HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-6, Page 44 the ffiipal no rcmalr_ Sl�T THURSDAY YORNIIiG RW MMMT. See iak1=g and t•ri�i. x•rta.tee.4 Weems of limbeertedlisit r moth, to silvans IM Mb melba.t M alio seal, th▪ e prise pr Jeer N Lest es Weer lab.I. Ter Label r • ....dirt receipt et the dim y see paid up. .o• Mist It m net :eta to fall late armor. • °hats+ oe tilde+ is ytred bode the aid seed the sew Wrote ehsehl be paves. Advermwans same I� _ emenal tea gg��errr &IN ter .rot t•sartiss. and t � ll' • re r Sobll S t lesertios. Measured 7 Besiame Dards .t .1. lime sad sailer•$$ per Adtertisements et task Foss& StraiJeed es Vacant, Ita•tMos Wee tt .a• d Chamois ited Uses sesp•reil. 61 per M.nyt. os Sale. sol q Rows w Brie and Warms •smed t floes, 1111 for gest mount. to peopo per sub- b- •emest mouth. Lester Aa7 epactal "sties, the ogteot of which is to promote the pecuniary beaeat of to be w •d- rerttimmenmat ?ideal or twpaad charged d e000rdl e• Local senor la umpired type ose cent per word. no seders lees tlias We. Local notices is ordinary readies type tips two caste per word. No maim for leen Notion' for churches and other religions be.evomat lnsututtose half rate, teeneneretal newsreel Adverteseeseatw tamp will he meth apMtibls fef roe• asking ie. • een/Wsa Sem Mss search emote 1e Ni team se Mr as midis mem is are ee- .4s step are nee J immediate the enieli i meas. N .seie.;, so nehmen lein the CARS, e_'` sad deice the have M de as them/ *ma* mil *elan Timms birleb fresh Ise Mona A limited number of dimple ed advertise mons* will be Inserted at the kpl�owing rrot iter tech. tae leaeriMa• go 10 four in •' three moth •• etz month one yearhan two oaths* in lengthNo advertisement swill be oalcub� on above basis. 5 pert. LdI co osk Vee tat. months' allowed for oeecnt. on e eta three months' mot. : 1. pre .•oath• ..red 15 per Best. on • year's. Tames .0.ditlons will be,trictiy eatoroed. ♦Nat **The eMtnal- MI/vse7• Hnbscriber wbo fall to receive Tins Sweat r rularly, either h1 carrier or by mall. will ematey • s early a detdb0 panelists. by e es ofthe [sot at Reim:led manuscripts cannot be returned. Oorreepeaomoe moot be written on one side eit paper only. r.hrleaer'• Notice. J. C. Le Teasel. of Oodcrteb, ids. bees 0p panted Local Trevelung Atout for the town- ships of Ooderlch, Colborne, Ashfield and Wa- ead pommasmers over the district are aloe empowered to receive subscriptions to Toe emMAL All oommnaloati000 must be addressed M D MoOILLICUDDT, Tun oodeti�°'ook.Out- Ztitghere cell >t. •... .. •......•. tiro SNAP SNOTS. --Nor•m:A.♦e Photo DAt'iN, Y. P., for tiles-o'-Boass. Ma been repodialed at • memo at bfle4Iaa• lbs, whin had bees called to cede es hien. It looks se if Nish will be the s s b r fsr Stay -at -Heine dee• tag the molt parliament. -It is beginning to look as if ted formerly smooch Conservatives is this neck et the woods sire. sat now " Jars T11,ursoe'e Mare.. OODRRICH. THURSDAY. SEPT. fi, teed. ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN. F i )R some yearn Gal.nch has hal •n enenviable Dame amongst the towns of Ontario, for the loom way in which the town has been run, morally. Some years .go Tot SIGnAL opened • crusade against some of the dives, and last Spring was 1oroed at • oat of several hundred dollars to defend a ..it bee111Rbt omens' N by • . tool-pgeoo ter dead.nt attesting to • asinine hwee that on re i• die interest of the mayor of the tows. ,The billiard room was closed owing to M. ellbets of Tog Stusrsl., and iia closing stands to the coedit of Oils journal, although it was • single-handed fight against • strong com- bination. Previous to that time Tot 11ONAi. had published the fact that • house of Moine, roe by a woman named Hamilton, had Mss established on the South Hound•ry,and Mrd upon the authorities te take •those. _ hat sltbougi the mother was made the eob- jsot of inquiry bolero -the WW. nonan end the then costable instrneted to take • cion, no actin wee liken, and the fester - hag Ire cull remains. Later • woman named Mn. Corey under- took to locate :a one of the respectable re. .i4.stial quarters of the town,but the people of that motion arose up one night, es mie neon. and almost demolished the edifies is "AMA the woman wee °abducting her n- imbus beanie, sod mate and her associates were driven from the town. Last year .mother Rehab appeared on the scene in the perms of • Mrs. Tholes., • green widow, who husband M reputed to have left hoe becomes of her wrongdoing. Since the bsgae operations she hos noosed - ed is d.enorslixies many in this sad other tsotio.s of the musty. and di.gr.od01 ex- hibitions of rowdyism ha.e resulted. The modest d this wbma5 has been p.rtmal.t- ly braze.. se en wee born .ad reared i• the tow., was educated and =tarried here and became the mother of • family is the town sae ems disgraced. The open snd Mameiwm maser 1. wlieb this women ked tarried as bar vile trod* is notarise. The town aesmable sad obeys b... • psrwal k.owledge of the iniquitous pleas, •.d yet no effort has been made to sloes up the des. whish ether contrary be . tows by -low @poetically dealing with plass. el Ws 1104. W have hese informed thea an mere Lbsa es* 000ssion pistils have bees drawn end fired ia god mood this women bow, enol Nat ether diegree•efel see.m lime hese *..seal. Ia ad/ities N Not it hes bees openly shod that 1h• home bus item cad ea • Mose d aenigesei•e More roes" rede of tender ysere hue boo endow' it harbored for immoral peepom maims the wall Gad oomoat ef panels it pram . Ltq.ere hem Mus eenM.dy said there, wormy to Lbs hair ted spirit of the Imes* ow. end Woo .11 la all, • sees N.1 mai meld boldly h imegieet 5. it hen Mess mods N rsmiedy the writ, end es thieve grit ere men hep° ser r Oleg from the prom. *dhosllise Soso tie dom a mediae was send by all the imam d the pease end the e884p r teds teas, with w gem lb., we11m dr ram up- p•1Nme t d a pailw m. f i111ne M send Ma the tem d GedMti. M .lite° b the maim wee esiseepd by the Md smaim el tits Lr jid.rA ee melee Imbue Mhos. M sed me we tell tido lewd Ow'mmRens Net thud egyderw.t meed he mak et WHAT THE PAP[1111 SAY. Talo IAS. ultras w0. nosey. Hamilton Ti... : Before J. S. Larks starts fee Australia to live there at the ex- pense of 110 ()soothes taxpayer, he might talo as opprtssiey to apologise to s. Amy, IL Pr., for 'South Wentworth, for ' which is believed to be ureter water to • the dirty work be did in trying to lovely* depth of'meaty-fin feet, sad ople were drowsed. This i fears d Mr. Awry i0. • l'hlesgo whiskey •aaad•l. msettle- meui oie Inn the path ot the Leona river, which is still • raging torrent of waters. Toree families of Mexicans hviug near Uvalde were drowned Three hundred miles of tuck of the Southern Pacific mond and ,» lted to I ftaslro•d are nitder water .ad .boat forty"toren TNS SIGNAL : OODSRICN, OFT., THURSDAY, SEPT. 1. 1814. WIIIDBtIRST1N TXAS T1. i1tt611 71 Putt .1 the SIMS WINO by a Oehl.. MANY PERSONS ARE DROWNED A Whole SeN1 .s.su Mader wWr-TM nen Omens threat Moves to er.- 6dwJ- rue ae.tber. r.•tae tlossens 50..55 Dema.. Mee. It. Use. SA. ANTONIO. Texas, Sept. I. -News hes reached here that • .loadbur.t flood - .d the tows of Uvalde, the county nit of Uvalde twenty, sight miles west tit the Soatheett Peelle Ratlroed, end the town cot Mask, Modals costar, any miles west. Atter the water in Uvalde was throe feet deep. the Population took refuge oa high groso� Tame persona were drowned In Dbanis two obtklren were drowned. The water them was four flet deep. 'rim bridges end eppro.cbes of the Southern Pacific road were washed away The deluge has wrought great havoc. In addition to one-half of the town of Uvalde being flooded sad six people drowned, them m a settlement of seventy gale families • few miles 1 clow the town Then he ova go to Austrslta, or turtber, be cheeses. • nous 1.0.51. y 0 TIU0'. Concede Pr-.sbyteraa : Why could say decent evidence enm open mile. are washed sway. glee credence h greenly Mashed for giving Another heavy rain is falling and tar the evidence that the law comp..pass bullying him lie Cher damage is feared. ..a rtvw Why should • res. lawyer be allowed to abuse decent gooses is • court -room in • manner that he dare not adopt anywhere else' Why should • court •uatained by the people' money M used re • means of accusing decent eitilws of the crime of perjury' Them are n.1 s Central News from Shanghai cariz -- . dirty, wore than • bill of aoste mid a I Che You despatch states that Japanese dirty, lsw•rdly taswhen telling that 70u .m warships convoying a number of transports commuting perjsry when telhug the truth, I lauded taw at Liao -Tie -Shan on August is one of them 110. These troops were marched et once NHr 71117 MUTT 011' I.UN: Aft. MAS. upon Port Arthur. Japanese warships .0 the meantime bombarding the tortilla orts at that Winnipeg Tribune: Hoa kir. Daly is piece- The object of the Japanese is to reported to bay" deMnitely stated that the • destroy the docks and forum Pun Arthur, government has decided not to open Li.. in order to prevent disabled Chinese vu - gar. Thu decision hes been reached after eels from sheltering them for repairs. The tight is still its progress." mesh p•rls)isg among rte &r. 1*0 ed and A despatch to the Times from Shanghai boodle -tainted Liberals who ere now lead says: A Tien Tutu despatch from China fur the Conservative party here, mush to enure" say. that fourteen Japsuw ship. the disgust ot the rook ted file of the Cos• with over 4.000 troops are attacking Port aervttive party. Th. decision "1 to open Arthur. The Chinese garrison. number - Lugar 10 • wise one, s5 to open it ie to Io.. 4.g 3 OpJp men, and the Chines fleet have it, as Winnipeg was lost Isar winter. This been ordered to attack the Japanese. decimal having been reached the .tvestion SHAsu0AI, Sett 1. -The British gunboat of the hoot -governorship will remain in Redpole has sailed from Che Foo fur Port abeynoe for some time yet- Arthur. Junks arriving •t Che Fou from •New I'baog report that a large number of Tl. o .. ROOT 5tel' . Jepson, aim floating in the water at the Toronto Telegram: Simplified law and • ' mouth of the Tai Twig rriv'r.waters the warship meat, are am.wgthe eiief creeds of the Emperor Nicholas L. armor clad, 8,000 county. ' tote, '24 tons, and the 1'amiat Azure, Hitherto the laws have been lamely:male 1 armor clad, 6,000 tuns, 33 guns. Both by lawyers, and 1t te, perhaps..erely • co- ! are comparatively new aud ars reckoned incidence that there as something ter the among the must powerful reals of the lawyers in the statues. t:very law w Russian user.- - crude, ambiguous. There no no messing to .erMes Charge Against a Colored Ma it, or them a nothag m t but material for h*Nat.T0N, Sept. 1. --I ieorge E. Brown, a fight between lawyers . colored uta. was arrested by Sergi Th law'• delays are to some stent the Roldueou and R e' 1'•meron. charged lawyer's dela). Process of law • favor with indecent assault On his person olfici•la who onlleee foes on every elav,wd were found • razor and a great amount of who em w that tie I,esielatum has enrichtruck. including two prescription blanks ed them with numerous opportunities for delay. with Ald. Ur. Met ;tllirray s printed head - delay. ou them. The complainant in the IN MEMORIAM.-�,���ue C.a. is Fred. Pownseby, 91 Park street south. He say he carne into his boom • T,1biee w *be Memory Mase 4m Mre, end found Brown in •nom with his little ♦ M. a armieaeer, by • Vetoed. dsngbter. Brown was intoxicated when We clip tie following notice from the ar[eelyd Port Huron Times referring to the death To Deepen Lake M. Lamle. of Mrs. A. M. Carpenter, miss ot Mrs. P. �•pt 1 -It is ander.tood B. Wallacenyof this Wan- M.0. Carpenter that cit has been definitely decided to make ked many tn•ada is the section, sed the following memoriam will be of interest to , • rh•nnel In Lake St. Lotus, .tamed at them. Lachine oohed, the depth to be 16 feet, "Dora Jenks Carp/ism mr Its befit kley 181--'•fhl oputPortluuate width. notal deep want 1867. She wee the eldest daughter of Oris i reached '1 his will enable steamers fur L •.d Margaret Gardodr .leaks. Het life points along the lake to avoid the geed was spent in the city of her birth, leaving elrenit uuw noceesary. The estimated c,st ultimo•] of her worth which all who k.ow, 'et the work is $8't0,0'M) The work will her will long remember. She was • dutihl be commenced next October under the ATTACKING PORT ARTHUR s_A-./rt.i&TRAS M'J►.Y.►��- yAP tie N.. •'....o•as"l to 1 .Lisp.' 1 ..ilea and • to ell -Rama r remember. *Woo", out., Aug. 91.-31r. U. Mo- ll..uda.l, es legwrst tit ter. mouldy diel •t lie re*idas,ve her. last *renis at toe age Of :0 peen. ih.ug.11 31o1oogsll was buro to the city of li..iguw, Soull•ud. mad wee tit Htgnleuel Sowcu pereut•4e. IW (saber Gate to Camels with s large totally a tbuteee moue mid two datiguwra He mit ed first K Custasg-I 111 tie.tee0 0.514 Gads Ur r'.Wv%el to lurvulo when hereceivedengaged bo b•etwer. luuug McDougalltit tbae tine is educative to Tows'. &MMaas but by the death tit his father I4)e woe4 thrown .Y, tots own releelera alae ob Wool • situation w the WAN/ wb.ro Its ong boom of Rommel 1t Thompson• of Use acquired a t4un.Ygh kuuwledg p.uoi.btug blower. He those wear tutu journalism ea hie own •oot:out toe tW editor sod publisher id • family w•• per, the Combller' Fas.Uy Herald paper, became an active Reform pub 110tllastt, sod *loud with the law Peter Perry, tether a the ez-reSlatrur tit Ou tarty b• was tersely irrrtrntneutal fu get thug up wIY.utia depatauouaucud 4011 taw to Lord Elicit w support • hellion tones* bill Wb.0 N'llll•w Lyou Msckeu0te returtrrd (runt Kae and wee beeteged b ea aegis snub at Mr. John Macintosh's hues. iu Toronto he was one tit those who misstated the old Leber•1 kadK and some of hie relatives its effect lug their escape through the crowd of nota.. on Voile ewes. Mr. MacDougall was all his lite • liberal jouru•l1•t ant poseme4 the mu Winos and esteem of the le•diug men of his party. He wee remsrk•bly well iufurmd. bring • ready and popular speaker as well as • Ttgurow •ud oclsiive newspaper writer. He contributed to the (}lobs lu 115 .arll*r ye..ls, was editorially auctioned with the Hamilton Jooruel cud Express, and Mau with the Hamilton Banner rud was editor and jutut owner of 14s Haettug.l'bruuiclS. published at Belleville, 0514 rube.gttently editor of the Emit Advertiser, publiebed at Chatham. In IS58 he removed to Berlin when he bromine proprietor .tui editor of the Ber- lin T.legrepn and (Jarman t.,`anadt•u, the latter beiug the first German itber•1 news paper publI.bed to Cando In 18311 Mr. MacDougall enateri•ley spored Mr. Win. tyillespk, editor of the Hamilton Spectator. in establishing the Canadian I'rw As sociation In 1803 Ire was elected Presi- dent of the Association and wee afterwards wade an houorary lite member. He filled the office of regl•trer of Water- loo until about three years .go when be »- *ivied Hie restguatwu was due w au in- vestigation into the manavemeut tit the utiles and to the oth.:ial teturus ut fees re- oeived by the wtumbent A TORONTO TRAVELLER KILLED. Jap•aoee Troops to the Number eV Mr Tbosmeed Bombard Vise Vett. 1.oxna, Sept. 1.-A despatch M the CAQlS1'S eau ?ATa 'T1 shorter reed to justice, or rather final I.gd- ST- PzTtnsat0.u, yep -Ramie will send to I:•rtt Asiatic Well -4..W* Maass IEI Drowtif Up Sera. HOW IT HAPPENED A MYSTERY awe .r the Reda Vetoed by • Timber ♦goon -TN *stir. !ewe et C0l0.sa ah..hed b t0. Ualer/0We Oweerr.ses. daughter, and her presence to the home of her youth and while she was never entirely revered from it, ea she was • mamma visitor. brought snnsbtne • d itladssm N the whole household. She was a student and following her public education .he became m etrese ot the beim mo departeseet of the business college is order to be able to oodue% that part of her grandfather and tether's b•siarma, thus relieyiog them of moob of the anxiety d their restive Item. SM proved herself w`ed_ to the renpoestbility sad only r.liequit ed. supervIsion of Colliugwood Schreiber, Deputy Minister of Railways and Canals. -- A Little Rey tilted. ToPooro. Sept 1. -The four year-old son of Farrell O'Reilly, carpenter, was killed yesterday near his father's resi- dence. The Tittle fellow was playing in the road when • load of hay passed. He was pulling at the hay when be tell under one of the wheelie elects n.med ore. him. A couple of doctors were celled, but the llloy deed shortly after he ws. hurt. Notre Tier, wept. 1 -Nord reached here Saturd.) afternoon that • party of canoeists 1elogiPmg w Chstbeeu, and .vuai.ting of D M. Christie. beetle ter, Arthur Northwood "clews nurser in tritewa 1.'.tli.g1•te 'mutate, and tomer K1tttaappiiu, who lett Chatham someF e weeks ago on a canoe trip up the River, had hem druerued at the bead of lake Ntptsalug. Nothing can be learned as t -et as to the rause of the aoeident. 1 be ee4laiu of the t'simile brings the following report of the parvhl.ss- led the Meth and 4011 of August I2ruwa Tim- ber Agent D. F. Macdonald, while pru- conding up French River, toned the dead body of a man about ave miles below Five Mile Rapid. Macdonald secured the body to the shore and mut his men back seven miles to Campbell's lumber MAW. Mr. Kelly who is 1u charge of the camp. re- turned with the melt sod brought souse lumber and ties with him Ano made a comp and buried the body. Before bury- ing the body the following effects wet* found In hos 1{oneeeniou. A telegram to Arthur P. Numbwood. Thurso, from (*- tawe. "Pennock has wined you by mis- take to Owen Sound as follows Ap- p entd modero lauguags meatier, wire aeeeptauce immediately. (Signed) D. P. McLean." Them were 515 in bills and 75 mum in silver, • watch, railway ticket and baggage cheek. Ir. Macdunald sent all the effects to 8. Wacb, collector of 000 - tome at French River. and condoned his journey on to lake Ntpiseing. Whim. 1. was near the tout of Five Mile Rapids ire found a mooed bode in the rtver in • badly decomposed condition It was with reluctance hie Indians helped Lim to take the body on shot*, where he .*oared it with • strong line and had it covered' with brnsb, bl•ziug a eine clew by as • mark for those who would oolne to bury it, as there is nothing but bat* rocks fur miles along that part of the ever. A abort die truce from where this body was found he found • new Peterboto canoe bottom aide up. (lu turning up the 051100 • lair of shoes, • frying pan. • tin cup and • bottle of watches were fouud shored forward in the bow, to. ler the smell deck. A paddle was tying on the allots dose by. The *hoes evidently belonged to the man jest found, as he was barefooted. The canoe and paddle were placed on • rocky island in • place Of safety. Ou reaching the portage, the canoe sail, oat*. and fish- ing ropes wet* All tied in a bundle. Two baggage camp bags, s box and basket con- taining ploTiolons atnl cooking ntenetle lying un the portage path. Neer by were tLe coats and vats of the patty. • gold *etch and chain, • mono book and a pair of gold rim spectacles, also • small diary of the Alliance Assurance Co. , on the back was printed in gold Tetters, G. K. Atkinson, Insurance and Land Agent, Cuatlam, Out. in this book is • memo: "Aug. 10th -left I'huth•m. had supper K Webbs - Aug. 11th - took 'enouch, Burls Falls to Ablate Harbor." In the other note book the last entry was made on the 80th Ang.-"Ruse at sunrise, start- ed at hal.. . The pockets of the last boat' twit sum foetid were not examined CMATHAK. Sept 3. -The three citizens of Chatham reported from Norte Hay at baying been drowned near Lake Niniesing left here about three weeks on • canoe -Om trip up the,French river from wbeoce they intended to proceed by way of Lake Nipiesing to North Bay. The last beard from them was at the mouth of the French river on the loth of August when they wrote to friends here that they were start - ins up the south branch of we river for Lake Nipiesiag. While their friends wore naturally somewhat anxious at not hear - from theca sine. no gruel alarm felt as two of the party. Messrs. Christie thud Risptn, were experlemo*d esbonsta, and bad taken the trip last year 'imam- panied by Mr. E. Bell, LL The naves of the sad accident i. • gnat shook to the town where the unfortunate mm are well known and respected citizens. Mr. D. M. Christie was the molar member of the mesal firm of Christie & Lewis, barristers. Ile was forty years of age and • bachelor. Arthur :Northwood wee • sou of Mr. John Northwood, and • graduate of Toronto University. He had been filling the po- sition of science master •t the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute but had taken • new pusltton in the Ottawa Collegiate Institute wben be was dna on Tuesday next George Risptn was a young man 23 years of tog+ And • brother of the Grand Trunk Rail- way city tiekent agent in this city. it when ted greaser r'espossibilities j a wilslumebarg Taller ea ver wife were plaaed before bora New 1 I Ittk. dept I. -Over • tb_- ie 18814. S.pteseb.r 12, tib wsa usilid 4.. and the Hebrew tailors• of Williamsburg. inc marriage with Angus 31. Carpenter e a strike door a the Nature swami wide *pea for rohev�sehee itbemfrom wwomen. haveho trth.y 0.11 the their saraam tread. The /atom of •wife• "task work" imposed upon them by Mori* • homemaker, • mother wen cheerfully employee, the oomtraetota Thy es) biaf •msstned and osa sitar ted tow parried on. sato u ,ming in their T. and 111.7 Mr.. csrpenNre •crit*, ban we e*emed are buaod o .aoeesd. to indicate • life journey which .night mot' -_- _ -- _. __--- - b. loos. `ted was •cave in her relations is Rergtsrteed the nosh. the Sunday *shoo!end she ii.,,..very ..a• 1Conessavoto. Sept. 1. -The baubles ns dael being • o'hrist•i1 thr•sgh her lit ' (Ate of BartswR and Wiling" wee es- extrienos, although taw did not email tared by b wbo blew open the pa ie prof.snoa esti' very recestiy. vault door boyars. d Re. Over by Ills Waggon on ted Read Near Newcastle. Brat. NwercanrLa. Lunt., Aug. 30. -A fatal ac- cident occurred north of herr on tbq hill living into Orouo, iu which Jacob D. Sperm*, 42 Park .toad. Totosto. Iter for the Bryce Publiahiug Compaul, lost hi* lite. While driving down the hill with hie lo.l of eleven trunks, a video on his seat slipped forward mol to save it 11e made • grasp. but in so doing kat his balance and control of the team and fell among their heels. the waggon pleasing over his body. breaking his lett arm above the elbow and causing internal injuries of a serious na- ture. Dr. Rat4erfor 1 of 4 ir000 was sum mooed and, with the aselstanoe of Mr. 11.11, conveyed him to the Windsor hotel het*. Ile was guise e•nsible along the road till about half a mile from town when be said, "1 will never rra.cb Newcastle alive." and gradually sank. and when in front of the hotel, while Doctors Rutherford and Farncombe of Newcastle were ming re- storatives, he breathed his last. Ihceaeed was married on August 1 to Lies Heid, daughter of the late John Reid of Orangeville. MORE ROOM We have leased the premises one door West lately occupied by Geo. A. Fear, druggist, which we will utilize as a show -room for Ladies' Mantles, Capes, Shawls, Wraps and Furs, making of it an exclusive Ladies' Department. Our stock of Mantles has this year been bought directly from the Manufacturers in England, Ger- many, and France. Saving car- ried over only four Garments from last Season, we can show the largest variety of LATEST IDEAS ever shown in Goderich, and at prices that no other Concern in the land can legitimately undersell. We expect to be open for in- spection about the 20th. If you contemplate investing in a Gar- ment this Season bear this in mind. Testbfsl B.rglam le.te.eed. HAsiiITu:t. Aug. 30. -Albert Rabitoy and George Easter. who were convtated on charges of breaking into several city stores and eteaiitig gouda therefrom, were each s*tlteuced by M. wtrate JslTI IDIiwo Tian and •Ix mouths in Penetani,•n1bene Re formatory. A atruug enlnistertel, eoetal, and business depnuuos pleaded for the pree,ner*, but in view of the great increase of crime among young buys, the Magis- trate decided that the bast ioter.ep of society was being set red by giving them • • seven sentence. b dynamite and escaped W hila Mie act sever appeared a Mr as • ( with • box toll of deeds and ppaasse. and a oe n ewity to higher hemp, she wee brooght I large gsenti of eery case le sIlo.r left to realize the reepsembflity of example se is the beak by A. T. pUgrus• Ths else taught her little Sas the way to the bntglar-preof eafa wee uu Saviour ted alarmed the privilege offered be 1 w thewho love the Lead to sit at e fest - C. 1. a eistl.5 Rsr.tsres.L lad leers of Him that she tight mere Mr. ♦ ala, Sept 1 -The C. P.R. static was featly lead her deer ones to the Manor. entered by brimful,. and the safe bbwn Mrs. Oarp.tar re.ngeiaed th* vele. of Iib I open sod about $40 Kohn The night �r�ot�{w e�.pr.esnted Is ted arise d watchman saw two men ontning tbrcngb s•sa111 lsie•.d bop mgslar 0..i- ---, wfli• i t4. prin 1pal streM and ehalleng.d tbse inpem N en o tis bad' ' when the fired N him. he returned the ..m ef ted rwi we. N her •NLMtppat i fire end they left as Meese bearer 1. the teed Gegeniwlioe e l which she wee • ms.rig. 1Riiyervisw pros. see C_.sssta Denere,edi. Hive. Rhe delir1td la bit dans, N LIMA, 001 . Sept 1. -The born be. .• etoeYpho ted Ses ive, � to Mr Letters, end the °rep from with hemp hew 'els first" it was se .t- 70o aims. 0.015 eom5.07 dairayed H }resenrim1 Iffy et Llai Charged With a 5se4eeil Offense. Tosonro, Aug. 30. -Detective Davin ar- rested • man named John Wesley Pickle on Britain street uu • telegram re.dved some time •pu from Colborne. It appose Pickle was employed sea farm band in that neighborhood recently and while there h. 1a seemed of committing an lade:out assault on • little girl five years of art Re skipped out •Iter the alleged crime and hie whereabouts was just resenlly sneer - mined. Pickle will be taken beck to Col- borne. tier M her hew °mere, bus she coed to • sr, yre.ds/ Th. fie was mood by d og. '1 kdbee In the Primo*, re*m the proprietor Shootiss at tame Be ed beim the .ia week logs- Nallre er, a. • glees s es the here«Ida easm beleeee sod programs ' Thee .0 booms wont Mid time eased and shove Ne pIWiye el b.w..d R.gosse wseee.d tie beneisa . power try r set sotmiel. al Moms boo mash le reqs* DNS. Tony, rept 1. -Tim might Impreen erste M wee yysse i weed the itemewie Nitre , from 11. 15el kh the trent et Port= tomo a, end Ism Aerie ens ef the rie e/ bet , sear se r Plailabarl. The eldwas l wee 46e wee is the rsis+s d her iatiew is ' try the .peesdieg of the reale Th. Gyisa Ole noir- end foot me were ditched. Meese! per- Illegetibeem idemi, Madre' Aad bear- mem tree tajsr.d. eel delete pa'reMime* N bar mem- sry as/ el lks �. wing s IlhMhfeL 11. Led be mead, whs. fut will meltehmWNW1. low Weep Mi 1.itr peer GMT fliei Ma fYe Ye re j.p d the lard. Rrew.ed tw111. Retie... Enresree,AmierLrlizer my INN Maim Owl el glsshwsM bah yee/md.p live edged wed memos 54 wee desmeed. .te.0alle Rsrgtare matl.need. Moine% A SO -The Forsyth broth- ers peered before Judos McDoeg.11 oto e t of barglariziag the residents of H. E. A. Reid, at Stoef ill., In March last Llan w.. gives five years in the penitdn clary on this charge end two years mon for the ober offensec egaiem hid George got six montism µlipases, the remover. are year, end Ansob Forsyth four mouths in jail. Killed by a Troller. Kt0u.ro2, Aug. 80. -An old man named Spooner Wes strsek by en .Motrle ear et Portsmouth y t. day sod reedved well in juries se to nese his death huseed4Kely • tterward. Spooner, • stringer bum. b said to bate hinds Ie the Tidally of Hockl•.d. Out. He wee Quits deaf. 01( TM.% snitASNL9`9neWWe EVERYTHING TO WEAR. AN HOTEL MAN'S STORY. TR PROPRIETOR OF THE /;RANI► UNION, TOiU)NTO. RELATES AX_ INTTERESTIl4 ' KP]XERIKNCS. arrrdtn IAT'*..+lt.T ICON NHu rATtl 1 - IIx UMTolta ASP .1.`t d,l L •.rR1 Ae.-VAIL 511 TO sit.. ale ---HO* HZ rol'<D • (TIM -UI$ wItt *IAO N.trr05*D 1(0 11151.711 -Apt. it'd 7n OTR0.11.2. Vi the 7Mmete Wend. meet ppubr officers at omit printigp el the Mimes Grand SNfIM. of Ceod• mea. Rey. L Bette„ ttefll While rifle, tined (harden for as be way to wend lodge Rey. Mr. Botta .pmt some time is Tomato, and aroma other potato of istare•t visited the World othse. it seeps natural to talk Dr- Wil- liam.' Pink Pill. to aerate hailing tree the been of that werld•fatsw medicine, mad in. d d.stelly the conversation dot •ith he r. sed Bens turned hi at thrones, ld the World that be bad that day sees es old trimd when sxprrissos was almost reenark- able one. The friend alluded to is 14* John Soby, for essay ay ye rs proprietor ef o.. of the lathy hotels et Naps.m.. het maw • rapidest a Toronto, mod of see el the Qom. City's .s0 fi.sst hostelries. the Greed U.M. Hotel. opposite the U.is. dept. Th. World was *sprees - d with the story Mr. Betio told. sad de - tansies/ te i.t rviow Mr. 8sby sad seism the p•rtl..ors of hen ars for p.bbm tion - Mr. Aeby freely gine hen mrtiseo.y M the good oboe him by iia. Williams' Pink Pidlp. A few yen age rheumatism with its attead- sot leeks et ashes amid poise epee kis. sod be was forced te retia from bsdnres. "For mouths," said Mr. I mfa.d sod omit' Sod e• re- bel data. •r pr/imise. The dm ones was always versa is the •pritied 1.11, end Inst year twee 'rip - pied with 00Ito whimva . Mit like rad - hot am robot pslttp a.edlew Ties •11 my limbs meld be- comes sleeted at bow. Half-e-dosesdoc- tors, on sitar a.erb.r, tried te bare embus did ee geed. The rheum ts.m mewed N be gsItt.s wens. As I had tried theme eventing the &eters sold smrq/aa. thought 1 Weald try • little ppIs ibSI as my owe ae0eent rod psrsbssl • empty el Ptah P111• The gad Whets were woe p r- eeptibk, sad I preened • sassed r.p=1y. mid Were them were floes I was ire d • m.isdy di design mold set pmt as arm/ te. i ham pee vexed my .ever felt better i. my INN sed 1 Dr. W111rms' Plush Pilis eeedit for seer. Mr.rtiee Illy wads. tlse, is as ants as dve.•N as i as • wirer for yens M• hue etprlwd te the too d the pd Dr. W I1M•e... ' i0.l.abls remady, ped re. emessode N le .11 .ansa' "Tram what Mashie wee year wife ndbrlsg 1" .shod the repgtw. trill. I w'% j..t tell rese that," said Sr. fishy. "I do sea b.ew.led 1 deers this& ilia 1f+ It's jest tis Sin. .ith hall the wawa. Thy •t• sash, mai sod duple 4.4, hoe se appetite end seem t. M Madel ray. /Sire fee se mem dosses at verb, het msmN1ies l wrong That ams }sum she .•y with say wife She .us . meth to dympwis. sever le weed health. wed elms die am Ns dire the Plsh PO made M pA pate rsmlty rend Roelte t. paw... Svasetee, Sept. 1. -Ven Ramwlasr Hosing lust evening shot sed killed his G ood• Albert Hotaling •t Helton Hollow, 4 miles from Jamesville,O.../sge soca The murder b the osteons of a family Thy feat -f long M5olling. For • year pert the two mem have boo going round armed bests Harem* ether. nertatinno Proper Peaty• ILANNI5.1a�,, £ *--0asediene w. leg in lest that esd riti Att. • from Cauda et seamen Daae° drioe of seek Immo cess M Seedemil daily, end se a rem% lspese Mistime sed deseimele w trspoely Mild beet Roo Irmo taw 0ujs Na 8*a*TOSA Sept L -lilts Swab itew- lend, 1b tells et the lal.e._ry Swi died tram low buret Met wregis. Illks w over M pees el age amp Sem Med. Me 1shes& le she M a edam' ysedMls� . Caswlllag TNI. RWe, orrawA• Sept. 3. -Then bas boon e,.- eidotabl• enement in the city In mambo tion with the e•neell•tioo by several tn- serenee competitive since lett Snnday's big lumber fire a risks held by theta ome roperties belonging to J. R Booth, the Inmber king. Mt. Booth has paid on the average about 510,000 s year In insurance, and this has boon going ea for the pest thirty or thlrty•6ve years without any returns until the recent fires. His return' for this investment has been the Masse oa the four fires he bee hal during the p54 year. In all this would •motet to abet •180,000, ee that Mr. Booth has paid teeny doable .hat be get in return. ]feet real Meats Trento. Towson. Sept. 1 -•bast 1,500 persons saw the Toronto ostpl yed os Saturday afternoon In their cbampi.rhip lenrosae moth at Rosedale. The more was 5 to 1 Early in the game the local fuse showed ep well, and Miele the seem sum sesa- me all and two .n Atte 1h.1 the oriel - Ws lead Lha ben of ties gasp, sed walked of .ith the next two genes sad the saheb. tried them. 1h• mervellose improvises•% was jest se marked in her ansa es in sr owe, sod •tee say that her whelk lren is Malt up, sad the$ the dyspepsia send sick headaches 1..e vanished. She, as well as myself. penes to bay. and I have sot the rhgk«t Web f16s s •g the remedy one of the discoveries of the °eatery. Let tthe call sad see me mad they will be.g6ldo0ed." 'They itiils ee• • pnnUre cure for all trouble. arising from • 'dated condition el the bland or • shattered somas system. SIM by •11 dealers or by mail, from 1)r. W18i•m.' Medusas Cesep•ey. Brockville, Ont., or liobesotedy.!t. Y .. at 50 Deem • hex, er 'Lax bores ter ii so. Tbet* .re R•ene51.0 IseiMths.e •sd wMtitatesaghast which the pabfic is utatiosed.. - TRONS PROSCUTINO. • rasa IJuse et mem River-• B.N.R Rtva0., Asp. 28 - W isd.or Re- eeed :1$54 e.ao•d.d by m••y p.seese rant Patent may be of immsess be.sdt peiat of view, if they to their ot'igls•l per- sthe eem!edmki of �pr labor, far the °.pease in the Water, States and already hes. in (needs, dseeesstnw that wherever they hew bees sed ss moods* M promote l.ahelsl ort commercial eubemde. they have proved disomroes 1•Uares. The experience of • few farmers in Maid - .case e•ed 815154jest woo i5 m mew 1e About awe5' yeare sg•, j•si •fact aw Tree Willem had srgesied there end seemed piestifsl orders far bs bores at wbMb they deeerseieelin.d u °fest 0.00 Ia40 their ewe threats( sad masa te eentri1te M the wealth et the "maim earners who their mese tory sed Isn et =dim a OKI• day. Tifton et twsosens wseV. mete to the mesa eterer direst and 1.uolt • ens doss e0W engine sad sepetewer sed essaatented apsr•tMas mem tbrseselme sad immediate asiebbers. Thea was sow for lawyers or pwlmieseltitmgh sal en seto sake 5 rameass sed member wee liable te • b.edvw1 delis Ise 1.r /sills/ to register their os -r' se reamed was paid to the L• o this foo spent.tstleor ter they par1.4 0 seed d se *Semi Tree a ars' • d the Farmers were send ed te °sailed the limiters foo firer year til gNfieiy "liars ap der twa oewsumsa, ' shnig.4 •sub nn ON wtlesh Heidoohse1 Mir esu hw.pt, Imsgiaed dm three were were gelds( �ethe armee the tee ase'ise. voted Udeto tees Nam mil hire thew eusMwa te .54 the ar'ehw said Asa11ire��dsYagtt�.f Mit the themeelne ad- who °as ewes M peewee • rfvml .•ebfee sad ere he - fag their Mot N Mho thetads sassy tra puss ham bosom *Meas epees\ M m w these e des•.°•. sad Sell Wpbs, Mahe mite '0 /lalatq h.. 15s.04 .efts .piu0 *1. ewdveee Kiev, wed dr. carved 754.rd'y t eneter u rte•st aaslerp. Meer. Nem Is TIPIPOW146 TONOWTo..Sept 5 -LK *wining a vet? .Nen thesis storm pawed over this diarist, and eaasid•rable damage was done throughout the dry by IIghtI.g. • men while martdi en Dslerh wharf war Instantly killed. A wind manse whl0b • c omp*aid the Nader tied ilsbtatng played sad li vee with the windage. rim 0 mem% mor. Toeessek Sept. i-Jeia was SHIM= =an wisest the debselleus aeon he beam. M *trued &Was Ibe Ode, /s11 leda their elisNhstt. ip .4MRAtatislikerebbs el lair ta . vMsll MOW WOG Ylss of w Sip le Is ddwll M the pup*Bel. • SO til Mast waft „....A111111111111116,_ frame es realm tbU poets, that if mW rvilsbie Tim Mir. Renap- thrives es geed feed 5•415.1 Leel pMety d ever.iss bi the spasm Im► gimes Mob Melts meld Mg Ne. Neese its beset.. Ii her memos .rats the Amer log ammo of a la M�leam�les