HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-30, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT1, THURSDAY, UG 34). 104.
This week we are oferingg a lreze Litres of
Summer Goods to deur at less than Cost Prlt
Our Fall Goods are crowding in and the
Summer sill/ must get out.
American Cllalli, Fast Colors,
French 1)elaine s, Ihrk turd Light. all Nytol reduced to .i cents a and
Prints, Beat Goods, Daska ur Lights. •• 1 0 „
Grenadine, Double Fold, regular 30'. Goods. 17
Scotch (bnghatna, small and Targe Check., Fast Colors, reduced to s cies
Check Ynnhns, regular Prices, 10 cent.,
ILL SUM 660D3 IU3? e0 TES I0111.
tr.Mlems Appeal semw�er ler a Way N ps The Llererlr a.11 1 adsad Its male .f
F��►11 msec' .per.rlee
tai seg. Tnb..e . Thursday a attorney
milord ft Madmen serest Imassethet wt•ur-
ent •.d srd.red • leech. While he ws
waiting hr at, • sad -eyed isdividurl took a
.tet at W table and .aid
-Wails I tem • stranger toea, Colossi,trent that Los will sive .>. five minutes of
your tisJit i 1'tl My len YON: prism I have
•o Sammy lent hs dose me • fiendish trick
Boston Transcript The electric bullet
finder or probe, an tnvepuce of lir aloha H.
8.ird.e., of New 1 ork, comma of so or -
diary telephone receiver, an ordinary met
ai probe •adanextra bulb otthe same met-
a that the probe is mule of. Inasmuch as
there Is no hatters. connected with the sp-
it easy punk even an elect man to
d►.corw where's the electrical element Liss.
and 1 want to knew if there oral • statute, .fust here is when the instrument assumes
ordtwoa, by law, or ..nothing s the its truely scientific aspect. for its uveotioo
books slut will roach the ease." proves that there is • definite qustity of
'Lets bear the particular.-" electnctty is the battery which supplies the
"I live on Drexel boulevard : my next current. Or. t.irdner had tried for years to
- door seighbr is • man wbo Is addicted to dere', some surer means of locating bullet.
Lk* Huta Fer sso•tls sad (months be has than was possible with the ordinary probe,
�pileayd such taw as 'After the Ball' ad Some Years ago some one had invented an
�.meadee,' ani life became • birds to •s. electric bullet probe which depeoded upon
Haaever leatsed a tane until it had hese • battery or11 to supply the current. But
teird.d and hummed out by all the news- the trouble was that s sono as the sed of
bete, end when he did bar. one 8..ssat the probe was inserted to the fish an else
knew esse'h te 1s it go wain. h'tsi•ry trio current would be established through
I couldn't stand it saylonger, sod 1 went e flesh it..lf and the electric bell would
ever to him atolth
him that the ditto tag. So is wo not know. whether • bul
bamoees bad to quit or 1'd call te the fee had been touched or sot. tis unlit it
authorities." eseurr.d to lir. r;irdoer that the body itself
"1 asppass he refined o quit" might cootaw enough of • "torrent to oper-
"No, he (tidal refuse : be was leiter ss. • bell or • telephone receiver. Kxpra-
pleassnt •Soto it .ad said be wasted to be meet proved the fat. The principal of
neighborly and he ws marry if he had :nes- tee instrument is sv follows . Then metal
.d ay ano/sag- He was es nee about it tube is placed In the wounded perseo'.
I was almost sorry I hd spoken to him. mouth, the telephone receiver is held to
Nut day he ase over and .sad that he had the surteon'a ear. and the probe in the bole
the w of •.mall ylmm••re boat the had sr. made by the bullet. The bulb in the mouth
raaged for • tithe trip s the lake and and the probe are made of the same metal,
be invited ins Nees I was charmed with , copper being preferred, and because they
be amiable spirit sad sardislly accepted are the same so manifestation if heard in
the invitstia sad took my wife and the telephone. Rat as soon se the leads
d.ughtere Watt " ballet n touched it brings 'ember metal in
..What is this story aosiag to, anyhow • , to the ctreult The human bad then im-
`teleech nt. to me that year ghbor is • pretty mediately becomes one imssmwnioell, which
decal fellow." generates • current strong
•8e Mt nea.d to toe ; but weft. When the telephone. so that as sons
the Renews tee far from lead for aybodv is touched • clink is heard ill
to MNM ti swimming, ad when there and the location of the bullet
w.w't smoth.r rah within bailie( distaste* beyond • doubt.
that ars hauled sat his flute and played
'After the Bre seventy four tinea : is ileo Nr. .wells' Mb
played siestas. venison of "Comrades, My day begs about -
aad dwelt on v hie • Panty Bosom' for pristine office, where it
three boort There were ladies present,
and Woodshed was impossible- i nave
saver ••tiled ethos, .ad 1 never expert to
smile natal i hays mesa that w broken on
the wheel or fried u tib cress over • slow
tire. t as the law do •syr leg Y •
"I'm afraid it malt. Tars', no law
ceveviag the came. You might try to eves
up by prsaiciag s • hams dross seder hie
widow to titres or fear beam mash even-
The 1 morello Teed *Om Neel.
A young- maple IMO awieisgg .t0" 08
beret's Iedi.E bse.k, sad lacing
oR fr peepwime & whadbees l er
yes. He had even feed the morning
paper at the breakfast table, and whim she
addressed hiss, had said n • brutal meal]
a7 "Haven't 1 asked you not to disturb
me when i ma feedbag."
licit .he came very seer ber yiag herself
when she •sited Ida if he ate eager on his
steed tomatoes However, he carried it off
rry well, for the waiter and guests at that
nide all bard hie .mower.
"I►td ►s ever knew M ia all the yeah
we hire hese married to est .utg•r en say
tomatoes " he asked trammel
She sighed but tamed it .b with • ease=
het set Wore .he had sees mem waiter wink
est 'gusher, as U he kesw more than be
eared to t.11.
Th• Allman fame Isp.ther with the eyes ofTbhes(�t cast out
WW1 cad .larks fixed s them. niers
sae • shower mains up, •d she was
s=tyli t to epee a caw stioeli•
•.ti.e, b. .sig [�sely, shim rale d
eld married Nese, "1st or it," He
was womb send is uw up At
the sats tune • shower d rise deeeesded
i'''e the Melds of rho umbrella, sad sever-
ed them with its tall -tab particles.
'Bride sad eeassemtei theerewd
ss die crest tans .sir hurried et, dess.0a
iii who bad thus smmpired co
-Mttimie iriegfin
"t tis •f the sliest •J- • ss devices for
esullik4 wee delsmed it ia.imi• sot bOeg
0, L itstimdad of 8t. Petere-
"▪ A meat wbo .t Wee busk sees had
hese pit tate adnd•ties within the demi.-
her osos f the (alar, as.ld eddy have
portedand alt W 'trireme
yk was made habitually ewer .we,y 'us
d kis mom
trema et the
ZSIZZhews..e ee last
It srrt dated
e..d se y tram
dal•b"we. sad whilstarementised mee el
"INfell est from •.mel the(len~Reines edam,up, est it be •
IgMwedwseed it .sir white
.siwhite4'ea"d up the poseda posedes the essei'w
` Isms piss• bb ore use,
yam `f� y it seed -
w heed
�Feas�. MIs 0 one dill
"erassists la warthis e
✓ aw
rINN hos y' : ' war s
• •
the world over, endorse lit;
babies and children like the
taste of It. Weak mothers
respond readily to its noue-
iahing powers.
the Cream of Cod-liver 011,
Is the life of the blood, the
maker of sound flesh, solid
bones and lung tissue, and
the verb essence of nourishment.
Ir't N Arj f by SlrItal
listss...4 amawima Asa•.lteels N. AN
The la.eet founts tee est 1■ the mleyttto
The Lancet Another of those shosrmnl
tita Le which we have mare than ease
drawn public &Hegar bsebeenaccomplish.
ed. Uoe of the great "rause breakers" has
est all his tempers at d.asra by but truly
marvellous effort of cycltitg86 the e Dad's
masts that s, sine home and forty
minutes quicker than the safety record,
We are Wormed that he •spensced li
fatigue, fwd to all appearances he was
u any way injured by his success : hut
most remarkable part in this act is includ
m the tact that he performed hu task wi
sit indulging in Doe moment of deep.
was three day., fourteen hours and of
minutes without reclining once, or rain
or ceasing has active movement of propulsi
except for the very briefest momenta.
We know from the best experiment
proofs that • healthy heart will beat 106
000 toms to twenty-four hours, and that
the lowest estimate of the work done
this labor is equal te lifting 122 toss
toot : but it has recently been show
cycling tells ',sorely ad especially upon
the carculsuoo, and that the number cf
strokes of the heart is doubled during .0
aetise exercise s that to which the ridr
subjected himself, so that the lowest sett
mate we can arume for the work of b
heart each day was 212,000 bats, wit
work done of 244 foot toss ; aid ski. mum
tailed for three days and fourteen hours awl
fifteen minuw wee equal to more than 850
toss without repos. The experiment, fo
it must be looked upon physiologically
an experiment, is not without rta uses. I
shows that then remains much that is
yet ane:planned in respect to the cause o
sleep, suggesting, indeed that there u some
thing in persistent motion of Lite blood, sus
tuned by volition of a resolute had, whin
preventa the nervous system from haring
into tbst passive or negative state to which
the term "sleep" s applied. The practio•l
lemon we are most called to dwell upss
however, bars on the ultimate io6,.enos o
extreme exercise on the bodies of these
Young men who make themselves the
scuts of self-inflicted injury.
The report of • fat lush s we have re
laced may segos' that, for the moment, th
athlete hss sustained no harm, and that •
ur teaching is so mach nervous admonition
r, sit is sometime@ datgn•td, "grand-
motherly care." W. wish it were so. 1'n-
rtuttately we know tb•t these v,olent
strains bode, in the end, the certainty of
premature decrepitude. Towards tie goal
of death the best bean can sly perform •
certain measure of work, arid whether that
can be doss by rapid or slow proposes deter-
mine the length of days in which itis done.
Tbareticelly, therefore, it is the fete of
thews young competitors, wbo otherwise
might be destined for a bag and active u•
st.uos, to succumb r break down before
tee sun of their lite hs reached its full
meridao : and practically, this to far, has
been the fate of ell who have endeavored,
under the applause of their unthinking oom-
rads, to do what nature has scat oostruct-
d them for doing without risk and without
ultimately proclaiming to them in • voice
formeg'rer than thein that she, after •II, ten
the srbihem et their duudiy.
ati, .tar.'. Cueme.g crew,
Florida Times-Ueio.: Wee Hurn ba a
crew, and he is the g•wkiaa,addatyttlist,
bat withal the .names bird efts ever saw.
He has •.w loused the •000ssplishineate of
ms se well that be now dreamt- -actually
hs nightmares,
The crow duri•g the odd hours of his
willing •.d luxurious captivity hae dug •
hole is the wall, is which hedepsitsdeist,
aorsels for the futon when his appetite u
met satiated.
Vesarl• is hie belle in the wall he care -
twopionet obis ad three
Doff meat, all while aordag • furtive
qo to widward haw that s est learned
the reset of W Who Moo
This deme✓ he rutted bit tsthss, drew
kis meth dews OM item, wad, etssdag a
e s feet, west feat edeep. Perhaps the he -
waft yyta.tity of ahems whisk he bad
gar .d himself with • half boar blow g•v.
Yim ib. h.digeetles, for he had a nightmare
right m the apt.
Seddoely be woke op, sad the air wen
rent with " Squawk ' egs•wk' squawk ' "
he quick .....Bios. He dented over ia a
flurry of excitement to his hole ha the wall
.d lammed his hill h it three teas.
iseerytkissgg was there. Nothi.g had bis
stolen. H. .idled over to hit p.r.b,erstea-
d kit bin with hie feet i. • aoditwtive way,
as sant s 10 say "Well, 111 be -," ad,
rufllisg his fratbsu hate • mut, dew; him -
. elf into them, g.ppsW the washes ase
leg, nod was seem spi. I. the had of old.
F.ad te John o' gross's to b•m•, Raises
la Norway Rey has Mimi eurflrtya
Pmleslltals.A sissy vete for all .bailer, et.
G omm
la haft' widows rote for m*ss►re .1
la AutMia-Hasgary they vela by pees
tee el hive Alcoa
Is sad 1►almatie they do me
' legal -'-iiia- is perms.
L Dettisb Burmah women taxpayers r
u the rural districts
la Delaware suffrage is exercised by
mem 1a ryeral muaieipalsuss.
1. Karma they heti e'iW suffrage wi
ms .t all amawoipal election'.
Abet 60,000 women voted is 18310.
Yestama they vote os local tal.tioa
la R. `reams boaosholdere vote for
elsstive elbows sad 'Ai all lost matters,
wise mimeo Ir•Ktea.M'aa8,e,-...r...e.t
New York Tribes : Aesolug w a
oast dipole hem Si. Peteesbsrg the wt._
ousel bee bees 1w,+ered u Iarp mumbles
y is that porkies d Lem wield' hes between
Loeser sad Patsy. This will dispose of the
a Mabee Chet have hitherto pomaded ee the
rlwtf s w so whether the " abip et the
0te " really exists is an eataawd south -
ties. From time issrserial two species of
I tare camel heye bees is use wisely: thet
known se the dromedary, with Dill r•s
bump, and found is 1.4ia, Arabia, sad Al-
" I rig, whU. the men with the too humps is
wet with is Central Asia, Persia and the
I° South of Russia. Both pots attars in the
scriptures of Assyria, and are ism timed is
the oldest books of the Bible, but always as
domestic asimab,ad so tram ex iso of their
being drafted front their savage .tate hate
civilized btu Indeed, it bag g.ser•lIy bees
supposed that the asst sever existed other-
wise the. s • bust of burden, and the few
specimens .f wild dromedaries which have
hitherto bees secured by travelog esd
h eaters hat. been rettarded s merely memo
of the domestic species that had reverted to
the freedom of barbarism. Zoologically
Reeking, the newly discovered wild camel
of Lebow des 004 differ widely from the
domesticated anim.1, except that there is
almost an sure Lick of hump, and that its
sagacity and .ween are developed to • .ami
remarkable degree of keenness. And,
whereas we have hitherto been accustomed
1a emaciate this amine" with the torrid heat
of the African and Arabian dooms, it would
appear that it thriven nowhere so well s is
the midget portions of iborta, suffering so
Yuaioi>ral Wena suffrage raise is New
Zealaad, and at Parliamentary .Latinse
la Frees the women teachers sleet Iva
mea members a all boards of educatis.
Women have municipal suffrage u Caps
colony, which rules 1,000,000 muerte mils.
[a Arks ad Msaaouri wanes vote, by
petition, s liquor bosons, u away masa
la Yentasa woman suffrages local tax-
ation is guarsstesd by the state oos.Ytu-
In Rained, ?housed and Weise yams
vote for all el.etive sisrs,s..spt middles
of Parliament. ,
la t►. Udtd 1)' heb.tg.
and territories have s win.e name firm
of suffrage.
In the Madras ped& ey and the Bombs
presidency (Hindman), they own do es is
•11l municipalities.
1. Utah women voted uaul didrachised
lit by the "Fdmuods law," whets they r*nai:•
..t ed to demand its repeal.
,� In Ireland they vfte for the harbor
d beards, poor law guardian., and in Beltast
for msutpel offices
H. In New York they mea and do vote at
wan eohool election.. The iueatis of the con -
• g stitutioselity .f the law is still undecided_
onIn Sweden wontth vote fee all elective .f-
awn except rspresentstbi a t she, indirect-
ly, for members .f the hems d lord..
In Pennsylvania • law was passed to 1890,
ender whin Wittenen vote s local improv. -
b7 meets by signing or refusing to sign pati-
os* ties therefor.
a Iceland, u the North Atlauc, theIsleof
the Man, between England Ireland, and Pit-
catrn faked, in tb. South Pacific, have got
oh woman suffrage.
Smoke Dry "'lug smoking Tob•oo, 5,
u 10 and 40 oast plugs. Made only by 1).
Ritchie A Co. the only organised " Unts "
plug tobacco factory in ( arid•. tf
1a the Dominion of Canada wows have
municipal suffrage in every proving, and al -
✓ es in the Northwest territories. la Ontario
,,,, they vote for all elective °Me rs, excerpt
, members of the Legislature and i'arha-
m, meat
f No appetite ` Then do out try to force
!n'.11. dews ; but use the most scientific
means for restoring tone t.• the stomach.
h HowWhy, by taking Ayer'e Sarsaparilla,
and in a surprisingly short time your •ppe.
Lite will coot* again, and come to stay.
School suffrage in various degree' is great-
! ed to women u Arizona, Colorado, Kansa.,
f Kentucky, Memenhosette, Michigan, Minn-
esota, Nebraska, New Hampshire. New
Jersey, New York, North itakota, Oregon,
South Dakota, Texas, \-vast and Wia-
- amain.
•In all the countriesof Remiss Asia they
11 ran do so wherever • Russian colony settles.
The Rossano are colonizing the whole of
their tram Aorta po..senioas, and srryiu,
with them everywhere the " air," or self-
goverotsg village wherein women who are
heads of loumebolda vote.
la Wyoming weaves have voted s the
tame terms with nes ass 1870. The os •
•alio) in 1889 to form a state reinstitution
ssseimtoasly i•artrd • provision securing
them full suffrage. Tsia constitution was
ratified by the voters at • special election
by about three-fourths majority. Congrell
refused to require the disfraachi.emeet of
the women and admitted the state July
10th, 1890. Chicago Times.
to op•r• o
the ballet o
Neleck, io the
are till nos
to do my task of se assay thousand .ma, say
four or time, writes William leas Howells
in his literary biography, under the title
"My Literary i'asaion.," in the Septsaiar
Ladies Hite .lenrsl. Tb.. we had die -
ser, after the simple fashion of people who
work with their hods for their dinners.
In the afternoon 1 went back and corrected
the pr.ot of the type i had est, and de-
tnbutod my ones for the nett day. At two
or three o'clock 1 was free, ad teem i west
borne sod berms my studies ; or tned to
write semnetbiag: or read • book. We had
sapper at 51, sd atter them I rejoiced ia
literature, till 1 went to bed .t is or
eleven. 1 cannot think of any time when I
did sot go gladly to my busk• or mans -
ammo, whs it was not a noble joy as well
as • high privilege. But it .11 sailed s
soh • strata mete, is the sort of break
which was .et yet knows se servo= pree-
%ration. WI.. I could am deep after sty
Medio, ad the sick headaches meas
ehu•r, and thee days wed weeks et byeo-
ebsdriaoul seism it was ypereat I we.
sot well ; bet that was sot the day of
seri.,-y fer sob adage, ad if it was
thought beet that i should leave work asci
study for • while, It was not with the
. Deis that the ease was at •11 serious, or
needed an ual•terr.pt.d ere. i passed
days u the woods ad Sol*, s4.01
*bias berries ; I sp rat myself f.1 r
is heavy
week ; I made hide moneys ; and .11 this
was very wholesome sad very well ; bet i
dY .0t give ap say reeding o ay attempts
te write. No doubt 1 was ssr.sly prose! to
have bas i•valilod is as treat a caw,
end to he sickbed ever with the pule sot of
stos. 1f 1 lay awake, .stay the wild
pdeatiess of my heart, cad )Malar se the
de.tab-wstob ia the wall, i was amimia
very sash Were , bat I was .•t without
the swlatier that 1 was .t beet a stirs
hr literature. At the same time that 1
me bgrriW filmed el 1y1.1. 1 wieldhen an epitspb mita would
have mewed Oboe to tun for my mem*
fats flet there was realty oe iap.irmeN
day os.Nll•tise, sad awe a wb1 i be
le be base, and bale by 111de the
YasNb whish hen ..ser dam had ns
seder emy reese.idde Ames of week, eseab-
limbed 11self.
I was in the mid.5 d this =equal
soap& whoa I arts bsaae aaquaimed
with 1Lq.em.
Dasa Sta. -I have boss Sig Rrieck
iiiaese he buffs asi ii tltsesM..ad I fled
h way feed es • ems Amegampopois
ems 1 lame .M. fwd it
Idea 8.54.II•mn.tsm,
3w Neseresl, Que.
•.lean e..e.
i IA& Mew : 1•eehemd-1 .. 1M len
1st ekes
.refdH•y hub . I iatld -" phos
.ideas Ansel M.
"Sir," mid a Rekiel1wE Mode. to •
aim/bimetallism', Is the case,, em.' bears d
the Borah.. lie, 1 wadi bike to ask •
"O. shed, yeas.g ass." atail Int` allPi-
tarp ••list is what I ate here tee.
"Wep, dr, d.e the law permits. to e•U
• pssgmes en sear
Yen Imd batter 1e game 'mi ttil•Wy,"
espied the .tel mU "ar I MI leek ye.
The votary el ohm mMer air/eased • fest
Map be him way ben., bee rel rsed W
.std humbly : "BN, sir, it r permitted
he salt es as • pelieseste r
"No law des w may emythl.g .bout
.e,, dasw'1, sh ! w.t, good -mimes.
Ile. NB.tA..."-1311, warm.
he Mama .alio., Adm.
deleamfill laile
WY OSSWb.ip b. =Vasems
A Etageres atheism leaeft stsfel mo la 5(84.
A Philadelphia despatch wipe: Seeause
Captain Bray was mes.stresk sad made
totally Mot teen
Nettie Logits, hem Rsime.eb, Jamaica,
for Philadelphia, has Mss compelled to pet
into Key West i• distress, where she still
The Bagel.n drift in • belplas
co.ditien for days New ('spieta Bray's sail
plight, aid filially drifted toward the Flor-
id..oast, ohm* •pp�l1o.tt--boat wsighted,
sad pilot Janes =beat
takes s
board, the he navigated the vessel to Key
The unfortunate skipper's lees of eyesight
is believed to have been amused by the reek -
les censer is which he speak his sights
Imaged d despise is the elhin, he invert•
ably dept es ,leek in the meanlI 1t. The
lay of 11. mese totally destroyed the eight.
Is the =that osearreoeo is net rale, ,
het is in eeldew hard of s tar North as the
latitude of Jamalea Ia Demntsra Sony
Olden omeur, eepeeias
lly wises the ms is is
it strongest p�e•e
iatoevemiases even from the most fevers
Wi.tare,_OEw the thermometer is may de
gross beldw were.
me Lashes a Nat W rah alt Tail. Tbr.we tar
terv.ps.t tate the water and le
FI.ally silted.
The Summer gusts at Seyv,Ut, L. 1.,
witeassed • lively fight between an ugly
shark and Captain John Oakley the other
afternoon. The people who usually bath
in the afternoon were afraid to enter the
water, tearing • big shark which was swim-
ming lazily back and forth along the shore.
Captain t takiey,who used to be • Cattlemen,
volunteered to go cut in • tithing skiff sed
drive the shark away.
He went out to where the shark was and
finally succeeded in bitting him upon the
head. The *hark showed fight from the
.minute he was struck. Captain Oakley
mixt picked up his heavy boat -book and hit
tbe shark on the back.
The shark caw began to lash the boat
sides with his tail and for a time it looked
s If he would succeed in swamping the
captain. The fish in the meantime was be-
ing rigorously prodded with the boat -hook.
He gave up at last, apparently, and swam
away from the boat. The spectators lustily
cisrd the captain, believing the fight had
bees won by Oakley. The shark turned
hack, however, and swam towards the bot
at • great rate of spied. ''captain Oakley
thought his inteouon was to stnke the boat
head and swamp him. Rut in.teed of that
he sprang into the boat
The shark @witched hu tail ani lopped
around while the captain hammered him
with the boathook. Oakley finally got •
slap on the thigh which sent him headlong
into the water. The captain didn't know
whether the shark would follow him into
the water and swallow ham or not so be
swam towards the shore as rapidly as pos-
sible. The shark did not j imp out, but ,
rolled around in the boat until the rescuing
party -who bad set out to help Oakley and
had picked him up killed him by pounding
him with owe and boathooks. The shark
was sir feet long and weighed over 200
The garpe. Cored.
t'hiladelphia Pres : .A rising young
Louisville journalist, wise works on one of
the morning papers, has • fondness for loud
clothes, which ectn.1men plate him is
peculiar situations. A few days ago he was
meat to rej.ort the funeral of an eminent
divine ad appeared at the grave in • Mia
wit with a pink shirt sada crimson tie. Re
wore no vat, but his sormtous mune, bright
Yellow shoes and broad hat with • red,
white and blue band around it amply sup-
pled the deficiency. His appearance
created no little •atoaslmst among the
morrow's, relatives, and the undertaker
quietly asked if ha had sot made a ai.t•be.
To the credit of the young maw it must
be recorded that he replied that he had sot
and that it was theCorp', that had made an
t. Wag beri.d where he would have
to report the fuser.L
Norway Pias Syrup cures coughs, colds
and all throat and lung troubis Prim 25
..d 500-
ttewl.g Nee lead told,
New York Sun : " That gen stove is a
dandy," said the seems •lou can use it
for heather purposes h. the Winter make
year beam warm as bast -lend then is
S•memr yes mem °soh with it"
But it would be bot is Sumner,- maid
the customer.
Oi, so," returned the agent, "it hardly
gives out any heat at all."
8iok headache ad ooustipaus are
promptly oared by Burdock Pills. Easy to
take, ware in .fit tet. l a
Dor Ltr AWASH-DA 1'
yOCT will had
that it will do
what no other
soap can do, and
will please you every
It is Easy. Clean,
Economical to wash with
this soap.
Owing to the great increase of our business, we have had to enlarge our
premises. We will now be in a position to show our many Customers casae of
and owing to our small expense, all we ask of you is to come anti examine our
Goad and compare Prices, for we feel eontitient that you o ill fay, ON nial.y
others have said, that the New Tinahop is the place to bar Stovee, Furna,,
Cutlery, Kitchen and Hairy Tinware, at the LOWEST P -re
We are agents for the celebrated HOWARD FURNACE, whit'h
has been proven in Coderich to be the stoat et•onoutical, is.. • 'll a.. the ckan-
est Warm Air Furnace in the market. No dust . no gas.
Yews for the Howard Formosa The Prsetlaal Tinsmiths. Hamilton -as.. Ooderle ,
One of E. B. EDDY'S Indurated Fibre -
ware Tubs and Pails will last the life of
5 hoopbound wooden ones.
Besides, they are much more conven-
ient and save a world of annoyance. Ask
your grooer for
hs putt returned from the cities where he
hs been .electing
He has now on band a Large Line
of the Choicest Gooch in the
' Market and is prepared to
turn out work in the Best
Style possible, and at Prices to
,suit the times.
Doe. GEO. BARRY, tb.
Goderich furniture dealer and
undertaker, keep the best stook
of furniture and undertaker's
.applies t And bow is it
that he can sell .o cheap 1
Ile finds that it pays in the
long nn. His motto is :
Small Profits and Quick Rs
turas." He also makes t
specialty of picture framing.
Give him a call before parches
ing eiemwbera ll nbalmiq
i hid slwels on band. 2357.p
Sham Boiler Works.
tt1+TA RL1tt H 1;1)'1 0j
ryaGtl � /tfuMa
Manufacturers. of all kinds ,.t Station-
ary Marine, Upright .E TuJular
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
1V ork a, etc, etc.
Also dealer, in Upright and Horizontal !otitis
Valve Kogl.ee. Antoinette Cut Off freedmen •
penalty, All slam of pt a and pipe Wiwi
eenetantly on head. lemiw'e, furnished s
abort notice. Repairing promptly attended to.
r1s9-ly P. O. /lox 37, Oodench.O.1,
Works Oheeehe (1. T. H. Station. Oodertr•,
coag AND wood
Special •ttstics given to
Headquarters for all grads of
Ceal weighed s either market or my Sealed
Om my Prices before going Ow wham
Telopbeese O..fteeetes.
dill -tett
Goderich, Ont.
I enclose $ . Kindly forward regularly T$E SIGNAL
to the following address for months.
Three Months -
Six Months
Twelve Months
[Sample Copies Fre.)
P. O.,
Date, ......! .......................... , 189
Remit by money order, if possible, ' or by registered letter.