HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-9, Page 7THE SIGNAL': GODERICH, ONT , THURSDAY, AUG 9, 1894.
Everybody knows, "Putting off till to -morrow what you can do
to -day," is bed policy.
Pio the amnia applies to shoppers, who, TO -DAY, can buy
parasols, Ohallies, Prints, l[uslins, Gloves, Hosiery,
in fact all Summer Goods, CHEAPER HEREn auywhe•re else.
For the next few weeks we will give
Tremendous Big Cuts
in the above-mentioned lines.
Come in and examine, for at the Low Cut Prices you cannot help
but be interested, whether you want to buy or not.
These Goods are not yet out of season, if you have a purchase to
stake, then do it now, and save money.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods at the highest
market price.
a ■ I.tereelas Plia..• et tar a.tba.ta.m r.
lie wheel - Sweat, N d by reds.
Those captious entice who rave &gains
the bicycle hump sad proclaun it is the be
ginning of all sorts of aelemate from cos
gumption to cores should ere their troubled
minds during the hot weather by abando..
ing all ductt.mon of the hump and m alieti
must calves.
No matter how h•adr.e in lace • w6, el
moo may be, set bow fetching in his ezpree-
.t ,u, be hie knee &&caseated he should
twver dos remise r gsm.ntala if he desires to
nems the respect it not devouor of his
young wetness friends.
The oesetit.IMMesl right to entities and
poke Ina w1 ich is enjoyed by the great
American public to the aurora Itmit finds •
keitimote object of attack in their mike.
The thou1htless are apt to lump t, the oleo
aas;,•o that bicycle riders as • rale are more
attee asted them the average calm"
There aro absolutely so crusade for much
a belief. The truth of the matter is that
the average anima is asceetoened to take
se his .tabdacd • pair et °elw that are
pally with fat ar.d flabby from lack of azer-
cue. sal regard them as sts•dards of t auty
and a ossa.
Tie wheelmaa who does not work beyond
all renege has an ideal stair of calves. says •
writer in the New fork Morotag Journal.
ON owns, they apparently lack develop-
meo•, but to fact they are tram &.d hard,
as nature .tended they should be, without
the superfluous fat that grows upon • poor
of lets that are safferisg from an acute •t-
t•ck c d that tared feeling.
There s oo sleeken to the world that is
so beor6, al to the legs as wheeling The
pmfessiottel aid •mates, sprinter@ and long•
orate his loos and faithful service, and in-
scribed uppoono ata pedestal :
Friend more then eetv0at,
Loyal, laithfuh,kesve ;
t 'e11 lege than daps" -
Evea to the geese.
distance reason were long supposed to
sea hep of aa ideal mould, but it bee bet
shown that such exerr&ee to too violent,
even the o•teral limo of contraction
beau, I f y log is passed.
Tie process of reeonetructing class
mens mid I iorcla midi g is simple, harml
sad itraduel. The berieeer, ea • ru
will have • pair of Isggi.ge that from t
knee dome• have about ea many hese
was as are fogad in • dump scow. T
Mat where the o°Ives should bulge out
tine :tee. is tilled with soggy fat. and t
supertfuous turaie ezte.d below the ask
The effect ,of this layer. or chunks of fat,
u to oonceS1 the graceful curves, mid in
heir phos u to be footed an •wk ward, shape.
o,tnetbwg that is enough to scare moo.
Memo s,MSserter.
Many incidents have been given showing
presidents Lintels s ki.dmem ed heart it
pardoning army offenders, is the Uotoo
may, who were coodem°ed to death. The
tollewing a both new and authentic
A prominent public man having an ap-
pointment with Mr Linoola noticed as he
Approached the Executive Marion a for-
klift, middle seed woc.ia° sobbing convul-
sively sear the sett -once. Touched by her
grist, he &eked 1f he would hill her
' i mast ase the preeident,'�she exclaim
. i
d , "and thio men will sot let me go is
My son is to be shot this afternoon fo
desertion. Three Jays 1 Imes been
begging to have a word with the president.weakenThe whole story woo told. Her kos-
hers('r had died so battle. Two sehad &leo
fallen. Her youngest boy had enieted and
had deserted from sheer homesickness. He
had been arrested while os hie way to pay
• rust to ►u mother liede.
had Ir. tried Dad
.e.teoed to death. The execution was to
take place that afternoon wherever his regt-
meet might be.
The poor widow had made • friend who
had the wit to serve bet. He bade her fol-
low him into the Executive Marion end te
watt for him in an mote -room while he was
pleedins her cake. Junking the president
e told bet story
" t1'here is she &liked the preeidst.
„ Behind t0.1 door."
" 1 will see her at oak.-
opening the door he saw the white-faced
widow tremoltei from nervousness mid
Pale Faces
ekow Deplet or
t Blood, poor
nourishwent, everything
bad. They are signs of
the Cream of Cod—llver Oil,
with hypophosphit.es, en—
riches the blood, purtfies the
akin, cures Anaemia, builds
up t he system. Physicians, the
world over, endorse lt.II�'tM Mind by
sew& arm a.fi.ale allAberime, w • a.
The shoe realisable leas .r eiremdiag a
'.e.11.. tet I'...d.
Camp out. It u cheap. It is invigoest-
taq It is pleasant. Tike • co.geai•1
party. • 000k and a cbeting duh. ('hoose •
place ea the shores of • Take or river. All
camping districts abound In Ing cabins and
such primitive detainers. Cheese ooe and
be happy.
Fut wearing apparel, says the New York
%Tortd, you will want as old serge dress,
aw,fort•bly wade •ud short. You w111 live
in it. Tailor made shirt waists, dtaphannus
gauzes, dauty dimities and the like are at •
discount in the wools. Let your trop go
u ncurled. tie uncivilized and you will be
In the morning you •rtes • little after
daybreak, for not to be up at'monk argues
laciness as well as losing one of the rarest
sigh's of the whole 24 hours for the tardy
sleeper A dip in the near by stream in
lieu of the usual morning tun brings you out
as fresh es • daisy and ready for breakfast,
which irnsr.11y consists of fish but • few
hours out of the water, savory bacon, coffee,
potatoes and rolls. After breakfast the
various members of the company make
reads' for their special diversions, some p
(erring long strolls to the exeitement of listi-
ng, where a bite comes almost every other
minute, and still others going off in canoes
and rowboat.
to visit the other camps situ-
ated along the borders of the same sheet of
water. moo o0 time • hunvey horde assembles
o eat &linos, practical!),the sans things as
t breakfast, but the air m so bracing that
esti appei ate. produced thereby never cavil
t the fare, but pronounce it the best in the
e'orld,•ever objecting the least bit to a moa
tony that would soon make them lose their
tempers at home. In the afternoon every-
body sleeps until three o'clock, the ham-
mocks being in particular demand, atter
which more tramps, beating and reading
until tea time, when everyooe gathers
ardour'• gypsy kettle and an old fresco
meal is participated is by all hands - men
making the tea and broiling the fish, the
girls preparing 'penal dainties in the chaf-
ing dish. Them at night, those glorious
trooalit hours when all sit out wider the
trees and sang nr dnft out into the lake in
• bnssfol, restless spirit that carnes you
ex -
and miles away frothe humdrum ex-
tce of city lits
I". ready to break down at the 6rs. word. He
° sti ode acres. the room gad patted her gest -
and 1 on the shoulder.
and I y, What's the matter with you, mother "
b asked to that ample, homely way that
I"7 , was charsctersuc of ham.
see '• (i Mr. President, save my boy save my
'e• boy' You altos can do 1t.
he hen she repeated with moue and sobs
of - her story. The president listened with in. mines sympathy. A few tensors yuestnoes
iO brought out the dew details which she had
he i to give.
la " Your husband was killed in battle'" he
v.s ..
" You have lost
am hitless and drive the lover of the art- ,army
Mfr to a prem0tbre grass '• ,•ss ..
. This is the Qtly mire
After riding • bit the novice will find that
the muscles of 011 .. The osis or."
which u indication
will Nee very eon, •• He mast be pardaaed whatever he may
an imdiostior &lei j
two eons wiready .n the
they 1.v.
•wakened to • realization of the feet that
toy are cumbered with fat and in revolt
Ry old by the foresees will become ism,
sines is • sure sins Chet the angered
meads, have about ooseleded their enooess-
fal attack ea the flabby tissue, tad with the
disappearance of the soramer then will be
am • pair of calves that can be examined
seder • glass without suffering any dimisu-
tie. of their beauty.
Of rnurse nature in dietrtbatise aloes
did sot bless every mother's eon with •
Par of prise wieners, bet all the same an
patine doss of the bicycle will have the
*Sect to isceesate, the pride of their corset,
so matter hew they U.S buil
Blest, akar hetet.
'Nese victoria is report to have said
tat there were two mw is the world whe
tsily eoetraelieted her s.d ester Wailed.
(lh or Mr. (Glasson. ; the other her
retch errant Jobe Brows. Tradition elle.
dem that brews spoke hie mise' eras M
b •roll entreesw , for he w•. boto
kluAt o0e time the Queen was sketching
sear • henuog lodes i. the Highlsads, and
as table could be fouled of the .mast height
:rod. Osie after soother was mat eat M
noservant'erre h edea& espair ea tthh. hare.
Jmo Rouses s Pink g u e more, sad th'ey swaf the the re-
he serried it owl, and set 11
tine, Kho batde betas his royal mi
t�•.n.tteedA ■
"Tbey °MIS make for yon." said the
T 5 Wass begird at the piesis etatewt
ort b i M j (tthhe&t as the
head it
Oae BaleseroL the goose
r day
k " Aad viol is
est %Om you've Beet ea the day's' mid her
"mt. faithful servant
R'°es Alert di■me.v.d Brows hes the
sli ■yea 4 _i-eipting'. gave lam the 0ie eel -
w m'w+•rnet winos* he wee pe -
Ve▪ n▪ t=h ►es eantw d Imdiigem h-
thegreeted oner,imfeH-
heady tad were. ead served with
L▪ imdeiretisa whisk le ttober
d Riplbmd Cell H. ,o.M have
V estimea r• Gera sad a balet
„ _34.4 gem r mid that the Qom,
eel truthful
�pu be b■ ■doll
Weels iI M W
W eel After W death
• '� mwm•d.
is IM d d
w obs bemuse doer M MOM*
have done. 1 ail go at ones to the War De
p.rttnest and see about 1t."
The president found It impossible to as-
certain where the deserter was soder arrest.
The officials told him that 1t would he im-
practicable to obtain information in time to
prevent the execution.
President Lineol■ was • very determined
matt when his heart was set en anything.
" 1 •ball sot he balked by red tape be
ezcla,med. " That boy must tot be *hot. I
shall suspend .11 military ezecutioos for
forty•eiht hours until you as bed out
where the bey u"
A mesterei order was telegraphed to all
army headquarters. All ex.ostote were
stayed. The young deserter was discovered
amd pardoned.
Lincoln had ao wore painful d.ty than
that d sear' the fate of deserters. He
was 0..e sed merciful to • degree that
wee wh..siw of dis.iplise in the opinion
of military mos. Ngo he keew how to be
Had ass area Mare.
A gad jab M Jame Nem Stokes is go.
km the reed. Mr. Stakes was invited to
• party at the private mmese Myles" is Sam
Mateo, •ed awarding to his wont sel.sted
the prettiest mei in the roam as hisp$rtaer,
sad kept up • very •mimetmd oomveteauem
with her. 1a the esus et the meeting he
mid to the dont., : " its you know that
girl in the whits dress with blue spots is •
very curious case' i'ye hese talking to
h er, and 1 sweet for the life of r dismiss"
im what direction her moor' malady Tier.
res mu
Of *ma1 saw .t es elm was rand—saw
It im the odd leek of her eyes. !Sha kept
leaking at mise so oddly. I asked her If As
didn't think elk was Mn (,levelled. or
whether she bad been robbed of • large for-
tune, or jilted by the Prises of Wales, sod
la variant ways tried to led out the saes
of her bm.cy. But 1 soelds't. Rhe w
boo irtfsL"
Very likely." assured the doctor ;
yen see aha ie not • parish ; she is am of
Me ►omsesaida."
Meaewai the pretty hese aid west to
Mr fellow serymse. gad said ' • flay. yes
seem W new pa1..t • He's hew d°ocfmg
with me-♦ Ilse mtmm sad browsed, bet as
mad es a Hsieh hare. He mated me if i
limn% Mt+ O.edad, it i helot hew
robbed of • brie butane. tad whether the
Row of wales Mel wast es marry res
He ie mad. WW s pity, and .soh a Ire
rims aero."--.iemmis Wren.
114a U .-1 have bees Rrrdesk
Need Mears 1*r begs sod skis dk+.em.4•r
I Ind It very geed M a e res, i
MI sure i have .les fwd le
Me. Saari iEimmeser,
s. Mesal, ash.
Ire a worker in any cause that will make
people wiser and better.
Re honest in all your dealing., and 5 btu
that you can respect yourself.
Every thought which geeing and piety
throw Into the world alters the world.
The finest feeling that ever lights • human
face is the contentment of a loving soul.
kindness is the sun elf life. the charm to
captivate and the sword with which to
Human nature is go constituted t bat all see
and fudge better in the &Rein of other men
than in their own.
A tittle plot of ground 1 hick Miro in bet-
ter than • great field which, tor the most
part of 1t, hes fallow.
How soon the mullenium would come if
the good things people intended to do to-
morrow were done today.
What • young man are in the daytime
goes into his pocket, but what he sposds in
the evening goes kite his character.
A Spanish proverb toys : " ire hospitable
always, even to an enemy, the wk does not
refuse its shade to the wood -cutter."
Temperance and labor are the two best
physician of ansa: labor sharpens the appe-
tite, and unperson,' prevents him from in
dulgiog in success.
It is interesting to notice how some minds
seem almost to create themselves, springing
up under every disadvantage. and working
their solitary but irresietoble way through •
thousand °banalea
It r a pleasant thought that durimr the
familiarity of 000.tsst proximity the heart
gathers op in .11ama the .utrim.et of love,
as the dimmsd, eves beneath the water,
imbibes the light which it emits.
If you love others, they will Mys you : if
you .peak kindly tc them, they will mesh
ktedly to you. Love is repaid with have &mel
hatred with hatred. Would you hear sweet
sad pleasant echoes, speak sweetly and
pleasantly yourself.
The color of oar whole life is generally
such u the three or four Bret years it which
we are our owe mestere make it. Then it
1. that we may he said to shape our own
destiny, and to treasure up for ourselves a
aeries of future assesses or disappoint -
What • man bogies to do wrong, h. can
eat ars er for himself how far he may be
carried en. He des sot see beforehand, be
0•mtot know where he will find himself
after the lie 1. oessdtted. Om hies .tap
leads to another ; ems evil 000asiom re-
quires .mother. —
Weet an •sort aaew.
The salary of the average player 1. put
dews by an anima& authority as sr mere
than 51.1100 • seer, germed drier a names
et shout thirty week. la my episioa 1010
le • high serrate, for 11,200 would be sear.
or the nark. Out el this the arse --sad i
use the Mess M Melmdo aim the wears of
the 105(5- messes provide the .fethee wirer
the Fby, wash are elbow very eietly s be
stem nuke • seat appetites*. is the street,
defray hie kaki bllb, pay lest elespise core
w might mesons* (br h ie only is very rare
Ishhnses thee 10. neenpr pays for them)
.ad far the hazer/ of • peeler ..r when he
m*s get it
amiy Amp ewe seelphs, Mae
0 �Ilea
p1ed laws I.. pros. 915
Athlete Cigarettes have me Rivals. tf
The geese el &seised never loges • death
Yeeesharm is • Dutch word toed mesas
Iwo d the pas
Tie Mosavbssuk i. to have had •a is-
depewdant of nn0 in Bohemia is early as
the Math 0est■ry.
In very temNe tames • gold oMla was •
stark el ..tberfte. The t:anla tam die -
immolated their edieer.
Te remove worse d all kinds from *►o-
dor er adults Dr. Low's Woes Syrup is •
sell amid sore remedy. i.
Loader's steam city railroads earn may
$73,000 • mil., while otiose of New Verb
ears 1300,000 • mile per anisaa.
D. Ritchie A Co., manufacturers 0t Ath-
lete Ugerethow Our prod,ouo° Is over
thew quarters d the c.msumptiois of cigar-
e ttes in Cameo.. tf
There re • mystery about the motion of
waders that has never been explained.
They Dave been soca to circle to sad fro in
the sky, halt • day .t • time, noise and de-
e eesdiag without .no. dapping • wiag.
(;mmvtsrsm,—I hav,g aelad your Yellow
(hl and have Used it unequalled for burr,
.pr•me, amide, rbesmatme, croup and
colds. An who nee it reoomatead tt.
2w Mea. Hagar, Montreal, (log
Touch the convex side of • watch glass
upon water so as to kayo • drop bsngiag on
be glees. Pour a little ether into Use con
Dave aide and blow upon It. The rapid
evaporation of the ether will soder the
glass so oold that the drop of water .111 be
The Lord Chamberlain of the household,
who is • distinct personage from the Lord
1 :rat Chamberlain, is an officer of the royal
household, having superintendence ane con-
trol over all the servants employed about
the royal chambers, except those of the bed
Nervous debility is • common complaint
especially among women. The best medi-
al treatment for this disorder is • persist-
ent coupe of Ayer's .iareaparilla to closest
and invigorate the blood. Thu being ac-
complished, nature wilt do the rest.
In the northern pans of Siberia the ttdd
u so intsuse that the earth never thaws to a
greater depth that live or six feet. Bodies
of the dead boned below this remain per
petually frozen. At a depth of 400 feet be.
ow the surface of the earth is still at • tem-
perature of 10 deg. below freezing.
Gold in traa,it across the Atlantic
'sweat," no matter how tightly at may be
packed. It 1e rally sent in stout kegs and
queered to as tight as possible, bat there is
regular allowance for loss by attrition upon
be voyage, anal in the course of years this
nes to the commercial world amounts to •
arra sum.
" ,'art thou minister to • mind diseas-
ed' asks Macbeth. t'ertai°ly, my lord;
the ootdititp of the mind depends largely,
if not solely, on the condition of the atom
ach, liver, and bowels, for all of which
Ayer's Pills are " the aovereigneet thing
on earth."
Lieut. F. Royer, of the French navy, to
avoid collisions, prop.i.ea to introduce at
the top of all fast sailing steamers an elec-
tric light, which will indicate the direction
in which the vessel is steering. So long as
the approaching ship was not in the actual
pencil of light it would be unnecessary for
her to alter her course.
The mean temperature of several Ieadinr
cities is es follow, : Athens, 63 deg , Hos
ton 49, Calcutta 78, Charleston 66, ('osstaa.
tinopk 56, itublin 50, H.vm&78, Jerusalem
63, London 50, Mexico 60, Moscow 41,
Naples 61, Pari. 51, St. Lotus 55, San Fran -
sum 56, 8avasmah, 67, Stockholm, 42,
Waehisgton, 55, /heather 1110
I was attacked severely last Winter with
disrrho••, cramps and colic, and thought 1
was going to he. but fortunately I tried 1)r.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and
mow 1 can thank this excellent remedy for
saving my life. MRs. S. 6ri.1.1i7T,
2w . Minden, Out.
A Philadelphia electrician has d-vued a
plan for electrocuting rata. He laid coils of
copper wire about the hole and made an at.
tachment to the electric light wires within
the building, supplying • key to tura on the
current. A watch was kept on the hole,
and when • dozen rats were playing about
the yard the key was turned. As the rate
returged, one by one, to their hole, they
keeled over dead.
•ed weeldu't Sade with site t'eed.eser
Before l.eltl.g 11.
A Westbound train had just pulled out
of the 1 -pion station at Albany,and the coo -
doctor was harvesting tickets, says the Al-
bany Express. A11 the seats were taken
and several passengers were obliged tomato!
up. Among the latter was • diffident -look-
ing, mild-mannered man, why, much to the
conductor's surprise, refused to give up •
hen I get • seat you get a ticket," he
remarked mildly. but firmly ; •, you are
probably •ware that the oompani cannot
oollect fares from puesegers whom it does
not provide with seats.'
" t th, come now. that don't go ; 1 want
your ticket, ase'"
Thus poke the conductor, in • tone that
indicated that he believed he would intimi-
date the mild mannered man.
"No oat, no ticket,"l•ooni.nlly observed
the latter.
••Weil rtes about that," riveted the o,° -
doctor, who was becoming quite warm in
the region of the collar
"I would if i were you,.. remarked the
pieesrger, still mildly, smiling Please/ally.
That the c*oductor hurtled around sod
finally found • brother conductor who was
going up the rad • way, wham he induced
. too more up his goat to the mildly 6rm pas-
rn'• • eget for you; now give we that
ticket," said the 000ductor, in • ferocious
' C.e-tatnly ben it a "
Ad themild but Brm passenger ;added
out a pang good to ('hrago.
maser... Ilex . W M .
Do you recollect what your feelings were
immediately after you had spoken the stet
ionised word to your hs.bamd • Old you
ad feet mehained and grimed, lid yet too
proud to admit it' That wag, is ad ever
will be year evil grow• ' it is the temper
Mulish Were t'eeemntly t0 destroy our
pear, wire agate you with am evil to
Ms that year heeb..d desrvd year anter,
whim he rosily meet desired veer Inv.. it
is the mem "Hsieh feeds e. thaw .p0..
.04. eetmtiese syeeg. felt .a the drat pr ...
of hie bead and the
ser in Mari the duties thatssahli0g sea
. 1.mm he Waled. if year 1..0.51 dusty,
.s 5yea.0 04...f� will .tide as well
r teis*b fig, err wttii�g will redeem
lies --year seflMw wldm. bim ; .d the
EliFrilli/eWeide o Mese sy ,.ew all
Wm el year ass
n prbd.m tars, wilt
Tee ilosais le ads a yew is atheism
Mild shoes Msie trews •uh• sb.wweb.a'
Mosta Cenmit.ija.: 1 wee reogge sty
about this p eslisr ..psnlit es of de Illesied
rem. (hoe of 'Mir solar las bees very Mk
ut this tows sad it got spread amass there
abet M was o.sjured, or ' e'. jd' s. they
.peak 0, sed rigf.: tiers oo.;' t.,tit. ddmr•
sow betimes the blacks sad the oopp.r-o.l-
ered sed mslstio.a The belief to "ow/jurist.'
seems to be aonfred meialy to the block
n egro, Old Awa Ana declares that he ws.
"000jud as .ho' as youre bore, fur he u
tenon' right green. ' 11 was thee. same
black Alriusas who bad ail the superset
tions about thee Pox and Bra Rabbit. W.
0.d all colon amts` our .hives whet I was
• boy, but it was only the black, brood -ace.
.d std thick -lipped ones who told °e stories
by the cabin bree at tight They only had
• bye for the °tarvellou..and their descend-
ants have it yet.
They believe is hoodoo or voodoo and
ooulurin'. They have a strop` emotional
religion, and if • spint throws them down is
• faint it is • sure saga they've got It good.
What 11 is they mit I dont know, but It
sutu them, and there does out seem to l•
any choage in thou modii of worship. Mu.
elation hasn't made any that we can perceive.
Some white people are affoctal the same
way, but it is the exoepttoo and not the
rule. With the Degrees it seems to be
media Its effects have no good indust
after the spasm is over. We used to say of
floe of our servanta " Becky s going to
cut op today. She fell down in a trance
last sight at meeting and had to be carried
out." And she did cut up. She was the
o urs for four children and they had to keep
away fres her until .he get over her tit..
She was &ocu.ed of being a conjurer, and •
black negro named Luke swore out • warrant
for her, and Tom ferry, the 'Soluire, issued
it, jolt to see what Luke oould prove. He
said that she made bum sick in the back and
kept him sick, and he handed the :Squire a
dime that she rave him for • chicken, and
pointed out • spot on to that was the nv°
the proof that she had conjured the money
bsfore� she paid it to hint. That was all.
" What do you wish dean with bee r
"She have to swallow de dime," he maid,
" and dat break de spell. 1 tried rabbit
foot, and 1 bury lizard under de door, and 1
plat de old mare's mane when de roosters
crow for midnight., but it don't do no good.
1 is dyia' every day."
lint Luke got well and Becky did't meal.
low the dime, either.
l)r of my father's negro women got
jealous of Minty, the cook, and determined -
to poiwo or conjure her to death. Minty
got sick and my father told Juno to make
her some chicken soup. She got from .n
old rag a red scorpion • head, • lizard's ler,
• bat's wine, a betty bug, and three or four
centipedes, or thousand lege, as we call
them, anal the tail of • green make, and had
the horrible mess cooking in a eauoepae
when my mother happeoed In to see how
Mi.'s, was and took the top off the pan ts
look at the soup. .lune confessed that she
hied been gathering material for that soup a
good while, and she wa'n't much disturbed
at the discovery. She declared that Minty
had "cooled her husband and I reckon she
bd. So m father had to separate the
familia. Now, did Shakespeare get his
witches' caldron and its venomous contents
from the old Africans of England
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake ;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bet and tongue of dog ;
Adder's fork and blind worm sting,
1. nod's Seg sed swimming.
Wedded Ito nrv5eee.
The circuit rider for a mountain diem t
in 'iVest wM stopping fora day or
two at the place where he was to preach on
Sunday, and to him a mountaineer came
with a buxom mountain maid and wanted to
be married then and there.
" Where's your license `" mind the min-
The man was surprised.
" Ain't got none," he said. We don't
have to have no license, do we • We ain't
mons' town liquor "
That was all the license he knew about.
The mwister explained to him, Md be
rode away tee miles to the smoker=
later in the day appeared with the
" That cost me a dollar, mister," iss amid
ruefully. " i)o you charge anything'"
" You can pay me whatever you please,
but 1 never charge lethan a dollar "
" Well I ve only got • half -dollar mister
and won't get the balance till after her
The minister hesitated, because he
thought the mountaineer was trying to beat
him and while he was willing to perform the
ceremony gratis, he didn't want to cut
prices. All at once the mountaineer put
" i've got it muter," be exclaimed, shoe
Mg the half•dollar at him. " Here s half
Ter price. Now you marry Renner' to me.
here ain't nobody bait' that 1 want but
Hamner, and Manner kinder hanker' for •
whole ousel of fellers that is better lookio'
than 1 am but ain't se well off ; so if you get
her fixed you need not worry about me at
a11. Take your half -dollar and go shad os
Hamer. You kin Br me atter harvest and
1'11 give you tether halt when the job is
The tire* aortae ea tassel.
New Orleans Picayune Livy, 1s his
famous book, " The Asensio,' it, 30, re
atm lathe following suggestive words the
story of •singular strike which occurred in
Rome in the year 300 B. t' , and was pro-
bably the first strike ever known That
year occurred as event little worthy et b.-
1ag related, and which i would pose is ei-
leaoe had 11 net appeared as involving ro-
uging The flute players, dissatisfied b. -
caw the latest censors had 1orbiddea them
to take part is the banquet in Jupiter's
Temple, eooerdieg to the aaci.a1 custom,
withdrew, every one of them, to Tibor, so
that nobody wee left in Rowse to play dur-
ing the .cribee.. This incident shocked
the religiose .eoutnente of the 4.aata,ond
the Sewers sent meegeagers to ieyits the
i.ba1RWts of Tiber to stake every effort
is order that the players be rseteeed to the
Romer The Tiburtinee, Mem' premised
sat to salient anything tseos.ary for that
purpose. eared the note -players to come to
the place where the Amato met .0 exhort-
ed them to ro hack to Reno. Awf•g that
that they maid set prevail upon thea to de
••, they ewtpteyed a stratagem is keeping
with their oheraeter. O° the day of the
festival,eeder the pretext that maria would
terra. the joyof the les.a, every althea
invited the 6.t.-elyere iedivvleally to his
Mom, .mid wino. of Masi people .1 time
prefssaios w e mails lead, were gives them
i10 too0 uaathttee &bat: they fell Mae • deep
d.em- were them throws fab wagons
sedtrsesp.rted to Rom. They sway be -
mom aware a whet had happened os the
dee after, whom dames surprised them Iliac
Owe the mark, whish had hew left is the
fermi. • Immo tweed hod . eeawd, .ad
wmo,WIlie Wend Mat they
'ould restais
amThe ri e( t tteud the
Magee* wee u .J Ss..Mem/ *.pI•y-
}las proves -
9AP its
cllormous -•
5a,� khat it 1s
The best value for
the Cogsumer
of any soap in the market.
Millions of women throughout the
world can vouch for this, as it
is they who have proved its
value. It brings them less
labor, greater comfort.
Owing to the great increase of our business, we have had to enlarge our
p.erasw• We will now be in a position to show our many Customers wane 01
and owing to our small expense, all we ask of you is to come and examine our
Good and compare Prices, f'r we feel confident that you will say, as many
others have said, that the New Tinshop is the alae(' iuy Fomes,
Ciitiery, Kitchen said Dalry Tinware, at the LOWEST PRIDES.
We are agents for the celebrated HOWARD FURNACE, which
has been proven in (lotierich to be the most economical, as well as the clean-
est Warm Air Furnace in the market. No dust : uo gas,
Agents for the Howard Eureka's. The Practical Tls.mitb. Uasptoewt,. 0.e'eiek.
of E. B. EDDY'S
and sold daily.
share ?
• You do not
you buy
Matehes are made
Do you get your
experiment when
They doing naa.e.,te or r.e.k a•• : lie,: en the .totem
like pills and other purr.tiset um they tone up the
Seer, n.f st.n.ach, and 70e &been eut6tient srrenrth a..
do thew week naturslfy sod retie Their curer..•&
w17o,''n. N
I'y.p.a.., IndicN N.r� H..,.*. he, tt,Ii�.u•
Pimple.. tll.. ,e.. a..,1 all dise:,.cs •,,., g
Sea impure blood, v rlu,l.6h li'cr.
rhea Veer &rwR1p Ser Theta.
' Ste am Boiler Works.
Sweressorfo cline :al A' RlockJ
Manufacturers of all kind. of Station-
ery Marine, Upright Jr Tubular
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.
Also dealers In t'prfgbt .ad HOrisntal 0I=de
ValveKnglmes, Automatic Out Off F.awi°e.°
pecialty. All sisee of pi a and ripefinnanconstant! o° hand. Estimates taretshed on
.pair mg prom all attended
G MILL •non terra H 1 p
"•'-►1 F'. U. Ifni 7T, Ooderfch, U°t
tti orks-Opmoelts 0. T. R. Station. Oodence.
Buchanan & Son,
raltrracrt Rrea
Dealers le all kinds of
And bander's' material of every description
School Furniture a Specialty.
has just returned front the cities where he
has been bele, ting
He las now on hand a Large Line
of the Choicest Curtis in the
Market and is prepared to
turn out work in the Best
Style possible, and at Prices to
suit the times.
—CI 'TY—
1*sbl attention give to
Headmartere for an grades of
s wSy0M�ea elder mater er tmoy 9se
suis. ebewasr.
pdegben. eesnemeen .
JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop.
r` roti Rees a 5 . �"dt ,�'",n n""eb"c15 wr'u' efl
Q�lwder.7t "8IM.,e,,lbp515 9rw oast.
ane pate& taken nM nes M Ieettrn rhe b,f..
p.ba0 by a n.*Me them ?r...1 margo 14
,scientific Aturrican
. 04 r ldlj. mit i .r�.ot•rtr pups t. tw
nsa show% re wit Mbr,.trt . N 3,
l�e.,xi1 •a. "4i".'�bt�it amu.
>tMMIMs Amergma
Agency for •
OOrrRItDMTS. emote.
Obtained, and all business In the U. 9. Paten
Omce attended to at MODirR.1 ti PRa'a.
Oar mooe is opposite the U. 8. Potest of.
flee, gad er I sae oMal° Patera Ie 1.. time
bar trees • emit e from WASHING ram
Mrd moolcL OR DRAWING. W• whisk to pnt.at°bnit tree of eerie and
we snake NO CARD
We refer here, to the Postmaster, the elan.
xaf� Meares Order Mv., and to (Hans is of ole
11, 9. Feta& OSoe. Por olr. el0r. •dries
err and referesese to aetrl Moshe is rime
We State or Count v write to
C • ss♦wla rue..
Otlaeeitei`ah Oftllee.We Lk1atan. D. 1)
Doss 080. BARRY, Ih.
Ooderich furniture dealer said
undertakes,, keep the best stook
of furniture and undertaker's
sappliw. t And bow in IN
that he can spill so cheap!
He Ands that it pays is the
long rws. Rim stes is :
" Small Pelts and A.
Marr" He alas melees s
Etkis • ds8 bs/srw
sJw. a
es 1