HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-30, Page 6S
WW rb,.lelas. Mr. wif Kesrtag Use LMP
en a Level SWIM ib. Wet .t lb, I$.dy
--TM T•b..r.t fou •rb.t Tired
There is i• one Wt of fmroitare no bedroom
should want for, to -wit, the tabouret—the
little (ad stool, Indiapenetble in Its woe,
will not All the place of this more mini
mi.et ''rest" for 'bate oat uuJerpivaiuge,
to use the "washer 1a ly's ' euphemIsiu.
Amply supporting ng weary legs, the Is
bonret, together with as easy chair, fun
lshea • delightful .ubetttste for the conch
when resting and reading are to be emu
Physicians all agree that a woman should
as wish as practicable keep her legs ou •
level with rue rest of her body, an occa-
sio.uel iudulgeuce in that mannish trick of
placing them even higher would help
amazingly toward doing away with thugs
IIIld feelings Mud that dragged sensation.
Fastion•l.4 women, to whom the nese
city of never showing fatigue and of ever I
Lokino their ''beet }Ie twilit the nick
of metwiega maximum of rest in A m11.1
WWII of rima Me taut falling into ena•cu
1-Ai'e.; A TAWit litT.
live habits tot peewee n h• -u ria tLe .eclu-
d on .1 bedroom or boudoir. Thi. era of
exercise gives thele their eta—they learn
on the tennis ck.urt or ill Ib. "swagger"
gymnastic elan bow entirely restorative it
M to Warm*. and boa About.
(hi the other lana, in the less leisured
elate. there is a regrettable pnmurtiun of
ironies who. e.undly M ello:mot is the
(main. sling to eW-Hisbiowd sad mi•takeu
nue t of decorum. llieee estimable
women could not, by any inducement, be
male to give their aching limbs a little
bealthfid liberty and relaxetiou. They do
not realize, or in their old fogyism they
oho 4.. to Loiore, the feet that the mnscn
lar, arid. in tarn, nervous, system thrives
quite as surely tai A yaritty of altitudes
cud motions as does the stomach on •
e.athohe diet or otne • spirits on the spice of
Theme women who prose ne the "bolt up-
right" on all occasion• when not actually
in bed need not bops to retain into middle
lite youths most alluring ehanu.—plastt-
city. Muscles kept ever on the stretch
must Iuso their elasticity ere very long.
Thera s.. it is true, a sort of automatic
springiness that some ever active women
awry with them into extreme —and ex-
tremely gr•cele..s—old age. These metal-
lic jerks and starts hold about the same re-
lation to the easy buoyancy of youth that
Ibe dance of the grswhopper bears to the
S oft litheness of a pretty Angora, -
1 have in mind. says llre Marlette F.
Ht•('ann, one young matron and mother—
an acknowledged beacty—whose health
keeps pace with her kola Not so long
ago • careless maiden literally on the eve
of her marriage, she scandalized the proper
folks of a certain viilage by kicking f0ut
ball on the green lawns of her future cum
try hone. Sensible girl. she is now bappy
in the puesession of A physical foundation
e qual to the social and douiesti.- bordera
that spud half our ao"-iety women to no.
timely graves. W en may or may not—
about as they choose—keep at bay the
dreaded heart failure.
To go bask to the innooent canoe of this
plea. for more limb room. i want to say of
the tahoant that it may become • moat
picturesque and Important part of the use
fpr scene of three hours of studied des
\.Wile, *ben • pretty woman. prettier
than ever in a vowing um gown, receives.
balm reclining, her intimate, only.
In a winter room. furnished ria mahog-
any meet tapestry like portieres, the taboo.
ret is effectively upholstered in old - fashi.,n
ed worsted filled canvas, which seems. if
not in reality, to owe its gay pattern to the
patient fingers of cum* pared -away kips
woman. Something cool in texture should
cushion the tabouret for summer. Indt•
silk, t.ueu or denim, or. best of all, a mat
Zing—a combination of /ottou and swamp
grass, deliciously dyed, is finely woven
end reversible, laud, therefore, extremely
Te roe ttterbtsg►.
Here is a goal way to foot stockings
Taking the wornont sock, fold It on the
seam, end where the heel merges into the
leg, begin to cot, and keeping half way be
tweet. the two edges out off the under
part. then cut open the beet neem. and
spreading out the part cot away from the
W orking. make a paper pattern from which
to rent out • new bottom of cloth. Fold
this trerethtr in the middle and stitch to
g ather the roundel edges for • new heel
thew,. enfolding. .titch the new bottom into
thestoeking, holding the former toward
yon. as on •ersent ..f the room for seam
and shrinkage. which of coarse was allow
e1 in enttlsg the pattern. It will be larger
Ilk n the stockings Woolen or cotton
stockings put wearing shosld not be
thrown away, se often one pair 1. awful in
mending another.
,roe's a sew,.
The Preseb method of testis's the heat
of snores N • very tlmnl. nos 1t le done
with a pines of white paper 1f the even
le see het the paper will bleakest or blase
rep: 11 N Meomes s light brown, the wren
1. right for poetry . 1f it tures • dark yet
km. the limaperstn, • le proper fel baking
111M101111116 kin beerier kind of rake; if
HIM !+rims.. S i. Just At ler epenBe sakes
Mil the Wiest dasasMa
• IU.uel..e terry Tbsi • Moeb Meese/
br Our Cosh..
Have you ever passed • paste whore •
poems was making tutee and iodated •
we/Meting braise of the delicious. Inspir-
ing fragrane.T Leery sup of mica that
is drunk should smell and taste Mei like
that fragrant odor, which was the rarit•We
soul of the berry ae.knug to escape from
its tran.mutauon into liquid. I.' oleos you
can arrest that slipper, sylph of opulent
!regrown or 'outwit theeutire escape from
your coffee pot before se,vwg you are no
expert. but • bungler.
Coffee, to be fit for civilised drinking.
should be suede ou the principle of "little
anti olieu. • Size in art ie of all sista. mud
bulk In coffee -snaking runs the risk •,f •
dreadful distuuut iia the apprectaiiou of
the learued.
The beet kind of cooties pot is one that
has • Alter. Tu secure • goal infuMoxn
quickly the ground coffee should be placed
in the cylinder on top of the coffee pot.
the etre,u.-r should be premed down on tut)
of the coffee and the bolliug water should
be poured over so that the infusion ruts
slowly. While it nitere the pot ought to
Matid an • vessel coutainiud Yeti DOS
water, W that the Infusion may keep •
high degree of Leat without allowing it to
buil fiuiiuiz ie the spoiling of coffee.
1f y-uu aro making eof(f,. for • good
many, tale • I.ouwl awl • half of Java,
a pound and a half of Maracaibo. a
p",ural of Nucha, tool seven gaaun, of
water The Hoehn. which is meant for
the aroma or iuuquet should have been
but slightly roastrd. the Maracarbc,, eller
is for color, should bowel' roasted smith.,
Java, which ie fur body and effect, should
be roasted just between the two.
Cafe ala Torque is made in a p.eenhar
war and only appreciated by peeular
people. The recipe for its composition ti
this: Take Java and Moth% iti equal pro.
ps.rtions, grind and 'gas through • very
titre seer. Put oniinary Week euffee, as
many cup* as t.'etie.l. in a coffee pot, and
for each cup add .1 teasnln,ttul of the rifted
coffer and a lump of sugar. Boil this for
two wiuutes, then take it off and pour in
a :idle cold water to settle it. After it has
stood a few minutes serve it with, powdered
Iced coffee is merely cafe snit that has
been cooled tri a china freezer by placiriA
ice aronud it slightly sated. For what is
called mixed coffee, s pint arena. .gill of
cream. ,. ,rill of syrup aid a gti'art of black
A.s.ea. na.e.w
Frees Harper'. Haar : The het issest-
ming et eon wellies ter gees.• dresses
are teseiyd before Summer is ended, and
ssmmsed them nlem eves at luso early d,.te
W Sher easeeibe ly .hgki weight. Thin
Bgilesse is • testsre el various reeds—es
mewl% lair, lady's sloth, oeveri-store. and
crepes --sad r a great buss to the wearer,
as skirls ea dress's are sew so generally
heed aad isterhsed that they Mane too
hesvy fee o'emtert even is midwinter if ewe
of weighty Galina*. Plain eases. mixturess
el two or throe eelxs, sad .losdsd effect*
are •loose the sew geode. `mall Wares
are preferred to large. Narrow strips
lesetLwies, b yedere and diase.•1, seat
e►aeks or blocks. said some plaids ar.showa
is dull and is be t o.olon, i4togb .et is
Scotch tartar. The peculiar blue oohed
Woes, appears is all materials, sad then
are assay breams abodes, wi tigress prevail-
ing m some ase/ gross in others.
The newest ..tesla are double stall,
two fabrnss woven together. yye.tt scarcely
heavier ihaa eaaa.i.r good& Tbes,the est -
e& is of crepes,puckered Si an cross stripeS
att..:bed to • bac ad of 'surely dt/ler
eat weaving, which bolds the puffy raised
design- is permaoeat place. The
wOi m we�m) black, and is in loose canvas
westing. These studs come is all the sew
blue sad green shad's, in violet, purple,
end is ruby and purplish reds. The length•
wise criakles of Keene. are ver el•
(*cuss in colors over black c•svas. Thee
are .las wiry mohair stuff, as trap
.parent as greoadise or tmrege, applied
s waves acro.s from selvage to selvage w
• Week atheism back. Sema of thew have
small tuck. of • oostrastine color in each
wave, so folded sato show merely • thread
of the color : ore especially pretty, of golden
brown, has gray in the waved tucks, wink
• darker brown has pale green. Blue with
gold, black with blue', and black with y.l
low are also in these sew stuffs. Silk -warp
corpus for evening drum come in very
igbt colors. the elk waving scram in
'moons, or else in lengthwise stripes on
grounds that are is straight long crinkles.
It is rumored that Irish pophos are to be
revived for winter dresses. espetally for
skirts to be worn with various waists in the
way moire has been this season. English
papers say that throve mately fabrics are
particularly admired by wealthy Americaas,
among others by Mrs. l,eorge 4.ould, who
visited the poplin Lctortm aad made earl -
.us purchases, choosing among many • mag•
aificnt piece for a court train, the ground
of ivory white, the dowers of woven gold.
For tailor ',owes are neat mixtures of silk
aad woof with tiny dots or stitches of silk
of bright color showing on • smooth wool
I wrfece. Brown grounds have silver, blue
dots, breeze green is speckled with robin's
egg blue silk, blue with red, and black with
gold. soul small checks are woven in the
new bronze colon in tweeds, and in other
fabrics that have knotted silk threads. New
bourattes have their rough threads iormiog
slender bayaden stripes. surges and chevi-
ots reappear in lighter weights than any
ever shown fur winter gowns. The plaids
have vouch surfaces, yet .re woven like thin
flannels or honeepuns : they are large, ir-
regular, and of rich dart colors. Basket.
clothsand caroms weavi*ea generally come
in soft wool., and others partly of mohair
which leu elsey as silk_
.angers for lire yes.
ltr,ver Republican An emtsewt ocutlet
declares that type•wnttag has au tojunous
e'fct oa the eyes
The operator is obliged to glass. Inces-
santly back end forth from the keyboard to
the shorthasd sow, .ad ibis u • muscular
exercl.e of the most fatiguing kid. For
this reason, the oculist says, it is desirable
for typewriters to cultivate • familiarity
with the keyboard similar to that possessed
by the accomplished Mutat with the key-
board of his Instrument, so that it will be
necessary to look at the keys as little as
While the injury that may result to the
eyes of hard-working typewntat who is
mot gun of her fingers and her keys is not
to be regarded too lightly, it is not likely
to be near as aeriou. SS that resulting from
the practice indulged in by so many in these
day. .f railroad travel of persistant reading
es trait. The practice is most trying to
those delicate muscle@ that regulate the
shape of the eyes' less. and es effect the
focalization of the omits. The danger is
muter, of tonne, on those railroads whose
ballasting is imperfect and whose nils are
roughly laid, producing much jarring sad
eossequemt rapid changing of the distaste
between the eyes and the paper.
to some saes the eyes of • locum of the
railroad reading habit are so +fleeted as to
foes. *t different distance., aad then his suf
firings are most acute, and though mach
relief can be afforded by the treatment of •
stilled practitnsuer, nothing but • discon-
tinuance of the habit will *afford 'a perfect
In the cage of a penes who suffered tor-
tures for two or three years from the eye
disorder due to train reeding. neither rest
nor professional skill availed until by ac-
cident the yellow window shades in the office
in which he was employed were removed,
when he was .Me at once to work with
greatly increased ease and o -mf.rt, and in
• few months was entirely cured.
coffee subjected to the same eooaing pro
err and aeryed when jnst this side of
freezing is oon-ider d a proper ever by all
who are not real coffee eonnoitwnes.
Auother fashion .-1 coffee drtnkiug,
which was first introduced into the cowl
try by the Mexicans at the New t irleans
Exposition ten years ago and which is
held in high esteem by mune bort kiraots,
ie to make coffer in the Enoch arty with-
out toiling and then mix it wri, tete very
richest chocolate, realf and halt or one to
two or two v. ohm, the second proposition
being perhsts tj,,r tarot frequent. This is
to be served woo whipped cream topped
with a little .iig.1 duet. The Mexicans
used to use the S."•..uosc., chocolate, which
Is made with a eiuuamon addition and is
rieb beyond deo: ipttou This. does not
conte to our lustLet.
In spite o1 tine injunction about gilding
retiue-t go1..1 or painting the lily. restless
hmuahity has attempted to improve on
coffee in worse way. than by nierrying it
to chocolate. Fur masnee, take este au
Kirsch, which is made by *baking up black
coffee, cracked ice and Ir;ireeh wiener in
proportk.us to suit the taste By devotees
of the benign At'abiau berry tits i. soh*ul
seed • profanation and eschewed :accord
ingly, but for physical and mental deprrs-
. iw,. it one is not an habitant coffee
drinker. it is a pick -use -up of rare potency.
('offeee ie not a food, but -a stimulant,
and an antidote against e.lne kind. of poi-
soning. Its exc.•ssive use produces a teem
baiug of the hands and a disease of the
optic nerves. To keep unit awake and to
Delp one eu lure fangne of exposure to
rough weather there is probably no equal
to cote, except, possibly, the cacao pleat
of the Peruvians
Mew 1. MAIM 000 at Meme flat will
Serve Seery Purpose.
The advpntages of keeping successive
numbers of • particular iieriudieal together
for bandy reference, need hardly be dwelt
upon Palen get weltered, and not only
litter up one's tables and deals in a woful
manner, but particular numbers, when
desired, have a way of proving fantail:
logly absent A brims made file, that will
keep successive numbers together, ma be
easily made Two light strips of hard
wood .re joined by • binge of stout rub
bur, secured over the *noia, as shows in
the cut Steel brat of the require(
length pans through one strip. and have
sockets, into which they fit, in the other
strip Suecegslvs numbers of • periodical
an be. placed between the drupe and es
cared by the steel brads, the strips being
held together by • stout string tied arousal
the free ends.
Such files are well adapted for ten in
✓ eading room., in which use they should
he mole longer, ao as In project both above
and below the ends of the papers They
can then be hong upon the wall upon two
projecting hock. Papers and periodicals
sae thus be kept from being torn, and eau
moreover be kept in an orderly manner If
such • device Is used. —('reentry (iesllo-
A Neew\eeo.r lD..M k..w.
That von can wily keep breed, cake and
apple tine free from an 111 levee by always
wagers' them 1n hot wane after tram's
That • few drops of-mmesia is • mop -
hal of warm you telt MOM spots and
aft Irma pN'glrggi dr tipmna
Rapid eating is slew suicide.
Fish and oysters .re easily digested.
Aa hear or two of rest should M takes
O W the me.l.
Mere gratification .f the appetite is very
likely to shorten lite.
Diener should be of • lighter nature in
Yammer than ns Wintor.
A quart of wheat eemtaias more intro
tn.st thea a bushel of cuoumbers.
Tb.re u • happy medium between atone
everytb,tag *ad being eh.esrnish.
1t is sot to dies when no • state of
meatal of rural workrtene.
Light soar, light desserts and light
meats should hay* the preference in warm
Abu* of the stomach M dinner will be n.
paid eooaer or later b' that punishment
which brumes to the ileums.
Vsemeolaa •.d frits are to be ..ed moot
generously at that mum of the year in
which they eatsrally mature.
It ginning the dosser with trop is the very
Wet way to get the whsle system is lamb •
Lien for agsisiiletiee • hearty weal.
A round sum never .quare. • *rooked
Out .f the abundance of the mouth the
Mugu waggle
Masseurs* would starve if sews people's
awes troubled thorn as I1111e se their Inn -
Sem peplc make hi.sery that is stover
wrlmse. and messm writs history that W
either burr evade.
11 Isgad t• M mad rad tane.dd,pr.
.ibd y.e are nM reeled is th. gtws.t
Oa ahead whoa yea ecu sum yea ars
• bat dw't rem over .ravens rim le the
In time to any irregularity of the
Shemeeb, Liver. or Dowd* may
prevent serious
headache. aa* -
sea, bilious-
ness. and Ter-
tlgo indicate
certain func-
u..aI derange'
menu, W Mss
remedy for
which is Ayer'', Pills. Purely vege-
table, sugarcoated, easy to take and
quick to assimilate this 1s the ideal
family- medicine --the most poplar.
sate, and usdul aperient in phar-
macy. Mrs. M. A. BaockWELL,
Harris, Tenn., says:
' tyer's Cathartic PUb cured me of sick
h eadache and my husband of seuraigia. We
t4iak. then Is
No setter Medicine,
sad have Induced many to use it.
'Thirty -ave years ago this Spring. 1 wad
run down by bard wort and a monsoon of
colds. whlet made me ao feeble units was
an effort for me to walk. 1 consulted the
doctor,, but kept staking lower until l had
gneo up all bole of ever being better.
Ilappentag to be in • store, one day, where
medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed
my weak and sickly appearawe. and. alter
a few questions as to ray besub. recoils-
ecoamended me to try armee P11e 1 had Utile
faith in these or gay other medicine. but
eonekded. at last. M take kis adv ice and try
a box. Before I had used tbem all, 1 was
very much better, and two boxes Bund me.
I am now se years old; but 1 believe that
of it bad not been for Ayer'+ 111h, I should
have been in my grave long sgo. I buy A
boars every year, which make 210 boxes up
to this time, and t would so more be with-
out them than without bread." —61. L
Ingraham, Rockland. Ye.
Prepared by Pr .1 ('. A Ter it Co., Lowell, Yee
Every Dose Effective
new L.MP. are Made.
Lewiston F.%eang •lournel --" How do
they make guidesis the simple pigsties
we asked one of that Intel pity in the Filo
mosque woods resent 1y. "lb you take ap-
The map shrugged his shoulders and
laughed. " Well, to tell you the truth,
mister,- he replied, " 1 worked in a mill
out in the settlements usttl three years ago,
when I happened to go to Slooeehead Lake,
crud a man there wasted me to go into the
woods with him as a guide. The pay was
good, the work not bard, and I thought I
had common reuse, w I agreed, and went.
I never was in the region befor.,but I knew
something about its geography, and I had
also been an obs of nature in unsay
ways. 1 was • pretty good hunter and Ash•
erman, and that's an important matter, be -
cocoa • good maty spondees expect the
guide not only to find the game and fish,but
to shoot and 6sh for them. I managed not
to get loot in the woods. and hen l am
been a -guiding ever Noce I guess that's
the way imides .re made, as a rule. No,
we dont take apprentices. They'd be too
much in the way." H. tock • coal from the
campfire and lighted bra pipe, seeding the
e mote up among the spruce bugles like one
who carries an easy consciselS sad enjoys
the peace of heaven.
1 Dr. Fos. er's
Extract d Wikl Sk.w M • reIhMe
can remedy that oalways weeded on
So care choler cholera isfsetaw, omho,
agape, diarrhoea. dymutery. snd al
Immense* of she bowl. 1t is • pout
• taste leM►er 4e,ered .eek Tbat Wye.
Ohs .eretpts.
New 1 ork Evening Poet : One of oar
correspondents bas been co lucky as to tall
in with a little leather covered book, like
those of bank depositors, which contains
Daniel Webster's autograph record of his
legal receipt.. This chronicle Ails twenty-
eight pages and exceeda a little mon thea
from 1833 to 1836 reclusive. The first entry,
dated September in the former year, sof
450, aad the sewed of 420, for retaivien en
the New Hulpshire circuit. The first fes
of $1,3N) was paid in Slay, 1834, by a IM.
Badger. Services regarding (Miller's wilt
commanded 4800. The total amount for the
first year was footed up as 413,140, with
the Hawk " sept. 22, Ie34, thus done
avid oeeoluded. ' A similar summing 'reap-
pears at the close of each other year. The
. eoosd total is 415,183.74 ; the third a 421, •
791 The first entry of 42,000 was is 1836,
March 7 : the lint of 43,000, Dec. 7 in the
same year. The last saymest was is re-
spect to Florida I•nd. The largest single
honorarium was 47,500 la February of
Mc mine year 46,000 is set down ea bestow-
ed is • cads of Trinity Church (New York►.
la tuning over this record leading mem
politan sod eves provincial lawyers aro
astonished that Webster, already tw.uty
cain Heaton,sa
se usdervalsed hisservis.
years e learned better at last. Vilma Robert
C. Winthrop looked op the earliest date he
" That's fast the time I wee sndiag
my studies in Wcbeter'c office,* gad the
ohirogrnphy led him to add that Webster
sever wrote • Arm head. Nobody has sur-
veyed the relic with more interest rha. Dr.
0. W. Holsaes. Amosg ether thews, he
said : " Had the i•nax bees tenfold, Web-
. tsr's purse would have remained empty
stilt Had ilk capacityreoeived like the
e sa, whauvr entered twould bay. run
off like water from the bark of • deck.
To remove wares d aU kinds Prem chil-
dren or adults Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is •
safe sad sure remedy. lm
nrotaining all the virttsse et Will ritr•w-
berry, outer the safest aad eaz..1 cures
for all summer oumplainta, combined
with other barml.ss yet prompt enrolls.
of iota. well known to nnedicel aoIe*oe.
The leaver
of Wild
Strawberry were knots by the Indiana
to be au excellent retnedy (•w diarrhoea.
dywtter t and Immune Of the bowels:
but ntedioal science has placed before
the public in IM Fowler's Kat. of Wild
• twitter -to owl t ffec&ual euro for all
t'e.,o ,lstreesiug owl often dangerous
c•nui.famts to cwu'uoa un thus chugs -
able climate.
It has .tool the tett for 40 years, sad
hundreds of Lees have beet saved by its
prompt use. No other remedy always
runnier com`liinta so promptly. quiets
the pain No effectually and .Heys irrita-
tion so e.oces.fully as this unrivalled
prescription of 1)r. Yowler. If you are
going to travel the
be sun awl take a bottle with you. It
overcomes safely ami quickly the dis-
tressing summer complaint so otters
canted by change of air and water• and
is also • sl.ea-itic against sea sickness.
and all bowel
Poco 3.:e. Beware of imitations .ad
.subetitiites e.IJ by unscrupulous dealers
fur the rake of greater pronto.
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
cares darrh-.-a, creme, colic, cholera mor-
bus, chairs iotentum, and all too'sneos 0
the bowels. Never travel without it.
Price 35 cents.
Specific and Antidote for
School Books and School Supplies
All the latest and best School Books auth-
orized and recommended for pu6luc schools, sep-
arate schools, model schools, Collegiate Insti-
tutes and high schools kept in stock at lowest
possible prices.
Any book not in stock will be procured one
shortest notice.
Largest Scribbling Book and bast quality of paper for 5c.
" Exercise .. 5C
Mascots, Slate Pencils, Pens and Rulers
given away to purchasers of School Supplies
first day of school opening only.
Booksellers and Stationers.
Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye
peps*, sleeplosregs, pslpttatioa of the
heart, liver oaapl•int, neuralgia, logs of
efeeery, brew tis oossummptloat, gall
gimes, jaundice. kidney and urinary
disess's, St. Vitus' dance, femme irreg-
ularities a•d renewal debility.
Proprietor sad ltsautaetune.
McL.00's Simms Rswoveros ohs be hod
ham all deists 1a Iowa. as well as from
all the drugitat. between Owen eased and
aa.forse. Brw.la. Durham and Toroase.
1117 Iv.
Patronise '
Tam c Pass= tosewIT Out
Tease..*. W lean esmMMsd is give the
polite • ort's �r sunrise with tsar sad pee
1t is t Np principles sad 1.
liatpdellt 1\e wgprt d ever, Person whit
Mesa. a 1.g�tagwith t assai us*
le .c./ N«
North 1 b wires and
`. Ceset
Woe— Wmtelt.
WM >L Least Kammer. GedsrW
1.� vR• P.iL.LS
*Ens crs.� ff►
We pen ea case aq
./ Y UliBm�,ee,l�.wefp�
Mod. get. pekes. er �a atMgs ~
DR L. A. MITI • 00.. Tweet ,.
1.0111 .ell retep.e.e f..
b, Oat.
You cannot do better than use ou r
for Cramps, Colic, Diarrhea, and all Bummer Complaints.
LIIIE JUICE, — Sol 111iL-for Bee -Bathing at Home.
V1' LIMNS, free 10 eta. to 60 cis.
Paris Lsee. and
Iereet r.w/er.
W. 0. GOODE,
r1, rapers.
1 •n us. .f
Preserving Kettles, Tin Pails, Cream-
ery Cans, Watering Cans,
4 Gal's Coal Oil for 40 Cents.
Sign of the Dig Kettle.
3=0 i ov V V .`m.Net+u
can supply you with a good article at a low price.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also
Steen Fittings, Belting, Ac
Don't fail to give me $ call.
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
Personal i
ring is at hand, and after Housecleaning you will want a
We have the Largest and Cheapest Assortment in Town.
Before baying call and get prices.
New designs to elect from. Inspection invited.
J_ BROPi - lac BON
Hate added a their psserst bedew. one of B. 3. Nai's Ligon Style
of Baty Rea.ss, sin MB ilesst line et hums] krahhil j- is this emusty,
and ars new prepared to essali.et funerals at pion rssaoaabls
deparimamt will be strictly athealsi to by kis ere William, wkgi
is tb ass of this lata D. Gordis her the peat tem yews, kaa •
humidor*. of the Lease, sad Ey pitser atteatke hope to share part d
public patronage. "Remember the phtee—Weetrot., .e mar way to the peer
Wks. Give us a call
"The 81yua1" is an $1 & Get. it.
RA ♦ coon SIM S0e VOR A VIIIA/14