The Signal, 1894-8-23, Page 66 THE SIGNAL: GODBHIOH. ONT., THURSDAY. AUG. 23. IAl6. NEW vOKK FASHIONS. JSTRICH SOAS ARE ONCE MORE IN hIGH FEATHER. la .pile .t flare Tires G.tbam•s Dress- maker. A.. Kept lieey Some Novelties Wbsek rr.mise to M ropsl.r This Aa - time. A Taller -Mad. Nalt- New Pons iSrst•ut.1. The revival of the ostrich feather boa is Deo of the features of midsummer task toss Not the long circular boa. but one _94th .esti fee thin -sic inches and cots rtom 67 to $i5, aeeorli°g to quality of the (*ether They are b.comlag and dude. and need as much looking after as • pet seri.„ t .rou:d, for they gide away and kat.- thein•- Ives in s w.rt exeslerattne simmer Ttte method Pf wearing them is one sad around the throat and Brien it LT tis• dress with a ease ptu and hold the other end or let it float in space It Is negligee, and either causes or pre- vents sore throats, authorities disagree on ibat point, but that it is a chsnutug and e ffective piece of feminine attire all agree Black are popular for tkTdaytime, acid' white fur the evening. They are fetching with all nwtumes, but a black feather boa wont or carried wit:. a white chiffon mis- time 1+ cuiply distracting. A+ rinse . f cowntercial drawbacks the dressusakers and mliltnel-here have been .bb. to take a vacation this month as meal, on account of • rush of work. Ow lugs order was fur a lady and her two daughters who'were going abroad. They Ibad reversed the role of going t.. Paris or London for their wardrobes, and were har- m' av$ them made iu New York But about the eastern. Madame bet- s•lf bad • black satin and moire -tech sough for a dowager. The snits akin had en iuset of the main down the trout This was entered with band -tot e-lace;--'ke d ad with (.earl paesementrt ie. The want opened in front over • similar - triuimiag. Big balloon sleeves with lace wrote, A Chatelaine hag of the lace hung front the- teolre belt. •Three veru full rows "of the lace pawed around the lb••nilers, separ- ated by a row of the pear: paseeineoterk. Another drew.. was of sunset silk and summer velvet, of the shale known is punch color. 'fon was made with the n ew slashed waist\ the upper part of the TA11/r.•rADE arta cor+age bein„ velvet slashed in deep pointe, which were filled In.witb falls of accordion Opted cream ehilatr,_ -A corselet et SIR velvet completed the silk waist A thInl drt•*e was a black *ilk lined with heliotrope satin. which, by some trick of the dt'es+rnaker, is male to atom ea' if the er..t garment were reversthle, a indite" it was, the skirt having two waists. oat e' the black silk, the other 01 '• ..s ostia TM sleeted Mee{ ' ;,gut coat to the elbow. with fell graduate] riffles that stood out to Immense size. The dresses of the young ladies were of the tailor made order. in checked woolen gap"., will belts, shoes aid chate:amee. and other aecee•orlea of white canvas And several dear. delicious peach euloted and corn finw.rerl blue ordaudie.. trimmed with bolts of reversible ribbons, and with flounces end ruffle* of butter -yellow lace, which. you know. goes with everything. 1 had a hint given me at one of the Fifth avenue "modes- of what is coming to the early fall. Russet -grow cloths have just boon imported. also browns, and a new Dolor called leaf -red. 1 anppuee that means antmmu leaf—and the dear, always wel- come and ever new shepherd's plaid. With three clothes r doe the new velvets. which are simply distracting, both in color and tekture. Yokes of velvet, It is pre- dicted, will le worn with ererything. Sommer millinery consists of a hat with • Ise. bran, and any kind of a erown. and it can be faced with velvet and enhanced with feathers without looking heavy. Thies has been an unaccountable demand for such flowers as poppies, forget me -nuts and Coro flowers, and now they are scarce m hen's teed,. The lovely Parma violet* and the black Rnsslsn violets are also very popular. There is all the old demand for aigrettes, but now it is black and gold. and as they are almost impossible to And every body wants them to lien of them there are gold and black wings, and stiff mili- tary looking bunches of gold beading that remind one of the seven candlesticks The one aigrette In front le sneeseded by vita on tech aide of the hat. Th• straight black pinnae in front has always hal • 'heavy effect. Plain skirts are the rule now for street and ordinary weir The many little ruffle. of a trimmed skirt have a dowdy look when (teen nest to the plain elegance of the no ttimmst garment in public places But either style will have its adherent+. TM people who are hitt in town—and there are plenty of them—are improving their time by purchasing marked down goods. remnants, and they end many real btltirsin. P.m instance, 1 saw one of thea. shoppers who shops only is the morning, ani dresses appropriately bay an exquisite Italian torso hat from a lot thrown on a emote,. and amelledi ton emetic She ea- ptalned to the sleek. whom she ..waned to keno, that elle wssld take it to a milliner and Ings ft swwe met when 11 would be aft Vaal as Ow. "Iby deel ye' Meek your bow1 Beard a .well giri say to a fris.d, "It'a odeutierly envy." The hat wee out. of those four -dollar black straw., bat had lost lis lustre. "How eau I black Itr asked the owta.r. "Shoe polish. gooses, was the ready answer And 1 had learned another mrs tory of the toilet. White veils are a midsummer madness. You cannot have tun many of them, as they are w vie -the fur all occasions %Visits toile. which cauda be imitated to cbsapw materials has a prestige of its own, bat so has the snowflake veil which makes a pec• taro of • pretty girl, loathe Cakes corer her ante aid Bees and melt in her month Plain white brussels pets and a plain lace with a narrow bonier. and large ''10vs" arils are all worn, particularly with the whit. Jailor hat. The effect .,o the coin - plosion is lire the glow of the surest on the snow, rosy and cool. Owls who r an°ot afford to take the out- ing m much desired. because of a lack of ItTO. Jir•ttT TO WEA. WiT. .I.lcxgs. IASRIO cIILLOTINED The A.saaein of President t'ar.ot Pays the Permit) to the Law ie HE MET DEATH FEARLESSLY ad Sheet.' the Cry of Aearebr Defoe. the Keith ren rise Eseretl..a Per- forated (fount, sketch or I. To•Ikr.l ttarl.51 •sol Ma Crim.. NMI •[sots. Aug 16. —Sento Camerio the murderer .,f President i ernut was gui to tined at Eve °cL,ck thug morning, he *emu, of the execution 1s about 50 metres from the prison. Three hours before the time es: for the execution a detachment of troops comprising the Dattielin of infantry and tw i squadMus of tine Seventh t'uir•eriers took posutous on the ground. They were reinforced later by gendartues and pultcelneo. Peibler, the executioner, arrived at 3 o'clock briuging with him the well known guillotine. Ths van conveytug the guillotine was escorted by gendarmes on horestack. The operation of 'erecting the machine occupied about an hour. There was • heavy shower during the night which had the effect of driving away nearly alt the cariosity seeker.. At three c'ek.ck there were hardly was ban - tired lentos waiting. Saute time WOW daylight the weather improved ted 111. curious began to gather again. Shorty b. -fore fire Eo'cl;a k the con- demueJ roan was lel front his oell to tree 1 guillotine. His arms were firmly bound beta, i him. When the attendants seised i to him under firs kuito he sir summer gown.. must do as one of our b m lay +4 gist fiercely to tree himrlf. At &4 tiothaur belie, bas done, go without them. o'doct sll was ready. Caserio shouted: .This girl toot. a trunkful of books. sad ••C'ourege, comrades. Long lite anarchy. when her friends asked her about bet { The knife tell at five o'clock precisely, wardrobe, she said: and l'alieriu'e head dropped tutu the —Oh' I Cannot be bothered with elothsa , basket 1 hare my. tailor gown - .a lot of eb rtib Jet j Caserta and Hie Crime. and hash ties, mud a @ilk waist besides sty Santo Caeerio was born in the little town al drrwee fur oecvion. it lbw to eon. • of Motto tlseunn, L..tubardi, o° Septem tend with clothes 1 should hath ber 8, 1e:S. Ile was then the youngest of els children. When he was 14 rims of protratt n.' 1 age he was apprenticed to a baker at Milan- • -.Then there is always the consolation if At this period of bis lite he is said to have you wear old clothes that they will be new been exceedingly docile. with • distinct re- in a new .tel ante ug new pecple, ligious tendency. Two years ado, how- ever, he fell under the indaeuco of the un one'. 1rien.ls ]..rafter year. "There anarchist& Everywhere be was iu rea h French d foreign 1'be red bonnet will command res set and some mouths ago he was thrown tufo 1 prints for distributing anarchist handbills among strangers. I outside the barracks at Mtlae. lie remain. White ondreseed kid. or the chamois ed five months In prison and on being re - glove whish . washes like a sons.. ars lewd took refuge tSwitzerland. Thence Sura on nearly sI.,.occasioue. Very young I be went to Cetus. where ha got a place as a girls wear white of black silk mitts. Bit baker in the howeixf one Vial& He con- tinued • the accessories of the mid.nnimer toilet tinned a, work up to Juno 23 u[ this year, are wbFte, even to paras.;s and MID OM- •except tor • month passed in the bospitals brellu Tbs bechel• r tri suttees. the to.)nnun.ary 2ntl gnarren g lin Juw -:l he quarrelled yrkk\ifs sea• myerity of.ber "tailor wade" with a white ter and was dieruissed. Forthwith tie • shirt ani tie. white s:if1 straw walking went to Guillaume Vieux, . a cutler. and bat, whit. roil and white gloves. Verily, bought a dagger. For several months he ahs it wise is bar generation. afterward said hie mind had been male Dolratt.tt. up to execute • coup. His plan at last _— -_ — became definite. He decided to kill the A Housekeeper ebould Kase. I President of the republic, of whose visit to Thai alum water added to stove polish Lyons he bad learned. C'eseri° reached will increase its lustre. Lyons the same night. He bought a paper That cumm••u tarred paper, such as car- ' containing a pr.•gramms of the fetes ui rtes ties fur sheethin will k.e o moths honor oI the Pro the R visit and went Pe • & _ _ 1 with the crowd (,o the Rw de la ItepuD- tut of cli- ate and trunks. Line the soles lips.. and -Latium of the tee.ptacte with it and rhe President had gone to Lyons to at- ihon cover with newspaper& The same tend the op -reins of the Iudnetrial Ezhibi thin: placed nailer the edges of your car 1 (ton I hi the evening of Sunday. June 91. trot as around th•• room will be a complete be attended • banquet at the l'alais di 'safeguard from'earpet bags. (.mm�terce and left shortly alt., nine - That atter buttering the tin for a boiled , o'clock to drive kr the Grand theatre where a gala performance had beau ar pudding if It is dusted with fine broad rauged in bis honor. In the neighborhood se, rip ran towards the vehicle, sprang to the 1 af(11 dagger in the President's Mae:. was n in Lyoni .1„y�nst M one does not 11 .Eu uupo-e a certain style is Clara.B--again in that reit bonnet." tions wit anore' n anarchists, ere -tete there will hew dao ger of the pad- l Ili th. 1,6- ' t.• .ticeing President That hearths of gray marble are easily buried t *leaned by rubbing with linseed oil. Ilia tris flint lemon ;pier and salt is the beet 1 iru iastea o Cls"... The assassin thio for .� g would not env S word to incriminate C w u iron rust. 1 others, i1hiiwriug than the had no acoom- That you can easily get the creak out of 1 pllee., The jun after an absence of fit a dour by i'ubbnu; the hinges with a .off; ' teen minute retarned'a verdict of guilty lead pencil I and Casetio was sentenced to death. The That badly soiled rattan chairs (pay be sent. c. was confirmed two days ago by easily cleaned by washing them in hot the pardon. committee. milk in which a little sat has bee° die- BUFFALO GIRLS BADLY DUPED. 1 . dyed. That tea and coffee pots may easily be kept clean and sweet by filling them with coli water once in two week. or so to which has been added a teaapounful of common baking stela. Let it boil slowly for two hours, then wash and rinse. That veal and pork should always be cooked so thoroughly that the leau part will le. white and firm. That old tuattin,t may ire nicely utilized by putting it under carpets. That all sort. of jewelry can be beauti fulls cleai,ed by washing in soapsuds. That tele test way to cleanse the pipe of the kitchen sink if clogged with grease 1* to fill it at night with strocg lye boring the night it will convert the impsdiient into soap and a good Bush of water will wash everything away. News far the Dishwasher. 4100 of the newest ideas pertaining to the kitchen is a reek for drying crockery, as shown in the illustration Wiping is entirely unnecemarv. As • rule only plates have been dried by merely draining. but this reek allows a complete trw or din San set to be so dried. It is stated that o ver aro hundred plans can he dried .n a seek standing on a floor span, of one square font The devio•e ie so arranged that one piece .9tnnol drip into another Tbedraia sire u caught and ranted to a receiver. Any carpenter can make It the required sir. Ths ingenious tneentMn will sate the housewife quits a little week ebbe le S ot the most agreeable 1• the weteli, Stage -Street Yong women $wladlod by Theatrical Fakir. Bu•nat.o, N. 1-., Aug. 16.—Several eeore of stage-struck Buffalo girls were cleverly duped Iasi week by Chas. Ames, a the aurical fakir. who struck town ou Monday, hired • room, advertised for inexpenano.d girls to go on the .cage in a' grand ballet • and after swindling ever forty young women, who lunged to display their charms before lb* foot lights, left the city with the bawlsomest girl of the lot They went to the Hotel Grattot. Dunkirk. and registered as man and wife. Ames stayed with his bride two days and deserted her on Monday muni:ng after stealing her money and jewellery. It is mud that Ames lima served a term or more in prison under the nameof Brown for bigamy and bas numerous other shady transactions standing against him. Ier..dlary Vires .t Stratkr.y. STRATUM ,T, 1)nt, AOC, 1:.—Another fire has ocenrred here, thio time on Eng- lish n - lish street, in the old Layne* planing mill, which has been used lately as a stable by W W. Sutherland. The oonteote, to- gether with a couple of pigs, were burned. There was no insurance on the building. This makes the fourth fire lneide of two weeks and like the others was no doubt the work of an incendiary. pe/M so Death by a mall. Vaarours, N.:+ . Aug 18. — While Jacob A Hobert., of kemptville, this eonnty, was passing through • field. he was attacked by a vicious Loll and gored to death, being horribly mutilated. His son found his remain. with the bull lying be side them. The animal attempted to at tack him, but tailed and be escaped. Mr. Roberta oma 87 years of age_ A Wae°rtw Brewer Selstdes. WATtai.tx,, tint , Aug. 16.—Christian Hoother, the brewer, committed suicide by takinglrns gen. 11• bas suffered severely ot reyeah witn asthrn• •nd It is thought while haying • bad spell and sof ming from con...pewitdepremlon of spirits be took the pules. A Nap. tfsersadrol I.yeeb°d. Faaatroar, Yy , Aug 16 —lira Mas Ma Nolan, living near the city. while walking along the Inks near her home. was outraged It, • negro named Harebell He was arrested sad take' to jail At night a mob soak Ma eel end banged him A Ommed Wisonais $.tNdea IIAu►ay. •nig.I —We Daniel John den, mitered. of r si toe, 10 m11 . from city committed a i (ds by Mng(ag. Piet seal* I. gives as see& A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash. by Ayer'. Sarsaparilla. Mr. IltcnwnD_ ill Rhta, the well-known Drumlin*, 207 Mcl;ill st., Montreal, P. Q.. says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of them. 1 know a many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's baraaparilla, eye in particular bring that of • Dale daughter of a Church of England Wale - ter. The child was literally coveted 1ros head to foot with a red and ex- ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she bad suffered for two or three years. in spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father was In great distress about the cane, and, at my recommendation. at lard b.-gan to al - mini -,ter Ayer's Sarsaparilla. two bot- tles of wh•.-h effe•ted a complete erre. mo. -1, to her n li. 1 and h. r father's d. • ii.ht. I ata More, seer. • he here today. he o„"1.1 11 atefy in the- stroagest terse at to the uwrits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1'r,-psrr.1 1• - 1'r .1 C. Ayer a t'o., [.Dwell, ran. Cures others. will cur•yov FOURTEEN HOURS IN THE SEA. The Eaeeriesre of • least tagllsbmaa Vibe Tried Is atom A.b.re. Boston Herald : With notbmg but a lite - preserver between him and certain detth, George Moore, of Ben ol, England, .pent fourteen hours in the Atleattc unman off Cape Heary, on Sunday. July 2::. Moore's can, which was brought to the attention of t'ommlssioner of Immigretiva Eminency yesterday by ('apt. alley, of the ,chw,ner Cactus, is both remarkable and pathetic Moore is 18 years old. He decided to Meal his passage from Liverpool to America sad be secreted himself in the bold of the steamer Templeanore of the Johnston line. Here amid the autfocatug heat he remained In hiding for nine days. He wedisgovered by ooe of the 'adore when three days out, bit, instead of informing the Captain, the sailor took pity on the youth and gave him some bread and water when possible. Moore'. rations, however, were .hurt, as the sailor did nut dare to ran the mil' of being aught offering water to at stowaway. When nine days ort sue t f the engioeen discovered the stowaway and quickly in formed the captain. When Moire was brought before the capon he was threaten- ed with tmpri.o.meot when the ship reach- ed Baltimore : also with the treadmill upon being returned to England. The thorough- ly frightened youth was finally set to work and given some bread and water. Poem imprisonment In 1.50 con,otrie- was not a very desirable •":'_..ws tor ow pining Briton. ret first there waned to be 00 way of weeps, but at the Templemore stood off l'ape Henry in the early morning of July 22 Moore mistook the headlights oo several sailing vessels for lights oo the toast Beteg a good swimmer, he coasted - e d that he could escape by lumping over- board and swimming ashore. To think was Ito act. He hunted the deck over until he fogad :a life preserver. He next took off hie shoes and tied them to the pre.erver. hoick ly getting his head and shoulders through the preserver he jumped into the ocean. Instead of .wimmwg toward the shore he went 10 the opposite direction, and when daylight came there was nothing to be seen of lead His position was jealous in the extreme ; sixth at any moment seemed certain. The • see was rough, and wave after wave rolled over Itis head. Hu meduraace was remark- able cnasidering the fact that for nine days he had had barely food and water enough to buata n life. He swam and boated oo and l o■ for fourteen hours, until at last. when it seemed as if every moment would he hie last, he wan nee by the lookout GO the schooner Cactus, bound from Baltimore to Beaton. Capt. Wiley. of the ttactics, lower ed a boat and sent four of bo men to the rescue. Moore was completely ethaasted, .ad fainted when placed in the bottom of the boatHie head, hoe, and seek wore badly serwthed, as be had se proteetis• from the July nun. Capt. Wiley is proud of Moon's acbsesteem, cad is so well eased with his pluck that he has shipped pleased before the mast. 1. terday Moore looked none the wore for hi. experience. Several good nicht.' rest and .uhsteatiel food have put him on hu feet, and he sow la.ghs at shat would have been certain death for one with a lower stock of vitality. Sick headache sad constipation are promptly cared by Bertha Mts. Req to take. sere is asst. let AN ACHING HEAD. Dart fires,—I severe headache bee the pest three yearn and was not free trona it a single raw ltt,o. -- • ' I used doctors' eines and all othaa 1 could think of, bat it did me 00 INS My cousin said 1 must TRY 8.&B. bemuse it is the best medicine mai made, and 1 took three bottles of it, Mei She result that It has oontpisisl serol se. I think Burdock Blood both for headaches and as a purifier, is the BE$T IN THE WORLD, and am glad to recommend it to all my friends. las Pions MCDONAL•, Olen sonars. Ont. y✓LER'5 r1 XT OF WILD STRAWBERR IJ C REs •r COLIC oL / R ; GH0LEA CHOLERA -IM �� S DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY A..OA_t SUMMER ADUL.fs CHILDREN cvars price 3S BEWARE of IMITATIONS MOLEOD'S gSTEi RENOVATOR AND VTNaa TaTkD ..frena.. Specific and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye pepsu, aleeplessnem, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, lose of memory, br•onc itess. consumption. gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary diseases, St, Vitus' chime. femele trrss• uleritiee and veneral debility. LABORATORY. LO HRMAN, ONTARIO J. M. McLBOD, Proprietor aced llaanhettlrer. McLa^p'e ireTau Rg)tuv*To• esu be 1.•d from all drmrtlats to town, as well a. from all the druttist. between "we° butmd and Eleatorah. Brussels- 1nurbem and Throat*. 1(17 1v. Patronise True School Bcoks and School Supplies SCHOOL All the latest and best School I3ooks auth- orized and recommended for public schools, sep- arate schools, model schools, Collegiate Insti- tutes and high schools kept in stock at lowest possible prices. Any book not in stock will be procured on shortest notice. Largest Scribbling Book and best quality of paper for :)c. ” Exercise .. Se. Mascots, Slate Pencils, Pens and Rulers given away tv purchasers of School Supplies first day of school tpening only. - FRASER & PORTER, Booksellers and Stationers. Competition. Tat CANADIAN PaCirrto RAILWAT OM% Tataskarr has bees eetaWl.bed to give dm public • Orstclase sarv(ce with fair and par massa' oompeui ion. It is oaaaaed on baelees prleclples sad la the brans of p. patrons. It deserves the support of every perms whe believes In eompesitiee. Ter ewlek deemseeb see this rear s Ilse*, amnesia, with all law and esb(es la Patted afafs& sauada cad Direct throetk wires to all paseisb 1a North west. Sri tarn (JolumMa aad Paella Coast O.eo--')oath Bide Weals& IL.:RADcuFF& .frit Local leas••*,. Oederieb c/.1; '�_ ' 4Y r F �C'):J^Ti�aTION. 'k ELILIt`3..!cr1E$s, l'DYSPEPSIA,/74 '^1: IIIrADACHE. `f:EO J LATE TH E LIVER. OIC •Int ..r7CR CAT,t;O IHhijSP! Ginn DIGESTION y 84113 -, ER OPUS DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU Iry seenwsve thud•. IE PRY eta cam .14 a t'i fr)l eseeHme *t Mime. Need—et mussy giliemlers la mod. Mb0odes. me. p b .wMki DIA l.. A. MUM a co.. Tempo. neral amsa.ers Nett TeleNeae I'sr. ei.AerIeb. Oaf. You cannot .lo better than use our BLACKBERRY COMPOUND for Cramps, Colic, Diarrhea,_ and all Summer Complaints. EIRE'S ROOT BEER, LIMB JUICE, — SEA SALT for Sea -Bathing at Home. VKIiISKS, froaa 1n .t.. t., WE HAVE THE BEST FACE POWDERS, LOTIONS, PERFUMERY. Paris &revs and lawn rowdier. IW. 0. GOODE, CHEMIST. All hid. sr Tty Papers. 1 1 BIG DROP IN PRICES FOR CASH. Preserving Kettles, Tin Pails, Cream- ery Cans, Watering Cans, 4 Gal's Coal Oil for 40 Cents. HARPER&LEEII, Sign of the Pig Kettle. no Yov WANT ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINED R. W. McKENZIE can supply you with a good article at a low price. STOCK COMPLETE !N Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. itotl't fail to get.• air a call. R. W. McKENZIE, The Crabb Block, Goderich. Personal ! pring is at hand, and after Housecleaning you will want • - TEA OR DINNER SET Nib We have the largest and Cheapest Assortment in Town. Before buying call and get prioee. 60 - TOILET SETS - 50 New designs to select from. Inspection invited. OE1s. A.. NAIRN. UNDERTA KERS. J- OPHD ' c BON Have added to their present business one of B. J. Nosh's Latest 8t71 of Qlty Hear.M, also 'he fined line of funeral furnishings b tka county, and are new prepared to conduct funerals at prices reasonable This department will be strictly attended to by his son William, whs. bees/ in the employ of the lata D. Gordon for the past In. years, hes a thorough knowledge the belein., end i.y prompt attention hopes to share part of the public patronage. Resseeber the plass—West-.t, on your way M the root anew Ohs us a os,ll J. BROPHEY & SON. "The Signal" is only $1 & 'e&r. Gert it. iwo" A DOTY $0IT To P%I 1011 A TIIAB.