HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-6, Page 5e. A GOOD BUILDING UP of run-down system can be accomplished by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. A long procession of diseases start from a torpid liver and impure blood. Take tas you ought, ��n you feel the first symptoms (lan- guor, loss of appe- tite, dullness, depression) and you'll save your- self from having something serious. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, to repel disease and build upthe needed flesh and strengtthere's nothing to equal it. It rouses every or- gan into healthful action, puri- fies and enriches the blood, braces up the whole system, and restores health and vigor. For every disease caused by a disordered liver or impure blood, it is the only guaranieea remedy. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in ever} case, you have your money back. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -1111 T, Dr 11'illisw's Ptak Pitt•.... T. MOM Ilio .... ...... Tailoring 7. J. Pridt'. .,...... ..., j Photos -K R. 8dlow The New Stove ad Tis Men --1. R. Worsen A Ce...... .. •. 7 Herm' WsIed-A. M. Pe1My New t'him-Freest A Porter..... . 6 t Fashionable Dram m 0•ed►J. T. debates 7 f More Room C. O. Arwrt,o.1 i Co ... 4 Strayed Animals -R. rosea- .. . 5 Rip V.. Wahl. --.read Opera Hoose. 8 • Notice K. Dowsing 5 New Photographer -T. HBrophy.... 5 Notice lips. Wm. IN* 5 Oyster. t . Blackstone 5 To ken' Mrs. Attain .. .. 7 'leaders 11 - anted -Northwesters ERN - the MANN • salt will grew t. Take • omit ae say time hawses tis masa. ad year, stead him es • lard ems d he will M.tally, Nes measssreft that mamma the Salaam item the hair .l kis beef te the knee lest, sd hK seek leek or beams thereof h. metemMade be will be ade high when he will 6 te he t6 band, I; Mabee be will grew te he lb+ be tl Ileay OD SW • kigh.msi Tats Tow. Marr as Pemaso-Rowdy lea is repeat is this tows, •ad bands of 7.•as inalliase, after •t.tuog plains of di- rord& leader oover of darkness utd late hours have recently boon making demos. *teatime evilest ny fof respect- able Any pr�glatorm•tioa to Tor. SI...AI. brewing to secure the e.w•tctton of say 01 those raou•ls will he liberally rewarded. no town will have to be •t hissed up either with or without the 000perattom of the mayor sad wauable, a.4 Too Si.. \ going to do it A...1 Past% -Expiator Mie rtme Ml • dor erne singly. lura Edward (;••row, sr.. of McKinep, azar Harpurh.y, tat .ah • very paislal aecid.at on Timed*, 'vetting Wale going out doors she slipped mid fell, spas rias her em sad fracturing her kit sear the kip. She it well up an years, and although • vigorous, active old lady, it is feared the accident will to hard with her, as in old people it seldom, occurs that • fracture of this whore mends. Thu &oci- dwt is particularly trying, oomiag so coos after ib. death of liar mod partner in life, whish took plar ouly lost Saturday. lira (.arrow will have the sincere sympathy of say fries& u ber anhotio.s. Rost%tr. On Friday alter0000 last, • horse tied an frost of the registry othoe b.- lesgiag to Johal eo, from near Helmet,ilk, beam, frlghwmed at • passing bicycle and dashed off. Aa it had only • light read cart behead it, for a Late it made ibe deist tfy. It first came to oostact with • tele- graph pole in frost of the Huron sad Brum Lou t 'o'e otfioe mid thea struckarotisa the square to Hamilton -ea During this time the doomed sari was going through • seof gymnastic performances pewliar 10 Dem leo be be a riestaay When gulag down bre it collided with • boggy oec.. by W. S. Knights, overturning the and the horse. lir. Knights had not Ism to jump out but escaped unislured The 'seaway was eventually got under con - led sad secured. The cart and harness were badly broken. A Si . ya:rrt. Lt• 1 • tri Rrt.es. ---'has. habolm, the bicyele nder, wont to Sea - orth Monday last, and took part is the ineotiog sad succeeded in taking three tint prices, viz The Heron meaty champion - hip is the half mile and three mile races, sod the one mile, 2.50, open rase. lo the last named race there were in additiou to entrants from over the county, competitors ram Loudon, Stratford, Torooto and other potato, but ('brholm set the pace from the start, and was • oomparatndy easy temper. The pram consist of • large easy chair, • basdsome mono lamp and • silver cop. w steeling was one of the first at which bas been successful in avotdtsg •c- ts sad rave him • fair choses to de- elop the sesod and exhibit the full 000trol the wheel which he undoubtedly poo. W. understated it a his intention be proems at the meetings to be held in orooto during the Industrie Fair and is mica during tin Western Fair. Ne1ies--Heli• F. Astrale... . let Tye Weeks Oely-A B C ThisDike . 5 7 5 D1ED- R LLa-A At14 .. is ooderteb township widow of the late Jai' 14 peso ad 1 month MARRIED. TR('A 1. PCRDT-Os Tosdey. Sept I. TOOL at the remade_ e 0 els hridr'e tn. (Iitmml..Ost,.ly v. K 11. Hurni�7 Iter. :Tram. ew . Doll de ter d THE TALK -OF fHETOW i. From the Repos teloe Notebook. • II ?.w se • 11616 b : ter Co.M, I rode Te teat it n • Qfs11s ♦r.a V. Takla' name, a' tali It We'll Preen M..- Barns. w H 1 1:ONT YOU' largo tested l n w(> rT- odic fob •myt.l ��tas- toe .'free We make • et 11t�sg w. 7; .s and gieres ie II. optician mod Jeweller, tee 71111 TAILORIN5,-Chaise aortas mid sewer ntnage. overs.sys� Meek and Mee anise. wooed eia Weedy badly maw eeaseeeemty Nig bemoan In enlrod elshi.g (:oil W eft the s ed se Clea Tse will .mruiz bay. ! M1.sc.r .s, +Nen mal acme -tad wee oat pi`bet R. R &Gowe ceetlas.. se ee ems .es Mete etre le o he old and reliable side es the cur •r of Mostru 1-.. and the Semere. 11'• the oma. old story, se hese lltetet.. mid mtts•aerl were detkiad 1s ei mcereed. F. J. Hiidhm e. Oe peope'%.IKbr 1s Set •E the ium •a4 everlutmo, sad Ilse'* brash u. Ovrea.-c. Bbeksesme, Wew-et eek ishan eel have oysters la es Satmdy Give hue hscul le nerve thea 1n ay stole. MOA IRT. -T4. meow anomies last '.- *town, .&L..fC.F,of I(wth-•t MISO i.t charek es Tuesday "lime Seilk Palma 11th, p.w•ek.ra to •mood all Pr•rtio• Ones. Fee perM 14n ase kANto. -The *sag of simpers. t... ▪ ender the amm&d of Wm. Bell derive the pore three weeks • tot seR�w It k a event � *- dans speaks .041ffer Mr. 1 nth. work was AT Rt'leg.-�'iatori•-st lletisdist *arch said rive as At Rema be 1te ..bur. sed edhw'e•ta es Friday at 7.14 r. r. There *III he °ogee sed ..k., • Turf --cwt pr.- mas el waging sad speak/mg sed the re- ts Saler of the merle will 1• by1d te miasmatic d ley investy mulM rn nail eel - lames Ne er Ilt"v a\ • oe Coat 1t*?. -A promenade sew voider the •m piese ei the Y. P. S. 0. R, of w51 be held b w haMsse__t 14 meshes sect es • reeeptlos to Lista*/undersea, presklaat d bks ememy. why away a •metal's means% Ma lg'llhee tMRbub be the 00 11151116" kr the emesies Mesion A■ mos Al ere Invited. _Laver* the Pausrimea airs brat.-fb t`5lalt the Rasp .t Hero tulle Salem t lemurs • Finian- end retokMere e 1Opera p Y,k2 -"▪ role hes reads me esiemeir be Mlemirate.t,tear stet ti...._drartved Ms he bee IM's Ise ep/guiY.. -.dioses. Ai re Ore a 011e& -,A weber i . Mee Mem Me /ti.Ig4 rib M aitlb.aes Th Chad's uidas • of to T Tut I;RLIT NORTH%LITLRN F.\meiTnoc The Fall Show this yeir ender the as apiece el the (:rat Northerlies Exhibition will Fou held at the Agrisehtar•1 Perk ole Tuesday asd Wedsedy, Sept. 25 and 26 and entries •n to be an on 22d, but *Ada Oral entries or ttorrectious will be allowed between that date and the 25th •t the owe ex : n .harry of 25 meta. Pow luta can be had a application to the eeeretary, at the The Star othta. As there are but two days for the chow this year, •tending exhibitor will ave trouble by looking up the rules and getting their entries in promptly. Hut • hunted time can be spared for .pool •t• nocuous, but these will ge chosen with • view to keeping up the interest of specta- tor,. without interfering with theexhibatm There bid, fuer to be a lima oompenttos for Or silver medal presented by Ili. Hatnilto. Mayer d Ceeewsll. 1t is to be •waded to the farmer from either (olboroe, A1h6dd or (;oderich tow•shtpe who takes the largest number of prizes; hod in one of • tie, then to the one taking the lrgst &umber et tint* and saotnd., The medal may he see at Davis' drug .two. Laura Dar.- News. Record lest Moe - day was Labor Day. The day was reser• •lly observed as • holiday in Clinton. A short pn4nrnme :f eporu had hese prm pared hurriedly, but the attemdanse of out- side visitors was not large, owing to the foot, no doubt, of the short date .ad the holiday bang • mew ooe. There owns to bo a gamed Iseliag that hereafter the deco holiday should be set for Labor Day, • cam - hermits tare desirable. The programme as farei4ed me for last week's Newe•Rseesi TIM SIGNAL GODBRICH. ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT. 6. Ilia. 5 MARINE NOTES, 1oMwsw.g ft re rasa pw u ass litres We still have sane dee days fee bath- Mcbr Teodoro has had km mesas takes .6 The G. T. R. elevator r *Apemen* • oar - 'to of wheat The be bare • Sae •wining pleas es Harbor Y.tok Uorda of Detroit, ran i• here es 'Saturday eve/Mag. The is remain' oveer time. W kept b••7 u presses ad Ed. I.ye built • .tame Scow this week,bat has forgotten to name it. The arr. Kellogg lost • vlu•ble p.g while coming up the lake. The l.00her te gettag petty well cleared est of the bock of the hatter. The Twine bas her laid op io Orpt ilsiter's boat hause for the Wrier. hansom yacht Speedy M took an en:union est on the lake on su y. The firm of Rotor k Cattle have built • atone scow which they call the 'Flakier. (opt. t;Sorge Mc Meru successfully sank the lot crib of Ike now piers os Friday last Tb. moron mets of the t,.'1'. R have bean clewing up monad the week, as rho decks. Schr. Pilon arrived ea Mo•d•y tress Toledo with 400 tens of coal for the Rig hill. The fitr. (.otbria was is en Friday sad took uon pses.•gen and freight for northern The sir Cambria called a on 11'ed. ,day bound down, sad took on psseesge.s and freight Wm. Wataoo has built • fine scow for Mcleod & C•raigie. She is mored the John Kelso dredging atone scows w basely •t work ging out • fine passage for boats on the river. tier. Empire called here os Saturday sad took on • car of salt sod several care o fruit The Carter is doter • good Mumma this year, considering the number of boon that ere idle. One of the fishing bey. her ase• Yoe taken off. This vary 4arly close to the season. We understand thou Opt. Rabb emends to dos the bathing house for the Winter on Sept. 8. On Tuesday last • large pile of laths was knocked over but was soon set up by the lumbermen. t'apt. Itaitor's boats have bus. kept busy dunnp the week, thus showing that the mo- wn is not over. The breakwater is getting to be in • very bad coeditor and at should be repaired be- fore the freshets. Schr. Sophie, Capt. Green arrived res Tuesday with 580 tons of coal tor the Chemical Works. A number of men at work on the piers bud off last week because they did not wont to work overtime. The fog whistle has been doing • lot if blowing tine week. The fogs and the smoke take it hard for boats to make the harbor. The water works plant IS kept pretty busy these days supplyuig water to the' town. They are pumpag about 500,000 gallons • day. Most of our fishermen have given up fish • lag for thus season, but our veteran angler, B. lMac(ormec, •till cootipues to lay the bait before the tisk. There is • small tient of stone vows on the neer lust now. There are about ten small uses and several large masa They are doing • big business. %Mile being sailed by two sailors off the . 1 Pandora on Tuesday the Sunbeam had the . I mutortuoe to run into the check water and Iinjure her jibboom. steam barge Lilly Smith was in on Sat- urday last with • mixed cargo. She took co mit. She ass on her way from iletroit to Georgian try ports. s ('apt. R. Mcl►os•Id', sloop the Wave,hoe been hauled out for the Winter, sad is undergotug extalelye repairs .o ae to be ready tor next season. The fish boat Reindeer has had her saes• vas taken off and will son be laid up for the Water. Capt. Mcleod has done some good fishing in her this season. Flom what we heir the Araoldi s getting .long very rapidly with the dredging •t Kima•rdine. Tb. crew are hustling, but they cannot cows up to No. 9. The 8. 8. Campania reached Queerer Mit Fridaywith • w ocean record, n•.sly, 5 dsa days, ten doer, and 47 minute., • cuLof 1 hour sad 26 minutes. Str. St. Alagoas was in os Ssmday as her way from Montreal to Port Artier with • mixed cargo, •ad took ea stye self and be- tween live and six hundred kegs for fish from M. CLrL Soler. Renege arrival on Sudsy from i.orain with 160 tens of moil for Peter Mc - Ewan. Though the Keret is the smallest best from here she Me had the best demos N ay .xesptisg the Carter. Wm. Marlton W gelid the hell of • dee pleasure best sad i paithse it. He ie working as the meets and 1 i' end whom .her e.m.N pid• we bellsos-ie will peeve tobeas Iasi $ beth ..h. bee .de. was toek somewhat The following evesto One • R.woatwo Perk 100 yard race. M. Cesteles, Fred Beatty J00 yard ram, Charles McKirc., Fred Beatty; third -mile raise, Arnim McKb__ s. Fred Beatty ; 100 yard bees rats, 11. Gordo*, Fred Oik.y • 100 yard .N sees', roes, Thos. Kemp, Geo. Cotek ; tkreelerg.d asses McKia.oa .ad Beatty, used ad Twitchell; 100 yard smoking toss. R D. Staley, Wm. Dabs, (;od.rioh ; as 60 rind firsthee, ee, Lilly Aitka, Ida Res ; est sew•akhlg ryes, W mi. Wlkr, Robs. Twitabell. the nes one mile town ek•.piseskip, (1. N. Mends. ; ter. -mils lap nes, Thor Bates, O.d.rkk ; the thtos-.ile county ehempisn- ship was limited to 10 'Mamas, bat Hillier, Baa .d Rseerses, who rode, were nod out; boys rasa nada 18, ase mile, H. Holm.., Wax Hillier, of 6oderiob ; third - sets bents n.. osier 14, Walter lrwi•, Gelds. Pike. Pres -MM kir Metes ai erlsket ; the tows wad the argot f•stery hareem mann reunited ie • drab► ; she ewe Weary hast the comm a boas hall, mere 17 se is ; aha btes hall meek bowies Males .ed Oedshk swelled is • gm•bks the cease stashes Ib te 14 in layer .l LIN - tem (Mesas bad 14 rums sad 19 Nb, stile Oedsrii W 13 rues mid 17 kHz C11Mas wee let peer hem,Agoowsad !! .gats• WOK taw srippid,lks tame • a welt .(rho leerier sesta& Umpire ■saese dM est give sellinemery r.11yp.. The Anglo N WM tee seeeried seas M tslR-shall 11* L The had wee i. 014asd- eas sal seen sed w •dmiraY. d •R. The rim** o* the 1005 &mmeted to shah Ise Mie (e.oree W roomed tree Ile bees.. 4rlw r w 0114 e sed perp in sialibmgRML.. (w ace week Iso ember purism Is Os Inery T.M. Ikerhsg Les opened sell • sew Liste Ithe/or seed es* ease id Mlemra A tad!! awwwww wells he Nosed r Os edy.tlrksg Mimes en pial a • Jas. SsWvaa, • miler es the ski. L L. Lab, its eppaead es Wednesday of last weak and was fossil the nett day near the vowel is Kisosrdis harbor. H. had skip - p bd only two weeks Wee. at Cleveland, Mr. I;reheat holed hie oatamaraa np m the eked ea Friday Net for the Worm.. So had occasion to leave it for &best an haler mad soma ei the wharf boyo took ed - wastage of his abeam and cut the biomes .t.A (hoer/ party started for a P the lakeSaturday. They W • trip P head wiled and did pet t up the lake b time geto de meth sheetl•g ad arrived base with empty gnaseasp. The party was aa.wd- hy B.moe Tine 1•r�osR rah a1 km that has ►1,•Msf• was bile •ght bum Ca/omsrww% Yarn ell y NM yserm 16 wan sumpsed el ever 6,000,000 of lum- ber tad 0e lt four top b hew It rt to es be est A thele. On Wednesday of best week esu se Bredm A MeNalightesli.es.e eapelad b the Yr - bas tadeR 1M Meso with whist' if wan trade ed was throws Mies Ns wow. A tees who saes es the mew et the thee wee Skews be- te tbs weer ad em'* drmwmei A Iamb was the anew The Mase we mime et $'l0. With sot • trial el the yes whore aha see. Deis Rish-esd /o..dered last 1115 with . thin of 10 pets__&, 10,5.4 tint rives by the meanie end deed ladies fo•de Thomea om a Msrpky. of 1bls.q. bee tett IM wesiddeg sbeeiner Johnsen to ley if the.. bee of Labe Vele saw Deek4k. 'H. Me will be ei 415, surveyed e 4 M__ the Jetsam will arms ihe Yehba They wW mss s� has. a 10 4,.� law amass ase brig lib•,'p•;s1 e�.gL,or �usg 4 w wed. is MO weep Wb ST 11DI thhee hello. el the hie -rel w the 3111111Pt =11lR► Prop., _ler 111•16 or ger ■eat. TO RANT FOR TERM OF YEARS ��1hm... as Diaaser. ser W wit Its A LIOUSE MIID LOT FOR SA�LmK.-�FORR • le Mese sad s ••sed e• the wen eats 1a duos- ossvourst to river honk, harbor. ora seems. Weed make • most hit Hsmmsr whirrs a .e and .seve.Mat slettausn. • e. 1ses the er•rUo01irs ad dome Rum i 71si>$beitiet.0 ss. - - VALUABLE FARMS AND TOWN Lot / b flxetliilrn- essssho•. Oederioh bows POR RALE OR MINT.- ebbp miunt7 et Reran. !mils from tsk, Godee .ssslstl� et IM sores more it Isle. Den me ard of oboes het w warty saw. s ween. .ne�s.4 well watered with =gt frrm..•s hoee,t o. ea+ term' ♦!N r JOHN &NOy, `-'*lase, KNOWLEDGE Mugs comfort and improvement and lands es personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life mere, with Imo expenditure. by more promptly adapting She world's beet predates to Oa needs o1 physical being, will attest the value to health of the pars liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs last esoellenee is due to its presenting in the form most acceptab:e and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing tie system, dispelling colds, huutaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It hes given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of th. medial ¶'rufnesion, because ib sets on the Kid- neys. Inver and Bowels without weak- ening eak- e ni ng them and leis perfectly free from every objectionable subetaoce. Syrup of Ftigt is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose tams is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, sod being well informed, you will not assent any substitute if oared. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. oed.e0i relies. e onasou , Rep . Sl h, 1144. waadar4 0 13 to 0 030to0fe ttg� es 0 rias M 1:t M bM 1 411 MOM 141.0 IIs 14 to 0164 MIo0M 14 to a td 14to700 NWttoo0 u 11 to 0 0 1! to 0 14 00to4NI ISto0M 0to!. 30to0IN 01 to 435 Mr330 Zeit* • East Flour. 10 ly, eir cwt Shorts. w. 5 item.. Borraings IP Pea. • bask tea - Ora. . ................. Barry. toomiw • heist ........ Hay. w tea Pnlateell. • bush' sew Batter, ca,.., 1 ds est unpacked. e.... Worst-` Wool Hides Sheri Reis. ..................... Lire Seas itresed Hen BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. S.'RIB\ER'S MAcazle. roR SEPTjalB.& h.. • notable list of soetributor,, including F. Marion Crawford, Thomas Nelson Page, Carl Lumholtz, Octave Thanet, Mrs. James T. Fields, and Harriet Prescott Spofford. Marion Crawford writes of Be Herber from the point of view of me who has see most of the summer resort& of the world, and has spent cou.iderable time at 5.r Harbor, view nig it as an outsider. %Vath his power of description and kis abandon% experience ha writes with • vivacity and freshness that Is unusual in articles of this kind. He has caught the very picture of the plaoe pec tures usay, sad suggest■ its ,luaiat features soy with • very smutting account of t4. .volutesn a1 the .resent Bar Harbor from Lite Viiriliikr Village- C. S. Reinhart, who bis mat` many sketching tours in that regime. fendeb.e the illustration. This group of •rtislls will km concluded in the October number with an article on Lennox by George A. Hibbard, author of " The Governor.' More than one politician has fixed his fences from the wrong aide. The world owes no Ctrs • living unreal by honest work he makes it his debtor. If your .a*i ri u not oomaensunto with year t yes W kott rs- with blespeMNdly good Mapl. o__fe .d im• tellre.et imvstigatiea with arrant skeptic- ism. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes mutt be ids at this °See not later tiMm.. noon- The Copy 1,1.l mgen t(ty must be left not later tem Ike - day Ir.day noon. &meal Ad�nte accepted up to noon W y of each week. Trsys lfagt O'a1Oa. GRAND TRUIiE RAILWAY. -- mow AND TO 011601151C1L Arrive 5TAT161i$. Depart LAI. P.5. P. A.N. P.Y. PAL 110 e M !7I A. . gorge&.. D 114 N! On 2 U D maftn~lei s 114 50A}C16tw iD7S 110 I m 1 ll.....e.aerrk...., 790 tde 11101!14 D..etrattsd..A IN 14 314 1f 100 ft 4 16 IN 4 OD M 7M • &1 Notices. 'MEW CHOPPING MILL -THS SUR- ec,lber lav(ar put hs • sew not et Frew.* Buhr set eof meta lm= le s�ill. eprepared a de all Wads will bo rashes wpse '7' M�, dispuIlieredar arts" is youryer'psis dal. caps - heel sad & PLATT. sad Saturday.erg me It seeppea elq ebb per r h 0.01 sod wiled Tad •eeseodlti•m oleos bp: GODawn 7FOUNDRY AND AW 11`.�O5 1te tie "t: atkrd loth ••d w r.w Nowa pew. ONa�es....t m... r •rd�r OitrY oma J. H. RV W01 471. QHINGLIMI SRIXOLRB! !►RINDLR8' f4�7 DN yes hear them Newt J nee metMb• a.N, t et Who yw4 �b letshe made weather etr4M- vomit .1 �se�, gW Marne nee meg ►•Lein es ►Is ems Is k Ptlr48 kuratma► saws b IL 1 kft.•iess w Mr heels Mt hes= e•shys Ila ��� weld MRpima w 1__C Let 1 Ile the brutes frost, west of the • red sero Wears Medea,?. berms. of IHares, �good 3. �m.iles hose e M� yses .* . book tors. AM or shake trek co nearlysad as as sea terms. Appy to JOHN KNOX. Amines ear. A mad B. Lake nye, Is the township 0[ bores essalakag of i actm more r less. These ore ea the & hart hoose hums hors and stab &. *boat or 7 sixes youngrr ohd photos hart . About 4t sores of bleb. This form is ors decd • Madams grottos farm, The form or be divided to suit purchasers and bougbVos easy terms Appy to JOHN KNOX. Hors sad tot la tie town of Cltaes•,_1416 ssl1, 14oryos.. s/�r timesiooseltsaoti. old wooer' nit/I. , so seaMissiles.. with gooddoosi higa so all is good Mow of of s,. Apwy to JOHNN KNOX. lett. Ancihossur. POR SALL-11. * LOT 31, -IND 00N- Irw Wsvuno.k, 11. ewes. This Y • Ales town lot 47/. Goss- t(cit 1e PH[LiP HOLT. 1Ltf, FOR SALL AT A BARGAIN. -THAT e.mmedhrse bmlld1sg o. £taU.t., Brae seta •Btmlwtk...I.s.1 .ees0••dea ea* h� palet by Nes, !. Egmont Brassie P.O. easy. A t� to Public Now... NOTICE. -ANYONE SHOOTING OR 'thimble trespasses& a the flats rondo. wether ••y oars of ay movenin or dletdsg the the Town of u fieri b. will ba HErim' of the law. LEN r. ATTRILL, NOTICE -HAVING CONl'LUDED TO oleos the ba1bi.R house es 8uurd•y. the Kb hast-. parties haring Dalin u tie balkne ketose are reverted to cul ter thee by that tame. CAPT. WM. BABB. Ilgr. OPEN FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. -A Rood position for suitable mss tae or}ec Ur to • youths magi with from six to fifteen the.sa•d dollars, to learn a first claw manu- facturing business in Western Ontario. Cam hare charge of office or shipping deparrmest, ESC., Invsatigatiou will show that mese) will be doubled as sopa as invested. Apply "A. B. c." This ogee. 11-21. NOWE.. - ALL PAKTIEES WHO» have sot settled - their no - cleats with me are main requested to do se without delay, They can be paid In my obscure to my successor in b.aioees. Wm S4.rman.l r. wbo will give receipts for saute, Z. DOWNING. Oederlob, Aug. !t, IMI Slit NOTICII--ALL PERSONS FOUND bantam es !Whine sorhooting. wise will arm. according to law. Suchlands are the Hart form 1n the township of ('olbots,. and the property known as the Fade iteserve. in the townships of colter.. and °eater'. IC ('AMPION. 8('., X. IiAK(:HLER. IS Solicitor. Proprtater. Auction Saba. MORTGA(iI. SALE OF VAL('AHLE FARM PROPERTY IN AiHFICLD. Under and by virtue of a power of rale con talned in • certain mortsage bearing date the Twenty-second (lay of June A. U. 1+,91, and which will be prodneed at the time of tate Otero w111 be odd by public auction at Us Long's hotel in the Village of Port Albert In the Corny of Huron. on Saturday, tib 1:4t11 Clay of September, at 11 o'clock, stops. by Thomas Gundry. aur teaser, the following valuable farm property, lamely : All sad Nagel .r that certain parcel or Inlet of laud sad premier situate. Ding and being in the Towaabip of AUneld in the County a Huron. apd being composed of the south half of to number four in the rrre0th eoneeselon, western division of the said Town- ship of A.hf.id, containing by ailn.easure meet one hundred acres of land, more or lose. This is a first clam form, the soli le a slay loam. The outside fences are good- The farm le Is geed coadltlon for cultivation sad V well cleared. The place is s toot. about of • mile from Ringebrldie, • poet once on the Gravel Road. • dietanee of about 1.; miles from God/rick. Tide deeds stay be examined and further partle,lare obtained from the vendor's soheit- 0. TERMS : Ten per cent. east and the belsaos within one month without Interest. Other tomo to suit the purchaser ora be ails CAMERON. 1101.1 tk BOLIVIA. Vendor's Befolton, THOMAS OUNDKT. O•d..iek. Dated Await 151.114E 77144 MORTGAGE BALK • Morfpare Sate of rateable Plano /,ands is rhe Township of l4 a,eursosk. Under sad by virus of the Power of dale oo.t•Iaed la two m.rtgyso doted respectively Oce 0. AD. iSM. sad Oat n. 111I0.11 . will be offered ter see by Patine Amities at We 4'u H.t.l, la r Village a ae Mb.eta er, the psttr on SATURDAY. the nth dq s( MIL A.D. -141. •t 12 e'oloe. aeesadles=rth. ems* ler, KNOX. A�meeler. ---. the fel. ee�q =tad pares et lar situate, sed biome In Mors.f W&w•ao.h llaor118. County of INlssm sod of rho West half a Leta nimbi that two SW sod the 6s coarser of Lot somber•. tblrt7.. 01. Is the ooreath art Oemeenies of the mor Toorsoblp Wawa. us , usutaI.lsg together one bemired and This Is Mersa form a every sheet 114 seem are clewed sad W balsam Is geed hardwood ties` The house Is • home story sies half bundled is good state of is - pair t said .1. • 0 . eeed rr frame f born with wgah .neem.. The soli as partly obi loose •id partly sandy loam. There le a mover (.Mag erect which rags Morel the Wil. The form l situated about 6 sells hem Milk, 0 ham sod seen I6 muss frogs Oederielt TER B *5 per eat. of the purchase mosey at the Gans of oils sad the erre* withls.se month tksroshr witboat lettterset. M (nether ps *k1n ssad purrs/ of title deto Youths?. Solicitors. JOHN KNOX. H YLLTtd HOLM*. or's 81h. Asetl...r. m` Deed Ammo 1118, 11151. M 0 Tsuiw : Wanted- _ - TRKMEN WANTID.-TER DiRRCT- w.ef i8o IpM4wew..t R.►*tildes will those* as ram Irldbalisia. �, j�5,5, 555 . sf Se •Raaf Tar tMead14�/ y'ee'�a s Ct RI J 4, Mi ▪ eeM�st► e.wt {. VOL a -It f4'.. a ad l sR wit he K tl. *..M NRw WOOD YARD Mer 4. W. R. leseeti GREAT BARGAINS IN COTTONS &C. Grey Cotton, yard wide, 3c. per yd ; Extra Heavy, 5c., worth Sc. ; Hoary and Fine, 7c., worth 1Oc. , yard wide gingham', best quality, tic. per yard. Special value in ladies' and ('Inil- den's Hosiery. Ask to see the Daisy Brand Ladies' Fart Black Cotton Hose, seamless, 15c. per pair ; also in Silk Finish only 25c. Goods shown with pleasure, whether you purchase or not. The cheapest spot in town for cash. JAMES A. REID. Jordan • Bret. Oedertob. June 27th, Mt. OPENING OF THE NEW PHOTO PARLOR SEPTEMBER 10th. i wish to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Goderich and vi- cinity that 1 will open on above date in the old stand formerly occupied by Geo. Stewart and have fitted the stu- dio with .11 mo.lern improvements and appliances for turning out tirst-cine,; work, and shall be pleased to receive your esteemed patronage, assuring you i shall do my utmost to furnish my customers with the latest in that line. Parlors open Saturday night* from 7:30 to 9:30 P. is. , T. H. BROPHY. Saki of Lauda fir Taws TOWN OF (:UDERICH. T RICABCR*R'a 8ALR OP LAND SW* TAXKB Poovrrc•c or Oxeeino. ► Tow?- ..1 OoDstucrr i weerut usd.r 1 • had of the Mayor of the Town of Onderi c'h and the eee1 of the said cop0ratfon• having date. 31st day of July. IAM, rc me directed commanding me to levy upon the lends in the following list of armoire or taxes It theron. that unless the said taxes, together with all costa. are sooner paid, i shalt proceed to sell the said lands by public action. or a. mu, '1 t herbal the tabes &id oasoe tmihereof n att thepsTOWN HALL, In the TORN or none:RN'11. nn Friday. the 71 day of November, OI. at the hoar of D two o'clock. The /sots are Patented : Let. rt rcpt, Concession or 1 Ito Running ng Nes. 713 10 47 I1 E. pt. Pit ••" _j„,_tat $j 14 66 16 ee 124 „ „ 710! a0 1 !0 111 3111 „ „ 1i� 1126' els 1147 - 1•il, 0 1412 6+ It {0 W. .. ,�. 1,tt1 ••fN�} 0.90 ! !o A It la pt I008 a .s t ;x Ss C. pt. It pt. w 31 s.'t 17 15 1!1 .. 31 Int 17 :ei IS 13 12 111 90 IS M 1-3 12 13 230 15 01 ° 1Hulcbiseas B. 1 4 x al 2 40 6 !1 11 :: , 14 Itu20' - 1.5. 3N1Oh $u l Re M'. 8urw. 1S 1! tali 16 o! 11414p111 '" 1 1.0 tt 16! 17 3g .. Iii 1 0 ! 690 1 Io l ell 630 „ 10451 635 7511 ` " li 314140 R p 11 " " 14 Ill 17s6. 1316 If�Me1)osg.11'18,' 14 10 X4001 22 R 41 V, 11 '• .. 14 70,160 1041 1 1573106 !10 4 it 160, 6 71 �Ppssewestis ;� { 11l. 6 71 t Hart I�Ildst Z 1 si 411! 6 M II `ihrol 1 1; i! MI0111 is:31. W I.. HORTOAi, Town T rower... 77.111 July 3118, 1156. POata fir Hina BOATS TOR HIRL- THIt b•xnl?R• slmeM her to annoimoi that he has row a semelate.ampmant of Row Routs to hire at 1uaasn•ble rases, Ni w(11 always be tore u rho boot house at the Rest sod of the Herber. dMreely at the oast et W.Ineaten-ot. where lamp have *.es erected se thou book for the eoeveriesee of Or peeve. Spec- ie' attention tires le rho se omreedstlo• of sormrafwe sad s loiters to Gdseeb. I wish r that 14. 5.gi,s.I ppedswish for the liberal petres&a.1 have reser dace t have 4.d emend .f the ►est leo d�awill always 7Timto N~ Wa iej�A�lrB BAXTRII, • Otrared dab gtiD teve TU THE PREMi SES MO e less*. Reeser ehave. V t ilio gills. sispgs. IL IYOUNG Mif! A!I(IG A L *RAW. TRACHEA OF et Mess W Theme? -es deer Milli of (lspt. Psesue/. our 1d� Hotels. reI ROYAL HOTRL Mowat thserest. te ines.Ream*Tl�pae�. peB. tee. ielgas remmeind N Meng serie "IMP � at/ a • woes Ohs bgg•�•' THE PHARMACY. FEEDING BOTTLES. Oil stock of these is not excell- ed, having the beet and moat ap- proved bottles evade, also the finest rubber fittings and nipples. PICK LE BOTTLE CORKS to tit any size bottle. TOOTH BRUSHES. .% fine line of the best French Tooth Brushes just received and are excellent valve. First Class Prescription Work Guaranteed. CHAS. 1). WILLIAMS. i'bm. R., fold Medalist, Robe Melea,'e Meek, Lr with mea Rby••s, PERFUMES. A full line of the hest odors from the leading Perfumers of France, Germany, England, and America, at J. E. DAVIS. PHIL. 14, Medical Hall. ARTISTIC FURNITURE Furniture tbat Is not only tteetul. hut • pleasure to the eye, cos• no mete than t8e other tial. 1t is only neoces•ry *0 50 15 the right place to get It. Wo con show the twee de t and dalntws demigod' Imaglable. A walk through our large stock will convince yes Mot nowhere can you find as noe • sslectto• or prices so lo. We hove ■ laces uaeot upholstering goody and beautiful ?teach seven In Loads XIH.Medal (les. Itonessio . &&d other dosages esponlally iahnsing to iodine senor before et hlbiled is ban. Sold esly as SMITH'S FURNITURE STORS. 05 1105 .(jUans. )roaraaloal, TMPLRMF.NT4 REPAIRED. -- THE tag gra hats. The ssdlere luumeid e. eerllagssa..i��r tarn ss asd •.ttia� up of *ewers • emati 1"41 4 00. 11 c.d... Godm{ob 1♦ F. SMEETH'S PLANIN(; MiLL - into SASH. 'DOUR AND BLIND FACTORY, 1 tab thlslwpert usly rfo inform the petite that i am will the hedges* notwltttsysdlag •Il statin to the etatrery. sedan ermered dvwisdom Mune dof o ~lea 110 ?,.m lag with d ►gtie • tog meterial. •"mol sash r F. AMERTH. MI.li, 3* {M MM. BALI `O PONDRR is bulk. i0.:par A Me. Rates emehM fIN_tM Roar • Ractl mug emasort14 Aar se amt er eager Mee M Mw w A fell ens et New Gad '-slag Mit stood . Islam amt err Baaset Pliellose i& DM. JAMES waling 5Ime valgi r. ih f�1511 L