HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-16, Page 1Honesty _
VOL. XLVI. 2478
pay all -t-
You will be an Honest
Ilan or Woman
An lfflt•8(MYUj D.a&.lptloia.
rbc res. les wbe linholw Beisish •,rte•
Sashes. elstealy Osiadaeled Man.
Ural •este.. - eery era Isapes
lag r.we MwIag..
Tea SWIM. SpscW Cenmspondesc.
ItESI IM4 the two British t-olooie.,
"'ape Colney ..d Nate". and the two Afrt-
mu republics, the Transvaal sad the Ureap
Free .ataemenllened a a printout letter
South Afnea has $ Number of British de
peodeecies under the control of the Hag
1 ommtmienee for South Africa. Her
Malsetv'e present ropressntative, Sir Hoary
(,Kn, hold• the deal ethos of t:oveeaor of
('ape Culosy and High l'omemissio.er and
Administrator to Zulu Land. Basuto Lund.
rondo Land, Itschuaaa-land, M..hooa-
lesd. and less. but by so MOMS least, that
great tract of native territory reo•.tly ae-
qu,reJ by the British South Afncs* Corn
pony from the Metabolite in the late war
known es Mandrels lead. British rule es
leads oter a distract eueeehlag from. •
Town to the lsmb.ms Eiger. *earl `2,001
moles North while from East to Wart m
the Northern territory, • diseases of over
1,000 miles of black humanity 1. aomietaly
seder the penned protecueo of the ruses
.1s..k. It r wily when the white or Euro.
pro ppelatioo te compared with the black
tial we realise the fact that the oldest sol-
os, is mill • part of " Darkest Africa." 1n
18V1 titers were sheat 375.000 whites. (or •
tittle over deebl. the population of Toro.•
to what the colored people numbered close
opo 1.200.000, sad Now that Motabel.
Leal with se messing thou•aode of blacks
r added it will wide. the relative propor-
tions •;111 greater, probably *bowleg iv.
,olored to este white perms. Now for
A IgM ngn4kga o!t cart roof.
high-h..led beets wit► blue cloth tape mid tastes on the lief 779 is part 1 94 ped head goer,
•`r. Tletin mq to serve w jurors
( tt Week a•libsd
from • k sad crune N catered ruhave yaageet amid of Phalap Willow*, pomp
• t Auto roruum
rtor or wallas. nuttier, father's er, took oleos from ata faer's residence
butt ..d •a eastern fee- red i sad 24 in port & 424 peewee ere q
nom the -
iamb* .t ►s eztremhos. a. P.mlag Myth la Monday the funeral of the
The tows of ('•pe Tows, I I have serer I oo Morrie et. , tM rem•iw ►eiag aepcetted
yet heard it celled a city i baa, with to sub as to lea monetary.
man ` populeuoo of about •ink ties thou Morrie Andrew Knight and Mie y" the Bolger, of this township, were united
sand. 1)1 theme fifty thous.ed, or more to the holy estate of nrtrentooy ou Widnes -
titan half, are colored. while the forty five day of last week, at the rectory, !Mehra),
thousand whites are made up of Duni) and by Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins
their desoeadante, 'read, es4 then dea Wtugham : Mr. Joh. Helm bruised sad
madams, Eoplisb sad Eeglsh extr.ctoa scratched the palm of his right hand some
and • spiokliug of all European nsuot•h- time ago. Iflood-poaeouiog •et le, and fur
ties. The universal language of the town over two weeks he has had • very painful
end of the oulooy u Dutch, although C. hand, but It is getting along nicely now.
I.sh is the polite and ...theta! tongue and in Wiogbam : A cricket match wee played
mainly spoken in the large Maines. house, is town yesterday, armed vs. eagle meo,
Irak• an.1 Government othcas. There are remitters ea follow*: Benedict* 1st iso
sp•pen published an the colony, tags, 28, 'tool, 73 ; bechelore, let dustup, 78.
about hsit of which number are published to The atter did wt go to bat the aecnnd time
Dinah aaJ k.glsh, the other half in Eug- the one innings played being sufficieot to
lesh eoleiy. There are oo manufacture. to row which side oould win.
speak of. Two match factories and •
lobster canning establishment are the only
industries other than the usual steam bread
sad biscuit business, furoiture menu", m-
tabltahment., waggon shop., brick yards,
brewenee and such Itis usu.l ..macros in -
Brussels About 4 A. a. Thursday obi;
Mrs. Williams gut up to set out some tube
to catch rano water. She slipped in wee '
way and is the fall broke her Dollar bone. t
A physician was called and the old lady is I
getting smog as well as could be expected.
variably found io towns ball the sine of the Sha s .boot esveiny year. of age and to not
menet D lbs wonders teased what g shape
In cool to stand • ab.ke-u of this
the people live by. The 1:over...et rel P
• way workshops sad the docks and shipping
Thad, the int town in Smith Africa, is
ov.r 2C%) yeah old sad in some reverie the
elm arrived, os leading from the Old World
or .lienee,. is ime.sdistely impressed with
tM .des that hs Is ia a pert of the world
where the stook hes lima out back fifty or
• huodred years. A characteristic that is
sedenubly Cepetoatan is the profound in•
difference to progress beyond a cellars
pion'. A great deal of the old Dutch stol-
idity. ; oo•ervatlser, .led general apathy is
sero .41 all sides. la the mon easiest
pun of the town the great a{u•,e old
Botch house with large wiadows filled
with tiny poses of glass, and the wide
'Mese or verandah. •urrouudiag all sides,
tie grape rimes and creepers partly einem-
stag them, resoled yon of tee pictures of
tk. dertie . of last o•otury. There ie but
me rood mein bowsaw thoroughfare, Ad
dinky street, on which the tinecti retail
eM•blisho.este are situated. Thu rose
true the bay upwards towards the moun-
tain terminating at • distant* of ler than
half s mile in a broad splendid avenue of old
mak trees d`L1ag form the earliest days •I
the colony. Ott cam aide of this avenue is
the w rereor's resid=e., • .oen.whai delap•
dated old batch booms, while apposite ere
e very beautiful, well -.id -out add t..teful
ly kap• pace of ground with • m.gnelkent
display of tropical and sub -tropical plants
trade employ • few k.adred Mends, but
Btelet: Mr. A. Tait, of the ire of
be and thea 1 urrer fowadry, made . business
then u nu detr.ad 1 slotted k,ll.d trip on his t/heel w Monday lest. He took
orders for plow pointe, also other castings
lotto,. At present the colony is severely
`t (:rand tte
suffering from an influx of young mea, sd, Parkhill and other places
principally from P: /glaad, who thinking • en route. 1 is • g...4 day's work, consider
fortune s waiting for them behind some 1O1 that be did work at twelve different
counter or w a.m. office stool, have come places enol covered • distance of over 60 6 60
wiles.out, eels to realize when ton len that they
would he mach better even in over-worked Fthel : A very pleasant surprise was
ender tall England. Cep. Town In gone• given the people of Ethel last week when1;
once 1e suffering from the unemployed • rite IMb•n, the highly esteemed pru,cu-
psi of 11 I k
seam, In the iocipe,t stage M yet, but - our pis , is school, quiet y too • trip
bila fur to develop rapidly P•ut and returned on Friday with • win-
now that the
town authorities have called a public "met-
some buds, Mon Mary A. McKay, of Sso
iag and anrted • relief fund, toward, which
about t100 wee subscribed the week.
Cape Town is very
ntkxc or rrii.i.' eir1LD,nws.
°dal.. The ntarraage was solrmuttef at
the Methodist pantomime, Stayser, on Wed-
n esday, 1st test , by Rev. .1. T. Morris.
Sealorth 31rs IK. Smith, of London, '
England, 'urmerly of Seaton h, ism present
The House of Assembly as o.. of the few in town rutting old friends. Many Sea -
edifices that at'ract the attention. It is • 1. chiles will remember 1)r. Smith, who
gee new structure of red brie[ and grey pr.ctm.ed here some nineteen years •go,
stool, situated almost le the centro of the
resoling m North Maio street. He u mow 1
Lowe. A new gest neige u now is courseprarhaiog, with his .00, a London Eng-
land. an4 hr we believe, been very mamma.
of erection. to he finished in about two' fu1. Mrs Smith 'meads to stay in America
years. This Wilding will be a credit to the; several months, vatting relatives and old
colony and • relief to the otherwise unlnter friends.
e•tin` ale us
street. The e great crying Wingham la the hos-test eent et et
Q I 0
Dl' vA1t11un
Ufa of the euooe/..feel Pupils.
er ems .r ..I ems. um desalt .< ruble,
arkeel Leavlag Szaml aitoa These
WIN reseed e ries rennet
Calms.. Raeasealwt.
THE following (r Ow report. of the
Joint hoard of Examiners on the result
of the high school Junior and senior
leaving ezaman
a, and the pass d
honor maculation ezammnauoe..
The ',stuffiest.. of suceeee
ful candidates
will bs sent to the prin.apale of the high
schools and public school inspprtore without
d.lay. In no cam owill the marks be report
03 direct by the deportment to the eandi-
Jatee Candidates who desire to appeal are
requested w was until they here received
their marks before making any protest.
Got.tatnt-Junior leaving N. Beni., P.
O Buohan, A. M. Clark, A. C'umnings,
Alez. lhw
.oy, A. Ferguson, B. 11. Guest,
C. . Hawkins, A. S. U.bowefl, J. McLean,
t Reg, B. Rusk, Bell Sitters, C. Spruni,
A. E Wesiberwl. Senior least eg z;. ,1
Hell, A V. Jackal'. M. V. Letourdl. C. A.
Russell, i'. H. Tom. Mat.riculatian-k
Sheppard, second class honors in English,
French ane
d German ; M. 1. Stne, passel
to I.glieh, French and German,, frat•clas
honors ie Engduh. sec.,odue -clao Fr.ach
aid German ; H. C. Strang, pE
pleased in ag-
h, French .red Germao, se000d-cla
honors in English, Frenek and German.
1:. A. Durnia, son of ('has. Dorton, of
Rest WAwanash, who wrote at Colling-
wood, paroled the junior leaving summation
('t.t.roN.-.Icoior leaving -('. Bielby. E.
Ii Cooper, M Doherty, M. A. lien:an, H.
Fair, E. Hitch, T. Jarrott, 1. Joho•tooe,lt.
A. McKenzie, II. "larch, 1'. Ross, Emily
Turner, L Whitely. Mentor Irving --W.
McKay. (..'Mrs
cKtanoo, E. The,bald. Ma-
triculation -W. E. Coad, passed in physics
J. C. Lindsay, passed in French grammar
W. M. Martin, wooed clam honors in Eng
uh, first clam honors in classics ; W. J.
McLean, second class honors in classics ;
W..1. Scott, passel in Latin ; FFreed"Turn-
bull• passed in Latin authors and Frea
Saw rutin. -111010r leaving - -1. W. Brett,
T. H. Brownlee, T. Doig, A. Glass, A.I:rwy,
W. Hill,R. Hi11,A H•yea.W, Killoran, W.
Nolahr, .1. Morri.w,U. McDonald, A.Mc•
Kealy, I. Kichardso.. Matriculatioa-l.
Heeg. peed in Latin and physis : C.
Wills, passed in history and geography,
mathematics, French, first-class honors is
atheathice, second clue honors in hiet-
ry and •eography, Senior leaving -H.
Brooks, 0. Clarkson, W. Turnbull. A. Mc•
. regor.
Kitt. -a Kee Ye -.Junior leaving E. nate
t. S. (;lass, G. H. McDonald, W. Mc-
Rlb•aney, J. McKenzie, C. M.Kin.on, .1.
McLeod, J. Merritt. E. M. Robertson, F.
Ross, W. J. Smith. Matriculation-H.os
.00mbe, s.00n
ad -clan honors in Froelich
and German ; A. Swan, second class honors
es German ; J..1. Gordon, punted in French
and German.
The following table show, the number
centresbo wrote as the three centres to this
county, and the number who passed
I:oderich. Clinton. Sealortb.
% rote -
Junior Leaving 37 25 31
Mntneulation.. 5 9 7
Senior leaven. 7 4 8
Primary .... . 55 42 49
104 80 95
Passed -
Junior I.eavieg 15 13 14
Matrieoletioo 3 6 2
Sesior leaving 5 3 4
Primary. . 28 20 25
.mil fa this otherwise contested Just and 1 Kocardl°e en 13 edeedy s
the Klardine
• uh fearful lee town the ear u state of Iia , team he., 'Numbs,. by 1 i. scow/• ; hemi
draiamg and the Recent uncleanliness of as; time, 1.01 i seconds. le view of the sue- .
Aeda A,complicator seed ce.stul teen having o of evil odors everything Ie their t
you .t every tuntome on especially in the favor, knowing the sures thoroughly, the
Malay and native quarters. e prettaon rs t the b.. to hand{. them
of the town situated on • gradual inches
from the bof tae great overhaogag
Table Mount down to the water's edge
would warrant one to eying that no greater
facilities for perfect sol easy drato•ge
could be wished for, but although the sum
the race would prove that the losers, on
antralatral ground, are the faster team of the °ta
two. Kinrdi°e had it,. seconds the bet
e( the deal, and then only won by 1) 1
mooed. The W ingham boys did well.
of about 1."0,000 has been toted for Bloerale While going acres the fields
sanitary purpose, the great .luestioo is on- to vont Mrs. Thoroton one day last weak
solved s to
anMn. John Doman was attacked by • nm
esus ret: rw.mr. to rue 500 [L.:L d badly, but not dangerously mimed. i
Mrs. Thornton beard her calling tor help
The cross correlate and odes in the bay, and me to the rescue, and while tee raini
would, It is thought, throw back all the wpm bunting %Ire Thoroton, Mn Rosman
fever breeding dirt and Imes the city wore Me•/eil to crawl inside the born and tie
off than at present. Ao alternative tothis the door. Nn. Thoroton walked back•
wards and gradually approached the baro
system is a sewerage farm, but thsa.looked and climbed is through • window. Mrs.
upon by Somme ear:seers as impracticable, a loam. .as earned home sad it will be
there the atter stands, and hes steed for some weeks before she can leave her room.
some years, while typhoid claire inl yearly forte Master Lloyd Bodging, son
oa of the Inking/iota. The surrouod-
ga of the town are picturesquely beautiful
yes • degree of grandeur u given by the
oilman dominating mountains. neieg
nearly 4,000 feat almost abruptly from the
back of the town, while tM pretty, more
modern suburbs. l'Iareraoet, Roodeh000h
and Wynberg, almost buried amidst vege-
tatiof tropical luxuriame, dank the
there side of the valley around the foot
Table Mount. TM marvelous blue of
be sky and .the darslieg foam of the loo`
treech of pretty beach. put . spirit of
gracefulness and teedernese into the scene,oo
leave impreeste upno the mind nkat
peen of travel to elder and more favored
reds coo sot ethos. ll. F Mil'.
sad :lowers. One of the very striking pe• nu
eliaritou of Cape Town is the cosmopoli- e
tee aetsre of the populates. le the first to
place the prudes deem color is 'Amy, but a
"nod obeli. 1$ ea mums black can be
varsl. We Mone a domes different tribal
°r mums of blacks repressuted in the
strewn a we Ives along, each slight!y d&Fer•
net from the other is shade or shies of .so
debor, or mat •ppenranmsT rlragay/ mad e(
Leese or want of dress ' black t
F paw into brown sod aU the cholas grad- •
stag from black to white. In the brows
kit the greenlet aoh.r aro Malay., who and
coos here, like the Miami go be Ameeralim,
to smite their fort.•., • bombed pomade or
two, and return M their owe ene.mry to live
a se/e .l0ad opulemise the ra-1aerr e( their
fees. __1'a Taws .leas there are 15,1x10
a1 these r*°P'•• PriserisUT .rams.., bebk-
alert. Maters, e.b-drivers, hawkersa.d •"
hiwannen. At the recast ele°tioa ode of
Mer most warmer' compatriots est i. for
the lerisl•t.re, bee by 'Antal msnipalaeies ih
i the part a 0e1"1•48e he was
"Ulm by to` Cameasies. If the ooaaery
paresurheiestly admired to ex emir the
nett of friendlies ley ballet whirr. as Tet, ie et
used to the (kip• Gorski, the Malay
Probably hams wee the sem. They his
certainly are lers
A cCill0t7 PROPL&
Tb► are, el ...n*, Mohammedan, • ed
keep rep call the Meh•meted.m rite and •d
se'es14ew, eves M se ese.mwal religiorr
rlet So mos se any of Mem bemuse well- s e.
W wrhser : The irosoea wont to Palen
Monday and moored first prize in the
hero reel race.
Bree..b : 1. W. Mahout might • trout
is week that measured 13 inches sod
weighed 14 maces
Bal rave: Nearly orrery teas is R.Igr..s
ems a Weyer, and some aro fast hestei.g
Arte with the wheel.
Dresser : Jo. Pm, of Breast.. has mold
e.mfortabr resedmne. toJso. Bray Mr.
y will tike pommies' Sept 1st
Brunei.: Solana' bha.nw, of ()mega,
Me., me mistier this week im Bremer
vicinity. He se a itreeds's of Mrs. S.
Morris : Om day this week Wm. Jerk-
, Ike Iw, pelted • stalk of Egyptian
"'nth 4Q, they Mare • their pilariwame r
ale amid w we head there were found to be
Feeler : Mr. Drew. Tom after visiting
parents here for the past few weeks,
•rtod es his terra trip to British Colum.
w Friday.
Dimmer : We megrat.ln Thee. W.
errs, of i.astowel, formerly of 1r....k,
=Las 311 elm certificate as the re-
it"ell god Moa- -metes should make 300
/4'16". 1►y wav of arralbar sol the Kest:est ey Med dad tom the soiety :1`
rd Mi V from
ill l encs tear., . Is sem to be Isei•e Ocovert M Christd•a'ty is the fifteen
'mead Malays is Caps Tows. 1. the N
(usrter of N -
o tows msimily•.i d by w
head a fearfully dieg.eWg .MM d dirt sad
e was nista The worms drag w
owhg. MN dd y
.tsrsd drama
MiW, the test mak re rgh sed heed mill ar Mt
• pul
lift• silk bedinr.kiges of amber, res
es(►aL, Mee err mire seder that will
rr1 i•tinlet w use `eau, she foot M.
Me /mistime luso work
stn• w
1 whir Asap ) y r ails.
bMIUy remov.es
sempleet. • pk tenger . m.W r'•pm
j. 445140
ed frets
H.04 ag and ♦avm/saids., M'
awn le se Isar side _ A 'MeshMAL
1. l,,,w by
g bs Ileof sir.* metesses, oa
Dnieper A wake• known se the .pat -
adder, wan killed i. Bruder ewrMry
8..day. Lea Roster W preserved
makable is .ioobl
le .
(le.rth H d
Beam. who for e.er
es hem been employed in The go
left as Tuesday rot for Port Rotes.
bn mired ehe bee rod empleysesst.
Rymer Ree. k W. Hut received •
n ry
severe blew ever the left Aley mg of the
breathy while n the .bines is
Trimble Meir eta" Chereb, ea Nesdsy
Rr'W ser : Last week i q $matt geld the
Wes hew seg Jolts .t JeForme by
.•side., for X350. James Oliver wee the
p.r.ser ..d going to Ymprave end re-
lies plass
Moen peked J be.lbMIL T .ee
Meth' M
4 fhainn W rawly (bream holidays 1
r be d4 Arm) Y burled u pwoleee
tw• teelelM •14111411•44egt mriel
"'ere egek
t'''ale. rwmit. W lei ,rw sur
of Rev. Mr. Hodgins of this town, who
took the highest number of marks among
those who wrote on the Public Scheel Es-
trus* Examination .t Seefortb, had just
reached kis 12th birthday the week before
the examination was held. It is all the
mon aredit•ble to him from the tact that
be bad not yet reached the bead master's
room, and was the only one who wrote trent
Mir Watson's room, reading up the extra
subjects at home. His teacher is naturally
proud of his high standing on the list, big
take befog 597 instead of 579, as reported.
Rluevale :-Another of Notes'. young ren
hes made • mark for himself in Uaole Sam's
dominion, is the person of Thomas Kim,
D. V. S., esu M the lase Domes King, of
this place. After teaching is thr country
for some years be grsdt•ted from Termite
Veterinary College, practised his pro "--
for a time .t B.Ir.eet, 0.tsrio, ad them
removed to the city of Kenton, Ohio, where,
ewjoiatly witb his praetis, be took up the
• Cady of mediciee. A few .teethe • ,o he
removed to Ciaeion•ti, is which cit he
has keen appointed Ent professor tithe
theory and prairies of velarielery -ileise
at Ohio Veterinary Gallego The salmi
attached is $6,000 per $spam. Mr. Kit;
quite • young are, Misr sot ye. b
c•n d •g•, but plr•:it •ed ability. maw
bided, are sometimes rewarded eves as eorly
g rshood.
• ammeter NOW la
To the filter of Tet S1unAL : Dena
8i,,- -With retard to the propred Seamier
hotel is (.odensh,paroit sus to make $ few
remarks. I have tor yeah told the people
al God.rioh that it ma above W
o.ly eut•rpries they mould embark
is, that was sere to bring ia a
proper retmra for their outlay, its very
asters being to brims imported capital to
the tows freer all over the osetisset• Lot
sees of my friends imyi.e ler • weereat
that It will be say sppeeitis• M Ise ; es the
eestrsry, 1 should lei epos hese 'rideable
agiseaams, ad were I i.a.oially able meld
.•eribste to ite WoaMkt°erwe, for kit the
w sr.pweet be whir is eray, I gees egresie
it swell knee • Ise of valuable mist es any
mill i titlark that all will dolt thea I
have dose mem tkm any ether }sew be
wake Odetd amid its weigh borkos4 well
teem s • mese dssrt ble leeaiity for 8e. -
veer vldMra The Pabst Pars Is mem pr-
ime nitwit see of the besiege muses•r de
hes exprles..d Mese he epnseg, twenty.
tae years vin. having assets .see oder itis
✓ eef rhe ham yi e.ised It sir yeah in
e.uee des. Permit ere, be dere atielo% M
joss more a seggeglies with regards She
. les ler the bows yesot. ems* 1
mesider the reside•ss :pms / er...Its et Dr.
Um the wont .UglbI. r eery my y Mee
. tb. Woes Twls tri,
J, J. ►itagllt
The Pelee sem, Ani 13ebr 1/81.
51 42 45
Public eebeel Le.vlag danmlt•oteea.
Sienna pupils wrote en the P.S. Leaving
sz.mia•tios at I/edench, 22 at Exeter, 19
at 1)mngaoaos, sad 6 at %prick. A11 except
lour of these leave secured High School en-
treats certificates.
The certifeaw of the suesesslul candi-
dates will be gest to the teachers as soon as
they are received from the Educational De-
The result is as follows
The highest mark obtaaeted in *soh sub -
fint of the P. 8. Inavi.g eiaminatioa ie se
ollows :
Rediae -Nina Lockhart, 5 S. No. 12
W. Ww.ish.
Drawing Book Vaetta Boum, (*red'
toe P. 8.
Draw* Paper Mary Maw, No 11,
Book-keeping Books -.".and N. McIar
as, No. 6. Colborne
Beekkespiag Paper Jennie Kirk, Nile
Bookkeeping Paper Sarah McKnight,
Nile P. S.
R.glkth Grts..ar - Arthur Ramsay,
[refer P. R.
Ragliek Literature Venetia Roses,
(''edits. P. 8.
Knglw (.ampertlen Vlmette 11.4.,
Creditle. P. R.
Hillery -Arthur Railway, Elmer P. S.
43eosrapky-Fred Re•rised, No. 2, CTs.
Arlbelwia .d Mensmtssti°. - Albert
Whyrd, DI y.sas P. &
Algekrt sed Reel -Albert Why.rd,
1).egesses P 4.
Physiology and Temperance-- Russell
Rieke, grater P. R.
no.raw e.
7nsslagbam, Lessem, No. 1 As►Ileld
Gerdes. lam, No 11 Ashfield
Yaw• Mary D.
Allis, Ni.hels, N.. 8 Colberes
Mere. Prank, No. 5 Rollet
IMPbms, David. No. 3 Celh.rw•
lfenr, Finset*, Candie.. P. &
I tense d, Fred, No. 2 Ueb.rse
Wuu..., "
Inti .11. Imiterltwap P.•8
Sagater. Mbar. N
Make. Ant., No. 9 Astdsld 723
Elliott, Edith, Nib P. B. 621
Kirk, Jessie, " 616
McKnight, Sara „ 698
M•Uoagb, May, IM.gaaooa P. 5. 896
(Gib, Myles, No. 12 W. Wawanarb 613
Ru_kie, Boden, No. 5 A•hield 638
[akin 0.
Torream, John, Zurich P. S. 6215
Lane, John J., S. S. No. la,
Rutherford, Wm. 8enaet P. 8.
Notes., Gee.
Tbmp.oa, Samuel, Belfast P. 8.
Hackett, Walter L ••
McCrory, Camila, S. 8. No. Ib.
W , Albert, " " 917 W. woo -Amnon.
Lied Of Neressrul Paptb-Mink s.a..t C.
leasee Rameine/twa.
In this division then were 224 oatodldatee.
102 wrote at t:uderioh, 56 of wboto passed.
51 " Easter, 30
37 •' Duagannon,18 "
34 " isrish. 23 " • "
The h rhest member of marks et
snob of the Metres was es follows
Ethel Rhyme, I:oderioh M. S. .630
Tomer Swami, 8 S. Ne. 1, L.hetse....P09
Etta Bowers, Dagannon P. S 576
Daniel Weber, Dashwood 1'. 8. 543
The highest mark taken is each subjoin
of the ezaminauon is given below :
Beading- -Olive Walker, ('entralia, P S. 46
1)- wlnr Book - Rahy Cattle and .lean
Dickson, Godericb M.J., and Louisa
.('ern, No. 7. Usborne. 24
I)rewtog papgtt--E. L•crett, Exeter I'.'. ftobertied Kiehard, •• •• b„ o 541
Ryan, Mary Nd. P. 8.
Campbell, Jake, Nile P. S.
Kirk, W Ula. Nils P. 8.Earnest.Duane, Earnest. 8. 8. No. .3
Taylor, Julia, S. 8. No. 4
Met:etre, Augustine. Separate School
Yuan 0.
Bean, tiara, S. S. No. 11, Stephen,
Bell, Helen, •• 6, Hay,
Bell, Mate, ••
Caiele, learnt, S. 8. No. 14, Hey,
Deters, Julia, '•
Johnston, Maggie. " " "
l'bomeoo, Hannah, S• ••
Drysdale, Ralph, P. S.
Howard, .lame, '• •'
Doan, Minnie, Zurich P. S.
Hem, Andrew, •• ••
Kibler, Tillie, a• ••
Steinbach, Garnet '• ••
Bochaa, Norman, " " 465
Galbraith, Maggie, S. S. No. 6, Hallett 422
Geiger. Samuel, " " 4, Hey, 511
Hartleib, Daniel, Daellwoed P. 1L 518
Weber, I)saiel, " es 543
Kaia, Andrew, S. S. No 7, I$Mele7 473
467 Newel Notes flrom Wltahington
and Geo taws, Belfast P 23 Wild,Flor.,
Rretoer, 1Rtlla,
1Vnung Dealt-Lomelie)fat►, No. 6,
C:odeneh Township.
Writing .'aper --lithe Knox, No. 9, Mul-
lett. 23
(Irthueraphy --Alma Brooks, Exeter P.S.
Teens Swan, No 1, Usboroe. 35
Literature -Lucy Howell, I:odenohM M. 84
Aritbmettc---Teens Swan, No. 1 1'u -
borne, Frank SS•onby, Dungannon P.S. 102
Grammar- Ethel Rhyme, Godertch M.S. 80
(sograpby- " " •• •• 67
Composition -"- .. .. 4•78
History --Lucy Howell, 1;oderich M S. 72
Physiology and Temperance -Effie Knox
No. 9, Hullett. 76
The lot of socceefni oaadidate with
arks is given ►clow
... I.axl• ■.
All, M.y, Goderieh Model School
Colborne, Gwendolfoe, I:oderieh M. S.
Colborne, Louie, 1.oderich Model tiabool
Dickson, Jeanette, "
Dunlop, May,
Farr, Mabel, ••
Cues', Edna, '• 64
Hillier, Birdie, " ,y •• ••
Howell, Lucy, •• ••
Hensler. Mabel, •S
Mclb•ld, Annie, ••
clear, Nellie,McCaughan, Effie.
McCaughan, Raby,
Murray, Maud,
Neftel, Ethel,
Roberoo Omsk*
Ethel Rhyme
Stowe, Flo,
Wiggins, Ruth,
SIU, Chs.
Clot. Harry,
Carrie, John,
Edward, Wesley,
Kirkbride, Chas.on
Roberts, Harry.
Strtetm, Stewart,
Straiten, I)o.glea.
tlonaett, Alfred, S.S. No. 1
Deane, Lizzie, Kingsbridge Sop. School, 465
Sullivan, Gertie, ta a. 435
Keefe, Mary, •• S• •e 466
Murphy, William. _ « w N 452
Dennis,altom, ennis, Ii so e 435
Dolan, Minnie, Kiotail P. dl. 506
McGregor, Murdock, 411•r 488
McKenzie, Frank, S. S. No. 15 443son4403
Mathews, Wm., '• 5
25 Horn, Agnes,
cOLDOR , a.
Bark well, Stolle,
Gallagher, Letts,
McHerdy. Jennie,
Gledhill, Harry,
Mohriag, Wm,
Allen, Fanny,
Kerr, Willie,
Hones, Horace,
S. S. No. 1
S. S. No. 2
S. 8. No.8
44 44
8. 8. No. 9
uOsalleI, TT.
8. 8 No••1
S. 8. No. 2
44 44
S. 8, No.
8. S. No. 6
er 44
; reset, ida,
Church, Norman,
N oisome, Andrew,
Sturdy, Demos,
Torture, Jobs A ,
Melded', LetUs,
Edward, Oliver,
wrT waw•mpa..
Johnston. Jas. H. 8 8. No. 2
CI•rk, Goo. B., 8. A Ne. 4
Knox, EAe, 8. S. No. 9, Hallett,
Carling, Eva,
Creech, Pala•,
Kamm, Edward.
► Gregory,,ChSas..
H .
Heetoo, Lilly,
Jones, Amy,
Kia..*, Ni.a,
Methuen', Annie,
Newts., toe,
Rem. Warren,
Sgaden, May.
Went set, Wellimgte.,
White, Via,
ExeterP. S.
Dews, Dim, 8. 8. No. 1,
Homes, Mand,
MoTaapre, Albert, ••
Duan, ess* ••
Deeps, Marmot. 8. 8. Na 3
McDerd Iiia, SC 8. No. 6,
Her., Lesko, 8. 8. Nu 7,
Merry, Themes, A X Ne. 12,
mere me.
Abbott, lda, & R NM 1,
Sett, neb.lbgrt, '
Hawke. Cave., "
Walker, Mambo, "
Walker, Olive, ••
Demi'', L.oui.s, 8. 8. Na 3,
Pasha& Notre, 8. K Ne. 3,
8herrist, Della, 8 S. No 10,
sem. mew
Merv"., asrelia, 8 ,8., Ne. 6
eerers. .!!scene, T. R.
Ifratie51Wikk. A_so_Ll.
The certificates
dates wall be sent
tribu Lion.
N N "
w •s 8sphen 431
" " 3, Hay, 474
of the successful condi•s
to their teachere for d•
Wady Isms free the Lake •.d !Iver
-Arrived end imparted.
Boating was pretty busy during the peat
Str. tembrts was in on t%eltsday,bouod
The lifeboat house Is rooming a coat of
The steam launch, Jennie Land, called
here Monday afternoon.
The Sophie left on Monday evening for
Brim Inlet to lead pulp wool for Sandusky,
Str. Empire was in on Saturday, bound
up, and took on one car of salt and two of
Lorne Green has been appointed water
boy for the crib ma° and commenced work
Schr. Carter arrived on Tuesday front
Thermion with 230,000 feet of lumber for
N. Dynett.
Senr.Todman left oo Monday evening for
Golden ra1Ly to take a carp of cordwood
for Detroit.
Angus Mclvor u building a scow for
oerrytng stone to the piers. She a called
the Lady M.
Schr. Cornet, from Kincardine, ran in
here lest Friday, light. She is sister ship to
the Pinafore.
Sohr. John Jewett, bound from Lake
Erie to Kincardine with • load of coal, nn
in bare Saturday evening.
Behr. hems arrived on Saturday from
(leveled watt' 680 toes of cote-- 246 for
Lee and the remainder for the Waterworks
The mast of the steam hoist fell one day
lest week. Although s 1 men were
working near it, fortunately .o one was ia.
Capt.. Pretty has built a ine tow barge for
carrying stone from the river bed to the
(tribe. She is called the lady B.. and is do-
ing excellent work iia removing the stones
and making the cbannol deeper for row
S<tr. Camhrs was in on Fnday,bouod up,
and took oo nee and • half oars of flour and
other freight and • number of passenger?.
She had • full load of passengers. She had
fourteen new bertha put in while at 14.
Steam barge W. 11 Halls arrived on Sun•
day from Port Arthur with 28,300 bushels
of wheat for We 'Big Mill. She unloaded
on Mo°dhy and left oo Tuesday for (leve -
land to take on a carp of Dote for Port
While helping to unload the Hells on
Monday lest, John Sheehan managed to get
into the wheat wear the leg of the elevator.
But for the timely assistance of some of the
men John might have been out of sight by
this time.
While Jack Broder, the impostor of the
cribwork was man examining trip in his
canoe lest Monday he must have thought
that the bottom needed inspecting, and up-
set his cans and went down. The report
isn't out yet.
While unloading the eel from the hold
of the aehr. Imams, me of tte.en who were
wheeling the ooal away *lipped and fell down
the hatchway. ft is • woofer that lie s -
sped without minims injuries se then were
several Io'ga bueketa down Mon being till-
On Monday lest while A. Rook was paint-
ing the roof of the lifeboat house he made
an unpremedintod descent, and not look'./
when he ms going broorkt up tamer sod -
direly beside • mai. The red plat followed
suit, and landed wthssai a breeas and die -
leered the suit of dist its. for life.
Mw M •m • e Regie Sb/ ' visas,..
Seed D " AraHe►t " Soap wrappers
bearing the word. (" Why Dos • Wei.*.
Look (H4 Sonsor Than • Man ") to Lever
Ree., Ltd.. 43 Yeott-nt Toronto. aid you
will receive by poet • pretty picture, tree
freer advertising, and well win ,h fraou.g.
Thiel is an may way to deomaie your home
The soap is the beet is the market a.d it
will only meet 1e. ssstage to send in the
wrappers, i1 yes Isom the ends epee.
Write year magas ewhU,. 1 y
•s sow gal party has been a United M
jp A y may, added the UeiMd
Aoae of Assm0M. Th. ptwlaoters 4,.
strong adverse= of free sliver Mire sad
Government eeMrol of rallw•y mid tele-
graph dove.
Mb riorea a Ostrow deugb/w et
George Y. Ostrom, • Mew Helot sbe11A
ive .ilea ogee of Be01srY1., eeseoyNgd
wields Asir 104 . tr.gd ee w bales merry gang
MA with lama eh* w4p la loft
Tte Tariff west Ma Es Maater ■ab.ae's
Lead Deal clamp Selldsi.g rases
ser. -*elders t eae7's • 1..
da.irtala' streak -Ip.
Tim Stamm. correspondence.
WASHINGTON, Au:;. 1:1 '94. He
would be • wise endo, indeed, who could tell
"where the tared bill is at." 1t ha. been
Mead hack and forth by the contending
and awtlwuag inaersste unul friend and
simony dike is In doubt, not only as to its
proem t status, but as to whether it Is go.
ing to bee,me a law 1n any shape. It has
paired through • crisis of some ked at
least once in every twenty-four hours for
the last four or five days. Once the con -
terser; reached informally • definite agree
meet and thus who know of it went to
sleep believing that the thing was at Tart
settled, but even while the people were
reading the news a the morning papers of
the country the .ext day the agreement
was befog repudiated by the conferees
Siam the conferees do not agree in locating
the living up to this agreement after it was
publicly announced It would be premum-
tuon en your oorreopoedent to attempt to
do rm. But indioations are plentiful to sus-
tain the sharp made lot the Democrats that
ons of the prucip•l difficulties of the party
is that there are influential moment of et
in the House as well as m the Senate who
do not wish • tariff bill passed.
Thu week opens with an apparent deter -
nation to pee or kill the t .riff bill before it
cloves. Senator Hill's resolution iwtruct-
tag the Senate c interest to report a du -
agreement and return the bill for further
action of the Senate is 1n lies with the
washers of the killers, and the Hous Demo-
cratic caucus which advised chncurrence an
all the Semite smwdme.te s as to head off
the feared intention of the Senate to adopt
• motion as mew as the bill is en a proper
parliamentary condition to postpone tie
further conaaderatto° until the next mutton
of Congress represented those who wish to
pee some sort of • bill, Members of the
Hous appear to think the Senate very
much in earnest aim it killing the bill, but
It u more probably merely a find attempt
to scars the Ho•,.. into •cceptinr the
Senate amendments
It is to be hoped that the several tureen -
Rations that the commissioner of labor has
been charmed by Coogrees with nuking, will
be mon productive of information aiul re-
sults than have those by ('oogresional com-
mittees. t bees of the lest provided for is
that to aacertatu the effect of the us of
machinery on labor and wages This isn't
actually a law yet, but • joint reeolutioo
epproprating 410,000 to pay the cost of the
investigation has been adopted by both
branches of Congress, •ad now only awaits
the President's signature.
Ex -senator Mahout", of Virginia, is a very
small man, but he hes a very large temper
and just now he as giving it full swing.
The az .Senator is not se rich .. he was •
few yen ago. Therefore, he was all the
more disappointed when the Hous blue-
penciled the Senate amendment to the
Sundry civet: •ppropraata.n bill for the pur-
chase, at 8250,000, of • piece of ground
owned by him, for the site for • new Gov-
ernment printing office. 1:o. Mahone
bought thiss ground several year* ago solely
to tell to. the Government, and this is the
second time be hae ssmingiy been on the
eve of accomplishing his purpose, only to be
disappointed. However, he doesn't vet
much sympathy in Washington.
The public printer has made public •
e troor appeal to Cougresa for temporary re-
lief for the barge force of people employed in
the Government printing office. Ile pointe
out that it will take several years to erect a
new (.. P. 0 , even *opposing that the
jobbers in real estate will ever let t'o•gr.s.
slat $ site upon which to build it, and
suggests that • building be erected adjoin-
ing the present office to eervo until the new
building shall be built, if it ever as If
Senator Allen's anti -lobbying` bill were •
law there would not be the .lightest diffi-
culty about the selection of $ site for the
much needed mew 1:. P. 0,, but, alas ! it
ise't, and probably never will be.
Sens of the negro ofoe holden have eoe-
pltened to the Civil Service communion of
receiving bulldozing lettere from the Negro
democratic league of which ('. H. J. Taylor,
the Kamm negro who wee made Recorder
of Deeds for the district of Columbia by
President (:levelamd, is president, aiming
for eampaig. omtri►utioue. These letters
are signed by Taylor, or at least they hear
what p.rpnrt. to be hie signature, and sown
iag alter • number of discharges among the
ooero employes of the Government they
have maned • great fright, whish has not
been lessened ►y the reosipe of • letter par -
porting to be signed by toes Faulkner,
asking for funds for the ('oagressional omit -
The past week has brought great ohangee
to the •• Isd..trale " Rath the Coley and
the Frye amps have been broken up by the
ml8kary authorities of Maryland add Vir
the men in the former having been
lad ns vagrants add those in the tatter
were drive. tomo Wshiegto., shame they
are beteg wt to their old bora by raft
Here acres.& tine sus M Mews Na►ae1d--
•e limas be was PTeen.e4 by Ds eed-
fureess-sew se s Tsrus.
Percale -mom m, Aug. 13,-- -1.11* ane .t
RiAsrd Harrison, tae.thued is theme
.slum.. .off week, was a more serious me
than appeared at fleet eight. 0. ams •/-
ai.%.a for mem years with beetael., yo
dirge% remelt d kidney disease. di...e. I. 4..p
weather egaeially his wfwiyi wpm ho-
tness, sad Mgme.tly Drereien l his doing
any work. T. se active wp.eeio mos,
seek an •Nieles was mast grievous rad he
MMd D. 7L well ••WN.dMr+.
kuewe di . wN►w.dra .m C1..,
Do'. Kinsey 1711.. whish
Hr. Renison used ad se sew thoroughly
Re only regrets ghee he did est um
Detild's KMry iii. bete m, for be brew
4W Y he w he would have bees mil kwsg