HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-30, Page 44 THE SIGNAL : GODIRIOH, ©NT.,' THURSDAY, AUG. 30. 18M4. gltti Oignal, is ltt.star IVMY THURSDAY MORNINO RM r,, Maaaensi T. illas .f Palittewl �le•rt Nh.reet, Teems of esa•erlpUen 1 ne mastk. to slow? e M M NSO eem will�r s.t:ed.tlfi PM. tom! 1►w.r 1 w res ssoaN& Lou" es Tour Mabel. Too label 1s • readiest weer{ dto. d� so which yea are paid up. was amswod to full inte arrear. When • chime. of address 1s defed, !tore Oho ell sad the sew address shield be OTOS. AOv.rebena Kelso 1w�a! sad other casual advertisements. IM dpeerr floe for first 1•.er0... aad I nate par 11*. er mob ouawesesn. M t lerertieeaeard br /eK�twainerl .•n°arritaa of Ns lines and under. $Z Iter A/vent•esoeate of Lest. round, Strayed, ss Vacant (eliminate Wanted and emu Cbence. Wanuvl, not esosedlag .u.parell, 31 per mouth. Nooses .• Sale sad Farms on Sala sot to sassed 3 haus. e1 for Irut mouth. lab. per sub ileinu s month. larger oderis prvport. Any s,oa special adios. the object of which le to OrZltd the pecuniary benefit of say .ad)- or nontp.ay, to be oowldered an •d tot wee in nonpareil type one Beat per m�pd, so motives lam then 25r. 1Stp.sl Rohm, is ordisery r'e•dine (fee two }}1peeyypw Se or word. No notice for lees taws e. iglsll.se for n4•ircbea sad other religious and bes0velent institutions half rata Comma eIsl Connors Advere/wsoeer.. A limited somber of displayed adsnrtier meats will be inserted at the 1Mllowfog rams : Per loch, oar Insertion........... .. .30 40 " four insertion 1 w •• three months .......... ... 1 til •• *ix womb* x........306 No advertisement less than two inches is leagtb will be calculated on above [mets t per cwt. discount allowed for omit payments on three montba•oontract : is per Beat. on six month.. and 15 per coot. at • year's. These oondWons will be strictly enforced. Awe) "Tee *!sten" 1ellvesr. 9ntrcrlber who feel 10 receive Tits loo vAL reenlarly, either by carrier or by mail. will confer a favor by acquainting s of the fact at se early a dates powinle. Refected manuscripts cannot be returned. Correspondence must be written on one side .f paper only. P.Mteber's entre. J. C. L. Towel, of Goderich, has been •p =end Local Travelling Atreus for the town- ifp of Ooderlch, Colborne. Ashfield and W - Local potrtmemees over the district are also •mo I�ppooi►.roreceive to asi.. subscriptions to Tits Y.eemmamleatbse mum be •ddremed tea 1) McUILLICCDDT. This SwNAL, Telephone Call M. Ooderfch. Oat. SODSHICH. THURSDAY. AUG. 10. NIL THERE are now ten &cant .eat* i■ the l •nate. it would be an economical and beneticiZI move for Canada if they never were filled again, ani if the oc- cupants of the other seats in the Red Chamber also received notice to quit• NOTHiN0Il.sbs.n heard from (:ufti- Towno. i).wiaow since the how Shung went down beneath the Eastern wave it is to be hoped that the doughty To- ronto warrior has not lost his cue so far as natters mundane are cbncern- t1•e ler appeals, stmpttly .ad eheagen Ungates. Abolish texatloss esesep0Mss. K.tebtish • railway seemaimles and pre - .eat disorimkrtiw bowels CLsadaan skip pets .ad wises theadiaa port. Rentor the militia system. Abo1W "extras." Stop the sulking of public 00.lraola sad railway s.bsidies ler .ampaage uostribu- tr ee. Canada first. ONTARIO LOSES A 0000 SON. THE ,leatk of Hon. C. F. Fxasac, late Uomnliasioner of Public Works for Ontario, removes • striking pelsoaality from the political arena. Of count* be had in a measure ceased 1rnm act- ive party warfare, but so recent DWI his retirement from the Cabinet posi- tion that be still loomed up among the sons of the pro% ince as one of her wise coo ncilloro. He warn Canadian born. He was a Canadian in purpose. Ho was a Can- adian for fair play. He was honest and .just with his opponents, and he expected the same treatment front theta. He was the leader of a religi- ous Minority, but tate who earned and kept the respect and confidence of those who were of a different faith. He was an honest letter out of pub- lic contracts -a fin de siecle marvel on this side of the Atlantic. lie held public office as a public trust : he pulled the strings of the people's purr more tightly than he drew tlto* of his own. He preferred in all things the solid and substantial to the showy and the sham. His monument --the Legislative Buildings of the Province was defiled by no job and was hon- estly built with clean money. Mr. Fit/.•k was not the meet ap- proachable of men, but those who knew him hest loved him most. A Man who his smiles and embraces for everyone has but little left for his f diet&• ls. He rests from his labors. He did his work well. He will long be held up to our pubiie men as a fine type of the incorruptible statesman. THE RAIN HAS COME AT LAST. NOW that that the *Howe Govern. Ment has tuknowlelged the thieving in connection with the Curran Bridge, by dismissing four of the officers con fleeted then•witb, including Chief Engineer I'ARv. tT and Superintendent KSNN[Dt, Cllr electors should take the matter in hand and dismiss the Govern- ment under whose regime and for whose benefit the peculation* were mainly carried out . As the case now stands we have a (:overnnrent of cor- ruption, by corruption and for corrupt. pu rposea. A CON VBNTION of tin Lilorals of Mouth Fanex will be field at. Kingsville on Tumidity, September 4, to nominate a candidate to contest the riding at the next election for the House of Commons, in plate of H. W. AL LAN, JI.P., who will retire at tl.e end of the present Parliament. it is to be hoped that a strong man will be selected, as `bath Essex is the con. stituency in which wires are being pull- ed to get the Tory nomination for Hon. J. C. PATrRR/oN, who appears to have a desire to hunt up a constituency which will not be so hand to content as West Huron would he against M. C. Ceraaolt Can it be that South Hese: is one of the "sight constituen- cies -four by acclamation that our ewteented local ronten,porary used to refer to ' THE GLOBE'S SI X1 EEN PLANKS. THE Toronto Globe has evolved six been planks, white make a Inigghty ▪ good platform for the people to stand upon during the next Dominion cam- paign. On any one of them the pewe- e"! governslent should be ousted, surf ss the whole of them there should be n esmplMs governeental overthrow lmmeds of trade. Xes-psreimn rdissribwtten of the os.- 1111aheed .•throat, one era one vete, sad the weer•' Irl. Abolish Government Hone. Abell& Me Senate. Abolish !!Hasan Hall appropriates& Abolish dee Dorsey !speaberebip M the Madam Mot esembee el ileelemmsee dgmremsasa. IednM.se sod llama ter megess nett&. goods Odom the low •tames prlN les lasgl- It soareely rained all Summer, We've been at the drouth aghast: Pu• its rumblin' is the heavens :ind the rale w cons at IDOL It's droppin' pearls of water, it'. comm' mighty fast : Twill till the empty enters The rate has come at last. The restores long a•browuin' Will take a greener cast: --We'll get • better milk Now, For rain has come at last. There's gladness in the farm -hose, They hope the wet will last. It's the mein' of the root crops - The rain has mine at last. 1 read that in Elijah'. taws Tose three years .ver peat, Afore they rota drop of rain- But come it did •t last. And here in old 1 istans, Though .00rchis' skies did blest, There'll be enough for man and beset - The tai. Ies cease at last. SNAP SHOTS. The bathing house, conducted by Captain Blip, and the beat how no ably superintended by Captor It vr*R,bavero•• tribute(' lamely to a healthy develop,nst of the restdenta et Godench during the pretreat •ansa. The town council altoul.i inte..tigat.' the (redact of the town constable at the first meetieg, and if he has not been walk. in, • straight line h. should he dismissed at once and • new officer appointed. What will " kernel 1)gvlsox ay when the new V•akee tariff begins to get in its fine work in the shape of neighborly se- seaistion between the peoples on both rides of the line ' The " soiled .lores '- ha *' !teen hold- iy high carnival of late, and the authorities have personal knowledge of the eemerresee. Why 5 not action taken The summer hotel project is likely to go into Winter .io•rtets if ensu of the projectors don't 611 out their checks for the ►mount refolded. The re%ising of tlo hominion voters' lists is • harbinger of the electio.. Yee that your name is is the right panes. itis to be hoped thLt the rainmak ere have at stmt Mond this station. Mayer RtrrLRit is once more in op- 00.itton to the 8tatmte Bonk. SALVATION ARMY NOTES. captain Weekends • ed IAeut. (Olhert are the new officers is charts ss this .to4ss. Dept. and Mrs. Creole oro s.sistisg Mw week at the m•stfegeCome one, ewes •III, fee .11 are welemee. The Salvation Army hereon home feoti vel is next `.terd• . Smdey .nd Uneasy. The mew*s.• will be led by W. Brigedisr Mor etts, formerly el Lenges. Ifsslmmd. but recently h esmas asd el the S A. work u British Columbia. The petals ars sere - ally i..'sd t. auend. The presoak of the boohoo! mote gatoward mmise lsisg the work of the Reeser Hems for boas w. - mem the (i.lbs. Shaker, eomnia! work. Any one who lents d the Disposed he will kindly beteg their effm mod dens is te the Il, L upe.1., who will Ihm.kf.tly testes Mem M the ..Ismsies •1 ahm geed MOOS " All l set geld that Omen." 1)..•s he d..Nvedt bus Lary • '•Whit" ser • Now Wll. Ile err Swim Madam of Oen. W. Meow sea. THE LIBERAL LEADER. A Casr.Mee tlteeeb of M . wesmed uarerr -A lesiolthee PeeeesdMy. W. R. W.1l.w In llmvbw st Reviews The valises white have led to Mr. L•arier's elevation MIM ir.du•hip el bin party and whisk will probably sown Masai as only date the Premiership .f Comte era he molly wasasariwd. He is see • man of • held mad uggreenve typo. Seta maw • e Mum ill-fiteeil for the p.4* .1 Pr.ite...- tery leader is • oes.WMlesel'7 governed Dummy. He is • man at aasalMd istapeite. great anility. nese. W O an extremely •Schein with • kind hesee chivalrous meatus. p�1e.eas and of • levabis smote. He 5.. bees .sd is still • prehand Modems of politi- cal senate. its a writer he is exquisitely ornate, his.rstenees, like his ides, display - tag • lofty peat of thought. Yr. Laurier i. • man al etrikiag personal He has • tell, erect Genre, u- ral nel loos, luxuriant dark hetr,s.d looks much younger than he la He speaks as fluently in F:agkeh as is French. At the time of the rebetlioe i. theCas•dtu North- west his 'loyalist appeal to the House to 000sider the cosditios of the Wt breeds of the Northwest was addressed to the Homes in Hanish and was referred t• by Ldward Blake as the finest i'.rliamentary spleab ever pronounced in the I'•rharment of Co.• ads since l'o0Mder&iioo.' COMING AND GOING. •tops fluff, of Seaton•, visited town this week. N. McLeod is visiting in se•1erth this week. Viso RDA Carl is visiting relatives in De- troit. Dave lawreso., of Lueknow, Sundayed in town. Mrs. H..31. Tyler, of Keftab, u 'hiving is town. Miss Blanche Velem is visiting relatives in Ietroit. Haydn Williams has returned from his Muskoka trip. Albert Reid, of Brantford, is visiting his parents m town. Mrs. A. -1. Moore took • rood trip oft the Cambria. Mies Nellie Tighe was visiting in Monet Carmel this week. Mies Williams left last week for Orilts, to resume teaching J. D. Swanson, of Bra Aloe, is sp.ndinl his holidays in tows. Mw 1:rnee green, of Introit, is viuts.g her parenta in tows. Will Howell n visiting m town, the guest of Everard M.Kenrie. Mise Franks Sas returned to resume teaching at the Central. Miss May, of Oshawa, is venueg at A Stratton's, stance agent W. J. Swamies, of Hamilton, was in town 0o business Moody last. Lithe Homer Tamer is recovering moldy (los kat ru.awsy accident. Ed. P•.more of Detroit, is visiting soder the parental roof, Trafalgar -at. Mr. Paschall and family reversed to their home in St. Loan, Me, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Moore returned ea Monday to their home iw Chicago. Miss Maggie Yates left on Monday for Toronto to select (all .tock of millinery. Mrs. 1'angbl.t, of Manchester, is visiting to tows, the guest of Mrs. Turner, Ksays- et. Min. Kate Hartley has returned to Strat- ford after • pleasant visit to frienda in town. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Maxwell and family, of St. Mary+, are guesta at the Albion this week. Mrs. Tho.. Holmes, of Ayr, and leer dopier ASM, ttsivtrotlsg_lhs..Bstal H. Mimes Edith Snowden and Emily Kemp, d Seaforth, were visiting friends in tows this weak. Mies Charles and Mies .tikes hey. return- ed to resume their duties at the Collegiate Isiatete. R. F. Hooper, has returned to resume his position as science master at the 1'ollegiats Institute. lira Moss is .ponding • few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. 11r. Richardson, Brit- tasia road. Mr. and Mn. E. A. Hemstreet, and daughter, of Aylmer, .re the guests of lin. Or. Rieknrd.ca. Ilia* Eva Wallace left nn Monday for Port Huron to attend the funeral ot the lata Mrs. A. M. L•rpester. Mrs. T. Carr aged son, of (ltioago was in tows in Monday attending the funeral of her mother, Mr..ln. Milne. Mrs. Jahn .1. Fraser aged' three children, of Detroit, aro the tweets of Mr. sed Mn. Peter M.Fa*•ne. Rritsania Road. Mr. aged Mn. G. F. Seymour have nurs- ed home to New York, after • month's holidays in l:oderich, the runts of 1). C. St rectum. Mrs. Wood., of St. Helen., who Sas been visiting Mrs. Dr. Richardson, ',termed home ria Kincardine en .reamer ('•obis, last Friday. Mrs. Carpenter, who bad fees 'labia* Mn. 1'. Wslla.e, was called to Part Huron on Saturday be the sodden Math of her deughter-is-law, Mrs A. M. Carpenter. Mr. sad M». Frank S. Hick, el Toronto and their three children, who hare boom opeadiag Aoesr holiday with friends in this ..mien, retained Imam 0.$ .dy last well pieaeed with their win& Mr. ad Mrs. Moulton and child, a Moe - trial, sod Mr. sad Mrs. Gres sad two daughters, of Leedom, were the germ of Mra 9witt, Trainer -at. , ken weak. Mrs U.dsen and Mrs. Orem are nesse of the lots Mr. Swift. Rev H. Irvine eentsw his wrotes ea tin Cess meadment. nett Sander, pr�e.seiag on the sigh& as the rooming swiss 1/r. Irvlss west down to Grimsby lest Tumd• week, end returnedtrain this week. 0. by m reports haring • gond ante at Grimsby. J. C Roberto., RA., hm o•dnsler of the Toronto JuesNion Sigh Seheol, .sd former • Gdl of O•rieh, was .pp•iated lament in Greek 1r Vienna U. vereit Mr. Rob - ern is • ge.d.11.1 of 'H3 Rob - ernes geld taelms Teemnts UNveritty sad afterwards took • mime m the Jahns Higher Uwivereiy. SENSE ANO NONSENSE. nemlms the Salm They talked of Metiers, Ammo mei Flees, Of Mabe sad Marie and 11111d1M end May; Debaesd she 99senile* of Wks, 0....,., Clarissa, (1s*Ds .d !Ares end Fay. They thought of Wristlet Mlle and Mei O.s.faorsd (.duti J.em.tte .ad Paan.., Aleel.r Addis. Armee A.holle Ad Seal and !•mase, Morssaas.d Lm. (iso like Tbedera, .mstb.r teases l Soma arise/ ler Mee end some truism A � Eke .YiWiend as HON. C. FRASER ED Sudden F:udiagof the Life of the Lilo commissioner st Public Works. FOUND LYING IN HIS ROOM lee lead d Tripwe- -110tee From 1.1• Mast se Ke5Mtry a.eee a Life .r Ea.rgy sled 3M4.tsees w tn. Coater. Toaoero, Aug. 2S. -Hon. C. F. Fraser es M. P. P.. lately appointed Inspector of registry -laces, died eaddeuly at au redly hour yesterday muruing. He was found lying on the floor In his chambers at the Parliament buildings by Nlgbtwatehman Charles hippo', and it dui not require a wooed glance to tell the astonished watch• ern that Mr. Fraser misdeed. Yr. Fraser had been away from his ot- does for • fortnight on an inspection tour of the regtetry offices of northern Outeriu, and atter a rather rough passage arrived in (neu Sound on Thursday night at nun o'clock. whence a traits brought him to the city. On low arrival here, Mr. Fraser complained to his comp/noon, Lr. Cum- berlat,d, Inspector of Asylums and Fria- os,uf not feeling well after the lung vuysga At 6 o'clock to the morning. upon the arrival of the morning papers at the build- ing. Mr. Poplin', as wan usual, distributed them to the v.rluus offices. He entered Mr. Fraser's apartments, and was about to lay down the papers and go mut as usual wbeu he noticed that the gee was still turned on. Th. watchman made an et• amirath.0 and he found Mr. Fraser lying ou the Hour • corpse. Mr. Fraser, as is well known, had been ailing for SUMO Clue when Sir Oliver I4, X I'. r. Mowat. at the int session "f the Ontario Parliament. announced that he had placed his resignation as • Minister of the Crown in the hands of the Government Im- mediately after the last gen-ral elections the appointment of Mr. Fraser to the office of Inspector of Registry Offices was gout ted. Tttw was hs tint trip for inenectoral purposes, and Le bed only made an inepec• tion ot three offices in the Lake Superior district. NO PROFIT MERE. If you pay ready money, if you have an appreci- ation for very extraordinary value, if you want to know the full purchasing capacity of the modern Dollar, ATTEND THIS SALE. To look will cost you nothing ; to invest means unprecedented advan- tage to your purse. Sole i Remember, Ivory rail. of Shoes la Steck WofOs. Inc.. Women's or Mena, (arty or Boys' -c•a he Worth. ed11 'e Fee FelHats, Ladies' Antenna Kid, Oxford Tie.. . i 100 e Ladies' Buff, Pet. Tip.Oxterd s 1 25 TieLadies'ladi.Tan Oxford 1'*.. 1 25 I Leers' tt.o 1►ongola Oxford Two 150 Lada.•' Fate 1)ongolst'heo•go Ladies Fine Do.gola, Pink. Tee Tw. Ladies'Ladies'F toe Imegols,Dtsaa's Elastic Snowdi Ladies' 1:love 1:rale Lace Boots. . Ladies' Glove Grain Button Boots Ladies' Real Dosgola Hutton P,oota ladies Fine Mogen Batton Ladies' Fine Kid Intros Boots !Ip'. Heavy Laos Boots1 00 Aii- low. Tongue 1 25 Meo's Bug, lace or Gaiter. 1 50 " Fw " " " 200 " lace Boots, Extra Heavy Sole ...... . _ 2 75 Mea'. Laos Boots, Casco Calf 2 50 2 25 Insight Gus duns asle.t umAar r act to.a on ew 651 Sale Bleak at Brows, New Worth Prima Shapes .... 80 Men's SerreSuite .... .,....$600$370 80 '• ..... .... 700 460 Yen. Tema Suite M se nr 1.. , 1 00 225 1 IS 2 50 I 1 26 9p 1 35 2 00 2 50 3 50 2 20 " Real Cordovaa.laga!!g_ Gaiter IN - Moos' R.oal Cordovan, lie. or Gaiter 3 50 Men's Genuine Kangaroo Lem Boots. 500 Mee's White Canvas Oxfords 1 50 1 3ef 1 60 240 75 80 100 136 180 1 60 1 46 Mens Bieck Worsted Coat and Vest Men's Meek Worsted Coat sad Vest i Rood)- .... . . Tweed Coat sad Vast, utilised .... 4 00 Yea's Tweed Coats, waisted 2 50 Pure Wool. Slack Worsted Peals 4 00 Men's Extra Fine TweedPes 3 50 Yea's Heavy Tweed Pmts 250 •• 226 6 50 400 700 4 70 800 b 40 850 555 9 00 690 11 00 740 15 00 9 10 9 00 600 12 00 800 2 90 149 3,00 2 50 198 1 68 •• 150 119 Boys' Tweed Suite 2 50 1 90 " Setae 250 198 " Blow " 150 100 During this .sale we will take 'jQ WNW off nary Dollar from the clear marked Prier of every Mu'. Snit in Stock. Sale Trig- Worth. PramMeth 1lb WFedora Has• andk or Brow*. New 2 50 Shapes $ 1 00 $ 69 Men's Felt Fedora Hats, 3 60 Bleck or Brows. New 1 10 Shapes 140 9111 Mui s l'alanaderstl White Shirts, good Heavy Coa- tes Bodies, Fine Linea Frosts •sd Wristbands.. Ilea's Ditto, with Entre He.a%y Cotton and Katt& Foie Linea ....... .... `sale Price. 12 00 $1 50 65 49 1 00 69 Overalls. Uadererer. Glen, Ties, sad all Wes of Men'. Itarswbtttge le • Itefet saving Prem regret prise. - Hale Worth. Pries Doable Width Tweed Dress Goods Double Width Tweed Drees goods Doable Width Light Challtss Light sad Dark Ironed Cotton Challis.... ..... .... 10 Biadk Grafted Prieto 10 Light 121 Double W idt b Tweed.. .... 1 00 Ladies' Cloth Jadeite Velvet Caller, New Style 650 2 98 Ladies' (loth Cepa ... . 3 00 1 98 2 50 150 ladies Untrimmed lata.... 50 10 Chitdrs's ' • Radar Hats 25 15 Seiler Het.... 90 10 Jellies' Black Partook ... . 75 50 While this Sale lastuws will sell Ott age Shoe Drowsing For 15e. This is the gessioe 25 cyst bottle. mei* by Whitt., mese, Roston. (:et • supply wink this pries prevails. 15 3 v 25 15 20 4 5 41 In every Department we offer clearing lines. The number we quote is necessarily limited, but they in- dicate how much it is in your own best interests to spend your money where business is done on the Cash System. Hi Highest Current Prices for Butter and Eggs. Fashion Sheets Free. to&S.Vfom'evite VSS The news of thewsudden pro anent figure oo. E-�-ER-�T�TING TO who until lately was w prominent •fist[» has created a sensation at the Parliament buildings as well as throughout the city. The deg te Hying at hal(•mast. Ifle Energetic and [astral Lite - The Hon. Christopher Finlay Frasier was bore at Brockville in October, 1889. He was of ('eltic origin. his father being $ scotch Highlander sad his mother of Irish ltrth and parentage. His early flay were spent as an appreatice in the Ain of the Brockville Recorder, and from the pro• •twit of Ins innings managed to procure an education more extended than the meant means of his patens could afford In 1859 he eutered the (Ace of the Hon. A. N. Richards. late Lientt-Governor of Uri. ti.h Columbia, and begin the study of law. In 1865 he pawed • creditable ex- amination and was called to the bar and commenced to precut.' in Brockville, where he soon secured • good business connection. He had always taken a deep interest in politew and in the first general election u nder Confederation, in 1887. he presented himself as a candidate on the Liberal eine, sustaining a defeat by a small majority. Four years later he offered himself to the electors of South Grenville, but was again uusucce.efnl, being defeated by the 1st• Mr Cork. In the same year. on the death of Mr. Clark, Mr. Fraser again con- tested the eod•titu ncy, and this time was returned. Hie election was protested, and tried before Sir Oliver Mowat, then on the clench, and resulted in hie being unseated. He was ra.lectel, and entered the Homes the same year as Sir ()liver, who had re- signed his judgeship to enter polities. Mr. Fraser's ability was ewe recognised, .ad in luso than • year he was gives the port- folio of Provincial Secretary and Registrar, sod in 1874 he was appointed Commission- er of Public Works. wi dh position he held until the close of the last session. Until 1676 Mr. Fraser Gout/need to re• present Sontb Grenville 1. the Legislature, but in the latter year be was returned for Brookville. and W since eat as member for that city. Daring eighteen years of active political life, he toned the province with seal and ability and was • most hard- working and most efficient eh1e1 of hie de- p•rtmerit In the How be was • ready and powerful speaker, and alert and some- times aggressive. He was • favorite with his political friend*, and he enjoyed the esteem and gird will of the Hoene. In private he was known to be • sincere, warm-hearted, genial and loyal friend. Mr. Frear ae • legislator was distle- gdished by the brood Liberal principles he displayed in the discussion of .11 measures trouser before the How. He prepared and successfully tarried through the AM giving the franchise to fanners' eons, whleh was aft.rwar.1s the baste of the pr.s.mt Manhood Franchise Act The great work of Ida life, however, may be mid to bo the meridian. Iegl•kti.e beiklings which eland in Quean'• park as • monument to h ie undoubted ability and energy. The ca» and energy devolving upon lint throughout the emnstroetien of the Perlis - meat beildingp meld have been under- taken by so one bet • thomeghIy com- petent man, ed the satisfactory •Dottie sloe of the b*ildI.g a bas reasoned ggrrsenrtt *resift os Ilts .mem and enemies shinty. Mr. Fret.•.'• last great mean wasmaa4M• le the How eta April SI (ant when he op. p•s•d then extending the bafbta to Separate fiai••it He tom •••slag the mempale b .4..rsse Isngs•S• -tem h� tom• .sespsiled so take bis mai oastle te mwThe provisos ell large MU borne the sudden demise et elms who has tea els bag bees knows far its •WMy and atteaW- 1 fnm ruble sr.1.e estrestsd to hes etre Des mod loaves • widow end amid mblydlnm N Dr ekvigiq when MIs twmnies w!• M talks der b•smmm eh FELLA HUNDRED FEET. A sightseer ?rots P.resylvants Meet. Nle heath et the rails NIAGARA FA 1.L$1. Ont, Aug. 27. -Des- patcher Knight. ui Cantilever bridge, on hooking over the side of the bridge Ian eveun.gt noticed whet he thought was the body of • teat un the rooks 100 feet be- low, Word was sent to Constable Mains, of the Ihitario pollee, who with four other men, demanded the stairway neer the abut- ment of the cantilever and found the body of a man, about 70 years of age. He had goo Lair and moustache, no teeth and was dressed in • dark tweed suit with sack amt and soft black felt hat. The mat was still breathing and moan• ing faintly but was unconscious. The rescuing party carried the man mo the stairway and to Dr. McO.rry's odes where restoratvies were administered and everything done to bring back the life that was fast ebbing away, but without avail The last spark of life fled a few minutes after the nnfortauate:unnwas brought into the office. The mat was about 5 fest 11 inches in height and wee respectably and neatly droved. Dr. McGarry upon examination found a large scalp wound on the top of the head and the neck broken. The man evidently upon arrival a Niagara Falls walked Berme the upper Suspension bridge to the Canada aide and down the river bank to the cantilever bridge, and after climbing through the iron pipe fence eat down on the step for • rest, and, falling asleep fell over the bank. The distance h. fall 1. [11117 100 feet. and if it had not been for the breaking of his tall on • tree below his heed would have been ereehd into • jelly. Dater, upon investigation at Mrs Iev- Itn'a It wee learned that the man's name Is supposed to be Williams, of Halls. Pa He had not base at Devlin's. bet was ex- pected. The body is in charge of Under- taker Mona UNION IN THE ANTIPODES. ?respect of en R.tly Cis/sderatlea .f the Aestrde.tss Culowlee. LONDON. Aug. 27. -The free trade vie - tory in New South Wales has brentbed fresh life Into the Australasian ft/dentin' schema. Not only has the Vlctorran prowls'. aeeolcded Reid's suggestion tor a new eonferenee but the Australians hen are confident tit. t tl.o idea has wads Kite 1 pragrem in The other .olonles as well, 50 that now it may be taken up frith good promise of a practical outcome during the next twelve month& Oddly enough they count upon the taint' oppoeitlon "1 the British aerial politicises . both parties are and to feel that the merging oe the colonies will greatly diminish the prestige and money velem of them six governor- ships width now playa comidet b . part Is patronage and rewards for faithful ser - Hee at Westminster, but, et metes. ebb will alert so real indent« as tM /stubs If the Australians aro ower agreed. methes•m.f the Wharf Crop .f 11104. Vmmmma. Asp 17. -Th. waml INsesa tassel Sodas lair uUl *pea baso en•dq. The offiriyi mop od:mstsa lot 1M1 as NNW pseud with MO are gives by proseategen and see « vd a rzerrwfrom 0.1s10 and amend al SfeeMa The �~ tot ths essmeles u 4.leewp11.dlai. ESIES$11 tam at whim 'e w+ SE11011 bunk MI PAC Owe vagg against 1,600,0000M 000 list year; thuyas•, • *000 000 bush of wheat. avian 80,000.. 000 late year. Tor..t. leer./ !.ebbed. To:towT.., Aug. 27. -When the pro pprrietor of the Shakespeare hotel, Yoe kand 1 Willington streets. opened up or Samar day morning he foetid that the bolts on the door had been tampered with and bur- glar had entered through the transom. About $23 in money and 1,:1110 cig•za were taken. 'lbs job must have been dune be- tween the home of one and halt -pat foto o'clock. The corner is one of the beat lijbtel in the city. and policemen, night- watchmen and pedestrianise repulsing tint point at all h..ursof lh.nlgbt. A Railroad rt.g..te Die. Suddenly. Y(11: 4 iSTOR N, Ohio, Aug. 27.-Prssi- dent John Nowell, of the L S. and 1d. 8. Railroad, and also president of the Pith - burg and lake Erie road, died at the Tod hours yesterday. While Yr. Newell was in his private car near Newesetle, on route to Cambridge. Pa, he was taken suddenly ill. A fast run was made to this city and he was removed to the Tod hones in an ambulance. Mra Harry Garfield, Preis dent Newell's daughter, arrived from M. tor at nowt and was with her father In his last momeuta I1.7 Ierowsed at PM Colborne. PORT ('or.s.taii., Aug. 27.-A young mat. named Eddie Lengr•f and bis younger brother Fred, with another boy uamed Will Rooth, went out In • eallboee yester- day on the lake and were capsized. After remaining with the capsized boat Over three hours Eddie Lurgrat was compelled to In go of it and wn drowned The other two boys managed to hang oti the boat and were picked top In an exhausted condition by the steamer Tinton and brought into the batboy. The Ichwooloffewin Lomas, Aug. 17. -The Daily News Honest• on the gqnarr.I ou the Mosquito enervation es oReetiag the Nicaraguan canal. 1t holds that the pruatsot. of the undertaking are extremely gleamy. "The work can b. carried out' it says, 'only 4 the support of Atomises sad Dottie eapl- talnta. As the United Olsem swell ear talnly wise the smug fa Me oven of war with any gels power. She sew Most be Mit by Aarfbm a at tent M dL Sas remr Is $ro and. N go. Yost, Aug. 17. -J. OTesin an Rosas, t ynatrte settler, arrival kw neern Q• yeletmlday He said J bad run 1-.1. eity marshal of Dull= was defeated by an was oralsed band. H. was wail treated 1a ITelm! eel enjoyed hie three mosso' .o)sum int. merely M Wansi. ceding Moses, verything wm very AM l sad poll Ileal Istesosen were lamsaiohi g. The MMNN- le rlu..K.sea Weasi mloa, A 11?. - lrretary Orsaham sad lest Mot w mews had been received It.. but that be eap.eted tall desptitebe to day. The Sremea y w -e .versa to expressing any eplsion of the Miamian, pveferring to swat dm receipt ee Akin aivi.ie To. roam .t ,amts fy. 1..ety t1i3 Lemon, Aug. ST. -The Parte erre ep.fdewI of . Timm says SAN inemkrre g1 the llrlewne hmU, eras tlralp to Share to ah gem the Coast et Perin whore buena baste rusts the glfumwd that 11q b• Bee. thee this meg be Ibis 1111th elpsegD• lur te ens Ike bony of Ode lam CRISP AND CASUAL A Smith Anterum paper says there is • wide difference of opinion amass impmrme as to whether it pays better to t50 WV MIS • to bribe the ethnics or pay the d.sima - Of Rickard Henry suo41..4 fl is loll little M has read every imsert•AI ben& -Oitd in Kathie for the past forty ice let he s aU prizes most highly the works of H•wthoros. M. ('asmir-1'erier, the new President of Fleece, received from hie father the snug let.cy of 40,000.000 frame, and 5.. stoee added largely to his fortes. Herr Krupp, the greet sm founder, has a.mmimiosed • Munich sculptor to model • trewse of the Chasms viceroy, Li Hung wbuh he Braes to present wham tiled to the Asiatic diplomatist as • token of respect tor the psis• takes by luso to mtrod.o. European ord...o• Hite the UMW* army and envy. Abraham Ltsoman .sdoubtedly was the tallest Pre•iele.t, he was 6 feet 4 Mem is height. The shortest was probably Bemis - mu H.rrieo., altlto.gh Visa Basun sad Jobs Ad•.ms were very short mea. The eldest Presiders was William Hoary Harri- .os, who woo 68 tears ad l m.n1 old when is•11gursted : the tessgest was Grant. who was sot quite 47 yeah old. L Paris elephant Mine are tensed. The proposes is the ordinary ane ese.pt that • very powerful •:Stoat of tanning is Shoed. When the giant skis is taken from the vat it is nearl1 an inch .ad shrosquarters thick. The tensed skis of the eltpi.st, like Chet of the dliMlser, is mod u the tsakIag of tenses hew •rtik., erd Wap • high prise. a .mall elephants loather ..1o. coeds! 1300 sod 5100, sad agar mem •ad card aeons not less tams 160 to 160. A )tate d boll lightning W bees eb•.rved in the Odrfmg pee Aloe. Proms. Dar- ing • violist shssdraterm • td.Ompb post •hent 1,400 yards from the o4Ees wee Amok by 1is►tniy. •.d at *hie tm.sa.st three Marks seeing retrad . table is the Aloe saw. • few DIAS/ above the tabte a boll ed fire se �ry+ w ea • '. Ant, .t Minims brillias wbieh imsntdiutely exploded with • mod amok, bot did too ddamm* Om observer said that the ball d.as. Jed from the e04 tag sod reb.euded from the tarts. A »mirky ie rumple of • humus w mem wits Ilse refused to St for • is Flamm. Nlgbti.pM. The may et her in mimeos* is • photograph ta1en of • bast is 9t Thome' Hosps•I, mode Mimi she reasrsed item the Orlm•. H. plasm Ma Sus tekea et the Rmprees Room far tm•my years, end. altbesgh .he i. mw a br- iers dea spk old mems, Saabs/ es a ems, the ash photograph of ehsd her maIlb lre- presents e to be in the prima. et 1W. Mil sorbed h widow's weed. C'iptein Charles icing. the sev.IM, doss sot write at x11, he mesa • gIloweepo boon for marmites w' atter rat. Having thomet et • story be este.s home him am tem** r Rosa •.osis1 party, tad' 1st V the boot d spirits, Morin is at mid- n ight miter he Mavy mt. Hi pbemcfsnph, awl mnaheUN Maio disease ter bar boirraa Tide prestige h rapint ed the sent MOM- as' is kept •p for eight, ton et twelve **M- osta. is 1a0. the sewer 1e ended. 11e pY is then swot to (775 writers .het prepare the , w Ctpa•ts Klryt rimless N to sb. pulrlbar. IMO! : Abets ismSepp pEo Means C. 11ae, jr., sod Jahn 1. nab stoned foe db. dd aemasey web lbw eta ►mods! M steam led by lis sunlit or, MS .so.ilbrwee. 116111hoses-1 at hostheir ascii/ i0. osSsa/ M Boal el es a named pike.