The Signal, 1894-8-23, Page 1onesty
TWO MIST mans;,.
VOL. XLYI. 2479
swap* *bete *slated•. Mauve ado IM
t es.a seer 1. veered
pay all ±
O's YOUR local. PANR *NO
You will be an Honest
flan or Womatt
F:\ITI►IME\TAI,FARMING wag* N;; r 1.ope;e;l, with e; IS!'URTs
I Oa/M ass sigh. 1's following varieties
been divided iota two
Whatl.ASNlltiseliatthe Capital 1'ery P'atron's little '.oy ha. heard tbai
"fatal' u.eme blackmail and was first used
/ Lase oreeene /w ?04dtse ale ts.sateles
•.ler. use - sew tee Pe. $. of gas
oda .re ■uestro gad A Sod
C..tesea ler t'assda
)1`f AR'A, Aug 'Pith. 1 trust I
rid have been instrumental in say lest
e 'er in •rouetag some of our friends to a
mod of the duty that hes before them, tont
toy my put birth every effort in swiss
hat so Dames are omitted from the voters'
sets, who might help them •lung to victery.
fke Meths to which your uppooeou wil
emit to defeat you know• no limit, for
✓ rth them the end justifies the mesas.
mould not counsel you to adopt their midi
ane, but if nothing more, you may wooly
eke pattern after tie ewrgy they throw
, tan their work. The latest dodge resorted
o by tb.a for cr.aoaiiag the voters' bete s
▪ the shape of a bons which they ore offer
mg ceevassers for every name they plain
e the list. who gives any reasonable Amur
a -e that be will bemuse • good tory voter
'hn it is *Mimed is Dot only helping &Iong
k .aeon, but a giving employment to
'ones out of work. Just figure it out at
'.i Grote • head, for that is the admit i
es: is being paid, sod you will mese that a
its cas.veeer •an make Our wages at it,
rhik • fifty dollars spent in that way
mem two hundred voter widest to the
How the Grain was Tested- hew t..-'.•ae.... mod w Litre
sets indicatedl,i,w:
b •aprma the •ttertwas et the Moorish -- ties 1 Set
hr.tes of 4&rit6, • tows 00 the soutAD•w•es's ()•Idea Deletion's I:oldom
(Ial1.r&rter) m..mly hemi \errelb. Middle
aoest of Spain, from the merchantmen ..f the chaffChaff,
Mediterroaean. The buccaneer aerating, u.
stead of maths; the ships after first rob-
bing them of their goods, after the nutnser
of ordto•ry pirates, agreed to take • sum u
geld and let the traders go. and the does
was repeated se often as they cherwed to
meet This was a " tariff," and very (inch
each a tariff as we haus in ('amid& to -day
11'hen • trader arrives in • semi barbarous
oosaIry, the fiat impulse uo the pan of the
odors weeny is to plunder him and kill
him, but the (shiefs wise roestheseay '1f
we do that he wog t bring as any 0.015.
1 The best way will be to rive him bask hie
goods it be will pay a lull price for them
and fur the privilege of tr.dtng is our come
try.' The trader, if he is able, areas at
rico, for heeesm that not nor traders will
compete with him is such a field. Instead
of charging, ooe profit the trader puts uo
tour profits and takes evesy dollar of the
II %see', robberies of burwll out of tet
t'hisfs people. and Carve extra profits be-
sides. 1'M ( hie/ and Ma wise Men saY :
" See what heaps of money we are making
out of the foreigner and how eel: we are
protecting our dear people. Hut the foretell
devil u getting wealthy, too.- 11 there hap
pen to be any native manufacturers in the
tribe their infant industries will be protect-
ed, sot so moth by the wisdom of the ('beef,
as by the four profits which the trader pate, •
on. They are, at least, put three profits on
and bin more labor, beeping the money
11 ria► an Industrious little insect it s
Mt vas beep working for the past Afters
tem for the Tory party. "humbug." No.
him: tippler to weaken ds powers : he Is
order u exterminate than the paste bug.
:rapes, s It wt, that the onslaught of
eth should be dzrested •.gases the farmer.
hr potato bug he can overcome, but he
mad dnve away humbug. 'the attacks,
f ooe are in the open held while the other
stets his household and his deprod.I.ose
re f•,ued a every quarter. The -Boson
as :e the most passible creature Iivt0g ;
u:• °h0 14400." There s geniality about
he ' I:unco ' awn that draws ou right to
in., that makes your eon• his
lore becomes an affinity of idem between
ou. and yea soda believe all be tells you.
'here w ow common interest between you,
ase your i redulous before has brought yes
W es hu thumb. There ere venous cleanse
1 "Hu.a. ' men, haw.ver, ow of 'boat &p-
ears to have o.cer.d • pretty good hold on
be hot m,lloss of people wbo reside earth
f the 44th parallel. Yes, yea have been
t easily victimised as any verdant who
ler west down from Vermont to New
oak, to be done op by this class of •harper•
o,. might essays the Hueco man • wooed
me after yon have bees Mice bitten, but a
emu (:evenness can down you every
we. tun swatter how sharp you may believe
aural, to be. 1f you keep os you will
ion find 7.prmelf with nothing lett with
tirh to ot.sads you bot the proverb[•!
Mwdmt'baielt' received in exchange for
no elegant gold.
nos Tot a0• p4 ti. m i.
I here is a strange departure from the
.mmos rule u the letterset the country
!Ian 1n cta government when we compare it
cin the interest, more tend study it devotes
.ts bedlam relatioae with the world.
here s o0 00• who s sot desirous of bet -
n ag be cordate° .rid of adding to his
ock of worldly goods sad possessions He
eau pound fee potted every um.. If your
'Nor pros you short weight he sone boars
it, unless d Moly he, like the gevernme.t, rebs
Tea without your knows( i4
sou don't realise full market value for
tar tom products you protest d even you
wive • fraction of • oast under market
rotations. Yet the Government may go
i asd rob yoe, they may tax you until tbe
emd rugs out of your lager tips working
raise Money to pay your Calla, to keep
ie Iailif out of year bosh. Rut you are
submissive people. You allow others to
sus for you and you follow year leader.
DRIB *lady of the Gov'romost of roar
e.trYtould amble you to j for your
if +ithop2 jevimg to sesep6 what anyone
se teals yea Set you are satisfied with
e,r'oeddles. You satin lel to believe
et the Moreno* is the volume of our trade
rd our revises basks deposits is doe to the
s'srsm.nt 's fostering ears without look ing
ante•r tow whether it is really the owe
' sot that any action of the (iwersseest
r created $ demand fee ear fish, *bawls,
O1ker. etc., a tereig. markets. You
sold, however, had seem interest-
s remelts by oompriog tbe adieu)
lyssa owof n .ettghbon to the Sootb
+. te see what they ha.e been
nog while we ha.. been d deeper
Id &weer rem debt. I. 1878 tie satiessd
dep± Umitei elates [rag $1.794, -
174,gf)7. fa 1691 the dhile the gm. debt of eI he
S.' 11 statesW bass reduced to 1686. -
per east, while the debt .f
"hide had increased 72 per most, remain,
1(" 1300.0fi4,5f [i, The debt per i.
1 aped States i. 1878 was PO 01 and is
nada $2 89 le 1fi1 Mi bed rerouaed
4e for ( +said, while the debt of the
•1ted States had Was reduced to $12 56
w beet of p°palstios the -.
mrd the intermit en the deet the Ude
ItVmut: while
t hem hat of 011 99
to i e iad
11.73 te $1.96. Whew making a sem-
le tie b „two the United States and (y.s-
III _ e• sad he sr i stet
d these fame sec ts the
that steadies
wh~ while the appregase vahme of
1141 "f the Utdtd Stades with /
''wri [ mererade Eyd 40 me sink. Demi s
+m"wm4 410 per sstli. ha
'ane period tram ISM to Ma. Mien
theme emus sight ihmai sot be
fast Nat while dela"810 le eee1hett
l ratted 8i.. !CII per
the M asYw of Duma is the mea
117 prm see* Tbde
el Mitessedga the Goverworat
M aha a gel
the country. 'I'h• infanta seed not improve
their machtoery nor their methods, but ire
os in the acme old rut making the sans
ateerable shoddy for the use of the tribe.
The people are Med on every hand.
If the 1'atmn s boy is a good boy and
learn his lemons well, he may put sir .John
Thompson for the old thief, the proleeslunal
politicians of his party for the wise men
.ad the deluded multitude who pay the
whole shot for the barbarous people He
will see the whole of pretectioo 111 .0
iwkedoees and in ite m:rat working. every
pound of manufactured gnosis which arrives !
u I'anwta a taken powwow of by the i'es
two and sold bask to the trailers and im-
porters, .osnett.oes at More than 011(igal
cent. The trader puts profits c what be
has to pay, including hs loss of time and I
an.nyseev* sod especially for the ready
money required to pay 111010 .. It Is not
every importer that can stand that sort of
thing. They are weeded out. It pays them
x11 to stand well with the (Ames ; they
learn that eon of wisdom as they go. As
for the 4.overDment they get lot, of mosey
tor the 'lectio.e &ad for other porpoise
They boyish money on • contractor for build
404 • railway or • bridge The contractor
re atembere that money is very important at
electiau (Imes. and to be of the 'realest use
it must be ready in advance. The infant
iodoetrtes know the hand that feeds them,
wed though they might forget the past they
can't shut tbetr eyes to the future. Protec-
tion to the few maoof•cturers to watts
them to rob the multitude, which is all the
protection the I .oeernmeet can give, is
millions to them. Aa for protecting the
farmer and the worker, it is beyood the
Government's power. It is • bales preteen.
Fanners' Son.
Wennanar, Aug 22.
Mini Jennie Young has been visiting at
K iegsbrtdre.
Jobs Poetlethweite, of the Circular town,
Saodayed to our bort
Mrs. Slight, of Rede Park, and daughter,
Agnes have been visiting nbuves here the
Hall Rutledge, of Constants* , of
the cold water township, visited friends
hen last week.
Mee Faith Tichborne returned from a
plewot vim[ to friends to 4.oderich, Satin'ad y' of kut week.
Mr. wad Mn. Wm. Rarkwell, from Sea•
forth, enjoyed a transient visit here last
week, being the guests of Mr. and Mn.
Thos. Tichborse during their stay. Roth
were well pleased with the lake breerla.
Mrs Halls who taagbt the ••sties
school bare during 1891, was up here for
several days virtiag, the guest of Mise
Lawless. Minos Mavis' hen mad teaching
at 1)aebweod, Mw Halls has attended the
Normal, at Toronto, and mow leashes is the
Wiacheb.a school, is Ushers*, Hans
musty. She saw many former pupils here
during her wjours.
Eno. •n..At_ -These that opposed the
formatio* of the I)..l.p seat a Ie•roiag,
some years are, will fta ens OWL 11men kas
bean beelAt from it. Aa • result of its
teachings Maw Alice Cummings, who was
its first ,ebolar l pass the esteawee exam
for the High school, (lodericb, in December
1889, bas passed the resent teachers' MUM
fee • ••deal elan, passing the third lase
year.T'b.igh tet oohed roll a net large,
e t, s•r. w pawed the estrange with
• good reseed sleds it was started, aad we
..d'r.teed No. 8 school, Nam bad its dit-
ic.lti s 1a its farmstead *boot • year pre-
view to our wheel, We dem well dun and
its whel*re who tried the enttri.p Moo led
well is marks ever Me .rather. \
The away bright dreams of ear iLt♦asd
maidens fair were broken es Mosby nem-
isg lest by the eheert.4 *bine M As Sae.
rows and Stewart Amber. They have
opined their campaign is this section, hav-
ing Bred pot is eddays work previous-
ly f.r 1804 ra This nesse Omen. has taken
halo prt.srehip W. Stewart who was oa
W els/ two years age. Th. Tamar hos ma
seethes partnershipis vie.. Ahem' Grain
returns are *slyr of pose sad barley.
As le the p.M,the trainee aegis* was seek
admired N the chaos of the thresblug,
ht gang of with the tank leadd *if
heals bee d southward and • somber of
lbs Neale folks having a ride with it.
Omega hos had twenty d' years of motive
metas., mimes dories it the peones .f
seem shosgeo et the goad adman .f ha -
prevented is the breaking arena At Na
sesod.y beer atter dime quite a round of
whtwilg sepal. wee embossed wieb the
Mishardssa ettgkee hall • mile away he
Womb !Asha•. tpw., .Nat wee w.rklart
•es. Warm, L.mheon. newt, Weems
.ad reel -seed nest rr*e by
adl M appllrae1•.
rj'H 1 ItTI;E:\ hundred and forty farm
en throng bout t insane are at promo coed
tag import of asd systematic experiments
u agriculture. No lees than 8,096 pack
nem of grains, •earls, tubers and fertiha.n,
were sent out from the Agricultural College
to these expermeaters within the past year.
It s, however, not so much the great extort
of the work Whet dyes the resulta their
true vole and Muses them to be apprsci
died, but rather, the e&retul .election of the
impertinent*, the regular system under-
lying the work, aad the hearty co-operation
experimenters.of the experimenters. fon results of tee
properly aducted'Evane..ot@ are of mush
more vale* then those of ow hundred ex.a
1periota which leek core and system.
fermiersany of the best fermiers of Ontario are
now e&rryieg on mat
these tests ; the towered
for the exp.nntenta being distributed en.
Dually through the medium o/ the Alp iml-
turwl Experimental aim, which a practi-
rally an weeucation of the ex students of College. Agricultural .Jlege. Not only s this
anterial seat to the members of the melon
ka ,
but ato sudsy other interested and pro.
eressive farmers throughout Ontario who
ve deuced to jou in the work and have
written for the °eaaary outfit.
In the Autumn of 1893, num valuable
varieties of Winter wheat were selected
from seventy kinds tested at the Experi-
ment Staten& Tees wen divided auto two
seta, with five wartime* in each set, the
lawmen's Golden Chaff bung used to every
comparison.instance for the sake of comparison. Each
applicant obeshe otest he desired, and the
five varieties were then seal to his address.
Each plot was 1 160 of an acre u siran
e, d
wed ed was sown at the rate of 1 is bushels
per acre. (Me hundred and fifty seven ex•
perimeoters with Winter wheat have al.
read been beard from this ••aeon. 414 this
ms-meets,mum r eighty-one favored us with satis-
factory reports of carefully conducted el-
eets, sixty we furnished partial re-
ports, aid lateen wrote of failure or un-
reliable results. The eighty see satinf.c-
tory• reports tante from twenty six counties
thirteen of which wesituated east and
vomitthirteen w - of the city of (tuella. The
carnes of the different experimenters sad
the detailed results of the testa will be
piloted to the wow, report of the Experi-
mental Union for 1894, which a published
as •w appendix to the Agricultural Collars
report. The ninn e varieties wegrown ep-
os the experimental plot at the staters in
exact accord with the teetructioes meet out
over Ontario. Ar the lyaweon's (.olden
Chaff was sent to every experimenter, it is
possible to obtain • very pliable tompari-
aou of all kinds di.tnbuted. The follow -
leg table gives the avenge amount of straw
aad of grain per acre, of the varieties
grown on eighty oar t )otario farms
Adm* or
Strew Orin
Variety. per ace*. per aet,e.
Tons bus., Pa the
Dawson'. Golden ('had 1.84
m 3a 7
Jos' Winter Fife 2.02 32 5
'tarty lissome Giant.... 1.88 31 7
Early Red Clawson .... L66 31.5
Surprise ...... . . 1.73 31.4
Amerlean Bronze .. .. 1.83 31.2
(.olden Drop .. ... 1.90 31.1
Early White Leader. . 1.80 29.2
Bu Iparian... .. . . 1.93 28.8
As the reports of the partial and the ss -
reliable experiu.entn have been discarded,
and only the satisfactory ones used for the
above table, this summary should be of
great vele•, and one well worthy Che edit-
ed atsentioe of the farmers of Detente
The conclusions drawn and the remarks
made by away of the expsrietenten iadi•
tate much thought, .oc.racy and good
The following facts have bees obtained
from the eighty one reports under eo.ider•
Wien :
I. The 1)awsou's [:olden ('half gave the
largest yield of groin per acre aims, the
e ine varieties tested over °stario i. 1894,
as well IS soioa, the eleven varieties toted
i. 1891.
2 The Daw.en's (:olden Chaff was d..
e idedly the most popular variety with the
e xpsrisee.tees i. both 1804 ..d 1893.
3. The Amorists Rro.m, I,.w.e.'.
Golden ('hat. *.d R.rly Games* Giant
ponemed the etrougea, ..d the R.lgari.s
the weakest straw.
4. The D&w.oa'e (:old.. Chaff .ad Sur-
prise ware the least. &.d the Hely Genesee
(,cant and Arneriseo Broom were the most
affected by rest.
5. The Hawses'. [:olden Chaff and Keay
Rad Claims wan the first to mature.
6. Th. Dawson's Golden ('b.d asd Earle
Red (,bavee prod.eed the largest quantity
of grids pm bemired meads a straw.
7. The cou.ties of Norfolk, Middlesex,
Herm, i0mbte., Ernes, giesw, and Kent
famished fifty nut of the eighty one bast re.
ports reeoivd.
8. The overage raid of the eine varieties
of winter wheat 1•••d ever Omm&rio was
31.5 beam& per acre .ad the average .f the
same varieties tvorwn es wm(1ir wised plots
at the Rxperiw/ Siestas was 30 6 h.ande
Tho gta•rol behavior of the varieties
meN.d ever O.tarie was quite Mini kr to that
et the tame varieties grow. at the Kxperl-
Mt Marg..
10. Massy the 156 exporiwters who re-
ported the madam of their orb with Whiter
wbsa, may iv" @peak of wishing to dteses-
Use. the ..- .perrativ..n,@rime.tal work,
and mesh interest is meifeeted throughout.
Por mese detailed p.rtb.hrs regarding
these nine varieties, as well se these el ore -
sway sae .thee., which have been teed ea
the Kst@rhsat Matas, the reader is re.
larval to them Whale on Winter wheat,
which le sour bass pasted by the Depart
most of Asvisskora, Teresa.
amesesrview we stain
T1. Sweetmeats! U.M. has f.rwhbd
seidas► messy les the dh•nba las of tun.
1hwoomM4 fin bemired lesslatgva of Mater
Early Red Clawson, E.rly 4...w.. ;&.rat,
Jones' Winter Fife, Early White Leader.
Surprise, Early Rips,
Americas fireman Pride of (4.ese..
Tbe seed will he .est out by mail free to
all applicants, and the produce of the plots
will, of course, be the property of the expos
[menton : and in return we will hope to re
ceive full reports of direfully conducted
testa. The grains will be forwarded is the
order is whish the sgplicationn are recede
.d until tbe linuted simply of some of the
varieties is .rhss.te . The "instruction
shwa " and " bleak forms " necessary for
the work will be sept at the time the grains
are forwarded Tbose who wi.h to jots is
the work the coming year may choose either
of the sets mentioned *boy,. 7'o make the
resul(a of the most value to both the exper-
imenters and the "Union" the five varieties
should be sown in every iestance.
1'. A. %At ref,
ttotarto Airrl. I', 11erector.
I : rel ph , Aug. 20, 1894.
Tbs. Liperlenre N• teens [adv In 1110011 -
spat orb. Caswell/4 la Yoe -Slew Mier Lite
Was saver.
hoes laP.trte, Montreal.
The full duty e( • newspaper as not
simply to convey news to its readers, but
to give such information as will be of value
to them to all walks of life, and this we
take It includes the publication of such
evidence as will +arrant those who 0117
unfortunately be 10 poor health giving a
fur trial to the remedy that has proved of
la.tipe benefit to others. Larissaie having
heard of the mere of • young lady living at
147 tit Charles Itnrronime Street, of more
than otdi.ary interest, determined to make
an i.sysstigatbm of the owe with a view of
giving ita readers the particulars. The re
porter's knock at the door was answered by
• young person neatly dreamed, and showing
all the appear -woe of good health "I came
to impure,- said the reporter, "wooerais,
the young lady cured by the use of 11r.
Williams' Pink Pills."
"lo that case it must be myself," mid the
young girl smiling, "for I have been very
sick and laza up with heart drowse, and
mese months .go I thought i would moon
sleep in ( ate dee Noires cemetery. Won't
you come in and sit down and 1 will tell
you all about it r'
The young girl, whose name is Adrienw
Serve, is about 89 yeast's( age. be stated
that some years aro eh* *.shave ill, awl
gradually the disease took an &lennie' char-
har.cter. She was pale and listless, her blood
was thin sad watery, .he could wt walk
fast, 000ld set climb • stair, or do le fait
any work rejoinpg •:Mian Her heart
troubled her so mach and the palpitations
were so violent as to frequently p t her
from sleeping at eight: her lips were blue
and bloodless, and .he was •uhject to ex-
tremely severe headaches. Her audition
made her very unhappy for, being an or-
phan, she wanted to be of help to the rela-
tions with whom .he lived, but inete•d was
becomiog iso tocombr&Ice. Ravin hoard
of the weeders worked by 1)r. Williams
Pink Pills, Mise Sasvo determined to give
them • trial. After wing nee or two boxes
she began to revive somewhat and felt
stronger than before. She slept better, the
color began to return to her cheeks, .aid •
new light .home in her eyes. '1'nis encourag-
ed her so muck that she determined to coo
tinea the treatment, and woo the heart
palpitations and spasms which had spade
her life numerable passed away, and .he was
able to waist once mon io the household
labor. To -day she feels as young and as
cheerful as any other young end healthy
girl of her... She is very thankful for
whet Dr. R dittoes' Pi.k Pills have dew for
her, and feels that .he cannot too highly
pow that marvellous remedy. Indeed her
ase points a means of rescue to all other
toung rials who fled that health's roman
have flown from their cheeks, or who are
tired on alight exertion, subject to 6t. of
s'rvoumese, headache* and pal ppitwidow of the
heart. Is all such carnes Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills are an unfailing ears. Sold by all
dealers or seat by mail postpaid, at 50esnts
• box, or 6 boxes for 112 50, by .ddreseioe
the Dr. Williams' Medici.• Compaq,
Rroekvillo, Oat., or Schenectady, N.1 . Be-
ware of imitations, and sebetit.tes alleged to
be " just as good."
Waommnar, Aug. 15th.
J. A. Moi.tosh has retuned home from
London from business.
Mr. had Mn. J. Jamieson, left es Tues-
day for their boom is Kdi.burgb, Dakota.
G, Mobesald, •eeempanied by hie °oasis
Mies McDonald, has returned from bis hob
day's op the lakes.
A 'risks* ol.b has beau formed is this
yilh.g. with W. Ratter.hury as captain sod
G. Mel)o.ald as seerStery.
The Ce.oervatives of South Huron have
gotten ep coarse" at the 'Mimosa hour,"
by Shad • protest against the *teeth. of
M. Y. Me1san. The libande will Abet it
by 611.s • ••unser protest, which will be
forwarded is • few days. Ws are credibly
Wormed that Mr. Wsimailler io the sickest
Erma i. South Hens today.
D r. 1. A, tams* dY_g -t.0 lee Seabieye - tae
sem Vd Naeeses Mimi eau SI me misse•- ee fames tats mimeo.
Po.rupn, Oat., Aug. 90. The a..e.ut
whhak appearted he maw (&.than papers •
few mosthe age of glia. IL A. Nese basis,'
hose eared e( diabetes ky i odd's
atarasisd pides* •tte.tien at (he
these. May &obese% thee., pretested
that the rare was .et a permanent aro.
The ken 'reef that them dNbmns were
wrong ie the het that for • year brisk Dr
Seas has bees att..diag to his
wheat was always • large ran, ' 1 this village
sad the •ser dlig mushy, ant has sever
W as. mann d t. dhmise, Rh health
M *r.t•etres and the doctor helm
to take any r the ptl.emntions es 1. Nat ase
oeherwhe that w always mimed for
cru threaMaoi or h..hbd with
Notes of Local
•naso.. London, Wiley aad Wawa.
1,7c..1'.n, Dr. Hunter.
(:odeneh baseball club west up to !
Ki.eardine oil Saturday to play a frteodly
Events. game with the club of that tows. After s
well contested match, the Kiaoerdioe boys
5lMceeded in oosiin4 out ••seed beet; store,
Goderich 11 Kincardi.e 10. Herb Roboti-
sm umpired the genie to the sat*d.ctioo ,.f
all, no exception being taken to Ile
decisions l'p to the fifth inellW each dub
bad only one run, showing the itemisers of
Saw game- is Kincardine s tint untag• at
the kat only three balls were thrown, two
being osvht on the fir and the others foul
d eso esptured. Doyle made some good
seaebee is mono field. The t:odench boys
• ere loud in their praise of the treatment
they reoeived from the Kioowrdise boye,asd
if another match u played here will return
tet favor.
Meat W Rrppesed and Meat $. Ube/y t
nappies to ammeter a aeries 16ateer.
1■ Trend., Rosebush. lacrosse
aad Meer chimes.
I )l' RINII tit' pant week ilotlericl
sed its fall skate of athletic sports, as
there are mors to follow in whish the tow
will be interested, as wall be found in the
I.AwN T/NN1•.
The (:oderich Lawn Tennis Clefs drone
over to Rlyth on the 15th Gut , and played
• friendly game with the illyth Club. The
match, after playing the tegulauon number
of eremite, ended uueatutactorily to s draw.
The God•rtch team wished to play off another
*root in order to donde the twee, but Myth
did set seam to desire to do so. This t. the
wooed time that them clubs have .net, sod
S. Maloemsos
H. Hays
J. Doyle
G. Keyte
('. Pennington
D. Thompson
H. Ream
W. 1 Mh o
each time the result has hese the same, ' E. Tilt
both clubs having won three events each !
time. The games and seta wen usually not
close enough to be .soiliov, with the exo*p-
ttw of the one played between Mr. McKin-
ooe, of Blyth, and Mr. Cameros, of 1:0d..
nob, the last set of which took 18 games to
settle it. The soon is as follows
Irut ILtut-Ilolmes and Hunter iOodericb(
beat Tuner aad Milos tHlytbl 61 4a 64
McKinnon and Yergason IHlytbi beat ('am
even and Linty i4oderich. 6 1 64
aromas- 104 beat Tfersay IBI 6! 5
Hames tui beet Milne i41 6I 62
McKinnon .s.1 brat Cameros 101 6-7 4046
YmYri*on iHi beat l.ibhy lGi eI 62
I,. at uxan•••
The .ecood weekly meting of the chub's
tournament took place on the beautiful
emends of the Mises@ Natal, when, on ac-
count of the late dour of startler, only •
a few of the unfiuisked e.ente could be
played off. it was agreed that hereafter
those wto have not finished their eveou to
the first round should do se during the
week and play off the beginriog of another
round and the finale every Saturday. `surto
a number of members gathered to tun the
games tend were rewarded by swing • cum•
ber of very •xcitisg and close finishes. The
seta between Metro. Lockwood and Arm-
strong especially beteg close and herd
fought from start to finish, it taking 34
games to finish two sets. A nice lunch was
served oo the ground* which was enjoyed
by •11, The following is the *core of the
ede a played : Mrs. F. Nate! beat Miss
Cameros, 7 to 5, (unfinished). This maks,
1 set for each. Mr. Lockwood beat Mr.
Armstrong 9 to 7, 10 to 8. Mr. Cameros
beat Mr. Bard, 7 to 5, which makes Mr.
Cameros the winner. 1k. Hinter bells Mr.
Steele, b to 0, i unfinished.
LA. 100%0 Marl..
The Mitchell lacrosse team ems p
Godericb on Thursday lags and played
match with • "team" of 4.oderich players.
The game was fell of loose play-
ing ; the playing oo the part of our boys be.
ing,hewever,wmewhas exculpable oo amount
of ask of practice, they sot heeler hied -
led sticks or played any match now the 2nd
of July, while oo the other band the Mitch•
ell boys bays played • number of snatches
this year. Still, with all the do.dvantage.
the (,oderich team had to contend with,
they kept the Mitebell team from scoring
for an hour, at which time the Mitchell
twain left the field sod refused to play any
lurtber. The reams may have been their
discomfiture m not betag able to beat the
Goderieh tease. The match was declared •
draw. The match was stepped several
times by players being hurt, and luring the
course of the game the ball had to be faced
of mon times than it was pleasant to
watch ; it mere a pity in a laorosae srateh
that this could Riot be done away with.
Tas St':Nay. would jest mentons hen that
all the sporting clubs in town when playing
any match should always try to start the
game punctuellt at the taws •p..tibsl.
Than match did cos start tor fully an hour
after the notified time. The spectators
should not be kept waiting if the clubs
desire their p•trootige. The teams lined up
as fellows, only 11 mien on each side being
Mitchell : Goderich
' ooppepn, (:sal Doyle,
Lye Pant R. Thump's,
Turshull, ('over Point Nicholson,
Callon, I Defe.os 1 Wyatt
Davie, Rlatekford,
Brows, I Field I Kss.ed
Dairs, Centre Hays.
MoKwon, 1 1 Malooesso.,
Herne Hell
Thesep.on, Outside Home Kirk,
Raker, inside Home D. Thompson,
Field captain C. M mires.
The arrangement ,we underetand,was that
pert .f the exps•.s hen eheald be borm
by the Mttok.11 team, bet one of their mom
her to whom the stoney had been gives
left tows without having healed over the
mosey. The Mitwbo!' team got half of the
saw receipts
The Clinton lacrosse team beat the
Mitehell team in the morning of the 16th by
3 goals to 1. This wee the saes toast that
y.d est boys is the Sftersooel of the Mae
• y•
Ot Trid.y last the God•ri•b mass played
• ism picked from the emeirsirl.i.q (rem
Leed•a. A r*g*l•r team from the Forest
City bat hal failed to •pear, the sxenrdes-
ism very Madly agreed to pick out • tenni
and give ties boys • gun, sod set spoil the
match whist. was •dvertied. ('resemas
pushed for fledsrieb .d pat op • ►•sinful
gams, elthe' he d•ekesed .ieseswhat ha the
fourth ha.imis and allowed the I miespe a to
440044 out tour rase. The rams was Det •
very enmities ate to w•tele hem the epee.
tater: rimy, as these .as altogether me
amok loom Mavis.,Tb• iso leas fellow
- ani, dr ha.ittg, Wog payed :
le s
oedcehb 7 11 1 1 7 1-16 14 5
Lemke 0 0 6 0 4 0-6 6 10
Q.mmra sad Md
1. Quant.
W. Harvey
T. Taylor
.1. Weems
W. Adams
1). Matheson
T. McGaw
C. Meyers
S. Laird
,.o Deal. it.
AT 11411
SAT 01 '4 HIT` /0.0041•
6 1 2 0
S 0 0 0
6 2 2 1
5 0 0 1
s 2 1 0
3 2 1 2
4 2 1 0
5 2 1 0
5 0 1 0
- -
of elegr•sus which have muse beeo pouring
11 9 4 into Washington show that it was highly
tHee,figllra - gratifying to the business men of the •Duo
s>r'- -exectry, who du sot care au much about the
Mf R1'to+ NIT,CkL0R0. mature of the tariff as they do about its
5 0 0 0 stability. All they ask Is [bat the subject
b 1 1 0 he let alone now • general bill has been
6 2 2 0
Nowa Note• from Waahington
to Vsrleer Claes* Is lee Tari/ Tbe action
er seeretary tartlet, Isaias. Joe
Lealle/ Tear. ('salervtee
•f alatetalllr Leash.
Tail Xla'at .orre.pooG. ice.
.1-I1I Ni;TI)\, Aug .0 While
the action of the Senate to &depute( the re-
solution offered by seeder Murphy, of
New fork, declaring it to be the Deese if
the :inmate that no termer tend' Iegulattoo
should be 000udered at this session, and
that it was advisable to &diouro •1 the
earliest possible moment, was disappointing
to members of the house whr claim that
they would never haws •cseptinl the Senate
tariff bill if they b&.1 set bees mored oy
Senators that the separate bills for free
sugar, iron use, coal and barbed wire, which
were pared by the House, should be passed
by the Senate before &dlournme.t, the tlu.d
5 1 0 2
5 2 0 3
5 3 4 4
b 0 3 0 ,
b 1 2 2
b 0 l 0 eery l'. S. collector of customs • mortified
Secretary Carlisle is proceeding just as
though the tariff hill were eertaIo to tecem,e
• law, and his official •cu have had so little
to do with solidifying the general belief to
that effect. Hei has forwarded by mail to
j _ copy of the new tariff hill, especially pre-
10 13 11 pared sod printed at the treasury depart-
meot, and on the day it becomes • law
midnight of the 27th Ina1., If r.ot signed er
vetoed by I'nsidest ( lereland before that
time -he will merely have to notify the orI-
lectors by wire, to pet it tete effect aimnl- Ian every custom house. There
an rumors to the effect that Secretary t'ar-
1u1. is doing all this for effect and without
knowing whether the 4,11 i. to become •
law or not, but they do not appear to hove
any more substantial foundaii.o than the •
twin rumor alleging that the relations be- -
tweets the President and his Secretary of
the Treasury are so badly Iua•ood that the
latter may resign. acid that is very alight,
indeed, so alight that few believe either.
The number of eommittee junket. &t pub-
lic expense provided for thte Colognes is
much smaller than usual owing to the very
d erided stand taken agaiwt them by in
iuenlial members of the appropriation coin
mitten, but the Senate committees on
Interstate i ornmeree, Mud cc Commerce,
have been provided with occupation which
can &ad doubtless will be made enjoyable
by their members. The first named coin
mattes bas Mee directed by • Senate reso-
lution to nit during the recess and to es-
quire whether the Soother. Steam Ship and
Railway Association has violated the Inter.
state 4'onimeroe 1.•w in regard to passenger
tied freight rates differentials. It will be
easy to arrange quite a nice tr1p under that
resolution. Rut the Commerce cetnniittee
has its trip •Ireedv arranged by the resole
ties that di•ects it to visit the Pacific I.'oest
during the recess and to examine the pro -
rrlocalities for • deep water harbor.
There Is not only entoymest to this trip,
but to corruptly disported individuals I do
n ot say there an such on the.ommittae
then might also be " boodle " in it. Some
queer stories have been told around Wash-
ington about the long delay in *electing this
harbor and the action of sone of the adios
cotes of the or that her(er.
The conference of the execnti,e nom
mattes of the Amenc•n bimetallic league,
*hick was held here last week, adopted • re-
port rerommeedtog that silver be male the
predominating Issue is the coning camps:ea
and advising that no man be voted for by
silver men who hal sot bees true to silver
in the present Cooper. Gun of the signi-
ficant features of the conference was the
failure of Chairman, of the peo-
ple's party nations) committee, to get •
✓ eatilrmatios of the endorsee -mat gives by
the league last December to the people's
piety. It was prevented by the I)emocrati.
and Republica. members who insisted that
the league meat be kept free from party
pelletal or it would .000mplisb any
tki.g for silver.
If the mernben of the Labor orgamirations
who ago the p.titiose now coming in ea
freely, asking for the impeachment of At-
torney (:.neral Olney for the part he took is
suppressing the late railroad strike*, could
know how little attention ('engross is pay-
ing or tweeds to pay to them May would at
noes stop leaguing and sending them to
Washu,tan. The ballot hot is away ahead
of the petition box as a oongreeaional per
loader, but some people do not seem able to
grasp that idea.
Neither Senate or Hoses has • quorum
primal to -day, aad the atter is sanumose
• very intending ships, as Co.grer cis•
sot adjourn for the manes without a
quorum. if any member be disposed to raw
the point of "no georo.". and it is almost
oertdin that moms ems will. It it believed
that • quorum of the Swat* cn.ld be easily
mottos together, Mt the member of the
Roam are so widely scattered that it would
he • mem& more difficult wk to prodece •
q*oe*s Owe.
The river sad harbor hill re • law, with -
n et the Pasident's &immature While wah-
ine for the tee data to elapse those toter
toted in the hill had several mares Mr.
('lev.lwd has .ever aigenl a neer and Iter
bee hill in either his first or sward •
teethes and he has woo -ad now.
Two bate hits, Mc4Sae , Matheson.'
Three Mae hits, Mahn
Struok out, Hutson 12 , Harvey, Wataoo,
Adsorbs 2 !, Mathews - 1 ,.
Raw uo Rails, Hays, Thompson 2 , Rut
Hit by pitcher. Koy-le, Laird.
N ore by inwiorse :
It 11 0
God•rich, 1 0 0 3 2 2 0 1 2 11 9 4
Kineerdiee, 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 3 3 10 13 11
Batteries-Goderich 1'e.niogton, Doyle
and bl& Kincardine Matheson
.ad Tay lor.
Umpire H. Robertson.
Would it not be • good idea for the three
junior baseball clubs to play two afternoon
matches and thus settle the league business
at o.a5'
The Peritonea, as amateur baseball club
from London, played • match with I'lintom
at Clinton and (teat them by • score of 33 to
What is the matter with the W mile
bicycle race ` It is now • month since the
last race. Why sot have soother heat
sons •
_ -
• 111n 11a11wat a0.0.AN.:04INT. 1"g Tat
a YATIII*IN(, 1t 4111: '10,65
. 'slew N 00
EsoelleMewommodatiou has been granted
by and ender the authority of the Gruel
Trunk Railway Company to visitors attend
tag the Sow of Seethed gathering at Laok
now on Sept. 5th, as will lie .see below,
while ticket* are good for three days.
over a very large territory • train wince
u being provided which will doable pawn.
``art from Southampton, Wierton, Durham,
Palmerston, I.oderich sod interveatag
point@ to visit the rant . aad return the
same evening If they w desire. The retard,
and no small messier. of the sue.eoe of these
sath•rinee, bas been & hieved through the
aim of the to keep faith with
the public, and with the favorable arrange
meats of this year, we are almost warranted
in predicting that 1894 will o'ertop
them all. The fan from (:oderich has
hese placed at the low titan of 11.20.
Returning *penal train will leave Luek.ow
• t 6:45 p, m. for Palmerston, connecting
with regular trains for north. Also 000aect-
tine at Wlnrhase with special train for
(limos, whim connect at 9.90 p. m. with
No. 67 for (loderieh. Train for Kincardine
will be held till 10.45 p. m.
M.Ngar, AC..., 20.
Things are lively around Spring Hill; trap-
ping dogs is the order o1 the day. Two hit
the duet last week; howl load your runs'
The Union Christian Endeavor is doing
well under eke management of itobt. David-
son. it is w great ke.eit to the yeaog
people of the beirhborhaod.
Jim, our local horse dealer, has quit the
Beatty Line and is sow book-keeper for the
(,od.riek Woolen Mille. How do you like
Hat J. P.' i.00kout. .1. 1' then .re eight
hawks delta the Mill roil.
1 estiee while 'Imbibes around that Mr.
Snwerby is ea an ettonded visit from [:rand
Rapids, Mich., to Jobe Sweaty. if Dame
Ramer has it right, the wedding hells will
prom he waadier. season 10 all eo.cer..rt
Sammy, ear prong aspirin lawyer, has
kis office at the of Wm. t' sixth Office epos from six n'elock is
the evost.g to eleven. He is well versed is
1&w, especially lino lessees of whish be
sakes • .penalty.
Tom, nor bachelor, while home was night
rather late was surprised by hermit acme
►ighwymaa try to step his burse. Rat •
few sharp shote dislodged the intruders.
Tam is net madly fright•bed. Rays be e
lassie osrdgl hereafter'
Fast work was dose is the way of feeding
a thra.hise mill raw day last week by Jas.
Rose, where he mounded is petting
through me headed b.emls io twenty five
miasma James is • rustler. Jim rob
yourself with stem Cassell, oil '
Jetts Currie bad • marrow •neaps es the
farm .f Wes Stewerby 3rd. ref.. While
elevating the mom terriers the rope hobo
sail as Yr. Carrie was passimg spider them
they fella Makin. him es the Wad aad
severely i.j.rri.i him. Medical aid was
sailed and we hope to w Jabs &reamd seen
as he 1m • isbelsse thrasher.
Ti. TLTIro Cv uwa.
1011 raise.
Gori..,, m, Sept. 26 and 26.
forest* IsdsetrisI, wept. 3 to 15.
!modes Waiters Fair, 13 to 29.
g•r&tfteed, Sept.27 awl 99
We.iteek, .Sipe. ffS and 26.
G+elph, asps IR to 90.
Rr*.Ne,d, Rept 96 an 9R.
hark.,., (leo 2 to 4
Walkerton, net. 9 1n 4.
South Hares at Snaf.rab, Sept. 27 sad
Dengeaaon, Oen, 11 sed It
be silawass. bow sow
her albs steam Is ti.~Mom sheet=