HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-9-6, Page 1Honesty TI!• 111elPT JPOt14T. See 'MAT TMrAt,.tae to DATED • IN • ADVANCE VOL. XLVI. 2481 ti Z'ii0] T-E� DING( NE3W812J�PZiR OF 1131:7RO11T OOTTNTY. THE DOINGS AT 017A WA Ij. (4"1/4... Fen "mid be ".461. th•I FROM OVER THEBORDER.1 to tubal eeemdb eta• reepoembUity sad GODERICH, ONTARIO, %NADA. THIi1RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1894.. power that weld esrt•i.ly arouse • great -1 er Intens► le oar Fednal Government Whatlafioing on at theCapltal 4sb. ke wktg that there was nem as Idpe1 beyond iMeTba •epeenmmeet Trying M Revere Pebble •1- �attea- leneb IaeArat • rest Is she Lamm' irlaMrr - The an pemaee-•1 epees • Veend. !1•s BmeAt correspondence, OTTAWA, Meet. 1st --How persist - redly the U•e11Memt tries to divert public atomism halm fie snideness d waWmie- rstisteoa fiat. blies h4ts .seneseMgag against them dlllll% Iia hilt bw Poo!. Their dfreer esseraM 1• Iii' old Sae et r•isisg other reuse -_lL 1velou.& L the subject of attack. Thep .an dad se justification tor their deeds bis{ still sash le avert boort warfare by making dews in the wortof their oppositely Umiak heaven (key are not as earner mw are. Here is Y ex- ample of the low, devisable sneer the Lovers/nest sad its pe.s are prepared to resort to to deceive the people u the hepe of drawing attenttioe from u. owe m»deade rhe Citizen, the Government *rpm here, u disonaesg the duty on agricultural im- plem.et. says : ' there w. *carom a member et the Opp/elitism who did not Pead for 'fair play' fee the iaplemmt menufaet- ursr when the government proposed the re- ductio. of duty." WHAT *Al THE err.1IV1 of the Gov.rameat in publishieg that para. graph ! Heehaw snore or lam than to coo - v.7 the b/raalas that the Liberal party to pnrlia.wR hates iempoosd the cause of the iatplemest eI11�aLrsr by opposing a ream*, deter 1 the •eeoegarnt low. o riel d hit 811e1Ltles. Ora Fs ants any • t re �, .t it ! What are the tact, ! Sir falahati wrtght Yd other liberal month* a urged the Goveneseest tont seises te hewer the dot 0. the raw materal the sffde band i-pisae.e aamn6eterer need u W �tes'7 that be snigt be i. s passim to aonof dere Isere imply, and come - quietly be able to sappy to the farmer hie implttaLte at less sent. The Citizen is est the ally Qseer.sest org•a that has sodomy - °red io dieters abase face* into akt:e the Liberal party the oheapi0.s of the moon- factsrs t sad of prabeties. It shows the drboses wane the (bwssrvattve party will resort to, the unfair war they will wage in the hope of drawing public •ssestioa from their ora cies- If so$b10g more, it fur- o ube .villins of the workmen ed their owe case and a desperate taus it mast be when we lied their whole dckwsa bulag ssade ap of each deceitful argument. it they troald practise the same 5o.seay in the •dmi•is- mtnutratioa of our public affairs the& they do in eceseesisier the truth, we would, in- deed, be a prosperous mummy. For giving aprrseioa to views bed by myself is ay !sties. I have frequently been attacked when in ease detail they might differ frogs these held by a few edivtd.d .*abase of the Lib* al party. ric•now Or TIsr't lir AS YRS13011 ern arltarlt u oma of the proomisee& pla•ke in the Lib- eral platform. It is met so with their op- ponents. They w sloe Allowed to tidbit lar themselves, but at.st sept what the 'star Chamber' seer A< to lay betare them. They aro tabgbi be believe 'the kiss ma do 0o wrOs'. Their pelky b directed by the mo00peitet sad .undue rarer : the Liberal policy by the amoral welfare of the vestry; the ntamerere, who pay messy and se Lit 0W e! m gilt lettere o the buyer y tTory � party, for they are the *knew to whisk they ewe their lee d power. My objet IS to arease public boding arsine tble mart of (:overaaeat My iitt.tbod• bis be ori- ginal or they may esl be • e( those alredy•dv.sai, tbetheywhatthey may. if I osa only he iestrumsete11s aubs- i0g to awakes thew people who have boss 'studied to drift along, to the say victims they bas hemi fee • dishevel* Govoraswt to operate epee, thee i hese .mo.pliehmd 817 purp.a Anyway. 1 0halla.g, ussM- dietiob of mit Itate*ebt i may asks i• the c course of bttere,, .irr Abgues I may M in t. Se meal lee •Peggy. Dt of� w Wk d the duals before you mem 1arf5u. (ane of the Stalks in the Liberal Is " Seats Reform." What we bye tint to a Bader M whether the Senate is • geese - eery piece of ear Iegidativ. asi'h1..ry. If it could be wade to tiske the polities it was r.vi..11y wooded U sho.ld take L not parliamentary work ism minion, ea • chsk °n kgiele les, would be a most im- pertain and useful nae. That am aver be while the eempositime of the Upper Helm steads ea it den as dee proses, iter m the "sate we total ea Ir -d but aux Marsh mit d a of teve.t7-aim if we Wtivve teerle state is seten•ry to sews benne amass lou them we mise ksek skeet ter by which the *vile d the proses* . ,- tent may be reeved. The sale way le to make that body eleettve. Now here is • 'abject for t m em.tees, the peeps who bot *0 k. te outdo out art the *eek mad ep .twith the leder. mad wive the "'tibiae. There are es peed sten mit of earliamest es le It. 'Here -s tats same our finnan b the rural listen& wh while P•seibly they have act ehtn.d the mm• d- 46t sg Isiesinies es ere aa01s a rues Irv, hese ami �RM"hehtythwith 1•r swam semi ftjha�s then µy'ry "bdNet t� Ottawa Toe wed realise his., for pee in Deme _a le the SuoM if w es etbe idea dot els Rums ma be MINes why divisive the. teed . embed d a sorer nef1e�M Tel tmowelne eneerwea, Mn three emYes W N a •.ess! Mari* linososseefi Vim of (b IspHerhea.else. Ste e1 r LI.L ta•,mY seeds the d time of rase eteeey sad d.btbcmfise of ketal affair, would you set get the beet w e in year au.ieipal **.elle fret which .ehoole year parliamentary repreneatatives =kilt greeny.. This phase of the asses teems reymaahie : evolve tt i• year Wed. Then are simile °mistime in the Dominion having three repress•tativae is the !haste while there are /Toupee of Ave or .iz come ties that have sever been reprinted in the 1 pper Hee.. U the people are to be reprove/ad ea the Senate the system of ap- pestats." p- p estan t meet be abolished sod the eleot- ive.yatms. adopted. It is the Government and use the peeps that an sow repeated In the Upper Chamber. Ageing the Literal leads is reforming it. THE TOWN COUNCIL Menke !grebe apeebl meeting et the Teas reaaret A •palm ateetiag of the tows council was bald le the osaacil chamber on Friday even ins. Atm. 31st Then were present the euyor, reeve, ted councillors Murry `quakes. Thompson. Sunders, S•lbws, WU.gs. Dunlop and Reid. The ad.at a of loot mesu.g were read and The Ikilhawias communication wee read Mem J*s Mt*sael, sooty, of acuses' com- mittee re Aaaate, Hotel. Gohamn-it, Aug 30th, 1894. To the Mayer and Cosaoil. Gentlemen, -I est directed by the yen - oakum of *Rise.s who are endeavoring to the ereotiee of • wormer hotel ..d u i. the tows, to ask your honor• (Ihr y how far you are willing to aid in elates What we request -- -Lirantinotoo to use as muck of the pres- ent park as may be aeemeary ter the in eaos that be deemed • seita►b .the 2. Tree weber .ad electric light, say for three .oaths or demos the .e..o. of • heist. A Lrzempuoo from taxes for • term of It ie hoped that with thee.. bonus ou the part of the tows augment capital .an be raised either u • jeiat neck enapeny, or pnvet• eapit•1, to secure the arsonse of mach desired buildings te time for melt ss.os'a working. Jas. Mtry I* ELL Sac. Com. This communication wee referred to the special tsvmittes to report, A petition from Sarah L Parsee* in referees to the .ao.tleti0 d texas on lot 71. Reds survey, was referred to Court of A report frogs D. Lamb, desirous Board of Works sad la.eramoo Coe!., of Toomeyreferee'su.w ie referee's to setablieht of Municipal Bureau of Iewrsaoe waa referred to special tegs.ittee. A oassevia-lou tram J. K. Thompson, .b.irm•n of eoagslttee on deep water ways, Termite, was read, .taring that$omivestlou will be held at Toronto, Sept. 17th to 20th, to disc.s the question of baviaig a 20 toot channel clear to the AUaatie. The mayor, sousaiRor Semis were appointed reed, mad ted del. - gates to the omiveniimi st their owe s- pews The fallowing soeoumb were referred te the f>rr.. c mmittae : Hy. Artrtromtt, 8660: WIN Ls., i79& - 91 ; Colborne Brea, 86.47 ; (lee Mott, 810 66 ; Jct MitsWI, 86; Toa 81ewrat, $7.46 ; Cq.M. t McLle mks, Irl ; J. W. "1111111.' W.1I i N. D_L..l, paws ad The Iil/ewiea ••••1111111 wap .mmw rees- �i,V;;8. Jia Wt eas S H. D. Edwards & pin 13.4Q H. $ i 786 Gement ; Oinedi•t Gsent Ebetri. The report of the public works oevaittes recommended the' 'rails( sae (meanie( el the barber hill. By -1•w Ns 4, of 1294; to seem •ad I.vy the sags d 891,3119.16 he mwbipal mid ether AIr1 sad 005004 er the Not. yens 1f194 was rend The .steel vales el all pe iy by keit revised amusement r 81.,1191,99 Sy (bit by-law the following rates are levied :-Torr rate, 143110/Wig en the &l - lar ; fes petals 5.4 separate sieelr,�4�; fee musty rate, 1 W/8 ; 1•r o*sos'ieated dmbl din Mantra., 2 3110, gs•kits • teed el 224 milk en the dollar, The metier el Akio eeponeeered wield stairs woe referred sj •i sr er.miqes with power team. Ameu.t of Wm. McCreask fee watering Square, 83 10. wits ordered paid. Covell edjee ted tin met third Friday it September. • resifts tns a sry. (lonttodt't, fleipt. 3.4.1895. Ts as Editor of Tee Niaan.__Pls.s. 'lye epees is year oases to the fallowing: Seem (tae in the early part of this year, the terra gee eU thomvt% well to hey. • spatial osagsittes appointed te eek ter appli-Ni-aa Ler the peelibe of webs wateh-•s kr the beers. Now the gaieties bee bags mead time sad Pais. aro may wise Set= eagle's remit ed ti that spasm' .ad who* wasthe Imre.* sir t Ths res- }ayer. ohoald hes, err it b their rrht b beer, mad, further, se • sewer he the burs d OederLb bar' ped meat' I Wok 1t sliseldbe every Abe • mesas d sal saw mush lea ere be Mo fin, best hew a ti beer it Wei. be den. If ie can be dews for ens b shter red do lees ewes e hew Yens.) hes 1. y Alms, why es nmeres rde L es le She ebewailede. # urb•m..d l rime of Me steedbye said maks le map te hint, mead the Sews would be oto bewared a.lbr. shoed. INww, Mr. blies* it b • well knows Are that the padIL- of ells* seeks. Ler the Ms e/ Oadernk tae he Ned f.r the MR Of NM per anne ort. the duties of trust Miser Midi& The Mame b es beery bee • balk eel efts be relied est Hew, beeld this elter is lsekd ewer ? The me w10 weehl oars the Oh ismn why fibra be deme amid wham r W.Aq her the ease p peel see.Teem, • Nowa Notes from Washington labor e y at W----ee-Tete •dsIo tetra - Urn of am Sew Tnrtf Law - • breast Ise Sesl1/rectar--rbveaand and Ms flew esmerrats. Tas Ilnusat Gervespeadeow. \V ASH INGTON, Sept. 3.- "Lab- or I ley" is for the first time being observed as • legal holiday, Cungn., having at the last s...ioe poised a lin ..kis the first Mandy in Ssploisbee • lue holiday mad desig.atisg it (akar Dar. The parade was a very creditable ow, misstating of tour di- viteveof organized labor. As was eatirely 'Wag, Milliard Hobbs, wbo u the author of the bill passed by Congre.s staking the day the ec- L( a legal holiday, was obis( marshal of parade. The printers, book-bsders, el trie.l workers end several other organs Soy had handsome flints, emblem•( coal their trades, iu the procession. All in the debut of Labor ley as a national hot day .t the N.tiooal Capital was a grog success. Treasury officials are having no end of work and worry with the complications, some important,some trivie,but .11 trouble- some, which are constantly arising in 000 - section with the administration of the new tariff law. One of the mat important oom- pliauoee is that arising out of the repeal the augur bounty. Lest week Secretary Carlisle decided that no mole bounties should be paid. sod even ordered that *becks •Ire•dy made oat for the payment of bounties should be held, but it t. doubtful whether that decatoe will stand, as strong pressure is being brought to bear to vet it changed so as to allow the bounty to paid upon all sugar that had been ma when the leer went into effect Soaneth. like • half -million of dollars is involved in this decision. It is expected that .n at- tempt will be made through the courts to compel the payment of the bounty on the eaters crop this year. TTa abrogation of the roe reciprocity eat that with Spain, for Cuba and Porto Rte -that had been producuve of more Rood to the farmers of the United States than wee expected when it was negotiated u one of the results of the first wok of the stew tenff law, .ad State De p•rtmest otbm•ls say they expect that other countries with which we had, or hate reciprocity spermente will toUow the example of Spain. I said "had" or "hate," because, owing to the wide differ - sews of *puma *natal( .moog these who are supposed to be learned in luteruatioal law and diplomacy, I am oot certain whether the taw tariff law swept all rem proaty treaties or not But If the each patients of the State L)ep.rtment officials be realized all dottier wilt so0. be removed by the action of the forage cenuris.. The tariff oe sugar was the wase of this Spanish retaliation, which it is feared will result in the las of • large and proltable market for American Mar. 1t was predicted more they owe before the tariff bill peeped the Senate that the tent! on eager would do snow& mere harm Ora the revenue thus br•s•ht in would ever do good ; but the seer treat wanted the tariff and it re- asaieod. CmiQesamen will bays to take their e..p age few re-eleetiou withost the .s- sietames d jsdiiio.dy P1643•11p•0ka8. 0 agnenMmal Imon1 weds, tsatagse t& delivery of .e.fa will not, owing to turd departmeentthe .ppro pi ialioa for t hat until es ,rine tialter the (,oasCoagrsrstm+weal wheelie ism eters Mertes is as . believer is the di.eriei0•te'dretribeti.n of ssde, anyway sad ted it eat hese the will of Chnerreet no pwo}eiation wadi have hese ,tido th yore ((.r that purpose. Its you know,.' ma • deseeratio Con =It 'that I believe the stores abut,President Cleveland &arise toaro the .o d..r.ta se sm loot of of the lines ars heed ou the truth. I will toll you why Mr. C3.04.ed tea. 1 he passage .4 . hill a the fres seises of Wysr. That is .ne reaps, mad • geed 0.e, hat .berm is anegheff9hgeelly pees with Mr. The go win cid, hl'tr11ied�by the hill whisk busses • law kat weak without the president'. Mss.ture, and there is little probability that it will be say ass ,rimed at the ekes of the sheet steel*..( Gosgen that will bops 1. Dtss.her. New, if the Smears 1.ss easel et the Hess itis osrWs that there will he no imp.rk..e tart( or silver1.wi.{aafes , Afty-eb Co..,Coe.. Where demedist Mug ere ? Why to the I'r.eidsntb! aa.- I•�. with the serif q.stize 1a a parities te h. ease aloes ,wads • big tauter therein. • 4 Mr. Mulled ready te I..teib free raw sssr*rid apes the basset whish he h. i1.... will be esrvied is the treat ousedga either by himself or by • eau rhem he shall sieve and who will r.pr.me.t .11 he steads for. Theft you art that's • plausible way be boomed for gamey raciestits• The p.stlemen wham remarks .rehe gland b e ped • friend of Mr. Cl velead that he e *baud se • "waken," •d he *peke se theme he th.yb web a peonies as he out. lbws lar lir. C. orebelv er.dit•bI. .0 of be dm O ' pay all -t- ,Arrears ON YOUR LOCAL PAPIER A,.O You will be an Honest Plan or Woman D. Mc1GILLICIIDDY, P PR ret WS TOPIC" OF A WEEK JSPORTS AND PASTIMES. lezalag=1::trat,:tt.',;i11`;:;:rirtzziOVERtt lee IN.,".seem. t�ee.te t.. .._ were* VER THE HURON TRACT. 1..r hump lft..der.. .eves d this privilege. Bush n c ere .•,t•teing street demure in (i1Ye NOtem Of (poi >Nell'f The Celt team rhe an takfag a `tap Bette, . v,t .around this The Gi'I.t from the Local 89111. losalit ,played • (Clued, Rase A 1.1hue paper says the Clef. phyla- (Mee...wielder his e.benttou *moue Miss McUow.il, nesse of JohnYcNillan, *1.P , dropped deed M Seatorth Wearies - Timm Tires lives were laand a fireman an bad- ly hain • Neva York fire Wednesday0.ort.ing J.,1111Brown, a Maribauk fanner, was the•. u by his horse and instaut,y killed Werlu.•erley. Vesper, a lumberiug village In Wiscon- sin, hes been wiped oat by forest fires. Ls., 875,O. A Paris EoWy$1iat paler sun the Count of Paris is tedium steadily rod hie death may occur at any moment It is authoritatively stated that •z-i'n- ad.nt Harrison will not seek the Repub- lican nonmatiuu agent. Sixty•two resident* of Samoa have for- mally petitioned the Emperor of fermiumto suers Samoa The police of ltio Jenerio have disoov- .red ten infernal machines supposed to beloug to Anarchist.. A cloudburst has caused great damage to Vented. and I' Hans, Tex. Half a dome lives have been lust. Job,. Brown, a farmer, aged tee was killed on Wednesday near *1.rlbu:k out., by hie horse rewrite; away. Viue-President Shaughnessy of the C.P. R. has sneered hunesH hopeful of • speedy imuruveuseut rte trade. Wiunil+•it lumbermen expect the reduc- tion iu freight rates to give • groat im- petus to the lumbenug iudustry. rl Harry Huey, third son of It M. Hor- sey, tinowitte Kingston, went in swim- ming yeeterdey and was drowned. George Freeman, the leader of Primase & West's minstrels, dropped dead on the street at Pttt..tieet, William Spooner, a farm laborer of Ro:kiend. Russel County, was killed byar • trolley carat Kingston Wednesday. The thawFalls Car Works, Indiana, ea have resumed work after • year's idieue The company employs 1,200 to 2,000 men. It 1. reported that the Governor ot Ni- caragua h. Trued edicts of bsaishment against the British and American retu• gees British exhibitors et tare Chicago Fair so * are mplai,.ing that the .dais and other badges of honor awarded them have notd been receive A majority of the striking Scotch miners have voted in favor of accepting sixpence reduction, with goreauteed wages uu that baste for two years. Phyllis Betedaughter of R. Boll, photo- grapher. Kingston, accidentally drank half a bottle of laudanum and died yesterday from the effects ot the draught The mother of J T. iierrow, H. PP.. fell and broke her hip j'.iut at Seatorth. The injured Indy is advanced in years, and her recovery is doubtful. Th. t'. P. It Cu. lute reduced .levator charges in Manitoba one cent • bushel. and freight Cts, on lumber have been cut about 35 per cent. Edward Ryan, formerly of Toronto, and Thomas Weaver, whose borne is near Glen- coe, were arrested at Windsor Friday un • charge of manufacturing spurious coins. A threshing engine exploded in Pontineds Terre Township. Minn., killing Hans Haantg, Knute H__.lgtg and Tule' Auder- • sou. IL T. Hoenig we seriously melded.L- Itis asserted by interested parties that the new United States tariff law has de- stroyed the best sugar industry in Nebras- ka, involving several million down. a "the -elections were held at Leicester last ' week resulting in the retention of both is sew by the lll•dstouiens. Henry Broad- hurst was one of the sacce.sful candle dates. Mgr. 8.to111a secretary announces that whether the Papal delegate be remelted to Rome or not, the Vatican will continue to be. npreoted .t Washington by • minim - 0501 Ing.tion. I. The body of Eddie anJgraft came swore at Shider's Point, about four miles east of Port Colborne last evening He wale wdrowned Inst Sunday owing to tbe cap - thing of his Sall - boat Brasov, Brass, who, on July 18, was eosvleted of murder, robbery and arson. ear 'at te death b the guillotine at 6 o sleek yesterday soda(et Laval, !Prime*.Ia the pre.s.e. of 4880 people. It- H. Parmelee d Bones, N. Y.. wbo woe a with fradelae*11y liesses(ng pests Weiss eemeiNad .abide In that tows yesterday by thirewbe treat of the St Login .tpe himself Ir Wm. Revell Moody, side* son of Beta - genie D.L Moody and Mary Whittle, old set d.rgbter of Ma I). W. Whittle, were NorthlMld, M.., W is the cbareb,• • terrible Are Osmond he the Cesb.. River. • Sower boat seed Ars and the weed eed rapidly semi hominids of the a swim Ise dsshwyed . At !s* 1,000 saves fi• perished In the Lusa Jose Sullivan, a sellar te the shoos L L Iamb, disp ersud Wed nesdaymight en found Yesterday afternoon be body wad bm Magnolias barber near the ves- sel. He eh 1ppeA beimthe mast sheet twoN weeks ego at (Bsy.igsd O. ab • trolley sr el As i fs N. C., ha eels Orlin running down a heavy grade. dew of the tooth troat the wry. The mer wee tell d paserneers. mad teeny of the oeoupemb FlamingosIse. Injured. Ii v. R Helelatt, the Flatos Sand prsmher, is Niue meter "A.trss.m mitel- l" Jobmstoe r $,000 dada.* far slander 1a nim ssties with the a ram east &Repel•. et Messy molest Ow pfa*auf. Mt HOMO UP AGAIN. mem �ar.p eW whom sm .sars Pme- OsorlOsio . w as Ies.mss Or a bIg bow bee sesorm North ley, Sept. 3-8.. M.rrev's tease is ewe that ire .hes figured in SuessswspaSuesduesbthe pact s. maul.* eight beers he wee mend of end bleed penede* by Dodd'. Itaaq Pfau, alter hail •"hyenas ��ad pey .1 Pelle ��betkals�pri **theses, Marg was pad bb isilt' y skim ity the Oram Tr0.k. erm be was weed In Dash k HYry Pa., he by hese e • Areadees rte by •'.teles Ws Manes sway. ar see be SI a peals ee few the Ingehem- bar emse%a of Davies Z Hay, of Tercet•, rod the time time he win aMe -lulu. eriy hes. le Send le ryes def apen..ie.dparmro.ey el hi seen Br.ssls : • aaeber d typhoid fever sem w reported he sews. (any As William Fortes, sr.. woe se se ire • hider in the here seamy hast ty, le Cosies4 w b4 rod tell withpea i Mro. bre /ser.do.by Wiwi 1iie. with our team ea Tuesday. Of oeerem the d.ederfei Luisa*. mines.1.. 65sd *lase Moro expected to ass the hots* team **owed ander, but the did not expect to A N Saeebell-Tete IIq.ab►le al entities 7 H me thea sake so many errors d mot en lab., Sae- The t;.11 is. eo many errors been made by the boom a:ederlb "Web - renal. loam, the game would have bene very Sweeties indeed, both for •pect•Wrs and players, as.omothia8 oto always be Isere' t. b.aeb•11 by watching • good team play bell. The quickness with whish they dal FOLIA 'WING AI(E A11UNO THE Important sporting events of the week that anything, the way they take their places are of Imeseet Le t:udefich reader : either en the fell or at the bat, is tote • t+•altnAt.t_ novelty to tete game hero. Everyone no working( oo the field from start to film Lest Friday the Climdos team ane to isb. Godencb to mow down the teem and to 'ft course they make errors . well as wipe out Inst last defeat which they had re- the home team but not so often. The great - :sired at the borne uags'shand. Spalding est feature m. their play is that everyone an4 his men et -ere in a great r ate of excite. know. how to play 'baseball' not w much meet at the first on amount of getting a that he can field, catch or throw, but that few runs by the poor fielding of the howe he knows whet to do and holds the teem, but the Godsrieh boys braced up hall unwomanly. The throwing eau quite shortly afterward* and the rune began to • feature and . men het to tram fait to -nee ID • gnat deal slower for the visitors. steel hams on such throwing. Tile l.odench pounded the leather both regularly always likes to see • good teem play, anti bo- atel often and the gems .ever eau In duger although some of the spectators expected member surprise like the one in Clinton, forgetful of the tact that there w.. • vast difference between the grounds of the two planes. Alt Scruton, one of the Clinton players but who had been injured at Clio tool umpired the game very satidactorily. Anyone who had seen the game be- tween the sane planers •1 Clinton on Tees- -lay .ad this cue would be struck at once with the difference in treatment accorded to the ouwde club by the home players and •pectstora. At 4.oderesh, outside of • little guying by the spectators, whish one mast expect, there was not • murmur even when some close decisions were given animas the home club, and with which the spectator• might not be in unison. .-1 feature of the game was 1'resmsn'• hieing, he having 4 buts for 4 tines at the hat. The more by morass is as follow. : a H e Goderich 1 3 S 0 7 2 3 0 x-21 17 6 ('!sate. 2 1 3 0 1 1 0 0 2 10 11 10 Notaries -1 uderigle Robertson Yd Mae comam ; Clinton, Hoover, Spalding and Glendinning. Umpire-- Mr. Serino°. On Monday the home club at the request of the Clinton team west to that town so play a game with them to help =eke up their *poria. Although in opposition to • good many members et the God.rich pat- rons, wbo said that we had beaten them al. ready three times out of four games and that they did not se the use of going .Quin to Clinton and perhaps of being again sub - Reeled to nareatlemaoly conduct. They were right, as will be sew. The game was played ou the Agricultural park before • very targe crowd, ail the 'porta being held there. At first Clinton, through some very cost- ly errors on the pert of the Godeneh doh, moved • good many run', four beteg made tu the first and six in the second, while Gods - rich only made 0se and two in thew Innings, but afterwards l;oderieh settled down and batted Agnew out of the box in the fourth innings, and were still 000tmulog to bit eve after ep.lding went in the boz-just tkuk of that--- and would unlet for sae Y- forssen •melees hay. won the match. The accident happened, but from our knowledge of the Clinton bwb•ll club, wet expected. It happened in the folbwiag way In the Int half ot the fifth teai.gttb - Chows had made 3 rune and atter two men were out, McKin.00 knocked • grounder to 00e of the .fielder and ran • sooeidsr•ble diet/wee over first base, stopped and turned around to the nght evidently with the Intention of returning to let bin, in the meuua she ball was threw° to the bran but wee too high and went pout ; the coacher and crowd, who were close *road the base, immediate. ly shouted for McKianoo to go on ; be u coos turbot around and ran straight to Zed bin, running about Manses feet off the bin line without returning and Mush. '.g let haw; the ball was then played to let hue and the umpire gve him out. The followers of baseball must know that the bin r .tor running over 1st bin ad Iurniag a the right must retouch let base before going to **seed. Stich • sight wa then give to the epos. losers is C atou, the like of which we trust and hope w*1l never be sees there .Airs - It ssw.ed a if the spectators were pre- Larm Y7 odds, no atter how great, t0 vs Chutes the winners. At ons time it !*meed as if the Godench team would sever got off the Geld without some braises, he - hag hemmed in by the erswd, perhaps twenty to thirty deep Dr. Bunter, who umpired the genie, did so very eMeistly, sad at this stage of the .•tom was is great d.sgor of being clubbed. The stet slate he umpires is (listen he is wise te int • patent premiers. A. Climes refused b ge as amass Me Lissawee eyes eau, the empire wive the geese le l aril te by 9 to O. The ederieb e ravaged with dialeaky to est beak to their hotel The *lame prudes/I to be • herd hitting eye. • home rue and two three -hese hits been, a•ele in the fifth isslasta. The wrersbodd but we as goodilea/ 1 v. veva of the Rr.u.I exeweed on Sure by Oederieb, imams 1 2 2 4 4-13 16 11 Chimes, 4 6 1 0 1-14 18 ' Batteries--Reber&ee ad l4bsmton for 0.dernh ; A11/raw, *plebs sod Wands shg for Clbstsa. U.e/pi1te.sa,, liar HYser. After • great deal et diUealty use d ear ekes .unwed to wet s Mame se to peen .p the see' bet amid mot get the player te help him se pmt up • 810 deposit se • ISO stele far • sea beeves the Oakes\ and (Bates elute es lesion with a sstbd einem the player to be •R bees dM release el the taw,. On the 3rd of 8.peabsr, ea soonest of the Canis Peyers eels wldseUy wwilUq to plat, the (lies ens .04d sea give s bis somas of 12 piltyens r (A(ses, Wily' 12 seines d (1�sdr�sh pis,.. W Ise Seedy traded is s be intim Oros W days le whleb te rod dem Ftp Ai yet they here set sleet Ararkkor Seas Mash elein ohs W w hp 914 la 'VIM debar per* amid withdrew bemer Ch eesee ee .s Image neral awe, IL brim will mesh en e. Weekly .ewes of toast, Sews served ep 10 sett everyh.d, -rub ate roues Clipped and r .dossed Iron every' stress. CLINTON : 1. Cantclon has bought. the property belosting to the estate of John Step, oo Raglan St Morris: It as reported that a bear w.. sew oo the bib line sear lir. Young's oa Saturday of but week. Brussels . John V•roo. and eaten left for Toronto this week when they peoples making their home for the future. (:re : lied in Grey township on August 15th, John Harris, formerly of the township of Fullarten, aged 57 years and 11 days. Clinton : A you.' eon of Rin WVebb was standing ou the tenon on Saturday, when be sides we hops that the Galt teem hue ought fell back wards, fracturing his Duller bone. our boys something about the game and has (.1ey Firs ars raging in many part. of de- letion ewe the hem t►o township, fen T e team's listlessness o0 P. many Oce have been de- the Bald. Our boys made • very creditable showing indeed se the bat k.eektsg omit 12 hits, one being • two bagger and one • three bagger. Wm. Tilt umpired the gene satisfactori- ly. The following is the score by inning. • (:oderich 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 8 12 13 t :alt 4 2 1 3 4 4 0 5 1 -24 21 6 Batteries - ('resman. Roberteoo and Mal• comma for (;oderich ; Burnet, Smith and l'ocknu. for I;.Ir. I.AN\T.\N1�. The tournament a now drawing to a close• the ladies, singles haring been koisbed with Mrs. F. J. T. Neftel the winusr, and in the ve.tles•en's singles only the set between Dr. Hueter and Mr. Holmes roguing to be played off. last Saturday the games were played off o0 the beautiful grounds of R. S. Williams and suite • large number of spectates were present, rod watched some very exciting and clove enemies between the ladies. Re- freshment§ were served on the grounds mid were enjoyed by all. Mir Middleton in playing off burr sot with Mie M. Cameron, slipped end sprained her tinkle very btdly, so she had to lose her set. This was • great disappointment as she was looked ma as one who would be hard to beat. The score of events played off is as follows • Mise Hamilton defaulted in her set with Mise Lewis and Mie Cameron with lira N aftel. Mrs. Neftel beat Mise Lewis 6.0 6-1. Mie Elwood beat Miss M. C.a�eroa 5 3, 75 Mrs. Naftel beat aim Iilwood 6-1, 6 2. COMING AND GOING. Will Curry, of Detroit, is visiting la- tely.. Tom Bets took • first prize at the Clinton bicycle roes, 3rd lost J. C. Drewry, representing the Toronto Globs, wa in tern Friday lest. Miss Annie Mitchell left Saturday to visit friends i. Toronto ted New 1 -orb. Mw Agnes Young, of (:alt, has nannies home alter • visit with her Mies Annie7ili.hoj1, Brock -.t. Mrs. Moorehome, of Saginaw City, will sing in Nortb-et. Methodist *harsh during efforetory next Sunday evening. F. W. Stokes took • trip to the Goold Bicycle l:o.'. factory, Brantford, on lobo day, and ordered • 16 Ib. racer for 1896. Mies Nellie Holmes, of Strethrey Kinder- garten sebeol, .pent her holidays very plm .•nuy visiting friends in l:oderich. Mrs. Archibald McPhail and her daughter Maggie. of Porter'. Hill, were the guests of the Mees Tartene. Miss Aggis Themooa and Mie EllaWalk. er are on an eighteen day trip smog the Thousand Island. and at Mw.re•1. Harry I'bilei° er has returned from trip to London, Berlin, Woodstock, Strut ford and other pieties. Miss Mary Mcl.•y left on Saturday, per Mr. Coked Empire, for Sault Si. arie, Mich. J. McLeod visited Seaforth this weak. 1. F. Miller. of Kisoardio, who had bees visiting relatives in town for some time, returned home ea Friday kat R Campion, Q. C., is en • business trip to 85 Jobe, N. 11-, this week. M. McLeod, of 8eaforth, is visiting relatives in town this week. Miss Kate Melvor reNroed Isar week from • visit t* Soutlamptes and other plates Rev. Jas. A. &edges's, R. ♦., returned trot • holiday trip on Wednesday. J. W. Violater is vioitieg in Detroit and Port Hea d ur. Jsdg. •• Mrs .lohnste., of the "atilt am visiting le town Mr. W. C. Hamilton, of Regina, N.W. T., b visiting her pare.u. Mr and Mr. Herts Murton. 0. F. Shepley, Q. C. , with Mrs. Sh.ploy W !.only returned to their home is Tenet* hat week. J. D. 'wan..., barrister, of Brandon. Mas.. b vbuMsm i■ town. Mas Nellie Tighe and ►.r Moos. Min M•rg.wf. McIntosh, who have bum visit bis so Iowa for some weeks poet, kit fes Omer hems in it Pawl 0. Friday' les. Mrs. Jobe M0O.D.a ..d her sen Ma, e1 Tiverton, are videos to the hats et her *sure, Al!•. R:showna, and ether frhnk 1• this ..**tan. 8esdy% pepubrlsy a tab smetlmi will *ever wee. The. McO*Iliseddy, of she Agrivelerei Yramst, Toren/*, who with Mrs. y sed ewe seen W hews ie ter sees v..a, raters- ' le Friday is e.bb remper sail ythe LWybs. stroyed, and farm buildings have narrowly escaped. Grey . Rev. F. V. Smith has been ser- iously ill with an attack of typhoid fever but we are pleased to see the' he is on the mend now. Wingham • ' S. 1-ouhill, real estate agent has sold lot 38, Frames asset west, owned by Wm. T. Martin, Fresno Co., California, to John A. McLean, of Wtmghans. el•Killop : About three hundred scree of bush land in McKillop, Dear Beechwood, belonging to the Coleman estate, has been burned over this week, and • lot of valuable timber destroyed. Blyth : The steam sawmill o. the 7th line owned by John McMillan & Sons, of Blyth, was totally destroyed by fire ea Tae•dey of last week while the men were absent for dinner. Clinton The town voter's list for 185x1, just issued, shows an aggregate cumber of 918 voter ; of th.se no les then 98 ars widows : the number of persons qualified to seta jurors is 271. Grey : A daughter has come to gladder the home of W. A. Decker, t% inolpeg. Mr. Ducker is • daughter of etalculm Lemont, Grey, and was • well-known resident of Brussels in the byres». Morrie : The many friends of Miss A. J. Hanna, wbo is as praea in Toronto under• gore. treatment for a cancer is her breast, will be pleased to learn that a narked im- provemsat has Laken place. Harpurhey : Mies Jimmie Barr, eldest daughter of lieu. M Barr, of Harpurhey, haa secured a good position as teacher in the (.rtm.by High School, and left on Saturday for her DeW location. Sea(orth : %V. iduleaby, of this town, rhe secured • second class certificate et the recent Departmental examinations, leaves today for Vtutoric, Bernath Columbia, where he intends to teach school. Rruseeb : There died in God rich on Fri day, Aug. 24th, Dr. W. Trudgeoa, at the age of 64 years. The deemed was a brother of the tete Mrs. W. G. Htngetos, of Rrus- eok, and • well known moan in the lake shore town. Bruseele: 1: A. ledmao's hooey ex- hibit for the Industrial, of Toronto, 1e11 'tensest. oo 1Vednesda) consuung chiefly of streamed hooey in glass sealers of (effor- t airs. amounting in all to about 1,000 lbs. .r over. Tucker,mith . The residence of E. ripple, on the Mill Road, Tucker.muth, wa strut y lightning on Wednesday "T he chimney vee shattered and wall somewhat dammed, but no one t.h. in tared. Mortis • A gentleman from Wwanesb has been through our township this week buying • large quantity of live turkey for export to his oven locality to try to coupe terct the grasshopper plague in that me- , giving the birds • chance to fatten on the poste. be.forth Ws learn by the Toronto News that Thomas Soots, an old Ssaforth boy,Yd • gr. -luau from this office, has lately hem presented by Fred Fater, the horseman, sl.o • former t(eaterth boy, with a nmegnif. Deet diamond ring, as a ..mento of the time when th•iy were boys together in the old salt town. Stanley : J. P. Cedlow.y, of British Colombia, formerly of !Manley, is at present the guest of John Govenlnck, of Ms iR llop, ear Sealorth. Mr. (+Ibway h.s been a readmit of the Pacmbo Provisos for about fourteen year, amid haper there. He does not seem much changed, and looks as if the world and the people were good to him. Realorth : Umpteen A. Wilms, of this tow*, has, as .e11al, boos gathers hie .hare el prime at the ()eerie and iegsi.i.. rig. enatchea At Toronto last weak he soured *eyeful prise., taking fair rank L soak are, •d at the Rideau Rearm, at Ottawa, this week, he ha **eared prises is the McDou- gall, the Doaiaion and the Minister of Militia's matob. Clinton : The Parker•bsrg, Weng Vir- ginia, Sentinel, d Thursday, 23rd, trifles with the fseliap of two well-known C10- 50.1..... follows :-" Born, ysaterd•y. be Dr. •d Mr. J. C. Callesd•r, • daughter. The Dr. stew that it is the very latest dine. of • hammer 'slender. bet rather un- handy for ready referee'. It will not be Mug nip set the wall." Rrtreeol.: Sheriffs bailiff Guidry was in tows on Tuesday sad took po weal*- of the woolen mill property for the rows, the amens being the refusal e( Mr. N. s to cisn the egree.s•t as prepared by the ewe to give up pe•csfol p---eeies. Mr. Hew. •ver that the agreement, es pr.d.sd to kne few sigmas, was mot ,a aeeerdaors with psis $rrusgsaeats, bees the tremble. Irbehags : W. a Hotton sad Is* sieved to (1a1*, on Wed..d.y. Mr. au .. bw1. mw and w-lo-bw, will open • ked - were sed Users es*Nbkme.t he dee taws, and Mr. Nasenot will m�mp S miner .. burinMr. Herbs wee as .M es1Ma t idesetillei walk isee- lrgaWi i .akeg la b wksstmb. mad a Beed elites is used r ee�e eau