The Signal, 1894-9-6, Page 6THE BAREFOOT SOY,
tib• cue sod Oaas•r, *Me• to a Molt Dim
..used liwese ea.
Whether Millirem amid go barefooted
t• toes warm memos is • dit>leted gsestbs.
To noel Httl• folk tot anserina le delight
fat, sad were parents sot opposed few
eblidrsu world wear shoes in warm
weather. That to tomes •ad cities such
sepoeure may sadly be daagerou• M sad-
ly apparent. The foliowisg gumshoe is
from • o.lebreted doctor, whose specialty
lay along teems hoes:
"going barefoot, • very common peso
lice among the cbildrea of the iudtgeet in
ethos and those of all olaas•a In the cogs.
try, is • oomwun cause of blood diseases.
In large towns the streets and gutters us
receptacle ut filth of every description, •
partial specification of which would em
besot the dummied .spector•t/ons of men
and animals, dead canaries of Rise,
ceckroeches• rats and mice. killed by
pops; also poisonous chemicals and
acids, swept from drug stores and medical
labratdrise: filthy rage wbieb have bees
sed to dressing foul ulcers, muco from
sores. etc , the bent touch of which i• pol
luting. But when, as Is almost daily the
ease, the taretooted urchin 'stubs his toes
against a projecting stool', rupturing the
akin, and thou brings his feet in contact
with this heter.gene•ous compound of min-
eral, vegetable mud animal poisons. the
Wool is sore to receive an impure tuoculs-
tion. which, unless eradicated by vegetable
used tuition, clings to the individual through
lib, rendering him ever succepticle to epi-
demics, colds and chronic'
Right hen the natural question arises.
What about ladies trailing `owes, whish
Barry their nasty burden homeward? And
what about the careleesuess which allows
mete to indulge openly in well-known filthy
street habits! When sten cites* to be ex-
pectoratiui mutinies, women can go
about with -considerably lees danger to
themrelvew and their families.
"In villages, although lees exposed to
corrnot animal inoculation," continues the
doctor, "children are il'kble to come in
coutact with poisonous planta. which
abound in country places, and merely a
thoughtless galiop through stubble fields
may impart a humor which is sooner or
later to canes death. Because serious ef-
fects do not manifest thnmeslve immdi-
•tele, many parent. flatter themselves test
the practice is not attended with bed ro-
mans. But blood impurities arc generally
insidious, and produce disease when least
This doctor gives illustration.' to prove
his theory, which ie plainly against the
"barefoot boy."
In direct opposition to this theory it is
strongly urged that the custom is so health-
ful se to render the well -shod child an
Asthorltler os tot Trfet of the Mew
ills of the St, Herbs Forder.
suetketea Items ea O.» Wham the tlar-
•eeed mot Rad Os.. Rivalled 1s
Love -They Quarrelled the
▪ Nee Redsee the
Mor? sat.. Attg. 14. -A special received
herr from Valleyfield .ays. "The trails
death of Theodore Myer, of St Barbi,.1.
Wager shrouded fu mystery.
oraz SIGNAL : GODERIoge oxer, THURSDAY, RCPT. :. Stu.
Owl* RrsesM nrrse tot arena Wood W
by a IttttmlNw cots
it -Welber sad ail -
fp es behalf of David N•etlay haw
la -
seed • writ of .emtene vim% the Wt olt
West The sutI1.sen owe sod
ppeggs. TM suit is an
7111 be akra•:, followed by laeamasse mem.
The moos is for $10,the smut of
• policy held by Mr Hinckley ou the lib
of the feta John Taylor. The ole was
ouly • your ago
and at that Mr. Taylor was considered• good
bet in J•usary last the company claimed
that nutria* st•teroouta bei frees tads 1s
appliostiuu and they nudity Um parties
that the poltcy was cancelled
The company insisted on a IuU yesrl)
pronouns being paid, which was restated
Mr Blackley wing wtlltug top y only for
the tomo •ctual.y labored. The Company
sued end gained their point Three
authorities have ascertained most of the months you 'Mr. Taylor died •eddealy.
facts °unearned with bis death sad their and ohm presoak actloo will deform its
ee•picwne an .0 str,nrly grounded that whether the policy was is fir.. at the dam
eu arrest te .xpectea to take Paw*" soy of his death. Mr. Blackley ooaasding
.nument that the company on its oma motion can -
"Lest eight Coroner Demers, of Si sot cauoel the policy.
Martine ; Crown Prosecutor Tlltott, d
Besuharu..s. and Chief of Police Perrier, FATAL MINE DISASTER.
of Vell.ytield, drove to Si. Barbs. The
toquest was formally opened and the jury or...a coat :1lseso ImyrWaed to a
was orale. h Seam:, Wash., Aug. 23.-A terrible ea -
"St. Barbie is a amail hamlet. but when tastrophe occur,' in tbe1iregon Improve -
the correspx.ndent arrived there Daowt's moot coal Co's. mines at Frauklis. 34
hotel, kept by a brother -in law of the mile, from the city lest ey.ritng Al -
murdered man, was au crowded that it reedyS7 dead bodieshave been recovered
was almost impo•uble for the uffieiau of frothe mhos and it known tb•t many
the Crown to gain admittance. The pro-
, others ere Imprieoued in the fiery furnace.
cedtugs were purely formal, sod tumid. oThe 'mother s as yet only • tatter of con -
halt au bout the party were on the way ecturs and it is probable that nous will
beck to Valleyfield with the exception of �soa
Crown Prosecutor Elliott, who, it is be- The officials in this city sr. reticent and
heed, i Cued to take the steps maces- refuse to give out any tuformstluo beyond
sexy for in arrest. the tact that the mine caught lire and that
"The residents of Ste. Barbe, and in 37 dead bodies have already been removed.
fact the people for many miles around, ars The fire, Itis said. caught in breast No.
considerably excited ova the tragedy. bat 6'3 to the sixth level. The latest report
they close up severs' degrees tighter than was to the effect that the fin was still
• clam when a newspaper man appears on raging and heroic efforts were wing made
the scene. They would. however. talk to recover wen kuowu to be in the mina
among themselves. and the facts eiscitad A telegram from the scene stater that the
du not differ to any extent from the state• :17 men killed probably did from being
meat already published. Myer, it •eetw, suffocated by smoke as the bodies do not
was driving to Dundee to mee fou father lu• snow burns of • fatal tutor..
lair, and un reaching irupons betel at An„thee telegram steres that the firs is
Caecavtl►e, was tufurmd by a relative Ihat thongtnt to be out and the damage will not
hie journey would tre tireless as his father- be so extruetve as at first supposed.
to lsw was away. Myer then acc.ptad an -
invitation to join a card party. Tt.7 had THREE YOUNG WOMEN DROWNED.
empanelled after whits an adjournment Fiery rsrssew
not beau playing many minutes before a
man named :..'orry appeared on the scene oae Get iteymed tier north Simi the
mid inctted the party to drink with him Others Tried to Save lien
Seveial of tbe crowd did but Meyer took a
Bomar Borns. IA.. Aug. 24. -News has
cigar. reatehed this coy of an accident near Ba-
" The demoted and Corry, it transpires, ton Rouge which resulted In the death of
„nce loved the eameperson, the one throe young ladies. The unfortnuetes
now mourns the rues id a kind husband were Mary Le. ite.d. 11.11. i.hambera wad
and father of ma hole Linea The two Eliusore Garland. The young ladies were
men commenced to talk over 'Ad times mid batliiiig in the Atuite river whets one of
e "re w" r"Peu•d Irt".'h to a their number trot beyond her depth. Sh•
serious quarrel. Nothiug more than hard screamed and the other two went to her
words were exchanged, however, and after semeiotics and all three were drowned.
procuzing • pint of high wines Corey de -
button% Ohio, Aug. 24. -While thresh-
ers wets at work un the him of Omits
Whituer, on the western edge of the city, a
box of dynamite was found concealed in a
sheaf of witeet. Half an hour later •
dynamite cartodge which had been micro-
te;c1 auother sheaf was fed to the ewer
sour and capitate.). wrecking the 'machine
and 'witting tire to the barn. Messrs. John
Whittier, Jacob kleyer and t 'hariee Lacey
etteutpted to rescue the norms in the barn.
They tailed. mid Meyer lost his life in the
attempt, while Whitner was (wally and
Lacey painfully Injured. tour horses.
one mule and several cattle were burned to
death, and %%*iiititer's entire wheat and oat
crop and moo farm implements were di-
lilasetree• Tiro in
torus fire occurred srheott one utile west of
this place yesterday when the barn, stable,
outbuildings, and large brick Illgtairioll of
the late Col. Allan NViliuot. 110W occupied
by his sou Mr. Asa ‘Vilmut, fishery mana-
ger here who • short tune ago loge
from Halifax, S. were burned to the
ground. Thi fire first uiticed itt gig
parted apparently 1! r home, and Myer did
ject of commiseration becense he hav not likewise both leaving within a few min.
jte toosoome. some produce statistics to
prove that cold aud contagious diseases
avoid the "barefoot boy and 'some Lon-
don experiments have boeu made to prove
the great desirability of letting all children
go barefooted.
often get wet feet in attending the usually
distant school in bed weather. lime the
barefoot boy rims superior. By evapor-
ation his feet are soon dry and warm,
whereas the feet incased in leather remain
wet, and colds or sore throat often reault
No one win deny that the ordinary shoe
distort& the foot, and anybody who has
ever gime barefooted can testify to the de-
lightful 'sensation of freedom which the
suet oni Umpire,.
F.ach one, then, it appears. must decide
personally. It may be well to add that
very little berm can result from allowing
country children to walk over the warm
country roads free from shoe leather, as
children love to be. -.tininess Millie
Patching on lho atachisme.
If say one has ever tried to patch tbe
Enderware of fat her or brothers. they have
doubtless found it a hegskAgalt to avoid
using patches of all shapee-obiong, tonna,
triangular, etc.. -in order to fill up spit-
ing deficiency To such the mode of patch-
ing here presented may not come amiss.
First rip the Weide leg of the dower& as
far down as the patch required, and
down the back to the seat. thet the width
of the torn parts from A tits A. Cut theta
out. lay them on a piaci of paper and
block ant two patches, in shape like the
diagram given. Let the dotted lines ling
gest the torn pieee Make cloth patch on.
inch larger on the sides marked 1, 2 and
Dern, enlarge on the curved aides
Stitch the patches neatly on the ontaide of
the drawer*. hem the inside, and close all
tiip with over and under stitch on the ma-
chine Such patching is • donee to both
wearer and repairer -Orange Judd
toes of each other. The story of Myets
coming home a corpse 1111A Already been
due deed of the assassin was witneseed
by no utile and the e•idence against the
ba▪ ck at noon from Si. Butte and has gone
on an important journey."
Atli. 25.-A special Dion
Si. Barbs.. yue., says. "The suspected
murderer of 'Theodore Myre of St. Barbe
has been arrested. Ile woo taken on •
ferns ten miles from the scene of the tra-
gedy by Chief or Police Perrier. Three
have been found.
Maui WAS COMIUCtlhl at the resideuce of
the deceased by the parish priest. Two
hundred fernier. were present and the
scene was a pathetic Que. There is •
strong feeling of dissatisfaction among the
people of tbe dietrict generally. complain-
ing of the way the sohniuistratiou of jus-
tice has been for a number of years and is
now conducted They my the process is
too tedious awl expensive and that crimi-
nals ere goo' ample time to escape before
any 'nova is taken by the authorities.
The relatives and friends of the murdered
man are complaining in strong terms of
unnecessary delay oi holding the
poet mortem examination and inquest.
o othing apparently Itsvusg been atoll*, and
the body os fast decomposing. The in•
habitants *tete that it is • piece of bad
Insnagement that et, detective wats placed
66 11.4 cote as elite. The adthottitie si
Catieville ere indignant that • report should
have csined currency that a drunken
brawl took place there and the murder was
committed there, se there was nu drstikon
°rite and the murder actually took:_place
mine two miles from Catteville."
A Heady Moe.
Sorb • box as illustrated herewith
Skinl114 have • place in every home as it
will save many trips after articles to he
used in making repairs and also save many
vesstion. delay's ni searches for tools. Me.
A conveniest aim is
12116 incites deep.
ttek• of half ineh
Inmiser and divide
through the centre
tenet beim by a board
• wispy sox. extending six inches
above the top of the with a hand bola
mit in by which to carry the Mx Narrow
O sseo say two Boehm wide, Mould be est
te divide the shies snakiag foto coat
partmsate le all, to contain nail. sod
ferews of different slam mot such thin ge.
The larger tests am lay on top This tray
et hoz should sheets eciatain hatchet,
plasiers, aerew drawer. monkey wrench.
wive matter and %ram and bite besides
glardpia, Sim Me Tim sew and augers
should harm beside it so as always to
oestvestient Om who has eat used some
tomb • Item •011011 will be sermiesdl at ite
reseal MOW mad will weeder why one
Was isse diseglet el mod made bean sea
whose constitution was completely
broken down, is cured by Byer's
Sarsaparilla. He writes:
” For elght years, I was, most of the
time, a great sufferer from constipa-
time, kidney tronblo„ and iodises -
Um, so that my constitution seenott
to be completely broken down. I was
induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and
took nearly seven bottlee, with such
0:rollout results that my stomach,
bowels. and kidneys are in perfect con-
dition. and, in all their functions, as
regular se eloek-work. At the time
I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my
weight was only M poueds; I now can
brag of 139 pounds, and was never in so
good health. It you could see me be.
fore and after using, you would want
me for a traveling advertisemeest.
I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla
to bi the best in the matted toolay."
naval Parade io altiotreal.
parade was given yesterday by the sailors
of the Magicoutte, Canada, Tartar, Tourn•
maline and Partridge, comprising tbe
American squadron, how on a visit here.
Nearly five hundred sailors were lauded
from the ships and marched through the
principal streets to the Chomps de Mars,
where they went through a number of
evolutions The fire brigade save • turn
out in honor of the visitors. Admiral Sir
John Hopkins and the eaptaine of the
ships were the tussle ot the city at •
grand dinner given at the Windsor.
Hew Ltiahlmeod Met Hie Death.
Ilsuit.roir, Ont.. Ang 24 -At the in -
onset into the death of James Lockheed,
whom body was found sit the foot of Bay
• m Sunday °tondos bet, the jure.
▪ •.- beating the evidence of Dra Edgar
a:. ! --tark who held post mortem
not and other witnerme, returned •
ve•-nct thet deceased had died from aa
ph illy* ion through being chocked by per-
tialli igested food getting into the breath-
ing a pinata'. lAckhead had been in
loci, ited ma the night previous Ile had
no •oves in this country.
roof of the barn an epee& y spread to
the stable and lion**. he bona* intibt
have been saved had there been any quan-
tity of water on the premises but owing
to the long drought the wells were almost
dry. Mom of the furniture wee saved.
The boom was insured. Cause of fire un-
MOW, Cohtmosie Asks Aid.
received a letter front the board ot trade
of Vanconesir, B. C , representing that the
Fraser valley floods necessitated immedi-
ate domande for relief to the (latent of
$10,000, also that the harrest WAS • fail
tire and that the demasids would greatti
increase toward winter, and pc.,06bly
r...5,000 to $30,000 would be r.equind
afford relief. An appeal ir,„ tbiimiorv mad.
tu the Dominion ger...rally. Th. mayor
will Place the docomant before the court -
Cleraeothersawill cure you
Tics Wan Trade.
_13 roe
issued the following carcular re eggs. It
requires DO 00111•ItIrt
The very unsatisfactory coadition of the
egg trade ef tho city is apparent to all An-
imal to the trade, both in the city and
adjacent towns ; but the cause is sot so
generally known: Why should eggs go
to 8c. Der doses wheu they are worth in
New l'uis .7c It will only tek• about Se.
to pay freniht sad duo,- throws. It is
simply teatime the quality is poor.
Wby thi..! Do not our i'madma hese
lay good ergs limy do. 1 bete mu no
better eggs thee thole produced here.
Then what is the trouble Simply this:
They are not fresh.
Many farmers and country deelers do
not market their eggs when fresh, but they
get Into the vicious habit of holding for
rise in price. and Dot baying &tonne of
suitable temperature, • few tot days 'Awls
them. They are thee hastened to the
market, arrive out ot conditiost, and are
unsaleable. To day there are hundreds,
yes, we believe tboontods of cruses of eggs
held hers for which the receiver would be
Riad te get me ono.. but tor which! there
is so sale. Attempts to foroe these into
consumpt ion hay • turned consumers
against eggs geoersily, and other articies
of food ore now taking their place The
consumption of eggs in the city at present
IS not half of what it should be if stock
wet e Rood.
The loss the country has contained
during the past month from detenoratton
in the volue of eggs is very rrest, for ever,
erg was some troth and seleable, •nd there
h lwa a beau • good demand tor fresh
shooting affray occurred at Wood laisad
by which • young man named William J
MeMil'ati Ikely loom his life. Mc-
Millan wtth 1100141 other boys went to •
neighboring how, where there lives aa old
bee -helm McNeil. and his spinster sister.
The boys began teasing him and he took a
gun loaded eritb operable, and fired at the
boys through Um window. hitting Me -
Millen in the ebdoesea. Dusters say be
eannot live.
*steed Chomwedeonedp et Cemaila.
st arms lest night between fismt Major
Morgan, of Kingston, Out,, and Sergi
joy Kelly. of Halifax. for the elmnspion
hip of Canada, was won by Kelly *he
sowed 23 points in the 6 ameba*. to his
opponents IV The 'wool contest was the
only one that wee sloes Several hosing
bolts lined is the time betweso the sew
N.S.. Aug. 2a -The American
rent▪ ing schooner Charlotte, of Cohassett,
was womil Mire yesterday by Collector
Botirinot, of Hawksebury for fishing with
ivi the three mils lonit The violation took
place at the Magtlarene Islands. She bee
been out over two months and has only
etweeeded in taking ins barrels of macke
rel. They bays hail instructions from Ot-
tawa to strip the vowel and secure her.
R▪ •/ PolITADIL otIL Aug. 24. -TM
Mesmer Monarch. 160 tons burden, strut*
a toCk end went to tips bottom oil hotrod*
19 at Long Sault, Rainy nver. and 60 el
cursionnite escaped by • rope None were
hot. The steamer nee in fifty feet of
water. News ot the wreck wee brought
in by en excursionist who mtnrned last
grotwithstanding all Ili, there is still •
dimmed for fine fresh eggs.
Dr. Low's Worm Syrup mires and re-
moves worms of all kinds is children or
Malta. Price 2bc. Sold by a/I dealers. 2w
fleet 16111 Destroyed.
PLaTillTtLLA, Ang. The large
Sour mill of UV it Marshall. ono half
mile south of here. was horned to the
ground yesterday. Four hundred barrels
of lour sod 1,000 tititeliebt of wheat were
burned. The Leo is estfaisted at about
Retavairroo. (lot Aug 14 -Aro broke
ont yesterday in th• bakery of r. Meer -
cher awl was Oot eontrolled Datil in. Aloe
of the Beaverton Express &ad Oddfellowa
hall, also Mr. Bleismaa's large brisk
dwelling aod other dweillegs, had bees
killed by a Trolley.
Purgasomootra, Out. Aug. 114. -Proles-
moo Davidson, a well know* eansielea,
while wowing the street et the miser of
ivories and Stumm streets was streak by a
nortlibtiond ear. He was removed le
Niehol's hospital ahem he lied yeeterdity
Frau & Portf's Slint
Carlsbad, Limoges, Royal Bonn,
8643. Another shipment of Fancy
Special attention 'given to School
Books and School Supplies.
Any Book not in stock procured
without delay.
Dhaa Stos,--1 ern thankful to
because I am to -day strong and well
through its wontlerfnl blood cleansing
powers. I wan troubled with scrofulous
'pots and blemishes all over my body
and was advised to try Burdock Blood
Bitters. I took one bottle, with great
benefit, and can positively say that
before I had taken half of the second
bottle I was
I am so pkased to be strong and
healthy again by the use of B B.B. and
I oan strongly recommend it to every -
Sidon Walla cit.
AvD ..711111• TIMED RSAIRD1110.
Netropoittan Fueltioa Sheets free to Customers.
sole Amato for the ilinvermaa Fruit Pressrytee Powder aed Liquid.
Iliederieli. Ont.
callitOt tiO better than use our
for Cramps, Colic, Diarrhms, and all Summer Complaints.
LIME JUICE, — SEA SALT for Sea -Bathing at Home.
WHISKS, front 10 cts. to 60 dia. •
Specific, and Antidote for
Impure, *oak mid impoverished blood, dye
lieart. liver onniptiont, neuralgia, ices el
stones, jaundice, kobsey and ariaary
diseases, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg-
ularities awl renewal debility.
Proprietor soil bleeelsoterer.
ma-000,811mm iitaprovavoa eau be bed
from a d • ta tows. as well estrum
all the d betweee Owen Sound aad
Matortli. Br :me*, Durham mid Toron10.
It 137 IV.
I hist y Rhodes -11nre me • alum, boss!
Mr. Stocks What do .,en wont r,t, it
witY Rhodos- -What's your judgment •
1 attached severely lest Wismar with
woo cis' to die, but fortunately I tried Dr.
Few 's Ertract of Wild Strawberry, and
M Ont.
"Here is some money, my love," said tbe
"I don't want any.' replied the wife.
"Oseee now, darling, take the fifty -dollar
bill er_d go out shopping."
"Thank you, dearest. but I really steal
owe to : I wouid rather stay at Imams sod
limp the hired
the reader has already sespeoted, that he
had base dreasinap.-beldmi Ceerier.
Sim, My babe wee very bad with Sem-
inar oomptmet sad I thought he would die
seta I tried De. Yowler', Emmet el Wild
Strewherre. With tie int dose 1 method
chomp* for the better. sad sew he is awed
sad fet and healthy.
Yea. A. lgOlallannen,
2w Godes, Ont.
Peri. Lrees axe
iseert row der.
SEA Wads or
11b Parer&
Preserving Kettles, Tin Pails, Cream-
ery Cans, Watering Cans,
4 Gal's Coal Oil for 40 Cents.
Sign of the I3ig Kettle_
can supply you with a good article at • low price.
Tatapaurs hes bees established to seve the
yobbo a lbstedass mortal with tab sad per
west emapetities.
It is anasued twailase prisolpies sad is
the Ivens* of sts patrons.
Uses. essosetbat widt all Uses mad
le wawa ileoses. Curopla east
Direst thrombi wine saillats
IL )aupcurvs.
"Mt Lead Memeter. eadsrleb
Builder/ arid Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &ie. Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, &e.
Don't fail to give ITC • call.
The Gmbh Block, Goderich.
Personal !
ring is at hand, and after Housecleaning you will watt •
We have the Largest and Cheeped Ainortment in Town.
Before buying call and get prices.
50 - TOILET SETS - 60
New designs to soled hew Ingestion invited.
Have added to their prevent imminent ow of B. J. Nei'. Latest Stilly
of city Hiaress, also 'he finest line of humeral furnishine in the eseatf,
and are now prepared to tended funerals at prima reasoasble
This department will iss strictly attended t• by his son whips Wall
kawelolie d the besine, sod by prompt attention hopes to dere pats:61.4
in the raseloy d the late D. Gordon for the pad Ws yews. hes a
palmate peftweiege. 1Ftettembet the plaea—Wastat. ea yen way to the PA
"The Etviplar Osituictroz. Get it.
MA Ai COPT MOT 10„, 19111 TM • TEAM.