HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-16, Page 3IAIO*OL$ON LD.d.i1e-D11R L u , t aollo, scam isti .eenkstltr w air �aalta► ': 1. )RIOHA BIKT, L D. Q�!�� y u �. Ye/arrea. IHtMIML DK. HUNTIIR. PHYSIOIAI:`.13'~, X6au8diUMeet- ;Hed. tails SHANNO.yrgaas 8HA.NNON, Ifires.-iakldeaL NA emosheen no. aapl. - mar. ILoe.-Residesw Honk et, Schiest LIMISL CAMPION * JOHNSTON, BAKItIS- riON, Q. C. O. gelialsietiMit i CAM lean. • sear 1 IOFTUBS. DANCEY, BARRISTER. / thibeiter, Otmvereacer, ac.. eta to leas at 1. rates. Hamm.'. linea U,.. rate Coltrane Berth Gede.tele Oat. >1Nl41 N. LINO, 3AR&ISTBR, PEW. I:4. for Is MarMrte Coarse of Meets gOoe-Month C.1bi s three 1113 O. BAYS, SOLICITOR, Re. R. (Mee, mew or tenser* Sad Woes . crest .rykone - etelegtwpb sees. Pri- est. Ged1e MEM se Menem mese of tater. enc. tldD / 1 ARROW t PROUDIOOT, BAR- JJf teeters, heentoys, uolldtorie tc.. Bode ich. .1. T. Glarrow. Q.C.. W. Proadtoot. CAMER3, HOLT HOLI/=N, N BarristersasY.lIsn 1a Cb•seerY, tlo uderlck. M. C. Osma ns., Q.C.Q.C.: P. Holt ; Dudley Holmes. J K O. WARD. OONVEYANCS, . ta. Sad e.mmlmi.ser for taking sad m- as't.g retwirthesessi.l bath eedavt4 ea siermmiieta dep.Mdesa es mirth deol•re- skim la eseMag his Me H Wjk Co}grtt Janne, the Owitfir tDi teIsi Mr6 AY raOP wesretnin sad prile eldrWthreats slAsatalawaseei P.O. Leoeilm Rill 1lwaraMiaa. l. // t >EA(.ER. OON ason VEYANCING AMU se d . lhIranianines md oppt..ltarth,'s Hotel if°KEY TO LIND ON MOart:A(cg 1 at es ler ea�..��t..� None demented. C. eestkAOlR. ales epptlte Marna' u.tel, uode- MONEvYgy /1/y0,��L�OAN. -�� g*g1r8,100.00 seamy • Meth) . DANCRY. lead Q.itea• Week, M i sstts Colbers. hotel. Omiertsa. In it V J. T. JLrTsllwL,aal�!I*jalpLUX tAA i D ✓ rsx► nim -oar. wasla,it. eat fiett.mJ4 ea- - 000 TO LOAN. APPLY 70 (iinitt011 MOLT R eol.riJia, (seedie ilea. t1M >►LONEY TO LI D. -A L A K O 11 Al =toast of Private teas far t raminent e sSARROW t PROUDP *11.... fable m erste s.s OO1' MSrtIL..es Mi A/ LIPADOLJYTE, 02NSRAL1•IL.w 1t.e1 same lead sewer a>]wle.t' . Moose Lewd toLewd ss even! Withat the lowest rete et tatere.t Ole►- 6w• slag, 1s • way to Walt aha .arrow.,. OM Irk Sow frost Span, Wain Stull alBeds. 1111Sbaa1. ' Institut*. !'10DRMICH MMOHA7I108' INtrl- '..7 TUTS LLSAARY .&ND RRADl111tt eso , nor. .f lett street and SS M Ohm frees, I to t riga., sad teem 7 to 1111 r.xt. ABOUT 2000 VOL'8 11f LIBRARY. Leading Deify, We kiy ear IlleesirsW )Popsies, M etc., ow P11a. YIN BUMS TIC(!'r, ONLY Meting fres w of Idaearr and Rr>saltlt- V l' -t asirsrlaa, la e ahem sats snivel M eem H. s]UT9. am •TEV SN, ilsoresar•.torte\ j h r• Austisitsisniti. PAptt, 6Osod io urss.e MA8 UUXDRY, AUOTIONILRR Asm1. Loath. tied Latheahne ee sod Pere District utli ted lea. Oa Sales at coded to is toy port of t►. Domer. 11417 JOHN - KNOX. ORMIRAI. ADO- Umber uaUmber tied tend Valuator. o.l.rteb. gat Harter had meeideraW eseerlemsmthe ba rade.u in la • pedals es t.rharw. grit\ mtbfr tt- ell seas enni.as estranged to hiss. Orders lett at Ileitis's Hoteler mut b7 mall in W tilde Ih S srieb P. 0., esteYWad= attended MX Couto A-.Mete.r. cla7tl Dental AInpoun smant. TEETH UTMCTEO WITHOUT PAIN IT ate um tM ETfld�-CB�OBIDE AT DR, E. RICHARDSON'S sent all frAm en& MII/ 11231 11ICI' IIEST-STIKET GODIRIEZ, OMT. ai> lima � ass a�aaaa�� heal{ h right to ereiMmovery te the bude_ eta v ems. wit nip et taint or Map. �N iT �Z+�LORZD>D b s MUM Iowa that sever ahem the es mum. w =lest Ie the � b sesta to rootlet bows. �• Meg • yy smut esemesas. end seemilibed fiM.el.b, the Mosel swat lni Westin meet tat loath 'm M ItIs ~ 1• It'itlemts rs.Nlvelr Sl..w.gems Ma tie y��Idrattimmo .11 the rB. 11.10HARDSOW. lints and moves, . hard Reseb.ry le • very remarkable '!ti w tk..aller. L� - rr�es2111 Yrs Tooker, • "Teaktl2, tee .0 1aa a seas es le . p► 71'nMr Wee. "h. " Loy �' I i��� t �M! itis Is Ilk ated lest a was awe hal**led as swam 11.M all.. asls.k. an tb. 't Mtshss� gay p "P' T112 SIGNAL GOD6itfcf, ONT., TifURHDAT, AUG. 16, 104. 3 AN ESSEX CO. MIRACLE. HOW AN OLD LADY WAS RE(.8AMILD FROM SUVVIRINO. erhOPU T lemur o. • tal.1A11L3 WITiala ADetS» TO TILS ali*ADT Woe (VAIN o. ITIt) ('tt -- WET sense WILLS TILS M1ASI Ur CI'Y Ara AT ■ASD ! teem the Lsamiogtos Pool_ Mrs. Mary Olmstead, a highly respected &tad wen-knewn lady residing south of the village of Wheati.y,a,ght mules from Lenin tagtoa, has beam the subject of an experi- ence that has crested not a little wonder, sad has excited 00 mach oemoteat u the el Malty of the lady's thane that The Post behoves that it will prove of geaaral In threat. I'roeeediaq to the h.odsomte farm resi• deme, we were ushered in to • room where sat the 'reseal old lady. t'po. Inquiry she 'blot -seed w that she was in bar elghtteth year, sal for one of her years she is • pie lure of b.altfi. She ezpr.t.d her readiness to make public the particulars of her suffer tag Sed care, stating that while she did not care to figure prominently in the newepap en, yet if her testimony would relieve others suffering as she had dose,.he would forgo any scruples to the matter. Mhs then related the story of her case ea follows 'A- bout tit years ago 1 sow etncken with sci- atica rheumatism, which first made its &p- pm/thee to my left kmee,but gradually tool{ possession et .11 my Lambe. Within those months after its first appearance 1 was un- able to leave my bed, and day mid might suffered the most excruci.timpede My limbs were swollen to more Dias twins their nat- ural stie,and drawn out ofallnatural shape. My feet were also be. •ly swollen, and my right arm was io the shape of a semi circle. For throe long years 1 suffered tin this Man - e ar, being unable to put a foot to the floor, the only way 1 could move around was by being wheeled in -a chair. My appetite gradually left me until 1 had no desire or relish for food of any kind, and 1 rot very thin its,' weak. During e11 this time I kept doctoring with the medical practitioners of the neighborhoal, sod swallowed gallons of medicine which cost my husband much moony, but I am unable te my that I re. caved any betetit from this medicine My agony kept increasing and my system raw tag weaker, till mann times death would leave been a weloome relief to my suffenngs. After reading in the newspapere about the wrath cures effected by the use of Dr. N"il- i mi Pink P.Ih, 1 decided to try them. My ow to • stubborn one, and it Wm not until I had taken half • dozen boxes of the pills that I begas to feel an improvement. i ccetinned taking the pills. however, and never had • rebase, sod to -day i am as Marty .ad k.nithy as 1 was before the rheumatism came on. 1 •m sow able to knit and sew as fast se any young person, while for Tears my tingesn were as stiff as n eedles 1 owe my gee ,very morels to Dr. Wdliemi Pink 1114, and will always have • good word to toy for them -. )r WilIiant.' Pink fills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr N'illamu' Medicine Co., Brookville, 001., or Scbes.ctady, N. Y., at 50e. • bot, or six boxes for $2 50 Soil °sly in boxes, the wrapper .roared which bears the company's *rade mark. Do not be pereueded to try something .ire. when The *11t tame Prem. The Mrd reference to Richland costume occurs to the Sag. of Magnus F(.re oo , king of Norway, 1093-1103, written by Snorts Starless, who was reared with the children of that mooareb's da.ht.r. Han it is mated that Mager .td his nam on their retard trout • m•raudieg wrpeditim to the west of Scotland "brought with them a great deal of the habits and fashions of clothes of those western parte. They went about the streets with bare legs and had abort kinks and overcloak., and there- fore his men salted him Magnus Barefoot or It•In nl� thirteenth cestury we .osis to have ssmmiiag lige • first ntereew to .opal tartar to the amuses d the church .l Aberdeen. %Vkieh provide that all seeknt..trca are to be mitably .pp•rled, avoiding red, trees sad striped clothing, and timer germane shall not te shorter than the middle of the keg. But it should Maetio.d that the word "taear," which opcare in the 611.m oemtury, in the accounts el the lord high treasurer of Scotland, Sad which was regarded by both Borthwick sad Pink.rto■ ea meanie, tart•&, really iodic•- te.,m pointed cut by tar. Dickson, • fabric of samara ongio, trsisently variant or shot, the warp sod woof being of ceatrseti.g oofors. W. find, however • true referents to tartan in the same aeeoaots in the folow tan/ osstuyr, fore August, 1538, there ap- pears an wary for nl elate of Helmet tor - thrums to he hoist' to the Kiage grana'. these bolm or trews boom evideetly intend - to be worn with "am *short Roland mit," amounted for seder the sante date. fames lin•wares, Bert Hanes .deer deg for gold : =old n et gad Sty. H. burrowed for it until he wee tired mid sten, mod rave it al.. Bat the ..mp needed water, w he sunk for water sed found gold. 1 myself here haatrd 1 bear, but the osly bear i ever saw wee w 1 was rang &-6ekisg There are, I suppose, • million sr se n em at this time seeking MSc. Few will be that will find whet they Tb. nominate= d Abraham iesooln met, i %Mak, • d.libersteplat of • it wee the deliberate pro a 1; memos years there are sleety of who will ,lake fair presidests. 1860 there was may one rasa that de. The retable w el the Bible are Leg to their ewe basinem when weed tem,.s tail oath them into Ugh► (Moos is thrwkiag. sad David is sepm sheep, the gt..t .p..tles me the .p.mtM b permed (lora- Same 1ra- Sam greatest all ward acme. .1 • .f Are had se asibitime hat be WAN • core wl of bar sheep whom .he beardewhomhesitan voice. .err Pe.lh*s.•.•t- A well keews attorney le tr Sty h.. • bright ehrk. . ie Hs Mi that some day bill he • lawyer. One els the attorney entered the Gies sed the mid ' up. B was here to mass. Sr. WON t OM Ito osi ho Mat teas *s Neolorr! Ififoy .b. !may 4.�ll�a�ras.'.d 11, Madam MN y im era, r • 'T^ Yoat hews bssn very �. 1 44. . thai 4.M I t (:Md I Vely Desna Rota :whin r151 lttaaf 1 lebaMbe M Tee 8.iM.t. ab $1 • yaw. HARE ANO HOUND&. All About tie Above ras.es tiagnil name M thera Would yea Ulm to hear &►oat • fam.r outdoor game that boys b tuglaad play? There, w 4. oar aim eeoatey, seek moths the Its own epee= As ewe as the warm, sonny days owns, when the Melds and reeds are dry end firm, "bare end tweeds" le the ery from boyish hpa, ..d young hearts beat high for joy in the sous hue, and hey - Sit feet .invest spurn ahi earth as they }maitre along the highways and orer tM hedge, getting in training for their favor- ite spurt. 11 ie confined principally to schoolboys between the ages of ten end sixteen, thou.tn ufteu toys who do 001 bslony to the school are members of the hunt, .ad eery often, too, the little fellows are the beat runners in the party. The boys dtvide themselves into two parties, each having; its "champion ran nee," and lot. are drawn as to which of these runners shall be the "hare" in the first bunt of the soeam. Afterwards they tau by turn. The rest of the boys .re the "hound.," and the other ch•rcpion is the huntsman, who marshals them to the '40teet . which is usually the school pl.y- gr uradst,ete. the signal for the start,calla them off by a shrill whistle when they get errs MAaa WANK on t 35 w•r.ng scent, and, in f - to master of 'hp, ..nds. The bare is p Tided wits a mega open satchel or ponch slung across new !loth .r, and filled with - to ..f white paper about an inch square, . cavy paper that the wiud Will nut carry away. it is the privi.e'se of the small vs, who are too little to tab part in the hunt to pre• pare the.. bits of 'aper. for • day or tau before a "rnn they h • great fun in pr.lariig "scent,' as the call r. Th. tare is also allowed five meiutes "head start,' end is allowed to house his owe, .three, but is obliged to atter the bits of white paper .t short in reale all along tee way [te -P�es, as they re his tracks for tin Amok . 1uUuw. The fes maims gi en him he usually e yelid. in .#eking tor . me obscute place at which he leaves • little package of y•eilow or bine paler to denote the start- ing point. This may some blucks away ter no a side street or i P et around the eor tier He had his cbo and a free oppor tunny to seek it, s. Pe hounds go within doors till the eve mi rtes are up. Then the huntsman crtn ' t -keep' halloo!" and away they all bus Ltd hither and thither, seeking tall they fin the package of color ed patter, which th y are ouhgdi ei do be- fore they man wart The ender roust cry "Hark' forward!' 1'h/to off they go un the .rent Sometimes 00 I. ng • time is taken up in finding the ata ing poi:.t that the hers makes famous h - , way, and can double on bots Helowe , that is., retrace his way tor • block or t u on the other side of the street Hearing he bits of paper all along. of course), or . round the block. 1f they are an the .. u - ry he probably makes for the woods, in some distance, thea turns back, perhaps, till he finds some leafy tree, p which he climb" and hides himself till the hounds have gone by. Anything to ant them off the track. When th hare has guns far enengh and wishes to Stn especial care must be taken. as, his is seen, the bounds can rash after . im "cross lou" and woe betide him it h is caught' He is no longer champion but hag te giv. up his badge to .11 *AS TO PAT TILL PLPALTT. the Iortnnate catcher, and cannot even be one of the hounds till he has paid a needs forfeit, usually something good to eat if the hon gets successfully boas to the playground the opposite party hes to stead treat . se yon may ito. acihow bard mob strives to win Il is a capital gems when played really according to rules, and £.g- ibh boys think the rates half the sport. Meds. Geld lalelea. The quarts ie taken from the mine, sorted sad tb.n battled to the 'temple' ...bine Here the nn la crashed sand pounded as finer flour. It is thin est through • alnico box that confides quite - silver. As the water earrla the ere over the ' lelek" it is taken np and bold by the inereory and forms an amalgam. The qulekulIver is then placed la a retort and brought to the boiling point The "leiak" =listed of the retort through • tube sed b eellisted in a basin of castor, gad hardly • bat hae been loot, while the gold resales la the retort In the shape of gold demi sad le tow reedy for market Osly &bout fifty per amino of the gold is seved by this . sane aid those who can or hare ore rkk essegb to testify It seed it to the amsitrl11 where ahely-Ave per costes is roved. The P,tn.G'. m.wv.rr. Did you ever soli• that tibia OW bas bar bully frightened why NNW ashen them Nape The ermined Meda end 'al- um .l stem have bums me badly seer= .f late by bs.b., thiart�twyhoa MOW n .f the w Soeseeto tow nib Wales the either day she wsiert es ibegk eke bad bar Ala The Maes aid deed haters has, le eta ZVI HOUSE FLY CAMPAIGN. WAR OUGHT TO BE PROCLAIMED ON EVERY STRAGGLER. The a.., sell weightier Reason. tree Thee at.rderwes rhos of ♦etlw Wer ■eaeewleee ahe.ld la.sgerate *tare R..e.res 1. Deena. With Thu !Peet. 1t seems highly important that every hueseka.ppear thosid realies the neowlty of keeping ems oat of her home. Tully noth- ing s, pthee work they makdowspalet and pictures,(Meetao of things, to may nothing anuuy- es in haunt. tied lightwin- opton our per- sons, they are posittvei, dangerous to have around, .coording to phyeiciaus, who .(- firm that the mamma heats* fiy nen active agent in spreading dteaase. lu order that every housekeeper easy he able to oupe with tine firmer pest, is here reproduced from (Loa/ 1pwa.keentug some &deice on the subjM: Be up sad doing. Be alert. Begin the campaign early In the season. Proclaim war on .tr.ggler that appears. Don't tempt them to coin.. Starve them out See to it dist the table is cleared off the moment th• family ate duos eating. if the meal has to wait for a late comer, cover the table with • square of cbeeiecloth- Leave les crumbs on the dour. 1'ut cooking dishes into soak se soon as through with. 1t keeps the Mies out and helps the dishes. Dunt let the children scatter crumbs when they eat !Hoch. A few cram• snake a n•re meal forte Clea Put tbm prit. age pail a.fir away front the 'bee i"d r as possible. Put as hails into it as puesdbl.. Baru 0r bury all you can. Set an uM colander in the sink, put in it all the accu meeting parings of vegetables, orange end imou peels, eggshells, and let them drain and partly dry. open the dampers of the range and burn part at a nose. If a bit oil sugat or mulwes is spilled, hipe it up quietly. Dou't let the Cm know of it Hone knows, he will dy and tell all the rest. Put in the screens early and don't forget the back door. ' And. finally, if Mies chance MEM how** and then, mak. • business of killing them. Clues doors, biiude and wn,dow., all but one. leave the blind open, curtain up, window closed. See how quickly the flies seek the light. Take a towel doubled in the hand and go after them. Leave not one to tell the tale. If there are many in the room, another way is to leave the win- dow open. Cut a newspaper into strip., leaving a hit to doubts ate+ tack on a stick. With one of these in each i sod gently peened' the flies ottt of tiff- wi*Auw. Flies .lo not like newspapers.. They make too much noise. ('asita Dress for awmter Mornings. The simplicity of this pretty gown for a young miss is what makes it so attractive. • cAerTA 000.5 It 1it particularly adapted to washable ma- terials as it le so easy to launder. The waist is the sates book and front. and the skirt trimming is carried around the bot• Min end up the hilt side. the same se in front, Oingh Chambery, lawn, dim- ity, or batiste, trimmed with embroidery, are very pretty. This style nano • grac.- fel model for dressier frocks of India silks, orepons, or challis. trimmed with lace in- sertion or ribbon The waist may be finished with • belt of the material, or made of lbs trimming. The sleeve -caps may he omitted, or can be made entirely of embroidery, Ll..w.t.r. A bottle of lime water in the hoot.. is • great convenience. To make It, pat about a pound of unelsekd lime In a large bowl; pour over this three gn•ru of boiling water. Lett It stand for tan minutes, ties stir well with • .tick. Mare the bowl In a 000l pleae for eight or ten hoar& At the end of that time pour off the clear water, letting the sediment remain In the bottom of te. bowl. Bottle the clear water and keep in •eonv.niei't pees. A tableepoon• fel of this limew.t.r may be added to a glass of milk to ba gives to • patient with an .cid seomasb. Is ease of barns cover She horsed parts with • elotb wet In lime - water. mow is ayes Owen Plaster. We see plenty of In•treetion• for making eosin plaster cases, bat seldom is a word enation given ati to the rtes of the plaster. If • deep wooed Ifkw • ant is onmpl.tely emend with the plaster, the mentions of the wound cannot reaps and eon..gnently Inlamatioe 5111 set in Slight wounds may be oci eovered, bet Inc • mon serious amt take long narrow strips of the *Met and plats them imam the eat se as to brie* /hm edges together. leaving epees through which the matter .en -•eerie. Wash the wound with water to whitish • drop of embolia said W hems aided. warmed Over Rp•. iI to • fast that eggs that bare been asekd-b.tled- three minutes or lees sen be reboil.d the nest morning, and will tet wily be ir.ek, bat es eat sod palatable es though melted but ones. After .. egg has been hosted arid molal, you retold Welt It till doomsday and it would not get bar& Some property to It resist. the hardeateg treses after it Is en.. Meted. If eoly se iba .s . bo MI rdK Dome will torn aV nor pMflden wens tall the idea sof "wane - Sat Wm 111.1111 bailiff Shea amteti werl..at Cattalos*. This is it This is the new shortening or cooking fat which is so fast taking the place collard. Itis an entirely new food product composed of clarified cotton seed oil and re- fined beef suet. Yon can see that Ili clean, delicate, wholesome, appetizing, and economical --as far superior to lard as the electric light is to the tallow dip. It asks only a fair trial, and a fair trial will convince you of its value. Sold in Std 5 pound pleb, by all grocers toad. only by The N. K. Fa1PMnk CoenpaSy, ffive CARYL'S MODEL CITY. . • um a rt. 1a111tlee Seeded se Slake It • *sere... Desiree Republican in thew times, when the careful busioese man is sitting up at nights wondering how he is going to pay taxes and other current expenses and at the same time mot inue businew,there are others who are "smarting under the grinding heel of the ti rant, monopoly," and chasing the violas. id • "model goveromeot" es outlined by Bellamy In " Looking Heckw.rd,'. end more tally by Immune (Dannelly in he " ('near'. Column." Inst night a meeting of the theorista was held io the auditorium of Mrs. Scott Sax - ton's dramatic school rooms. There were thirty-four present, sexton men and eight- een women. The meeting was held for the purpose of forming • " circle " of the I'eo- plk's Inion. 1'. A. ('aryl, • gentleman with strong lunge, handsome mutton•chop whuk.re,and • flow of language, expluoed in nearly two hours' talk the permeability of • model government and "model city. He proposes to start an with plenty of cash and a cor- poration having 10,000.000 shares at • par value of 3100 per share. These therm are to be put upon the market by • board of mcttar trustees at par value, and when • man or woman buys • Mere he or she at once bsoomes oDe of the controlling stock- holders of the corporation and also becomes eligible to election as • member of the Hoard of Enacting Trustees. N(T L!NTI.LI.T nrrt.'ILtTh . Electione are to occur only once in ten years, however, and the board, to begin with, is to be oompoeed of the founders of the scheme, and • million and a halt of the shares of the oomp•oy ere to be donated to the board of control, for which eooaidera Lion they are to devote the remaiod.r of their lives to the work of the union. A member of the board of Eo&ctimg ft us tem, if he happens to have ass other pro darty than stock in the union, must, before be m• qualify, turn all his earthly posses- sions over to the board. Notwith.t&.diog the plans of the form. dere of the model city and government that everything a to be on • co-operative plan, the r.sieenta of the proposed city are to be grduaded in five classes, ranging from the oomrano laborer, who is te reo.ive 12 per day and eight hours work, to the supreme officers, who are to have titles to be here. after selected, are each to receive $16 per day and to provided with mansions Members of the " l000reble " clam an to native P3 per day and be provided with bones. The enacting truster are to advertise for a tract of lead, ten mike square, and when all offers are in • vote shall be taken to de- cide which State shall he honored with the motel city. AU the funds for building the Sty are to he rsb.d in the meantime, and the weave work of building is to he con- temned os the first day of January, A. D., 1900. Mr. Caryl had used &Lout fifty pages of good legal cap paper, closely typewritten in outlining hes ppl�a.n�a'., employing the Meth of Bellamy and Deanell , after whom he has carefully copied. Re wants to organize local circles of sot more than 100 mob, to be composed as nearly amid as possible, of ones ted woman. A Ct1A!rr0 IOa *(rrwW 1111.D. After having disposed .f the 10,000,000 Ammo( capital Meth several bst,drd mil - lies of ieterest-baring hoeds an to be sold to the greedy epoculat.r, who site up Dighu ohppisg eewpats and who will Gladly pur- chase these ben& whew they are Mooed. Mr. (aryl 54tiitted te his audience of thirty-four that his pnae were gtgoetie, yet le mid they won perfeetly feasible and he could sot see where there would he any trouble meou.t rand in dliring of the cap- ital stook at per, even in Mies kart, times. A few buwdrsd sullies could costly he se- cond, If .sly • few of taw tithe were el. ready hes the crowed Coo, would sten the bell miller by plashing the eau► down to the treasurer, who is, presumably. Mr. Caryl. 8e ranch time was eoswtw.d by the is - rester of the scheme is explaining the detain o1 1.e piens that as orgssh&ties meld set he perfected last sight, mid as other Isomiieg is to be held nest Thursday .ranine Deaver is to be hssored as Wag the first city be wbbk • eirele will he eehMiehed, if Mr. Caryl --male is rain the one he sew hes seder way. Dyspeptics hew di.lason. haedieoll seuria of feed, ,aesnetlpei.e, le eggielles,tieing of eke boort, flbhmes after ontft. Serd.ek Mead 1Nt- r peareassela send 15.5, N Suepiii R8dudlidlls in the FolloIii Goods: A Goo,( 35 -inch Cotton, 10 yards for 40 Cents. A Heavy Sheeting. 36 inches wide, 10 yards far 60 Cent& An Extra Heavy Sheeting. 36 inches* wide, 10 yards for 73 Cents ('hinelle Curtains, $14 for $10.50, =10.00 for 18.00, and 18.00 for 16.00. Ladies' ('apes. 13.00 for $:3.40, 1x.75 for 12.90, $2.90 for 12.00, and $2.25 for $1 50. A lot of Colored Dress Goods about half price, from 8 cents up. Good Colors. 11 short ends of Carpet less than wholesale price. Fast Color Challles at 5 cents. Art Mullins at 5 cents. 500 YARDS OF 121-2 CENT FAST PRINTS FOR lOc. Ladies' Real English Balbriggan Vest, 83c., for 37c. :3 pairs Fast Black Cotton Hone for 25 cents. Ladies New Fall Mantles in stock alroatly, direct from the maker,. New York sty les, No Mantles in the Trade tit like them. Also new Fall Dress (foods. COLBORNE 3311,02., GODERICH. Pheet-I,ac8- CurLtiin_JVar laortse of the County. TO TIIE PEOPLE OF GOBEMCII AND VICINITY . LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I beg to announce that on July Int 1 took possession of the hoot and Shoe Business formerly carried on key Mr. E. Doe -men, well and favorably known to you. Mr. 1 owsi o, after twenty years of service faithfully done, and, i ant pleas.!' to know, favorably acknowledged by the public of this section, has decided to retire from business, and on his retirement I have accepted the responsibility involved in hereafter conducting the trade which his shrewdness in business, general tact and *ecotnmualating manner had succeeded in building up. For the past eighteen years, as many of you are aware, I have been identified with the business, most of the time as sales- man and general assistant, and on that account feel aseureli that I have become so in' touch with the rrebnireUlents of the customers of the establishment, that i shall not only be in • position to retain all former patrons, but be able to draw others in the time to come. • Hoping to receive the hearty co-operation of those who patronized my preieeeasor, and making promise to carry on the busi- ness on the scale straightforward lines that characterized all the deal- ings of Mr. 1)owwt*t., I extend a hearty invitation to the public generally who desire to do business in the Boot and Shoe trate, to call inion Yours very truly, W. SHARMAN,f Jr., t • flaocessoI to E. Doe -Nine (kinsmen, .luly 3, I894. SPRING ECHOES. NOW IN STOCK Parasols and Umbrellas, (the latest). Gloves as usual up to the mark. HOSIERY . Black, White, Cream, Slate, Fawn and Tan Shades in Silk Lisle Thread and Cashmere. SPECIAL VALUE . . . A large range of Trimming Braids, in Silk, Mohair and Angora All widths in Serpentine and Creme Mlilitary-. DRESS GOODS . . . Cashmeres, Henriettas and Whip Cords. Cashmerees in White, Creme, Skye and Cardinal. Leading Shades in Nun's Veilings. DELAINETTES . . In Sprays, Buds, Spots and Stripes. A ull line of Smallwares, includingPearl and Linen But- tons, 2 and 4 boes. In perst s bonder a.11rlted. t P., Gest. M.rwat air teak, M'7.7-1NTRo 1084 Graver and Haberda▪ sher. Choioe Family Groceries The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R.W. RZTNCIMAITEI, atapbe fltemet. aea..lel. STOP AND EXAMINE A M et bks sawn .roans we are sullen at HARD PAN PRi(-IW Harvest Tools IIOlT>m, IIIIKATUId, 10311, SAX= AND !KITT= 110i31. PURE MANILLA AND FLAX BINDER TWINES. T'HII ('R1.t8HI(ATiCD 1W MOINE INO ATUIITIC NEO ENO EACNINENT OILS. BUILDERS' HARDWARE: STOCK DIMPLE tit AMD PRIORS I11011T. DAVISON &vas m. t. CO., .5.IL _ill_ wpa1Nsa. Biib aribe for "The 8I1~--$1 8t 711?