HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-16, Page 4•
s rotr�anu.
if . m.im•atUST.
Ase et PuWisatisls--ems M.etbsimet.
filemiesTeresa M MMMI.a
as meth, in advent? -5
me maths. .. sees. •
as year. 1 M
. tyle ..s.4 the pries fest !es• m
Lae& M Use Labels
Your label 1•. slaadiss reoatet of U• "Os
which yes are paid .p. ties Jim* 1t le sot
wed to tall Into arrest.
hes a change of address is desired. both
the old .ad the sew address sheets be elves.
Ad worthiest ides
ot•er mesal sdvertWmesrw tea
per line for first tssertim, sed 5 emu per lire
err each subeegast Iassrtioa. Measured be
• ..spared .elle,
Hammen card. et six 51nee and sneer, 05 per
Advertiemeste of Leet, Posed. strayed
Sita.lien. Tamm, Mtustlos. Wasted sad
Ilnisses Cbssess Wasted not exceed*. $
IlUr se aaapsr.. 11 pswath.
Rousse es Hale sad Yuen os Balnk netto
azosd 5 lines. 61 ter goat Rseath. 300,, per sub-
. 50..1 twestk. Ismer ado. i■ preporttoe.
Amp mpee*1 the ebiest et which M to
prentem • sr the
to reduW
vertlemest s,d Marred aotterdlse(y.
Least notices* .separell type ore oat per
word. se notices Iso. Has Mo.
Legal notices 5. ordinary reading type two
.nes per word. No notice for leas thea Sae.
Medee tor churches and other religious •ad
bserevelent insntutioa• halt rata.
r.mmeeral resmrset A4y yttsemeefa,
A limited number of advertise
seats will be Inserted at the ire VVV�.
Per Mach, owe Ineertfes. - is M
four in= .....r100
" throe tanaflra
.. nz mood*. +••+•"•ear oai
No advertisement bees them owe Iaeb.s in
length will be mkeleted ea above basis. 5
per coat. ellseo.nt allowed for mak payments
ea throe mouths' contract : 10 per omit. os a
menthe'. mod 13 per cont. on • year's. These
.esd*tione will be strictly .oforesd.
A..wl •• The Mgaa1•• hell ye, r.
Subscriber who fall to receive Tun Sion it.
rernl•rly, either by carrier or by mall- will
twofer • favor by acquainting us of the tart at
ea early • date as possible.
Rejected manuscripts cannot be returned.
Correspondence must be written on amide
of paper only.
hNtalere• aware,
J. C. Le Tonal- of Ooderieb, has bee ap
emoted Local Travelling Agent for the town-
ships of Goderiob. Colborne. Ashfield sad W.-
Local postmasters over the district aro Moo
empowered to receive enbecriptlone to Tag
All communications must be addressed to
7Ul.pbese Ca1130. Aederteb, 0.5.
During the past few weeks over $700 in
•oo.usts have been mot out from Tns So: -
MAI. counting room. They have been sent
out with the idea of having returns made.
Ws want the money and hope that every-
one who receives an ..count will return the
amount of indebtedness at o0oe. The in-
dividual amounts may be .malt, but the ig-
gre5ate is large. Address all letter to
D. Mcl illicuddy, Tit it 11'.'.v. Uf6.e,
(,darleh." _ - - -
FROM Ottawa tt►enews comes that
the great Canadian war lord, the
Hon. JC1.IC, C.EOAR PATTessox, is
likely to take the stripes out of his
trousers and step down and out from
the position of Minister of Muskets.
It seems that Sir AtiotenE Cason has
grown tired of the Post -office portfolio
and is clamoring for the command of
the roaring cannon, the Rounding
cwlverin and the rattling small arms,
and that PATTSRRor, who fears to try
another politcal fall with M. C. CANs-
Rox, has decided to go on the bench.
We meet mnf s1 that we hardly under-
stand the bench end of the story, as we
have not been able to find the lame of
J. C. PArrsosos amongst the Ontario
barristers, and it is altogether likely
that a man to become judge must, of
necessity, have been a barrister. But
whether the Hon. J. `C. PATTER -40N be
A barrister or not there is a scheme on
at Ottawa to take the military stripes
out of his trowsera and the epaulettes
from off his tunic.
pronto, is not alone a " warrior bold,"
but by virtu* of the choice of Sir
Omega Mow*r, " in a moment of
weakness," is also stipendiary magis-
trate for that city and enjoys, clay in
and day out, rain or shine, a salary of
$4,000 per annum for dispensing law,
M he understands it. He is at pre
sent enjoying one of his numerous
holidays in the OM Country, and has
lately been letting himself loose on
the American Eagle with a vigor and
ferocity startling and fearful to be-
Now, the ravings of I)settlor,or any
other man Of the stats -pensioned order,
would be rather amusing than herrn
ful if only heard by those who know
the special kind of insanity that afflicts
the paw fellow, but the braggart lan-
guage. iodwlge.' in by this paid official
is, at this particular junctures more
Man likely to operate against this
oowntry that feeds the military and
eflidiel ingrate, by irritating the Am-
orists Ossgrnes in Ica tariff policy and
i.Nierations and so inflict severe in
on oar farming and industrial
1.11•gglgp111p who seek net MR desire
rimmed telethon& with the American
Uovernme I and peoples but rnthsr
the most friendly inaerwourse and meet
catenates commercial barter.
If every farmer in Ontario had a
guaranteed income of $4,000 per ail
num for two hours' work daily they
could afford to speak ofleurively of our
neighbors, though even then the irad
manners mot vile taste would remain .
but ss our yeomen are not so favored
and must labor for all they get they
are concerned in all that is best cake
latetd to most fully reward their toil.
Hence they feel that Damson's Lon
don after dinner speech was both ill
mannered and untruthful and .alcu-
lated1 to dispose the American Coa-
t/reels to be leas favorable to our conn
try iu' their tariff policy now being
faith ionevi
We don't fora moment suppose the
legislators of the States will be in-
fluenced by Usalsolr's froth, for they
have their own silly tali twisters who
serve to entertain them like any other
order of tnania.s, and, of coarse, they
will make all due allowance for this
wild man, but the gravity of his offence
is heightened by the fact of his posi-
tion which ought to be attended by
dignity and decency. We are, how-
ever, tiesitais at knowing hew mace
of the $4,000 uilsry drawn by this
braggart fellow is paid to the deputy
who is now discharging the duties of
the office, for surely, if, as we believe.
fully half goes into Dinette -Ws pocket
without any labor or attention, then
Um* is rooms for a substantial saving.
lei our Patron friends are after
every case of overpayment, we hope
that some one of them will move in
the next session for the necessary
inforuatiol. with the view of arrang-
ing the salary of this official on the
stale he pa} a the deputy who is now
doing the work in a manner fully as
satisfactory as the notorious fire eater
ever did.
ix•rued, the rase is .tried, though by
this tune both the plaintiff and defend-
ant base grown to be old neer, and
then, if the case is large s .sgh, and
the birds will stead more plucking,
the case goes to the Judicial Commit-
tee of the Privy Council of Fongiaod,
where, after paying enormous fess, an
application is made asking leave to
appeal the cars, which, if granted,
only enables the case to be heard, and
then, and only then, does it enter the
court of finality. The cans is ended,
and whoa all is stemmed up it is found
that with what the profession tall arts
between solicitor and client, Sind un -
collectable charges from "the other
fellow " the einem is seldom the gain-
ner while the loser is irretrievably
This picture is not overdrawn sad
not a section of our .roantry but is
full of instances of mea whose lives
have been waste.) and whale -fortunes
have been dissipated awaiting a legal
decision which should have been given
expeditiously and cheaply. We join
with The (:lobe in urging on the Leg-
islature, the cheapening of law and
the wiping out of so many courts of
appeal. Let there be an appeal front
the trial judge to the court of appeal
aid let that be the final court. Why
go farther, surely if another court
of appeal at Ottawa or elsewhere is
open, why not a donut, and so on t
Justice delayed is justice denied,aad
and the number of courts •trod multi-
tude of methods to bathos a poor man
seeking speedy justice in effect makes
iew a March man's amusement and a
poor tan's destruction. We wish The
(:lobe *very success in its noble
THE Toronto (;lobe is performing ah
excellent work in bringing before the
country the question of "Law Reform"
in so able a manner, and as the evi-
dences of the injury that has been
bene to society by the present iniqui-
tous system of delay and expense to un-
fortnate litigants are so manifold and
wide -spread, we feel sure that the
demand for the exercise of the axe
in cutting down the tree of torture
and legal robbery will prove irresist-
ible. The ways of the legal profession
are dubious and devious and it does
seem as though the stat utas and the reg-
ulations of the Star Chamber known
as the Law Society were trained anti
fashioned to enable the legal fraternity
to keep the poor wretches who go to
law in the toils while a dollar can be
had wherewith to keep the legal pot
)soiling. The liar has got many men
of most exalted character within its
reeks who regret to see the iniquity
continued of forcing suits, after inter
minable delays and unknown chargee
for all kinds of sert-ices,from one court
to another. and who, like our worthy
mender in the Legislature, Mr. OAR -
boa, are in favor of simplifying, cheap-
ening and expediting law.
Take the case of an orhary IRM'
suit, which souk' be settle -1 by calling
in some honest aul competent arbitra-
tor, and look at the tortuous methoela
adopted by the legal gentlemen on
both sides. First the suit is entered
in the diviaoaal court and a defence
is entered! ; then motions for examine
tion follow : after which motions for
production come on ; motions 1 strike
out pleadings, and a thousandand one
so -caked services are rendered to delay,
harass and rob the poor wretches who
are by this time fairly in the spider's
web. Then, after a delay of perhaps
a year or two, during which the liti-
gants are being bleed white, Vie case
conies to trial and a decision by
the trial judge is given. Then an ap
peal to the full meet of the division
is in order, which is got rid of to be
followed by • further appeal to the
court of appeal, which, of course, does
not use up the legal machinery for
draining the greenhorns, and dol
vice is given to follow the rase to (et -
there, where, as a Supreme Court of
.nada,• bent judges site to revise
the finding of ( Ontario fudges on On-
tario law though the majority of the
gentlemen who adorn the Supreme
Court bench are neither Ontario men
nor are they specially fitted to adjedi-
eat. on matter. of Ontario law. Bat.
that does not meteor, for the proceed-
ing before LIDS so called Supremo
Court, draws more and more on the
substance of the contending parties,
and so the battle ragas, for to the law-
yers the powder .std hall mate nothing
but every volley adds to their fess.
Finally, ae fir se tai is ass -
Am to the Sten*o Uwe -Maw the Peeple
are ne.po.u►le.
Tsar Swim. Gormapeade. ce.
( ITTAW.A, Aug. l Id. in my last
letter I promised to have • word to my re-
garding the " Electoral Luta." Int as for
• moment accept the old adage that what is
worth doing is worth doing well. Are the
Electoral Luta worth doing . What is
there at stake' la these any einem or pts -
'lability of our work on the lists iLs.Ua
the result owe way or another' 1f there is,
and if we vale our rights to • voice in the
goveromeat of our country it is oar duty to
leave no atone unturned that the desired re-
sult may be accomplished. For sixteen
years you have been figbtisg ea uphill bottle
and tow, when the .amsit :hag been
n early reached, is not the time to falter.
What have you been fighting ageism` Let
u s see. Take the last (mend eleetioo ;
there was arrayed against the Liberal party
all the entluam of the Canadian Pacific; all
the mooey of Me(:re.,ey, Column and
thousands of others who were under oblige -
toms to the Government, either for fat Ora
tracts or protected industries you; had the
unprecedented power the " Old Man,,' Sir
John Macdooald. wielded over the people :
you had the charge of treason and disloyalty
laid against you every time you dared to
, peak cf reciprocity or closer trade relations
with the United States, and you had at:soy -
moment in power who would *maple it
nothing and whom name goes down to his-
tory as
TRI weir coital-cr A,, :RV.ATION
that ever were entrusted with the adminis-
tration of a people, • people who were blind
to their faults : who were bought with their
own stoney. Then is (something more that
contributes to their success : they looked
after the voters' luta ; the Liberal unfr-
taately did not in many oonstitaenoles.
With all these odds against them the Liher.
mads • noble fight. The majoritymight
easily have been overcome had the lbeen
looked after. 1 Sur friends loot heart : they
might believe that what was worth doing
was worth doing well. but they did not amt
up to the principle. It is hardly • wonder,
he.wever, that they sboold grow add rent
when they saw their ewe people eer-
rupted with their own enooey, mosey that
had been bled oat of them in the form of
taxes to be returned to them se
Tlls pewee? Tints N fess.
They tell you the devil is stood to hie own,
and he has looked well alter the Tory party.
but doe't you think they have a mighty
tag iauines• What tvethevoter,9st•• Why
they are one et your easeta. 1)o the farm
you depend epos the plough to prepare the
o il for your crepe ; it is your tool of trade
and must be kept u order to mercantile
pursuits you rely spa your espital Or
credit to keep vets going, and you must not
alba it to run does or you fall to the
greyed. Is the gov ramest of your coun-
try the voters' list is the primary agent ;
it is the basis and groundwork upas which
all your calculations must be worked out
that the desired remelt ay be attained.
Impaired capital is business or dilapidated
implements epos the farm ,niao. Anemia/
rads, • blight to all future prospeeta What
dilapidated implements mesa to the farm -
r, eseal what impaired capital meaty to the
►,eine.. man, so mesas neglected voters'
lista to any political party who leeks 1.
seeing Ao.emt government directing the
affairs of the country.
TRY vOTIMP 5.5050
are now in the hands of the mein', olfiora
Are you satisfied to Whir the result of the
sett general *instil= to go by default. Are
you satisfied with the (I/wormiest that has
for the past 15 year, directed the d.eUsy of
the *ea *ry, and me willing they .bay go
ow for fitte.s years lesser • For • seaest
look at what result eaglet quite resenahiy
be .ptadpst.d as a resell of fifteen twee
yawn of Try rale. During the fift.en
year they have beat is power, they have
lasauaasd year yearly bashes 64 per east
alaem were years of that ..rt et Govern-
ment, hamar the eabdsW.en their pest re-
cord weeld ias.w.es year barasi.* freesia,
3111,3V (._..tamssod .male. in 18531 M -
057,011 Applying thew aMbMes to
the liabilities_ .el tbs Damial�es�,y«r eatiasal
Mb' would be rue ep hem $11,681,(S M
g1116,6G1.317. They will will howeb..
that the mmpw.s�.aai..!!i
have rsssevetl the w further
insaas-4 egenii_rs. th s Is las.
sties sad palate debt will frees this eat be
es the deaselag maks.
5111.T 1550 Ya city. Ti rrsa rascetas
yen in 1878 11 yea may pissed year egd-
asses u Wowed and W party .ad wire
them ..ether eh.. ! Did he mot say that
if • Tory tlev.rumset was returned to pow-
er they west rue the estuary ter the w
.meas .1 tarotsa as that eelteeted hoes
54« by the Liberals. then is power. ($17,-
1,938, sad that the .•tic.•* debit, that
mood at $140,365,069 in 1878, would i. •
few years be redsoed M sae beaked sillies
halms. Have yea say Isere reason fee be
(iwiag what Sir John Thompson tells yes
new Mhos what air Chea Tapper mid yes
is 1878! Jest tab the week of lest seneies
and ase it you ms dbsever is it the least
tease el • desire es tisp.rt et the (:ever. -
mast to oarsail .ap.dtters 1 am sure
yes will sot fid it is the railway sbeidy
ree[atio.s voting away .earl Eve million
dollars u the shops of subs ; aer will
yea And it IS the roeolstiss Totting three
quarters d • million dollars manually ler
the hot Atlaatle Steamship service : nor i.
the proposal to lay • Paced, sable to oasaot
Garda with the Tiji 1.1..d. and Australia
at as seti.•ted est of tens million deltas
and for laying whish the I►ounsios (:overs
most to sew salting for toadies.
Timm I]FAN l.ITI.Ret
may be all tight or they may be all wrsa&
but that is sot the gtlennes we are themes
ire jam now for we are looking fr.vide...
of • desire to est dews exe..nditore sad
oot.ao'at reduaties et our hordes of tax-
ation. The evtdessoe e( eowosly is sot us
the rooards of last semis. There u evi-
donee, however, that with 15 .or. years of
Tory rule; the Demisien, that greed mere -
voice of oosfedrated provtooso would be
bated with barely enough mosey to the
treasury to ergot enesansmts to the ss*mery
of these who were responsible. There is •
remedy is year owe bind. The voters'
lista well laked after will avert this disas-
ictater. What are you to do' Well, aoosrd-
iog to the act passed last se..ioo the pre-
limiary revision must be completed be
Oetobr let sad the fiat reviews by 28
February, 1896. It is important that *very
wooer should at mos see to It that his same
is ° the list.
T0.'La!C4p !sr Sr1•I.Lr
sheuld pet u their applicatsone to the r.
eieing barrister of their electoral district se
soon as posrble. Young mea to receipt of
i0oonms over 11300 per annum and emus of
o wners of real property whom is valued
sufficiently high to give • clear $300 value -
Doe to each claimaat of a vote in respect of
It A voter must be • British abject, not
disqualified by any law of the Destinies
frees voting. In addition to this he meet,
(11 own real estate within hos electoral ea.
trim of the value of more than $300: 121
be • tenant of real property at a rented ex-
ceeding 524 per mama and hays been •
tens: of real property in the Demistou
tor more than a year previous to his appli-
mtica - 131 be • resident in the electoral
diarist and bare bees • random is Case-
d• sad derives an Some therein of more
than 1300 per aasam for mon than one
year previoee to hs application i4) or he
the eon of • real property ower, residiag
with his parents, where the property is of
the value of more then /300 for each person
claiming to be registered in respect thereof.
The preliminary revision Is based os the
muucipal luta go tar as proprietry sed
tenant votsts era ooseerned. Every voter
in these clamor should be found on the town
TO r*CILITAT1 7151 worts
of the revisers, they request that no ap-
plications be trade by these chimes of voters
until alter loth September, when the pre-
limiary revision shall be well advswosd
Sous of property owners and "income"
voters •n required to make application for
registration at each revision, whether they
have been on the lista before or not. Every
one who is entitled to vote should obain a
form and hand in his application to the re-
vising barrister of his district, the sooner
the better. in case of "income- voters It
should be remembered that they register
and vote in the district where they reside,
not where their place of business i.. Now
go to work ; don't let the "Roodtn" have
it all their ewe way. if you were fighting
to protect the title to your farm or to your
store, you world not .trr.odet netd you
had exhausted every effort to secure that
which belooge to you. You have the same
vested rights an the goverome.t of your
country. The corrupt gang who have held
sway for the pat 15 years have been rob-
bing you, and yea doer use the weapons on
your hoods to prsSScs yourself.
The Werk'emir .t /.maser ap.N. 1.
55 . L.esIMy.
I.A.. v 710050.
Saturday last • very pleasant feature for
the members of the Lawn Tanis Club was
started, viz , • tournament dire. ('•eros
invited the members to play the first of the
Brun a her besatitul grounds, " The
Maples," where • good aftersom's apart
w ee indulged in by the players. Some of
the oetesfawere very cies. •lid •zcitmog, es-
pecially those between the Misses Elwood
and Grate Cameros, and between Messrs
Bird and ('atmos. In the latter event,
whish u unfinished, in ono of the games the
score was ', deem" Mae times, Only two
of the 'vats that were started have bee
finished, and the amassment is that the
00utestante who have not dei•h'd their sets
will play and 6nleb town next Saturday o0
the mowed' of the Misses \•Fal. A
reaherobe lunch was .applied by tot' ladies
said was very much 0111..7e1:1 by beth spec.
*tore and players The moor' so far is se
follow' in both finished ad snlniehd
events Mir Elwood beat Suss
G. Cameros, 10 to 8, 6 to 4 ; Mies
Middling" hat Miss R. N•ttel, 6 to 1. se -
finished : Mise Cameras beat Mrs Nalte I
6 to 3, unfinished : Miss Lewis and Mem
Hamilton 3 to 3, ■nfiaiebd ; Mr. Holmes
bat Mr. !Ashy 6 to 2, 6 to 0; Mr. Bird
and Mr. Cameros R to 6, 7 to 9, ead.imhad;
Mr. Armstrong best Mr. imokwood, 6 to 4,
Four 'nanh.rs of the taw* Tees Slob
west to i Lyth en Wedsesday te play • re-
turn snatch with the Rlyto .1.b.
550555 LI_
The baseball match with (listen whish
was to have takes place on Tuesday attr-
moaa mould sot he played es •ee«wt of rad.,
altk..ek the Climes el.Amadetheir appear
The F.an Ked wore evid.sth not d. it
with the Jamey hove. and tinier Two a
Friday het beteg defeated by • seers .f 23
5o 6.
On Frilly the Greed Trs*k Railway en -
see bevies
viea great smarties 1.
sae •
h n haeshall deb from 141114011ihe legal slab hese.
Today tie laes.em .h► of Osd(srleh
are ping M ply the Mlts5ell ds, wh.
are .emir y es as Guarder fres Kimbell
am thee deg.
fiat s ressihSINy of Ile LepteWha by
This Oeesromo
Wasstavfua, Ass. 111 -The week .ltd
.d lett the tariff hill imaging in mW ale,
What Ine eondttloe will be by the lista the
presoak week is elided the tows m.ogulae
pelit*laa w1l not predict Then le •
strong bope that the tfm* for .cttow has
arrived and that she long stemml. s .beet
to orae. The situation has become clear
t0 a oertalu .ileal, for it le n0 longer •
gaestfuu of ehri a between the Semi bill
and tbe Wilson bill, but between the
Sonate bill and she McKt•ky L...
At the conference of the l'usrrvattHee
and the steering eummtttee of the Demo -
era* on Saturday 1M opinion was general
that the Hill rssoletion would peso by •
peel majority if • vote le 1.k.0 and it was
believed thee that • vote "maid be resoluta
thio •fterauon. A m.eb.r of the oua-
teraes on the [art of the Sate says that
if the Seale peed the resolution the con-
ferees would o.-n.luly bring w . disagree
lue report aud the Senate would hued that
it had the bill before a wasps,' to Its se-
ttou. Democrats and Nepnblicane sills
now admit that if the bill gots before the
Soweto agaiu it will be defeated.
Th. House in caucus will be urged
take up the Seoai bill and accept it se it
seam to that body sod thus end the strug-
gle. wine of Cue 1/eminent at,thoriti.a on
parliamentary law maintaining that thu
can be done legally although this bill is
now in oonforeme. The action of the
house mucus is therefore fraught with
more Importance to the future of the tariff
No beau'ss of any kind can be dons* to
the Senate until this tangle i. uunveIl 1,
for then appears to he voti enough to
keep the matter before the Senate • car
thin number of boars 04011 day. No pro-
gramme of bosoms has been arranged for
the House Wu week.
It is said by those who ars closest to the
Provident that he will approve any bill
which eomee to him with the sanction of
the House ouut.r.e& His approval might
take the form of permitting it to become
law without ba signstare. but it te not be-
lieved that he will veto 1t 1t is openly
sated by certain Democratic Senators that
if the b411 be retained in the Senate it is
dead. It is fur this teasou that the S.nMe
friends of the immure will u.. their ef-
fur* to got it before the House, feeling
that it this cannot be •scum ed there
u no possibility of tariff by this
The AIIans ladigaaat et Mr M4►Mrt'e 4.-
eartla--Mr. Naddert to Reply.
Ltoxwx, Aug. 13 -The Times publishes
$ column letter from the Allan line S. S.
Co, of Glimpse, to which they state they
are much aggrieved et the .element 05
Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, Canadian
Minister of Maria and Fisheries, so the
Canadian Holm of Commons vu Jan 11
last -to the effect that they, the Allam*,
were helping to throw discredit on the
safety of the St. Lawrence route because
the proposed feet lh.e would hart their
personal interests -they contend. huwevr,
that the outlook fur . 5 1 Atlantic eervice
to Canada is not very bright b.muve of the
preveleuce of iceberg*. disasters in the
St Lawrence. and the absence of local
trade at Halifax and ejuebee.
Mr. Jas Hs.ldart, toe promoter of the
new line, will reply to the Allan. letter.
H. mys he is quite satisfied with the as.
suranc.s ut Sir Charles Hibiort as to the
safety of the St. Lslice route. He
further states his opts° in reply will be
inserted la the pre twus of the l'umpswy.
Ouueek Quebec Crepe
Moxrasaa, 13. -The Stu publishes
crop reports virion part* of the pro-
vince winch' show the outlook throughout
the coon is generally .attsfaetory. The
farm themselves as betug well
ti weather this year for the
most part, is all that could be desired.
The haying is now all over and froth all
amounts it is the heaviest yield 5or some
years and of eye. lent quality. The grain
is dJtngQ well, as arp/ a so the root elope,
e*periaily the potatoes The fruit yield
in e.me emulous will be heavy but in
others it le not ap to the $vera,Ie
Tattler the 1a Minsk )Oaaigrat t...
L.oxpox. Ant 13 -Ther. has been a
large falling off in emigration from the
British Island* thus tar in the present
year. The number of emigrants to the
'United States in the first seven month*
was 76.354 as compered with 144.327 in
the same period last ye .r. Lw than half
the usual another ought homes in British
North America, and slightly fewer have
gone to the Anstraleat•n colonies The
general reenll is that emigrants to all parts
have been 112,140, as against 101,129 to
Na.ledi.s Oa.yte.se Is the Amite.
ST. Jones. N8d., Aug. 13. -The steamer
Grand Lake arrived from Labrador and
brought the American hunting and ex
ploring party. They report other ezplor
Mug parser were north of them. The cap-
tain thinks that the whole Northern Sea is
covered with icebergs rendering Arctic
navigation very dangerous. it reported
that the schooner Princes' Alios with
three of the Brew has been lost.
t►ammy Koalas and Trolley Collide
H•tfnLrox, Aug. 13 -Tbe dummy oughts
on the Hamilton and Dundee railway enl-
Iided with • trolley car at the corner of
Main and James streets yesterday Both
oars reached the crooning .t the same time
and both stopped, but owing to • new
noderstanding both started at the era
time No p.seengen were hart but the
trolley ear was damaged.
(laremas Mtll0.. M Wllllan.
Limnos, Aug. 13. -Thomas Salllvan,
the Australian oarsman. says he is willing
to accept the challenge of Gaudette the
Canadian oarsman, tut eanaot allow
Gaudio* $230 for expenses. He aye he
had to Fay his own way to Ragland and
be thinks 1 Sa.dawr ought to do the same.
Orae le Loeb for W.11eaa
Taoism, Norway, Aug 13. -Captain
Intentness, of the lost ,se•,er Ragavatd
Jul, was de.patelted by the United Sates
eofmatnte ou Aspic 10, .board the Maly
see. wlib provisions and clothing, to eek
Wates Wellman's party and bring tbeen
• nevelt la 0.......
Loxnou, Aug. 11. -A despteb from
Tangier my.. The [•bytes have r Toned
Sotom of the Khalifs' have been killed and
others are &Sag. Several (Models have
baa destroyed The rebels ,s, eresWtg
their own Kaids and defying the Sallee.
e.st..w .yawed t. tas taw ten.
Losses, Aug.18 -The Lai mae.n.y
Prises of Wake seek the Rlb.r.i, .t
Glasgow, 15 man Daegleas, Isla .f
lea retards,. Two de li asivit
Grew were cheesed end tem were .sand j
Frightful Wreck sisd Heteeftiet UM
the Kock Island Resta.
Kamm or the 4 row 5.d rsseeesnss5 Madly
IN..+d. 5.1 w111 M.inowse--iraLe-
ma. r..t., *155 . hent..
Leg, ►seeress Merete
Week .r i.e..a
L iecOLS. Neb.. A_g. 11.-A fearful
wreck, involving the law of twelve lives,
occurred mi the ChieagO, Hook Wand and
Pacific railroad, where it crows on • high
trestle the tracks of the Union Facile and
the Burlington and Missouri River rail-
roads All indications point to trills
wreckers as the mum.
It was hong after daylight before the
hurtling pile .t the seen. of Thursday
niuhls frightful wreek had 18lmes1y
coiled to allow the gruesome work of re-
moving the debris and search for the tri-
tium to begin. The corrected list of dead
and injured s as follows:
IMa•t-l.'. U. Stannard, conductor, St
Jum.'ph, iter.
Ile 1)epsw, engineer, Council Bluffs, 1a
'loam Craig. fireman, Fairbury.
W. G. Ramble, farmer, Jansen or Fair-
bury, N.b,
Joseph Slinger, farmer. Feirbery.
K H. 7.erts*ke. ale.trsetor, Lincoln.
Henry peters, Omaha.
.I. D. Matthews. travelling man, Omaha
Lh 1'. N. Haney, Council Wel., 1a
K H. Morris- travelling mau, Kasen
.t. 8. Ebbe*, insurance agent, Pawns,
(uv, Neb
J. M. Bever, clothier, Pawnee City, Nob
All the above were so badly burned as
to be almost unreougniaabk.
The injured an. -H. C. Foote, J. Mc-
Dowell, A. Aburn, F. T. Soots, C. H.
Cherry. E. H. Bel, Ilea Nelle IE. PIr*.
Johu Rutherford, J. 0. Ls.
None of their Missies are auto...
Col 5'. J. Bill. and Jay McDowell, Fair-
bury. passengers and the brakemen, Harry
Foot. -,were the first to eatncate themselves
from the rear ear. They immediately
stared to work, and batt an hours efforts
the fourteen occupants of the rear coach
were saved. It was heroic work. The
flames were scorching In tbeu intensity,
but those three men struggled bard to ave
their fellow .ufferere,
Harry I'.sote tried to help the esu. but
the fierce denies drove him back. Thrice
be swayed with his brokeu foot and leg to
extend emu.. assistance, but to g0 near the
buruing pile meant ars death.
fired Scott, the express messenger. esu
his sod cried out "Harry, help for Christ's
sake.' "foe brakeurau heard him and
acted Crawling ■p to the burning pile
he canrght Seou jou se the dames cum
meL ed to Ines up bee leg'. bulldog hie
trousers awl einess completely off. His
ba. -k weet.-rnbly injured where the timbers
had fal4e•r npou bas Foote Dulled bin
our. however. and none too soon. Had
help arrived two nominee later he world
have p.rialsed ,u the dames.
As ran es Semi could .peak he .aid,
"Cheers is in there; save him." Altbongb
Foote was an(enng tenure with hu brokeu
lee he returned to the work of rescue.
*aught tale hind of Cherry, the stemsgso
«leo w•• ptaskm d toy the lathe Wahine,
seal almost ttsperltsasss sueast► tar
ettsded Is satrie•usg aim/est as the Genet
eseserwtoed w lap aroma his tale sad
Harry note, the intend that thkrakemea.,
. wie the Misery that e train was
malleiossly wreaked to bits
suety • rail was removed trithe
sad the s•hplatse and • sew lar
fogad in the grounds ser by. It le seed
three mea were ems la the vielleity of the
bridge la the early wrewiat. They tally
with the description a three men oven in
the city during the day who •add they
e we from E&id, Ok., and the .apIolus
was Mooted tom they had • grleoauee
against the Hook Island Company in the
J.east. ss.vsr Tnwetet/ oke Jnam t. w Item
Mer 5.Idivoe OS.Mted.
S•111114.. Aug. IL. -About two inmate
rig.. • young man about 1K )ears of age
giving the same of Frank Hill and chino
tug to follow the codling of a horse trainer
aid jockey, made hs •pperaaoe in use
village of Sombre, outstay of Lsesbtun,
and obtained employment.
He mingled mai sums of the moat re-
spectable people In the esosumamlty and
great attentluu to Mum Jeanette
!fovea. an eatituaW• young girl of 18 year.
He finally proposed marriage sod as the
young lady's reiatives were op posed to her
mowing his sttentium indseel her to
have the ceremony performed secretly.
It now turns out that this marruge was
bogus and was bruaght .hest by meas et
• forged certificate. By thie amass he
ace.•mll1.beh the young girl's fume. The
retells.. of the oirl beam* s..pi.foes and
that?. wet, gsttiag au warm for bis that
w, the Nth that he "ought to .over ap his
crime by soother secret but genets*
tl• se mow committed for trial for forg-
ing a marriage c.rttficate and also for so
ysspttug to serape from the constable who
mad. the arrest Friday morning. Be re
fuses to give any iuformatios as to his tor
mer history or as to where be cams from
Report has it that he has a .11. aid child
living either in the neighborhood of Brant-
ford or Niagara Inform.•tlon me this
putut is awaited by the Injured girl sod
her friends Tbo cam will be investigated
by the .'rows authorities at Saraia
1515 nee N Iseeweee,
Nouwoou, Out. Aug. 11. -list night
the mew will, planing mill a0J eh anal
dour factory, owned and occupied by W
C. Harrison, were destroyed by fire. A
large quantity of lumber and mei of the
machinery was also eonsnueed by the
dames The Sr. started neer the roof,
jars over the malt and door department
sal spread ro rapidly that it was impoe.ible
to ave utytblttg of conaid.rable video
Mr Harr +mu'e large dwelling near the
ml le was saved by the Sr. brigade and
ci.tzene atter • hard fight. 7'be loo u
.-.tinald'at:1115)1) anti the insurance u
.A Milaeholas Marko-as1rMmm's Lase.
KLS'nstte. Ont., A 11. - Fire cow
pletely destroyed the Mayors of Thome.,
11.r, farmer, living hear Blenbeom yeoer
day. t. venter with tarty tons of hay mot
the bulk of this year'. erup. They bad
just commenced thre hint; when a spark
from the.,.g.. uarte.l the tire. Dolor
ane. 011 tans *10o N., ineuraace on euu
For 20 Days we will take 20 cents off every Dollar
from the plain marked Cash Price of every pair of Women's
or Men's, Girls' or Boys' Shoes in our Store ; also off every
Man's Suit in Stock. This means actual loss to as in
many cases, but as our policy is to carry over the smallest
possible amount of Stock from one Season to another,
we make PRICE the moving Factor, and our Customers,
get the Profit as well as the Benefit of what we lose
Our Shoes are bought for Cash from the most Reliable
Manufacturers, and are marked at a smaller margin of
profit than where only Shoes are kept, as with us the ex-
penses of operating are spread over all Departmbnts.
Thus our close -marked
11 Shoes cost you only $ .80 cti,
ft " 1.80 eta,
and so on. Everything marked in plain figures.
Our Men's Clothing in all of this Season's Manufac-
ture. NOT AN OLD SUIT IN STOOK. Compare our
Prices with any other Store in the trade and you will find
a saving of from $1 to $3 a Suit. Then when you deduct
20 per cent. discount, how much greater the saving, how
much greater the advantage of anticipating your wants,
and buying while this sale lasts.
Our close marked $5,85 Suite (other stores get $7 for no better)
will cost you but $4 70
Our 111 35 Suits ($15 elsewhere) coat you only 9 10
The variety is large. We can At almost any figure•