HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-30, Page 3Mii .snowR L ala: I.LL !tis r Y R, 1. RICH ARDSON, L D. e., Li mimes Mswt- Yto W rtIa u air bi,erses4_I& isswd Ise tnWam eatrweuy •L rami. pame�.. ntU o L DR. 1/UNTIL PHYMICIAit, SUR /em ate Mee- - Me I sea's Bleck. Meat mg., Night mil* from Brtttsb Hi ha•is Reid. Illy M. SHANaN1ON...ei SHANNON, -R.�Wisoe. Napier et isha.. af*s.-itssidwce Nort►at. L (URRIS- tIfl.. S.H* . Sema lb ism, edertck. rr u". Q. Ce.. 1f. O. JONNBDreg tbN. Mane M. fit. lees. ;, 1,11 I OFTUS L DANCEY, BARRISTER, tleteoIles, ow.syacsr. to., rte. Mehra a o at swam raiea. Uortos'a Block. l Imo l► posts Colborne Hotel. Oodericb. tk.t. IRMO �T N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROD- . ase to llaritlass Coarse of Ganda Sane -assts Colborne katel. >>M Tl 0, HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT no OR. Ac. Oise. oor. Herres sad West street artek. ever telegraph tam. Pei. want rude le load at lowest rates el bier - i ',ARROW /ft PROUDPOOT, BAR- D raters, nuew. ij. . w. P s. s.dtaoi. Oode ..tic..w rAMIRJN, HOLT HOLMtq. Barnut.ee, asaeltore to Chan.orr. te. tlod.rtch. M. 0. (Mamma. Q.0.: P. melt ; Du ver Holmes. O. WAIRD, OONVSYANCIBR, 1 . to.. sad essmaI ie..r Ear telt gad re- esirtags*r.s if bail. *.i MOM a er y or. i m or sasses ms dprs- ••rl/es. soh or pro- Court roCourt ol !gaffes. the Cart el •pf8111 Oar neo et la ay lomat, oe Division C*mt. All eaeefa sad pemppatsy *mosred== tad P addr.m-Dammsanee Oat. 1116-0 L orae ales LMMIeasa. t sKAOER..00NVEYANCINO AND Iaaunaoo.me., eppemt steel.'. Howl uNEYat ��TOr LEND ON MORTOAiit 1`16ill iimts s/ems. uisil. Monies Uut.LNesse •Votd. e A1•INEY TO LOlaseAN. - $21,000.00 a. I•riW roach *1a� par cwt Y- si. WvlPI'vs [. D•la NCHY. Humus's brut, ppo.,ts Canaria* Han!. Ostfiarl.k. I014 F J. T. NLPT*L, FIRE, LIFII AND oN: moot, - at lowest ne. (.- oaf Burse., est- e r 74- 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO tr CAMERON MOIsr t HOLMSB. oede- tab. _ _v*s UOUIT TO LAND.—♦ -,ARO I {{aa wi�iiitna�gtteir hovels rases ter invest/wet es *lira ► t PROBOR O0DTtar•r'aumm• •vp13 iq RADCLIFVE, c1RNERAL IN• +1f.. Lasso tAt A•ggewsst*,, Only dm-ease neMew ja fes Issas. •t the lowest True of IInteerew stretch as_. Ni..In sad doer tsfrom t the .Wee% lam- o w BVsare. Wast etrss4 41 tt Meeiasteer I:Ygftllis. VI( IDSHICH iMisomu IU 1 ITl- • TUTI LIBRARY ASIDaDINu- aOult tor. of Ilia stew .ad Moan las scar Uwe tram 1 to 11 e,r„ fwd fres r N Il P.N. ABMT 9000 VOLS IN LIBRARY. Gahm) [laity, Weakly mead Ilimhsfed Papers lfagaatwse etc., ow Pile. MEMBRRIBilP TICKS?. ONLY E /.stlsg tree ase of Library dud Appu.stto.s ler nesabeeelde received bit Ubrvtaa, la ream 11. UMITB, ORO. STivRAI, Peseilis�_ rlcb NIL 'a•eeefarr. s . TOO11EAS ODNDRT. A C CTIONIER Ind ertak. Oat. dent Leaden sad L. enabw�!'iree lei. 0.... aha Diann Mutual las Ca Wes si- te la say tart et the censor. 10.17 JOHN 1CNOX, OEIAERaL A1,70 - 1°W waad Lead valuator. Oeauriob. Oa - rias au*wd aa eagerness 1. teadgokit le la • castles to nese ee with wagons• •B atm IllostaaIl slants ISU .dt d tebhm. enders left a harts , Mask P.O., es teat mall te ha lleisr.ja,�s� tNOX Cute rises er. earetedly attended taMitt N D-Md■11 Alusoua«mank STN ElITIICTED WITHOUT PAIN ITHELcaiieoRiuE DR. E. RIAT ONARDSON'S swlTaa r•BUNa. 101** MIME KOCP ■EST -STILET OCD», OUT. ilb;,aiktords M ala . alter • at d eteeisbed Mesas, y • {ts� '�• {� p7 • ft sof, :mow. tss/M'rs�ml Ws dray the is sstluu serer «'•w st stamps e/ ase was. h muco *Thaw swam Mak sad vers Unto t•1■ I■ the deem e rnEIL—OMILLORZDM h • yeti amees•bstie that serer saber the Mist la the ouuyght{s . le harem es water. 114...- 87. boat method kaows es meth a reader w semi aes....aIve N Saha- P.geato dorm int It le rwtevw Rere.sene a■ N. Bubas. 4*Iessal restremi.• of the sutural Oset ser NINtst isoatiow,. Waw ,baa IRO n DIL B. BEORA111roR• ■..sal. amsa4 k rut ' Rater : UAW - 1. Jam*r' 111e1 He mat ha W. llama bow m- oiled lea mom uin t.lsleety wain. s. Mem ewes ▪ 1y� j 1111114.•—all Mem NOM 1010111•11115. Ws. 'w▪ ane! idled Names mom ►mad•ebm. ihrdent rased lbws usdss . •R bas Slraidashe"°' bawds. them air- earlar —t— rii• ler Tlq Sisnat. (b, p a Pm. THE SIGNAL OODRRIOH. ONT., THURSDAY, AUG. 30, Me. DRIED FLOWERS t•orl.nes, Gramme., tt.rrtee, Lt... tee sots. 1er H.peets aad lawersal•ww. A a.rres`a,udeut gels for Infurruatbn relative to drytng dowers grams and the like fur ore as wester buqueta The pros rut 1 an uppurtuu• floor for the work Iu the first plat:., tits,• ,. ow clams err phials 0su411t called seethes. nge, 'snort. Iles and the lite, which from their str.wr eaters are p rrcularly adopted to wooer w, r•tanung thdr colors lull' as sell after tug ... she! grow,..,:. An oil favorite '.t this clay ,n times „amts by was the Globe .tmar.,urh. with '..r.;al colors. 1t us. !metal as a garde,, dultor and eu•elleut in the winter bouquet \ow It is almost e ra,dty 'then theta ale several .ulore ut Acnes Itnum., very graceful in outline Tb. .imublunt., Ilelp hr ruin or Eternal flowers, the Hhoia0thee. Xerantbemums or straw flowers, all were c..mmup gardeu plants • few years ago Drying these flowers conad.ts simply .0 cutting at the proper tit.., which is when in full bi..m. and beton meds hove funnel. %Atom pre.tic.ble the whole plant may be cit or polled and hung bottou, up in a partially 4.rkeued !.oat or shed. l'sually, h..w- ever. the flowers cum* out at different livers and must he cut es ready, Iayuog ,n .. wn.-h stew as p odble. Ti. iu bunch.* and hat.g up. The Imurtelles, imported 10 .u. -t, tinsmiths from France and tier - many. originally ,rllow but suer to toe had in %Arlmu. color., are charming herd aceou. piano. I',d°rtui,.tel) they are not hardy With use 1 tore is, b••aever, several [more* of the same genu.,10161n•. ,n Eng• Lab, cud weed °r cou,m .0 everlasting), wtcrh may le pr s.rved in a •tw,1.r mau- uer There are ais, .M.. }purple rudweed* mid the pea -1y ever.a.ungs, oft. ti 1'.nud in dry, grareily or whdv w..r w,.ich war be !a1 for the dathrnar A11 the w..rk oe e•.sary it to h.ug tip w the spare room nun' t1:u whole collection is iaarvste4 or the twter.al Is wanted for Inakiug the esu, ter Ix uyu.t .tit glower, in themselves will have • 'somewhat .tiff &pp• -arrant* slow, dried greases of various kinds will be found very useful. Hang bottom up to dry, as directed for dower*, tot the reason that as pl.1.s when drat cut wilt and are unable t.. hold their part. erect. 1*.y soon bemuse rigid and when fully dried have a quite natural appearance. 4 our byways are often nch 111 mast heauti• fnl grafter. hence if ore does not grow any of the culnreted ear..tiee, he cat. easily get a complete supply of native*. It moat be remembered that If allowed to even partially np.w sed they will fail to pieces when 1*..n Int.. a warm room. Atwy cvl..ct thea, a few dais atter flowering. A dust is t„1814,1 on the stems at this lima S. floe of the e, peau ur wale gramme are eery showy. .% wtnegra... which grow. on the lake dere laude is a capital abject for ding. The(,-ata,i gra... rattsil., some of t,.. bents, feather gra.. and numerous wash gooses are ell very Atte The many Itr.rtsof gus►iug grasses are well known. Eceu wheat, rye and eats, if collected 1114 • ♦Aum 0/ Dal[D rLoWERL early enough, are quite desirable, as ars also a number of mourner grew. Some persons like t.. crystallize gramma To do this. take a large earthen piteber and maks • solution of alum one pound to a quart of slightly warmed water. Tie the clusters of groes well dried to • stick. Irmo, tits stick arrow the top of the jar or other vessel, leaving the grosses submerged for twelve hour.. Rel..... and hang up to dr). and it not sufficiently crystallized repeat the operation a second or third time If elditi 1 effect id de- sired the water may be colored. !Many other flowers elso drywell. Ger mans an very expert in the rying of or dlnary kinds and tree them for working into bongnsts, baskets, eta, making ins of ferny and other natural foli- age to mix in. Any flower can be prresrved and its color retained, by means of artificially dried sand. Sift this Into and among the flowers previously mlaosd in • vessel for that pyrposa But any towers may be dried by merely keening thew in a dark, dry mom Ikunble varieties of hollyhocks, roma, geraniums and similar flow.rs dry well. The (typm- pbylle is s beantlful feathery object !Ian station asaltily dried. Ry trial one will find that s number of the blossoms will dry and resin their color if well placed in the dark. Then besides the plante named the feath- ery heads of the wild clematis or Traveler** Joy come in handy. se do some of the feline, like the Moent.in Ash, Prunes, Widbergreen, etc 1t may be that the wealth of fresh dowers now in the eity marker all winter, has to • to .assn drives out the demand for the dried kinds, still then is plenty of room for them. and the extent to which they are used In (iermany, Frame •d other countries. where fresh cot Sowers .em abundant, show that peo- ple will am them woes aledy pfepand it Mohawk trough many • dollar might be made la the eoaatry by • little ingenuity same. our yew, folk► As least mesh moat' is tont moray to pesthole dried Soson whisk eight to be retelsed.. Or - sage Judd harmer dogs. Anb.s.d wseb es.... Lice. Whoa green Ices are dleeove ed ea a Owl h elaseld be removed fru. the reet ed the tet bMra4hey .11 become lslened. Thea is nothing an se.etsal 1a ridding the whole reset of their peesenos ea b„ idifg it ever a bot kltebea Neveor 4lv the pleat several sharp Metre M heie Wag easeful mot to brdds t Them give ft . vigorous .hskiag. The heat ham the .leve dames the lies le Meas their held ea ob. pmt awl .take.* 41*Iedgss them tri A she faure/a Two er three Adis to *OA dereasn�_�ra�lly rid N i am �_V of •m dmf Ink se __`r M the pleat i.EGUMINOUS CROP, AND FERTILITY. (lar. Noma 1,;• .1 Ilaeterlsl 1aeemlaa'ta w.erllla..d *sato Ir thus Womb we pelmet an Iliasration showing the results of lr,cteri 1lfoodstlea of et.nl a..t Hall, with toe followlsg .z• pl teat ion. and ewulaents 67 Prof. Nealy lilies id tit.. Michigan a;ricultrral college. The cut .11ustodee'me of the Ib,tlaaltsated eaper.o.etur, with pearl, u, 1 4 Fear 1444, ).r.c►rro• .l.t. ..f glazed sartb'-aware, were p.4vi ted, each about 7'noes high. and ►u :node diameter of I Inches at Om top and 34 Iochss at the bot- tom. Three of thew were filled with "a rather cosh* white gnat IA mild, from soh.. h toe coarser mod finer 1.ortl.., . were rem..t ed by sitting. at,d more of the Ines by .'..luy; and dera...tanw,, first with veil root, afterward with ,iiettlled .etre.” T.. this a..o.l was added o 1 per sent of the n-1, of the plant wider , tperiment, end 0.1 1•-r eent. ut carbonate of .fine, mud it wee REM LTX ..r aA(TLMAL Ii(O('(WTtiiN ITLU11L1x0D sou-. thea .teraluel• Of lbw livini; organislUt might contain destroyed by ksepiug it t P.vrrd days in • water bath at nearly t teurperunre of boiling water '1 he fourt put was filled with a rich garden soil. A "soli extract ' was then prepared 1 the purpose ..f iu.a'ulati,a,, by "shaking a large stop!c r.•d b.'tne one part of t }tardeu soil with five parte of distilled w ler, and after the heavier motions had as tied down, syphoning off the torpid liquid which was n,e,, peel through pletiva poise :o separate any floating matter.** July :r, pots'_ and J were inoculated adding to each about seven eighth of °fallen 01 thin "wit extract." Puts 1 and were not immolated. The peas wen plat, e0 July 10. two seeds In each pot. Th all germinated and grew well from 0 start, and all were watered as required with distilled w'tt,•r.• The cat shows t pietas se phot,•grahhed tktober 22, t0 d.y before they were dually taken up. The planta In the inoculated q..artz sea %iota 2 and 3., had @huwu marc growth be fore the end of July than the pyu,ta in no 0 1 in . same sterile quartz sand, lout with out itluculatiou with the soil extract 1'tumlly 41101 the plants in put 1 we 8; and tat inches leigb; in pot 2 they we 14 and SO} inches, ie, !Pit 3 they were 401 and 394 inches high, and fn poi 4 with t garden wail they were 38i and 41; inch high. The growth in Trot 1 was evidently omit ed to the supply of nitrogen contained 1 the sand -toe main mots descended sons distance before brancbiug, and nu root n dules could be found. In pots2 .::d 'i. immolated with soil ex tract, there was* better root-distribgtio in the upper (avers and throughout the pool. The saller pt in pot 2 had "several outinleeon the main rout near t surface of the soil. andgood a man?• sinal ons distributed along the fibers.' Mos of the nodules were more or leas shrivelled The larger plant in pit 2 "had a lugm cluster of xdulea un the maot in rum, yr near the surface. and a very large numbs of single 14xl .nl.e, mostly small, were di. tnbuted on the rout fibers quite to the but tom of the pot, upon the whole those u the larger plant were less sbrivellel.' in the inoculated put 3, with two telts plants. "the main rooextended to and along the bottom of the pot , throwing of[ many side branches, with a very large quantity of fine fibrous root.. The great ort distribution was, however, in the up mind. per four inches of the There were two clusters of modules on One 01 tbs pleats and three 011 the other, besides smaller buneboa ee A large number of mod ly single small nodules were •lsodiatribut ad along the roots." In put 4 with the rich garden mil, the plants were not higher than in pot 3, but they made • mon vigorous growth, and there was a dense masa of root fibers throughout the first six inches of the mil. "Then were uameneus m no.Ioleo, the a- jority single and within the upper two or three inches of tie soil -bot they were dm - Wetly less" than in pot 3 with the inocu later Querns rand. 'rhes are indications that several species of microbes are concerned in the formation of the root nodules of Iegwm es Meow,aoMeow,and that each farm crop In its relatloes to the aril has an influence that favors the activity of certain species of microbes, and keeps in .'brek certain other speak*. Lapin. failed to grow in a sterilized amid inoculated with ea extract of a rich garden mil, but when the mate . ll was inocu- lated with an extract of • s•sdv wail In ngrowing which lupins we • vigorous growth of the plants was not only made, but the yield considerably exceeded that obtained in the lapin field soil !melt from which the extract for Inoculation had been prepared. f[ thew pit experiments the greater eomp•elneas of the field soils and consequent diminished eapacity for the eirlatIon of air through them is • probable explanation of the better growth to the plants in the pun Inoculated sand. In many of the pot expsrtmeuts there was a number and • better develop- ment of root nodules In the inoculated mad thaa the natant' adla and • larva. number of root no,lules leave been frequent- ly observed on leguminous plants in light, Imre wails than la heavy rid soil.; bat is the seer experiment's at Rothe/rustedth ted in e th Opera air, e general. theses not invaria- ble, remit wee, however, that then w a grease number of modeles toned me the roots of the plants growing In rah wile than oo those grows a lend. Bot whilst, Oe it use he 11 or in he 1- m by an 4 ey e he • d • re n he as n P u teplanttr b•e 1 0 ry r a 1 as • rule, the individual had fewer nodular no the mer, those grow• b load de►d- oped N • mask grater mea, and the mei* large aantwr la the sell wets very mush smaller. -Obs Parner. The Berates or Nees* Dollars. it mems to be • mask osier thing le eel dohs .ad Mrmslalle s womb of aa - Vend Sasses than N es te se is work ea! ears ea hears& ddlee. Hewed d.Uate an nada *sly by bard work. -Anode= A•61•••113., 1 sic BLAZE AT OTfAWa Bootle's Lumber Verdi is tits Suburbs Serpt by Fire. LOADED LUMBER CARS BURNED • r.bIN settee( sad a meows, ends* idle, ee rah Prey 1e lit. names The Total Lar a Heavy thee The a Fire ell.,esl 1. be Iwvea liar y. Onawt, stag. 2;.-A big contagntwu ei.ur.l • eism" yesterday •fternuou. A are .lulu. -,o,. N.. from chestervill., on the west sod- ,.f the • tm, while about the 44111•• 14,.r ,I1 11,11 til wm sounded from 1fb New ,ionrwh , , the opposite directive. mall on the sea role to city. A vary all blaze du the New Edinburgh dirvctlou was extinguished with a few pads of water. But • portion of the brigade wits detained from reaching the }t..-bemervElle fin until it was well under way. The are in Itocb.atervitle started in the piles of lumlvr belonging to John It. Booth. It was with some difficulty that the brigade gut to work ow.ug to the length of boss required and the scarcity of the necessary tire protectiuu in the way of hydroids at tbi. point. As • consequence the fin so spread rapidly and on I,a,t eu tirely beyond ooutrol of the city brigade which was assisted by the t`uion Fin Brigade, w orgautzati.0 belougtng to the Chau.liete lumbermen. The tire was extending towards the city until six u -clock when the wind changed and it then pruoesd .J north and mutt'. Had this out fortunately occurred the whole of Rucbwtervtlle would have run • risk of being hurtled. As it was the liar was heavy. The territory covered by the an was about ten acres There is between six and eight mtiliuu feet ..f lumber on this belonging to Lr. IS w tit which was Valued al about ai15U,000. B.sidre this there wen ate rauway oars with lumber belonging to the Export Lumber Company. Torn then was (be Cedar Street public school which was burned to the ground and which will be a loss .•t *bout 83,000. Then ase only one small dwelling house nem'. The Parry Sound Railway bridge win destroyed. It irgeuerally beaev.,l that the tire was the work of an iucenitary. 1t was after ten o'clock before the bri_ade had it en tirelyunder control. Mr. Booth was amu the scene from the first and worked nutil t rm.-sant. tile las Civil 1ant. Irier.. ,ed. Mr. I'arent, thief Enqusr ,e, Ile Kenne- dy, superintendent, Mr Mccounemy. .tore keeper, Mr. Daragh. foreman car- penter of I.tch1ue t'and, have all been di•wis•sd. Messes Kennedy acrd Parent have been under suspension for a Meg time. This is a result of their share in the Curran bridge affair. No one bar been apposite! to take their places. Application for Divorce. Helen Woodburn Jervis, of the city of Toronto, has applied for .divorce front her husband, George Hamilton Jerrie, b•rri.- ter, formerly 01 Toronto, bat tow o1 0.. tint, oilthe ground of adultery, desert- ion 4114 bigamy. - - MON• MR. FRASER'S FUNERAL. aea r - Tbe rat01 1140 Late Csrerr rl..lower e Publte works tamers,*as Rrsekvllle. Bina .vILIA. Out , Aug. 97. -'Che lar ug est funeral ever seen , Krucknlle took place yesterday when all that was mortal of lion, C. F. Framer was laid to rest. The Ontario Cabinet war represented by Sir Oliver Mowat, Hon. A. S. HanHon Handy, Ho. \1'm. Harty and Ikon. G. W. Hoes, who arrived yesterday 111 Mr. tt•au,wright's special car per brand Trunk. The tins. men and members ut the bar and town council marched in a body and leading citizens from ab parts of the proviece were present. The service took place at St. Francis Xavier church, t'iear-(ieneral Gauthier &inducting it, Telegrams of regret were received from Archbishop Cleary, the members of the Cabinet who wore unable to attend, anu hundreds of promiueut men. At the conclusion of the ceremony the pruoeesion re-formed and proceeded to the cemetery just west of the town, when then remains weinterred amid the deepestrn regrets of s so,wiupeople. ople. The Rey Mr. Griffith, of Wall Street Methodist church preached an eloquent sermon fu the evening on the life of Mr. framer, Sir Oliver Mows* being present. _- w,l Cellleg.em Aaresa. l.• Ya(otaac lawo, Mkh. Aug. 27. -The 1'anetime anomer Culllageood, of the North !:bore Navigation Co., en route from Collingwood to Mackinac Waud, with nut • passenger list of 280, nhard aground au Tin Shoals. off Bois Blanc bland dura ing the dense smoke. Passenger steam. boats were at once despatched to her, but were unable to land pamenpre owing to a telegram from the Grand Haven collector ordering the health Deicerto Inspect fur • :lean bill of bes,th. Speer' telegrams from the department at Washington wen received allowing them to land Americann pewengeen route to points in the States. roe Canadian people protested strongly against quarantine being sprung on them bare and will probobly carry the matter to Worthington. s• geese Cr. retttls.. twsered. Tosowro, Aag. 17 -Conservatives of Kest Algoma, who carried the con@tita lacy by seventeen vet s, have filed a ewes - petition -the seventh that has been setsrbd-wherein they wows the Reform ere of certain illegal seta The proof of this, they declare, through Robert t For, se Rat Portage, they an prepared to offer. The petition le filed as en offset to the out alnwdy entered against Mr Savage, the member .Ieet. The disqualification of Mr. lionises is asked. feare ehlaa N. edlee 1. 1. Jetta Morose Sr. dome, N.R Aug. 17. -Diver Her- ron of Halite: made unetneeeenfel attempts Saturday and yesterday to Ind the bodiess of the men dust from the yenbt Prince. ea down at one time one hoer sad nbnies, Ile thoroughly elanladd sfastedat, fasted all mile fastened, hat were iso bode. In her The beams toddyHe saw dogfish tr.veiNag t but they made no attempt M hila* He w he the then. b .boa elm. Tao t .a_ales ,false'. Mit Mwseew • Loom,. Aas. 10. -TM sew C. P. 1 rt..meblp, the. I41fa... 1a�erA Wit for envies at Vafaoav*. sus gat ea bar trial trip. She made eighteen aad w fifth tome an boar •.4 m.htmlad of meg awed throsgbost Her bdaisr. ..r. w.0 eatfded, sod ezprm, the bonaf that .he will be able N ...ey go sweaty bailie se boar. She was knaskd as sada . N • p . • N • 1. • 4: 47 1, • • t ••• Jr •l 3 X• fit a • • DONT Mad Rath with the cook if the poetry does sot es.ctly suit yea. Nor with your wife either- perhaps she Is not to BLAME it may be the lard she is using for shortening. Lard s indlgeatible you know. Rut if you would alwsys have YOUR Cakes, pies, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di- gestible, order the new short- euiug."COTTOIENE," for your WIFE Sold is 3 and S pound pails, by all grocers. mad. only by THE N. IL FAIRBANH COMPANY. Welt.agtoa gad les ate., Noatreai trtf11RSi`.Flitrlash4W'd *Vela 1.14 by a P bNar dery Louisville ('aurae Journal : This is a photographer's story : "About a year ago • young ,wan employed in a railroad office came in and had he picture taken. About the same time • beautiful yoneg women from an interior town Came ie sad had hen taken oleo : both left the order den fag me to send them to their •idreree $a Moen aa neighed In the book my clerk put the iii ill of the hrst name and wrote •he noses a is fast. It happened both had rbe sae a last Name : the ye0ag man's nano ess John H and the room womao'e Julia H . When the pictures were mailed then was • mistake, the young mea settler the young woman's pictures and vice versa. "New, out of this incident quite • love affair has grown, the young people having fallen la love with one another at eight of the pictures. They corresponded for several month.. Some time ago the young mon bought a solitaire di.mosd hag. slid sow he has ordered his weddiog suit. That, it what 1 call a first clam romance. Th. hest of it all .e that the oouple ore well suit- ed in every respect and both are of good families" A doe. of Ayer's Cherry Pectonl taken in time h•s prevented many • fit of sickness sad @sued numerous lives. This proves the necessity of kecpi.g this incomparable mod-, kine when it can be readily reached .t .11 hewn of the day and night. You -"NEEDTHEM Il:wf►rI uzEacis They use not a nen all, bat Ire the beet o,edi. int Larson for Riliuewhe.., Heeda.he C'r.a,ipete'm, oepu.. Indireai..n, Pimple., Sallowness and all die eaves arisi - 1..* i0P•.re blood or 41 jab liver. dab Isar Sr>etst ver luso. PLANTING MILL. ESTlOIUNE WSW Buchauaus & Rhyllaz SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1s all k1540 of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES •ad bander's' material et every dyeripd.. School Furniture a Spec 1 aing1ns AT(NTS OAYIA MON ,els„ t� Mar wArt{s Iitt berese �,1' pAowTejli a toen. p0lsemry�@teat ssssAelfr stainer. 1* gm11� W em•ee br. liter. 11 ori: ei w j citnti is Anitricau etdwusee.�e1. tw w ass N 14_iieseM��� me AeOem a QD. PATENTS! p�C�.Nh *TTE. TNI( Ma MIR 11RPi,/ .TS O/e• anis4M let u lfOD1� TlvPR . Oar eTm--e-. r N the U. ti wt Or• dee, W w r Wepe�ilwall� *may P�t1 bss t►eeo •em�t e fr i WAABJ1 OT'ON. '7.... 1lPD�DSpLgpM1R(t�O(Rr/�I�I We eL T41 d/N PA riJl►TI Ea7l T]V 1S gg Uwl�ea� ter . s FMwt thew ,M valm"ir.. "' hdOeuems to s . Is Mil se SeepLn Redadllons 1.11 the FoUowill, Goods: A (;nod 35 -inch Cotton, 10 yards for 40 Cgetr. A Heavy Sheeting, 36 inciter wide, 10 yards for 60 Cents An Extra Heavy Sheeting, 3d inches wide, -'10 yards for 73 Cents. l'hinelle Curtains. 11.1 for 110.30, 110.00 for 114.00, and $6.00 for 16.00. La.11Pe ('apes, $3.00 for ;0390, $3.73 for 12.90, $2.90 for 12.00, and 32.23 for 1l 50. A lot of Colored Dress Goods about half price, from 8 cents up. Good Colors. 11 short ends of Carpet less than wholesale price. Fast Color Chalhes at 5 cents. Art Muslin.; at :1 cents. 500 YARDS OF 12 1-2 CENT FAST PRINTS FOR lOc. Ladies' Real English Balbriggan Vest, 65c., for 37c. 3 pairs Fast Black Cotten Hone for 23 cents. Ladies New Fall Mantles in stock already, direct from the !taker.. New fork styles. No Mantles in the Trade fit Tike them. Alto new Fall Dress Goods. COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. To THE PEOPLE of GOBEIIICII AND, VICIP4 TY--.- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, i beg to annoumv that on .duly Int I took possession of the Boot and Shoe Business formerly carried on by \Ir. E. ih.wiIsc, well and fatortbly known to you. Mr. DowN1v,;, after twenty years of nervier faithful!) done, and, I am pleased to know, favorably acknowledged by the public of this section, has decided to retire from business, and on his retirement i have aeve.ptee) the responsibility involved in hereafter c lusting the trade which his "hrew-duoss in business, general tact and accommodating Manner had succeeded in building up. For the past eight. -en years, as many of you are aware, 1 have been identified with Use buninees, most of the time as maw - man and gpuersl assistant, ani on that soceant feel assured that 1 have become so in tousle with the requirements of the custornern of the establishment, that I shall not only he in s position to retain all former patrons, but be able to draw others in the time to come. Hoping to revive the hearty co-operation of those who patronized my predecessor, and snaking promise to carry on the ,Susi nese on the sande straightforward line,. that characterire•ep all the deal- ings of Mr. Dos SING, 1 extend a hearty invitation to the public generally who desire to do business in the hoot and Shote trade, to call upon Yours very truly, W. SHARMAN, Jr., 7 i01,14R1('Il, .lilt :1, 1 1. ucce•asor to E. i)ow!.i'*g, SPRING ECHOES. NOW IN STOCK Parasols and Umbrellas, (the latest). (!love" as usual up HOSIERY . . . Black, White, Cream, Slate, Fa -An and Tan Shades in Silk Lisle Thread and Cashmere. SPECIAL VALUE . . A Targe range of Trimming Braids, in Silk, Mohair and Angora All widths in Serpentine and Creme Military. DRESS GOODS Cashmeres, Henriettas and Whip Cords. Cashmeres in White. Creme, Skye and Cardinal. Leading Shades in Nun's Veiling* DELAINETTES . In Sprays, Buds, Spots and Stripes. to the mark. A ull line of Smallwares, including pearl and Linen tons, 2 and 4 boles. InapefelN ahem, seeenv4, l Per treat. Marorat Far 1VrTTN'RO, 7064 Draper and Haberdasher. But - 4 alb. Choloe Family Grocerles The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R.W. MTNOThILAITS, aMpsea west. BederMk. STOP AND EXAMINE • few of the n..ay articles We an golina at HARD PAN PRiMA. Harvest Tools EITTZ114 1 .LTUS, DOZZS, L1Ca A.WD 11i i '!U STOW PURE MANILLA AND FLAX BINDER TWINES. TIM l'EI.RRRATID 111 LANOINE AND ATLANTIC RED ENO MACHINERY OILS. BU*LDICRO' HARD W.A. RD: STOCK 1TaMPLRre AND PRICIII RNHT. DAVISON & CO., 500.._UU.I Til L ►, W iiURSSO, kbtoribe for "The Bign&l"—$ ` year 4