The Signal, 1894-8-16, Page 6L
Lad Reverted he Devil Worship to
Get Even Witt Um (internment
A.• the Iaha►hauls Mas.aered anti rotes
tietore the Rebottle wa, l reeked
$ Trouble Reported 10
the aba,p-Maie.olr District*
M Qase..laad.
VICTOSIa, B. C , . t1. 13 --Tbe Atutra
Ilan **esteem Area arrived at noon yes
The Araws touched at Sava. Fiji. July
111. she bntige word thenen of the sup
potation of a native revolution on Vanua
Levu Island. Fiji. The trouble arose over
the delimitation of provinces by the• Fiji
government. By this measure the dotrrtti 1
of Sequaga was tucludel in that of Man.
ata *roust the people's wish_ Incited by
some of their chiefs the natives retained
to their old time devil of ye
N. WM as • way out of the difficulty.
the pro-tenyjer !ivies b. httl 'relived
revelation,. from the ad gods of Fiji.
fl„ foll.,w ., o r,.vj'
out ionty. Str J. B.Ttst ell retire
finally pqqt thea down WTI a cenateLrowe;
tgrce. after the tevoltiug betters hair
,aided ierctal towns, mabacnng people
and 'outdating and eating the dead. after
the custom of fifty year ago This was
the first act of generai cannibalism since
There is serious trouble in leteensland
between the shearers sud the Pastoraitsta
Are...nation. The sb a roto.e to agree
to sign a proffered Corm of agreement, In
cunt tp puce sheep owners have brought In
outsiders to work and strikes followed
An mein dtsry 'soffit' circulated through
pastoral centres calls ul.ou the shearers to
make every soon join the anion and thee
build up s -food to obtain rifles and am-
mulutiuu, "to fight squatters when the
time comet," In addittuu it advises that
•'blacklegs- be picked oft es they pass
through the bush. 1t alp. advocates the
destruction of pet/petty.
Press levier a Troths. Cpsepay Destroyed.
by as Is.•eedtary.
Sr .Ionto, i .1.. Aug. 13. -Wednesday
night a large fire occurred at Polley's
Island, destroying :he premises of the
Notre Dame Trading Company, shop,
dwelling, two stores and all their contents.
11 u outlasted the loss i. $20,000. no in-
surance. The firs spread with great re
pidtty and tkwt.uel [o destroy the whole
minim eettlen:eht It ignited the school
home but headway was preveutet. It also
caught the adjacent woods and it was
hours before it was stamped out
luvestigatbn disclosed the tact that
lite fin wee the work of an'
ceudiary. Suspicion poiuts.l to John
Raines, who when arrested admitted his
g.lilt but rimmed another man named
Shaw. who was indebted to tui* company
instigated hon to perform the deed He
threw a lighted match Into the attar." atter
breaking • window. It caught *quantity
of Itlfiallllnable waterial and caused the
fir.. Haines wee eomtuitte4 for trial and
a warrat.t was Memel 'for Snow's arrest
Intelligence of the affair ouly reached here
last sight and created mach ercitstpon'. •
The Prolonged DresKbt Driven N111eee.
teat of 1Cobreeka sad loserwde.
PL.wrrenoon , N. o., Aug. 11 -Los,;
trains of canvas -Dove *1 wagons pass daily
through this city eastward. They belong
to the army of settlers who have been
forced frew,iheir houses in Western No-
breaks and (:astern ('nlorado by the on.
precedented drought of the present season.
Many have no particular destitution In
view. Their sole object is to reach some
locality east of the Mi..i.sippi where the,
Gan eke out an cannelini nt,LI auuther
season, anti escape the hard.iiip of the
water -on the prairie. Sil.ce t Ma v
began it has beestimetel that 10,004
people j•ve left the State
• lead Rntmwav In fw.n.loe.
leer- '1-oroe Murtch.
Lusters, Atlg. 13.-.....-
bleckamltb, of Lobi. drove into the c..,
Saturday with hit two daughters, Misses I
Sarah and Mary iturtrh When riding
own Talbot street a wheel collapsed near
Icgqp eR _street Mr Murtcb any Mise
rah fell on*. bnf th Rinner recovered
and grabbed the hon e. He was dragged
nearly • block before the animal was
.topped by • telephone pole neer Maple
street. Ness Maly wag here thrown vio-
lently on the sidewalk She was badly
bruised and bey bark was injured pain-
fully. Mies Sarah escaped with lighter in
intim Mr. Munch was unhurt. The
vehicle was completely demolished
Threw Memel, Motor* a Trolley.
Tortoni°, Ang. 1:1 -A woman named
Clarke made • most detertnined attempt at
suicide on Saturday. She threw herself in
front of a motor ear on the (jitter street
east dtus, at the corner of Ureenwood.
Nothing but the presence of mind oa the
pert of the driver eared her life. But, a1
though the motor was promptly reversed,
the fender was within • foot of her pros
trate form before the oar stopped. The
woman was then removed from the rails
by force.
A laptlet ( ereh 1. Danger.
• MoaT•s•t., Ang. 13 -The mayor and
'kid of pollee of Sorel have warned Rev.
Louis Cote. of the Sorel Baptist church,
that his church ie likely to he mobbed,
and that unless he takM down a placard
on the dour, containing tiro tette, which
they consider offensive, they will not pro-
tect the bedding.
The New "ffi.a" Canal
(Mr.wa, Ang. 11. -Speaking regi ollog
the opening of the Boo canal, Minister
Howell said the question had not yet been
oousidered by Council as to whether or
not the canal would be free. He could'
rod see how the Canadian ciov.rnment
eunli impose • toll while the American
canal immediately alongside of it was free.
natter Drowsed at iallfea.
Hei.nai. N.S, Aug. 13 --Rotten Daly
raatple, about 50 pears of age. driver for
the 1'enact ian uprise Company. drove
down to the eastern yesterday and
went in betlotng. He took a cramp and
was drowned Bit body was reeovered
H. leve. • family.
Beast* Op ell am S. T. R.
Motrraaat.. Aug. 11 -Tensor. Greed
Trak express was delayed two and e half
boor. on Rsturdey cerise to the tree&
tatttloeb•d M Cornwall by a wreked
bads ♦ mispleeed ewiteb sassed
w Mats le Mew ib. task sad GMs& up
Metb.d by wbMb Tina, Com as $Weiss►
felt' DwplM.aed.
The ellnatration shows • method of mak•
hog grape cettlutrs try which more routs
will he formed and greater .trio jib dare)
aped thau when made in the "military
• .ad Reed id.a, With o Flsalble
rl.. with.. Certa/s Lines. noises to Ile
tie rte., nor the 0 ,41.ars Farmer rer-
t1.N* ti.s.rI.-
A eoneepondent of the Country (lentle-
man, who has evidently given much study
to the queetluu of crop rutattou amt steady
farming. says. Much has been written ou
this subject, yet many cases have beets
within my otwrvation an the past, and are
before we at the present tune, which go to
peers that farmer. lusty ones disregard
the feet tether from carelessuest or Igno-
rance) that to do otherwise than continue
• regular rotation of crops and fares stead'
1, is to impoverish their lands and bring
worlx.t ..Gars ct'Tnsua calamity on their own beads. The cry "it
way. It often becomes desirable to dupii- don't pay. before giving •.m jmperttal and
este choice' vines which can be done moot intelligaot trial to some particular branch
sueeessfully by the method herein dee of farming. kills ,wry • man u • success
scribed. lest' down • branch bearing • tel farmer Last Beeson. and at present
shoot and bury it for one summer allowing with the high price .f hay. many will uon-
the shoot to stick out of the ground. 4.11,gps to mow the tae field. five or six
Room will develop from the bio of the I years, until the seeding is run eat anti C.:
shoot as well as iron the buds on either and exhausted. The result will be that
aids of it ea shown in the cut. At the end the pro.* of bay will go down -too low for
of the year cut away the yr1 Jnal bteucb profitable bayraising. When we must rause
so as to leave the toots similar to those something else. and that rumps grain, and
shown in the illustration. The shout is in what conditlou will these laude be to
then ready to be planted. This will mak. raise grain? it does not need ant expert
one of the atron)(sst kinds of new vines. to tell that tiller they can be restored by
Almost the same result may be obtained j heavy coats et manure, or something
by removing the eecuon of the branch equally a. good. the yield of grain will be
before burying taking care to cut it beyond t very light, and the saws result is true in
the tir.t bud on either side of the shoot. ! continuous cropping with grain without
However. it is likely that the cuttings will I seeding to clever ur other grams&
not become as strong in such eases as when l have beeu over thele "bare spots." to
the branch is buried--t►hio Farmer.
A Practical Gaedsase's 111.1 -tire. Their
rm.', Care.
The four moat roai..ortant requisites for
the successful culture of plants are: let.
proper temperature. 2nd, sutcient light.
3rd, fresh air wbeti practicable; 4th, pro-
per attention to watering.
let. Temperature -This will. of amine.
vary for different plants. but the majority
of flowering plants, in common cultiva-
tion, will thrive in an average heat of $0
degrees by day and 50 by night. A few
degrees over or under will make no very
material difference. Coleus. and a few
other things wili develop tetter in a higher
temperature. and roses and others will take
lower, with advantage, but the above will
be found about the best medium for gen-
eral collection.
end. Light. -Light is a great
&tum, as but few flowering plants will
flourish and bloom ,stiefactorily without
it. In wittier. especially. it is necessary to
give plants as much sunlight •• possible.
In summer, when more Sr can be admit
ted. it is not necessary. In the hottest
time a moderate shade will be found bens
ficial fur almost eaythiug.
3rd. Air -The rule it to admit air et
every possible opportunity, being careful, and women to dry are stnvuug with the
winter laying hen. which is cuwmeudable,
however, unit to. chit' the planta
4th Watering -Thu requires • go..). bit 1 predict that Gags will soon retch a
clod Lf attention. many people have the price even in winter that will sicheu them
of the
idea that so much water shuuid be applied hen Dualne'.. t1'heat u "flat," and
dilly Tbte is • senium ututake. Mao. many have not @Ten sown any fur their
plants which seed a quart of water a day I onro bread.
la feet, the only rational view seems to
be that meetly work in the one direction
of all and diversified fanning is tae only
true way to :ouches. Stop "plunging.
Raise grain. hay . and all the adaptable
crop. to rotation, keep a few sheep and
rattle. raw now and then a good colt
Remember that lire -rolling stone gathers
no noes," and never allow high prices to
bs an Incentive to abrupt chutges.
my sorrow, end know what it costa Seven
years ago last mown sheep were sold hen
at a gnat acridee by many farmers; they
said it 'did not pay . so the sheep had to
go. and every one was in for raising
hay, which was then high. In two or
three years good hay sold at from 54 to 16,
and then ,the same men were eheep crazy.
paying from SS to 51) per head (or oommun
stuck. Now atwitter change has curve.
sheep is down end Fay is np, and main
are elangbtenng then sheep and mowing
their lauds to death.
About seven years ago borer* were high,
and _ man who had a horse waited to
sell him or trade hint for • mare, so great
was the craze for raisIIIg horses- And
where is the borne market to -day? Manly
farmers wail answer the question with •
long face. nearly every farmer's yard is
fi11.1 with horses and colts fur which he
has little use, and cannot sell at •uythwg
like the cost of growing. Two years ago I
reduced my own stock of horses at public
auction. but did not recap* • "big cut" in
prise to comparison with prices one and
two years before,
The same is true of the cattle market; it
has its "ups and.Iowne---also of bogs in
the past two winters -in fact, it is the
same with everything a farmer raises. It
he undertakes to follow the high markets
it will lead him a merry chase. Many men
is snootier, do not need Ito much in a week
1n winter. 1t is better to let the Goll in
the pot get dry before watering. then soak
it thoroughly and do not water it again nil
til dry At all times the foliage should be
washwf sufficiently to keep it always in a
clean, healthy state.
insect& -1f taken In time are 'daily kept
ander. It is when plants are neglected
that 'vermin become so namerow, as ill
same Carse• to make it almost impossible to
get rid of them The must common insects
are the following.
Aphis Or Ureen Fly. -An application of
tobacco, is the form of ow eke ur tobacco
water, will finish them.
Itel Spider. -A very minute induct,
scarcely to be seen. its preeence may be
nowln by the craves appearing as if
shrivelled. The best remedy is to keep
the lease moist on both *ides, ea the spider
eanuoi eland moisture.
Scale. -Appears clinging to the bark of
Oleanders, and other band wooded plants
A aolitiou of whale oil amp. or where that
eanuot be had..trong soft soap will kill
them, afterwards washing the bark well
- •--Trent fe-"
-••• r-• -.wet MMES.
Mes1T !;ng. --It is a white, downy look
ing fellow. which occasionally appears.
A touch of alcohol on a feather will kill
him. The preventive for all insects is to
look over your plants occ uiusall,. and,
with a email brush, or your hand remove
and kill any that may be seen. This is
more quickly and easily done than you
would think, till you have tried it, and 1t
is Sure.
Earth worms -1 iccasionally get into pots,
and 'onion the earth aronud elle root&
When signs of them are observed, • little
lime water dislodges them
The nark of mutt Tree..
As • general thing healthy trees are able
to get rid of the old bark without any help
from the cnitinator. but In many cases
they are all the tetter for having • little
help from man. in many species of trees,
there is an arrangement provided by nature,
for helping a plant to get rid of its bark.
Thio are called in scientific language
"super cella." that is to say. oork fella
Them appear at first on the outer bark. ea
small brown spots. From year to year.
however. they develop, "sometimes eating
into the bark in longtittldinal lines, and in
this way form the cracks which ultimately
result in what is known as rough bark.
As It is thus the design of nature to get rid
of the outer bark. it ie good prastice to
help nature in this work. For -this par-
lors, washes of various kande are found in
practice earemely n.efol. In fruit cnitnre,
soapy .elution. have been found very .f
feetine and In the unscientific work of sac
camtnl farmers even lime wash bas been
found beesficlal In some of the Interior
counties of Pennsylvania, a farmer would
almost as Tam think of never cleaning his
booms. as letting hie orchard trees go with
mit • coating of lime wash and a year.
The practieal remelts of this treatment
speak tor themselves. No healthier trees,
or more aucceesfnl frail crops can be had
than result from this practice-M.rhans'
reser and ebeapa,t.
A better or cheaper egg fond than the
sunflower ..14 would be bard to And ft
gives a `Inns to ileo feathers and a vigor to
the fowl that nothing else w11). ('row
them in fence corners. spare spits 1. the
ganlen back yard, and anywhere a seed
can 'Mlle hold " it is best to feed bell
once or twice • week --bet It Toasts In sr
'nerrard nnsher of eggs. every use.
1.t•etimes the fowls have to be taught to
.at them. by starving them to it, bet wins
1 they have enc* learned the Wok list' •evse
rinse them thereafter. -Ws . imlN. ,
A■ Eaeetl,e Weed Destroyer.
The sketch shows a handy garden tool
which 1 would not do without for many
times the few cents any village blacksmith
fife 1
would ca',je to make it rat of a pier* of
acts') :teed (mine is made of an old rasp
that olackamiths nes for trimming horse
tioofsi It is especially adapted for clime
ing cat coarse weeds from the laws and
around the base of closely -planted per-
erennials, roses and Omaha, and more so
where the soil is rather hard and clayey,
anal no other weeder can take its place.
To shift from position Fig. 1 to Fig. 2 just
slip thumb underneath, at the same time
turning the wrist hal( way round to the
right, which can be done forward and
back rapidly. Sharpen spade part only
from one side. the tipper ons. -American
A newly D1eseveeed teseetletde.
A new and imppoo.rtant diecovery in the
domain of pnoesology has been made by F
C. Moulton of the gypsy moth commission,
Malden, Masa Arsenate of lead was the
substance used which was prepared by
dissolving 11 o& of acetate of lead and 4
oc of arsenate of soda in 150 gale of
water. These substances quickly dissolve
and form arsenate of lead, • fine white
powder wbtb is lighter than Paris green,
and while being fully as effective In de-
stroying inset life is far preferable for
several masons. if by any means the
mixture happens to be teed stronger than
necessary to d.o.trul lnsrct life, even three
or four times the neeeesary strength, it {•
110 wise injures the foliage of the plants
ripen whteb it is sprayed. This is a great
thing In its favor. for frequently in using
Paris green for potato beetle larvas and for
the rollin worms. es much Injury results
from the poison burning the foliage as
would result from the tweet if let alone,
This isa better rneecttetle thea Perla
green under all circnmat•nese and for all
tweets. say. Prof Fernalit It has the ad-
vantage of being readily seen on the leave.`
so the oar can tell at • glen.* wbleb have
and bays Got leen sprayed, which V often
of great eonveni.nce Itdng lighter then
Paris green. it does nod settle ao qquickly,
sad as • result e•n be ditributed stip
'vealy over the (olive.
oboes /,www,
h 1s as Tsar *hag for a laity mat be
overwork ►insult:
A •:lady fess corner is as Irr.ahtikis
tsmptaYss t. saes sees.
S. l'. Svrrn1. of Towanda. Pae
whose eonstitutLa was completely
broken down, is cured by Ayer's
`'erwnarills Ile writes:
" For eight years, 1 wax, most of the
time, a great sufferer tram eoaatlms.
tion, kidney trouble, and indigos.
Hoe. so that my constitution seemed
to he completely broken down. I was
induced to try Ams Sarsaparilla, and
took nearly seven bottles, with suck
excellest results that my stomach.
bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con-
dition. and, in all their functions, aa
regular as cloek•work. At the time
I began taking Ayer's Sarpaparilla. my
weight was only 129 pounds; I now can
brag of 139 pounds, and was never in so
good health- If you could see me be-
fore and after using, you would want
ate for a traveling adv.rtleeseeet.
I believe this preparation ofelaraaparilla
to b. the beat in the matket;."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Cc., Lowell Ilan,
Cures others.wi ll cu re you
v WILD y
I VOA!,som
Price 35CTS
hs Dyspepsia Cured.
lass Will &d Testament .f tee loge 1. I.
,Carrs se exawa.
The will of the late T. I'. t:orman, edi
for of the Free Prior, written nye de,s lx-
fore he dial, begins as twhows
Some laugh while others mourn,
:wow Rud while others pia),
01., dere auci one as born.
Thus rum the world away.
" 1 am advised that the making of a will
even by one who came Into the world with
nothing and has done little more than 'IIv
ed his ono,' ammo poesably do tiny hum
and may do some god. 1 commit my soul
to trod, implortag Hta mercy, and my body
to the earth, the burial to take pts.., wath•
out any needless expense or any d.splay not
called for by the ngbia of the Catholic
church. My household effects end personal
effects I give to my wife with the exception
of my siker watch, with chain attached,
which 1 leave to my second bo), Tom, as a
reminder of his prom., to me that he wall
never use tobacco or intoxicating liquors
La any way, and that he will try to be a
comfort to bb mother and Buten. 1 trust
that Tom will keep has promise and that
Louis and .1.e will follow his example.
The wall then goes on to direct that $5,•
000 natursooe policy in the•} -.neral Life
Company be appropriated fret to pa) log
just debts, that 4100 be given to his sister
for the benefit nt his aged mother, and the
balance, probably $4,7CO3he invested by the
the trustees in such • way as to yie'd the
beet interest, to the end that $1100 be pay-
able to his wife and family anomaly for
their support out of principal and earned
interest, un'il the entire fund .hall be ex-
Continuing the wall res._ ;-li le toy
wieb ilial ercb o.l ,u, •* T.1 ,o shell be
lust,• some Me(u! occupation at asearly an
age as poesible, an that each may he able to
support himself or herself sod also assist
the other members of the family, when
they may be left entirely to their own re-
A ares Mote et /moll,.
In the States east of the JLssiasry p there
ore more women thea men, and therefore
many women must lune and die unmarried.
They need not, however, live or die unmet
.d. Many women, nowadays, have formed
a connection with friends of their own sea,
which brings with it owns of the coanlerte
and advantages of marriees A lady
describes • home in • New England
manufacturing town which has m-
teserted us very much. i:y ht young
won -en, •1) workers in straw, hired •
widowed sister of one of them as house•
keeper, furnished it as Mot they could, and
set rep • family life, all sharing the expense
r.lually. The ezpenmeat has proved very
suooeesful lksitastoually they give •
modest party, sad the house is reoegnused
tt the townie put of the social •ttr•ctroes.
There as something very pplewnt •bout
this departure from the reeul•toe. boarding-
house. Its iuecvr would demand res
gasifies of mind and heart in the ramal« -
union of /nal temper sad rood principlemot
always found is eight individuals of the
.aloe f•wtly,
(k. Fowler's Enact of Wild Strawberry
term dianh•.•a, eremitic oulic, cholera moc-
has, cholera iels•'•s, and all loese..'s of
the hewele. N.'., trove' without
Price 36 cents.
I 11
m. Nl
r .
- r
OIL WM dist.
write yes toany
that kr seem Ws.s
time aeons WWII-
tioaand al ooeap ns lift
Mess -
Pennants= nnant oe same
in my gtmseel Hai-
rless. I
decided to
dock Blood Bitten,
and after
two bottles I tar
I was ,pule •author
man. for
I have also used it for my wife and
family. and hare found it the beat thing
they can take, and from pad experience
I have every Pleasure in steamily reoom-
mending B. B B. to all my friends.
I write yon because I think that it
should be generally known what B.B.B.
Can accomplish in cases of indigestion.
GEORGE READ. Sherbrooke, Que.
•110 uTnga Titersrtsitsntne,
Specific- and Antidote for
Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye
1 itation of the
=ppeepps*it deep{es.sess, PP
liver complaint, neuralgia, loes of
memory, bronchiole, consumption, gall
stones, jeundtos, kidney and urinary
diseases, St. rite' dance, female irreg-
ularities and ,enrol debt it v.
J. M. s c L E o D,
Proprietor and M•nutacturer.
McLsoi,a enema Rano? eras can be lad
from all dr is tows, as well as tram
all the drosslsla between Owen Sound .14
esatorth, Brumes. Parham sad Taranto
A few (like Latest Novels Reduc-
ed in Price
" Our Manifold Nature," by Sarah Grand, author of
"The Heavenly Twins," 50c., sale price, 35c.
"A Terrible Family," by Florence Warden, 50c, sale
price, 35c.
"Parson Jones," by Florence Marryatt, 50c., sale price 35c.
"The Snare of the Fowler," by Mrs. Alexander, 50c., sale
price 35c.
"Love for an Hour is Love Forever," by A. E. Barr, 50c.,
sale price 3bc.
"Story of a Penitent Soul," by Adeline Sergeant, 40c.,
sale price 26c.
"Tower of Taddeo," by Oujda, 25c,
"Grave Lady Jane," by F. Warden, 25c.
" gather Waters," by Geo. Moore, 25c.
" The Raiders," by S. R. Crockett, author of "The Stickit
Minister," paper, 60c.
Special Sale of Baskets, Prices from I0c. to Tac. Hammock I'al.
lows, .:.c. Hammock Stretchers, 13c.
Tan Ceitatst•w Psoric R•ILw•T Co.ti
T•tas.a/a has been established to give the
p findecta.e service with f•!r and per
unmet ismestot Jos.
It Is meemed on beelines principles and la
the MOWN* Wt' of a apport
It tlwlre.. the .appOrt of ave, porous whim
believes 1r. e.esputlon.
Per BMIrt Resimatee nee ibis tees=
e..,..•a.etlee with sit nines sad
le NOM NMs. Almada aod durreaps.
North west, Odeon and Pactao Cost
M la
otos-boils West..
B. laciatret.
IntMaa•aer- Glodseie►
1 'eiLtoJ£NE38,
E34 t g..ADA°`1E
1I 6 L► ae' . 6 T1H E L.IV
wit 141-1, /.%1aaAriMs
IPIM 25 M. itnflS S IV? ' U'
W. -.sraaN. a IC,dee1 HtN ee mors Ss.,
ase rel a [lreaee t adietea t.uml
e F(sert Disease,
' j
ail= In s +ee°VG,
mi. el eels, ps. pl ksa, eram tomos
DP L. A. WITH a CO. Tomos
Sole Agents for the American Fruit Preserving Powder
and Li tuid, sod Hutterick's Perfect Fitting Patterns.
Legal 11aaager. Sell Telephone Cs.
aollerlrh. e.I.
You cannot do bitter than use our
for Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, and all Summer Complaints.
LIME JUICE, - SEA SALT for Sea -Bathing at Home.
W1118103, from 10 uta. to 60 eta.
W. C. G oODE, All .sai. o.
Fly ropers.
Part. Grim sad
twit lewder.
Preserving Kettles, Tin Pails, Cream-
ery Cans, Watering Cans,
4 Gal's Coal Oil for 40 Cents.
Sign of the wig Kettle.
ol attlflmly
ism .Wilk a good article at a low price.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils,Glass, &c. Also
Steam Fittings, Be' ting, &c.
Don't fail to gite me a call.
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
Spring is at 'hand, and after Housecleaning you will want
We have the iargest and Cheapest Aaeortment in Town.
Before buyuoall and get
New designs to select from. Inspection invited.
MIAS. ba Nv.
3_ HROPHFrY illi BON
Have added M heir present business ass al B. J. Nom's Latest SW.
of Ulty HsaaNs. aleo *he finest line el bassi harnishiagu in the wan*
and are naw prepared to oondue% tenerals at pines reasonable
This depariment will be strictly attended to by his son William, wt* ,
in the s.iploy Tai w lata D. Oc wine for the pest Ms years, has a
known'i et the bods., and by rrctppt stteetita hopes to 'here part al
piano patronage. Remember the plan♦-Westit, ea year way to the Pei
o11os. Give us a call
"The aMewl"isonlyi1 a INUIT TO YOUR MIMS e: iGet i