HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-6, Page 2j,sa
A Racking Cough
Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
)Ire. 1'. I). ll.ALL, I117 Genee.re
I .ckport, N. 1., rays:
"Over thirty years ago, 1 rMme911. r
1..•aring my father describe the• ...•o•:•
1 11 I u-v!ie e effev-te of Ayer'. *'he r
1'.. t....l. lturiig a r..•ent .Murk ,•t !
(;:,pts•, wln.h ay.o...•.) the .1 et of a
catarrh. soreness of tlielangs. serer
lunhed by su a:!rr:.\.lint! +'meth, 1
r.rh,.us reaneolo. Duo, pros. ripe: .-� .
While some Of these ntedi In s lur:h.l'
alleviated the nits'.* o•,Z timing !be .in
none of tlw•w afior.I.vl we any r..11.11:. `t
that spasmodic action of the lours v l '
would .alto me :hr moment intfetnr'• 1
to be down at ui:-!.t. Alter tenor tt.•elve
au. b sights. I was
Nearly in Despair,
and had shout deride"I to mit up ;s.1 •.' '
in my easy cbl.tr, sn.1 pfOriir •
•10ep 1 could in that way. h t!
eurn•el to the that I hada bi v
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I t.••
apoow:ul of 1 .$* prel.::ratfea in : .
wat.-r, and w"er able t . tie doe', w: •
coughing. 1.1 :. • w mesucats, 1 t '
adMp. awl a •r. ' ' la the I ser r:
_-g sly refreshed mad feeh'ns err
beam I tex,k a teay-tllos t -I
total every night fur • week, awe
sally decreased the dose, and 1'.
weeks ill) c,.u. h wE3 cured."
Ayer's Cherry Pecs'
Po-Nr.dbyhr.J.(t,AseraCe.,1,•oe't V.
Prompt to tact. sure to cur -
Ilse /sty /ala►
They w making prepared's@ for the big
Fat fair,
And the farmer and his family are loaded
alp iota rare ;
They an rabkiug dew. the gelding sad the
'air breed maw,
And the three-year-old is frisky -you ought
tee him rear.
.v . .
Aa they rue him round the pasture when
they've not an hoar to spare.
They rake hum go fell sail,
With fid ribbons in his tel ;
Yes, they're =skis' preparation& ter the big
Fall fair.
WMime tMe he e,1 iwaee ' a
Awl hVs marmerssiI! prying
ay the wtaysidee inn.
Hs Usti,
tie gltl roe...
la !ttMiil11.wk';" 'N
That w. may, wheal Wisens\ them bowers
P 1> lb. dins Wee.
Phar 1 be deists els et demurs
oa our baskwleat cake_
sirs dunk grew restless. I
Dear Nair aMj'a t la
la. be . beeps
••era A
generally. , he heves sts70ant 1s.$ them
eight o'eluc,e��. Mw�i71 1001 step down
J'� !t B 'ltitda 9101 M which
shawl. N4iy. sail
j� we mew. lest Sts We dere wish ewes ethers,
towsM the bottom. On the w. 1411,
complained that her head was
her worse. She had invented •
headache previous* She was Awed
to return os 000dit of her gait( 1m
mediately to bed. Sunda blue and red
flashes through the cracks in firs barn
completely conquered the old lady. Me
deteesised to witness Dryfgpsr's
combat with nature if she sat up all
o t
she did : while. unconscious of
the vicinity of hes wife, the captain
watched and nodded ata little distance
amid the crowd_ The boars pared
slowly. yet the people remained.
The professor had forbidden lights or
fires, as being inimical to his .socesa
The captain and his wife stayed on,
however. riskingrhentuatiarq and whet-
ting their tempers with delay.
When morning at last peeped over the
eastern hills upon this sleepy and peev-
ish audience. there was neither any
sign of rain to the sky nor life iaeide the
"I said he was a humbug." exclaimed
the captain, as he wrathfully burst opsit
the barn doors.
The crowd poured In, to find only the
mule and wagon. Inside the last were
tome empty boxes. But there was no
Drydapper and likewise no negro,
I believe that's Bras Newmans male
and wajin," said one man from over
about Three Forks.
•'Bras is own cousin to John Hen
rye" thought the captain, growing sus-
picions at once. "Hello, old woman!'
he added. noticing his wife at last
"Where. Niaby!"
But the old lady was making double-
quick tracks for the bower. The cap-
tain followed. A couple met than
smilingly at the door. It was Sopbos-
Mba and John Henry.
"Niab Twttchellr std tie uehflR
"It on don't-"
me. marm." interrupted
John Henry. ' :Sophoeisby Padget u
her name now. Parson Green, he mar-
ried us long about three hour and a
half ago.'.
"Well. I never*" exclaimed Mrs.
Twitchell. but -he was too overcome to
say more just then.
•Swindled out's rain and daughter,
too," groaned the captain. while the
neighbors behind him began to grin and
"Well," argued John Henry, "you
fti ced me to study up some pen to get
Nisby, so I got Cousin Bras and u
hired nigger man to fix up like Bras
was Drydapper • the scheme took bet-
ter'n I egapected, owin' to the drought
I had ever'thing ready. so while yon alb
was down to the barn, me and Nisby.
we slipped offn got married. "
"Fooled "' grumbled the captain sit-
ting down and looking about disconso-
"\ever mind. paw," said Niabyen-
couragingly. ''The real. all -wool y •
dapper is coming to morrow. Let's go
in to breakfast. (lettin' married is hard
work. and I'm hongry. too
So matters were gradually 'Smoothed
out, and when the genuine Drydapper
did finally arrive he brought a veritable
cloudburst in his wake. DancingBranch
bottoms were overflowed, and, at last
accounts. the captain had striven to
negotiate with the professor for a spell
of dry weather
Some people are never satisfied.
w wards their beach. i.
ear up kis arta, ..1
taY....erb.asd w M ase boss +iasis by
ICally wee ►chat echoes Pee 0si
K pa�llar.wM u• V.aa. �'Mlssl•trkara•
p� irMllsd�aarime, full 01 he•*(♦h ad spirits,
1.AtllOUB ! 011eW.
maws d sM Crow eat am a wesasweM
ae/siMwea. eappertid
The fatal ersiiaties el the rola roes
there mad low besot."
4'he lel sed eke t harried
wWa two hems tum ths time he k4 Mit
, es y.
Sammi H.taes, use ef she iae.e.s
wittiest • struggle •s1 withers • pain,
in OM* of ane of the west dilfal eon
pedants, Ham Kelly. The body of the
leave Ty.t*der was asrrisd Mme.. the nes
se W kieebplase and !aimed in the old
Cymread where reposed the /art of W
*gibe. Phe Isar apple/ease a the Paris
*sow was at the Communist Roams is
•delP►t•e is 1876. what Fillies Gast miss
ince promdmeae►
Thee bei been no rain on Dancing
Brandi foetwo ostba
tamp. Twit swas greatly concerned
about his corn and also his cotton. The
corn would not ear well nor the cotton
make good bolls, unless water were
forthcoming in .owe shape before many
days. He was likewise at this time
great* troubled about his only daugh-
ter He hardly knew which of his wor-
ries was the greater Tet there was a
difference. He knew just then of no
way by which he could control Jupiter
Pluvina, yet he could -or thought he
could -control hi. daughter. Nisby.
Nhby, it may be said was the local la-
tion of Sophoni.ba
f the cussed crops do go up." he
soliloquised. "I reckon well have to
stand the racket somehow But. by
mighty "'-this was the captain's favor
iteoath - "by mighty. sir ! If John Henry
Padget massifs Nisby Twitchell 'thout
my consent he'll get up airlier and stn
up longer than most fools of his heft
usually do.'
But, in the nature of things, thew
were sundry protests and plottings
against the parental fist.
1 declare"' said Nisby. during one of
the stolen interviews down at the cap
taint spring house. which the persist-
ency of John Henry had brought about
when his adored one went after water,
"I don't know what we'd better do.
Paw'd as soon see me marry the Old
Feller himself as you. John Henry. 1
reels can't see what makes him so set
against ye.
I'll tell you why. Nisby. it's pure,
derned mulishness. if he is your pew.
But dont you worry. i've studied it
all over and I've thought up a scheme
worth two of his yet. If erer thing
works out well, your' father may possi-
bly ave hes cotton. but he's bound to
loots his girl, sure as God made little
I always know'il yon was smart.
John Henry," and Niaby. under the
glow of this confession. allower her
lover to kiss her without boxing his
ears, after the moat approved Dancing
Branch manner. "Tell me what you're
up to, anyhow."
'Now, Nisby, never you mind. All
you've got to 4o is to stay right at home
until yon hear from me again.-
"I- n.
gain..."Toa. Nisby' now came in shrill
feminine tones from the direction of the
captain's house. • Where beyou?"
'Now, John Henry, von skip said
Nisby. submitting to another Dancing
Branch caress. "That's maw. She'll
be down here soon's I answer...
• a corrin'. maw."
A few days later on the news flew up
and down bancing Branch that Prof.
Drydapper, the famous government ex-
pert. was about to visit that region in
order to test Bowe of his peculiar theo
ries in regard to producing rain by arti-
ficial means. The professor. it was
said, had recently been deluging the
people of southern and western Taxes,
and now proposed to show the folks in
middle Georgia how to bamboozle
nature into tears With a few chemicals
artistically applied
"By mighty. sir"' gnotb the captain,
'I don't believe the n:an can construct
a decent sprinkle."
But the more he looked at his shrivel-
ing corn and cotton, the less skeptical
he grew. Presently it was announced
that Prof. Drvdapper would make his
first bow -so to speak. -before a Dancing
Branch audience on Capt. Twitchell's
Abut that time Niaby received a
letter by special messenger aid Puni-
tively conveyed, that seemed to pat her
in high good humor She would explain
nothing to anybody. bat went about the
house as chirripy and frisky as 4 egnirrel
in nutting time Previously she had
been rather moody and preoccupied
"Can't nee what's come over the girl."
said her father "It that John Henry
was about, I should may he was responi
ible. "
But. though Mr Padget had not been
seen on Dancing Branch for, as some
expressed it, "a month a Sundays." his
stance was more than replaced to the
captain's mind by an agent of the great
ldapper. Bythe time the latter had
finished expning and persuading,
Capt. Twitchell had agreed to gine up
his big barn down in the Branch bottom
for the purpose of furthering the pro
fessor's cloud -compelling operations.
"Mind you, though stipulated the
prudent captain. "it the rain don't come,
that feller has got to pay me for the use
of my barn."
Late one afternoon the great Dry
dapper arrived with a negro a mole, •
covered wagon tightly closed and a
tremendous air of mystery and impor
tance. He drone straight to the big
ban in the bottom and instructed his
flaky to close the doors Shortly tl he
came out and took a sags 'artily of the
heavens, with the air of a Solomon who
held the clerk of the weather cantina
ally at his beck and call. He was small
of stature, yet of great -not to my ter
rible-dignity in fact hes dignity was
so overpowering that Capt Twitchell
completely neglected to let the professor
know of his intentions regarding the
His professional preparations were to
be made in secret down at the Mg barn
that night All that he rroald be got to
my ins:
By morning look ont for dais of
✓ ata. You had all better go to bad but
ifou will hang around that bare it
mlg411 be War to bring year osbrellaa
Them M ao knowing what may laws
They we combing oet the tle.o on. the
thoro'bred raves
They are picking Sat the beet of the pretty
Spring lambs ;
The hired man is working on • wicker work
For the easy transportation of the pedigreed
And the boys are all oon&tructiug the cutest
little pens
For the safety and the comfort of the Vete
de Ver. hens ;
The 'ristocr•at.ic bull
With turnip tope is fall -
Hill make • great sensation at the big Fell
They are m•kiag preparations for the big
Fall fair ;
Thera is very much excitement in the cis
oamambeit air ;
Eas► farmer has • pumpkin that mit be
beet, b'gosh.
Aad everybody .taadttzerin upon • certain
Net to m.otiew barley, wheat and oeta, and
buckwheat, Dora and poo,
And the products of the vine and the har-
vest of the trees
While I hear the \omitted* mutter,
" Tb.1r'll sever beat that butter
Yes, they re maki.g pep•r•uoes for the
great Tall fair.
They are maktag prmp•ntion& for the big
Fall fair ;
Is the barnyard, is the kitchen, down col -
ler --everywhere ;
The cmrryoomb is goisr, and the brush a
.ever still.
Ad We girls are making butter with a
Asterisk sad a will.
They are /jawing at the wall, where dip-
loma in • frame -
The triumphs of the peat ars • glory wad •
Before mask eye wrists
The vides elbig prima
Yea, they're amide' preparations for the hig
Fal! fair.
_Toe Kal,.
rssM.e• Ise e ween.
Philadelphia Time : Os Soaday have
Was mashed not pounded i.1* • sables
wises, bat whisked isle • e eewmy mbeess•s.
Ts Mists this they shield be paged, *nam.
ed, broken with • pima) whip, amieemed
with 04141 mid buster, esamene1 with salt
awl pepper bosoms bio • batter until they
Oa ]Moeda hake thee in their skim.
Tbm thea d wedded .chem, baked i. •
gess eves ed served at .see.
Per TM•day they ma be "Id
baked with • resat. W Most M
within half 0w boor er se of being ready lay
them to the gravy sailer it d bake +.til
they ore eeveed with • crisp, brown skis.
On Wednesday serve When is Kewteeky
sigh. Thews are Wised this se for frying.
mad km geld water for holt is h.'.r. pet
r e p•sNhl dbh with ml!. pepper mid
milk end tike for k.lf oa boar
Os Theredav serve them fried whole.
Ped and beg them. R.11 is Wawa egg,
Mas in sresber smash awl fry is better.
Oa Fridley M.. pstaeees • I. P.rkann.
Wash end rub %a with •+.arse doth
mita they w .kiemd, drop isle he4D.g
water sad bell wield dens. Rave in •
sanemsn snow het meas mad be11ar, s
Imo parrey, peeper sa/ en• Pest the
emir of Whe haled pietism, .ever +1141
this eel rte it sled.
Oe **disk , 4104 the= wcah their
skim ea wed ,tem ate*
Ila.alio no.4 r bees esies dM.fe!
.teed Mem der built mad chis erne.
g alti„fpledesaw. Jo •
And be witbdrewLmeg.Noest is hes
et the
1 e1.11.01.tdham-
moan the Mowry .t the .crew of arab
Hetes waw the sewMm The Paris mew:
fame was ~Weide, sad made New
Itresewi.k'. .sers • heeasioH word in
natio shale wee r/where. Hattes wee •
vs et Oslersl e, lensed, enl came oat
St. Ada is 1M7, ekes but silos yawn of
it. beam. his earner n as senses in
let* veer by rowing is the Alert, of
hetes, the mew b.;wg Wiliam lints t•,
e, Samuel Britian. bow, W illiMar Pm -
hie, No. 2, and Hanes. Na 3. The
e »me was by Hems ..d hie frie.ds
0. the Qws.i Birthday the follow's'
ear, Houma rowed the same ear is the
diem with Joseph (?.sass, Meeks. Trask
ice, bow, .d I•maei British". alleiwec the
✓ am Boat with • (aer41.. stew. The
Alert. were sons .aoo.sdaL Hatter nut
wad as No. 3 is the Hardie" is 1266, web
illiam Britten' as stroke, 8 Musts. hew.
R. MaLr.s, No. 2, .anis* the Therm.
tedi•.towe, that being the Bret enema
which thew famous beet. opposed ..oh
Ow. The Lily of the leak. lith • mixed
w was in 1e,4, same rasa The Thetis wee
• rase by Mese seconds, the Hsrdine get •
iag is sword.
Homes, Falces, McLaren and &Weis
a rowed u the Harding, with Feltoe as
roke, minima the Mclull.s, Thesis anti
phrodite, is September. 1866, ea the se.
cam of a great Masonic picaio. the Thetis
Manisa y three wands over the Harding.
Mashes potion is third, $.d the
phrodite hawk. The stubbornness' of the
tett bargee the Hardin* .'d the Thetis
the last rasa led '.o • match later is the
mast►. The eraw of the Harding changed
sosmwh•t os this occasion, McL.ras taking
the bow oar u place of Brittain, Clad Elijah
Rosa taking the .sat wasted by McLain.
The course was • fire mile as at Sandy
Cove, end the Harding woe the sash,
th 40 ,winds to spare. The Harding,
th the same crew, w.a seat watched
against the Thetis for 1250 a side. In this
race, however, Hutton and his comrades
wen defeated.
Ia 1866 Haten rowed as No 2 with Ful-
a, Wm. Price and Ross in • regatta at
Sandy Cove•g.ie•t the Nept une, 0101 which
ey won as easy victory. A few weeks
ter, with McLaren .ab.titetel for Prime,
he Harding, over the same canna, defeat -
the Bee's Wmg, rowed by • Green Head
row. le the month of September of the
e year --11166--• 6500 match was mode
or the Harding crew against their old Io-
ia1town opponents ,n the Thetis for • too.,
he sit mile course on the K.nnebecasis be
ng chosen as the scene of the eyot. The
Herding's crew wen Fulton, stroke : Mc-
,sr.e, bow ; (,.o. Inc.,iNo. 3; sad Hutton.
No. 2 The race came off on September 10,
and the Harding won with ease, doing the
++ease io 38 minutes and 50 seconds, the
astset time on record for the distance.
Hutton, with bis last named lao.iates,
next went with the Harding to 3 gfield,
*1aa.., where they pulled the old beat away
rom all competitors, teelsding the Highest,
of New fork, two O'Leary craw, of the
same .tate, two Roston crews and • Wor-
cester crew. The course on this ix:maim
was three mile and the prize $300.
tt'ith Fulton as stroke, Price in the bow
and Rosa No. 3 Hutton Dent west with the
Hardier to the great Seine regatta at Paris
'n 1867. They first rowed in as inrigged or
barge race over a canoe four mad • half
miles long. The crews engaged against
them included the (;eeliag. of France sod
and representative crews of Eng1sd sled
I;+rainy. On the sane day they rowed
the Harding against • picked crew of Oxford
University. • fine four from the *.sada
Rowing Club and scleral other crews. Eng
(i*, French and German. They were vic-
torious, and heoceforth no crew oxidate( en-
joyed • larger share of the admiration and
interest of boating an on beth .ides of the
water. la the following ()ember the same
crow, with the exception of Rom, who
seat was occupied by Jame Price, rowed at
the St John exhibition regatta over • four
mile enures a the Kense& cowls against the
11. 1). Aute. C. Coyle and 1'n&:pace I.
This was • very does ram, the Austin ar-
riving outside the jed4e's boat •bout ever
with the Hording w stsured mere
correctly. Ti*. rasa was
Hutton and his asstzcistal next eempeted
successfully with • Reed's Point crew in the
Three Lamps, over • five mile course m the
Stay hors, in the Summer following the
F:thrbitioe race on the Kenn.beosasis w
match was put upwith the Austin mew.
The race came off so the harbor, and the
Hardin, was vietoriou. •rein.
The Ward Brothers of the l'sit.d Staten
hevicg about this Limo proclaimed them-
selves chanpim tzarina of the world, drew
the somata of the St..lohn tour, and with
their Mewls resolved a dispute with them
their claim to the title. A meta was sad.
for 51200 over • six mile teams at Spria-
dad. Mas., and the race, wine tame ages
the 21.t October, 1868, re•slted la s m'et
signal defeat far the Ward.. Os their no
tan a St John, Herres ad ►M asmines
were feud and presented 'risk life heeds=
o f the city by the Council, sad citizens made
alp a pates for them.
i. 1860, Haltom and the test el the Purls
crew meds ..ferriag tear through Ontario
sad Qo.hee, retries spoiast Montreal .d
Toronto craws for • tris of woo. ever •
three Mile cease at Landes, gag Birt e
Temente and visas WOO amore Tres the
Teeste dal a . Get mils [mores, eel sett
as NMAare, where they was en edditiom.l
__ !• • ire stile rats tela* the Termite
The Lachine Being (lab nest •0Heitd
the111. Jelin mew Se l• • e i&
the Tye. mew* 01
` S»Sbor, 116. dei, 1/041
plan es September 15, sad the their beat
toes. water is r r�
for . aims to b ( evaded waits the
t11. Jabs Mat was sideboards said
81869. Mattes. Vibes mad Prwe retied
• siMM _wall masse t'r M0 $ tills es 81.
Jabs barber, is whin Hallen was viner-
On A 95, 1111, the mend meeting
d the *Set' amt Tyro mews Seek plass,
tido tiew es the Iss.nhes..te, Ler Lb00 •
aids as N. That mutest el
gM.�, M whale the g1e•t di-
B'o w.M.a, dr. i dead. was ler Need
train the start. Telles shush a 44 dip at
the .tars add Redsel41 armed with 49
stroke At the end el 100 yards Restarth
zpaf W but 8t 14th. W less le drew
.41.1.1 bti by lash. A quarter ef a Mile up
Motions Bl Jobs was beg • 1t�th
At lit a se, dsar wear sheeest benne
We .Imes ef the St J.bs haat end the
DriSM*1a bar. Telma woe �•sp.4g eg
.t 41 strokes to the ttd.sts ..d Prim. Imo
wearing • e uses es t se es evew.
The N me le led..i Me
Kag eshim Wass
l bis war to Mak mons 11* s
er .. (.' w+klt -. aiYw , swift
WooGIL "diestbey toldAdd
ode ~1fd... Mil , Y sae t keep m
few+ tlises �� a Ib.' l�ol le ep
i i41* jIsim use w
Iles ash of en t in
5.•.e Slmal• sales.
There are a few simple rales in the care
of live stock of all kinds. which if ob-
served will nearly always make stock -
growing profitable
1. Start with good animals. It costs
but little more to do this than to start
with scrubs. The service of thorough •
bred males costs. in modern time•, so
little, and in most localities they are so
easily accessible. that no farmer can
afford to use a scrub. The farmer who
persistently breeds from thoroughbred
elms, will improve his stock continually.
9 Never keep more stock than Jou
are sure that you can feed well The
farmer who overstocks his pastures,
damages his land, and is at the mercy
of the weather, for every dronth brings
his cattle to a starvation diet. and often
makes them breathy, and the farmer
who attempts to winter more stock than
his teed is sufficient for, is sure to find
stock -growing unprofitable
3. Feed all meat animals for early ma-
turity. One farmer will attain a weight
of 200 pounds on his spring pigs at six
or seven months ol.l, and get the top
price for them. and he will mate che..p
meat, for there will he no check in
growth from birth to maturity, and no
cold weather feeding Another wall
neglect his pigs until the become un-
thrifty and feed them till mid winter.
and then moll fifty pound lighter than his
wise neighbor.
One farmer sells his steer. ,t two
years old for more money than his neigh-
bor gets at three years old To develops
an animal early requires a well balanced
ration, regular feeding, a comfortable
bed, shelter in winter, and conscien-
tious caro, and the farmer who gives
this will find that it pays. We ��
slowly, but when I remember bow. in
my boyhood, live stock was neglected
almost uaivet'sally. tad every ssppeeiir�l�
many cattle and hoar died trust aig*vok
and starvation, I can ser that there has
been great improvement. and I feel em-
coursged to preach the gospel of good
farming. and I also try to what
fids -7wb Dobbs. In Country Ou-
tlaws ii -
iyyd w greases +area.s poised away se
✓ eal
. reamer air men.
" There is • seamy is d.iag buts thug#
jsot fight. said • dews -taws b•eims.o mss
e a reporter for the New fork Yes • taw
days age, sed I sense it is my Atm I
Md two cam 41.ys there else .Min dee,
i1 wee to bring tam IMAM a oards that waw
seat is to we, or te fetch thm.g. that I
wit•1 to ave. (lee of thew bite, whits -
•ser I wit him for • busk w saying/
heavy, would walk rapidly by my de.k and
tow it iodiff.r.sUy toward me. 1f it hap-
pend to miss a and Sed ea my bask It
was .11 right_ II it fell a the Goer the bay
always waged to tall Omar it is his e ier-
mem to perk it ■p. Thea if he had • letter
or • Mrd to diner he would sonm clone up
e the desk sod stead there erasable ismer
with mamas tare. This bag concluded he
dw�oulld fissa1 it airily is my dinette. sed
•T1w ether boy Mays came sad west
so that I add dirtily bear him. if it was
• book, iskstsed • • bo: of letters lie would
set it gat*ly dews at one nide of my desk.
" Letters sed .Cads be always laid -sot
tossed --tight whore my eyes would fall a
them directly. If there was ear ether
doubt a his mind .bout whether be ought
to lay • letter a my desk sr deliver it to
some other potion ia the odies, he always
did the thinking before he came ser me,
and did not stead ansoyyitagly .t my elbow
studytsg the letter. 17me boy understood
the science of little things. Whim New
Tsar's .sato he got 110 ; the other boy got
A Gemmel Ow es e•aes...
Prof Blackie, Boatload's Oraad Old
Man. 1, se lively s.6 gal se $ ac
1a entertaining as Asericao at 1
eon recast'''. to hes wife's presesos, be
said, as be took op to eervblg bane
and thrust it isle • chid : -my wife
wall let sal carve. Never taiad. Bey
*nay. 111 assay -then off, DM boy?
These? The sweeter lite mast the aeetr-
er the bona. Btaemslies have care-'
ed empires more And with
les +upper discourse be wet ea for as
beer. .
To M Mobbed tam
Hies Mustin, . pe'd.ssor of ()hie Wesley
Appealing to the most
has become
the standard
tobacco. even
in competition
with long
of recog-
nized merit.
J. 8. PACILanaTelmemzuOut &fid'
The Signal
..ss tmsse eelM 46111.111B bt
job shish we wne-
pessedrtle the for the poems
.J A pima* .t Ws sesea.tse
sheen ed
w seed mi a �hiioi Mme
ig sa.fiiems
that ear etgl u00 u p{msfe''wlf lass with
the aspen! el en easress
'tont Nes 6.s
This useful sins is kept in the fen
riiiw a ties manse .s letter
-Letter' % AS
l%iinesisy. seek the bdiss el inn inns.
lie. nide ane day, oat eeeeidled them as
follows .
1. Tell the teeth. 2 De act talk ed
Tour own affairs. 3. Be waling to cedes
igaarasee. 4. R. a •te$tive lisl.ser.
5. B. bn.f.
Ter helpful dont', were taws 5.gamted :
1. Des's ane hyderksle. 2 Duni be as
egotist. 3. Deal interrupt. 4. Dost
jump at measles.. 5. Don't w slog.
6. I)e.'t gomip 7. Don't be cw1.ua
8. Uer't be aageamm•tts•L 9. Dost vas
sarcasm 10. • Dais mak thought -
Whereupon the Western Ckrietisa Advo-
eate to awed to remark : •, We imps the
professor will now take the gentle-
men aside. sett deliver to t t►. tem.
lecture, and rub it ie."
Is this line we have a ver/ large
stock of ins writing papers Bait
able for every clam d basin..
represented in this locality, cos
prising laid and wove, liaise,
quadrille and other papas, ruled
or untitled, as may be required.
lit eras . AAeots
are not so generally used, they W
am in ercial
correspondence. See what we've
got soder the above heads.
Bl�liA to&s
11 the " pa awyos-go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for a000untwould sot be
so great ; bthat are some sten
who get so many thinners that
they woodet if the stock will ever
run est. We don't intend it to.
and at present our stock is tone
plete in this line with four vias.
(,food piper and neat ruling.
eilp t'Atd►ts
Both single and double dollars
and cents columna They come
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch his 'round -
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock on
Mild. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from 75c. to
$2.00 per H. We handle coin
mercial and legal sites exclusively.
ong► mtvius\ 4rya.ng.
baa already bees partially mum
erated in sones of the heads above.
There is., however, a vast assess
of work under this head that to
eattmerate would more than take
1lp the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Two
to an "At Hesse" or a wedding
require considerable taste in melee
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and best
'sample• to be had. Call and rte.
Qroaro.s% %
of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out, from the
n but neat to the most elegant
with coed and pencil attic
We aim to excel in all the differ
ant kinds ol work we tarn out,
bet especiay in this, .fid keep
in stock pan aid fancy papers
suitable for all requIremests.
earths orifi rt.t.OlLetd
This head covers a larged
work, from a bread or milk
to a neat talhag card, from ea or-
dinary sdmimion ticket to a tasty
business card or a baadaoneal7
printed membership ticket
Os ase ilea
' •what's ties tatter. Tom? Tee'
vaW yeersslf for tans
ed_ 7 fee O is. Onagers '.l web
urla OS TOO* Om
ma dam thea tve
bole Is 00
art* trf.
wok w dream rwa
lwdw. wase abs 1/
Hon. Reuben E. Treat, ens of
Canada's ablest thinkers tai Gleba
men, a ales so highly esteemed by
the people of his diarist that he was
honored with a seat in Parliament.
kindly furnishes as for publi.stion
the following 'Women; whieh will
be Inert welcome le the publics.
insamtteh M it is One in whish all
v01 place implicit .onsdnnes. • 1[r.
Tame says -
" I have been for about ten yaws
very stash troubled with Indigestion
and Dyspepsia, have tried a peal
many different kinds of patent
mebeiass, and have been treated by
a ameba of physicians sad foiled
ao WWII from them. I was resew
aeseded to try the Great Booth
American Marine Tonic. I obtained
a bottle. aid I mast say I found very
ghat relief, and have eines takes two
more bottles, and now feel that I as
entirely free from Indigestion. sod
would strongly recommend all sy
bllow-wRsfsn from the dissent to
give .Cath American Mervin* as
immediate trial. It will care you.
" Wharton. Ont."
It has lately bees discovered that
onions Nene Centres, loeat.d *ear
the bane of the brei*. eo.troi sad
apply the d.uaah with the masa
eery nerve levee to properly digest
the food. When theme Nene Oen-
tees e in any way deranged the
supply d serve form is gni ease
diminished, and se a result the teed
tithes into the stomach is only
partially digested. and Chrome Indi-
gestion and Dyspepsia soon .sake
their appemenee.
Beath Amerism Nenime is se
prepared that it acts directly on the
Dane•. It will almeleWy ern .very
Can el Indigestion and Dyspepsia.
sari is as obsolete speeds for all
nervous dias.ane and ailments.
It usually sires relief in ea day.
Its powers to baild op the whole
mime are woodsrfai in the estrous.
It sates the al. the young, and the
middle-aged. It is a great friend to
the aged and infirm Do not eagles*
to nee this premises boon ; if you de,
yea may edgiest the only remedy
whish will restore you to heath.
South American Neriine is verbally
gab, and very plainest to the test.
Delicate ladies, do rot fat? to ave this
gnat ern, biomass it will pet the
bloom of freshness and beauty epos
your lips end i* year theme,, end
gay drive away year disabilities
ami weaknesses.
Dr. W. Weathers. ref New
Nehmen , Indiana. writes : "1 leave
seed South pm•risaa Norms in
m7 family mai pr's it i*
Ng medial. It is a most mseeiless
reneedy "
SOgN E_ D_.A:\TIS,
gBohMats> ling
Subscribe ter "The ligtir-s year.
Our facilities for turning out this
clean of work are evidenced by the
fact that the gnat bulli of it le
done by tel. Tbis line also in-
which our three fest-retains jet
prenees ars able to turn est is a
eurpriaingly +bort time
O\9.. SAX,.
belong to the poster department
also, and we make a .pmialy el
SW she
in this respect- A ar souse el saes
will appear in Tam taw. iree el
charge whoa bills for ons ere gni
#�� AV.74.% 4 'iR ori
is t41. nage
in as ertpe3 i .sal surds*
wear end
Our V ikeos vi.\X tri jots a&
vovelk reosoraobke'
We mimed err tsh•ab ler pea tilt
ore and seats a nes
't a%Z
.1 OITU$ s Dd.
esisJ o bows*Oesinse Isla al
e - s. Men
mss►-'a.me�h Oex we.
D O. HAYS, B111
OR. Ra OHs
wee Ias�a M •r.
IN. . , v.♦*Pro0
C, Ca
50 • n... •nl aseemlati
fa sf�
ar 'Ire
least* a edea
lersetsaatedloe. '
�Mse.leeliCfagli�etr.e aisle*
F JaoreT. �`sTIL,
▪ . fine -ass
000 TO LOA.
W t%*Mzaolf IUOa.r.
MO ��
1.:.1 ,_M�se�elt�aof /yttves,1
so Mutase t P1W[JDI
lssyr a 141. 4..st wit
M hem NsalliWeer .
00BY To L*NI
Tx &s OL'1NDRY,
pall ICI1oM, Gi
&ad Lama
bad einside
trade, hs
p0.•rsea era,* !Ia
Omer ♦bihilar.
Dental Amnon
*r Tris
DR, E.�Q$A
eolreas PAtM
kannwde asa
lattess5 i
`+Mtge d
0'00. ye I�eael Ilwala
'�m• 1tay~ M
■twvems.t 5
I ter art
DR !. 1
0415a he la'
when he