HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-9, Page 5THE SIGNAL:: GODRRICH, ONT, THURSDAY, AUG 9. 1894. TIN 3JVALLZJT 18 TBt SILT, 'Phare are dotes well-known liver pea, but only one eo effective that it can be guaran- teed to give satis- faction, or the money be refund- ed Doctor pierce's Pleasant Pellets are better than fashione agents art. Crated. smaller, but the huge, old - pill ; the medicinal refined and conceit - Every one suffers, st some time or other, from t'un- titipation, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, iilli••uauees, Bilious and Sick llead- a,'hisi. You're relieved and eared of these troubles, if you take a 1'. is. 1'." There Pblleta are east to take, and act in s natural way without shock- ing the system. They're easy to carry, because they are put up in ltt!e glans vials. They're the cheap - .•a, because gnarantecd to give sat - .1 i.•tiou. Remember, that Dr. 1'1. r.e.e Pellets arc pleasant to take, jeteua,rf in action, perfect in effect. 1{,,p Chia iu mind and you solve the prolhlotn of good health- .Ad--geod ks ung. If you're suffer- Iswitir ing from Catarrh, the eroprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy ask you to try their medicine. Then, itou can't Ise tuned theyq'j4 pas v ou $54 KJ in cash. Nt. W ADVERTISEMENTS - AUG- 9. Pias Dr. Wdhssl • 1'in k I'Ills -(;. T. Folioed A Co Tailoring- F 1 Pr'dham.....,. Thorns -R K Sallow* Klarkbsrrti ('ompouod -W. C. Geode Nati.. to Trespasssn-AIL Hingham Iy t •,a gee your dies - Eddy's matches P.r..n.•. .1 E. Davis !sale of town lots for taxes -W. 1. Hot - .ties, Tress. House sad lots fir wale --- Mrs. E Miller. ruche Xotial--Kotert f:+bbooe it ow for hie *.apt .Jas. Ilexter W.nte•t Albion Hotel. 11'rxteru Fear--Lo.don 1'.rtnrrhip--Apply at Sh.%.U. . gun i.. d Diati.a.ry -Mr. sad Mr/ Waddell, t1gMM.... ... . 2 a 4 J S 5 5 5 5 8 5 8 BORN. *IXCKS-At Oleos City on Moon•y.J my u4. c.Mr. Old Mrs. H.eksiformeriy or Oode- r. • taeghter. MARRIED. tt'11 k WII.'IOX On Awn. ;that 'be Mea.. ,• -ter: u•b. by Iter, Jas A. Anderson. H. A 11 .Iran. Wyle. of the township or Tucker sod iien.sa Wilson of the iown.hip Dal. 7..111 t.1.' -M+ATH- At the residerre of trideb toter, Nor. Stobie. !1eafonb•,., t:•- Nr Musgrave. Jobe liana.. of code. 'u Agnes Mary McMak of Ashfield ••nip. DIED - L Iuu1:1tOTT - In aodrrich. on Tuesday. •5 og. 4'.thriee Mehrrmott. relict Of tie ;x'' h -numb Mah.rmott, aged 73 years. Tot fnnaral b,. talp►-pM.e from her late rew.en.• Wilma -of, ea Thoreau. Asir title, at: o b. k, era maltIasd Cemetery. erieode .ad sr •slat.•-., will pia see accept thea ALLI\ In Oederlak es Tuesday. Aug 7th M., 4,rmre Allen, third daaghter ..r .1n • ..•., Al:ea.aged nyears ;months and.'t The tun.•.i will take plow from the tamily eabdeere Dunlop es 1bered.y Aug 0t11 at - .'clerk •o Maitland •s.euS.ry. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Notebook. • 11 1ea.e ■ Mole Is a' ler (testa. 1 redo t. seal is t • ('bars Aswan* T. Takl■' aeon, se' tats 111.11 Prom N:-10wsel.. Pn v. 190 Puma. -Rees Price it 8m are Mia( plums rears for wheel' eke aghast market pliesb •Akr,.d. -WHY CONT YOU- have your eyes tasted t "IT WON'T- net you somas , SuaneMeltaa(- fimbfar.. Ws slot( . wf N. o4ptletria .1••••1110P. Oe Ten want theism,* to pa,st•gn hoc "it Use. to sure cod nail apse R. 14. itlanovra. at U 11010 ionise of MeatreaLet. ad the He will snit you to • tee. as he has the sten in hu Ile•. _If yen dont get your Lutttaser rdrneet from I'rt41aa. the f►ebbusbie msewboat weer yen are, Ilk* the label on the taut.. 1st in it.' F. J. leads the pr•c•sd•• mo how Its erect day sed all of the time. FINK TAiiORIN I,- Cholas sipyl.g end tk oersted ogointlyisL•,ti . Mosey b .•k mid Igoe Cat Is mitered miler ly n(� Had w t haegaea a aid ask Iter let will nerdy bay. 1.MasC•rm e, 1"" lttnrtvn Hoye& Arr.a1.snmly haft bowl made by (apt. Rab to light the h ll,04 h,n.. by dsotricity. Aa .Hort is 'IN to made to erect as elessrie light r it the bomb, se that preens can bathe WI boors during the evening after the he. gone down. Resin tv1 Terre/rr. -Thee. Rates sad Ree!dertea, two of *kis Ou . Foolery were Nab, hhi iletroit lad ...!* They want tho trip. both 'It h' r TTt(( satire lees rib .•d el+'itite ea eadereeireas fee the h;r4a:k1i their Ana year's agonises* as R T of T. Nana -The m eche. of moba ,'owned. No. lig. !. T. of T.. h- eigbr harm/ al a piens la nos ahe vinosity of Roo' eehey s Th..0/AT• Asrn1 MIL As w + the beet es .. eM, Sew le Thos utas en. 111111011 ussebars old like fie Meem er but 17 Ms .eeses 6'6ell ter . moods, gismos essellag, 9e soismeeilla hes Tn•o,,,p es lila wtllLtll_-Jas 1L de mlio MOB M kis Wheel Iles - kiwi Ter - "IL left tea nal lett, t• wit, sees 76 .flee, ..d after Y -- Sealsy is that tem, left early asSI S, .t •11 -alp, sad arrivedis (;std. .kat b r it The diatoms is 90 anise aid Jim weld easily have *sada the owtury be- fore dark, if the lake hadn't stood to the way. ('ut' , s or 1'aur.tar,.w .1. W Mars - d.., the or w proprietor of the Albion Hotel, who took pssemtea om the let of the month. is feeling the benefit of the Sum- mer trade, .std hes had the large hotel crowded during the prat weak. J 1.. Wil. .aa is the edam's' clerk, sod has already Moose* popular with the guests and traau- esM why, have had octane to do buonese 1►onl.y J""").visited Auburn 0s. Sum. withers to whom we desire to talk plainly. at the hotel day, the guise of it:. Spruag. They want Tim Ser.:: At Had would feel an Quito SoT1vrA.T..Y.--At the trustee Mr. and lira A. M. Kay,ol Stratford,are mored were tea. cities to enders sending it to .pe.dttg •new days u tows. e•st8ag of North-st Methodist church it 1. Kryant, c1 Grsad Rapids, Mtch., i- the them, but they sever think of paying for the was unanimously roped to have soother ousel. 0f J. Pridb•m, Tnlagar-.0. 'paper .hes payment a due. Howard furnace Placed in the church as the I:rant Waddell, who has been in Dresden titre do/Jar is advance will huy a copy of ow Iw nae bee ges er ivthe sof* beet of for mum time. has tattooed hoot.. This speaks well for the How. 1'aE *AL SI.. for • whowholear ye, Had the man e•ndacne ne... aril furnaces mud also for a mac the han losses T Tarim earl A Sc.•Idon ot of De ' or wsro aus who ce* or will not pay that Nob., are Medica be deer, Mies 1.agmiSer w►e is gwakti the asakmr in town. Mea H. Donley .td two akadre& ars wis- ing is Kina.rdias. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hays aro *skint a trip so the Cambria. homes* Pow . Mrs. W. E. Voodoo" is nature at Godeneh. Joe Russaisa. returned last week frees camping up the river. David Munroe, of *,Tisco., spent Sunday under the permed roof. Wm. Wallace, of Want -Mon, rioted his parent to tows this week ARE YOU IN ARREAR? If 8o, Pay Up and Bs Honest 9f res bane areet.ed AsiNe 1e ray I p M se .s0... -II res lea veal been gest ted Lee& al leer lane. and ere New N mesas. ''HERE are a 11U111104'11U111104'of our sub KNOWLEDGE Brings oomf.,rt and impr,eement mut tends to pace 4, 1 eojoyreoa elan rightly used. The many, who live bet - way m which the agent Nr. Worsenl peau frac, are "siting rol•tiv"dative.in tows. 1 amount ,hovel have the common honesty tp th'sa axpeuliture, i►y more prr,p,.-r 1a those forearms r. %Vernal .leo LAG1 rt • t'. Stewa, of i'bicago, Ill., uin spel pay all arrears up to date au -1 stew aka adapting Use w.'rld'• beat products to orders un hand to place four of these fur mg his holidays, with his paean is town. emcee le private holism In town Chu month. Gee i.ue.t and Everard McKenzie left mg n. ;;y needs of physical baring, will attest \ I't. %1,1•`•TO ata Fiu,>r -11'eI The expense of running a paper like Ter the volt,. to l.:alth of the pure liquid are yesterday for a round trip on the Monarch. ' sp..&I. runs over &SO a week, and the erre • ' braeed is the Is pleased to ar• that Ir. Redford Riclard 4 ' t `hansom, 01 lirmphs, T.n , hu Plo y«mat be Pvd wee kly and 4111 pls•t reme vs. principles am woe brother ot our returned alter a visit W his home in town. ' and n.t.rial oosoe,ted with the running of vnnly, Syrup of Fig* townsman Ur F:. Kish ordain, has suecetefully passed hie examina- tion as Fellow of Edinburgh 1'.ivenity (F. It C. S Out of fourteen who west up for eeam4nktnn only six passed, Or. Ruh- ardaoo being one of the successful candi- data'. This is another example of what l anadian pluck and perseversuee can do .1 'to oongratda10 1/r- 8 elusielare tie his suoona russsIs Pmt : Mir Rath& Farrow, of the concern must be paid for when due erich s visiting Postmaster Farrow'• For *hie resroo we erea t ever lewd •ub.cri to pay up fellows we don't want it: ell. We want every honest subscriber who u inadvertently in arrear to examine the label . on hu paper, and to pay .11 arrearage on or beton the first August. After that date• blue pencil mark will be placed alongside of trodPY Mr and ane lrs.l:. W. Holman. of 1'sbor, set once- The other and family .re spending holidays In tows. Stratford Reason . .1. M. Fraser, wife and two children, .re holidaying in (:ode rich. Mrs. Wm. Sharma., sr., lett on Friday, pr.tr. ('.mina to visit fn.ods it near- ear- this item on the taper addressed to every HE teas KEEN ix /:.,1'LKi.'4- .morns time dine. 1 delinquent, and if that hint he not sufticimt age dsat sok dumb man of rsep0ctable.p. Mies McPherson, who has hens visiting 1 the nutter will be put in suit. psarawoe had igen s.vaeing Toronti, and in town, returned to Kincardine oa tater t lux list mum be all marked paid up, eves other places collecting funds presumably day. I if we have to cut it in two. neer as asylum an the maritime worn ay.. It. Vlach returned from Dungannon on I Subscription/thereafter must be cash whoa The man was a fraud, and the telegraph Seturday last, where he had been for wine osders& announces his .neat .t Sherbrooke tjue tiro!. I. he subecriptina I,.,k on his person show t he collection of something over 34.000. and there is no telling to what extent he and his associates have been robbiag the i./Mple for the last five years. F:v t7..e.\ To rue. F4li. -The (.rand Trunk Railway will run an excunien under the 'auspices ot the Se•forth Methodist church choir, on Saturday, Aug. 18, to Niagara Fella and return. The excursion will be run from 4:odent•n and intervening points to IMumh,. and tickets will he goo.i to leave on afternoon train of 17th, return- ing to leave the halls at b 30 i• u., by inn (:odench. orot Mrs. John Roes and daughter have re• eat. turned to 11' eat /.,rra after a visit to re- latices in town. The lir. A. Milton Humber, wife and child my from Play Pity, Mich., are .ailing his re- t areae In town. . 14 \lir Mamie Young, of Clinton, who had ca.h l. -en veinal( Mrs. Robt..lohnatoo, returned iii ihonhe this week. ears ltrumel. Ib.t : Mn..4..tewart and Mies wn .Annie Stewart enjoyed the lake hree.e, at est. I.oderich this week. ub Mr. ere they special train, thus giving excursion plenty of time to view the magniti "weeny of the world's famous cater The fare from Godench sonly +2. EtitroL'- Dzi h iiT. Brawls Post sun shines occa.inually even on the Cho pathway of an editor This week we mired a letter from .leicol. Sehnot•k, W Mateo Territory, 1.s., «attaining the to pay hie u16.crtptoo to the Peat un January, i&e" .lust think a It, 3' y to advance. Mr. scbeock is a grey to ship bon sod is pro.penog io the lY He deserves to. Will some of our • loathers who are hebnd as tar as Schnook is ahead kindly figure out wh they would be if people paid them Mr pay the F:ditor. H•.t• IT l.. Is' Fait; tut 1 lutsint Mr. and Mn. James Hunter, of Windsor •rethe visitI.g Mrs. H.'• cousin, 1.n. (u.. Ke.y st. Mss Hassle Payne, of Detroit, arrived on l:ilsbrl. ! FHelot and i, trfMWIg he parents. MottMasters Reggio and (baster Mott visiting their grandmother, Ura M-ltrte Hullett. .• who sow reside is i:oderich owned and • conduced • farm on the Thames Road. 15:r.1:ibw ais president and treasurer of • large institution to St. Louis, and during his re- s sidence then 1►u .ocumuleted oon.derabi►- of this world's goods. are 0• LOCAL BRIEFS. Mr. and Mrs. c.eo. 11. .:eymour, ..f Ne York, are visiting at the residence of 1). 1 Strachan. Stratford Beacon : i►'Arc% Lucas 1e thea afternoon to spend • few weeks in Manager Hart lanoline, Sept. 17 for the ', opening of the (;rand 4 Opera Hese. The first threshing of the be.soo took ft place on the farm of Hy. C'urweo, Huron road, on Thursday of last week. "All is not gold that glitters". 1)m% be deceived. but buy a "White" or "New Wil- liams" Sewing Machine of Geo. W. Thom- son. The West-st. restaurant business recent- ly carried on by J. Lloyd, was disposed of by bead's sale to Thomas Tilt, of the l,ritith Exchange Hotel. Strathrny .1ge How easily It is to be mis- taken on your estimate of a town Some people in Strathrny were inclined to boom an excursion to (:•derich as that was con- stdere.i a go ahead platy worthy of • visit from our people Rut the l,oderich rl.. % of last week contained two Innes that ousts the town to drop away- below par. -•It to about time • stringent cow by-law was pet- it, operation in •:,.!erich " says Tut SI,.. u. \Neat lime. we should says w. itr•tbruy doer not pretend -to be • greet town. eel to say, she by not waterworks, but Dor cit:: ew can s.1 least felicitate them selves on • well kept caw by•lew. That 1.oderich is Will a cow pasture will be news to many to this section who -supposed it to he • thriving town. (;fiefs T14 -ti Halo E•T F.\.t-i':I..\. To NI axtr•ore. .)ug. 14th and $let, Sept. 4th. Very low rates. Tickets good for eight week.. Now u the *aeon to visit the crew Northwest wheat fields, or it you want • trip across the Atleatic, (15 will huy en c wn ticket, steerage class, to l.:rerpool, IMrry, 1.1•sgnw, Ballast or London. Vent your friends while the rates are so low. `When travelling always take the old reliable (:rand Trunk. Splendid train service sod •ccommodatior. None hotter. Through ricketa and baggage checked to destination. (:et your tickets and all information from H. Armstrong, town ticket agent G. T. 11 . 1:odench, (Mt Tickets, telegrams .d express to all parts of the World. Agent Alla., l a:minion. Anchor, Cunard Atlantic steamers. Cana- dian Express (;o. 1:. N- W. Telegraph ofhm. UssuvALLan It A7r14.'r1t RN -Tits p1e--.ses.l .*Hoose of the Toronto lades. Witt Fair, which will be held this year from the 3rd to the 15th of September, is doe mainly so the fact that the management always keep faith with the public. What. ever is announced is always presented --and Me people know that they are sure to get their money's worth. This season the die - play will be unusually extensive and varied in live stock, manufactures, dairy products -in fact, all the staple departments the entries are mach more numerous than ever before. Some entirely novel and brilliant spectacular features have been secured, which will prove irresistible attractions and fell, sustain the reputation of the Erhibi tioa forp.•�nt'ng the latest •ad meet .1 luring forms of popular sntertaintnent. The vivid realism of the fireworks spectacle. "The Siege of Algiers," io beyond tion The reputation of the Fair, deleteeentS• ing far and wide beyond the boundaries of the Dominim, sed the cheap fares on the railroads, will attract large Hermes of visitors. Entries in the leading depart- ments must he in before August l ltb. COMING AND GOING. Rod. M Fraser is virtieg in Detroit. A. Sheppard visited Clinton kat week. Herbert Reid is vimtisg in Looknow the week. Andy 1 ungbint ssndayed at home in Au- burn. Hewes Heiley, tat'Woodstock, is windbag in toss. Genres Hall, of St-atferd, visited Iowa this a sale. Mir Ros. 1'sngb.t, of A.ban, is visit. tag in tow.. Yam Helen Peeler le visiting relative in Qeslte. dry Jae Craigia, r., paid a visit to f1..gas- w as Ise* Creek. llnenie Pest : R M. Piel.eu R.sday e l i Oederie1. Jeer AHL of Sesf.n1, visited (reads i. Sews ibis week. awn. eel sir Tib Oar vktltd is De - arab WS wesk- ala maw w +tll+ter, .f HeeY.r , 1 F. iawrence As representing the 1; ole Heli branch 1. D. U. F at the 1:rand I.alRe meeting In Kingston. Mn. Chas. Edward and mo, from Tor- onto are el/shine in town, the guests of Mn. Blake, firitaaan* road. Mr. and Mn. i:.o. it Moore and two children, of Chimgo,are visiting tui nhother Mrs. E. F. Moore, 0/town. Luckoow Sentinel : - hiss Katie Mc t:rorv, of 1:oderich, is spending her holidays at her home, Walnut I'•rk. Lucknow Sentinel - Mrs. R. Proctor and Mn. itob•rt000 spent • few days with friends to i:ndench last week. \1r,. W. 1). Alexander of Mantua, U. ar comlNnied by her children u elating bar pareou Mr. and Mrs. J H. llillian's. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Codville and Mrs. Rig. gam, of Woodstock, were the guests of T. Harris, Trafalgar-st., during the week. Mies Annie Matey, of Ripley, who hail hem %meting her Pieter, Mrs. Dare- Mar- wich, in town, returned home on Friday. 1:. 11 Moore left for Chicago on Monday, after a brief visit. Mrs. Moore and children intend remaining for some time. 4.. B. Robotic. of Petrolea, form- er'y • resident of Goderich, is here for his holidays, the guest of Magow Swanson. ' ooductor Stntten, late of Hnutford, now runs the morning freight from Strat- ford to 4.oderich, in place of conductor Hunt. Walter and Miss Family Buchanan left on Saturday per • ambna to visit friends at the Sault, 3lackinac and other northern pane. Hugh Lebanon, Miss Lizzie .)ohokton, also Mr. lied Mir Stowe, all of l:oderich, were the guests of Mrs. Stowe, of innovate, for a few days. A party of four from Mooretowo •re en- camped near (•oderich for • short time. The party consists of R. repot, Kerma fires ,and another gentleman. Expositor' Mico Millie Campbell, daughter c( the postmaster of Goderioh, is this week the guest of Mie 011ie Wileoa, Goden.h Street West. Mr. and Mrs. F. Spear, and son. Arthur, returned to their home in Ray ('ity on Tues- day lat. They were they guests of Mr..d Mrs. .1.. Buchanan, er. 1)rs. Young. ot londesborongh, and] Tay- lor and Shannon of (.odench, fuesday last eternised the man Snell, and decided that he was • dangerous lunatic. N. McKinnon, market clerk, had the misfortune to fell down stain and break • rib last week. Jae. %Vilkinson has charge of the market 1n the meantime. Misses Sarah and Fannie Watson, of Stratford, who had been visiting friends is Iloderich during the put week, heft yester- day to vain friends in Wingham. Mr. McCormi, k, who was visiting .t the Herron hotel, left Wednesday morning to take in the Caledonian games at }Linear dine on his way home to Durham. Rev. Ju. A. Anderson, R. A., of Knox church, leaves this week fora month's holt day. During his absence his pulpit will he seppfied by Rev. A E. Neilly, of Horning's iat.know Sentinel TM Mature. Reid, briehlayen, of (loderich are betty 1•yI.agg 1b brisk of Adam Thempsne's ..w rtlsilsnee en tits sorer of Outrun sad Wiliesghby siren Beer Molle.ald, of The (lsswley Fater- priw, ease is town Wd..eda . He is visit.. his father -la law, Rev. W.R. Mess. •s Nile, .d dropped in for • by be see the slght•,.•s•sm end esiskrities,.4 (i•derieb. layesid er. New ire , Raybold people would Ulm h.(lr►s ..eip Hca J. C pas ter..., ler the may peat premises he hes made, het it weld b• free the tm& of his ews lag gas that they would stars hies Ile joie the Wale Keats Adams*. 0. O. false% of St mba elwois, M�i sad er a enedit nal Slays seer G heirs, 1!t es Medwy ter his bees. Mr. Olbse we,. feear resiL_$ el ltas- Ur. aline was* yams ass seal hi pmia la the 1.0 *erich out of successful 3rd claw candidates published :oat week, the name E. Williams should be E. Millian. The ma - take was discovered too late for correction lest week. Principal Strang desires to state that he -. has not yet received the tigur.. of the primary pupils. Wheu they are received he will forward the results to students +a• terested who desire them. The certificates granted by the *:rand Lodge, I. O. O. F., to all member . f the third degree are to hand, and all the broth- • res are requested to attend lodge meeting next Thursday everting, when they will ex • distributed. Br oiler of the Noble •;rand. 11. Johnston, sec. Rheumatism Cured in • thy. -South American Rheuinati_ Cure. for rheumatism and neuralgia, radically cures in one to three days. In action upon the system- is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause s.od the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Odd by Janus 1%aeon, druggist. Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minute" Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart invite per- fect relief in .11 ogees of ( Manic or Sytnpa- theuc Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects • cure. It is • peerless remedy for I'alpitat too, Shortneseof Itreath, Smothering Spells, P•In to Lett Side sod all symptoms of s Diseased Heart. Ode dose conv'ocee. Soid by Janie Wilson A Room to Hnreemeb. -(Inc bottle of Englah spavin Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. I take pleas- ure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard,soft or mllouaal lumps, blond spavin, 'plias, curbs, curb., sweet)•, stifles and sprains. George Roob. termer, Markham, Oat. Sold by Jas. %V11.on. Relief in Six Hours. --Distressing kidney and Madder diseases relieved in six hours by the Great Routh Amenoan Kidney I:ure. This new remedy is • met surprise and delight on account of ito exceeding prompt- ness in relieving pain in the bladder, kid- ney,, hack and every pert of the urinary passages in male nr female. it relieves re- tention of water and pain in paining it .1 - most immediately. if you want quick re- lief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by James Wibon, druggist. Boats for Hlra. OATS FUR HIKE.-- THE UNDER- sisried begs to sennaam that he las sow e rooplets euuapmret of Hew Roe'e to hire at r.asosebte nue.. Re will always be found at the boat boom at th. Last end of the Harbor. directly •t the foot of Well4.gton-st, when stops have tern erected 0o the 119111( 'or the eosvwience of the public. Aper. lal attention given to the aocommodatioa of •geunieeis(n and u ie'tors to Ooderiek. I with to thank the people of (ioderleh for the liberal patronaire 1 have received ,thee i haver had • mend of the boat beM.se., mad will always try to gine tie Ort eathf •tion p..&44. 111. CAPT. JAMB 18 to XTIOR. Ptlblta NOUS& NOTICE: 1S HERF:BV GIVEN THAT Joseph Roll has presented • petition a Court of Appeal for Ontarie. Hader the Oar aria 'eat reverted Elections Aet. assist the ratan of J T. Oarrow.ant .as • member of the Provincial Ioglsative Assembly for the Us trlot of Wan notes. RORLRT (111114HN1. Retsrniag OArer. Pet ltfener'y Noleiter -L. 1 Dinkier -on. Whitehall. I.aMaw. esppe)* t Hiateell. 31 W.I1150tp st. 'remote. land at Rderleh Aug. t 1414. NO'rI('x TO TRF.PA7SERR. ANY « b/Mr m r renead I,pam4N or tag the properties Mead by .N wild be preweoted secoriflag to law. Oederieb. Aug SA A H1NGi1AM. N�W. A. Rhyme bavl.g pnrehesed one third interest a 140 manafset'Mag mealtime Ment et Rseb.an. t How tko p•tMle will please eels the lAr the nh. M MIM •[ ! Rhyme ! BUCHANAN R NON eJ-ef • W. A. MIRTH AIL N ()TiCC. -ALL PIERSON'S FOUND trehashes. war+ p en sten Ig er ss. le �M1e M 1e w. is the kee'•mbl gIep.ry wb:�l)0b lima z ii!j Its excellence is due to Its presenting in the forum west acceptable and plea. - ant to the Mete, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- at100 ; officinally cleansing the eysten►, dispelling colds, hea.l,ehea and fevers 1114 prrnlulently curing p.natifatli Ii. It has given sati.factiou to n+ilbous and met with the approval of the medical Profession, because it acts on the Kid- ne?'s, Liver and Bos.-ele without weak- ening them and it is p•rfecth• fres from every object i. nimbie sta lest ince. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drog- pata in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by Cho Califerui. Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on sere• ry package, also the Dire, Syrup of Figs. and being well informed, you will not accept tea substitute if offered. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. fieasrlrb rrtres. 00DattieH. Aux. Stb. 1091. Apr(ng *Wheat standard 0 '•n to 0 M•11 **'heat . ............ ••.... 0 '4 t0 0 ern Flour. fainly 000 to 0 .0 Aborta. p too 011 00 toot W Hewn. it too. pp 00 tau 00 ecreenhnaw to ton 40 00 tont 00 40 M 1000 40 033.to031 t'b•e, ter 00ah- - .... ,. 0 52 to 056 Barley. two rowed.ti b. 0 40 to 0 to Chopped Feed 1l -heat • Is.... (9149. Y bush Raney. common Hay. Y ton Potatoes, Y bash. Dew Rutter. Ems. fresh eapseked0 der..... 0 to to 0 (N cheese ....-., _ 0 it toot 1 Woad 11o0tolw Wool 0 17 to 0 a) Hides. 200 to : o0 Itbeep Kbits, 050 to 060 ve ns. 1 0 to 1 :.0 Olen .: 5 0) to 350 035 109 s0 a 69 to 7 0) 0 Al to 1 10 u 11 to 0 16 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Sttit'-:lay noon. The Copy for Changes must be left not later than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Travelling Oulda 1voAxl/ TRUNK RAILWAY. r0011 AND To Oop1R1CH. Antra a rATtONB. Depart, •.v e. w. e,r• ser. r. rt. rev 103') it 50 230 A . Aoderkh .. D it 35 1 to :la 10 30 9 31 t 23 Hdmeswille,., 7 11 1sT, 100 1020 9J? y1�.51)I ClfotOs 1A 7 A 1.'3 115 930 9 n5 1 b ' 1 D 7 311 205 1 5!1 5 50 8 ID 1210 1) serattteed..w e el 2 0. 700 &Oat or FOtnid. & HAREi.O,T.-STRAVEDFROM THE lex; r0kt of J. Q. Marin. on Friday brown fRe11'4are, on uk will 1 , tba(bATny ininformsli If left at Colborne! House. eesl_ tM by the A9 1s ' Borvant Wa*tad. `VANTED.-DINLN(: • ROOM GIRL 7 ; � nd laundress. Aap at ,,L81ON HOTEL, GENERAL SERVANT WANTED.- - Apply to MRA, M*.O1LLiC t'QDY. 77 -_,_=-_.- Bunloose Chanes - 'DARTNI:KSHiP. --WANTED, A Bl'Sl ansa partwesbip is Gods: icb. wheresoate capital Held posh will be of 541001agsx Par. titulars at Two ***ORAL Grace. .11 BUSINESS ('HANI'F: IN KiNTAIL The subserlbet has for rent an excellent beelaess nand in Rioted. suitable for any L�o.s of mercantile businees. A fAsd opening earote. Particulars can b% had by Le- ta A. YOtJN6, Ittotteld P.O. Mini ep.Mal I folisso • . .\ E1!• WOOD . jvARD II timer C. T. It Depot.) 1 have made arrangemente for a supply of cheap wood of all grades and prices. which w,11 he delivered. cut and split to order for cash. Diem very low. Orders left at Horton'* emery. Hamilton -et. and Graham's. La.tt promptly fined. JAN. 1)RAN. 73.Rte !`(ODER'CH FOUNDRY AND VVff 1(ACRIXK WORKS. To the publlo : Bay Reneltosn Nos. 9 and 1 pbwa Hovel and rollers and IMC cutters, Watford 7 ant 4 plows. Amerienn mouldboards, *wsrri1t•s pbw, it 1. W bast, Watford IMl,wdsse Watford bay nkes. Al M *loserkn0l.ewto, Plow selene redacted 1n ta rcpt kind. Q(get•O, W. to ► fee old . metal. llily Caen J. B. RL'NCIMAN. SHINGLES' SHINGLES! SHINGLES' Ihd you hear them deep, I hate ,tet purchased 5 ears at low prle.., They must he sold. -Only 01.x5 par.pu ere. 1 have also masse another strike --. vessel or Red Oak Lumber to arrive. I1..la Hot 1n it. 1 w111 sell lose 'haat pine is lineriert. waianael I.g, and istfrir decorative work. Mel you Mar ahem nor Onekahely« and Po.'eta w•rk 4 NOJic-esfowl arra* atone *I- I have jog s few Mesta et beadly endings far Au..mr weed left. filen a 1•.d. 'have a3o • quantity of Anneals hardwood. long and abort : set bamIork slabs at 112.50 par Ready to hr.W eotlieslse on all kinds of WOW wart a thea evr..ad at111 dein 14a_. the 01.D OT'ANI)... JuISISPH CIiDb1 Hotala. 1t ROS AL�1,1i0liiL� NOW OPUS wrwsihl 1.Use ' haw o1. , tb en Iwti.ras3iwwy a 44.0( whS ba/ tshN 44 4o solo *maw .pyla sad by wpw� pessaltte.tiew M lbs Old se wastes GREAT BAI;GAINS Idle COTTONS &C. Grey Cotton, yarl wide, 3e. per yd ; Extra Heavy, ''Oe., worth 8c. ; Heavy and Fine, 7c., worth l0.•. ; yartl wide giughalua, best quality, S.•. per yard. Special value, fill Ladies' and ('hil- den s Hosiery. Ask to ter the Daisy Brand Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Howe, seamless, 15c. per pair : also in Silk Finish uuly 25c. (:ooh shown with plewanre, whether you pur.hawe br not. The cheapest spot in town for eadios J,1MEs A REID. Jerd•e's Stook. Oedertoa. Jonerth, 1e111. Sale of Lands Syr '>t'... OF OODKRICH. THEA$URZR'p :+ALIO Or 1.14110- P011 , . TA\K8 Pltu0IYt-R Or OvruOn. 1 Ry viewer• Tows •-r (ot.gxi •i. i warrant under the head of the :Mayor of the Town of Otderich ..d the seal of the Haid eopontim. hiving date, 31st day of July, ie)1, to me directed ontme: Aleg me to levy upon the lands in tete following list of arrears of taxes due 'byres. that unless the said taxes. together with all costa are sooner paid. I shall proceed to eel, the said lands by public a.•tion, or ae Hitch thereof M tray be ■ulticient for the p.rmeut of the taxes and cost 'hereon. at the TOt1'N HA1.1., in oke TOWN OF Go1k:Itjt'iI..'n Friday. the 2.iday of X„teuiber. lat, at the hour of two o'clock, 7r#e IT.YFsri.;, 1.of. ore Po:rated 4 Coscer,ion or Lots. ti:reel. IX Running Noe. i -. i 1197 ,. ,. 1-.i w. 1312 Inti :: :: 1-5 I$7 1-3 15 F:. pr. 1004 '• p 1 1331 " 1302' ll.. o 5 11utchi..'s Y. 87 31 Reedy Surveys Park t )Mor wood', rt. 1 Cedar street. 1 3 12) 'q .; 02 Part 11 con, A. hooch. 1 :d 75 3 15 3u tei 7 Rich's Survey t 7 .2t 2 r, , 9 119 1 7:A204 1481 1:1 71 3 10 17 11 3R jn 3 21 M 65 23 10 2 91 20 11.5 730 990 910 19 wt .00- 7 22 30 77029iw u0 6, r•! 339 2 le 810 ds 73 1 30 73 0; .t1 *3 1. 31‘ IS 31 ei 3 ti 3x .: 12 132 34 LS to 12 1.32 9n 15 03 i 6/ 2 r., et *1 -b 14 A17 8: 21 23 5 3.$$rte s2, 13 C3 3 us 16 e! 11 35 993 1; 3.' -5 3 9u .! ,0 620 -3 3w9a 650 -3 1 91, 2 q a y► -5 39112 On d,p -5 130:00 691 -.S 3402/V 6i9 -5 I13S20013IA 1 33 r tap . t.) 5 51 10 2 4-• 31 Y5 5 5 414 M 0 4* .: 7 01 9 Of 10 11 4 18 7,13 X 21 Xi S 11tts11 4,1 -3 1 11 _ d0 '1 71 July -4814. 1.191. X. I.. HORTOX, Town Tee -axe -or. 77•13t i1111Usia. 'IIRfSANNA L.SHAW, '1'EAC -� elf Music and Theory expertness'. Moor Meet of Capt. Psoas..'. We.t-st, H DRINK SHFRRET. THIS 18 A PI1P- ular English drink A little of the powder added to a j; les" of w cater makes A oaoling, delicious and healthful bev- erage. Por allaying sick and bilious stomach it 14 eery effectual. (Bold bby� the mime.) LIR ALLAN'!! PINK DROPS, THB new specific for pale, weak or nerc'olle people. It is a powerful I,h.o.l purifier and also a positive* nerve foal 11.00 u lentis. URF: WILLIAM'S RAKING lei11-1)1R .-alway. fresh. t)uly 31k. per pound --when uwril p •rfect biscuits and cakes are the reoult. Try it. WlLLI AM$ 13TICK1 FLY -PAPER large elieete for Sc. F'!^-::".; 04 ...hw'semen use Pr. Barons MAW(' CONDITION Pow OCRS for bones and cattle. The; are un- e191ikI d, 233. per polod,lpackage. As i have ell the books and pres- cription, of the late George Mynas, 1 Aum prepared to till all order, and prescriptions :*long that line. 'R. -if- W Lt1A MS, mei. R., 1:914 Medalist, ROL Lau with 66110.R►y... 1.c ten's Bleak, PERFUMES. A full line of the Lest 0410r4 frotu the leipling Perfumers bf France, Germany, England, and America; at •J . lie D 11' NIX 44. Mt••lieal 11,111 _11: rISTIC j` rRNITURE rli/ Itar Mao ore lo, Rats*. HOt'SF: -ANI► LOT FOR SALE: -- Hr use Had lot next foundry, on East - a. Ltrge fnm.•hou.e with .;stern and two goof cellars. There arc a few fruit trees on tee premie.t and a Ruud gird -n, For 'urthet pxrt.olare apply to ]11181. K. 11I1 L'SH. 77 21 Kist st. rIW REXT 01: HELI.. --THF, iiOUSE 1. ..d grounds at ptwrnt occupied by Mr. Henry Smith. corer Wellington -se and 10, Georg!'. Cravat. JOS. WILI.IAMl, VE FR ALUAHLA515 AND TOWN PROPKitTY eon 8.41.5 t,H HKXT,-- I.ot 9 in the nest co•cetwion. (loderiob town- ship. county of Buren. l miles from O.derich, (vn.ieting of 110 acres more or lees. Barn lea r.0. nearly new. good orchard of choice fruit, well watered with spring creek, an ex. -anent grazing farm, ran be bought on salty terms. Apply to JOHN KNON. Auctioneer. Lot 1 in the broken front, west of the Lake road in the Western division, Township of (7o1 borne, comity of Huron, 3 miles from (ialerieh comprising IIA acres. Lame back barn, goad us frame hoe 11 story high, nearly sew and good orchard of choke fruit,. can b. bought on easy terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auction err. Hlork A and H. Lake nngr la the township Of l'elborne, conl4ting M '!38 acres more er less. There aro os the yrende s • frame house. trams bare and gond stablusg, About acres young orchard of choice fruit. About O. acne of bush. This farm is cos.idered • era -class grazing farm. The farm can be divided to .nit purchasers and bought•m away terms. A0913 to JOHN KNOX. House earl la in the town of (hetes,-Lot 11, Mary.*.. opposite tn. old woolen mill, coni wag triune �M WithIs i Doerr high, 4 Monet. d sx a *1 reps&r. fossil seuar, KNOX. O *rood 4041. sear es JOHX cxox. ♦nstlo..er. F OR SALIIC.-N.i LOT SI, $NDUON- Iss • 0t 1-n, t5 bal4. Wee. llol 110.ase Wassaara. IM aorta' Gone -- rich- Apply to PHILIP HOLT. (ant, 1(s. ACRE FARM FOR HALF.. --TRE 1 old homestead of the late Jame. Cases. day, of the townesip of Last Ws wristlets. be Ing lt last half of IM tit ce.oe•sslo. 1, on the insets road Mat node Dein Ooderlch to Whis- ks* It Is situated about M reds fns Aub- e' thrillsg nines with four chumheeasd s se 1ool near at hand. A comparatively sew frame home with epees lane rooms and cellar with Wear oesvesbstes, sail good bask bars sad about it large bearing fruit trrw are es the presahres. About 90 sore. are olear.d. The s.11 le of the beet, Further information (cess MR& CAASADAI' Auburn P O. 1t4 )AOR RALE ATA BARGAIN. -THAT r esmeasdiem) es ClaU brew Vtale as s pais! P. � t r sem, NORTH- W!S'r LANDS FOR SALK. b000�(� ACRIA OF VALI'ABLE hopeeved sad eslmpr ed f.r.i WWI, at tlet•mme varying from 1 a 13 melee tree ea'Appetle Maslen. w, W. T., ter sale eery sham. lie bettor lasds fee mined him - tag are se as teem is coma* i m- tagareMasteemaCemr Par tell prwears sway te A. D. D10[94111, chat Ai•essa Furniture that In not only useful. but • pleasure to thea rte. casts Do more than the other kind. It is cooly necessary to fro to the right place to pet it. h', ran show the pre*. Pion and dainteet designs Imaginable. A walk through oar large nock win convince loo that nowhere can you nod as nee• select eon or prises so low. We have elartrelineof .hpholet.•rong irnals and beautiful French cetera in Ions XIII. ]lodal- 41ow, Renaleanre and other draiens espo.i•lly interesting to ladies, never before et IJ bated h town. Sold only at t Ct 111TH'!! FURNITURE OTOS!. no Tug swain'. Maaianloal. IMI'LF41ENS RFi':1IRF:1►. - 10% nnder.lgselma prepared to repair rine. tagimpleanaiR The *dine*nor. rleamt1g ad 5544041'1901 h4Men • spa. laity. J. e. alto MATII K CO. 10 Cedar..t Hoderich. 6;13.1 F. AN EF.T11's l'1.ANIN1; 1.11.1. - axe - SAvH, DOOR AND DM.ISI) FA('T0$1. I take thinportunity to Isere the nubile that i am Millis the Mninep•etwithnandIng all rumen to the contrary. mime prepared to do every clow of week le ney line from mak Ise a window frame 10.ieeting • 1.tery beltdl.g with mansard roof. >♦mtiestm furaab•d sad eomprt4 ytOpa,• Th. of btdl4Mg asteral• such • lath, amsad limber a seee4W. F. SMELTS. ta.d.rleb, July 411. IM, 4 fAKIN(; POWDER is bulk, 5Q-. ping pA.ad. A 111e. Dottie setae t Osney of ROOT nidi, a Refreshing Sommer Deist, Amy ansonat .1 easy Canty RMt1s. at No. sees. A fel lee of New •.d Latl.g Paten Nod- kelass sod all Newest Perfumes, Iw He4k. 31200. WILSON'S PIIMISONIPTION ? .-J I9. ORM 1R101ta