HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-23, Page 3Osianoil's. InNIOHOLSON L D &-DI NTAL , .....otitis. 1144W. Wa U.�sslstm. 0 et te.tL t .ItsIt DB,vltel aL RICHAIKDOON, L D. mtr�o deottm. be and w .lel 4 Mluhre eausesing d teach. a*rilirMMlas r•a NOdin..0 the �I 1M Moak. eoteosee on .at ge.� 8.1.17 sl . " : MU •dal. -- DR. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN, OUR Rasa te. Otos-- McLean% Bieck. Meat- te.tar. Nicht seta tree. Brunk maks.. Hotel. eats DRB- SRANNON i 6HAZNON, PI(yttslese. asrpo.e. Aoeanchet m.ra &G.Ord.JJJ L arearion. -1 esYoarNorth et.' epp. Moist Scbo.L LIMBIL CAMPION S JOHNSTON, BARRIB- l� tteeee.t,, ski Jer ra N a c °.deme►. Uiosa_O" Jordan's Lissa aloe. It. CAY PION, Q. C.. M. U. JOH N. esaa lore. OFTCSL DANCEY, BARRISTER, LJ aeheiter, Oenie.. e. Messy he was at lomatpMerton's Blockaa one Calhoun, 0.0101.•at (71. . N. LEWISI,MliB�AB*18TER, pP�R�OtC- terpMs -aoeV Omens Oatkerm boon. « flit R0. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT . 011. etc. Me& oar. Span sad R et poderbL ever telegraph .aloe. pet. v▪ ale Viands te lead at lowest rays et uter- ret. V/49- /1 /w► (r ARROW S PeR,OUDFO0T, BAR- • h rioters. . 7. o ,v w. Q.C.. W. P . dteet.°ide T. (IAIIER3N, HOLT H OLMES, BarrWen, aollolten is Cbaaoerr Ste,0. (io4ch. M. C. Osmoses. tyre. ; P. Holt Dudley Holmes. O. WARD, CONVEYANCER, J . kc.. sad oommlestease bel SAMNA sad re set lee reoeenisaaeeu .t ball. affidavit' a . 1►met,o00, depoettloaa or solemn declara- tions In or coecerata*gg •ay rioters, OM or ero- .eef.me in tae High Court of Justice, the ('Bun of Appeal for Ontario, or 10 0ay County a Un nim (port. Ali.ua.ac*I.as ear fu11r fwd promptly executed. Rossadenicoad P.U, eddree-D.aasa.w OVAL f L.Oaaa elle lYtlPtsBlNe 7.EAGER„OUNVEYANCING AND `'. Iseuraac• olio.. opposina.]1an11,4 Hotel Usdcrick. itIONEYTOLIEN D(►�T 1411 in St psrr cent. Notes discounted. C. LA0ER, moos opposite aileron Hotel. liode- ncb, MONEY TO WAN. - 825,0OU.00 Puede to lead a it per cent. an - •tally. )r rL 8 E. DAM N Y. Hones. block. selnealte Colborne borne Hath. Go4.rick. 10: -tt ,• J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND r 0 • ...IMat 10.utaaer .deet' at lowest ✓ ate. Oftie-Oer. Neetbst. 0d 1111110M Oma • ./once. Ti. - - ---- -----------..._...---- tb00 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 'V CAYgWH MOLT & 1111OLMia, Yet.- RADNEY TO LEND. -A LAR03 ▪ amount el Private Foods fir b.s.t.ss.t at lowest raw on gr•t_clans Mortgages. Apply • oA RROW t PROUD/00T RADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN• ▪ soraMoosy IAsell fit. Duly leaand on. pp r ptwsted. Mone, to Lead ea .trslgb less., at tee lowest ran of IaterM 0S g. 1. ser way to cut the Borrower. Oleo -.Dm. cad dear from dp•mrm. West 81*..', Oede. r•ettisatas a Iaoatuu. OSERICH 112OHANIUS' INSTI- TtTK LIBRARY AND 1(EAD1N0• NOON. coy. .f etain street sad &nano (up Min. 0Pm tram 1 tot P.a.. and from t te It ear. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Insane /Moly, Wawa, anti IU.ufrated Pawn, Mogireitm, d s.,,da YIt11BoueHIP TICCIT, ONLYt.M, manse free use el Llbeary .sd trtmialt• Roma. uttLidloas fe eeembeedds resolved be rem (I MOiTU, GW. STIVItN, t1lslerle► Y sh1fh tatty 41•11112111110110•1111C. THO�MAS�OVNDRY, AUCTIONEER Airea.t fad.. tad Al eaeYhfn eve is. (b.. sad lien District Mutton Ise. Ot. Saler at leaded to in say part of the comity. a1y TORN KNOX, OEIBERAL AUC- 0tlooser sad Laud Valuator. Oodsrisht. Oils Having had mesider.bts eapui.ot• la thai4N0Intre• with �s�sstsr�.tla. me to a a ps W cent to Ya +a Wed sem byh moll 9M his left at ...x*detach Dane As amended t r. �JO Duda& £aaonaosm•nt. TEETH ERUCTED NITNOUT MIN Ilia RTHEL-caLoRioE AT DE. E. RICHARDSON'S ISBtTaL Irma/ma, META 11811 MCP 1E$T-STIEET Donn.», ONT. It'004e em after . q, �k ie�;�tbtt mMmateemede �etesabsg 8r'• le w h.ve�dor eels mid re right M h A use e4srle�Immothe dlseer.re whisk 1s w.rraated serer weam tel Ib kart pale ear W .ztrsdYs re N •.damps of milkl.d le aeu'ly geo.. very gate pus In the most ST133111.-OHLORI D EC is a leeal aassti..le ttat never ahem the what in th e01.. L bars(.... se weer, ,w � mtaenri ai tivekarmte0 earth a e.reader WWI me It le Mss Nstwr• ro it este IBsewdsas at 1.. Saber. of tie aster& teeth a grestaltr wears des. tier ts re tGb tf DR. S. RICILLRDSOOt. •ersdad Is a wst.rse. Atlanta Coestibeliea :-A woddls. sat `r7 wet p..IRtad la . barrettes et M.An- 'i'o Pelee, seer Hoare Bsr(t.ttC.Cbsarr lad Mitre A. Verasa were the .enta IUag noire They bad hem .tab ether a•I- **eAba A yew brake547• aBg.+a0. the • meat (...Al.aly • tl.)r. tN be was In the barroom sear y. The neabe ►krl ase biter. rit. they ogre Stbe bar el eo S. l a Justice, mei b.bl, #Ir, flag sens.�a,_e�fer Ida. to read esthmsTer n �, wwee eb The ke.b.gsbe • THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, AUG. 23. 188x. N A BARN FOR EVERYTHING. A Pia* est P.trt.g All rem Depsrtaseate Ceder (1'.. Meet A correspondent of the l'u.utry nestle. anew, from whom page. wen engrave the illuetretlutu of this article, wipes Your eur►mpond.st L. A. 16. wants the "plan of barn for • 100 -sen farm -the genre roof to curer hones, cew., steep, pigs. l..ultry, hay, craw, straw. tools, cart-, everything u'.I,II where ge,eral hnsl en Iry ie In pr.rctlbe -the b sd.i.ug to be al•4h/,nl• a hill teems t.es high and to clot Lei w e. n 4800 us•1 41.20o Ae y'•u wisely r mark, ,t would bare been 14.•'t. 1 it hs hal given ua the number of each I, uo1 of live 'cock b. *ant. W keep• and the bulk of hay std grans to be eluted After making an allowance of twenty acres for wuod•lot. wase land and per - !Laurin patinae, h. probably has eighty acres of good tillable land fur raising grain and hay. If so. he will need • bank baro at Pleat fifty by seventy Leet, and if he wants • silo, fifty by. eighty feet will be sone tau large Then is much .all against bank borne-thatthey are dark. damp, unclean sod uubealthful, and no doubt OVUM 4,1 them are objectionable on this .c • FI.. 1 PLAN or ISAsrrcrr, 3u by in t, Sir stalls for young Battle and -elves. 1 b '. f.rt. Including ha - Los and walk Indian I: It. feel. Ina passage 0 fret w Ids: (' *tout and .-.111. Pal *l t by :y; gutter and walk. )to, tt, d Pal .1.tle. 1 by 10 E. 1 tel 1 .tau for hone, • by ick F. pig pro. s by lit it, sheep pen. 11 by. It H, situ. 11 by 1: 1. out.. 1e .1...ra: J. gate.; K. place% ahem hay and .trans fall from Mame: 1., weal, bran and oat, are drawn (1051 hopper. su.ppnderl below sue upper floor with .potic.. count, but they are not neceeear:ly so. and can be OV constructed thin they will be as light and dry and can be kept as clean and hr.tlthful as • barn entirely Aimee ground. No otter way has ever been devised by which au much room ran he obtained. and so many ce,nveniewcee **cured at the same oust A bank barn has the room of two !Tens and. r the roof of ons, and the *tient, all kelt In. it, can be taken care of with flinch i.ew labor than if kept In two. The hal: where I. a M. desire to build is tweuty feet high. He should only dig into it far en.n.gh to have the bank about 5 feet hi;h on the upper side. This win supply an abnu.la.re of earth to make the embank- ineut for the driveway. and leave A apsth f four feet above the ground for window*. Most of the earth con be removed by the temper and placed when wanted fur the driveway. The boatmen* should be ten feet high ea the lower side and nine feet on the upper, se that the drains will carry the water,and If rains should dash nn through an open door or window, tie water will find its way ort There should be s tile or atone drain with cutlet under the foundation walls, surd a space of two feet between the bar.: and walls on three sides 611.4 with broken stones to .apply drain„e and pre 74.141 the frost from crowding the walls in- ward. The walle en three sides should bars a little "batter.- or lean toward+ the bank. Masonry is the must expeusiye part of a bank .earn, ►rot the walls need not be so high as finally built tete foot is a -, $ 0 F F 0 I rax t rrxu 1 t...n. 1. toy. 'u L. 1• f. -et:. B. permanent floor. :/'fry 17; 1•. stain Moor, Si h)- 17: D. grdner% and l'c••age todlu; 1 .enq I1 by I1 and di Mali; F. tool room*. M by 19, and N by le; (:, out.lde dr.om enough for the lower side, 6.e feet for the ripper, with offsets along the sides just keeping the sills 1 which net on these off - sma' high enough above ground to prevent decay. Between the basement sills and the barn boor sills are poets, weather boards and windows. Part of the foundation wall on the side next the driveway must either be built to the fluor sill ur a short bridge ton• &trawled to span the *pace between the end of the embankment and the door. The latter will ptwerve the sill better, and will permit (if desirable) • window or cistern ander it. Sixteen 12 light windows will snake the basement light, and when in warm weather will supply as • ventilation as if • bores stood under a shade tree its the field and be much cooler. The four ehotes, or places when hey and straw are thrown down from above with the two lacked cupolas on the roof will earry off the foul air when the fresh air is admitted below. The plan of the beerment will show 20 stalls for young cattle and calves. 3 by 9 Flt. a 1'..•,, or N11,1,1 It Metrr9, 10. ..mw.- WSW. of alae ewesfon -Posta, M feet Meg; B.rIIa post.. A fast Isoa1 raise la red, le fi*( above 'bum fest. IneludIng monger, asd walks bahlr.d 111 cow or cattle stalls over 4 by 74 feet. al* 4ttltet0, sad • walk babbitt Be bat. 5 by10; rea11.. one 55aby l0 feet. one bmf 4 III. 11 by111gt ell. 11 by 11k a 6 lyTY, beak .r. the sheep pee le by is abut I bee Alb sad se .Map should have •esp1Sate yowl from .elle, then .lathe be as area end wine PDiget tMtb d l deer t omid (*.gose we est M IR It no .Lia is waited its wires lathe hoe drain mge 1N seed for ea1ves, dram or so_.Ws11 dna sad i. (Ire upper earn for bob Th..., sew beep Ye paltry earrb..e la the bmemeat (overhead) he cage n.1, by mahlag the i.nhe. .late sp soder tie Ite.'r, and having a wide alai .odee them le each the dropptuga, which .h.sll b. high trough to pe.. trotter without stoup - 1.4. and of ansae cleaned un. aid drop - pow. carried nut a. °lieu ow the stables aro *lab should foe every day. W keep Leri ref our fowls iu the ba..oeat. all they d., well. Trey are never allowed In t1,e upper story. 'I'L.lr neon are aa- nre1, •411 of the way. They pick sp .cwt • red feel. rat insects .m,1 uraggot, that 1.er„nr. die* it nut dmtru)wl, and melte 1n.. h,.• r.-* generally useful - Our pig pen a lar the beeement, and 10 so warm and comfortable' in the winter that 111e page grow and fatten as fast as the. do in the summer If cleated every da'the barn is kelt as otioriew and egr...able :a if no pogo erre housed or it 1.. A. M. will hardly be able to build ene•s a Gant rhe watt. for 4800 or o 1.200, 21+at.434 by 70) oast utas $1,500. M1e4. THE GUINEA FOWL. as Wear fMet•• fear. Alasallu. TOs. flay New I1.e.lrw Then are a good many varieties of this bird, all of which an supposed to have ori- ginated in Africa The two kinds must gen-rally known are the speckled, or pearl, and the white, the former being the mon common variety. They are prolific layers during the stammer season, they mature early, and their fleeh 1. file and Louder. The meal of the white (.nine u white, the •kin being yellow; the speckled have dark flesh . both have a gamey flavor. The bins• mate iu pain They usually commence to ley in May or Jun. The egg*, though small. are rich in flavor. the shell is very hard, and if the eggs w set under • hen, the neat should be filled with dirt and eat in • awl, moist pane. The period of incubation is twenty -.1 days When young they are delicate, Lk* turkeys, and continue so until they change their teat of soft down for one of ('sabers. They should be (e1 and managed like young turkeys, and, like them, will be ineliuel to seek high remota, but should not be permitted to do so. c Heine cowls are very useful as protect- or of other young fowls from the attacks of hawks, crows or rate, as they are quick to give the alarm inaloud, shrill cry. moot Unpleasant to the uuw.'lcome hntra.ler. The only objections to be urged against these birds are their noise and quarrelwome habits In the poultry yard they are spite- ful ;especially the ..,ckst to young chicks, turd are, generally speaking, of • very pug- nacious disposition. The young can easily be trained to run with hens, and when so reareol will not be octftA w,wt.it. er apt to quarrel with them. When first batched they are quite wild, but when kindly treated and oaten fed, they will be- come eudici.'utly tame to eat from at hand, and will not wander far from home. The white Variety are inure tame thou the speckled. It is aivisible to start keeping guinea fowls by either purchasing eggs and batch- ing them under domestic hens, or proeur ing them when yonug, when they are more likely to localize themselves to their own er'e wish than if t archaised as older birds. If adult birds be purchaser) they will re- quire boxing up for three weeks or mouth and feeding carefully to tame them, other- wise they are liable to wander off at their own sweet will, 1.0mibly-Heyer to return. But ui elite of there disadvantages, as a semi domesticated bird,ht is very profitable upon a farm or anywhete where it can have free range and plenty of liberty, clearing th- ground of myriads of inept life, and le i rg a small feeder in comparison with ordivary poultry. Ontario Dalry Eaperlese.te. Bulletin XC III. of the (Interio Agricui tnral College is devoted to giving the re sults of tests of mi4k made at the Special Dairy School at the College. The tests were -made in two dhtectiens. oto being to •.certaiu adulteration with water, or skim- ming of the cream, and the other to esta- blish a. rale by which milk could be bought and Haid for according to the tat contained in it in the first test the lactometer was used in order to find the specific gravity at a temperature of sixty degrees FAIL W hen the temperature could not readily be fixed at sixty degrees, .1 is added or subtract ed from the indication on the lactometer for each degree above or reluw sixty. The specific gravity of pure milk ranges frau 2h to 34, and that of skimmed milk is 33 to 36. This means that 1f water weighs 1,0I41, milk weighs 1,028 to 1,034, and when the milk is skimmed .the lar taken ..ut) the milk weorhs 1.033 to 1,036, as fa M lighter than water. In order to find the proportion of tat (butter' in milk, the Babcock tetter was rased In this the sample of milk to be t.r1d 1a pot into little bottle* at 70 de groes if possible. and • littrn acid is put into each bottle, which will coagulate the asset° and other solids, and leave the (a floating on lop, To bring it all to the top of the bottles, they are put into • revolving holder, which whirls them around at the Ma of 700 to 1,200 n.olualons per minute. The fat being the lighter, accumulates in one end of the bottle, which 1. graduated in • scale on the «milds. showing the psreent.ge of fat and of the skimmed ur separated milk. The test should show $ per cent. or mon of fat, 87 to 88 per cent. «t water, and 8.5 to 9.5 per cent of solids not fat 1f below aper amt. of fat le abown, the milk' has hen skimmed. Fnll directions are given in the bulletin for making the testa absolutely cornet The bulletin gives • table showing that 1,000 pounds of milk having 37 per Boot of fat is worth 48.25 when mads into butter "Hell sells at f4 moots per pouud, while if It enntainod 4 per .. t. al tat It would have been worth 48.92 Ranh patron el • factory when the Babeosk tetter Y sed, gate pay for his milk recording to its value .ad aM sessrdtng to Its mower. A M Pysetlea R1.t.. Beery owner of a home Inc farmtag .Bantry or willow*, mays th. (*Riveter, should dm enamally to make some Im- provement of hie e.m,.ndioga Saddler wore .rested years ago In haste. svl gm g'o.nda with mor. or lege of • lee..g1 earf.ea Belag now eov.red with gram the owner does not wish to have the mar• face broken and the .o.I spoiled ; bet he may make • einem* lawn by gradually filling thedepresloae with Ira mirth or lead to • d•ptb of •a leek to the honeys. The gram quickly penetrates this thin bad; and b repeating the operation several them tee Beef en, be may *Nal 11115,feet sad le of lis ..r1Les. bow meek • great impromestal ArTII'ITY I\ THE BST TO. Empress of Japan Bring, Further Ad Wee from l okohaua JAPAN IN GOOD FIGHTING TRIM ore 1 .s a rame .t Twenty TlerwuA te.. le 1 urea - A .Ilii loin. Espeeled Melo.. *s..1 •10. Jape Itlagee Cheese Plratee t...- t►a Row anima *Nair. 1- r. elA, B.l'., Aug. 18. -When the Empress of Japan, whleh ham ar • t. ed hen, left Yokohama, news of ..o .o..n '.anon of Lb eked* filled the air .ill a..the Crinesto west beacote and 1410, r..- a helm removed. Railway and telegra;,.. lutes wen being hastily eon strut t. -.I in botl, c •line and Japan. Tor• pod... had boon laid at the entrance of all the riven and mon stripe and further supplies of arms and ammunition were be- fog ordered. Elceptioually stringent prat regulations had been adopted to prevail any but official eons being published. Strong efforts are being made by the Jap - Vine to throw all the blame for the Kow Shing affair upon iratical Chimes* troops on board, wbu forks- Captain llalworthy to east bim(spit iato'tthe sea to escape being mamboed at their hands, and the Japanese *siert that England lel.* the strongest pos- sible claim fur damages Against Chin. lar Corea Claim' still appears to have the advantage of Humber* i1 het land force, tlougu Japan to credited with ba. - Ing 20,000 men In the field anal more troops are being ounstautly landed by both belligerents. There le every °suspect of • severe engagement lar the neighborhood of Seoul before coaly da)s. Each of the European p0wen has lauded a small force to protect its consulate at the Cuomo capital. It is reported that the ('oreau ( iuvernweut has uftic,aily intimated to Jaime that they will promptly sever all connections with China. Lo?t.,x, Aug. 18.-1'aptain iltgle., who toes juin concluded a six year' service se naval .°wiser to Japan, .aid in an inter• new yesterday: "1'heships. officer* and men of the Javanese ratty are dietinctly comparable tat those of any European cavy. The .Hilo .re energetic and stud- ious. The engiuelys are .'specially good, and the engines are admirably worked. 1 have seen the Nulwa worked 100 revo- lutions *'minute, which wos her natural dranght trial speed in England. The Japanese are very smart with the Land - worked guns, but du not take so readily t° the bydranuc gnus. The asameu are en• rarely uu-uneut.J-always alert, patient dud , :.,' rful. The Japanese officers are faithful students of Ca1t. Mahan, the Aller .Can handl hi.torian. "Tire Japanese *nent, with which I am intimately aquainted, le equipped ad- mirable. The troops exhibit great dash and steadiness iu sham fights and under fin and their discipline is extremely good. The artillery is retuarkailly well e.: red; the driven lire tmrlese and the gnuuer are smart. Phyeicaliy the J*pauese an ideal solders, with strongly developed legs aid light bodies, and they are untiring marchers. "I do not believe that the Japanese seriously nitrous to attack the Cheese tort. They .n too wise and value their .blue too highly to du that. I au of the opinion Ulm their recent affair at Wel-Hai• Wei was • reo'uuauance. 1 believe the Japan- ese will clew the *ea before the winter and that the campaign will he manly oar land. The usual commonplace remarks pbout the certainty of the ultimate success of the Chinese owing to their uumoers and r.eource* way be true. but it is not easy to tone* the result. Japan a modernity be- ing • new factor in the tar eget " FOUL PLAY IS FaRED. A Xlagar. Falls Weems Wseppeers Mrs. terlously-N5 Trite* et Her. NIAGARA 1'•ALIR, N. Y., Aug. 15. -On the 7th fust, a Mn. hath, whose maid.1, name was Miss Anuie Blonds, dimpleered with a sun: or money amounting to about 4600 which she recently received as her share of the money for which a farm in Willoughby, Welland County. ant., had been sold Since then no trace of her has been found and her relatives are anxiously awaiting Information regarding her where - about. They fear that she may have met with foul play. 'Phe miming woman is described asbeing about 32 years of age, a (ietman, weigh - *bunt 116 pounds. She won. it is thought, A block dress et the time of her disappear- ance. She b 5 feet, 2 inches in height and carries her left hand in • *ring. Mra Oath, it is said, disliked very much to leave the tum, saying she would feel dis- couraged and homesick if she did so. Her husband and infant child died shortly after the sale of the farm. thus adding to Mrs. Oath's lonesomeness. lamer Stables Oeeerored. Beaus, Ont., Aug. 16.-A Ire occurred ben yesterday and completely gutted the American livery stables and carriage works of Ephraim and Aaron Bricker, re- spectively. G,fsesn street. Fortunately • heavy rein started about this time whie1 with the excellent work of the fin brigade kept the Are confined to this building, otherwise disastrous revolt& were antici- pated, the building being *.coated almost in the heart of the town, and the hay, straw, etc , eying the Are king nndue ad- vantage. As it is the loge is estimated at from 85,000 to 410,000, with insurance about enough to cover it. All the live *tock wee saved, the M.ief loge being the building, baggies, carriages. robes, her- oes*, tools. ate. II. 0.R. Rrakeer.a. 1111114041. Tacao, N. 13 . Aug. 16. -Brakeman Albert Meinne*, of the I. C. R work., Truro, wee fatally injured at Milford Ste tion yesterday. He wee breaking on a special to Halibut. While shouting at Milford, and stepping between two ears, the stroke from the engine blinded him and made him mks hie footing. He fell between them and the train ran over him lett Lail at the knee, tomphltely er.shiag it 1t was tome time before he wee lois- fled and • meo.dmble quantity of blood atm Lod He wee b1ooglt1 to Truro and put ander gargle.) sen trot died shortly atter. •rata Assault ea a Woman. Ba.rerow, (Met, Aug. 1t -Yesterday Jaek Lowden, a worthless old loafer ep. peered at the knteho 0( the (Niihau' home and ..ked for breakfast. The oink did not soesply with hle request as erp.dlt- toaaly as he thought she should. anal urine words pared between them, ending 1n the old .tan sinking the wnssaw 44•.r 111.. bawl with ..tick of fir. wuud, knot, k,na her down. The pawl hied pr.d...y. 0.d it M 1b..ghe 0. M et a eerie.. 'uses( • 11. Lowder vie rode. Gotieelisom • Your husband will notice a great secmcat in your cooking, when You use CtQLE NE Your house will not be filled with the odor of hot lard, who's Y'u use (off QUNE Your,�doctor was lose some of his Dyspepsia Cases, wheys You use CQLENE Your children can safely eat the same food as yourself, whets You useC1lroLENE Your money will be saved, and your cooking praised, when You use (afro LeNE Famous cooks, promincnt phy- sicians and thousands of every- day housekeepers endorse it. Will you give it a trial T smell' sand w pound pats, by all roomy* Made only by Th. N. K. ialebank Company, W el l t.gte....1 Ana see,. MO8Taa:Ate Meddling t..emrs for totes, Irides or, the mat side like to look well Lost the some u brides do the world over. Hot with them money is not tai -be squander ed. So they hire the dress- -hire it at the some place where l hammy hired his dress surf and Mamie her costume when she went to the .lolly Se'�v��e�n's nuoyueralle ball u Mary 4,pusa` t of Smits. You an time such places in'et.•ond st rest. Toon are about • dozen wedding dresses in each shop. Sometimes they are meati an e stage wedd,,g, but oftener in • real nue. Th rent rune from r16 to 110, recording to the magnificence of the gown. They are beautiful creatno.e---at least they seem eo to a mere mem-and are hand.omely em- broidered, with Lear: fringe. and I, te of lace. They meat be looked after anu mended soap time they come hack, just the same •a the tree. 0erede costumes. The skirt of wedding frock and the train stay good quite a while, but the bodies has to be changed, n..t bemuse 1t as shabby, but be. came it is out of data Costumers expect to make • drew pay for itself in about four usivgs, but of course they make • poor mouth and may weddng frocks less money for them.-- New York World. DEAR orld- 1)[.(R Slat+. -1 have been using Burdock Bitters tor boils .ud skin d,.easee,end 1 find .t very good as e cur. As • dyspepsia cure 1 have also found it unequalled. M.A. Y.AR4,11 HAMII TS,, 3w Montreal, Glue. THEY ARE PLEASANT TO TAKE YET POWERFUL TO CURE EUEIJAY'$ LIVER LOZE10ES. 25 P'eNTS A SOX :'bey do not n..uerate or rack an ; weaken the system like pills and other 1.trgatne% rout they tone up the Sven and stomach, and give lheat 9110(1ent strength t., do their seek naturally and well. They cure Cm. stipution, I ,ysp.p..ia, 1'aliee.tion, Hada.l.e, Nili,w.. rrY., Pimples, S..11..wne.s awl' all dismiss arising from impure blood, or slug,;u.h lyes. Ask Te.e larugpst Fee Targe. PLANING MILL EfTAItISNEIMIf55. BuChaDalis & Rhiyias rAworAon•atw SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers In W kinds et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad banter's material of every desoelptb. School Farnitare a 3Decialtj. 111111.11 AMIN= POW PATENTS • aw 3. atittmm.uvrairutr. tug= frizeie "cuutif is American ��yMr ry latlrm d ,. 990- tat (h wrwra. ttle.y*re., mea M t► 1 � a go PATENTS! CAIEAT$. TOW 8*Bll ABB CMIMNNTS Obt&a.M, •.e all tts/s•ge pp th U. gg, Paso Of.e teat IMODIRA 11.'►glad. Our l Milo U. R. Paters Of Gee, w r w •■ Plseats Is tem time Um these' emote wAtJl/IJvotr+o flesh MODAL OR DRAWING. W. ea- rls* or ewe make jav lse se Inos eNL st O - PAIN PI Wat 6�tamerltand t�t.0.elea y(rwoi... .Lulea eye SW* or Demotte��rsse No ••tea .watts km y... oygm ewL: bile=0,.. D. 0 Sweeping Reductions m ma Follong Goods A (;otxl 35 -inch Cotton, 10 yards for 40 Cents - A Heavy Sheeting, :36 inches wide, 10 yards fel 60 Cents • An Extra Heavy Sheeting. 36 inches wide, 10 yards for 75 Cents. Chinelle Curtains, $14 for 310.50, $10.00 for 18.00, and 18.00 for 16.00. I.atf ie•' ('apes. $5 00 for $3 90, 13.75 for 12.90, 12.90 fur 12.00, and $2.25 for $t 50. A lot of Colored Dress (foods about half price, from 8 cents up. Good Colors. 11 short ends of Carpet les.s than wholesale price. Fast Color (,'hallies at 5 cents Art Muslins at 5 cente. 500 YARDS OF 121-2 CENT FAST PRINTS FOR lOc. Ladies' Real English Balbriggan Vest, h5c., for 57c. 3 pairs Fast Black Cotton Hose for 25 cents. Ladies New Fall Mantles in stock already, direct from the shakers. New York styles. No Mantles in the Trade fit like then. Also new Fall 1)ress (;oafs. COLBORNE BROIL, GODERICH. The Great Carpet and JET Curtain II'arek,oisse of the County. TO TIIE PEOPLE OF GOIIEHICII AND VICINITY . LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, 1 beg to announce that on July Ist i took possession of the Root and Shoe Business formerly carried on by Mr. E. Bowmen!, well and favorably known to you. Mr. Uow11Na, after twenty year. of service faithfully done, and, i ant pleased to know, favorably acknowledged by the public of this section, hes decided to retire front business, end on his retirement I have accepted the responsibility involved in hereafter conducting the trade which his shrewdness in Inkiness, general tact and act. ont!buffeting manner had suecee led in building up. For the past eighteen years, RK many of you are aware, I have been identified with the lousiness, aloof of the time an bolas - man and general assistant, and on that account feel assured that 1 have b trouie so in touch with the requirements of the customers of the establishment, that I shall not only be in a position to retain all former patrons, but be able to draw others in the time to Colne. Hoping to receive the hearty co-operation of those who patronize*d my predecessor, and making promise to carry on the busi- ness on the relate straightforward lines that characterized all the deal- ings of Mr. I)uwFiXn, I extend a hearty int itation to the public generally who desire to do business in the .toot and Shoe trade, to call upon Yours very truly, W. SHARMAN, Jr., Commit, July 3, 11494. uccewsor to E. Doe SPRING ECHOES. NOW IN STOCK Yara.sols and Umbrellas, (the latest). Gloves as usual up HOSIERY Black, White, Cream, Slate, Fawn and Tan Shades in Silk Lisle Thread and Cashmere. SPECIAL VALUE . A Targe range of TrininiingBraids, in Si1k, Mohair and Angora All widths in Serpentine and Creine Military. DRESS GOODS . Cashmeres, Henriettas and Whip Cords. Cashmeres in White, Creme, Skye and Cardinal. Leafing Shades in Nun's Veiling% DELAINET J E8 to the hark. In Sprays, Buds, Sppts and Stripa•,. A nil linos of Sniallwares, including Pearl and Linen But- tons, 2 and 4 boles. saapeel1a Mod', 45114414. t Per Cent. Otey..■t ler Cards, 2064 1IES_ - RO, Draper and Haberdasher. Choice Family Groceries The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R.W. RUNOIMtgN'S, adgtltla ateew, a.eertrr. STOP AND EXAMINE A few of Me many articles we me amuse at HARD PAN PRICKS. Harvest Tools SCITI tea, EXAMS, sosss, 'A=ss AND EOrlr=s aTO$38. PURE MANILLA AND FLAX BINDER TWINES. TIER ('iIIi.RBRATIO 111 UNDINE AND ATLANTIC RED END MACHINERY OILS. 13UILDICR8' HARDWARE: STOCK C•NPLZTR AFD PRICES RIGHT. DAVISON & CO., 0.4s�ga•�a T• t. P. srfa& SU, Subscribe for 4T n $1 s you