HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-23, Page 7THS SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONTI, THURSDAY, AUG 23. 1894. 7 IN SUMMER DRY GOODS. This week we are ofering a few Lines of Summer Goods to clear at less than Cost Price. Our Fall Goods are crowding in and the Summer stuff must get out. American Challi, Fast Colors, reduced to 5 cents a yard French Delaines, Dark and Light, all Wool, i5 '• Prints, Best (foods, Darks or Lights, " 10 Grenadine, Double Fold, regular 30l'. (foods, 17 Scotch Oingghunts, small and large Checks, Fast Colors, reduced to M cis. Check Muslims, regular Prices, 10 cents, •• " 44 ALL SUMER GOODS IOS! I;0 THIS N011?9. JOHN T. ACHESON • BRAVE JAMES HOOD. • Italians fla.dlas Who l'eeaeaasded a nenshre Sleeked* tenser. In the wain days of June then died at Sumter, South l eroltaa, • pressman Agee*• dam awes who was bre non Meatreal y l.il5 Juries Henry Had pored away tit the 68th year of his age. lie school dogs were sprat in Sionista. sag whoa bit team Most 20 years of age he mowed Nark, wham he teamed stemsshipetlielm.r m r and beanie • master smmkaais. Be was marred fast Wore the dv l war broke out in the United States. bee this did not pn•sat him frees voluntaries his manses. la April, 1861, he was an beard the steam- ship Naab•tlle during the bomb•rdmeot of Fort Sumter. Th. •creel lay off ehnrlrts. err, and ran into the harbor after tie cap tare of the fort The Nashville was the !estentA ariconateageehipafloat. She was skied by the Southern Confederacy and com- forted mote • blockade rsnn.r,with rel r. Hood in command With Isis staunch mime' Mr. Hood mode several trips to Nassau and E.g. i land, carrying supplies to I'herle.tes s.d W tlmmoeton, *ken the m osfeterate &rem I eagerly awaited kis every arrival. Dunne the letter months of the war Mr. Hood estaWs"bed himself to businena.t\as- mu,whers he seprtotaa.ded the repairtar of a1asy vessels...dtammed by .hot and shell. While engaged there he vofuotanly took charge of the sopaaa of the meassehlp Petrel, an Eagles\ .e. -o( war, whose en gimes and crew had been stricken down by tag ternble yellow fever Mr. Hood safely piloted the vessel to hospital headquarters at Waldo:, whom he was highly oomph. asented ow hon timely deed in braving owe tapes. Commander George W dls Wt. sm. of the Petrel, endued • letter to Mr. Hood, Iaviewiog hu brave conduct, and pressing eke highest comma d the mita. ►,ce Admiral 4tr Alexander Milos after- wards ackaowledr.d the valuable services thus rendered. and eompltm.scsd Mr. Hood upon the clarity with which he offered Ion - all in their distressed OOadttsen. Mr Head returned to N•es•u and for a fati yen after the war he resided in Fag - lead, but returned u 1868 to Newborn*, N • .store he ssg.ged in civil ssgioeeneg. Be cervices were to great demand. and for sons Veen he was *mama is raumg snok- to reseals .mei removint obstructions front •i..nela, m dredging to secure deeper near, slartiog averts nod rulrt.✓i .neat- tering. Many herculean teaks did he un- dertake, and endorses orowod .1l hie works. He moved ton :$ 8r }877, where he has moo rended. IlM last work was in build. as the settee ba Ckarle.tee harbor. He k.r« IsMmd • widow std three seas. Moven Tsar • artl/e. ('huago Duly lsssr-Oess.: A woman who was moil recently Mn. Dr. Spencer, of Bosrboo, has Just been joined In wedlock to br eleveath husbaad, and as the bride of to -day is but 44 years of age, time may lou ably record may mon matrimonial Wham's. Her eerie* as believed to be me of a most retnael akin as record. She was a bride when a girl of iftoms summers, and her first venture was mon successful in pet of Oma titan any of them, tea years elapid before that n,ar- rt•ge was demonstrated to be • complete failure. She was separated from her second ' ad third husbands. The fourth was wedded as the mom" of • romance. A con- vict in the Joliet penitentiary woo her geed graces, and a pardon, which was grassed by • }ympathetic governor, was followed by i marriage Death ended this union, and the meson of mounting was followed by the choose of • fifth nod sixth hothead from •geosg • legion ot suitors. A charge of bigamy was disproved in conn•-tioo with the marriage of her seventh husband, who Ave her statutory grou.dr tor .. divers. The eighth bmehd was secured through the medium of • ttatnmooal paper, het hu 11. had • tr•ge loading, and at the age of 36 yeah she comclnded negotiations with S. H. Brown, Ns 9, with whom she lived for two years. To this anion the first child was bon. Brown disappeared, and the next alliance, with • Dr. Spencer, • senor all* physician, was terminated by hu sod- den death. II *rinse Telling by ib. /laser tail.. F.N.ae tilling by mese of the finger msjb. s.yebom•cy, as it mm called, w.. not .mseamon in ancient times The practice WOO M rub the nails with ail and soot or wax, •tad to held up the nails thus prepared •gamed the sue, and ups the transparent, horny substance were supposed to appear figures or characters which gave the answer required. In mon retest time" people have been foued predicting by means of the Nails of the hands and telling the dwpriuon of persons with certain deecnotions of the e lls. However absurd it may appear, I will give examples .f this superstition -A ponos of brood Bails is of gentle nature, timid and bashful. Those whose nails grew Leto the ash at the points or ods are given to luxury. A white nark on the nail be- speaks misfortuse. Tenons with very pale sails are subJeet to much infirmity of the flesh and persecution by neighbors and friends People with narrow nada are Am- bitious and ;s•nsl.ome. Lovers of know- ledge and hbral "estimate have resod n al. Small els indicate little..s of iniad, obstinacy and wooed. Indolst peo- ple have generally fleshy mile. Melancholy 0 oelo are distiugsuhed by their pale or -*cloaca nada : and chelenc mental MIS, delighting in war, have red sad spot- tedeatk. The long fMas almesnoa Wale F:rprm. ' The retired left fielder was telling the etory. "Hank Mo(:i0'is," be said "was the greatest int barman 1 ever tam He could play the bar outer sight when he was • mind to, bat he was the Isneet man to twenty•sovsn counties and hs didn't play a ball when be mould pt outer it. He was allays turnim' up with s spiked foot or • split thumb or eo..tbi•', a emerally made out to lay dfI morin half Us nae The runnier we were play in' in the Western League, though we struck a manager who was onto Hank'. curves H. took him to wee side when the masa bogus se' tot' him that he wouldn't .teed e Ink,. He marked out to him that it be di4a t play every day be would g11 laid off a' loss his pay. Sore Ikeda as' thumbs eta harrod "Hash. hoes,.' lacier thole ever that year, em ooastderhml stirred up about this. H. dida t have no Idris' to play, but he was het atter the Tong grim, ea' he kN pkayis' tial as' kicker' like • bay steer •1l th' tow Finally be got a aesple .4 days' ley - re an' west to see his masher, so he said. Re gut hack ne time nod oempl•iad of bo- dged, but the manager mal him t' g11 the pine or lass 'meaty acid plunks„ 21 M got ie. Nes' daywe e.uids't ploy. �1 • big nim. ns' before tie time ths Rases th• say alts they was an- "A"ig rail,. it west on like 4121 fee • straight shirty gays. It weak! alloys rata jw' be- tm01 3.40.'flak o. r whether we was bo bigot hot lamps' armed, sod •ts re first rase wren with h. sH. pends 84. 'miter had o let set semi at 9s. mea to the exposes& lee' Hank pre the rem rains mopped. New, what de yon think that ais molds dose he old glt mtie 1 without worlds' • Sews 1. Wow laistlit•'shout rain .skim', s.' whom M lad Qat le btmlbw sled trip homede a owl ids ehlemiwhut . Nit 0051 alterpeet dam bole*o the pas." t.b,m, m Meow& '�. r sties mend rime ir nem to starry Too !oust t awe that i bail ever salted Ittirl•tser.i Va semen 7'. 1.ve.'t. Dot .ho I fslmy friend• ad N the prone at I te- ons •' t' 1earry fres N will be am yes _he▪ lm* HIMITISSS011f BMW Ifbesw s.rus.at.� ld -... -▪ ••••11 MIMS 0•111111415811111".14 ~d"b tread iMldse d.reaanmdsfM air N. ii:ithehoessreMeme of NM bosins t.edt. arour- sod imam Yana About the t.uaa. A writer i■ Rlackwood's who has made a study of facial e'pee.aon nye that, gener- ally stpeakimg, it is a strenuous contest with minor difficulties that predates • this and rigid set of lips. 1t a sum •Imost Omar. - ably, he has observed, in heasewims of the Martha type, who are careful and troubled about many things, "and whose souls are Makes to the centre by petty worries with- in doors, and strife • entrance with the sbortoomisge of the scullery mid or the Book." It is, therefore. perm.@ of weak will, he argues, wbo have habitually com- pressed lip@, for the errand will is oo.ciou. of its strength, it nor •gtteted by the little worries of the Boer. The tame writr,•ftr citing the useos.cious imitation of .11 of ne is giving hack frees for frown and mile for mile sadaws for yawn, says : " I know • tutor whom prombeirities of speech and carriage have been adopted more or less by every one of his pupils within the past six years, and several of them have Dome te re- semble bim in feature." He oonslud.s with eh* interesting query " Hee it occurred to may careful parsecs t1.1 the good looks el their daughters may depend in so dight degree upon their choios of nurse girl or (mermen Wimps Ter Were. Two gestls.sm who were playing cords at • New York club lessee were very melt an• *eyed by other members who stood behind their chairs and i.ter.sted themselves is the mem. //Molly me of the players inked ms. .f the musseaten to pay • beth for him ea t11i be nursed n.epeemer took the mads wbereupos rhe gest pimer left the re�'.esss�� Pretty sees the mooed player fel- lewae the manse of the het. '1'►e ewe onb•Mtaea y. farsome ties. whom ens .r than eeddd the waiter whin the two =tat 'They ,lariat .nate in rhes M en," we the waiter's weir. A awes Lear. A lady maid Wei T. 0. M. Hsphries. MMvvikmsjg is Keay Oak, who used ony ewe ►mtefiS Messkiees Kidney mad ifwer Oars, km lemmata a uuesmea te 11e east ebae it e•etpldelj eared how of lar grefhie y rlisummelse& Mlles, •.d Wer igembles Nosh lositios et asses' ybHiese,r1lstly m Nle •may .besld ewne.gs amber siren to sloe le m Mama ftrlri. Watch wr Weight If you are losing flesh your system Is drawing on your latent strength. Something b wrong. Take Scott$ I3mulslon the Cream of Cod-liver 011, to give your system Its need- ed strength and restore your healthy weight. pAysiciau, the world over, endorse it. MI M Braili by I aeualama stemma aaonmeme. m1 alit CRISP AND CASUAL. Athlete Cigarettes hays to Rivals. tf la 1775 ballrooms said to weigh 20eun.es fell as Mercia, in Spain. Norway tier Syrup cures cough., cold. and all threat sod lung troubles, i'ri x 25 and 50c. 102 Helena, Moat., is 4,200 feet above there*, and has an average of 260 sunshiny days every year. The tat cough cure u Hagyard's Pector- al Balsam. 11 heals the lungs and cures coughs sod oolds. lm Minneapolis mills saw over 360,000,000 feet of lumber • year, and tom out 7,000,000 Darrel" of deur. Herodotus tells us that the number of wo- Jos employed in making bread for \erten' army was beyond count. To remove worms of all kinds from chil- dren or adult. Dr. Low's Norm Syrup is • mf. and sun remedy. Im The first taken who followed their craft to Rome were slaves eaptureJduring the ex- pditieo against Philip, 171 R C. From the dream of I'haroh's baker, Mee - men oratories B.C., it is learned that bak- ing had become • distant pursuit. Athlete Cigarettes, mon sold ot thus brand than of all other cigarettes com- bined. 11 glees, copper, zinc, lead. platinum, car- hou, plaster, petroleum, silk, cotton and paper are used in the manufacture of 'mom - daunt lamps. I I. Rttchs & ('O., manufacturer. 04 Ath- lete llg•rettes. Our production u over three quarters of the ct,msumptioo of cigar- ettes In Cosmos,. tl The Spanish government u negotiating with the Government of 'he Argentine Re- public for a reciprocity treaty principally for fruit producta. According to the E neer'" gazette, the oldest mattemaucal btwk i■ the world, which dote:. some 4,000 years back and was wnttea ie Egypt, contains • rule tor stu•r- ing a circle. Or. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry curs diarrh•.-a, cramps, colic, cholera mor- bus, cholera istantum, and all loosenee ot the bowel/. Never tratel without it. Price 35 coots. A school district in grant county, Kan- a.., contains bet one tamil•. The father, mother, and eldest son have elected each other trustees, and apps need the eldest daurhter, at 135 • month, to teach the younger children. t tffenbash was the Freneh (:ilttore. He always tried to please rather than instruct, and of the six t y tear opera that he wrote in less than twentv-five years only one hed the good fortune to tut mon thea three or four yeah The eustachian tube begins at the back of the mouth with an orifice that gradually diminishes t0 SIDS as it approaches the ear. The existence of this tube justifies the 'ex- pression that • man can hear better with air mouth open. For cholera morbus, cholera infantum, cramp@, colic, diarrb.w, dvssot ry, and Summer complaint Or. 'owtr's Extract of Wild Strawberry IS a prompt, safe and sun cure that has been • popular favorite for over 40 years. - it used to be the custom in the Belvieu p•rliaemest to supply not only the members but the reporters to the scenery with brandy and water ad 'inborn. Every member habitually spoke with • alas of brandy and water beside him. la Australia great iocoovem.oee is in ear - laced in telegraph construction by the fond- ness of the Datives for win for bracelets, ear and nose nags and their weakness for the porcelain insulators, which they fashion into arrow head.. i)yspepsia causes direness, headache, constipation, variable appetite. rising and souring of food, p•Ipitatioe of the heart, distress after eating. Burdock Blood Rit• ten is ruaranteed to cure dyspepsia if faithfully used sccordhg to directions. Kerrie rrowinr on the highest limbs of the coffee trees is Rraal are often shrivelled in the semblance of the tree Moshe. These are careful) set aside, shipped to some port fume for Mocha oasis •.d seat these* to the Wasters world ea the tree thing. t.tt me complaint bee ever baso made by theme using Ayr's Sar.•parilly according to directtoss. Furthermore, we have yet to lean of • mos in whish it has failed to al ford benefit die say hew/reds of druggists all ever the country. Has cured others, will ours you. ones Ire Ter.. The voices of singers Deed an porosities' "oiling," and some peculiar remedial hove been ie vegn* among the Uesn which it in interesting to limy. Whim GSWsayr. the femme soubrette, visited Saehsd, she oon- feooed the she Heated Mr threat Id.., each perform..*, o • god robins( with ram rasod gty cerin& The ~mems led to farther i.vesugathas be this Mas with the folk/wise results Watt, the peat Swed- ish user. ate two salt *kis beton gems to dog. Woebtel used the yolk of so errs Now Dosed weal stns Mink 1.r, Aims patens, .da water or post. Wallet, the tear drinks sold mese without ereaem,md Gaislimese...r renes es • glass of grog. 7.011. Meisel, the fames sestrolts, who died not leer age, always Moak loasa•de before she west es tie sings KIndwmes ehemd dried preyse dus(.g the i.srvnb and Meath - elm swan by • pitch of snug before sash Aria. flume simpers taba ere pamien•ee urians recd. Ana rwkrtg a the drys us wMsb they lou Melse, while s swmbr el ea 1.1.4.. 4iwf►s Mo. their mime are I Mpeeved by the smehloe of • jus. bele*. ebe .mermen elms.. - gabneri• ler Tam a S$aL Oakes a • yeas Ase sanr.rsnetess INews mle (,s5.: L the manse 11. tower ed Kirkstall Abbey, where fell the year 1779: Whittaker mentions wan! little •..along pipes" werefeud AM showing Nthe eswh feudof mom herb otber was in ansa is loo yams re*to . who... ms V lar. Petri. monoses ibm pips of brooms ter .es.kiag an efts. load le amain Irish tumult In the .0esN0si of Dosonri O'Brien, Ki.g of Thege.d, who was killed A.D. 1467 and is wrred in the Abbey of Osmium, Comity Clone, 1. is represented with • Nott pipe or diadem, ha his mouth. 1e envy be .brewed that in some very wises coal workings, which were found .der Iaesbto. Castle some thirty years ago, sea of tins very old making pt were fogad. Asd • ges.ra4OS or two .go not far from Lam►t.., very poor old has might .hes be ossa sesektsg the common white -flowered yarrow, • herb ln•lwtly fou* is seantry ahur.hyards. Moped M Meg made* the wow, and k.1.. at I amid rite to the swims 1 tub • shook like is • Mew see my hovel, mused by rise of my that freeman dimes to my remise This drove all the air est of m Image, rad I wont M eke r bottom whore 1 lay in • haN-ensariosa 1. Put • Travelled alarm. (:lobe-Demeetm$ - " I have rot a pet tines at home," cud W. L. Siam, et 11•ecbstr, N. H., last sight, " which 1 think has tnrelld about as tepidly sad as far to oe day as say other animal is the world. One worming, about • month aro, the kitties strayed into any factory • short tame beton the marthistery was started up. It got playing amend the door, sad sees took up its position in the big gy who.!: where, without beist noticed: `',. &mud Mira and west to *leer aeon t Nisch. eery was put in motion, tate Wk(1! Morin, se rapidly that the poor Innen not ss• cape. Indeed, it is probable that puss was soon uaaoseciow from dimmer. A little eompatatton shows tae dut.sce the eat travelled. Tb. wheel movie at the rate of 250 revolutions • mtuute, and at every tars pussy west 17 feet As the wheel was kept to motion 300 minutes without stoppiag,tbe kitten must have travelled durieg that time • little over 300 miles. When the wheel was stopped the kitties was discovered and taken out mon dead "has aliwe, bet itshort- ly recovered, and, •Ilisgh a he* rstnaimed about the factory ever the e, It a observed that it always gives Nm ay wheel s wide berth." see.troke and N• Tr a0Yat. Syracuse feet : At this heated season tt is well to know the causes producing, the memo of avoiding and the renenl treatment That temperature is not the only cause is evident as with the sane degree of hea @more cases occur at one tame and season than another. !hyaena or moisture and electric state of atmosphere are believed to be modifying influences. To prevent, we advise rest after sting,aa then the euergiee of the body are engaged in dirstiom. Avoid all •Iooholics. These In- crease the tendeasy to sunstroke. If heat is excessive, avoid too prolonged orviolent et - erase. When ovetoome by heat, remove the patient to as cool • place as poas*hle, loosen the clothing that the circulation may be un- impeded. Apply cold to the head and at the wrists, either ice or cold douche, and in extreme males wrap the body in • wet shat. Lose no time in seeding for • physician. Some energy is to be directed to reducing bodily temperature. That the patient remains conscious or re- gains coosciousee5 is at sufficient. Thos are frequently serious after results. These may sometime@ be *voided by prompt media cal action. stet.. All the masts of my Ids passed .lowly totem my mos, and 1 .meld nes my prone. mil friesds around no wseptsg. I recalled with •h..late disttetaess the .m•ll..t bets of my life, ayes was 1 was • child at school. 1 hew tin 1 was drowsiest, but thought, after all, it was sot each • bad death. I wondered if they would bit able to hod my body, ad shod dared at the tbemght of tb.ir failure. Theo 1 postured my bural, heard the clod. 1.11 leg oo my collie, and thought Um:. I heard pivots speak of my death u • warning to their address At last everytkiag •roeod am became peaee(uI, meson died away and I felt myself rim above the earth cad goat spwards into spans. From that moment 1 USW r keen moth* anti! I found myself lying ea the bank beside the triaad who bad resumed me and brought me bock to life by Name of •rtigwol reeprrtion and frietica. Geography. (:overa.m-Wb•t is the capital of Florida. Prelim's ( hod -Tit. Navy they get from the Nertbereere. T.esssy Watt fres., Mother "1 IMO .held, Tommy, you hare been • v.:', psughty boy to -day. Tommy • 8 my, ma, wise: A yon :now abort wickdnen, for • woman." -- Boston Tran- script. eatermaUea. Visitor-" Can you tell me when Mr' :n.acors's cottage is •" Country Youth- " I oan for • nickel." Visitor •' Asn it is ; now when is it'" l'o0Nry Youth It's burn's dews."-H•rper's Nsaor. Paying toe renally. WORAnr! - YNUCIRSAP 'IT BRINGS COMFORT WASH DAY Ti -JE NEWTINSH9.P. Owing to the great increase of our businao, we have had to enlarge our preurikea We will now be in a position to show our many Customers some of THE FINEST GOODS iN THE TRADE. and owing to our small expense, all are ask of you ie to come and examine our Good and compare ~flees, for we feel confident that you will say, as many others have said, that the New Tirshttp is the place to buy Stoves, Furnaces, Cutlery, Kitchen and fairy Tinware, at the LOWEST PRIDES. We are agents for the celebrated HOWARD FURNACE, which has been proven in Goderich to hot. the most econ ' al, en sell as the clean- est Warm Air Furnace in the market. No dust . no gas. Seta Set kin adrift on the lake of fin is • boat that constantly upset*. Amadeus--- What is the creme, my lord Atenta 40r the Howard Furnaces, Satan -When 1 life he used to think it - fumy to rook • boat. A Allard 0ee.111s, •' What's the matter with you asked , the hanging basket of the mercury in the thermometer. "(:ot • chill ' ' No," was the reply. " I'm just trying Lo go up and down fast enough to keep track of the changes in the tempera- ture." t Tone ogees "1 am taking up • subecriplioa in aid of the striking coal miners," sold the mac with the subscription paper. "I'd like to give something... replied the man sitting on the doorstep, "but I'm out of • fob myself. The factory when I've been working had to shut down the other day because they couldn't get any more i oral." Ancient Tetegrsphr• The ancient Greeks and Romana practised telegraphy with the help of pots filled with straw and twigs estunted in oil, which, being placed in rows, expressed certain letters, according to the order in which they were lighted : but the only one of their coetrivaoees that merits a detailed description waa that invested by • (:rseian general Named .}:neva, who flourished in the time of Aristotle, iateeded for oommu•ica• tion between the generale of the army. it caseated of two exactly similar earthue vese.I,, filled with water, each provided with • trap that would discharge so equal quantity of water in • given time, so that the whole or any part of the contents would es- cape in precisely the same period from both vessels. On the surface of each floated • pica of cork supporting an upright marked off into divisions, each division having • cer- tain aantence inscribed upon it. One d the vassals was plated at each .t•ties, and when either party desired to communicate he lighted a torch, which he held aloft an. til the other did the same, as a sign that bli. was all attention. On the sender of the. message levering or extinguishing his torch sash party immediately opawed the cork of his vessel, sad so left it esti! the roster re- lighted Ids torch, when it was at once clos- ' ed. The receiver the. read the sentence en the division of the upright that was level with the ...oath el the vessel, and which, if ' everything bed hams executed with exact ' Nem, oorresptdmd with that el the sender and so convoyed the desired !■formation. Mow M Wart& to trews. $t. Louis (4.1.. Democrat : --', Just nim year aro today," said Philip L Newton, • Beton drummer, who was at Lindell yes. sordes, " 1 had as narrow •o escape from drownist as any moa ever had. It was • hot afternoon and 1 went with several sem- paain.s te bathe in the Ohio river, mot far from l'iseis.ati. In diving from • ler i The Med Parrot. "This parrot, ma'am," said the fancier, "u one that I can recommend. It was in the family of • distinguished American divine for many yeah" 'Well, roots, what'll ye have ' Name yr pleat "' exclaimed the parrot with lomphanis. "He was obliged to part with it, how- ever," continued the fancier, "int* for the last year or tee it b.lougd to • New York alderman." -Tit -hits, London. Toe Sslvatiots Army cruiser Wm. Rooth rail ashore 011 a reef .onside Selkirk Wed- nesday morning. A tug has been sent from 1'..rt m'..1 sortie to Ler aeestauce. All the crew are safe. Vr. W. H H..yle, of Cannington, wad elected grand Master of the 1.(1.11.F, at Wednesday's session of the Brand Lodge In Kingston. Next years gathering will be held in Hamilton. The Houle police have discovered • re volutiouary Land 111 that city who corres- pond regularly with foreign anatcbieta Society women have acted as go between' for the col respondents. A Boston despatch says all the rubber manufactories controlled by the American Rubber Trust will .but down September 1 for two weeks or • month. These plants employ 12,000or 14,000 portion. Four patients from the SS. Balmoral, which arrived at Onvenhur.t Tbnrdav from St. Petersburg, are suffering from Asiatic cholera. One of the •easel's sea- man erman died the previous day from the die - NW. Seafortb : We understand that Dr. R. W. Bruce Smith, of this town, has been ap- pointed medical officer •1 Orchard House, Hamilton Insane Asylum. This is an ap- pointment which was rendered noosssary on &cooust of the opening of the new asylum at Brookville, 1h Smith's appointment) takes effect on the Bret of October. It is something to the doctor's credit to sal that he was selected from • Int of ifty-oe ap- plicant*. Seaforth Mir Annie gray, eldest daughter of Wm. M. Gray, who has been onetime Mr. and Mn. t:. I.. Bsll, in Toron• to, was Washed by Typhoid fever last week. 0. Friday lea Yrs. Gray went down to ears for hr during her i11nsss. Mr. Grey aloe wast down to Tomato no Monday, to see if there was any possibility of bringing her home, but the doctor de• aided that it would be unwise to attempt it. We believe that the fever is of • mild type, and that there is little or no danger of serious results. WORSELL & CO., T1. Pr stloal wltha, HaalMoHt,. U.dsu4I, i FIBREWARE =5 W000EN. One of E. B EDDY'S Indurated Fibre - ware Tubs and Pails will last the life of 5 hoopbound wooden ones. Besides, they are much more conven- ient and save a world of annoyance. Ask your grocer for E. B. EDDY'S h1DURATED FIBREWARE. HUGH DUNLOP THE CLOTHIER, has just returned from the cities where he has been selecting NEVI SPRING GOON. He has now on hand a Large ine of the Choicest (foods in the Market and is prepare to turn out work in the Best Style possible, and at Pries to suit the times. H. DUNLOP. WHY Does GEO. BARR*, te. (ioterich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the !'rest stock of furniture and undertaker's supplier 1 And how is It that he can sell so cheap? BECAUSE He Ands that it pay in the loog n His motto i.: " Small Profit. and Quick Re tarns." He also make. • specialty of picture fronting. Give him • call before percher lag elsewhere. ESnb•lming Fluid idways on hand. 2367-y GODtRJOH Ste am Boiler Works. BETA It1Ar l l LD ntalN t A. S. C H RY STA L, Seel-castortot'Ar t., al d` Mock,► Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary ldfariut•, t'prigiit & Tubular 13027.-i=X2S, Salt Patty, Smoke ~tacks, Sheet iron Works, et:., rt.% Also dealer. in I"prtyhr and ItorirAnt•1 wide Vale* knttin.-e. A 'outwit e Fut miff Itngfaes • penalty. A'l sore of pi r andi fntl eonrtantIy uo hand. F:etima•As furnished on mors nor ire. Ite4o ,r:rig promppttly attended to. '=25t-1, P. (i. Hoz 37, (iodrtch.0.1. Works 4)pon.ire it. T. R. fatalism. nodevlca. -CITY- coag AND wood YARD_ Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for .11 grades of HARD. SOFT i BUCNSNITH COAL. Coal welshed oe either market or my Seale% Oet gey Prier before rola, ebewkera. Tetl1♦11 CAM. TeNN..e fess e.1ss. HOW TO -ORDER "THE SIGNAL D. MCGILLICUDDY,"THE SIGNAL," Goderich, -Qnt. I enclose $ . Kindly forward regularly THE SIGNAL to the following address for mpnths. Name, P. 0., ....._ County, _..._ ........ ...._....,.._... .,. Prov., ,, JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. tlMFly CUT THIS OUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three Months - Six Months - Twelve Months - • Sample 'Copies Tree l 30c. Imo. - $1.00. Dale, 189 P. 8. -Remit by money order, if possible, or by registered letter.