HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-23, Page 44
fit $iqnal,
as renames®
• ducts. The nee American tariff pro-
f vides for the free admission of ail kinds
of agricultural impl(mtenta to that
country fern countries admitting
theirs in fete, but will the THorrnon
ST S. M•iiLLIC7MT. HatiGAaT (:ime -mum l accept this offer
111" of Pwato *-4� to K .1(111• of reciprocity which is an evidence ot
American good will W don't think
Terse et Nbe.AM►.s , 0 V for what, in that tare, would i e
se .eats. Is. &dva.M
tea wear M come of the firm that, out of the
as year, •• - Ile money extracted front the ('antlers
• i�eeasedeased.rh
, o prise pec yearwte is f&rmers. spent a hundred thousand
dollars in building a music hall or
(lance hall for the people of Toronto,
who never felt the twist of the .crew
and whose sweat and toil contributed
not one cent toward,, the pile out of
which this trifling hundred thousand
dollars was takeu.
Our farmers are doing none too
well, many of them indeed are Ln•wing
poorer un.lrr the policy of protection
•re( I restriction, Anil this despite the
most thrifty habits and the rrsctite of
rigid economy, but if they volt to re
tain 11 ministry in pow«r ' policy
is purely a mixi.ufacturers one and
against the hurba.n,lnwii, then they
cam hat• no one to blunt• but them
,elver, and the Governul ret that taxes
them most and rives the stoutest irons
on their limbs will have taken the tar
rect. .huge of the multitude who pro
frt party slavery to the well -doing of
their bouseholds and the ability of
their children to maintain a foothold
on the soil they till.
Look se fear labia.
Tour label is a Mending repel o of the Its IsdMW
to which you are paid up. bee that
allowed to f.11 into arrear. Aotl
When . change of address a d abe iti S
the old ..d the new address sb.a
Ad•ereldsa nates
pstrersl wad other casual a dvertlesmr.nts. lea
r each sotwe•rue*�t&ser3 i
tio*. Measured far to
• seapsreil scala
Runners cards of six lines and under 115 per
Ad•ertleemeats o Situations Found. ated Merited.
Situations Tacant.e, Wanted. not ezoeediae t
Haas001 Chances 01 r month.
Ilwes nonpareil. ill per to
Houses on lisle and Yarm. on ,Isla sot
exceed tl lions. til for find moots, We. per sub
e*nnl womb. homer winein prop•r
of inch is
Any special notice, the neat of any is ti
promote the pecuniary
vtdtal or remota), to tic oonMered en ad
Wertierment and chatted accord
Loral not ice{ in nonpareil type one rent per
word. no Notices leas aim Mr
Least notice* in ordinary read,ug type two
oeu4 per word. So notice for lees Mao 50r
Notices for cburchr and other religious' aro
beaevolect loud otiose halt rate.
r•masereb/ e'eeteses &Avert lseseeers.
A limited number of dt.pl.Ted ado -mire
mints w ill 1.e inserted .t the tfollown•g mites
Per Inch, owe insertion 0 d
" four invert loos ••-.• • •• t t'
•• three tu,•ni ha d t•
s:x months 5 d
one year.
No advertisement toss than two (..•hes
length will be calculated on abort. leas.•.. t
pat cent. discount all. wed for cash pain, ot.
os three months' contract : 10 per omit. on *iv
.ontha . sod 15 per cent. on • years. Thee
000ditions will be et riot enfor, ed.
Alessi ••Tb. Masai" Orli 'rt).
Subscriber 'who fail to receive Ttta 74 ,s, t
reetderly, either by carrier or hf novl .11'
eerier a favor by aroui,ng u■ of tee tart at
a. early • date as pees nle
Rejected manuscripts cannot be ret.irn"1.
(:orre.posoence must be written on ore .i 1.
of paper only.
r.bU.ber's \Mlee,
J. C. to Towel. of Oodrr•ich, has been al,
pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town
Mips of Uoderich, C. t oroe..1.haeld and N'•
Loral paitma+tors over the district aro Gln•
empowered to receive subscriptions to Tip
AB,'ee.mtrsicatiow must be addressed to
Tun Smg.t.
T lseheae Ca11 Se. Goderich. Oat.
t10DiRICB. TilUfteDAf. :1711. s MIL
l' home can be stronger than the
foundation on whish it is built, and in
• country like Canada, where the poo
pl. are largely agricultural, the com-
munity as • to hole cannot become
richer than tine earnings and savings
.bf•the farrier* will permit. Hence it
is of supreme importao•'e that the
earning power of the tiller of the soil
he increased as notchu pnsalille.
Some political quacks have advocated
high taxation on store goods and im
plements as the surest way to enrich
the man who lies to buy such com-
modities. w bile if to this Tory amid pro
tectionist blevaing there be but added
• restricted market wherein to sell kis
productions the cup of individual and
national well -doing will he full to over-
There are tinges when sten can af-
ford to laugh at folly and he amused
at the deliverances of witless knaves,
but there conies • time also to men
when tolerance for newspaper and
platform sawdust and slush becomes
offensive to their sense of intelligence
al>ld surely our farmers have reached
that stage now that is, it their eye
teeth are ever to be cut. Can a far-
mer be richer because '!:, per cent. is
levied at the cu%tont house oe a sett
binder, mower or plow entering in-
to our country for the benefit of the
DIAM$Y-HARtI7 Company and such
like institutions, or how can s Cana-
dian farmer be benefitted by a big
cuatema duty on his woollens,crockery,
hardware, coal oil, wall paper, barbed
win or nail', all of which,dlon't forget,
good friends, is imposed for the special
Rood of our combined manufacturers
and to enable them to fleece you under
the hollow and offensive cry of "Build-
ing up the country " and such like
n onrlse.e' • That the man who plows
and sows and reaps, and the woman
who churns and dairies is robbed by
the Canadian tariff is self evident and
the statement won't admit of any hon
eat or truthful denial, but that's not
all, for they are doubly robbed by being
deprived of the American market
wherein to sell their produce except
by Tying heavy tribute to the Asteri
can customs autthonties
It ttsay be marl that Ute Canalise
people have no control over the
United Stats Congress and, in • air
act sense, this is true, but the a lectiios
of a liberal Government •t Ottawa
would mean that every effort would be
put forth to bring shout free trade be
twain the two countries, for much i•
APROPOS of the attem 701 The
Telegram to pooh pool. the recent
article in Tug SIGNAL on the reflex ac-
tion of Toronto's "boom,- the following
from '• Faith Fenton in The Empire
ill prove timely reading :
I didn't mean to say it, bet it slipped oat
unawares .. 1 drove through Toronto streets
III the early morning. "Toronto seems so
flat," I remarked, and then my disgust et
myself was deep. Het how could 1 help it,
coming from • miourn to such billy cities al
Ottawa and Montreal.
Rut bow pretty the boulevards looked,
and the young trees. How good it was to
see so much greenness Torooto streets are
the dalotiest 01 avenues : hod there u •
charm of youth and sumer pls.sa•lsss
about our city that 1, unions. It is such •
dear rammer city this Torooto of ours
t loly 1 didn't like to see so many homes
to let : one notices these things with fresh
eyes after an abt.00w. Nice horses, 0s
every street' and the best streets, with the
dull "To Int" or grim "For sale' placard-
s these.
"'Metros • lower was • oomparstively
ran` sign in Montreal in my portion : yet
the city is crowing teat. Hut 1 suppose
Torooto most drew her weird in this matter.
Let us hope it is nearly dons.
Mega Hardy, el I.o.des, a •siting is
Kim Mary McKay embed Kueardiae the The Orbit from the Local
J. HeeseU, of Looksow, visited tows e
Jas. S■llivaa,
is tows
It, S. Hays, of Seafoeth, was
Wise K. Aches.. 1. taktag •
Mw Maud Marto, of Saftlerd, a visiting
to Deereit
Alt. 1)andn,s, of Lu.know, was IS
lest week.
Mime Rime Hell. of Ituou, u visiting re-
hires in tows
Mrs K. Raker, of Detroit, in visiting her
parsers i. tows.
Mies Doran, of Detroit, is spending her
holtd.ys in Iowa
Mn. W. Mitchell, of Keeledis*, ie amt•
ing relative a town.
K. Campion ret•reed last
visit to fault Stu Marie.
"I Moiety Johasto0 and
were in Huffle this week
Mrs Tillie Graham left this week
round trip os the ('anthem
Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Dewey have return.
ed from their Western trip
Miss tunas Mclvor arrived home from
To iter moray o0 W •dnesday .
Will Fry, of Introit, is rusting Mrs.
W m. }Ghost, Wdh•gton ,t.
Mute Barry, of Locknow, is at present the
guest ul Mew On %slaw on.
Percy Walks, of London, is 'reading his
holidays at his home in town
Rev. J. A. Wilson, of Sugars Falls, is
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Fred Stokes u now able to be around, sl•
though he has to Use a support.
inn Mclvor and Soot% Debora love
returned from their bicycle t..p. -
Walter and Miss Emily Buckaroo lave
returned from • trip to the Sault-
aultMrs. H. Dunlop and children have re-
turned from • riot to Kincardine.
IOW Bettie Elliott, .3 Detroit. is filen`
i.g her mother, Mrs. %Vn .
Iis•Iph, le venting
is town its
trip os the
week from •
for •
Mrs. Mcleod and Mrs Woods, of Kfa-
oard•se, are visiting friends in town.
Mn. Lowe, of tondos, i. visiting .t the
residence of E R Wawa", Church-st.
Mr and Mrs. M. ('ray sed daughter. 01
Gulps, are visiting relatives in tows.
Albert Robertson left on Saturday for
Ayr, where he has secure t • situation.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben leo and child, of
('baton, are the guesta of Mrs. Morgan.
J. Watson Stead, of rhe Hamilton
Herald, u sojourning at the point Farm.
Bias M. Sloane left town Tuesday is
est friends &'Cheltenham and other points.
''IIF: railway service which at present
prevails on the line between Stretford
and t oilench is A tdlsgraie to the (:.T.
U. and a great injury to the towns
along the line.
if action bad beet. taken malicious-
ly by the railway authorities to make
thing disagreeable for the people in-
habiting the stretch of country be
tween Stratford and (oderich, anal
n ho desire to travel. no more objec
tionable method could be devised than
that which at present exists.
It now takes three or four hour( to
travel the forty-five miles that it e• -
veM between the objective points, arid
no effort is matle to provide connection
with the London branch coming front
the North and crossing at Clinton.
;►s a result, the county town is now
practically cut off from the North and
gnat Ito is caused by the perverse ac-
tion of the railway authorities.
It is now Aa easy to go to Kingston
and return as it is to make the trip to
auv station in the county East of
Wingham, notwithstanding the fact
that the difference in travel ie more
than six times greater.
Some effort ought to be made to
remedy the existing state of affairs
The Eastern war -aloud is not
ing overtime now *Lyst
it is to be hoped the harbor park
committee will have a transfusion of
new blood next year.
Weekly MI'es of neaMU tone serval
ue w trate •verekody ret Gerd
rMat 1130544 sad CeadMaeed
From bee? Mett.p.
Hemel : C. R. Stemmas, a Kansas
City, Mo., a .p.sdeg • few weeks with
(ries& is tows.
B.atorth : The Sherry committee wore
empowered to perches • ticket to 1. e(asd
for Mn. Shea, the *speedsters not to *s-
teed 030.
11' •Ito.: Walton tamest hew y wl;f the
July iniskeof chases W' week to Mr. t' oke
The pries was 9 3-8 oemu. The caws w ill
be exported
Heosall A' oat three acres of eats were
earned. south ut ibis village. one day i..t
week, mused by a spark from • Immo( vs
on the L.,H k K
1lingttam : Master Rob'. Melet oh, of
this place, suco.eafally peered his •z.oi •
to. for • second Sloss certificate, •• Ls -
towel High school, at the comet es.mtw-
Hayfield Rev. Thos. I.. Arsistrone,
Episcopal clergyman, Bayfield, was married
at Chatham, last Wednesday, to Mew S. F.
Warren, daughter of .lames Warren, bar-
Kruceoeld We understand that Mrs.
Ano. Kew, of Itruoelleld, has decided to
stake Closure her future home, she having
engaged M an assistant teacher of Blyth
I'uhlis •cl ool
Brussels Mears. Harris it McLauchha,
of Brussel, factory, have sold the July make
of cheese, 220 boxes, to Mr. Cook, receiving
9 3 8 menta per pound. It will be shipped
in the course of • weak.
Brussels: lout Wednesday 1. A. Stowart,
Manager of the Standard Hank, l3ruseeb,
delimited the ranks of bachelorhood sad
'ook unto himself • wife, in the person of
Mies M. Ferris, of (•agepbellford, 1 ret.
E. tVawanoeh Last week, Mr. Robert
blame, of kart Waw•so•h, broucbt is the
tine fall wheat of this mason's growth. It
was of the Democrat variety, and was •
sp'eodtd sample. wetehieg 3,3 pounds to the
;rey .lashes McNair, sr , of the 14th
con., met with an accident last weak by
falling from • waggon, the wheel passing
ing over his shoulder. %Vo are glad to learn
that he is impro•u'g and will soon be a-
round again.
Wingham Dr and Mrs. Horny are
still visitor at Dr. Macdonald's. They
will leave for 1 ok&hama, lapse, in tb
ooutwe of • few weeks, where the Dr. will
represent the San Life Insurance Company
IL. resident manager.
Grey Thos. 1u• hen, Jr„ left on Tues-
day for • trip to Manitoba sod the North-
west. He wok his little oiece, who has
bees living with her yrsndparenta tor the
past year with him. She is • daughter of
1►ougald Strachan, formerly .1 Brussels.
Clinton . Mrs. Cooper, relict of the late
W. H. Cooper, sr., died on Thursday even-
ing last, tater •a 11105.ent only a couple of
m n ha Deceased was a quiet, unosten-
tatious perms sad until her recent illness,
eel,yed good health. She had no
Rxpoa for : Wm. Moore the efficient
secretary and librarian ot the !(*clonic' la
suture, leaves nest week for three weeks'
holidays. He will rusticate in Godericb
and vicinity. Itunng hie absence the
library will be aired, but the reading room
will be kept open as weal.
Clinton A farmer living • short dis-
tance (roar town elear.d off his whole
harvest with the .id of his wife, who load-
ed 40 acres of hay, cut boa acres of 0015
with • binder, and loaded 20 acres of flax.
This farmer should eosgratal&te himself os
henna such • worthy helpmate.
McKillop: A rather "serous aceidwr
happened to the six year-old son of Thos.
Davidson, 12th con., McKillop. While the
little fellow was playing around the horns
one of the animals kicked him 00 the head
fracturing his skull. Surgical aid was soots
railed ani he ie now doing nicely.
(Clinton The Brandon Sun mentions the
appoiotment of .1. P Whitehead to the
position of treasurer and water rata col-
lector, of that city. and editorially alludes
to the appointment as one of the best made.
Mr. Whitehead is • son of Chas. White-
head, • 050-tias resident of Clinton.
Waugham The following is the •ppor-
ttissMt of the etp.ransastion fund to
each Methodist church circuit is the Wing -
ham distnct Wtoghaat, $ 83 : Teamster
055: Blyth, (60 : Bra eels. 164: Auburn.
063: Losdeshoro, 057: Kolgrave, 841 ;
Sleevelet (47 ; %Ynezeter, (41 Walton,
s A1ew.•1•ee
llsderwesd. flat. Deeetwtrr 111th. 18M
J M. McLeod, tl.ed•r.h
Lir-- Revise tress trembled fir newly •
year wish kris Gauls, eta, sed mime deo
wry' mdedes. waistline bypeehoephaees
and •m.i.ems el sed liver oil, I on sow
dowrsined w try vas, as yes aloe. come
twelve years nes,� eared wether. Mrs.
Jame. Draead. el the sixth oeme Bios
el Orme. 1 hese had throe mines •f L
ate end the bronchial tabes are aimed.
Ike 1l \ ewnded me MM Wince and Nand
me Meg diebtly .fleeted. l took • trio
lest March threw& Manitoba to British
Glsmbi• and spent all macaw MU tall is
the soose•i.a 1 Nit them like a sew man,
hist caught cold state 1 .sate bask. I demi
feel well, .,ughlag • geed deal sad hard
cl.agy phlegm e°atettmtese from my thee•&
I reel co 464501 you can erre ata My dee-
terms he seat se • good deal. 1 a. sow
&bee bol the old farm, sed mama .lord
soak expenses agars Pear lookost. This
aorta. uly does not give yea tke...Mooe others
had awl I am to baser.,
Ymire, H T. I)IU )IMt.ND.
From the sass party.
Underwood, slut., March 18th, 1894.
.1. M Mcleod, l;udericb
Ire r Sir -1 humbly beg to & ise ler
Oast wrltln,4 to you hetet., as , promised,
but 1 ens well and forgot it a11. lin des.
"wry 21st, 11383, 1 began to take your med-
icines and from that day 1 began to mead
right os. 1 took the System Itenovtor be -
ore meals three tunes • day sad the Spe-
silc Cure for throat, Sough and loom batt
an hour after sneak, said applies the lini-
ment to the chest se directed. i did not
d tell I took 11 Rawest/ aw t
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Newtoo are laking •
round trip os. the Str. Cambria this weak.
Mrs. K. Miller, Fact -es, Immo this week
for Weeper, where .he will raids in fet-
Charles Edwards, of Torooto, and Jos
Edwards, of Buffalo, are visiting their old
Harry Parsons, of the Rank of Commerce,
Stratford, spent Sunday with his parents
ID town.
Mn. Norman McDonald and children
Mee retura.d from Club Island per St.
Mies Rea Wallace. who has keen .uittng
in Marysville, Mich , warned home os
Miss Spens, Surrogato t ourt stenograph-
er, is .pending her holidays 01 London and
Port --tanley.
Mn. Wm. bladel•ad, of Seaforth, and
two children, wen vtsiung friends IN GOde
nth this week.
Miss N. Traunch has returned home from
• pleasant net to her brothers, • 'has. and
Frank of Buffalo.
Frank Md:regor, who has been laid up
tor some time, u, we are pleased to say,
able to be out main.
Sew Ellie M•hooey and Miss Kate
Hartley, of Stratford, aril the Gueste of
Mrs. Mahoney, East -at
Mr. sad Mrs. F. Washington, who were
visiting under the parental roof left for
their home in Hamilton.
H. Turner, of Toe Sn.s tL, who has been
en the err. Cambria for • trip up the lake,
returned ou Wednesday.
Muses Mary Sharman and Minnie Chop -
bell have returned to Ridgeway,' where
they will r•eeume teaching.
Mees Annie Soandloo, of 1lefreit.
been relative in town for • couple 01
returned home on Wednesday.
Ileo. Acheson is the delegate to -
the ral conference of the N
church in London ea Sept 6th.
Mn. Carpenter sad her daughter, Bessie,
of Marysville. Mick., aro the guests of Mrs
P. Wallace, St. Andrew's street.
Harry German, editor and proprietor ret
Tis. Sarnia Observer. was in town during
the week, the gnat ef G. N. Mavis
John C. Stewart, 0t Chicago, who had
been spesdi.g a couple of weeks with his
parents is town, returned home o. Monday.
Rm. J. Mi11ar, M. A. cud br.,th.r, J.
F. Millar, .f Kiscardies, have been speed-
ing • few day with their uncle Hobert
Me imod.
Mr. sad Mrs. Josiah ('lark and Mrs. R.
H. St• ohm's. sad three children, o3 Introit,
are viptisg in town, the greets a Mrs.
T. Mellilicddy, ef Ile Koreas of l.-
d.strieu, Toronto, and Mrs. MaGifli.ddy
and tee eons, are the curets of the Mitres
McOillieeddy Bnta.ai• Road.
Mrra George Adages, of ('beleoygan sad
Mrs. Henry J. Rants, of Introit. have re-
turned to Detroit after • very pleasant visit
with their sister, Mrs. Frank Smith
And now it is believed that the pm
test in West Huron is showing every
indication of being tl flash in the pan.
J ust as we (Hr/ about to go t0
Preen wort has beet received that
the hotly of Amor Marxism( was
found in Kincardine by the dredge.
C. W. B.wtsg, marcmg edits. o1 The
Mail, Toronto, was a p0mssgse .. tab
Espen Wedsseday .•nog- This r the
first time Mr. Hoati.g has leen in t:od..
'Joh is byway years, and I. expressed
/TMt..rpries at the advancement the tows
bad made is so far as lee beams.• Weeks
end usage.• private reidweee were ma
•sewed A• is • t sowep.psr MEG
sad tree to i0sbis t, eepp.d lace Te,
BNtwa1..Alw.sd helped the editor est by
and meat amain the corner atoms of j r • "Mem" s1 preelmadMg, and b
the Liberal policy. (10 the other handl did t to*Il, ten
the reeenti.s d the Teri Uo'wr.ment The .orb der w w0sherve omen have
IseetesII O Nemo reeked I p el ..4
TM lake Proms.
A now mew, to he called the 3..err. M ,
has bees built by Wm. M•ilosald
The Bohr ('otter left on Friday moraine
for Tussles to load lumber for \
rape Ecorse 13.13.11.. has seemed
soak mother crib, sod se teem as esooa/h
ease •sa he had he will ink the last eoa.
We esderstaad tbM we& Jobast r Ire
Men • .ted 3sep.eter iso the saw piers
is the of the IW Jae. Addles.. W.
Nish a hotter series ...id wet be made.
The etre United Raphe w0 is ea Wed -
.wily .tarsier MA after taking w a
.umber of p.m.mewe end • 9 sty of
pp..iMgg6�t departed for Part Arthur sad
Def stt.
A Yi.g party .f M.mta A.
M. R•. .sl three wilt Dr. R. Rhee--.,
es %Med n .yet far Maim Remiss. Miami
W. forty, 7. WMse, 1alemosen, 1sA
l Aaron& Mai win
sou. the •.mtistgsm/s eI[ cisme sear �d t. Lsrw/ved by �w all eh* le lens/ sod wast intend he tag slew, wish tslnras.
Aesthete 0.d sears* field ami ba era who dirks i heave their -d=igs I ea �y .nip.
L VII 18 from )L w►ter
■ w ttt
Laken .sled .t .teee d me Wert
traMstly rreeeat.d - W M/ Men
Wes .t way s sass . d
firms Ieapereann..
The king of SlantIs reported deed.
1* 1t:gl.nd and Ireland wet weather is
damaging t lie crape
'Me fruit supply Alarm t Hamilton will
be very heavy this year.
The crops is Kansa. sod Nebraska are
practice:1y a total failure
Ki•o.itior clemency ta to be extruded to
Italian 1' Imes) prie.u.rs.
The i, ...lou of es larch Irliowkaleai's
embes•don to Washlugtou has proved a
cornerThe corer .nue of a :t••w Roman C.th-
talu clutch wee lad at Norwich on Thunk
A pertert mirage of rorouto is said W
have been wow -mod 1,, Unffslo 00 thorn
day morning.It is slated that the Pop moulds to lark•
Mgr. SWAM., cu.nwie iuu absolute endsurer it's.
lTis Med have been ed against
the delisted caudidates for Loudon and
South R•ufrew.
area • lees • r• d r The coal sure in the I>rnnl • is 1.ot,
give me • good appetite and 1 slept well Ill., b neer, and the IMOD admit ds[aet N
emery night I can say that lam • differ-
taking IL 1 home set bees . day .irk id..* -a bank inspector named Miller, of Met
d killed i Irneelf at Alt000O,
Orgy While John Ranger, 16th Son.,
, was driving op some sees on Sunday
tag, he fell, coming is o.stact with a
shoot'. which pesetratod his lip and alae hicompletelytomer, making • hole completely through it
leaving that member very sere and ne..u•i-
sti.c him to keep it 0cr7 quiet for Bost•
Sesferth Somen
Setae bas ears ago whoa
Weems. A (3. Vsa}gs eine floss rebuilt
sad enlarged their weeks mill is this town,
the tows gave thea • loan of 06,000 for tea
years 3m free. iats& re.This lean comes
dem no the 31st el this month, bat the
Mems. VaaF.gsosd repaid the whole this
(>.e day but week Dalby
K•odall foiled • po = Wok ok on Tursbeny
street careering about 0100. The owner
strewed up shortly after sad gladly received
tN miseisg treasure. Dalby was rewarded
by the t505 • of 5 ow
tsas es, sot for its ie-
triic worth but a mark of the high &p-
pn.iaves is which be was held, as the pre-
sentation addresses alwsys my.
sesforel: J. J. Keyes, of Nashiille,
T-amease, gave The Rapaeiter • all es
Wdseaday. Mr. Keyes e aald • pupil of
the Collegiate 10515.5..Siam Sialeaving
Se•iorth he has tae ka University cram
1n the University of Nashville, and is sew
esnged es s teacher is Mea city ashees
there He has • good position. sad pr•
mine bo
of a meal l see.aae1u1 career.
Wrozetsr On Friday evening, Angels
10sh, .Ins■ Brook died in WrosN.r is his
as re
76th year He wheis Hssflies. Lam
ark•hire, Sootlswd mid ass. to ('abs& in
1864 eali*g 6r.1 in (isle Fer tb pane 16
years he hbees a reddest 4 der villein.
About tee years age his health failed, eines
them he has been • groat enterer. Daubrab
earns tie itis. Friday ass ead release Re
MilkenMem behind . widow eai fee Milken tc
smarm their lees.
Te Manes 'be Ilmems.
stlly yw5 gwtly, wham 5.511's at bill
sower whom As blond i. leprad
•r mpgYh
wporamalaily ears ha..
hisl .mmsy'mei..,
w 0
awakes she kidneys coal , M h�
a hy
ser11vice, ieNtrtiag err wsshaasg
thus.w bwdashw, sells sr lev'er's
eat man altogether ever smote i detailed every point
thea. 1 believe my faith In yourself for car. Pa shot ane ,'
what yoi cess did for mother helped mew 1•'s.. Friday.
pay strict •ttentios to direction* If A number of mysterious murders 11110
should ever get sick agent I shall assuredly cawing great excitement in the vIcinity of
go back to you. The rest of the family are Rochester, N.Y.
now in l ilttaraia, well and demi well The United Stab Senate has passel the
Mother wasto hear how you cared bill fur the exclusion and deportation of
me. Againwould beg pardon for my cep- alien Anarchist&
licence. 1 ase your sincere friend, I Emma Isul Iman, tM New York Auar
H. T. DRlMMtNU. ' chief, was released frum Blackwell peal
Gore Kay, Manitouli. Inked, Oat„ t••tlery on Friday.
May 2od, 11111,1 The ltato:ltou Lord's Day Allianoe r
J. M. McLeod, t;odertcb f luting for the snppresiok of the Sunday
ants and steemlxata
Walter Wellman laud km party. who were
wrecked to the arctic region., have arrived
at Tromso.. `. urway.
The Northwest Assembly is considering
• bill providing fur the use of the ballot In
electiuw to that body.
Jim }louder, a negro, was Iyucbed near
New Orleans on 'Thursday for alleged ant•
rages on whit* women.
Irl llarford killed (ie,. Kelly by strik-
ing him on the head with an are at Golden
11111, Pa Thursday night.
The report that a preliminary treaty of
federation between the Central American
Republics i. confirmed.
Despatches (ruin the Cariboo country,
British ('ulumbia, toll of most ,,cheering
prospects for the gold hunters.
Auot:.er tight has occurred to Mtlwaa
Lae between health officers and the popu-
lace over a suspected smallpox case
;serious outbreak* of cholera have oc-
curred •m:.ng the troops gathenug to take
part in the Adotr:an manoeuvres.
The new pettish ball ou the Indian re-
serve M Walpole Wand was dedicated on
Branch laboratory at 118 Howesd-s& 1 Thursday by the Bishop of Huron.
area" n' .
Dear ',lir For nearly one veer I as ie
terrible dates. Could not sleep any
night, with nsrydauners. 1 would often
get cold and powerless. Sly heart would
stop, cease to beat, and as often 1 thonvht
1 would die. When the (solders pairedmeadoff, my heart wld palpitate and the blood
would rush to my head -then 1 think 1
would chnk• to death. 1 tried medical .td
and persevered in different treatments, but
got .o benefit At last a good friend ad-
vised me to go to 1 •odertch and see. you
So i got at tato my head that 1 would vo,
and go 1 would, and I am new happy to
state that i didgo. 1 our sn
ystem Reoya-
tor did me • world of good 1 am ears
your l'rotein ksurg•m saved me. If it
had not bees for it I would be dead or ort
of mind before this. I would adviseany
one that hhke trouble or troubles to give
these remedies • fair trial. Any one wish•
ing to hear from me can write to me. l
will be only too glad to give :hem .11 par•
ti•ularr, etc, about my care. I am thank-
fulto you. 1 can never forget you, and if
ever I or anyone belorgng to me should
seed your .id I know whom to write to or
go to tf need be 'tours, etc..MKS. NF.1 SON STONE
semen Mr. Miry t.L0311M KCAL Tie
veer( will meet treat year M Laster
The Manitoba (ioveress•st's imp hal,
lees .sstasatss the teal yield of grata of
ds 00,0beers
kinat nearly 01,0110 bk.la
The 10 W
111th l ettos 0f Ma alltea woe the
umiak* trophy as the flash.. idL Arm
.lades meet le Mositireal ea Tharad•y.
At Pena Yea, N.Y. , w Thursday, a
ppsep.rutu larst.r named Job Ward was
leaueo.d out of $11,50) by the shell gams
A eusventtus of tb. Cauatitat divewu
inthe Brotherhood of L000eutly
tn 1.
inows. held in Brockville ou Wo40
A reassure train was wreelted Thula
day ,.0 the Attentlo a Peelle railroad .t
t'uberroya, N. M., and two train Lauds
Th. anarchist plots to essamu (nathe
• Freu.h Pr5.ior Dupuy ars alleged to L..,
been dtecovered by try. French sad Span
eh 1■•Lca
Mears Hamilton. • large Muotreel dry
' 4uu1. 6r.sl
t are .ug the Bradstreet
Agency for ;50,000 damages tor ts•llctous
w orada) .
'[ire pe Speller (Mean. which was sank i.
the M. I.4wreuoe two, months ago. is Ie
ce.mmt■•orn agars and 011 her regular .11111
Wet r.nlrr
been ' 7 he s .turday Rens* has purchased
fn. )It Krreelor.l Hope by • berrl. er
..rued L 11 E. Bound., who will e1,t it
hielf. men
The proposal to allow woto rota
fes thrown .cut by the New fork Stat.
Cwlaututluuul Couv..t•un .t Albsey ou
Mr. Levi Moutruea, Lee of 5t Thomas,
ag.,l :8, awl tire. Muslim Smith, Aylmer,
out., aged :0, were married at Alyser on
' Wednesday.
Secretary ('arli•le, of this United Slates
Treasury, predicts & deficit of $20,0011,000
foe 11. ccrreut Geed year if propus.d Ives
lotion g* through.
Cl lee ts arta Hamilton buy, fell ti0
fees does use mountain side on Wedas
day, but escape! alive. Has tojuriee are
seres• but n..t fatal
Otter 2011 wen have been discbsrgel
from bks t'Mon Peri& railroad at Omahaas • result of the great .trtke, mud tethers
are tering replaced daily.
Edward I.
sbnri was turning ea sa
are light in Chicago and plated ober Land
em a radiator 'rhe currentpawed pad through
his l...iy, killing tom ustautly.
A protocol has been signed unsung
flattened.. N:caragur• San Salvador and
Mendota. tutu one republic, to be known
as the 1'eutrel Amerman Republic.
The 9th annual convention of the is
motive Health lacers' Association of Ou
rano was brought to rime s In Chatham
' on Wednesday night by • banquet
Mies Altos Patterson, daughter of Hon. warned' J. C. Patterseo, was warned in (irate
church, 0uws, on Wednesday night to
Mr. A. 5t J Ellis, barrief.r, of Windsor.
A long-standing fendamong some squat
ten on :tater Leland culminated on Thar,
day in ttr murder of Frederick Bergman
His father in law 1s suspects! of tis.
Frank Norm's, a yang farmer hem(in Portage Township. near Kalamazoo.
Mich , shot aid instantly killed his wife
may Wednesday morning. mietsk•ng her
for • burglar Francis Jet iv, • boy of 6ftee14, has been
' Ostend dead near Calgary with a wound:n
i the bead. A shepherd named McDona.d
{ M under arrest on suspicion of ooneeegon
f troth his death. .
Detroit, MicnS. The Lu. F. High Curti on Wed
If you pay ready money, if you have an appreci-
ation for very extraordinary value, if you want to
know the full purchasing capacity of the modern
Dollar, ATTEND THIS SALE. To look will cost you
nothing ; to invest means unprecedented advan-
tage to your purse.
}Tale Remestb•r,:vnry Pair of Shoes in Stock
Worth. poor,. Wessem9 or Mm's, olds' or Roy' Sas to
Ladies' American Kid, Oxford ns
bought during this Isle at similar redactions.
Tisa.... 1 1 00 1 65 tial.
[arises' B•ff, Pat. Tip, Oxford
1 Worth. Prion
00 $ 3 70
Ladies' Tan Orford Tisa 125 80 Men i \arse, Seita = 600 460
L•dsea' Fine 1 sagola Oxford Men's Tweed Seta 6 50 4 00
Ti.... .. sass .. 150 100 " „ 700 470
Ladies' Fine Doegols ('hiding° '• '• 800
Ties. .. . . 225 140 " 850
Ladies' Fiala 1►osgola, Plots. '• 900
ToeTie• 225 140 •, •• 1
1.•diasi i s0 Tleagola okumea 1
Elastic Vides 250 160 Mw'e Mask Werswd Coat
Ladies' Glove Grain Los •.d 1'sat 1ll.rsad)- - .
Boots ... 1 25 90 Men's Be.ok Wanted Cast
ladiri (hove Grain Batton
and Vast (Boasdl...
Hoot• 1 36 96 Men's Tweed Cast and Vest,
ladiei 13.01 Dtssgola Hamm
Pesos. 200 130 Mee.. 's Tweed ('frac., an.
(adieu' Fir Doegeh BetteKure Weft Black
Boos. 250 160 Wowed l..ts
Ladies' lir 014 Hs14em M.s'•KstrFks•Twe•d Paat.
Hoot. 350 240 Mw'• Heavy TweedPsa15 ..
Men's Heavy ince Roots1 00 75 '• •.
Bell- .. ,. ,.
1... Terga. , .. 1 25 80 Boyo' Tweed Raimo .
Men'• BOL, Taee or (later. 150 1 00
" Fur ee •' '• 200 136
" law Boots, F.ztra Heavy
Sete 275 180
Mea'e Taw Hoes., Cacao Calf 250 160
" Tea. 2 25 146
•' Real C.rdovea. Laos or
(iaitor 300 2 16
M.ee' Real Cordova•, Laos or
Gaiter 350 260
Mw'. Gessia. Kampr.. isoMa'• Fon Fedora
BM1s 5 00 3 60 Ruck or Brews,
Uses Wilts Casein O.fwts 1 50 1 10 Shame
5 40
6 20
Werth. Price.
Meo'. Felt Fedora Hasa.
Sleek or Stowe, New
Shapes . .. t .... (2 00 $1 50
Me.'e ['Maundered White
Shine, (Sod Heavy ('.&-
ton Bodies, Fee Linea
Frosts and Wristbands.. 66
Mea's ituo. with Kztra
Heavy (Setae and Kees
Fin Linen 1 00 bit
1 00 740 Ov..11a, I'nderw*ar, 0.11•., Ti•e. cod
5 00 9 10 all lines of Men's ForaiAMgn •t • ret
saving from regular prima
900 600 sale
Worth. Urias
12 00 8 00 Doable Width Tweed Ills..
Grads $ 1511
4 00 2 90 Double Width Tweed Dees
2 50 149 (lads . 26
Doable width (J,dr1 (Across 20
4 00 3 00 Light ani Usrk (3r..d Ostta.
3 50 250 Chd1h. 10 5
2 60 1 ib Meek Grated Prima 10 74
2 25 168 Behr .. . 124 4
1 50 1 19 Doable Width Twoesl . 1 00 4Q
2 50 1 90 ladies' ('lock Jaakels
Velvet f(segs 2 50 1 J8 Collar, New Style 650 2 96
Biome 150 100 padres' (tetb Capes
300 198
' 250 150
dale we will take I10 ed ladies t'strimaed Maw.. 50 10
0S er 1.v every Iden feSui in 04.„ Stock.
nmrrked Children'. " flatter Bees 26 15
pelt sof e•ety Msa'c !fait is Rtes=.
51a1• triter Haw.. 16 110
Werth. Prices Jedioe' Rlaek I'se.so1. 75 50
Hate. While this Yale lasts we will will Gilt
New aIr aM for lie. Tri. ii tb.
0 100 = ir9 gsawis• 25 cwt bottle, made by Whitt.
&Now mere, Rastas. (i e • tmpply whine this
1 40 91 /Ile. prevail•.
Men's Felt Fedora
Black or Brows.
In every Department we offer clearing lines. The
number we quote is necessarily limited, but they in-
dicate how much it is in your own best interests to
s ndour money where business is done on the
Cash System.
Highest Current Prices for
Butter and Eggs.
Fashion Sheets he..
m-v-mitiTH=N G TO wet .a.R.