HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-30, Page 1See THAT TOI L LA►eVL Yh rHltt BE13 DATED • IN • ADVANCE MEM LaA. ENTOk NI7WSPAPY}R OF HTTRON 00U1sTTY_ VOL. XLVI. 2440 THE DOINGS AT OTTAWA. Whit ill OiOIIttOn wt the CaplLAI A. [atr.vsaa.4 sad [:errors eeysseese.s- ,TN Tree Pvtaepte M Miaow TeaMeen The fw.pea are Pawned by the Traemes systema, 1 ■e Sieves. esrrMmsadeace. ( )1'1'AWA, Aug. ''6th. " Extr►va- ag•nce and compere are twin leaks uppa the public chest, which compel tacreased talcum." When we bate so admiseias like this from • newspaper that has general ly been ro regniced as holding pretty strong Conservative draw. t such a newspaper as the Nestrssl Star, who, on the Government patreaap Its[ em graded A1, we Pro apt to thick that the metro is at last awakening from the tether', end that the people are •: mot &skimr where their meaty is gulag to When we find mien lake Italie* %I ( .rtby u Ontario, and sew.papen like el Montreal Star iu lluebec, aemos.ct.g the t.uvenmemt for Iia .x totem's. a and c.ri• 'option, it really loska as if out people had a' las hoes aroused to the easy tictlmu they nave bees for the confidence nee who have been taming the politest cocas at (Ware t,,r the pest sateen vacs. If one only dare tweetton it. if the country could only in a taw resemble way be persuaded to lock into the merits of direct taxauou and durum* me with tbe other its pros and oma would mot, 1 ant .toe, be long before the pre;udic• against it would be removed and the tact r.s1ia. that it was the true pnact p1. of economical gorer•seet. The fact camera b. deputed that we living under a e ttraysgant regime. W. have only to look at our public account. to Mtahlah it. As increase of W per cost. in our taxation and 1 per cost. in our national debt with an 'r ;rem of ender A' per ce$L in our popul.- toot in the same period, u so evidence of re- traeck•emt. TN► .•t.t .sealo for extremities.* u eaaomy. How are you Coma to bring it about ' It would prsoti telly be political suicide for either of the groat parties to augge•t "direct azsuoo" as the surest mesas by which it might be one vaiplished. 1 et, if the oou•try would without pre)udies give Mos pees? tun • little thought they might unveat the ei.oels•sss., however us this means of collector our taxes mirit seem, tet it was the net• ria ,ee. Aay he.est etudaot of political economy matt share tis opinion altbowgh ala red agree is the uapupul•nty of the "cent of direst tax while the sound,,... of the priompl• is admitted. Let ea pause and sok ourselves what is direct tax•,ion ' If at awns nothing More it means • knowledge of what you are paying •ed the purpose for ethic/: yos are p•yiag out your bard earned wase- into the treasury, municipal or fader al It mem emetrol over p,iblr expe.di tare 1 M Mar all then appears to be a oovolatt.a is- bsing kept in Ignorance of what we figs Maly paying out of our pock - eta to the tax collector In ignor•eoe we are 'old More is blue, to which fact may he attributed the popularity of tndire•t and unp.pulanty d direst tDxauoa. Then is so greater mentos to economy than the ash system. The temptation to buy u molt greater when you have • Ilse et credo the if you had to pay "nab down" tor .& h purchase. l'ou get tired of diploma dome tufo your peket every time if you have .• pay ca.h, each come beteg • re- minder that you are p•ruos with your aerator : that you are at each dip makIne 'career(. poorer mos. The Immo sonnet tail to teach sotesomy. .e• SANS way aryl TOra TA\Cv, 11 they are spread out, although you may be paling indirectly through the .aster house double the amount yes would be tall• ed spoil to pay if directly taxed, you are satisfied, for yea do not want to kw whet you are paying. l ou want the collector, who in the cote is the Minister of Curtner or the excise officer, eo put his head aour Pocket and take est whist be wan, to help himself, but yon say to Wm, " For bus.... lake don't lot me isms how introit yes wkS eat.' Ns, that knowledge would destroy your happiness. Bet why shnuld sot the lame priseiplee whisk apply to our mum - 91w1 government y to the admieistre• tlse of Our federal again • I)o you tkiak that had you been directly taxed you woul S set have hail So• ietbieg to say about the mosey that has hew Med out et you to rhe tie Is.. a $700,000 tb h tie ONn1 1 Illi jib l the lea *60,000 Wi developed derl.g the Printing Bursae °,454111 : the low of $460.000 for are re - ewes of t realm' lists ud.r • useless Franchise Act ; the hew of $125,000 threatb the Shonks Island dew .entreat ; the low et 0O mein is meinef she estimate vis I Little ped i• le Rapids Milk : the low of $346,000 Dom .t estimate ler the o.ostree- t'ea of the Tay easel : 826,000 e..p.tp worderewe r'.ee.ped oat d the au w the Lake St. Jelm railway : the loss of at Leet 31,000,000 sleeve of estimate for the ono/trusties of the Kt. Charles broad of the Ister.olonial railway. The are may a rev or TRS E-IDtvl71 of reckless expend iterse, criminal s.glfgw.• kt'l'0tbed robbery that se i r wrists, lams beta's me. i)a you set Utak yes wsaM have had seesm thought of when Per 0*ssy was game h.1 yes bees diset- I Wired • I dada if, witb ear smallr 'm- ilieu*, tee would have ..perertd the Gem enema dm year were kw the sob- "? of $1 GOO a year for twenty yearn to- mwde UN aidepasee ship railway er *750. a year MIM rash ANh.tie sew --9p Nye* taw tat yeti bona b.eespslled t. pee Wit•w or later strokes to the fest that ismithise bat to M &sea What 1. N be Mt Whitest it M through dines tees or Ie Pea 'Mier eat erregegee net retorted Nom, opekeelphs de sad help Per hides. He (hens._..e eseld be se - %Neat gad Ove ender area t» tlatil. e•SdThi w ` mom � .. NEWS TOPICS OF A WEEK. The lmpertool [.cote e • ye. weeds Eec ne.r treader.. Wm. Hogs of 41 aloe t Yeller, P. X 1 was gur,.,1 c , 'test h bye bull F ruley. Serious Hots here .. curred its the r gione effected by lit Seotelt miner. strike. M,. James Hoherteun wee drowned Little l'urr.ut N'eduseday by theupeettiu OI • boat. The Northern Transit ('o. hes dud to build a uew steams at Cullingwood th eosin g whiter. Theodore )lyre of St. Barbs wee kill daring • barroom brawl iu Cravats GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA,. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1894., all + ,-Arrears ON Vera LOCAL PAPER AND You will be an Honest Plan or Woman ltRO)t OVER THE BORDER. WISHING HIM GOOSPEED. SPORTS AND PASTIME`. 1 iris errata ea irederteb give Gomm Niven Pertug Need lewd News Notes A'om Washington , George Jives, the well-ksewa hank saes- ' wager of tie R&.l..tt Oesuisrce ia loderfeh bas boon promoted to lite 4:selpb braaeb of Th. closing H l'eegre..- as.ble Leib... I tie same isaitstise, and will leave seat at tags as Ws.ba.gta-TN/'areegtel:ew week for kis terms sphere of labor. Mr. g nay leveetlgsremi -I he Tesler Stiven has bass • resident o1 i;.derieb for Mil the Lew el ebe load. the peas twenty-two year., seveetess of ",p whet he has spent int the service of the • Bask of Comer's. Whig that um be W proved himself trite 'spate= seri ofli ed the p•rtog, welcome tbe nes ma glleat." not only obtaining thego od will of hiesuper- [Otte . last week. 1 he loran's* government has declared tree to be not tnciudeo amupg articles co traband of war. G n - J mos O'(lrady, Treasurer of the Irish Natluuel Yoder•ttue of America, died in New York I nday. Me auti•ltItch .ng enter s•tiou be. been formed its li Iiauapolu, Ind., by promi- bent colored norms. It is rumored tiermany will celebrate the at.biversry of the rrctory at oe.1eu fur tike last time this year. Ilia K. of P. (hand Lodge couciuded at Chatham un Thursday and sdl„urt.ed to meet in Hamilton neat tear. U. H Comb!, boot and stow dealer, James street, Hamilton, committed suicide uta Thursday by inhaling g•.. R. 4 . Ilun & Co. report 24 business. tall - ares in t'si,ada the post week, against 20 tot the .•me week last year. Near Fort Atkinson, Wia, on Thursday, three men were killed cot • wreck on toe Chicago R Northwe.trtt railway. Miss Mary Brown, of Princess Anne. 11d., swallowed a chew of gum 0metuue ago and has just died tram ttieeffeet& In the bye election. In I:eaaufn! Plaits and Brandon, Man.. Thursday, Forsyth 1 Potreo' mil Adams (Liberal' were elected. Tew 4 Marshall's flour mill near i'latte- .111e.11xfurd County, was destroyed by fine V etltieaday morning. Loos 315.0041- Th. 15,00Th. Homan Catholic saloonkeepers of Columbus. Ohio, say they will neither leave the church nor quit the ssiuuu basi- na As • melt of the strike of mill eni- pbyees In Fall Hirer, Mass., some 3,250 spiuum and 4,500 westers are out of work. Reports are current its Londl.n that the India mints are going to suits a Hrttirb trate dollar to take the place of the Motl- can dollar,. Joepit Huwing.r, driving a wag -on load- ed with •ms ceia tanks, was blown to pieces at Buffalo by the explosion of the tiselnenta The Japanese Minister •t Seoul is re - portal tobaye been killed. The stories fa eim:elation as to the tumor of his death are conflicting. Toe Ilnipian Government lea repealed the act probibiting the tmportatiou into the Cone -mut std Cenual Asia of Persian silver ad coin. Mts. Nellie Braidner committed suicide Friday night et her brother- iu- law '., (:e..rg. Kerr e..59 lamillee Street, 'forouto, by taking Paris grass. The Canadian Medical Association's au- ntie: meeting crone to • clots at St. lobo, s 11, on Thursday Next year's meeting will be hind in Kingston. The body of Alex. Matheson, who toye- ten,.o.ly dissppeared last Il.ptember, was brought to the surface to Kincardine har- bor on Ao 1. 22 by the dredge Arnold. The Montreal Star states that Mr. Win. (bite, s.1.(' , of Sherbrooke, will succeed Hon. John S. Hall, the Provincial Trea- surer reysura of (J ebec, who resigned Al _-J<!�m lath Falls, Oregou, W. 5, Tholepin* wee taken trona Jail and lynob- ed by • mob Tbnmpeou was bold its jail ou a mi0. r charge, but had • bad repair - tion. The St Petenhure correspondent of the Cologne listed* a ass that tbe l'aer and ('.arina will probably a000mpany the Prin- cess of Halm on the tatter's Tart to Copen- baA Shanghai despatch says that the at- tempt of the Chinese (iovernment to goat e loan of 1,00,00 tools, to be guaranteed by Chinese merchants, hes proved • fiat failure Fifty lodes unions of Paris have voted that their members shall work on short time in order that employment may be fur- nished to ,one of the many workingmen who are idle. James McNeil, egad 7S. shot and killed Wm. MrUillan, age 2.5, at Wood islands, P.E Li Fridoy. McMillan had loon w- noying t to old man, who was • bachelor anti lived alone. .1SIiiNl;TON, Aug. "; -- "Spusd stento every regard a6d has succeeded t• At the Kan• . and Thaw mine. south- west of Macon, Mo., Hall McCarthy, • salver. was imatsntit killed and other perhaps fatally injured by the fall of • tremendous rock. The steamer Carmona nn aground oa Wednesday while approaching Piotuo har- bor. She had 850 escnrtlonlets for Oswego on board, who were taken back to Belleville on the steamer Merritt. The report of the Wagner Palm Cat Company foe the year ended Jai. e0 last shows grows earnings, $&263.259. operat- ing miter.- -s. including main ad new cart, AM, .02, earnings, $1,489,357. Suva Mod or gads lately eat ops the sides of two valuable mares bill01101111 to Mr. Henry Rydall, of Albemarb township near l Lorton. Use was dead when found and the Wiest bad to be killed. (a•Ibnith & (o.. hosiery wano(ssenr•rs, (laelpb who nadir • eotegproveW will their ereditor• • abort nes ago for some- sblsg is the seigbborbood of 50 cents en the dollar, have •wigsed to C. 1. Dunbar of that sty. The evidence taken by the labor Oow- mMsios .t t'bteeo nu Wednesday went to .edam ilio statement by previous otiose. site that the rioting .ad Ime•edieri•s dar- ker the Orient sertke wan not the work of the adhere W. D. Day M Bayou& lf, J. , who W errs'sl those wee the .asMsar ehemplos- eMM d Ilia Hefted Baan a Gamma r.ra- j nnaMMdd .dile by Imitates es Md begiglegetted ala all. el l uogrem is colag, but the Uniformed Rank kwghts of Pythias, with their camas, aunts and sweet -bean., have taken poems - eon of the pretty white tarts erected by hospitable N'asbtagtonese in the shadow d the Washington monument Come to rad that over it 11 • little mixed, and liable to create m:aappr.kewror. it is the knights who have taken poeesssoe of the tents ; their costa, aunts and sweet-bearta are quartered elsewhere. The city =torte ren - •rally decorated to honor of its guests, who will Med every hour e1 then week that u not •beolutely required for rest taken up with pleasure or occupied with business. Various cause have operated to make the crowd, both of Pythons aid awiompaylog fronds, smeller than wasYIWpat.a whim It was de- coded to hold the eoeaatpleent at %Vaghiae- too, but the principle one was tbe greed of the rail/coda, which refused to put • ryas- onablo and talc prion on the tickets. Tbere a one ssuau uou about it ; they have de- prived themselves of • large amount of money, and the low may oteke them mors liberal In the future. Another notable gath.rter will take place to tV•ahington tris week, when the Southern Development Conveneruo begins its for sesame. This orgaIzatioo, as its name implies, recomposed of Southerners io• terested to developing the natural resources of the Scothern States and bringing their attractiveness as place of residence to the attention cot the world, sod incidentally making u.on.t• for themselves. It is ex- pected that every Southern Mate will be repressoled at the coovCntion, and those in- terested express coulidence that it will be speedily lolluwtd by practical results which will demonstrate the wisdom of Its orgw. store. The report of the House Naval commit- te., which investigated the charges made against the Carnegie Company of having furnished the Government by fraudulent means with annul' plates not up to the e taadard that were paid for, is t ractimelly about the sante es the rendering of • true hill by • grad jury. Aecempanylrg the report was a resolution specifying ..ram plates on art ni vessels and providing that they should be removed and subjected to testa to ascertain whether their detests would substantiate the sworn testimony takes by the committee. That rssolutios was promptly passed by the House, but when at reached) the Senate it was referred to the sommlttse ou naval sflairs, which was • settler for 11 es far as the present seem Is ooncerosd, becomes there was not a quorum of that oommtttoe 10 11'aahing. too to at epos it, eyes if Iia members de- sired to do se. It is ssp.rted by some that the resolution 0111 sever be acted upon by the senate vnator Mel b.rso., chairman of the naval committee te 10 Europe. (las of the peculiar features of tbo politi- cal situation is the fear openly expressed by shrewd members of the old parties that the populism will hold the balanus ot power in tbe next How. It may be that these fears ore b.tng expressed wearily to stir the old parties up toextra inertias. but it is odd that these mem should now eared* what the popalsta to Congress have damned to be oertata of for may months. 15 will be se small thing to bold the balance et the power in the next House. It will meso the verism wing of the seat speaker, the man bo has more power to shape legislation a then any other official under our form of government. Bat it may even meas mon Mos that. In mese the elestias of the nest Presidium should be thrown into the Homo,, and it may be, the bele.* of power markt mesa the naming of the mit President. Congress will adjourn tomarsw, unwept uwo•g, and unrest/Mod. It started with a great doori•b of trumpets more tiara • year ago to relieve the dimmers of the .osetry. If ay law mimed by tbmw i Compete to give the ossuary relief it L yet is Mosese aopar- ens to the people. Great premises have boos mead., bet only time willtell whether all of them will prove am d.lasive se seam of taw have already proves. The foreign Modest et American polities most tail the tariff bill whisk tomorrow morning will beams the law of the land as uneolvaLle problem. He regards oar system of goverameet is one of the aperity, .ad yet ere r • law en .enc the west import - at subjects that ('esgrss it .,Ike) upon to lerielete m that was sot woofed by es. fifth et Compels, oar by the President. Still, it takes its pla.s ea the statute hook. It is ppu�rzlnsg to Amertaraes wl.o are r.•.oe- ably fsmilar with Congressional legislative esethoda. If it g anything it proves that skilful ties, tied ad • ajor• ay ei .sas, is what mama a ('engrave. .rad if it proves that, ire are bar- ging • deludes is bsIMrieg this le be • goverweswt of the pimple. ii de nest mesa 6y this tet the sew tariff bill is wally bad for it M seat. it W misty good sod desire- • ie festers•, bet is order to got totem the .,.Verity hada. se5est to any bad, very bad features. Mw te 5.5 • a.ellgh. " Pees.,.. Seed ffi " S neurit " Soap wrappers bearing the words (" Why lies • Women Leek Old Sewer Mae • Ma. "1 to Lever Bros.. Lei., 43 Sent.-.► Tira eo, and pee will naive by pew • pretty patters. hoes from dvrtis&g. •d well worth fr.asiep. This is as easy way to &estate year home The soap is the him • the market mid H win only sem le. 'omega to send be the gorapp.ee, if yes leave the Snag egos. Wefts ywr seise wrefalh. ly Wieh•s name Galeria\ i• booming the ..Ower heti* prelate j.w w. Tonere 1. se better pima for • Rend s.mesve heel Mies the .rasa tam sad we hope they • �y-..-sl M potties q elle If16f 110 be a ['wet le the pla0a 'onto the hank, t the steam of the rasa deou of the taws gsiwrally. lo addition to this duties involved i,, his regular two cation, he has identified lumen with may tosses of • public nature, having been for eight years secretary of Om Ilealemues' Into i - tote, footnote years permanent secretary of 1 0.O.F.,No. 62 for the past two years sup- eriuteadent of Kos: church 5. , and sight yeses previous to that seerst.t of the S.S. He is an entbssi.atic Scotch (anodic, sad when Catalonian games were regularly oar• ried en in this motion was ens of the utast efficient ofhoer.in we•*Ctiee with the sorry - tag ou of tag sports. He will leave 1:oderich carryout with him the personal goodwill of • larger number of oar residents than any ether man hos done its a vesention, and during that time may have goo. who had apparently • for wider orbit. Guelph will find in Mr. Seven a good citizen, the Beak of Comers, Ir that city will get • capable ad painstaking othciai, and the church with which he allies himself will receite a dneted Chriauan member. The following an some of tM testimonials of esteem that hap been paid to Mr. Steven on the eve of his departure from (;.4.. eh (:uo.etcu, August 22, 1894. My Dear Mr. Sateen -1 laid yourreeign.- tion before the managers at their meeting last eight, and am instructed to send you in reply the enclosed copy of the resolouos unanimously passed h) them in a.-cep:tog et, also the •ccompenytug cheque for ala. Treating that yo•r chaage of resides's*, which we .11 regret per.oually as well as officially, will prove to be for the best o - tenets of yourself and family. I remain your. .teoerely, H. L Stamm., Sec. Mau. Cost. Knox Church. Tex '.COLI TION, " That the managers in accepttog, as they hereby do, Mr. SStivee's resignation of the office ul financial secretary ad collector, which he has heli for the past years, record their appeals:lou of the realer= and etlici- eat meaner in which he has dtecharred the duties of the position, and their muse of the loin which the church will sustain by the removal of ono who has taken so active ad willing a part in all dopartatsote of obarob work, and in token of their resoauition of the valuabk asreteece he has rendered in placing the fe•oeiataffatn of the church on • better footiwr, they ask him in the name of the 000grepatIon to accept a cheque for twenty-gve dollars in addition to his usual communion. Carried waulmously. I Codified t H,-ctt I. Srwa.,., Sae. Ma. Com. Knox Church, Goderieh, Aug. 21, 1894. 1. (.. ... F. m[i'O. ' ITION. From Huron Ledge No C. I O.0,P. To Rao Om. [rtes. PAY. Huron lodge No. 62 LO.O.F. eodricb, Ihua 815 AN is Bluffness.. --It is with teat- ime of great regret that Huron Lodge No. 62 I.0 O.F. ■ocepte our resignation of the office of Permanent Seoretaly, which pala- tial you have uninterruptedly bold for owns fourteen years, and the duces appertaining to which 7J00 Mrs so well eel faithfully Performed. On behalf of, and by resolution of Norco Lodge, we beg to express 011 appreciation of your veltable services as an executive of- ficer Pgoer and brother (Mdfellow in your zeal- ous mire end watchf.l.ess in guarding and protsetiag its beet interests no all occasions aid we tool the prosperous oonditioo of Nares Lodge in • financial and numerical sense, is dm in • great immure to your di- rest pereeeal itatnsoswtality. Ws fed eo.bdene that we reflect the in- dividual feeling of every brother of Huron Lodge in our erpromioes of regret at your severing your active o.s.eetios with same, and sincerely bops that the sew sphere of usefulness and wider besbssn relations to wbiele you haus been meet deservedly pro salted will be but another stappi4-atom• to farther advancement in your walk of life. We remain Yours fraternally, R. (S. Reypot.ss, P.(:. F. F. Lawaa.rs, P.G. M. 0. Josusrow, Oom. en behalf of Hares ledger ho. 62 I. 0. 0. F. (ioderioh, Aug. 13111 1194. (amply re I. 5. 5.05..x. To tie editor MTM Looknow goatiel, is your last twee, Jas. H. (iard.er, in sztrswely classier dioaim, so sharw•ter• 'etio of the mate, lays the imputatius against me time 1n my former letter 1 told faM- hooda Now, I wish to my, that 1 do sot retract see word of what 1 then wrote, ad ant prepared to enbete.Wte the same at the time per�•r if M will re -read my totter he will Gerd that i did eat quote the said rsselstioo verbatim, but gave what wee the under - shading of Bald leetim which Bre. Gardner ought to know, as it .houW be no seers, that he was sender of add ramie tiea, hat probably he Was set revere, and *sly wished it to be used as • Niel. He farther ewes that theft &legate did sot support the es0ise, which Crawly eosv.ys lbs idea that there mus • resolution intro- dosed ntrodosed as oar eeeety tt soon., relating to someetar, and thio is the use to veltioh 1 refer. i de blew there wee only eau dale gate is all that arbor who openly opposed sold Ise dative. sed that gesU...m Dies at LIVID Not of Looal Events. Tbr Gwent 51..'511 L•we as (11.1.. -- 0ode.. rsrn Wine Against . Rasa et Ward Leek Meet.. People Larded *mem en abs Tessa. leer*. TILE important u,stclt is over anti the [tees is 90 to 17, • rather sorrow shave, all email by • streak of batting which tie Chalon team had in tie eighth innings. When Clinton went in for their half of the eighth ianlagr the mere stood 1b to 6, but by terrific bitting at opportune aeries the home team piled up 11 row- My ' Ihda't the crowd go wild ' 1 ou could lordly Hoak on the field, let .lone talk to the members of the club. The reason of then was that lineman who had been pttcbing • wonderful gas weakened at the Mgta- ning of that innings. Hs should have bees changed • lune e000er. I;sorte re going to he the star patellar of the club when be gets • little more confidence and practice, as it is now he watches bases bstter and fields hu pusitiou as well as any of our pricker. TM team that welt to Clinton from here was the beet team in .11 respects that ever left the town of (;odericb and should have beaten the Chat..,r. teem badly and would have done ,o, too, only that the ground was au bard cod uneven that good lidding was impossible and they were never sure of ening the hall unless on the fly. The I:o4ericb players never missal a fly that they could get their hoods on to, with the exception of one which was mimed on ..count of some -co salting out for some bolder, besides the one trying, to catch it. l:.derich was white -washed In its first Intones and •tier that Made .come runs in every innings, while the Clinton club had tour ansa of white pint .dn,autered to then[. It was • beautiful game to watch 1n near- ly every respect, as the errors were not so many and the hitting was regular and very h ard. Only one home run was made rind Robertson made It on • beautiful drive te left centre, bringing is Fox who had made • nice hit for two bags just before. Scruten, use of the Clinton men, drove • Mir beautifully over the fence e4 the right hand side of the grounds, but the ball was so well fielded that only . three base hit was the result. When Clinton went in for their Inst in- n ings they needed three rune to tie and four to win, and 000seysently the excitement ran high, especially as eleven runs had been mode is the eighth. Scruton, the Amt can to bat, was hit by the pitcher. Accident No. 1. Agnew, next man, hit • grounder bet through an error was allowed to reach lint safely. Accident No. 2. Theta the crowd yelled and everyone of the Clime team bosoms coacher' and yelled and shout- ed themselves hoarse. Harl•sd came to hat and knocked up . pop fly to Crewman who was playing *mood mind who very nim- ly took 11 in. Recltemitt not M great. (:lendeopi.g, the next man to bat, struck the ball down the line from home to third and struck the Mae -runner who was eo- deavonuit to reach house The umpire gave the base -runner out and the ball area played to first and I:lendenuiog, who thought the ball was foul and had lett first lime, was alio put out, thus ending ties aa sings ad also the match. A good deal of excitement and talk was crested t hen by the Clinton team saying that the bell bit by Glendenning was foul and cooselustly the base -runner would not be out. 1 he ball wag • fair hit ball but the only loss to the Clin- ton club was l:leadeening thinking that it wad • foul ball and leaving first less and Wag then pet out William Tilt umpired the game s•uda- torily. The score is as follows. commit 1. AT 5AT a! w M•looasos, e. 7 2 Thompson, lark 5 3 Holmes, tad k d p. 4 1 Kollo, c. t. 6 2 Tilt, a a. 7 0 Fox, r. f. 5 2 Robertson, 3rd b 6 4 Creases, 2wd b. h p. 6 3 Dales, 1. t. 6 3 4 2 2 18 !MIURA 1 2 0 3 0 2 0 0 90 9 CIA let'Ole, NAT 1ey- Eget mss Hie Shaw, 3rd b. 6 2 4 4 rcIng, p 6 1 1 0 over, 2nd k 6 1 1 3 Serums, I. f. 5 1 1 1 1st b. 6 3 1 2 eri•a1, s• 6 2 2 1 O1.ttd eeieg. e. 6 1 1 1 [err, r. f. 5 2 2 0 F.Lie.s, a 1. 4 4 0 1 17 13 13 I'.. beer hits, Fox. Three hem hits, Shaw, Santee, Agaow. Hews regia, RobsrYoe. Bases on halls, Thompson (21, Holmes 13), Key's, Doha, Killion. Hit by the piteber, Moreton Street out, Thompson. Holmes, Kayla, Ted, Mot (2), Ilebsrseen, (lemma, ('Siam, Spades( (2), Hoover, Kerr (2). Score by Maisie a III (ledeneb, 0 5 4 2 4 2 1 1 1-90 18 9 (Metes, 0 0 0 1 1 4 0110-17 13 13 BNterim--(ioderieb, Cres.seera, Holmes sed )fsl.oansae- Clinton, Spalding ad (Needeeelag. The team that went to Kiseerdies and .s wine.. part .f the twenty, tar eenieved beet the dab of that saes. ebalhwpd the from the eseinve of Prl4. of Aabfieh1 Aso,wow dM play y o lefin.. L eae0'.t.L i Mfo ask If e. pp4.y • pa with abssii es hid. 1.st. 111. shallower was asserted sat gene a etvee.Neg pew wee the remit. Osla silt amain' were played sad the Mone Mood at the end of that time lO to 9 is favor of the Waits like ails neo are the beet pesetass thee a stub .meld have end to ede► should have W • Ped many are daring the e..... Oveier were pemesve41 et la etrslws* and Nepertiwntdy were stflrasem, a his bvetility berrerd me he might be•likes wee Ibis. he m dlflHwt bight. and and to 5 Msh ereadghee laareabet to halt eta • me 'd•ggr e mad he •=4- sees es the evade= .f ethers wise meg we.siww..iy direr tram them eNestoi.. d�iia Aug.IA JAa L (3AotaT. �b A reams gone of hegmbei till be played D. McGILLICUDDY, PROP'R to the Agricultural lark grou•i. o• Friday •ftermoen botwoen t►c else el 1'Itam and Goderieb. As both Hubs are in capital ...datae tad w fairly well aecbed the game promises to be • .soot melting use. teeryoes eho.ld s.me sad see the o,atch, es good ball will he played. Lawn Toenail. The T.wsie Club went to Clinton os Wedsesd• Mat .ad played • frieetdly metele with the home club. As the more will show the (:odench men woo every Ming. TM moos is as follows DOeiitle1. - . Holmes and Hunter (GI, beat Shaw and McTaggart (C), 61,3,..d6 Bird sod Loekwuod6 0. 161, bent Fair end Hart WI, 6-4 6-1. SIuaLar`. _ Lookwood it:), heat Hart (CI, 64 64 Hunter OLI, heat McTaggart (C1,6 3 6.0._ Bird ((:I, beat Fair (('), 6 3 6-3. }foliose (Ion, beat Shaw (Cr, 5-0 b 0. The weekly mooting of the local tennis tourso nest took plow )oat Saturday on the lava of " The Maples." The ladies' events hare not progressed any mines last week, but the men have .early /Mulled. These most - lags, although they are • htther slow in get- ting the events played off, still they keep up the ia1er..t of the club is mora. This week's continua were wombed by • large and istsre.ted number of spectators whM made one think of the old meals. OM Godench Tonnes 4 used to have. The score of the events played is as fol- lows Leutci. Mies It. Xaftel has defaulted to !lies 34iddleton. G.>T1.awg'. Itr. Hooter hes Mr, Steele, 6 to 2. This makes Dr. Hunter the winner. Mr. Holmes befit Mr. 4', moron, 6 1 6-3. 1'r Hunter best Mr. Lockwood, 6-3 36 75. LA. i.'a•.►:. The Mitchell Recorder thus refers to the match at Chilton aid Gude- rich : "Our lacrosse boys dal net fare so well oe Thursday last as they had hoped for. At ('lentos they were beat by the club of that town 3 to 1 and got number of scalp sed other wouuda. The boys re- port the Chilton club an organvad bawd of sluggers. At (.oderich to the afternoon they did not tare very much better so tar as alagrl01 ad scan of honor went, but they held the score down to oo; !ling. Atter an hour of hard work oenler team had soared and they called the game a dna and quit The buys had taken upon themselves toe much to play two heavy teams tin the sena day, and were ',trod out before they started with 4 IsdeNc6." Anyone would know that they bed taken too mush upon themsslves as it was apparent from the start of the .arch that they stood no chalice of winning. As for sluggt.g, well, • we leave thew to the spectators to decide who ware the slug- gers. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS- HAa. .eft . Wgg1.Ly. The amount of light that Harper's Weekly was able to throw upon the remote and little -knows er.uutry ot Korea, the instant that public attention was directed to at, may be taken as an indt- *suoo of the almost boundless resources of the paper, and its capacity to deal promptly sad oomprehessively with every occurrence of interest to the public. H 'A MAuAIINS. This ideal maga rise presto sot only timely articles on erects and places, but stories ot the right length to read .loud by the eveenal lamp. The Sep- tember lfarper's confirms "A New England 1'ropbet," the story of an Adventist alarm, by Mary F_ %Vilktns : "The General's Bluff," founded on • frostier sampaigo of General crook, by Owen W toter ; " The Tug of War," • tab of English men and from.. i0 Greece : eheptera of " The holden Hoose," Charles Dudley Warmer's novel of New York society, and the first of • two- part story of Narragansett Pier, by Brander Mattbs HAkI•wssa,. RA IL. -Harper's nowt is pre- sentiog • great variety of terminating styles for the early Autumn, illustrated by $asdoz and ('epos, the famous Parisian aroma, end molested from %Worth'• most distinctive emetiow. Thais autumn toilettes for out- door ad 1n -door osoasiose surpass anything previously shown in • iaaice jnurs•L The September tames will be enriched by elsraet gowns and hate for walkiag.nd drivi.g,and by beautiful mellinr costumes. A bnlleat novelette by M. M.Clellad, " Sir doba's %Vooing,"will run through several aumbera The scene of the story is in the far South, and it is intensely intere•umg from start to 6.i•h. T.. Mrre.neer MM.Ar1yr for Septem- ber Is Om number tag editor describes, with nearly • soon of eagnvings, eights and •owes is Doneaseu., the oldest ad use of the most interesting cities is the world. Aeebor beautifully illustrated paper is that by Jobe Addi.gton and Muss S wood•, on "Life sad Adventure in the lig': Al It describes tobogganist, and other exis of tbrillieg interest. A v.lwb a article na "The Reversed 1)r. Kyer.oa," with doe ireatapes. of statue, as it appears ie Normal School around., in froom ties able pen of .Jobe George }Iodgies, LL D. A re- markably lemma?* di•eoerwe, by H. Pop, Presfdest of the Wesleyan Ooefsewoe and delicate to ear own Gossett Caefsrsww entitled, 'That whish is Another Mae, ad that which s four Owe," heves. ()1 timely interest (1e view of the •ppresehise General Coatero.00l, is an article by Or. 4eheil, an "The ii worth League, its Op portedties ad Perils." A paper rat sb.eld be red by all the members of the Methodist Choreb, by the Rev, Alfred Roe bosh, B D., F R (s. ft , on "(,lame -meetings .d How t'( Impro.s Tim," sketebes es suasion work is New lork, the illustrated story of "Spindle, red Oars"-- lia is • pereooele, tM Cornish clary, a short abash d "Arobss doee Farrar,' .ed a brie/ paper by Rev Hugh Pries Hashes, me The only M.eoa sful Mi••toa•ryMethod." Make op • goal number Prtoe, ill a year: $1 ter rt moths ; 20 soots par wether. Temente ; William Briars. T• rine.,o tM F.Bet••lly 7M gently, when costive or bili- sss,er wises the bleed le Impure or .l.rsiek w p•rusaeostly sere habitual eesstipseloe, te awakes the kidsyeeed Beer M • healthy activity, without Ir1it0lwg a wasted. SyrlP of %Iles foyers ere OVER THE HURON TRACT. The t31•ist from the Local MW. A weekly N[.M of county Stews served up is mem Everybody Pin In and Pott Clapped and Condensed renin [very 5eetlrn. %"INI:IIAM Thr taxation is !1 mills as the dollar. 1 sborna . T. Podmore and daughter, of 1 shorn*, left on Tuesday fur Clearwater, Mao. Wretham RobI Cornyo, who removed Dayton. Ohio, • short tune ago, is in Wws. He carne all the way on his bicycle. Clinton . W. understand [het lam Rattenhsry has bought the property im- mediately moth of the Rattenbury House, on Victoria St. Port Albert : O0 'Monday evening as ))ester Merry Bennet wen retuning from the tillage on here= hack, the .ntm.1 threw hire, murder some severe bruises about the heed sod face. Clinton Messrs. Doherty h Co. purpose lighting their extensive organ factories throughout, with electric Itgbt, and have perehaaed an enure outfit for this purpose. It will take about 61 incandescent lights. Losdoeboro Ib Saturday William Campbell, eon of the clerk, was hauling manure whoa part of the had .ripped, and be tell to the ground. injuring his shoulder so as to require the services of the dotter. Wiegham . %%1n. Ilores' carnage fac- tory was destroyed by tire Tuesday night. ,Rook to the Waterloo Mutual for 5700: buddies insured i. the Royal for $7t)0 The lire is supposed to be the act of an in eodr- airy. ' SSestorth Gideon Trane, an old Huron boy, who still desert hen bnnsel f mot Sosforth, (let., threw the 56 pound weight 29teet 10; inches at the games of tine Hetes t'akdos an Club lately, beating the werld's record of 29.10, Windham • Mr. and Vol. Patrick Brow. have tit* sympathy of our tnwnepeoplo i0 the lose of their son Thomas Edgar Chis- holm, who died on Sunday, aged live years. The little fellow but been sick only a few days Heessll William Clausen, eldest son of .1. C. Clausen, of this village, and who has bees in Minneapolis, Wisconsin, for the peat few years, holding • goo.' position in • Iar.e mercantile establishment, 11 home for • few weeks' visit. Wiarham . 1 ..1. Pearling, while tnepsc. 1105 that baying of the tile m the drain at the rear of Kent's block, found • 25 cent prow et 1874, besot •wenty years old. Whether it has been buried that long or n ot it it h.rd to my. Winghnm 0* Friday afternoon the junior football team of l:orrle come over and played a match with the 1%'ingham tourers. The game was • very one sided •fur, the Corrie boys not being able to score at all, whiteout boys scored four goals.. Staoley We regret very much to record the death of another of the early residents of Staley, George A•dersoo, son of Geo. Anderson, of Stanley, at the age; of 40 years ot typhoid fever. He leaves • wife and three children to mourn his lose. Wiogham : Gnu McTavish was sirbtly iejurard on Tuesday by being crushed M Masse • machine' and a door post of the fac- tory. It might have been much worse than It was, hod the machine not bees tipped to use side lust as It struck Mr. Mcl'ayiab. Tusk•r•esith Ralph Cresswell, ton of G. R. Crewmen, of Tuckenmith, Is et pres- ses here vi•itiag old friends and former a. - secrets. Mr. Cromwell has been • resident of Pueblo, Colorado, for tome years and bolds • good position in • largo Nanking in- stitution therms. Heiman Willie Elder, ton et Wm. Elder, who is oily • little over 1S years of e go, has secured the ..creed scholar- ship in Chores and Moderne in Ito recent examinations in Toronto, entitling him to torr years free tuition in the University and $56 is money. Wingh•m . Messrs..,. H h W. F Dul- me.•'s trott.ug stallion !imam took seemed mot.ey to the 2:26 trotting race at St. Thomas en Tuesday. itoet time, 2:274. Geo. Q Ros's Miss Garfield took mooted money is the 2:20 rase at i4a same place, same day. hent there, 2:231. Hole.veville: From the Fargo Foram, we notices the aroma' of • fatal modest on Aug 11th, when ('leytos, the 14 year 0141 ton of the Hos. Leonard A. Rose, Fare. aooident•lly shot himself while preparing his gee for • hent. Mrs. Rose is the mutes of Mrs. H. KI(ord, of this place. Seifert b F. I:utteridge hos told the naw brook double house, which he erected this Summer, to Mr. .1. P. Mete:mi. of Hallett. Mr. McLaren, having toil hs term, intends movies; to town to licit, and will oosept one part of tee how ►lmoolf, and rent the other pert. He has secured • eine property. Verse Oa Wednesday last J .1. Key, of Nashville, Tenn., was 'serried to Mime M&ry Ana Loga, at the reside..• of het hither. Chas. Logan. by Rey. J. W. Hodeise of Seafortb. The happy couple took the morning train for their future home. Mr. Keys holds • very lucrative position es Matthew is • btrh school of that city. Morris: J. M.Miltan, of !Myth, seiillegefl • serious less ea Tuesday, at neon, in dill b.rwkag of hie saw mill in Morris, tegetlter walk a erg. Osastity et valuable lumber ready for shirtiest The mass or fin 15.-. - eee ksewM. Th. Meet had been gee* to dieser het • few minutes, wham the build- aeg.wesd to be esvolo.od in game. la- e arauoo $1,500, which will set Dearly .over the loss. Klytb 'math was noticed to be • par tieelariy tad visitor no Wednesday eservise het, white M.ggie. Mild daashtw of H MNluarrit, at the awl y age of 26 yeast, passed (•ietiy away. i)tetw•d had 11.... • selliwor Per: tw.4 ye•m but withal pati• *.$ ad eheeifel. Skase Per birth • tetiiwt w Blyth, amid 0f • ked sed gssve's_ dispr- tine& is m mengssees leasee meay Mende sed eeprenianee el far the 11 .•we- d wore ewer.. 1%s ts. .i, • large •ee took plea. a Friday aft.rseee s the theism ...«era•