servant's Cry 01 teni•y, .he hastened down to find lower rooms in a state of extreme fusion Drawee had been pulled the desk of the waiter tones] papers were scattered broadcast in an evident search for valuables. "My ruby ring'.. cried Mrs. (troves. "1 left it on the mantel last night. And my watch was in the chins.* cabinet — where I put my pocketbook- Send for the police, Harold' They have all been stolen ,,. i shall go." cried Groves. And he started off on a run. For •eve, al moments Norm. stood staring amend in bewilderment Then, mechanically, she began to he disordered apartment. She pipickked t p the pieces of a shattered vase, threw then, in the grata, straightened a twist - per,. lilted some mattered abases per. laid them an the leaf of her band's fotosd desk, and suddenly rested a step, turning very white. before her, hating evidently been wide, in Pie hope of Med servants, mad ld.ee, too sea, ed dr bett.ewiven, barn • great deal tee mace fe. 1 hue' 1. sophist. it hi simply waste Se 811 tip t he I ret grate with seal and then path and poke is OremI til it nearly mels the t•r d the .neve. w, d y tbr.se the is a all treed eel. vY`sa the deet haw leg • man •hevellei M • lime era beep the wee la piste medition 6nd enol s Ming ea top d awe .. jest/ r fled se ar the •...m hs... Whoa • * le item Fes saes maim it meek sol leder: drying mos. b telags with • rb _ we deones e v sod le5drivsa 6i •e __iia heal. bat M tee three M twilts K nog oda eisfelablf tsar. ywhoa is It was am IRP i'm dim written. M wesrd ►,e ss money. was a square morocco boa is the box was • bundle of lettere and a photograph The letters were in a wemas'e head, sod the satiliy pieMM lase was that of Norina's dearest Mend. She held tight b • chair lark, On hasp item Atlas Hee temples throbbed Seib drove w pallor hose her The bum la her sere eras if the NMpH letter., reed head. tom. N just seek a lem&-letaer Y say • 'illy •oniony eget Mad _ ` hlaab 'Teailki.asa Mb. new pangs sheet, ,opened. glanced throng brief. mel littk note It was. " t1 r dear,' It out. -I se bas to r. 11 is good• y we mum ea) emelt wetter ss t But tint cud by We mart k..1. uo believing In eau Gad Duping for tilting* happiness r It shall surely conn,.—1'utar deiol lila " Hark ' Thera were footsteps — The youmt wife hastily replaced letters, draw balk from the desk nett inataut Harold. accwmpwn policemen and detectives, was room. He weni directly to Nori "My love," he said. "what a this hes given you ' Yoe are w a ghost She thrust his gentle hand aim "1 am very well," she said. And all the time the was gang and over in her mind the details boabantre acqualntence with Hubbard. He had known her childbood—king before he met N She recollected keg telling her had gone to dancing .chuul toge but she had never dreamed that in love with Annie, or she tit Now she knew that it wan so, treasured her letters. her picture. undentocd why bet had locked his He hail married her for her money ing Annie Hubbard all the time. fact was patent and plain All day long she went around woman in • dream. She was very and her lips were rigidly set changed appearance and demean husband attributed to the fright eh Ind. And the whole time one te thought wag beating itself in aI brain, •Ton love them both. stand in their sunshine. Move out o Toward evening ehe left the h walked to a drag store, entered, for a certain powder, at once came and deadly. The clerk looked at her cnrionaly cis abe gave her the package her >3s went home. Harold was She sat down and wrote hint a new 1 Yon accused cue of being jealous, wrote. " I don't think I was—I kit +un. I have read Annie's letters to f I had dreamed before I married hat you caret for each tither I would one then what 1 am •bunt to do now. It ,teethed a long time before the ook effect, but at last she felt the rel sense of unconsciousness cree pon her. It was almost eleven o'clock w arold, who had been on a wild hese after the burglars, reached wn door. A voice out of the shad r to him. '' Mr. (troves, I've been waiting Jim Maud.' Oh res --ref cotifae. Wait, and t this door open." 1' "No -Ll only wish to speak to p6 content Ton did me a gland tura ear, when I was miles deep in t wsuit. and couldn't Ira yon. I th e d00e gun One flow. V onr w cue into my drugstore to night rt know me. t,ut 1 knew her. keel for morphine—an amount 11 •uld be a fatal dine. she looked w d strange, I gave her a harm latiye powder. 1 may hare been m ken in regard to hererident inteatio t 1 don't think • .. 'My tied' hlnrmnnnl Ciro Thank you, Jim," he said thea He let himself in, went quietly n re, noiselessly cantered the room rine lay asleep . the note she h tten was on a small table beside tl He took up the sheet—real a le Ill, desperate words. Then h plied the note on the floor betwee table and the lw.l It was late nix ruing wine Norine lifted her ben We, Well. you lazy girl'" cried a dear iliar voice, "i'01 tired waiting break for you. I never knew you p so late I hear they're caugh intruder.. I hope so--althong didn't get very much. I sups thought they had a great fin n they broke open the hocked bo h Dave Harding gave me to k tn. when his folks broke up th agement between him and Anni bard. and sent him out west. How in a letter I got from him only morning, he writes me that the of true love is running smooth n. and that he is coming back any Annie nett month. Mahe , dear. The chops will be like r" left the room. She looked wildly d for her note, picked it up he draught from the window must blown 1t off the table Was ever ything .o fortunate? But bow did young druggist happen to make a mistake? the' I have bees wicked ked! Ftegtes me, dear God, my my rash attempt, both dark I will never again doubt your love, I" , io the sweet humility of her nth' never did. —Hate Cleary, Y. Weekly. b it. A twee hard Lore frever. h other. restos r. te".►Y Tutees ' the The tad by in the tee. shock bite as ay. (Me? of her Annie from oriue. they t her. he was h Slut. store he She desk. —lov- That like a pale. Her or her e hal rriblo Lon her You tit"' once, asked ing she and out ince. Slop ow 1 you. you have drug de ping hen gar Nee his owe tor. I'll ea last hat ulk i fe- he he lot ill harm) is n, Pes P- ad le w e n P}• to • suppose d t ei u 11 c O Rol ye gr m la 1'r Ca did as w -e an arei to ba stn No ori bed cal dr, the m0 el tam fast glee our they they who whic for b ing Hub erer, thin coarse IT agal to m haste leathe He aronn "T have an that such —wic jealousy sins! nor his And kapplreak to N. d x 9 e e • ,.es1.ea "I .m very meek petaled about DIckie noddles," end one young wo- man. "I dost end him so interesting as all that," replied another. "it takes an emergency to develop character. We want rowing together the other evening—he employed $ man to handle the oars—and do you know he never attempted to rook the boat. " Le there anything puzzling about that Y' "('ertdnly. 1 don't know whether to attribute it to intelligasc. or in• aide Seery Lear He planed hie head apes Ne kerb ..Yoe .Meanie fmsgise." he protested. fdv 11111111I ">fa►ry me, ill wed, "the weft • sabIllionilliedlitria fes we/ dm velem her h.sialigekiet to her ties &s- him a-II►ra.ey SAID THIIOUGH THE FLAWS. .eery h.m M (iw•Naer .w Woe et mew'. Geer. Tree the atilestrele Tribune, Wena Sara Lsaa, Miea..hspt. 2.—T . expernenes e( Inline., James Rees ea to doomed Vile is ear Nis will trot he met with man than este m • lifetime and reale tike • chapter .t bermes He was breaths in to Isis home this seer•ieg at 11:30 o'elssk es the lint r.lid true, •eeemp---d by Mrs. Root, whe Ines him at Pine Illy. His injuries do a osesiet of seven bursa He r a1sring frees seven mental strain Gad the awful physical ordeal threagh which be went. He eafeered heat se intoe that weaker men would bate died hew its el - beta, .ad all the way dung then fearful run be woe compelled to breathe the Dedi- cating tutees of smoke lbat mads eight of the day. se blase was it The oats oe his taw .ad meek frees tap falling glees of hie cab window are trot eaten, .ad the deet.,. say LIMA •hl be steeds to pall bias through in rest and absolute TINA Abut 6 o'clock His eveuag, alter he bed home» .oalewhet rented, • reporter was admitted to the darkened sew. in which he was lying a hu home ea the oer.•r el laaal.rt arras sad Fifth street. He was aasble to say mon thee • hilt dean word. at • time without stopping to rest, vol sometimes hie words were cut short by • spasm et pato. But the .tory m his own ward• w Nnlliag almost beyond comp '- sea After Mrs. Root bad meisfered olds lips with odd water the e.gimter seek bask mires the e..110as o. his Beed, and foe . moment closed his .)seas be recalled t0 he memory the .ore. of the eight before. Thea In • voice scarcely loader than • wh s per he began - , Whoa w. loft Ihulutb Saturday after - aeon the atr was heavy with amok,. At ('barktoo the amok• was so thick that it be- came neoesmry to light the headlight, whiok was dose by Fireman Jack McGowan. 1 +poke to Jack about it, and .aid I gnawed w• were going to Imre rain. We sever thought the fire was .o near u.. 0. sad oe through the Dight of smoke the engine rush- ed on ita way to Hies/ley. We were dee there at 4 o'clock, mad arrived three utile Mts. As 1 pulled into the station an excited mob of people who took m by storm. That was the tint intitn& heti that we were leo near the tire people were terror *tricker. 1 cou have started the engine without r peewee down on the track m front I received no orders, and es my taw completely filled with passengers wh boarded it while we were standing th was about to pull eke throttle to er Hinckley bridge when a wall of flame tea feet high Durst through the amok@ right in front ot my engine, ca oflall hope of making the brides. I no that the wind was from the south, and then that the Are must have alined, the bridge and destroyed It, an I rev the engine and mew began • r•oe wit dente. heck from Hinckley. " There was not much time for thin bot I remembered a .hallow marsh, k as north of Hinckley, and I made •.p my to reash that lake, come what might. was no other saivati.n. The wind was ing the tire in the same direetiof we were going, and the flames raced along in the tall arse. on tenth .ides of us, almost keeping pace with the .peed of the train. I put on my heavy coat and pulled it over may head, and Jack get hack In the manhole of the tank. He would stand up and throw water over Inc as long se he mould nand the hest, and then he would retreat to the manhole again. end in that way we got to Skunk lake, not more then two minutes before the flames. We ]tiled oat of the cab, Jack and I, cutting of the air and kicking the curs down abut two ear tennis., sod made fee the lake, getting there just as the Are atrack aa At was awful." Engineer Root continued, after resting • moment. And'i hope I may never (dye in go through such an experience again. The fire swept right over ss., •.d we bud to lie flat in the water for • tinge After the first sheet of flame pawed over us it wet not so bud, but .till the heat was terrific The woods were burning all argent na,aod to add to the horror of the tine the train caught on fire and As slaw fiercely, radiat- ing an awful Leat, width affected us almost as much as the first Aro, we were .0 near the truck. For fear hours we remained in the water, and thee the ground h. te cool soAdeiently at the edge of the hike M that we were saabled to stand of the bunk by wrapping our heads i. moats. Later i went to the espies sad mak dews on to bot lent of the oab, the aeglse having pair ed through the fiery ordeal almost oaee•tb- ed. I did not fall asleep. Int into • kind of stupor, from which I was sot felly amend until • reaming party wage for us with head oars. Se far as I know there were tan two per on our tela who host their livr l yseaswere • couple of Chines'''. who ooeld an be gotten off the train, and they were harmed to death ea t1. ears. It meet have beta • terrible experien.e to than woman sad little address who passed the ■irb$ in the water d the lake." " Hew did you net away fres. Sleek Lake?" the reporter asked. as Seglaen Rost stepped to red a few momenta Gad called for sense mer. water. W •tad Mss. unstl .lout 6 o'olook in the m.oraire, wtrta • rdlet party .an» thrwngh free. Missi0. Cr..k. sheet fear miles South .f Resold.,. en head oar,. It was impossible to rima an eagles through. and they took as away, • few ata time, ea - the satin ■■esker was safely leaded as Mimiea Creek, *beau we were token al • weak tram to lie. (lit At that point we were taken an beard the Duluth eped•I.sd brought bas." F.egi.eer Rest is • alga of the rugged. b•rlem. type ea eoma»nly met with b Iia walk el life. He ie 61 years sM sad bas run un eerie* es she Duluth read wen year., and dense meet .t that time be hes pelted the Duluth limited paseeager trans he nrer_Mle Jade& The late Rir William Beepis, of British THE WIZAROOP OODEN- ls.ease. ,Mme. — ate • threes We eetilases.e the sew Jaime mimes Duman. N.J., Saps. S.—Wizard Edison et Melee sad U.wellys parks. W beers the wisard d thl. plass. Bedew be mads kis appsreaoe here then res •dhiag lit • kw .'.stored farm bNl.r, • dation and mems boles is the crewed. how every - tang Is shamed. A ball deem big tags ailed wt sensbi0.ry are .nattered sheet, f t cess w ma the range, name el ease dramas bee..s bail heavy ads bars and •ed the piece is fell el a.. deity. Investor Mise.. it r mad, hes sp. et nearly 52,000,000 n Ogden He hes erected, ab.pdoeed sad ton dews b.d4 a mad machinery with extraordinary prodigal• sty, std the. lar ►e bask.'. have rashest' o ut • eagle omit area tb.V mve isatL Jest whoa at .seated Net he ara.g.elic pre ser of rendes ore was a ,wag.e and • re- turn for the stockholders was is sight, Mr. Itdt... became dissatisfied will to ponder. gee rollers u whink the ors was angled. sad pas Mee merinos Lots them all oat •ad emit them away. Then be set t work ani made sew sad more pnedere.as relate after idea. .l bee owe WVlns these were Garb- ed it wee final that the bolls would nes mere thew, and It was Geo nary to lancet • mw method to tet the gnat wheels is metier Bristly stated, Mr. ><.tuan'. pre owe is that : He proposed with ►r gree rollers to grind woe ore into powder .ad pe.s the powder le.git.dtnally over • rub- ber belt ..d over • series of ..teen. The m.gesta an expected to separate the iree frees the rook. The whole propos s t be meek draper thea smelti.e. There is so be Oldham u it !.r Ma company. New Jersey is to be motored to the are. pine, aaloeg iron prod.ci•g stair, sod anther laurel wraith se * be added t, the brow e ( Thomas Edina " Will he seemed, do you 'beak ' ' on of the brightest moa u his employ was asked 1111" 1. oler day. ' I thigh he will," was the asswer "He ie • great deal inserter man, though, Nis 1 Ain, or he could sot." No thought of failure clouds the blow of the inventor. He is the same frank, smooth faced, boy -liked Kdteml that he wag tea years ago Whim he krnetbusy ap mils all the •ev-by ea. hMei. we d M new *Ib fuooy stories use y y ` y trsie works as of old 3o ahome• use hi i 'fret 7.11, without aa lert-isli.or sleep. Id not I — --- of me. In wag o had ere, I or the fully rolling stun teed koew crossed enol h the king, noon kunk Lake, about mitmitmiles bask end mind Then blow. ('elumba•, w•. • trig. essea4es. A tittle while ago the jaunted... et the previa.* isms wader hie mastic were. Se milmes the tuner. servos( wader Allo were very seventy dealt with. For example, 1n 18(3 • was was decreed is Vidsrla with k01hg mother men with • sandhog. sad 1. the bee of the Jaysti tansies .p M. jury breves is •'.041.1 of "Net gaily " this ealwid ter thew • vary seemed *Neal •d- maai1oa Said the yeti Joists :— 'Vest /erase lou, est mina bitty, year that . mimes will rem the edgers el sash • direreadel media. Meay U..s of each esedest r Teen will woke trialby jury •• heerdt. ir.., mei the dip sf Tweeds a nest et 0.111f t ted erne. IP M Asa time» M•• p sere, the ewe diem t Imp rteatthiled lilti taw a Mama worm Hagen Good cigars are now high priced, because of high tariff laws. MASTIFF PLUG CUT b maisinQ pipe-.5moki4 popular because it Qives more ter the money. J. B. PACS Tolman Os.. mlehneed, v aid MtaN en. Can. ers et Aseassles. .. Ab," remarkedthe belt se the buena, " I think I bare semyou bdsra" " if yea ever did," 'spiked the bran curtly , '• 1 was eat d pinna" That looking wash sae be yeiohly eased , by Barna 1 agyard's Neural Barnlbs. emyM.w ntf.dl.ae. Customer—Hew de Tee use this insect powder Clerk—Ga. New Clerk—Ga the laeeots. ma'am. DRAM Sar, --I have Sea snag Blood B sten fee bods and skis disarm. lel liked 1t very geed as • eon. As *rob airy I have also toed it neeyd o- bli MrA M. SAAR HAMILTON, 2w Maetrsal, (leer unniag (Mysteries of the HUMAN BRAIN ! The latest discovery in the sci•nti 6o world is that nerve centres located in or near the bass of the brain oon trol ail the organs of th' body, and when the nerve °entree are dsrseged the organs which they supply with nerve fluid, or nerve he's, are also deranged. When it is remembered that a serious injury to the spinal e°rd will ease paralysis of the body below the injured point, bemuse the Gene force is prevented by the injury from reselling the para- lysed portion, it will be understood bow the derangement of the nerve 'entree will Baum the derangement sit the various organs whish they supply with nerve fares: that is, when a sures centre is deranged or in any way diseased it ie impossible for it to supply the ease quantity of none Isco• as when in a healthful modi- fies ; hose the organs which dopsed upon it far nerve forme suffer, and are suable te properly perform work. and as as remit disease m iY appearance. At least toss -thirds of our ehronie diseases and ailments are dm to the importing widen'( the nerve metres at the bags of the brain. and not Sona a derangement primarily erigiaating i• the omen itself. The great mis- mkl of physieianr in (realm the diseases is timed they trent the eegsog - and not the nerve oentree, which are the came of the trouble. The wonderful intoe wrought by the Great Booth American Navies Toni' are dim alone to the fact that this remedy is based upon the fore- going principle. It carve by rebuild- ing and strengthening the nerve metres, and thereby inereming the supply of nerve fore' or nervous This remedy has been band d infinite value for the ears of Nervous- ness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Paroxysms, Sleeplessness, Forgetful. neat, Mental Pnedne'y. Names. nese of Females, Hot Fls.hee, Sisk Heds'hs. Heart Dismal The and bottle will convince anyone that a ears is serines, Smith Aaeti.an Nervine is with- out doubt the greatest remedy ever dimovsr'd Its the ears of Iadigggggu Dyspepsia, and all Oltroatio Bieessek Wou...a. beams it seta tkgillekilb• turves. It gives rebel in one day. end absolutely .(.ete a permanent sure in 'very instance, Do not allow your pridadisse. or the peeks - diem of ethers. le keep you from ruing this health -giving remedy. It is based on the result of yeah of Miaatile 'enaareh sad study. A single bottle will eoevioss the mese teerduloes. ot !of gt The Signa ease mere oalkai=1 sitaaatell le as Joh whish mess- pmesdlibittis the eines Me the prelim ead proper easeenee sl aU deism et moat may moues mwathiog yea meg be ie mei aed me\ sue we aril at few jfellois. "Whig eadliwaS that ear moons to please will mew with she approval el ear mines This useful site is kept ia the =of qualities same as While In this line we have a very la stock of fine writing papers mit able for every class of represented in this locality, ours prising laid and wove, linens, quadrille and other papers, ruled or unruled. as may be required. are not so generally need, they Ill an important place in commercial oorrespondanoe. See what we''s got under the above heads. the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be ao great ; but there are some men who get so many dunnent that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We dealt intend it to, and at present Nor stock is cum plete * this line Idle tour sizes SkaterfteMs Both single and double dollars anti cents (*Atones. They come cheaper than bill beads, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once • month. They are sure to fetch him 'round— Now, it would be hard to get along without envelopes, and to keep up with the 4iemand for them we keep • large stock on itand. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range from 7k. to B2.00 per M. We handle cow mercial and legal siaes exclusively lia,11 already been partially SSIBIll erated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast amoun of work under this head that to enumerate woukl more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all at Tee to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in selec tion sometimes, but we make it easy matter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples W be had. Call and sec of entertainments and meeting. promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elant with cord and pencil attached. We aim to excel in all the differ ent kinds of work we turn out, but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requires:meta This heed covers a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. I? otters Oar facilities for turning out tide clam of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk ol it its done by us. This line also in- cludes which our three fast -running job presses are able to tarn out in a surprisingly short time. belong to the poster department oleo, and we make • specialty et them—promptness being oar skie in this respect. A belies of ask will appear in IONAL free d charge when bills for same ere get in the typographical prialing fine am be done hi this estabFelinemil in aa eirpedithens and ardeds menner and styli reatossaM4. ers and edge Oisliesiesses et dr ems